#tammy robinson x reader
Murder On The Victorian Express (a lot of Sarah Paulson characters x reader)
a/n: its just the REVIEW of my next project- i guess the actually title should be “Lana Banana and Y/N are Dr. Watson and Sherlock between hot and criminal women” (coz the main ship is Lana Winters x Reader)
summary: obviously inspired by “Murder On The Orient Express” by Agatha Christie- The reader works as a detective and is on vacation with her girlfriend Lana on a victorian Express, which is run by Miss Venable. Everything's nice until one of the passengers, Pete Andrews, gets murdered. 
Here are our suspects:
1. Diane Sherman 
2. Mildred Ratched
3. Ally Mayfair-Richards
4. Tammy Robinson
5. Dr. Ellie Staple
6. Alice Macray
7. Miss Venable 
(8. Lana Winters..she is not a suspect, but definitely a character of this story)
(i dont know who’s the murderer right now lmao-)
as i said, just the review :)) the first chap will be online next week (at least i hope so fkfkkf)
You would have lied, if you said you never dreamed of such a case. The white alpine landscape, a train decorated in Victorian style, 7 dangerous women and a murder, that seemed insoluble.
You had expected to be able to go on vacation with your girlfriend on this express, but instead you had just been embroiled in another murdercase.
You expected to dream of the dreamy landscape of Europe, but instead you dreamed of thick, red blood dripping into the snow.
A murder, as perfect as it could be. A murder, as Agatha Christie once wrote. A murder, that every detective secretly dreamed of.
The loud knock of Miss Venable's cane interrupted your train of thought and reminded you why you were actually in her compartment, which was more or less her office.
"Miss Venable, do you know, that your express is filled with criminals?"
"Be brief, Miss Y / N, I don't have time for this. This train won't run by itself."
The voice of the woman in front of you was cold and brisk as always, but you had spoken to many figures in authority, in solving a case and you were able to deal with it.
"A mother, who poisoned her child. A doctor, who diagnosed and treated healthy people as sick. A fence, who was involved in a jewel robbery. A sadistic nurse and a senator, responsible for the murder of her own wife," you said theatrical and to be honest you had practiced the whole thing before, but as always you had forgotten someone.
"Oh and the nondescript housewife from St. Louis, of course, who's that innocent, that I'd almost class her as a prime suspect."
Of course, your eyes didn't miss the way Miss Venable's hands clenched aggressively around her cane when you mentioned Alice.
"I see Miss Winters did an excellent job with her research." The redhead growled angrily and leaned back in her chair.
"She did," you muttered with a loving smile.
"My girlfriend is like my Doctor Watson."
"Lovely", Miss Venable muttered annoyed and you would have loved to spit in her face for it, but instead you cleared your throat shortly before you continued.
"We have 7 suspects and nobody seems to know the murder victim, Pete Andrew, an elementary school teacher from washington, but still the killer is among us. We-"
"I think I misheard," Miss Venable interrupted and angrily tapped her cane on the wooden floor again.
"7 suspects?"
You nodded slowly and took your cup, filled with black tea, from the woman's desk again.
"Nobody saw you on the night of death, so you don't have a fixed alibi. And besides, my girlfriend found out some things about you, that could be important," you said and paused for a dramatic pause in which you took a sip of the warm tea.
"Except for my girlfriend, I have no one I can trust on this express. Each of the passengers, in my opinion, has the potential of a murderer. I expect every cooperation on your part, because I am solving this case only to save the reputation of your Express. That shit messes up my vacation too. "
Miss Venable nodded curtly.
"I am completely at your disposal."
You put the empty cup back on the table and gave the woman a bright smile.
"Alright," you said as you stood up and held out your hand to her.
The woman took it reluctantly and shook it after she got up.
"There's one more thing," Miss Venable mumbled, looking at you indecisively.
"Your girlfriend, Lana Winters, she is a journalist."
"I know," you said, still smiling.
"I don't want this tragedy to become public. My train is highly regarded in Europe and I want it to stay that way."
There was something threatening about the tone in her voice, and you didn't like it.
You shrugged and withdrew your hand.
"I can't forbid my girlfriend to write," you said and walked to the large ebony door.
"But she is fair and as I told you, Miss Venable, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."
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cordelias-bitch · 5 years
Kisses🌠- Sarah Character Preferences
Message me to be added to the taglist! ♡
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Most of the time they're soft, slow and meaningful. But, when you've not seen each other for a while, they easily become sloppy and hard. Your lips are her favourite because she loved how plumb they are. She also enjoys the taste of the strawberry lipstick that you often wear for work.
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It's always very passionate with Billie because she knows life is so fragile, she also loves to take control over you; in and out of bed. She loves to kiss your collarbones because she knows how much it turns you on.
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Soft but full of love and admiration. Most of them are in public so you have to be quick, but when you're on your own they're always deep and slow. Your wrists are her favourite place to kiss because it's where your veins are and she can feel your heartbeat.
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Your kisses tend to start off slow and tender but gradually they get more forceful and passionate. They're always full of love and affection. She loves to kiss your neck because it makes her giggle at how you squirm in reaction.
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She likes to tangle her hands in your hair and tug gently on it, the kiss is always soft and leaves you both wanting more. Her favourite place to kiss you is your hands or cheek because she believes it shows how much love she has for you.
Normally very delicate with you but when it gets steamy you run your hands through her hair and she bites your lower lips slightly. She loves to kiss your temples as they're the perfect height for her to do so. They're also the easiest place for her to easily steal kisses during the day.
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She likes to take control so she wraps her arms around your waist and kisses you deaply. But she likes to be reminded often who is in charge, so she loves when you take the lead. She loves to kiss your stomach because the noise you make when she does, turns her on.
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Your kisses are always very passionate, your lips are her favourite place to kiss you, but of the noise you make when she does; so she makes sure to make them last. They're the type of kisses that get heated fast.
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Quick and strong. She likes to leave you bewildered and it can quickly become sloppy when it gets heated. Her favourite place to kiss you is your lips because it signifys love and relationship.
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Rough and extremely passionate. You both kiss like it will be your last because you know how fast everything can be snatched away. She likes to kiss your forehead as it's the perfect place while hugging because you're  considerably shorter than she is.
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Kisses are very gentle but full of love and compassion. But she loves to kiss your lips because when you're alone, she loves how heated they can get.
@x-a-gay-disaster-x @rowenaslilwitch @shadowgirl-vsb
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raleigh-ocean · 5 years
the sarah’s and their drunk s/o | headcanon
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Billie Dean Howard + [the hungry drunk]
She is so…speechless. Billie for sure didn't expect you to be like that but she is enjoying it too much. She was really late for the after party thanks to some last minute issues, so when she finally walked in you were way way ahead in drinks. Asking for you around the house, she finally found you in the kitchen fighting to open the biggest bag of chips you had found. As she could see, you pretty much had a feast of whatever you had found around. "What are you doing all alone here sweetheart?" she giggled, flickering her cigarette and hugging your waist with one arm before pressing a kiss to your cheek. "They didn't let me order a pizza, told them those…things weren't enough, I was so hungry Billie," your voice was very affected in between munching, as you still struggled to open the damn thing while Billie found it adorable and hilarious. She helped you open after a few tries, holding her cigarette between her lips, and then laughed when you gave her a sloppy kiss in return. "Oh shit, do you want a drink?" you said while holding your own glass, which she took to prevent you from spill it and doing a mess. "I'm finishing yours, then we can go get that pizza, what do you think?" and when your eyes lightened up, nodding with enthusiasm, Billie thought that at least you wouldn't be so hungover in the morning. She much preferred having you hungry than crying or raging around, but she still was impressed about how much you had drank since she didn't see you before like that.
Lana Winters + [the broken drunk]
When Lana found you hiding behind a three, being the absolute mess all by yourself, something inside her broke a little. She had watched you fell more silent as the night went on, Kit keeping the drinks getting to you while he danced happily with her daughter, finally married. You weren’t too fond of dancing, but you never stopped Lana from enjoying her little guilty pleasure. Until she went to the restroom for a second and when she was back you were out of sight. She didn't know what to do then, standing by your side in silence, but as soon as she was about to say something your voice came out all broken and slurred. "Why is she so pretty and why she won't ever notice me?" that really caught her off guard, looking past her shoulder in case you were heard. You clutched your glass against your chest, sobbing like she never saw you before. "About who are you talking about?” it’s a mere whisper and you didn’t seem to turn around to see who was talking to you. “Lana! Who else!?” Lana frowned a bit, puzzled but with the knot in her throat easing almost immediately. How much did you actually drink to even forget that you were her girlfriend from several years to this day? Chuckling, she sat by your side and hugged you with one arm, putting her head in your shoulder. “I’m sure she can’t take her eyes of you.” she reassured you, kissing your cheek. “Are you for real?” you sobbed again, kinda more happy but at the same time breaking Lana’s heart. “As real as I can be, dear, as real I can be.” Lana doesn’t like to see you that drunk, it’s like you lose yourself in darker times, so she always tries to have an eye on you in case the scenario arise again.
Cordelia Goode + [the naked drunk]
“Y/N what are y-OH MY GOD” She almost had a heart attack when she saw you crossing the front door at 4 a.m without your shirt and heavily drunk. You always went out with the girls to make sure they didn’t put up a show, but it seemed that they finally convinced you to give in and drink. The first question she landed was obviously where were your missing pieces of clothing. You were too worried about whatever Queenie was telling you, both trying to not wake the whole house, so Zoe had to tell Cordelia that you lost it at some point of the night and you didn’t remember. And you are quick to tell her. “Deliaaaaaa I lost my shirt!” you are smiling a lot and she is too worried about trying to make you lower your tone and cover you with her robe. “How can you-How did she ended up like this!?” Cordelia would be all about yelling-whispering, trying to ignore the fact that you are telling her sweet nothings. “One moment she had it on, second moment she was flashing us Cordy,” Madison shrugged, way too drunk to barely hold herself too. You bet your ass later in the morning, she’s going full throttle for sure. But even hangover, you still are a bit flirty and all “Well, you don’t need to worry baby, the only one I wanted to flash was you” and Madison is all ‘woah snap’ and Cordelia is just Not Having It ™ - so the next time y’all go out she goes with you to prevent you from getting a arrested or something. She for sure was not expecting you to get like that...and your drunk behaviour will make quite some messes around the Academy at some point (as when you presumily sent a nude to the staff group chat and Cordelia forbid you from being there and therefore started the group chat wars aka @shineestark and I have a full hc built around this and this reader is the same as in all Delia’s stuff I wrote!).
Bette and Dot Tattle + [the touchy-feely drunk]
Bette is all over the roof, and Dot...too but in a lower level than her sister. Having you holding their hands or with your arms around their waist or even snuggled in their chest is like heaven. And Bette takes this opportunity to kiss you as much as she wants, giving you love without having Dot’s nagging voice in her head telling her to not be tiresome. She is taking full advantage of your state just to keep pampering with her kind of love at least. Dot is more worried about you throwing up all over them and at first will be wary of you being that close to them just in case, but as the night goes by and you don’t leave their side at all...well, it makes Dot start to warm up to your ‘love’ too. They don’t quite like the part where you can’t actually speak much or at least speak something with some sense, but having you all for themselves it’s always a really nice thing. It’s weird to see you like that, since you hardly ever drink, but it’s a nice weird thing. It also lead to you asking them to spend the night together for the first time, so how can they do about that? Saying ‘no’ to you? Bette will always laugh at how Dot blushed fiercely when you fell asleep with your head nuzzled in her neck.
Sally McKenna + [the violent drunk]
Oh God, Sally absolutely feels some particular things seeing you that worked up, but it also worries her that you are not near her if you get like that. It’s something you don’t even like of yourself, but sometimes you get a couple drinks and then your whole mood is thrown over the roof. Sally had to held you back several time because one of Will’s model acquaintances is getting too close to you and it anger you to no end for some reason. She knows how to handle you, how to move around people so you don’t end up in a Situation ™ and therefore being in trouble. But Sally is just one woman and she can’t be by your side at all times, so obviously you end up about to punch someone when she was away, trying to get you something to eat to help you get sober. Sally is quick to her feet to drag you out of the party, redirecting all that negative energy towards...other activities. You only had been that drunk around her a handful of times, all in those events the high fashion socialité has thrown at the Cortez, and after that last one she is adamant about not letting you get to that point in any way. And you agree with her wholeheartedly.
Audrey Tindall + [the sloppy drunk]
After the tenth time Audrey has to save one of her things from breaking thanks to your new found ‘curiosity’ she thinks she’s going completely insane. At first she found your ‘butter-hands’ syndrome somewhat endearing, just because you keep on saying ‘sorry’ every time you are about to break or take down something without noticing. But you are now way to drunk to even do that and she has to keep herself checking what are you doing and where are you going in case it get out of hand. She hates avidly whoever decided to keep giving you shots and is kinda annoyed at you for your behaviour, but Audrey takes a deep breath every time she is about to kill you reminding herself that she loves you and she can’t actually do that. When your sloppiness start to get out of hand, aka you starting to do reckless stuff out of the blue, she would be vocal about it with you and sent you to your share room in order to sober you up with a good cold shower. Audrey doesn’t like that part of you especially and she would remind you about it once you are not with a massive headache.
Ally Mayfair-Richards + [the sentimental drunk]
At first Ally found funny how you kept being by her side, clinging to her for your dear life, but at the same time it ignites a little jealous flame inside her watching you proclaim your love for everyone. It’s not the first time she is seeing you like this, but still the flame is always there. You aren’t that...open with your feelings in a regular setting, but when you had your share of drinks your tongue loosen up and go full throttle. From experience, she knows better than having you reach that point since you later barely remember what happened, but she can’t do a thing if you made your way to your current state before she could do something. In exchange of your behaviour, Ally stays close to you and give you kisses as much as she can to remind herself that even when you are like that you still loves her the most. In your drunkass haze, you pick up these gestures and you soon pull her in your lap, sitting away from everyone at the party and start to pepper her face all over with kisses and words full of all those deep feelings you have for her and only for her. And maybe you might make her shed a tear or two, but it’s just because hearing you proclaiming your love for her always caught her by surprise and warm her heart at her fullest. However she still doesn’t like you being that drunk.
Wilhemina Venable + [the happy drunk]
If you are already a happy person without having to drink, Wilhemina can’t believe you could keep leveling up in that just by being totally wasted. She is getting used to be in a formal relationship with you, loving every second she gets to spend with you, but she had still to see that part of you. You two were at a bachelorette party from one of your friends and everyone kept going full on ‘remember when Y/N used to beat us all drinking’ and they got you drunk before Mina arrived. You welcomed her without any kind of restriction and the biggest smile on your face. At first she didn’t notice you were that wasted and it only gave it away when you made her laugh with the most stupid thing that crossed your mind, almost you falling to the floor in good laughters. She is actually worry that you end up throwing up and try to get you controlled in case you decided to keep drinking, but at the same time...seeing you being that carefree and dancing and laughing and trying to keep her entertained and happy just moves something in her heart. She doesn’t really care to see you in this state as long as you are feeling ‘okay’ in the sense to not lose yourself, the extra happiness is always more than welcome in those times and situations when she doesn’t feel the best at it -like social events, per example.
Tammy Robinson + [the horny silent drunk]
For Tammy is something normal, something she has got used to. But for the rest of the group? It’s their time to freak out because they never saw you getting a) that drunk and b) like that. Lou actually had to ask Tammy why she is laughing so much every time you get near her. All of it is because you whisper some indecent proposals to her ear and she had to calm you down lightly with promises and some touches in right places. It’s something fun, if she was being honest, overall because aside of getting closer to her for that you are not really talking much and just moving along her everytime she moved. Like lost puppy, but make it horny. And she kinda likes the attention? So she let you be for a good while until it start to weigh on her and then she’s quick to push you into the nearest room and let you do whatever you last said to her. But once you got what you’ve been yearning for all night...Tammy has to help you get to the nearest place in which you can lie down and nap. It only earn soft laughs from the rest and even from her, but for sure later she will remind you about it just to see you get as red as a tomato.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Mabyee.. a one shot where the daughter of lou and debbie from oceans 8 falls in love with tammy....(idk just my crazy thoughts)
@star2684 Ok sooo I didn’t make R the daughter of Lou and Debbie just more so someone they took under their wing and are super close to
This is what I came up with…
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Main Masterlist
     That’s how you met Lou and Debbie. Alcohol; that’s it. Well, that’s what you like to tell people.
     You left a stupid celebration one day--you couldn’t remember what it was for--and went wandering in the dark (taser and knife ready to use) before finding a bar to chill at. 
     Lou saw you wandering outside of her bar and decided to confront you. When she placed a hand on your shoulder, you were quick to whip around and point your knife at her throat. 
     Instead of being scared (well she kind of was, but she’ll never admit that), Lou was slightly impressed. 
     After you lowered your weapon, the woman explained how the establishment you stopped in front of was her bar and she then invited you in for a drink. 
     Debbie was quick to hound you with questions that you answered with ease. It was a surprise to both of them that you didn’t crack under pressure. 
     The rest was history after that.
     The older women were quick to take you under their wing. Maybe it was because you had such an endearing personality. That or the fact that you found out about their little side hustles as you liked to call them (to this day they still don’t know how you did it).
     One day, you decided to just chill out at the loft. You had done it so many times in the past that Lou had just decided to give you a spare key (mainly because she wanted you to stop breaking in her house). 
     You were relaxed on the couch, scrolling through your phone, when you heard the door open followed by chatter.  
     “Well, well, well,” Debbie started, laying her jacket on the back of the couch. “Look who it is. Did you get my text?”
     “What text?”
     “I’ll take that as a ‘no’,” she deadpanned as she walked away from you. 
     The other six nameless women gathered around and made themselves comfortable in the living room. Most of them were staring at you curiously. 
     “Ladies, (Y/n),” Lou introduced. “(Y/n), ladies.” 
     You rolled your eyes at the woman’s horrible introduction while she went to follow Debbie to the kitchen. 
     Noticing that the other women were getting involved in their own conversations, you placed your phone down and took a look at the blonde that was sitting next to you; she had been pretty quiet. 
     “What’s your name, beautiful?” 
     She glanced at you with red cheeks scratched at the back of her neck. 
     “Excuse me?” 
     You sat up and rested your elbows on your knees. 
     “What’s your name?” 
     “Uhh...T-tammy,” she answered with furrowed eyebrows. 
     You nodded in response and started fidgeting with your cell phone. 
     “Would you let me take you on a date, Tammy?”
     The woman choked on air and started coughing causing you to reach over and lightly pat her on the back. Once she had calmed down, she looked over at you in surprise. 
     “Aren’t I a little old for you?” 
     “If you were ‘too old’, then I wouldn’t have asked,” you shrugged. “Plus age ain’t nothing but a number.” 
     Tammy shook her head and let out a chuckle of what sounded to be disbelief. 
     There were a few moments of silence before she finally answered. 
     “Then I guess I wouldn’t be opposed.”  
Permanent Taglist
@stillmanicc, @annestine, @ymzki-haruki
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supremeinlilac · 4 years
Headcanon : Laughing
Sarah Paulson Characters x fem!reader
prompt : things you do that make them really laugh
contains : Billie Dean Howard, Ally Mayfair Richards, Cordelia Goode, Wilhemina Venable, Tammy Robinson, Alice Macray, Xandra
disclaimer : none
So basically I just created some little scenarios that I think would make each character laugh,, feel free to let me know how you think they'd laugh :)) this was a load of fun to write.
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Billie Dean Howard
-Billie will laugh when you both are out in public, maybe at a press do
-You'll both see someone doing something stupid
-like that time a guy tripped over the set wires backwards into a bin
-you both glance at each other
-she basically turns red trying not to laugh, because if she breathes then she'd burst out laughing
-have to excuse herself
-when you get out of earshots her laugh is really contagious
-hands over her mouth to muffle it
-"oh my god Y/N did you see that" "please tell me you saw that"
-she tells you funny stories about the spirits she's met
-"what are you- Y/N that wasn't even the funny part"
-can't get through the rest of the story because she's laughing at herself too much
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Ally Mayfair Richards
-Ally thinks that your laugh is contagious
-definitely tries to make you laugh all the time
-bends over when she laughs, holding her stomach
-"I'm gunna have abs at this rate baby"
-finds your clumsiness hilarious too
-that one time you stepped on Oz's Lego that was on the floor, and started jumping up and down on one leg
-got tangled in the curtains
-ally just couldnt breathe she was laughing so much
-probably laughs in secret at funny videos online
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Cordelia Goode
-Cordelia tries to remain professional while around the girls
-stifles laughter when you do little inside jokes across the dinner table
-coughs to hide it
-kicks you under the table
-when it's just the two of you, she can't help but laugh at your impressions
-you impersonate the girls, she loves when you do Madison
-has a really feminine laugh that low-key gives you butterflies
-explosive laughter the one time you do an impression of her mum
-"Y/N stop hahaha, stop, no- my side, my sides are burning"
-once you're both in a giggly mood, it lasts all evening, and you do silly things like pranks together
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Wilhemina Venable
-Wilhemina never properly laughs
-mostly it's a condescending chuckle at your expense
-but on pancake day, you decided to go all out and make them from scratch while she stood and watched
-you flipped one but it stuck to the ceiling
-"well wasn't that awfully clever, little one"
-it dropped back into your face with a splat, your eyes wide
-you noticed she was bent over, and you worried that her back was hurting her
-when you asked if she was in pain she stood up and she was actually laughing
-tears were coming out of her eyes
-definitely a silent laugher, one where her shoulders shake and she cries
-gasping for breath and starting all over again when she sees you with the pancake still on your shoulder
-doesn't let you forget
-"remember that time with the panca-" "noooooo"
-smirks everytime you mention pancakes
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Tammy Robinson
-a giggler
-laughs at pretty much anything
-finds herself hilarious
-probably in a corner right now laughing at something she though of
-"what are you laughing at?" "I just thought of something funny"
-9 ball showed you both a recording which you had hoped went unnoticed
-you at the Met Gala, tripping backwards over Roses foot down the stairs
-she tries to keep a straight face
-recording continues as you try to act like nothing happened, hair ruffled, smoothing your dress down
-catches your eye and looses her shit
-"you did look amazing in that dress though" wink wink
-definitely has the recording saved
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-her laugh is condescending as fuck
-mommy issues makes that okay
-more of a chuckle than a hearty laugh
-when you try to whisper rude things to her, or try to take control she'll laugh
-"you're cute when you try to be dominant baby girl"
-laughs when you are self deprecating, but it's less condescending, more endearing
-you were whining that you were a lightweight
-"you maybe a lightweight, but you're my lightweight" "now come here"
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Alice Macray
-Alice doesn't really like to fully laugh because she doesn't want to appear unladylike
-can't help it at your jokes
-especially the bad ones
-"what did the cat say to the man?" "tell me"
-"meow because cats can't speak English"
-she bursts into loud loud laughs, and definitely gasps for breath
-"that doesn't even - make any- sense"
-still laughing after 5 minutes
-accidently snorts which sets you both off again
-will laugh quietly to herself later when she thinks you're not watching her
-Alice just deserves more laughter in her life
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Secrets and Seduction (Tammy x Reader)
Summary: You’re asked last minute to babysit for Tammy when some unplanned events take place which leads to an even more unexpected situation. You’re long awaited dream is about to become a reality.
Words: 3,348
Warnings: NSFW (just cunnilingus)
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is my first shot at writing anything smut related so please comment or message me any feedback! It’s much appreciated!!! Also I just wanted to extend a thank you to everyone who liked/reblogged Confessions with Cordelia, it really means a lot. I’m done talking now, enjoy darlings! Mwah!
It was Saturday afternoon when you received a text from the docile blonde who was secretly the subject of most of your thoughts these days. You knew it was wrong especially since you were quite a bit younger than her however, ever since Tammy’s inconsiderate asshole of a husband left, you couldn’t get her off your mind.
Hey Y/N, I know that it’s last minute but I just got a called in. Would you be willing to babysit Keri tonight?  
Of course, Tam Tam, I’d love to! What time do you need me? Even though you shouldn’t your mind drifted to other situations where she may need you but you shook it off before hitting send.  
Oh Y/N, are you sure it’s not an inconvenience? I don’t want to cut into any plans you may have!
C’mon Tam Tam, you know I never have plans and even if I did, I’d gladly drop them to help you out. :)  
Well as long as you’re sure. Could you get here by 4:00?  
Done and done! See you then! :)
You looked at the time...3:00. An hour to get ready, you had to look nice in front of Tammy even if it was only for a little bit. You went up and grabbed your favorite burgundy dress as your mind reminded you that Tammy complimented it the one time she saw you wear it. It had sheer lace quarter length sleeves and fell to just about the knees. You brush your knotted Y/H/C mane before adding some winged black liner and mascara. You completed the makeup with some deep reddish-brown matte lipstick. Before exiting and heading out into the fall air, you throw your black pea coat and flats on.
When you arrived, you noticed the blonde carrying heavy duffel bags to the trunk of the car to which you rush over to take a couple from her hands. Tammy releases a sigh of relief before heaving the bags into the trunk with a loud thump. She was breathing heavily from the exertion; her hair was slightly tousled from sweat and trying to rush around yet she still looked breathtaking as always. You felt your mouth go dry as your mind started wandering to other moments when she would look like this.  
“Y/N? Y/N!” Tammy shouts snapping you out of your daydream. Her hand coming to rest on your shoulder, the touch gives off heat so intense you feel it through your rather thick coat. “Are you alright sweetheart?”  
“Y-yeah Tam Tam, I’m sorry I was just thinking, you know how I get.” A nervous laugh escapes your mouth making her giggle. Her hand giving your shoulder a squeeze before releasing it, she opened her mouth like she had something to say but was interrupted by her cell phone ringing.  
“Yes...yes. I’m leaving now Lou, see you in a bit. Bye.”  
You tense up when you hear Lou’s name leave the beautiful woman’s lips. You knew they worked together, granted you didn’t know what they did for work but early on you decided that was none of your business. If Tammy was happy you weren’t going to pry. Lou was at a party that Tammy had once, she seemed really nice nevertheless you had a sense of distaste towards the other blonde when you realized she was rather handsy. This fact too was none of your business since Tammy was not yours to claim but you couldn’t help being bitten by envy. It wasn’t known if the mother was interested in women yet if she was your mind knew that Lou would have a way better shot than you would, it hurt. The blonde shut the trunk before giving you a quick hug.  
“Thanks, so much Y/N, I owe you breakfast. Stay the night if you don’t have any plans tomorrow. I’ll see you later tonight!”  
“See you!” You yell back as she drives off with the window down waving at you.  
It was about 7:30 and you had put Keri to bed after your hours of making food for you both, painting her nails and dancing around ridiculously around the living room. The little girl was so adorable that you could never be upset when she was around. As you stood in the doorway watching her little form sleep for a minute before switching off the light your mind flashed back to a time six months into babysitting the little cutie. It was a night you just happened to hang out at the house because Tammy invited you for dinner as a thank you for your help.
“Looks like someone was sleepy.” You whispered to Tammy in the kitchen, pointing to the little girl’s body passed out across the couch. The gentle mother came in bending down to pick her daughter up, you stuck your arm out to stop her. “I got her.”  
You carried her up to her room, while Tammy finished up the last dish that was in the sink from dinner. Carefully you made it up the stairs into the girl’s room to tuck her sleeping form in, she stirred a bit as you told her goodnight and kissed her forehead.  
“Goodnight, love you Y/N.” The girl mumbled sleepily before turning over to continue sleeping.  
Your eyes were wide and your heart swelled. It was the sweetest thing ever, you realized Tammy thought so as well because when you got to the doorway she was standing off to the side. A beaming white smile lit up her face and a single tear was rolling down her cheek. You look to her with furrowed brows as if to ask ‘are you okay?’. As if reading your mind, she wiped the tear away and nodded smiling even wider before you both headed back downstairs.  
Just to give Tammy an update you texted her real quick to tell her Keri was asleep in her bed. After an hour passed with still no sign of the older woman so you snuggled up on the couch and switched-on Netflix and decided to watch Carol. It was one of your favorites and since the older woman was running late you figured there was no harm, she probably wouldn’t be back for a couple hours. Before the movie even started you heard the front door open and you frantically searched for the remote. Where in the hell did you put the remote? It was too late to change it, Tammy was already in the door, kicking off her shoes and walking over to you by the time you found the controller and were only able to pause the movie. The blonde doesn’t pay much attention to your frantic actions and proceeds to enter the kitchen while apologizing for being late and not being able to text you with a time frame like she usually did.  
“It’s okay. I know you get busy.” You say shrugging.  
“Would you like to have a drink with me? It’s been a long night.” Clinking of glasses came from the kitchen and you get up to join her, this wasn’t the first time you’d joined her for a glass of wine or two.
Tammy caught sight of your outfit for the first time that night as it was previously covered up by your coat on your arrival. Her mouth went dry as she took in your appearance and she was mesmerized, wine glasses all but forgotten for the moment.  
“Tam Tam...Tammy the wine!” You say louder to get her attention as the red liquid continued to overflow the glass making it spill onto the counter top.  
She looked down; eyes wide as she said ‘shit’ under her breath. You rushed over and grabbed the roll of paper towels that she was frantically looking for. After you were both done cleaning up the mess, she looked up at you with flushed cheeks, wiping the sweat from her palms on her shirt. “You look lovely Y/N.”  
It was your time to blush while avoiding her gaze as you thanked her quietly. She offers you the glass that she didn’t overflow while she herself bent down to the glass and slurped the liquid from the rim of the glass until it was low enough to pick up and carry to the living room. With the remote in hand, you were getting ready to quickly switch Carol off until she interrupted you.  
“I’d love to watch a movie. What were you going to watch?”  
Your cheeks get hot once again. “Carol. We don’t have to watch that though we can watch whatever you want.”  
She seems to ponder the title while she sets her glass down on the coffee table. “Oh, I’ve never heard of that movie I’d love to watch it! Go ahead and start it up and I’ll make us some popcorn, how does that sound?”  
Like I’m going to want to crawl into a hole to wallow in my embarrassment. You thought.
“Sounds great!”  
The movie starts playing and you practically shove popcorn in your mouth with every Therese and Carol scene. The next time you try to reach into the bowl you were shocked to feel soft skin against yours, you both pull your hands back slightly before taking turns grabbing more popcorn. After Tammy’s second glass of wine was gone you noticed she sat down closer to you on the couch now right up against your side actually now that the popcorn was gone. The bowl forgotten on the coffee table along with your finished glasses. You were relieved that the wine had helped you relax a bit, the blonde hadn’t seemed to mention anything about the two women interacting on screen which you took as a good sign. The perfume scene was now playing on the screen and you swallowed hard still a little nervous that the woman beside you will question you or comment. Instead, you feel a soft hand land on your knee before she copied Therese from the film, leaning in and nuzzling her nose into the side of your neck under your ear. She breathes in your perfume; it was her favorite you guessed since she typically always commented you when you wore the fruity scent.  
“Hmm...you always smell so wonderful Y/N.” Tammy whispers.  
Thankfully she turns her head and continues watching the movie that is until the Waterloo scene comes on making you shift in your seat a bit. You’re watching a lesbian sex scene with your very straight crush! How could you not squirm? Why did you agree to watch this with her you idiot? Because you can’t say no to her the other side of your brain rationalizes. With the internal questions reeling in your head, you don’t realize that Tammy’s face got closer again until you hear her speak.  
“Are you getting a little hot and bothered sweetheart?” She purrs in your ear making you shiver at the low octave of her voice. “I see the way you look at me Y/N. Do you think about me sweetheart?”  
You swallowed hard and your body betrays you by shivering again by the words being whispering in your ear. The light graze of unbelievably soft lips against your ear lobe.  
“Yes.” You breathe out.  
“Look at me Y/N,” You do as she says, her expression absolutely serious, “if you feel uncomfortable tell me okay?”
You quickly nod your head. This brings a smile to the blonde’s face before she brushes a piece of your Y/H/C hair behind your ear, her thumb caresses your cheek. You subconsciously lean into the touch and release a huge breath that you didn’t realize you were holding. Soft lips ghost over your own testing the waters before coming back for more with more pressure making you moan. You allow your hands to get buried in the golden tresses that you’ve longed so many times to touch bringing her closer to you as you kiss her with the same amount of enthusiasm as she did. Your lips trail along her jawbone to her neck where you kiss and nibble here, a mixture of gasps and moans leave her lips sending heat straight to your core. However, intruding thoughts pushes forward...what about your friendship? Why you? You pull back to look at her.  
“I-I’ve wanted this for so long Tam Tam...are you sure you want me? Y-you don’t want Lou?”  
In response she turns away from you, your stomach sinking for a minute regretting the questions that flowed from your lips until you see she undid her button of her pants.  
“First of all, Lou is with Debbie and no I do not want Lou. Come here Y/N.”  
You move closer to her on the couch until you are right beside her; your knees bumping her legs. She gently grasps your wrist and brings it into the waistband of her pants to cup her core through her underwear. Her thoroughly soaked underwear. You gasp shocked not only at the gesture but also at the fact that she was so wet, another shot of heat goes directly to your own core which you were sure was just as wet as hers. You move your fingers over her core just barely touching, she releases a small moan and grinds into your hand for more pressure.  
“Is that what I do to you?”  
She nods biting her lip and grinding into your hand once more. To Tammy’s dismay you remove your hand before kissing her again, your hands grab the hem of her shirt pulling it off and tossing it aside. If you were being honest you expected nude-colored undergarments, not that you minded because either way this is what you’ve wanted for so long. The subject of your dreams, and fantasies just...Tammy. You were pleasantly surprised to find that her bra was a dusted pink color that looked so beautiful against her pale skin. In an instant after drinking in the sight before you, your lips are all over her pale skin. First her lips, then her neck, from there your lips are everywhere...her collarbone, licking at the parts of exposed breasts that weren’t confined by the bra. Tammy arches her back to which you take this opportunity to reach around and unhook the material, tossing that aside to lay with her discarded shirt.  
Tammy watched in awe as she watched your Y/E/C eyes darken in lust before she felt your soft hands caress her perfectly sized B cup breasts. Just the right size to perfectly fit in your warm hands. She gasped when she felt your tongue flick against her nipple before taking her breast into your mouth, sucking on it before releasing it with a pop. All the while shimmying out of her pants as your hands made quick work of simultaneously pulling them down your hips. The blonde’s honey brown eyes met yours, the desire in them matching yours.  
“Y/N, you are wearing too many clothes sweetheart.”  
The words come out in heavy rasps and you realized you could get used to making Tammy breathless.  
“Can you help me out of them Tam Tam?” You ask with the same rasp to your voice.  
“I thought you’d never ask.” She leans towards you as you turned around for her to unzip your dress. As she did so you felt the coolness of her knuckles pass over the skin of your back causing you to shudder and gasp. The older woman’s mouth found the same spot and slowly kissed from your shoulder blades up to the side of your neck, prior to slowly dragging the top half of your dress over your shoulders and down to your hips. Her hands drag along the same path afterwards it felt like heaven, it was too good to be real. You needed confirmation as her lips then followed the path, she was everywhere.  
“Tell me I’m not dreaming. Tell me this is real.” You breathe out, craning your neck to the left side to give those wonderful lips better access to your pulse point. A nibble to that exact spot made you moan deep in the back of your throat.  
“Oh, Y/N this is very real. Stand up please I need to see you.”  
Tammy watches with hungry eyes as you do what she says and remove your dress revealing your black bra and panties. The primal look in those honey brown eyes is something you had never seen before however; it was definitely something you wanted to see more of. Her hands grab your hips gently and pull you towards her still seated form on the couch, her long slender fingers hook in either side of the waistband of your panties then slowly peeled the fabric down your legs. The older woman noticed your fingers fidget nervously at your sides as if wanting to cover up, which makes her take action by moving to the edge of the cushion and placing a kiss to the skin above your mound.  
The older woman scoots down the couch and lays back flat against the cushions then politely instructing you to straddle her hips. You follow her instructions of then removing your bra and easily follow as her hands press into your back causing your torso to lean forward. Her hands and mouth find your breasts sucking, kissing, and touching the ache in your core grew stronger to the point where you could barely stand it. Tammy must’ve felt your arousal against her hip bone because she grinded her hips up and moaned.  
“Come up here please sweetheart.” It took you a second to realize what her words were meaning exactly until your brain processed exactly where she wanted you. You were still hesitant though, no one had ever done that for you what if you didn’t smell or taste good. Tammy’s hands grabbed both of yours intertwining your fingers, the action made your stomach flutter. “Do you trust me?”  
You instantly nod. You trusted Tammy more than a lot of people in your life. This made you feel confident enough to let go of hands and climb your way up her body finding your balance on your knees straddling the beautiful woman’s face. A kiss is placed against your clit making you jump slightly. Within seconds you felt the older woman’s tongue on your pussy swiping through your folds before coming to suck on your clit. Your legs started to quiver but then you whimper in disappointment when you feel the lips release the sensitive bud.  
“Tammy.” You whine.
“Not yet.” You hear her mutter softly.
“Tammy please.” You whine again this time looking directly into her eyes. This is her weak spot, just like you, she never wanted to deny you anything.  
“Just remember you need to be quiet. Can you do that?”  
“Y-yes...yes just please Tam Tam, let me cum for you.”  
A moan leaves the beautiful lips below you before you feel the long thick tongue attacking your pussy again swiping through your lips once again before entering slowly into your soaking wet core. You had to bite your lip hard in between your teeth to keep your moans and screams at bay, her tongue was so talented as it filled you and hit the sensitive spot inside your walls. Fingers started rubbing your clit in quick, tiny circles, you looked down at her with your mouth open wanting to scream but thankfully no words escaped. Your Y/E/C eyes met hers and that was your undoing. Your thighs spasmed, pussy walls clenching against the warm, talented tongue belonging to the most beautiful woman. It was the most intense orgasm you’d ever had.  
Tammy quickly cleaned up every drop of your arousal moaning at the taste until you came down from your high. Moments later you laid there for a moment in each other's arms breathing heavily, feeling her fingers draw little patterns on your back.  
“Can I taste you Tam Tam?” You asked quietly.  
She smiled like a cat that caught a canary and kissed you passionately before sitting up.  
“Grab the clothes and follow me upstairs sweetheart.”  
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msschemmenti · 3 years
trick or treat | tammy x reader
halloween in january my bad :/
warnings: none
wc: 1800
“alright you guys, this isn’t funny anymore. come on out before your mom gets here. as soon as she gets here you guys are going trick or treating and if you’re hiding trying to scare me you aren’t getting ready to trick or treat.” y/n called as she walked down the dark hallway of the robinson house hold. she’d been the family’s nanny for about 6 months now and during that time she’d grown to know these kids pretty well.
it’s halloween and tammy was coming home for the week to spend some time with the kids. over the last 6 months, y/n and tammy’s two children, Derek and Keri, had grown fairly close. So close that they had learned how easily y/n was to scare. And they were definitely taking advantage of that this month. Y/n was on the cusp of a heart attack and she had a feeling a jumpscare was waiting for her right that second.
“Keri. Derek. This isn’t funny. When you both kill me, what are you gonna tell your mom?” Y/n tried one last time before she finally gave up and faced her doom. Just as she was about to enter Keri’s room the front door opened and in walked the blonde mother.
“Hey guys, I’m home!” Tammy called and out ran the two children making a beeline for the front door. Y/n sighed in relief and made her way to the small family in the doorway. “Why aren’t you guys in your costumes? I thought we were going trick or treating tonight?” Tammy asked eyeing the half-dressed children clinging to her legs.
“We were trying to scare Y/n.” Derek grinned over at his nanny.
“Oh really? That doesn’t seem very nice. Why would you do that?” Tammy asked before raising her eyes to Y/n with a smirk.
“Because it’s funny mommy!” Keri giggled before running into Y/n’s legs. Y/n smiled at the little girl before pulling her onto her hip and tickling her side.
“You think scaring me is funny, but I think tickling you is funny.” Y/n said as Keri tried to bat her hands away as she giggled uncontrollably. “See not so funny now, huh? Derek, don’t laugh. You’re next buddy.” Y/n said eyeing both of the children and causing more giggles to fill the hallway. Derek hid between Tammy and the door begging his mother to protect him.
“Mommy save me!” Keri cried reaching her arms toward her mother.
“Nu-uh. Looks like you deserve it Ker-bear.” Tammy smirked as her daughter turned to beg y/n to have mercy on her. “Why don’t you two go work on getting Keri in her costume and Derek and I will do the same?”
“Sound good.” Y/n said with a grin as she rushed toward the little girl’s room.
After a while both woman exited the bedrooms with a child on their hip and fully in costume. “Oh aren’t you just the cutest little Duck to ever waddle out of the pond.” Tammy grinned as Keri quacked from Y/n’s hip.
“Oh and Derek you’ll obviously be leading everyone to the treasure tonight, only a true pirate can find all that candy treasure.” Y/n smiled as Tammy sat Derek down on the floor. The little boy nodded excitedly before running over to his nanny excitedly. Y/n placed Keri on the floor and then made her way to the kitchen. “Here are both of your baskets. Remember what we talked about, you’re gonna be on your best behavior with your mom tonight.”
“Oh, you’re not joining us?” Tammy called as she leaned on the wall of the kitchen.
“Oh no, I figured you’d want to spend some time with the kids . but they promised they wouldn’t give you too much trouble.” Y/n said turning her attention back to the excited kids.
“Y/n is just scared to get scared.” Derek said with a smirk.
“That is not true.” Y/n quickly denied.
“Well then come with us!” Keri exclaimed wrapping herself around the woman’s leg causing Derek to join.
“Come on guys, don’t you wanna hang out with your mom tonight. You spend all day with me, aren’t you tired of me yet?” Y/n said ruffling both children’s hair.
“No way!” They both exclaimed in unison. Y/n looked at their begging faces and then back toward Tammy who was only smirking in response.
“How about we ask her nicely, hm? Maybe she’ll change her mind.” Tammy suggesting knowing Y/n couldn’t say no when Keri and Derek put on their puppy dog eyes. As if on cue the kids knew exactly what their mother was suggesting and both brought their hands together and poked their lips out.
“Oh alright, I’ll come. You can put those things away. Give me like 5 minutes to get ready and then we can head out.” Y/n finally gave in causing the small family to cheer in excitement.
“Okay guys, we’ve practiced this, what do you say when you want candy?” Y/n asked as she held both Keri and Derek’s hands.
“Trick or Treat!” They exclaimed joyously.
“Perfect! And after you get the candy?”
“Thank you.” They smiled sweetly.
“That’s right. Alright head on up there.” Y/n said as she and Tammy watched the children take off up the sidewalk to their neighbor, Mrs. Willis’ house. She and Tammy remained near the mailbox and watched as the two children chatted with the old lady holding the bowl of candy.
“I’m glad you came, I forget how much of a handful they can be.” Tammy said softly.
“Oh it’s my pleasure. I was just gonna sit around and read anyway. They are a handful, but they’re super cute so it’s okay.” Y/n said with a smile causing Tammy to smile as well. Both Keri and Derek came back to the adults gushing about the candy they had received and all but dragged both women down the street to visit more homes.
They’d been walking around for a while and both of the children’s baskets were filled to the brim with candy bars and goodies. Keri was now resting peacefully in Y/n’s arms and Derek was on her back. They’d done this so many times in the six months that she’d been their nanny, so it was no surprised when both children reached for her once they’d gotten tired. Tammy was holding both baskets of candy as they all made their way back to the house.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take one of them? I know they’re heavy.” Tammy asked as soon as they were in the house. Both kids were asleep and Y/n was getting ready to place them in their beds.
“Oh no, I‘he got this. This is what you pay me for. I’ll be right back.” Y/n said before heading toward the bedrooms.
Tammy smiled as she went, mentally thanking whoever sent y/n to her when they did. She was a life saver, it had been so hard finding someone to take care of the kids while she was gone, especially after the divorce. Keri and Derek were so picky when it came to babysitters and when they met Y/n it was like love at first sight. She was everything Tammy was looking for and the fact that the kids loved her was amazing. They loved spending their days with her and a part of Tammy was jealous of her kids being able to have Y/n’s undivided attention all day, every day. She definitely wouldn’t mind spending some time with the nanny herself.
Tammy made her way to the kitchen with the baskets and set them on the counter to pull out some wine. She was very happy to be home, even if it was only briefly before their next heist but she was going to take advantage of this opportunity either way. She grabbed two glasses hoping she could coerce Y/n to join her for a while and filled her glass. She took a seat at the island and reached for Derek’s basket of candy. She started sifting through looking for the good stuff when she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She paused knowing she’d been caught and turned to look over her shoulder.
“Wow Mrs. Robinson, do you ever take a break?” Y/n grinned as she made her way over to the stool beside Tammy. She was well aware of Tammy’s job and had been from the start of her job.
“Oh you know you want some candy. Grab Keri’s and see what we can confiscate.” Tammy instructed with an over-exaggerated wink.
“Sir, yes sir!” y/n saluted quietly before getting to work.
“What’s your poison? Tammy asked after they separated all the candy they were taking into piles.
“I’m a chocolate girl. How about you?”
“I eat anything sweet. I’m definitely not picky. I’ll give you my chocolates.” Tammy said sliding the pile of hershey’s kisses and other chocolate bars over to the younger woman.
“Well what do you want in return? I cant just take them.” y/n said gesturing to the candy on the table.
Tammy eyed the candy before finishing off her drink with a smirk. “I’ll take a kiss.”
y/n eyed the woman suspiciously. “Tammy, you just gave me a whole pile of kisses. If you wanted to keep your chocolate, you could have.”
“I’m not talking about chocolate sweetheart.” Tammy whispered turning her body to face y/n completely with hooded eyes. It wasn’t long before Y/n felt her heart beating faster than normal. She’d always thought Tammy was beautiful but she never thought the woman saw noticed her in that way. She’d been working for her for 6 months and as much as she admired the older woman she was absolutely oblivious to Tammy’s feelings.
Y/n paused as her gazed moved from the counter to Tammy. Her eyes zeroed in on her lips as the older woman glided her tongue over them. This wasn’t the first time she’d been distracted by her lips and she knew it wouldn’t be the last time. “Oh! Uh-“ she babbled a bit before she watched Tammy lean in. With their faces just inches apart Y/n’s eyes slid shut in anticipation. Just as their lips were about to meet she felt Tammy breath fan over her face in a sigh.
“We’ll sweetheart, do i get my kiss?”
And with that Y/n finally leaned in, connecting their lips. Their mouths molded together sweetly as the taste of various candies swelled between them. Tammy, wanting to be as close to the younger woman as possible, slid off her island stool and nestled her way between Y/n’s legs and pulled her as close as possible. The kiss started simple but quickly moved to something of more energy and passion. Their lips danced and danced until their lungs screamed and they pulled away, eyes meeting in an instance.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Tammy grinned down at the y/n.
“Glad to see my manners lesson works for all ages.” Y/n grinned picking up a hershey’s kiss, before placing the unwrapped candy between her lips.
“I think I’d like another kiss. You since I gave you so many of mine.” Tammy said eyes trained on Y/n’s lips.
“What do you say when you want candy?” y/n with a grin.
“Trick or Treat.” Tammy whispered just before connecting their lips again. and again. and again.
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Have I been good this year, Mrs. Claus?
Word Count: 1K 
Pairing: Tammy Robinson (Oceans 8) x Reader 
Warning: Some mention of NSFW
A/N: Merry Christmas Eve Eve! This idea popped into my head about an hour ago so enjoy! (I blame it on the gif below tbh) Thanks @canarypoint for reading over it! 
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @saucy-sapphic @witchxaf @billiedean​ @creepingwolfberry​ @chewbacca0805​ @coconutlipss​ @regal-roni​ @shes-a-cancer-b​ @thisisanexistentialcrisis​ @mssallymckenna​ @versonstar​ @venablemayfairgoode​ @pearplate​ @minavenable​ @nyx-aira​ 
Not my gif! (credit to owner @ladypaulsons​) 
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The lively suburban home basked in colourful lights as decorations hung from each corner of every room, the sound of Brenda Lee’s sweet voice echoed throughout the house spreading Christmas cheer. The big Christmas tree in the corner illuminated the main room as the sound of the toy train set erupted throughout the room as the children cheered watching the fake steam trail from the wooden toy as it circled the tree. You watched from the door with a drink in hand, dressed in your signature Christmas attire. You smile softly as you watch your step-children giggle with their friends as they watch the train gain speed. You’re interrupted by your thoughts as you watch your glass be topped up from the hand beside you. 
“She sure knows how to throw a good party,” Lou comments, making sure there’s no waste from the bottle as she pours the remaining liquid from the bottle into your glass, filling it up to the rim. You scoff before taking a quick sip, knowing that your wife would kill you if you were to stain her new creamed coloured rug. 
“My wife could make any party look good just by being there,” you respond, pride evident in your voice. Your eyes fill with glee as you watch Constance pull a dime from behind Lucy’s ear, who gasps at her magic tricks. Glancing over at Lou, you take in her attire. 
“Nice tie. Did Debbie pick it out?” you tease, taking another sip of the strong liquor. Lou pats her tie down in defence as you eye the red and green polka dot pattern. 
“I lost a bet,” she mumbles under her breath making you chuckle. The pair were known for their competitive streak, always placing bets on one another; it only heightens more during the holiday seasons especially when the other women are around to egg them on. You hum amused by her dejected expression but grunt a moment later when you feel small arms wrap around your legs, giggles filling your ears. 
“Mama! What took you so long?!” Lucy exclaims, attempting to climb up your body like a jungle gym. Lou instinctively grabs your glass so you can take your daughter into your arms properly. Holding her close you place a kiss to her cheek. 
“I’m sorry, honey but I had to pick Grandma up from the airport,” you explain, sharing an eye roll with Lou over the blonde’s hair. You truly loved your mother in law and she loved you just as much but her fixation on you and Tammy having more children makes you groan in displeasure every time the topic is brought up. You love the small family that you have gained, especially since the twins started calling you the ‘M’ word late last year. The idea of expanding when you’ve only just settled into your new motherly role seemed ridiculous and too soon but your mother in law was rather insistent. Lucy giggles, having heard the slight grumble in your voice.
“She asked Mommy if there were buns in the oven yet but I told her we don’t have buns on Christmas Eve Grandma!” She laughs, her innocence shining through her bright brown eyes that are so similar to her mothers. Lou snorts into her glass as she watches on, amusement evident in her crystal blue eyes. You glare at her as Lucy continues to giggle. 
“Grandma being silly huh?!” you say, tickling her sides. She squirms in your arms and begs you to stop, which you comply almost instantly as you see her bright red cheeks. 
“So, Grandma caught Mommy before I could get to her huh? Is she still in the kitchen?” you ask, eager to see your wife having already been cornered the moment you entered back through into your home apparently you being prompted was the big topic of conversation since everyone arrived which meant you still haven’t had a chance to see your wife.
Lucy nods, grinning from ear to ear as she cuddles deeper into your arms. Your heart bursts with love and pride as you bask in her affection, grateful for their love and acceptance into their lives. Lou grins softly at you both knowing how nervous you first were meeting the pair two years ago. 
The sound of heels clicking their way across the hallway floor towards you makes you turn to identify the person who's creating the sound. Standing before you dressed in a reasonable short long-sleeved red dress with thin black tights, is Tammy. Adjusting the Santa hat on top of her long blonde locks as she licks at her red lips the shade of lipstick complimenting her skin beautifully, you stare mouth agape as you take in your wife, the sound of giggling close to your ear brings you back to the present as you see a light shade of pink scatter across your wife’s cheeks. Lucy takes hold of your chin and pushes it up actively closing your open mouth.
The scolding words from your daughter and wife makes you cringe when you realise your slip up, but you can see the small glint of mischief in your wifes brown doe eyes. Lucy giggles hysterically as Lou laughs out loud, patting your shoulder sympathetically before moving to her partner who had followed Tammy out of the kitchen, her presence unknown to you as you zero in on your wife, an amused grin appears onto the brunette's face as she wraps an arm around Lou. 
“That’s a dollar in the swear jaw,” Tammy scolds but you can hear the teasing undertone that goes unnoticed by your daughter. Lucy nods agreeing with her mother before placing her lips close to your ear and whispering loudly. 
“Tell mommy she looks pretty, silly,” she instructs you, you can feel the ‘duh’ coming but it never does. You clear your dry throat and nod taking in the little girl's words. 
“Right, yes. Mommy you look beautiful,” you say with all the strength you could muster, taking in her wonderful form. Tammy blushes under your heavy gaze and smiles brightly at you, Debbie and Lou snicker quietly behind the blonde before making their way into the living room to join the rest of the gang. Lucy scampers from your hold and races after her Aunts wanting to show them the new train set by the tree, leaving you alone in the hallway with your wife. 
You fluster for a moment, watching as she saunters over reducing the gap between you both. She wraps her arms around your neck pulling you close, as if by instinct you snake your arms around her waist, feeling the fabric beneath your fingertips. Her lips hover over your own as she locks her gaze onto yours, so full of love and happiness you can’t help but become lost within her gaze enjoying a brief moment of peace with the woman you love.
“So, Mrs. Claus have I been a good girl this year?” you tease, eyeing her attire again appreciating how it compliments her form. She giggles, a glint of lust beneath her innocent gaze.
“Oh so very good. Perhaps later I can give you your presents?” she asks, continuing with your playful back and forth. You respond by taking her lips with your hungry ones, dipping her slightly. 
You hear giggles close by as you both turn your heads simultaneously, watching as the twins laugh at your display of affection before pulling your wife back up and bending down slightly to pick up Harry who pulls away from you slightly as you attack him with kisses. His laughter filling your heart with glee. 
Tammy takes a hold of Lucy’s hand and allows the young girl to guide her into the living to join the rest of the gang and other family members in some family games. Settling on the sofa with your wife pressed close to your side, your son sat comfortably on your lap as Lucy stands in front of you, trying to explain her film title using only her hands, you smile softly. Taking in your family and their joyous faces, you look at your precious wife next to you and kiss her lips softly, feeling her smile against your mouth. 
“Merry Christmas Eve, my darling,” she whispers. 
“Merry Christmas Eve, Mrs. Claus,” you reply, taking in the small bits of glitter that lays against her soft cheek from the arts and crafts done earlier in the day. 
So maybe expanding the family wouldn’t be such a bad idea, after all.
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Chapter 11
Welcome To New York
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     It had been a long 5 days. Between traveling by foot and constantly looking over her shoulder, Calypso was more exhausted than she had been in a long time. 
     The teen was hesitant on booking motels considering she was a minor who ran away. There was no telling if her face was plastered on the news back home. 
     No. That place wasn’t her home. Harlow was. And now she’s gone.
     Calypso tried her hardest to stay out of the view of cameras. She didn’t want anyone to be given any hints as to where she was or where she was headed to. 
     Money was slowly but surely running low. She started with about $160, but she was currently down to $65. The teen had to buy more clothes and cheap (but edible) food.
     But eventually, she made it. She made it to New York. At first, it didn’t feel right. All the people and all of the liveliness was something she wasn’t used to. But most of all, Harlow wasn’t there. They promised they would escape to New York together one day, but now it was impossible. 
     Calypso held on to that 65 dollars as long as she possibly could, however that money was quickly dwindling and there was only so much you could get in a NY gas station with ten dollars. With that problem overcoming her mind, she decided to put her ‘hobby’ to good use. 
     With her quick hands, she was taking wallets and watches; anything she could use or trade for money. She only took from the people who seemed like straight up assholes or looked to be well off and wouldn’t miss a couple of bucks. 
     After about two months of arriving in NY, the teen found a place where she could relax. It was the shaded area under a tree that was close to a little park. She honestly didn't know how she found it. But she was glad she did. 
      In that spot, she would reflect on everything that happened. Calypso, a minor, had practically traveled across the country, her best friend died and her foster mother was straight up weird. Well, ex-foster mother.
     What a life she’s living. 
     Calypso had lost count of the time she had been in New York. The days blended together and were just blurs of events. 
     The teen was sitting in her spot underneath the tree, trying to relax even though she knew that wouldn’t be happening. 
     As she scanned the park and watched the people, her eyes caught a familiar face. Doing a double take, she squinted her eyes, wondering if her brain or eyes were just playing tricks on her. 
     Ilora was there, in all her glory, wandering around the park. 
     Calypso stood quickly and gathered her things, still momentarily glancing back. When she stood straight, looking for the woman again, she was no longer there. 
     Her breathing picked up as her head whipped around in every direction. Eventually she found her. But Ilora was closer this time. 
     The teen didn’t have time to think. She just ran. 
     She ran out of the park and onto the busy sidewalks. She just kept running and she didn’t stop until she found somewhere safe she could rest. 
     It had been about ten minutes and the girl had gradually slowed her pace to a light jog. She leaned back against a brick wall, attempting to catch her breath. 
     Things just got more complicated.
@stillmanicc​ @annestine​ @ymzki-haruki​ @ruzannetheseahorse​ @ycfwmalise14
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Chapter 14
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Calypso leans against the wall, her heart drumming in her ears. Her breath was shuttering as she tried to calm herself down.
Debbie looked at her with concerned and curious eyes. She was used to seeing the teen all calm and collected if not a bit of a rascal. The teen was nothing like the confident, little shit she first met. Right now, she was staring at a terrified little girl with a boat load of trauma that no one bothered to help her unpack.
The woman asked softly, “What’s going on?”
Calypso quickly wiped her eyes and took in a deep breath to compose herself.
“Ilora,” she muttered quietly. “She’s still here.”
The teen got up and began to pace around the small enclosed area.
“She has to know that I’m here. This is it. This is the end. She’s gonna kidnap me a-and take me away and I-I’ll never see the light of day again and-”
“Calypso,” the Ocean woman sternly said. “Calm down,” she finished after standing up, lightly taking the girl’s wrists in her grip.
Without a second thought, the younger of the two collapsed into the older woman’s chest and cried her heart out. Debbie tensed at first at the abrupt contact. She wasn’t used to all of the touching and if she was being honest, it usually made her uncomfortable. But as she looked at the top of Calypso’s puff that shook along with her shoulders, she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around the girl.
Her chest ached as she heard the sobs wrack through the young teen’s body. She wanted to help so badly but there wasn’t much she could do besides comfort her and give her what she needed.
The brunette slowly lowered the two onto the floor and Calypso took place in the woman’s lap as her cries gradually turned into hiccups and sniffles.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Debbie whispered.
The coily-haired girl shook her head and started to lean back, thinking she had crossed a line, but the Ocean woman only cradled the back of her head and let her snuggle closer.
Debbie had never felt anything like this before. She had experienced butterflies with Lou but the first time that happened was such a long time ago, that she had gotten used to the feeling.
But this? This felt much different. She all of a sudden had this urge that was impossible to ignore. She wanted to hold Calypso close and never have to let go. She wanted to comfort the teen during her lowest days and laugh and celebrate with her during the highest. She wanted to cuddle up on the couch with popcorn and soda and watch movies. She wanted to help her study and watch her grow up.
Debbie wanted it all.
Her eyes watered just thinking about it. This young girl had come into her life unexpectedly and she had thought nothing about it. She called her a demon, little fucker--the list goes on and on and on. But she never actually meant what she said. If anything those were her version of terms of endearment.
Tiny snores fell out of Calypso’s mouth and it was only then that the woman had noticed that she was sleeping.
‘Poor thing must be so tired,’ she thought.
To occupy time and take her mind off her wandering thoughts, Debbie glanced around the tiny place that the teen referred to as home.
As cramped as the area was, it felt quite homey with the dimmed fairy lights that were hung around the perimeter. To the left of where they entered, there was another door a little ways down. She assumed it was a closet. There were bean bags placed in three corners of the room and as much as she hated to admit it, the woman found the one she was resting on absolutely comfortable.
There were shoes and clothes scattered across the room which was a slight shock to Debbie considering the teen rarely made a mess back at the loft. Even if she did, she’d clean up after herself immediately. The floor carpet was soft albeit a bit dirty.
Overall, she could see why Calypso would stay here. She would too if she was on the run from some crazy foster mother.
Sooner than later, Debbie found herself drifting asleep and holding the teen tighter.
Tammy was conflicted.
This whole situation with this strange teenage girl popping up so suddenly threw her for a loop. And now she was getting involved in her problems.
“Repeat that?”
Nineball let out a sigh and rubbed her hand on her forehead.
“The girl that her foster mother said that died,” she began once again. “Is not dead. There is no death certificate. Hell, she was just liking and posting shit on Instagram yesterday.”
“So her foster mother just…” the blonde trailed off.
“Straight up lied to her,” the other woman finished. “And from the other stuff Calypso told us, that lady had a whole plan. It sounded like she was tryna...get her off grid or some shit.”
The two women sat there, processing the information they just went over.
This was becoming something bigger than they thought.
@stillmanicc @annestine @ymzki-haruki @moonslattes @yomama010101 @ycfwmalise14 @whutisthis @emiliasdead @augustvandyne @riverobstandbi @uselessgay101
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kj-1130 · 4 years
Chapter 2
Stranger Danger
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     Looking the woman up and down, Calypso turned her gaze back to the window. 
     “Mrs. Westviel tells us not to talk to strangers.” 
     The brunette held a hand out and lightly shook it. 
     “Debbie Ocean.”
     “I don’t shake hands,” the teen says before taking a bite out of her food. “It’s safer to kiss.” 
     Frowning at the girl briefly, Debbie lowers her arm before displaying a fake smile. 
     “I bet Mrs. Westviel tells you to avoid a lot of things,” spoke the blonde. “Lou,” she quietly muttered after.
     Now that Calypso had names to the faces, she began to scan the room more. There were at least nine other people in and around the shop and six of them looked quite suspicious if she did say so herself. 
     Turning back to the newcomers she shrugged and took a sip of her drink with a shrug. 
     “She just talks a lot.”
     A waiter came over and gave the women their orders. Debbie takes a sip of her coffee and gives her attention to the one sitting next to her.
     “I wonder if stealing was ever a topic.”
     “I don’t know.”
     “I mean it’s possible.”
     “But do kids ever listen these days-”
     “I think it just depends.” 
     “Yeah, some definitely are more difficult than others.”
     “I think Mrs. Westviel has some lecturing to do though.”
     “Yeah, yeah,” Lou nods in agreement.
     Turning back to the teen, Debbie holds her hand out. 
     “I think you have something that belongs to me.”
     Calypso feigns confusion and tilts her head.
     “Whatever do you mean?”
     The brunette sighs and rolls her eyes; she was getting impatient.
     “Look kid, I don’t have time for your games today--or any other day for that matter. Just give me my damn watch back.”
     The blonde rests a hand on Debbie’s shoulder and mutters a ‘calm down,’ before turning back to the teen across from them. 
     Her eyes wandered down to the girl’s plate back up to her eyes. 
     “You like coffee cake?” 
     Calypso raised an eyebrow and took another bite of the sweet treat. 
     “No coffee?”     The three ladies glanced at the cup to see tea inside. The teen shrugged and then took a sip.
     “Mrs. Westviel says it stunts your growth.”
     The brunette woman lets out a sigh of annoyance before slapping on a fake melancholy look. 
     “That’s my dead brother’s watch you stole. It’s all I have left of him. Please.”
     The young girl lowered her eyes to the table and briefly glanced up at the women that sat before her. Letting out a deep breath, her hand went into her pocket.
     “He ain’t dead.”
     Sliding to the edge of the booth, Calypso made her way to the door before stopping abruptly and walked back towards her seating area. 
     “Also, call your little guard dogs off while you’re at it.”
     Walking towards the door, she exited the establishment. The teen ‘accidentally’ shoulder-checked someone and turned around, beginning to tread backward. Looking at the two women through the window of the cafe, she raised her hand, which was now mysteriously holding a twenty-dollar bill, and waved her fingers before being washed away in the New York crowd.
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@stillmanicc @annestine​​
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Chapter 12
Distract Me
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     Once she finished, Calypso glanced at all of the women’s shocked faces. 
     It was quiet. No one knew what to say. 
     So the teen left. 
     When she arrived at her temporary room, she pulled out her journal and flipped through all of the photos. Talking about and reliving that experience again had taken a lot out of her. Right now, she was just physically and emotionally tired.     
     At first, she was just laying down on her back, staring at the ceiling. The next thing she knew, Calypso was knocked out cold. 
     She dreamt of her old foster homes. She dreamt of when she and Harlow first met. She dreamt of all the fun times that they had together--all the good memories they had.
     When she woke up, her heart was shattered. Her dreams were not reality and they never would be again. Calypso just wanted to spend more time with her. But she knew she couldn’t stay in dreamland forever. 
     As she became more alert, she noticed this lingering feeling. Her throat was tight as if she was holding back sobs. Her hands twitched, practically begging to move and fidget. Her head was heavy, feeling as if it weighed a ton. Her heart was beating out of her chest, adrenaline pumping like she was running from some unknown danger. 
     Calypso decided she didn’t want to be alone right now.
     Making her way downstairs, she thought about how to get rid of whatever she was feeling right now; she needed a good distraction.
     As she walked off the last step, the floor made the loudest creak, gaining everyone’s attention. Fiddling with her hands, she observed the room and found Tammy away from everyone else, in the kitchen making what looked to be dinner. 
     Calypso was quick to scurry off in that direction, ignoring the other women and their curious or concerned looks. 
     For a while, she just watches as the blonde works. She watched as she glanced at what was on the stove, simultaneously looking through the fridge for other ingredients.
     “Can I help?”
     Her voice was rough and her throat was scratchy.
     Tammy jumped slightly, holding her hand to her chest. 
     “Jesus, you scared me.”
     Calypso stood there awkwardly as the woman gave her a once over. Clearing her throat, she scratched the back of her neck. 
     “Can...can I help?”
     The blonde shook her head as to physically get rid of her thoughts and nodded a little.
     “Yeah, sure,” she paused to grab a knife and the vegetables and handed them to the teen. “Chop these up. Be careful.” 
     The coily-haired girl took the items and stood beside Tammy, starting on her task. 
     It was quiet in the kitchen, the only sound being the simmering sauce and the knife hitting the cutting board.
     “What would you do if your child died?”
     Surprised, the woman whipped her head towards the teen and stared at her with wide eyes. Calypso could feel her stare, but she didn’t see it, still cutting up the vegetables with seemingly undivided attention. 
     “Umm…,” Tammy contemplates, abandoning her task of stirring the sauce. “That’s not something I like to think about,” she pauses, seeing the teen deflate. “But..if that were to, unfortunately, happen...I-I guess I would...depend on my fr-friends and family a-as a support system.” 
     In her peripheral vision, she sees the girl take in her words and nod. 
     “And what about their friends?” 
     “Try to be there for them. Cause they’re just kids,” the woman shrugs. “They need help processing those emotions.” 
     Calypso finally made eye contact with Tammy. The two stared at each other in this weird understanding before the former looked away.
     The silence returned as the two continued to make dinner. 
@stillmanicc @annestine​ @ymzki-haruki​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​ @ruzannetheseahorse @ycfwmalise14
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Tammy Masterlist
Not Opposed
request: r asks Tammy on a date
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There will be a Tammy x Reader up later today if anyone wants to read it :) Happy Halloween darlings!🎃🔮⚰💀👻🧟‍♀️
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supremeinlilac · 4 years
Headcanon : At the Fairground
Sarah Paulson Characters x fem!reader
contains: billie dean howard,, ally mayfair richards,, cordelia goode,, wilhemina venable,, tammy robinson
disclaimer: none
lol idk if i hate this or not
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Billie Dean Howard
-loves the idea of going to a fairground with you
-wants to try all the games
-you're both way too competitive
-'beat me at target shooting and I'll let you top me babygirl'
-would spend way too much money trying to win you a giant teddy
-'just one more try, I'm pretty sure this is fixed'
-would win it for you
-lowkey gets into an argument with the fortune teller
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Ally Mayfair Richards
-will go on the pretense of Oz wanting to go, but will actually really enjoy it
-she 100% loves that honeycomb that you get at the stalls
-avoids the haunted house
-Oz takes pictures of the two of you on the teacups, laughing
-loves the bumper carts
-'win Ozzy a fish sweetheart, I'll thank you later'
-warms her hands up on your back in the queue
-shares stories of the fairgrounds she used to go to when she was young
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Cordelia Goode
-the girls give her the idea of going to the fair, you're more than excited
-wears waterproofs and wellys but somehow makes it look good
-favourite ride are the waltzers, and you may or may not persuade her to use her magic to make it go faster
-probably will eat too much food
-buys you a cheeseburger which you share
-hugs,, hugs from behind,, hugs with you inside her waterproof,,
-sits behind you on the merry go round horse, holds you close
-pulls you in by your scarf for a kiss
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Wilhemina Venable
-hates the idea of going to a fair but gives in when you pout
-glares at little children who are having a tantrum
-gives you a small turtle plush she won on a brain game (because of course she did)
-will watch you on the rides and try to hide the smile she has on
-definitely packed her own sandwiches while you eat a hotdog
-"you have ketchup on your- oh come here babygirl"
-rides the Ferris wheel only after some persuading
-kisses at the top of the Ferris wheel
-"I'm glad we did this Y/N"
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Tammy Robinson
-Makes sure you're wrapped up in a hat, scars and gloves
-warm cheek kisses
-probably gets ripped off by the staff for the food while you go to the bathroom
-'how much were the fries?'
-'10 dollars... I got ripped off didn't I?'
-walking into the nearby fields, dancing to the distant music
-so much laughter
-plays hook a duck with you, you hold the pole, she hold your hand holding the pole, stood behind you
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Cordelia Goode x Reader ->
Confessions with Cordelia 
White Dahlia
Ocean’s 8
Tammy Robinson x Reader ->
Secrets and Seduction [NSFW]
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