#there'd probably also be skills that mess with the clock in different ways like rotating the clock extra steps
dravidious · 11 months
You're quite neat
General idea for a turn-based combat system that I thought about like 3 years ago and never wrote down: There's an "element clock" that has like 3-6 slots on it that store elements. When you use an elemental skill, the element in the currently active slot affects it; if you use a fire skill, then having fire in the slot boosts it, water weakens it, and grass also boosts it probably more than fire idk. Then the active element turns into fire, then the clock rotates to the next slot, so the fire element that you put in will come back around in like 3-6 turns. The clock may or may not rotate when a non-elemental skill is used, or maybe there are no non-elemental skills, idk. Anyway the idea is for it to encourage you to plan ahead and improvise and consider the enemy's abilities and attack patterns.
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