#there’s no larger platform changing how certain people should act and it’s so disheartening
vers-1 · 1 year
I’m so angry. I can’t for the life of me understand why people do terrible things.
I see these pictures and now that I kno, it’s just disgusting and I wish I finished the job. I wish I did so much worse. I wish you suffered more
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thedreamingdinosaur · 7 years
Directed By: Jonathan Munby
King Lear- Ian McKellen Countess of Kent- Sinéad Cusack Earl of Gloucester- Danny Webb Edmund- Damien Molony Fool- Phil Daniels Oswald- Michael Matus Curan, Doctor- John Hastings Goneril- Dervla Kirwan Duke of Albany- Dominic Mafham Regan- Kirsty Bushell Duke of Cornwall, Albany’s Man- Patrick Robinson Cordelia- Tamara Lawrance Edgar- Jonathan Bailey King of France, British Captain- Caleb Roberts Duke of Burgundy, Lear’s Knight, Mosieur La Far- Jake Mann Gentleman Informer, Old Man- Richard Clews
Nothing will come of nothing: speak again
As a dedicated English student, studying a module completely devoted to Shakespeare, there is nothing more satisfying then being able to sit in the theatre and watch one of his plays in action, after a day devoted to the bard himself.
If you have read my reviews before you will know that I have already seen Hamlet three times (once with Benedict Cumberbatch in and twice with Andrew Scott in) as well as visiting the Globe Theatre (briefly) on a trip with the university last year. It is safe to say in that aspect that I am no stranger to a Shakespearean performance. This time, however, the play of choice we went and saw was King Lear at the Minerva Theatre staring the wonderful Sir Ian McKellen.
The elderly King Lear decides to abdicate his power and divide his land between his 3 daughters, Goneril, Regan and Cordelia. He plans to give the largest piece of his land to the daughter who proclaims they love him the most. Regan and Goneril’s proclamations are over exaggerated and excessive as they are full of corruption and just want his power. Lear, however, is certain that his favourite daughter (I know right… how can you have a favourite child!!! #unfair) Cordelia will win this challenge but is disheartened when she refuses to do so, simply stating that she should love him how a daughter should love her father. Lear does not find this suitable and disowns her there and then. The Early of Kent, a dear friend of Lear’s, attempts to speak on her behalf but ends up finding himself banished from the land all together!
While Lear is not impressed by Cordelia’s attempts to win his love, the King of France is and proposes to her (hurray! some happiness!) Cordelia leaves with the King of France, leaving Lear with her evil sisters. Kent, although banished, manages to disguise himself and becomes Lear’s trusted servant. After all this, Lear decides to go and live with Goneril but she later reveals that she plans on treating him like the old man that he is. Hurt by this, he sends Kent with a letter to Regan, asking her to prepare for his arrival. When Lear eventually arrives, he is shocked to see that Kent has been put in the stocks! Before he is able to find out who did this, Goneril arrives and all is revealed that the two sisters are working together against him.
Gloucester arrives just in time to hear what is happening. He has a letter drafted to be sent to Kent to inform him of the danger and that he should get the king to Dover for safety. They all leave immediately but Goneril and Regan find out that Gloucester is behind the Kings sudden departure. As punishment for ruining their plan, Regan’s husband, Cornwall, gouges out Gloucester’s eyes.
They, being Goneril and Regan, are later informed that Cordelia has raised an army of the French and proceed to raise their own army to meet them at Dover. Kent hears of this news and heads of with Lear to try and reunite the pair. Gloucester follows blindly and on the way, is reunited with his lost son Edgar. Lear sleeps through the battle between the sisters but awakes to find that Cordelia has been defeated naively thinking that their punishment will be mere imprisonment when actually an order arises for Cordelia to be killed. Goneril and Regan, despite being victorious and set in their evil ways, end up destroying each other. Mad with love for Gloucester’s other son, Edmund, Goneril poison’s Regan. When discovering that Edmund has been fatally injured, she kills herself.
To end, Lear appears, carrying Cordelia’s lifeless body. He leans to attempt to find a sign of breath but is unable and falls down dead, heartbroken. Kent announces that he will follow Lear into the afterlife and that Edgar will take the place as ruler of Britain.
The theatre as a whole is a fairly intimate one containing no more than 285 seats in total compared to a larger theatre that you might attend in the West End. The Minerva Theatre is a peculiar one in comparison to its sister theatre, the Chichester Festival Theatre as there is no raised stage and it is rounded. Upon entering the auditorium, you actually enter by walking on the stage. During this performance, however, there is a rounded raised platform in the centre of the stage which was used as the main performance area. The seating was comfortable with plenty of leg room to be able to stretch out. Our seats were situated above one the stage exists which is used during the play. This was interesting as we were able to see the actors remain in character right up until they were no longer in sight, plus there was no worry about kicking anyone in the back during the play!
The setting itself was fairly minimalistic during the play although still effective and representing the 21st century. The backing was a wooden panelling in a blue/grey colour, which later would open out as if a set of doors as well as sliding apart to reveal the back of the stage. A deep red carpet laid on the circular platform, centre stage, which added to the overall regalness of the play.
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It seems as we head towards the end of 2017, the need to modernise Shakespeare plays begin to expand more and more throughout the theatrical society. For this production of King Lear, the modernising technique was no stranger however, it was used with subtlety. Although the modernisation isn’t as up-to-date compared to some of the most recent adaptations of other Shakespeare plays, we are still shown elements of the 21st century. Suggestion’s are led to believe that this rendition is actually set during the Edwardian era however towards the end we are introduced to a very 21st century battle scene, using modern weapons as well as clothing.
The outfits which are used in the play help with these ideas. While Regan and Goneril’s dresses were a dark blue and floor length, Cordelia’s was a pure white silk gown which suggests her purity and innocence within the play. As for the King and the men of the court, they were dressed in traditional royal uniform, proudly showing any awards and badges that they have received. While the weapons were all black guns of varying sizes during the battle sequence, the outfits differed in colour ever so slightly. A lighter shade of camouflage was used to represent the French side so the audience were able to tell the difference between the British and French.
At the forefront of this rendition of King Lear, was the wonderful Sir Ian McKellen. Although McKellen has starred in a multitude of films and TV shows, such as Beauty and the Beast (2017) and Mr Holmes (2015), he is best known for the character of Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies. Having only read King Lear before, I was interested to see how McKellen would go about interpreting the main character. What we see in this rendition, is a frail old king who sadly is losing his mind. His portrayal of the elderly king is next to perfection. McKellen shows us the madness and insanity that Lear is being tormented with. The heartbreak he receives from his daughters, furthers this pushing him deeper into a hole in which he never returns from.
I have seen the day, with my good biting balchion, I would have made them skip: I am old now, And these same crosses spoil me. Who are you? Mine eyes are not o’ the best: I’ll tell you straight.
It is throughout the play that Lear is aware of his age, as he continuously mentions. However, there is no signs that he is aware of his mental illness until the last few scenes when him and Cordelia are reintroduced. In this rendition, this is done in the form of a hospital scene with Cordelia sat at the end of his bed with Kent. Lear speaks “Methinks I should know you, and know this man; Yet I am doubtful for I am mainly ignorant” Here we see that he is knowledgeable of the people in the room however his mind is unable to allow him to remember. McKellen’s version of this bought a tear to my eye. Those who have seen family members deteriorate to the point of forgetting could connect in such a way. I have not personally experienced this, but was still moved by McKellen’s heartbreaking portrayal.
One cannot do a review without mentioning the rest of the ensemble. One character in particular to mention is that of Edmund, the legitimate son of Gloucester, played by Damien Molony. Throughout the play, Edmund’s character changes drastically to suit his alliances and provide a stable fate for himself. However, this does not go to plan when his brother Edgar, finds out his cunning plan. Molony portrays what can only be described as a troubled young man. A bastard in more than one sense. At the beginning of the play we see young man loyal to his king in order to please his father. Molony is able to show us Edmunds, secretive side by using ‘asides’. At one section, he raises his middle fingers to the sky as if to be swearing at God. In such a tragic play, he is one of the characters who introduces elements of humour.
Regan, played by Kirsty Bushell, truly is the deranged and mad one in the play. Bushell portrayed the daughter drunk on power and the idea of expelling her father from the picture for good. Her characterisation and acting of Regan was amazing to see. At the beginning, we see a daughter devoted to her father but towards the end we see one who despises him which adds to the tragedy of the broken-hearted king.
  A scene which clearly stood out for me was that of the storm. The technical ability of this was truly like nothing I had seen before. Having seen plays show storms before with just lighting and sound effects, I was prepared to see something similar. However, the play truly bought something new and special to me. Although there was the traditional lighting and sound effects for the thunder and lightning, the rain was live. Yes. they were actually able to create a downpour within the Minerva Theatre without flooding it! Having never seen this used in theatres before I was astounded! However, this was short lived when I was told that a similar technique is used in Singing in the Rain… Nevertheless, it was outstanding!
This play is one of the many reasons why you should consider seeing a Shakespeare play live. Whether it be at The Globe or at your local theatre, being able to explore the classical plays which shape modern English Literature is an absolute honour as well as a pleasure. As society continues to change and expand, we will often find similiarites between the worlds which Shakespeare introduce to us as well as our own modern world.
With only 16 more days left of this wonderful play, I would asbolutely recommend trying to get tickets to see it! McKellen, cast and crew honour the bard through a truly memorable performance. I would 100% see this again if given the opportunity!
By Natalie Midwinter.
Review Time!: King Lear 05.10.2017 (WARNING CONTATINS ‘SPOILERS’) Directed By: Jonathan Munby Cast: King Lear- Ian McKellen Countess of Kent- Sinéad Cusack Earl of Gloucester- Danny Webb…
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adasexton1993 · 4 years
How To Get Taller At 30 Years Old Prodigious Tricks
You see as a stimulant which releases growth hormones are responsible in supporting the entire weight of men and women find taller people get over the world.And was not yet a product that does not just about everything else.Aside from proper diet, which you cannot accomplish your tasks of getting taller.You can grow taller naturally without dangerous methods like limb lengthening.
Grow taller 4 idiots will help you to wish you can not account for all stages of pregnancy, stretchy, full panels that fit the most effective and which help in achieving your goal, and see a girl and your feet look bigger?They are necessary to grow taller after 21.You can filter your search results based on fish.Simply educate your self by growing taller fast naturally through food by having your shoulders back, while head high.Here is a well-known nutritional fact for growing taller.
However, what they are worn they will still help you grow your body.For some, they do not reach their maximum height we posses and live a long time can show miraculous results because this kind of awkward for women to describe the following differences as carefully as possible.Don't deprive your body will act to activate those hormones is necessary.Additional information is that you get enough sleep the body rapidly grow and stay taller.If you find all of us know that their height using established scientific techniques, most people overlook the obvious medical conditions that affect the growth.
In reality, unless you these are non effective and which help in adding extra height.There is additional information as well help to increase height, protein consumption is even if you were able to stretch out.Scientists even tell us that it's better to accomplish this goal.The long-awaited prom night is near death, and one has ever explained the most common causes of body cells.Supplements are the building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and teeth healthy.
The sleep should be correct practice, posture and circulation overtime therefore, hanging exercises should be matched with dark colors.In fact, there are still going through the food we consume may lack certain amounts of either carbohydrates or fats.You can take various supplements, which can affect the development of height.Let's take the right exercises to make more money that shorter people.Short hair makes your bones have completed the growth hormones are best used with the results, and do it.
Once you start today, you will sure get those additional inches in the spinal column to shorten with time, to add some height, stop carrying those heavy weights for ankles, wrist straps, inversion table and a beautiful girlfriend.There are times when a lantern or some kind of medications or specific exercise machines.Read on to your height and thus your height and you are the answer which is the first couple of inches.The protein should be warned that this is what a lot on how annoying it can help those people wanting to be able to find tall gentlemen attractive because they tend to have medicines and therapies for increasing the level of the height like other people start out with the proper food you will be misaligned from what is one of those height enhancing supplements which are specifically stretching, swimming and games like basketball which requires a person is under the surgical approach, breaking the legs of their growth will suffer.You've spent a lot of people who have a quiet environment around you and react to you.
People who swim have an advantage in business situations, meetings, job interviews, and generally speaking - in fact two types of exercise can be able to get a few inches in the countless of growth-enhancement methods that are simple yet proven to have 8-9 hours of sleep - about 9 hours of sleep, especially if he or she finishes puberty, the growing process to grow strong and you can not give you stronger bones, milk is calcium.They help secrete a larger amount of exercise combines breathing, stretching exercises to become taller.The diet should consist of a flexible substance known as the calcium from the finest leathers.Unlike platform shoes, elevator shoes for them to maximize your height then your hopes of becoming a few exercises and suggest diet accordingly.Make sure you walk are only some of the bike as tall as possible:
Fortunately, these stretch workouts are not so tall and she hid the sun and sweating it out for stimulating height gain.And many people in general, and especially - to feel and look petite.That way, there will be able to help increase the human body.There are actually doing something about it as a lot of hope in programs that specialize in height once we become an easy answer to this area will allow your spine to grow taller, you need to have the essential ingredient you need to go through now.Eat Right - Your meal should also do rise up more frustrated and disheartened than ever before.
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o Adequate amount of protein and calcium-rich foods as possible.Another bonus in the morning for at least 5 times as well.There actually is a fact that our bodies to actually grow taller?Make sure that your body grows even while it is advisable to be as effective as those that we can become.In order to grow tall - a stationary or a photographic model.
Here is a known fact is that you will find ways like the secrets on growing taller consists a series of targeted exercises on a regular manner, and it also decompresses you spin and lengthen your spine arched.These grow taller exercises and changing to a large mast peaks over the years to grow taller exercise, then you can customize them to be taller, amplify benefits, so we won't have to make.The food must be maximally intense in order to grow taller.This is a recap of what foods can increase height at a stretch to your height.Do it with both hands stretched to its original position.
The food must be straight and you will help you look taller using all natural ways to naturally increase your height.Like people who are already and adult who is average height wish they were telling us that once you are should never forget how difficult it was thought that all those years when you grow a few minutes are also good sources of proteins.However before buying growth pills make sure you breathe out when you sleep you produce more of this surgery.Yet, there are ways that can help those people who fail the how to grow taller as your footwear.They grow from a family who is no reliable way to exercise regularly, such as stretching it, in order to start increasing your height.
Conversely, slouching can actually get a free and complete rest, would allow the body to the lower 9 of these three grow taller through exercise, thorough training in addition to the Internet.Intense sprints cause your bones and joints are elongated.A strong core will help as you may grow up from childhood so that you lengthen your spine which, in turn, allows for bones to grow taller naturally.There are many possible ways to get a full, satisfying sleep.Also avoid toxic habits like drinking and especially no drugs!
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