#anyway i gotta stop talking now this is the kinda stuff to save for an info document
dravidious · 11 months
You're quite neat
General idea for a turn-based combat system that I thought about like 3 years ago and never wrote down: There's an "element clock" that has like 3-6 slots on it that store elements. When you use an elemental skill, the element in the currently active slot affects it; if you use a fire skill, then having fire in the slot boosts it, water weakens it, and grass also boosts it probably more than fire idk. Then the active element turns into fire, then the clock rotates to the next slot, so the fire element that you put in will come back around in like 3-6 turns. The clock may or may not rotate when a non-elemental skill is used, or maybe there are no non-elemental skills, idk. Anyway the idea is for it to encourage you to plan ahead and improvise and consider the enemy's abilities and attack patterns.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Vaggie: “Charlie. You know I love you, right?”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “…before I answer, can I ask YOU a question?”
Vaggie: “Sure, babe. Fire away.”
Charlie: “Okay.”
Charlie: “Is this about the singing cannibal quartet love song turned massacre in the hotel lobby?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Charlie: “Is it about the supposedly non-man eating flowers that tried eating Angel Dust, which Niffty won’t let us get rid of now because she wants to train them to hunt cockroaches with her?”
Vaggie: “No.”
Charlie: “Is it about the alleged cookies Husk is still in bed recovering from taste testing?”
Vaggie: “Those were cookies?”
Charlie: “Allegedly. In a previous life maybe.”
Vaggie: “Huh. They weren’t bad.”
Charlie: “They- Vaggie, you didn’t actually EAT-”
Vaggie: “After wrestling Angel Dust out of the third flower in a row? I was hungry. The kitchen was on fire earlier so I knew you’d made something. And they were sitting in a common area, unclaimed and unlabeled.”
Charlie: “I put CAUTION TAPE around them!!”
Vaggie: “We don’t have anyone staying here named Caution or Hazardous Waste. Not yet, anyway.”
Vaggie: “Fine. This isn’t about the uh, ‘alleged cookies’.”
Charlie: “Well then what is it about? Am I forgetting something else?”
Vaggie: “Maybe. Are you gonna answer my question now?”
Charlie: “Of course I know you love me, Vaggie. Absolutely."
Vaggie: "Then-"
Charlie: "A dangerous amount, even- you sure you’re feeling alright? Those cookies... poor Husk…”
Vaggie: “Husk is on average 40% alcohol and not used to solid foods. This was a good learning experience for him, trust me.”
Charlie: “I do! I do I do, I just, also really hope Angel Dust knows how to BE an actual bedside nurse as well as DRESS like one. A. Sexy one.”
Vaggie: “We’ll save Husk from medical malpractice in a minute. Right now though…”
Vaggie: (smooch the tol gf)
Charlie: “?”
Vaggie: “You don’t have to do extra things like this, sweetie.”
Charlie: “Oh.”
Vaggie: “Not that I didn’t love the thought behind it.”
Charlie: “There were no thoughts. Just, wow I love my girlfriend, wow I really hope she knows I love her.”
Vaggie: “I do. You’re amazing, and doing normal hotel crisis things with you is already amazing enough.”
Charlie: (droops) “I know, I know…”
Vaggie: “So?”
Charlie: “Well that’s the THING though! We’ve only been doing hotel stuff!”
Vaggie: “It’s a pretty wide range of activities you gotta admit.”
Charlie: “Oh sure right, sooo varied- stop a murder, fight to stop a murder, try not to do a murder, replace THIS fix THAT organize another group talk and go into red alert whenever the things get suspiciously quiet- go collect the bodies, probably reassemble them, pay the bills, supervised arts and crafts and Cherri still makes a BOMB somehow-”
Vaggie: “Everyone getting together to blow it up outside was kinda sweet.”
Charlie: “And that’s great! We’re doing great, things are going good, it’s just- WE don’t do anything that’s just for US.”
Vaggie: “That what’s bothering you?”
Charlie: “Bothering me? BOTHERING ME?? Vaggie our last outing together was dragging you back up to HEAVEN where the people who left you in hell also BLAKMAILED YOU!"
Vaggie: "Could've been worse."
Charlie: "IT WAS HORRIBLE! A NEGATIVE TIME TOGTHER! I’m gonna explode- I haven’t taken you on an actual date in MONTHS!!!”
Vaggie: “So let’s go then.”
Charlie: “I know we can’t just leave the hotel, but that doesn’t stop-”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Huh?”
Vaggie: “Let’s go. We can take the rest of the night off.”
Charlie: “….can we?”
Vaggie: “Sure. Niffty’s busy with her new murder plant buddies, Husk’s busy being sick, Angel Dust’s busy with Husk, and Cherri Bomb… well. If the singing cannibal duo wants to keep playing exploding volleyball with her out back then that’s their problem, not ours.”
Charlie: “It’ll be our problem REAL quick if anyone spikes the bomb at the hotel!”
Vaggie: “It’ll be just another Tuesday, another hole in the wall, and a chance for Cherri to learn about the wonders of vacuum cleaners and wall plaster.”
Charlie: “Which you won’t be able to sleep knowing about until you’ve redone the whole thing yourself.”
Vaggie: “That’s still just another Tuesday.”
Charlie: “What about Husk being sick? AND suffering under Angel Dust’s dubiously sexy medical care?”
Vaggie: “If they’re bothering each other they can’t be getting into trouble with anyone else. Win-win.”
Charlie: “Niffty is building an army.”
Vaggie: “Good for her.”
Charlie: “She might be planning on wiping out all life in the hotel???”
Vaggie: “Hell forbid the cleaning ladies do anything.”
Charlie: “Why are you suddenly so okay with mess and chaos? You HATE messes and chaos! You patrol the hotel just to check everyone’s doing what you thought they’d be doing, based on all the little schedules you keep making on them!”
Vaggie: “Which they didn’t need to hear you yelling about but sure.”
Charlie: “You refold all my laundry so the creases line up just right! Why- oh no.”
Charlie: (gasp) “Vaggie, don’t panic, but I think the evil fail cookies are affecting you-”
Vaggie: “Charlie-” (laughing) “-no, they’re not. Maybe I’m fine with a little extra mess and chaos, if it means spending time with you.”
Charlie: “….”
Charlie: “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Vaggie: “Triangle. Wanna go on a date with me?”
Charlie: “YE- wait, you’re sure though?”
Vaggie: “I’m sure.”
Charlie: “Really sure?”
Vaggie: “Very.”
Charlie: “It’s not a fun date if it makes you super stressed afterwards.”
Vaggie: “I’m always stressed. It’d be nice if I could at least get some uninterrupted ‘stare at my beautiful girlfriend’ time while I’m at it.”
Charlie: “The hotel’s gonna be in RUINS when we get back. Our friends might be on fire by then.”
Vaggie: “C’mon, they’re not our kids. They’re all responsible adults….”
Chaggie: “…..”
Vaggie: “….they’re all adults…”
Charlie: “Who we’re kinda responsible for…?”
Vaggie: “Not for tonight.”
Charlie: (sighing) “That WOULD be nice.”
Vaggie: “So let’s make it happen. Date night?”
Charlie: “-ES YES YES YES YES-”
Vaggie: “That a yes?”
Charlie: “YES!!! I- Hold on, wait wait, I’ve got-”
Charlie: (pulls out several papers covered in writing and diagrams)
Charlie: “…I’ve got, let’s see here-”
Vaggie: “Notes?”
Charlie: “-seven quick pick up date ideas that don’t need ANY preparation-”
Vaggie: “You made plans for dates you didn’t even think we’d go on?”
Charlie: “Well it never hurts to dream about something, right? That way you get to have fun either way, and you’ll be ready if it does happen!”
Vaggie: “I love you.”
Charlie: (grinning) “You love that you’ve infected me with note cards and organizing thoughts and things~”
Vaggie: “That too.”
Charlie: “Well according to my wonderful notes, the least stressful date option is…. Cannibal Town!”
Vaggie: “They have that dress code don’t they.”
Charlie: “Unless you wanna get your cute butt chased for all the wrong reasons, yep! They do!”
Vaggie: “Is this you wanting to see me in a fancy-ass dress?”
Charlie: “And to stroll down the nicely kept streets arm-in-arm with you, enjoyed the quiet atmosphere not filled with random agonized screams, stopping to admire the beautiful and very well composted flower beds…”
Vaggie: “I’d stroll with you anywhere, so count me in.”
Charlie: “YES! Oh I already LOVE THIS- and Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “Yeah?”
Charlie: “I love you too.”
Vaggie: “Wow really. Had no idea.”
Charlie: “Heheh.”
Vaggie: “Honestly there’ve been like, zero hints about that all day.”
Charlie: “I promise I really was trying to be subtle.”
Vaggie: “There’s a lot of words for you, but subtle’s probably not one of them.”
Charlie: “I tried. I tried for youuuuuuu~ For the sake of my girlfriend, I was willing to go against my baser and more dramatic nature!”
Vaggie: “What’s more dramatic than man eating flowers, that’s what I’d like to know.”
Charlie: “A garden.”
Vaggie: “A g- a whole garden?”
Charlie: (shrug) “We’ve got plenty of empty rooms…”
Vaggie: “A garden, sweetie.”
Charlie: “I was thinking of putting a lot of trees and bushes in. Lots of stuff to hide behind.”
Vaggie: “Our own little patch of private picnic paradise, huh?”
Charlie: “Hm-hmm! Or for makeouts. Or both?”
Vaggie: (chuckling) “Not to spoil the mood but… speaking of plants and compost, on our date, should we bring the other half of the cannibal quartet over to Rosie’s while we’re headed there? Or, what’s left of them?”
Charlie: “Mmmmm NAAAH. I wanna have all hands free on the way over.”
Vaggie: “Hands free for what?”
Charlie: “Nothing~”
Vaggie: “Your hands are already on my ass, Charlie.”
Charlie: “Oh whoops!”
Vaggie: “I didn’t say you could move them.”
Charlie: “That’s why I’m not~”
Vaggie: “You’re in a mood tonight, aren’t you.” (muttering) “I’m not even the one off playing with carnivorous plants, so why's it suddenly feel like I’m in danger...”
Charlie: “Beecaaaause you look dangerously cute in a fancy dress.”
Vaggie: “Says the woman walking around in THAT suit.”
Charlie: “I have to dress sharp! I need to match with my girlfriend!”
Vaggie: “You’ve been wearing that exact same kind of suit since long before you even met me.”
Charlie: “Only through YEARS of unfulfilled potential!”
Vaggie: “Uh huh.”
Charlie: “Tragic, wasted beauty!”
Vaggie: “Hardly wasted with you in it.”
Charlie: “But it was! A jacket crying out for the one woman who’ll finally borrow and wear it the way it was always meant to be worn!”
Vaggie: “With the sleeves falling over my hands?”
Charlie: “With that adorable little blush when you snuggle down into it… Also, the way it falls to almost mid-thigh on you, and how you like wearing it with nothing el-”
Vaggie: “Is this a date night or a do not disturb night?”
Charlie: “Date night!”
Vaggie: “Then stop biting your lip at me.”
Charlie: “Aww.”
Vaggie: “And come help me pick out a fancy dress.”
Vaggie: “Oh you liked that look, huh?” (snickering) “Aw babe- is THAT why you stay up replaying the commercial some nights?”
Charlie: “That’s… public image analysis…”
Vaggie: “Whatever you say. Now you now know how I feel every day.”
Charlie: (muttering) “lucky you.”
Vaggie: “You wanna switch things up for the date, or keep the suit?”
Charlie: “Keep, probably..? You like me in the suit~”
Vaggie: “I like you in a lot of things.”
Charlie: “R-right.”
Vaggie: “And nothing.”
Charlie: “I- same.” (horns start popping out) “Um.” (pushes them back in) “Could we also. Wear matching hats?”
Vaggie: “Of course we’re wearing matching hats. This is supposed to be a fancy date right?”
Charlie: “Very. Very fancy.”
Vaggie: “Well nothing’s fancier than hats."
Charlie: "WHEEE! With flowers on them, yeah!?"
Vaggie: "Have I ever let you down?”
Charlie: “Never.”
Vaggie: “And do you promise not to bring me anymore demonic flowers or singing quartets?”
Charlie: “… I’ll do my best.”
Vaggie: “Perfect.”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “I wouldn’t say no to a few more of those cookies though-”
Charlie: “NO.”
Vaggie: “Sweetie, they were good.”
Charlie: “No. Absolutely no, I am NOT poisoning you on purpose. Not even if you ask me nicely and pout about it like that.”
Vaggie: “You deny the cookies?”
Charlie: “Don’t even start-”
Vaggie: “Girlfriend abuse. Toxic relationship alert.”
Charlie: “Those 'cookies' were the MOST TOXIC THING that our relationship has EVER seen!”
Vaggie: “They were made with love.”
Charlie: “And likely heavy metals? The fact that you willingly ate them is maybe the most WORRYING thing our relationship has ever seen…”
Vaggie: “Cough exorcist lie cough cough.”
Charlie: “Totally different. That didn’t put you in active danger-”
Chaggie: (screaming)
Niffty: “My murder plant babies are in danger.”
Vaggie: “HOW can- how can those things BE in danger?”
Charlie: “NIFFTY PLEASE! The knocking?? The not dropping from air vents???”
Niffty: “Only in emergencies, I remember! This is an emergency. Husk is feeding himself to my murder plan babies.”
Vaggie: “Why.”
Niffty: “Escaping nurse Angel Dust and unnecessary CPR.”
Charlie: “Oh for-”
Vaggie: “Let him. They won’t kill him. Permanently, anyway.”
Charlie: “…. Hm.”
Niffty: “What if my murder babies get food poisoning from second hand bad cookies?”
Vaggie: “Seek revenge for them or something?”
Niffty: “OoooOOOH!”
Niffty: (scuttles away cackling)
Charlie: “Oh noooo, you’ve given her an idea-”
Vaggie: “Too late to stop her now. C’mon.” (grabbing charlie’s hand) “Make a break for our room before anyone else-”
Cherri Bomb: “Hey girls! Uh, you were planning on making a pit for a hotel swimming pool, right? Like, one already kinda full of blood? Right out back? Right???”
Chaggie: “….”
Charlie: “… Hello~! Charlie and Vaggie can’t be reached at the moment!”
Vaggie: “We’ll be out all night.”
Cherri Bomb: “And the pool of blood-?”
Charlie: “So please leave a message at the sound of the beep!”
Vaggie: “Beeeeep.” (at charlie) “Run.”  
Charlie: (scooping up vaggie) “My legs are longer-”
Vaggie: “Brilliant thinking sweetie now GO GO GO!!!”
Chaggie: (flees)
Cherri Bomb: “…..”
Cherri Bomb: “They take the u-haul thing seriously, huh.”
-their room-
Charlie: “….Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Yeah?”
Charlie: “Stop it.”
Vaggie: “Stop what?”
Charlie: “Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “Mmm?”
Charlie: “…..”
Charlie: “…..fine, FINE!” (groaning) “I’ll see about salvaging the burnt remains of the evil cursed cookie recipe when we get back. Now will you PLEASE stop messing with your flawless hair and put the dress on? Or anything!? Anything being put on would be good now too!”
Vaggie: (smiling) “No idea what you mean babe, but alright.” (quietly to herself) “Mission success.”
Charlie: “I heard that.”
-exiting hotel-
Vaggie: “Almost there.”
Charlie: “Oh please my dad who’s probably in a pile of duckies, please just let us make it out the d-”
(horrific screaming from deeper inside hotel)
Charlie: “…..”
Vaggie: “….”
Charlie: “We didn’t hear that.”
Vaggie: “We kinda already did, sweetie.”
Charlie: “No.” (pouting) “No. We can hear it when we get back.”
Vaggie: “Fine by me.”
Charlie: (SIGHING) “Even though we’re gonna hear allllll about not hearing it when we get back...”
Vaggie: “Worth it.”
Charlie: (grinning) “Think so?”
Vaggie: “Do you?”
Charlie: (already tugging them out the door by their entwined hands) “More than worth it.” (lifts and twirls vaggie down the hotel steps) “Whooosh!”
Vaggie: “Oh is THIS why you really wanted me in a fancy dress? For the ‘whoosh’?”
Charlie: “That, and for the way you smile when I whoosh you~”
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
Hello it's been over a month since the last part 😭 I've lost the groove. But uhh remember how I said Dia is a sponsor for the tour? He definitely ropes Belphie into attending some shows for promo pics. Belphie is going to attend the very first concert stop that night (there's maybe like four before the show in their city or something)
I'm thinking Lucifer is checking in on Mammon when I burst into the shop, running late but still making a stop for breakfast. Mammon slides my order towards me, waving his hand when I try to pay. Cue me glaring at him and stuffing a $20 bill in his tip jar BECAUSE HE CAN'T KEEP TRYING TO GIVE SOLOMON AND I FREE FOOD.
And he scoffs because I know I don't carry cash, BUT NOW I HAVE TO BC I GOTTA TO PAY HIM !! SIR !! YOU'LL GO OUT OF BUSINESS !! Lucifer is watching this all with a raised eyebrow. (He definitely makes his family pay. Luke is the only other one to get free stuff.)
anyway when I'm reaching for my drink he grabs my wrist impulsively because he notices I'm wearing new bracelets ??
"The hell are these?"
"I made them for my concert! Y'know, the one I keep talking about? Where I didn't come for a while because I had no money? It's in a couple days !!"
of course he knows about the concert. he knows about it, but Solomon and him kept forgetting the exact date. He also forgot to ask beg Lucifer to ask Dia for tickets.
"Why're ya making bracelets?" At the same time Lucifer asks "Concert? What concert?" because he did NOT know I was attending. He was actually planning to stop by after finishing checking on Mammon to present me with tickets.
"Fall Out Boy! My favorite band ever? The one I'm always playing in the shop? They're coming here! And I bought tickets so long ago and I'm so excited because it's my first concert and they're my favorite band ever and *wheezes for air* AND I GOT FLOOR SEATS TOO AND THEY'RE LIKE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE AND I CAN'T WAIT AND TO TRADE BRACELETS- ohmygod I'm even more late now okay bye guys!"
And Lucifer is kinda sitting there shocked. He doesn't know why he didn't expect me to buy tickets. Now he must recalculate.
"Hey Lucifer..." With the tone he used to use when he wanted to borrow money before starting the cafe. "I'm not bailing you out of bankruptcy for giving away food to your crushes." "C-CRUSHES? W-WHA? WHO SAID THAT, I AIN'T SAY NOTHIN LIKE THAT-" "Mammon." "Damn it, Lucifer, that ain't what I was gonna ask! I was gonna ask... Diavolo's sponsoring this thing, ain't he?" "And what of it if he is?" "...Ya think he has two extra tickets? I'll pay for 'em no problem. I just don't want her going alone, ya know?"
And Lucifer stares at him for a long time. So long Mammon is getting nervous, wringing a rag in his hands. And it clicks for Lucifer how he'll save this.
"Find out what seat she's purchased and let me know. I'll ask Diavolo and see what I can do. No promises, Mammon."
And Mammon practically beams while letting out a big breath. He nods enthusiastically and texts Solomon 'I need to find out what seat that ticket she bought is' to not forget, because he knows he'll be texting Solomon later anyway and will see the last message he sent, so he's sure to not forget. Foolproof plan.
"You need just two tickets, or three seats together?"
"...Three seats together. I said two tickets because she already has one, don't she? One for me, one for Solomon."
"Interesting. I'll let you know."
"Eh?! What is that supposed to mean?!"
okay uhh next part is gonna have beel and belphie i think at the cafe visiting mammon!! im happy to be writing this again. I did make bracelets when I attended this concert but I only made twenty the night before 😭 I had procrastinated so long and debated because I was too afraid of going up to people to hand them out. But I did get to trade !! I still have all the one's I got.
Um umm I had other things to say I'm forgetting. I looked up from my phone and panicked because I thought I missed my stop o(-( nah it was just construction making everything unrecognizable
have i named my mc before? i can't remember. i just keep avoiding using her name akwkwjd oops
- ✨
LOL but seriously, I have not heard her name and now I wish to know it! I know YOUR name of course, since I have stalked your blog a bit since you came off anon~ ah sorry if that's creepy~
But anyway!!
Lucifer to the rescue!!! What a guy, he's so nice in this story but still totally himself I love it~
Mammon giving away food to his crushes ;asldkfjdf and OF COURSE the only other one who gets free food is Luke that's so cuuuuuute!
I also LOVE the detail of Mammon texting Solomon something so that he'll remember it. It tells us so much about Mammon (ADHD lol), but it also speaks volumes about his relationship with Solomon at this point, too. Because if you know you're going to be texting someone that often, then they must be pretty important to you. And also you must feel comfortable with them if you're texting them little reminders for yourself. I just think this is a really cute detail~
Anyway, as always, I'm here for this sweet story!!
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ridiasfangirlings · 8 months
Highschool AU:
Random girl: Fushimi-kun doesn't look bad but his personality sucks. I think I can fix him.
Yata whose passed by and heard it: "Fix him"? But why? He's perfect!
In fairness, Yata is kinda trying to fix Fushimi, it’s just in the ‘please eat healthy and take care of yourself and be less of a disaster human’ way XD Imagine Yata gets roped into doing some kind of group project with a bunch of girls and he’s quietly dying because girls. He’s mostly sitting as far away from the group as possible, when asked his opinion on anything he stutters and stumbles over his words and the girls have basically elected to ignore him at this point. While they’re working Fushimi happens to stop in on official student council business, delivering something to the teacher. Say this is like high school AU where all the usual betrayal stuff happened but that’s been cleared up now so Yata and Fushimi are friends again but haven’t quite gotten themselves up to the point of confessing. Yata brightens when he sees Fushimi, imagine him looking at Fushimi with this silent ‘please save me’ expression and Fushimi just takes in the sight of miserable red-faced Yata surrounded by girls and gives the most shit-eating grin as he takes his leave. 
Yata gives a little hmmph and mutters ‘that asshole’ under his breath, meanwhile one of the girls gives a sigh and says isn’t Fushimi-kun cute. Yata does a double-take at that, like wait what the fuck did she just call Saruhiko cute. One of the other girls is like yeah but he has a terrible personality though, the first girl insists that she could fix him. Yata without even thinking blurts out ‘why would you want to fix him, Saruhiko’s cool already.’ The girls all turn as one to stare at him and Yata looks away, mumbling ‘I mean, that guy’s all skinny and needs to eat better, and yeah he stays up late all the time when he should be getting proper sleep, and he’s kinda bad at talking about things but you just gotta keep telling him to be honest, he’s the worst about that but he’s getting better and anyway…he-he doesn’t need to be fixed.’ The girls all look at Yata and then at each other, and then just go back to working on their project without another word. Yata has no idea what just happened but he feels like they came to some conclusion he just has no idea what.
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lollythelazyperson · 3 months
so I’ve finally finished watching all of lmk season 5, and…
LIKE- (starting w/ ep. 7 here since ep. 6 doesn’t have much happen in it iirc) we FINALLY get to learn what MK is/how he was created, LBD sorta shows up and the eye demon guy reveals to mk what all those visions meant(yk, mk literally sacrificing himself for the world n all), the show references wukong and macaque’s fight thingymajigy in jttw, then in ep. 8 mk can control the jade emperor’s power(or was that ep. 7? idrk man), the fuckin uh snake demon guy reveals the first two things i said to everybody else, but he also reveals/mk figures out that [snake guy] actually FREED MK FROM THE STONE WAAAAY EARLIER THAN NEEDED(snake guy also has some lore which kinda makes him interesting but that isn’t the point here)…
and in ep. 9, well- there’s no big lore drop except at the end, but so i’ll kinda summarize it instead. macaque first tries to stop mk from doin the whole sacrifice but fails, and eventually the others have to stop/stall snake guy while wukong tries to stop mk instead. he fails and mk encounters nuwa, who reveals the whole… “pillars in peril? pillars saved by mk? oh, well, that means the whole world has to start over cuz there are no more beings strong enough to handle the stones now, so the world’s gotta make new ones.” thing to him(which is the lore drop basically).
finally, in ep. 10, well(i shall also summarize this one)…
everyone thinks mk died(but macaque mutters “wukong”… 👀👀), meanwhile mk goes “NAH, IMMA DO MY OWN THING, ANS YOU CANT STOP ME!!!!!!!!” to nuwa basically, and comes out of the pillar alive. wukong catches mk when the latter starts to fall, so (mostly) everybody goes in for a group hug- but considering the world’s basically ending… they hold hands for the last time- and wukong is LEGIT ABOUT TO GET MACAQUE TO HOLD HIS HAND, WHEN FUCKIN SNAKE GUY INTERRUPTS THE MOMENT SJ2JZIWISIAOLAKAKAJQJSI LET THEM HAVE THEIR MOMENT SMH- …….oh right anyways. they(the others, not snake guy) decide to share the power of the stones with everyone due to mk convincing them of it, but then snake guy drags mk into the pillar- and they have a weird conversation that’s basically snake guy goin “…this has only just begun. good luck, kid. you’ll need it.” to mk and then literally pushing him off and back outta the pillar.
the last few minutes of the episode is basically the aftermath of that. people now have cool magic powers(nobody is gonna use em for bad, definitelyyyyy /hj /lh), flyingbark reference through a flying dog, and some of the monkie kids(everybody but the monkeys themselves basically) are just chillin n talkin. meanwhile, mk n wukong talk bout what’s gonna happen next or sum(can’t exactly remember what specifically, I just remember mk startin the convo like that) but when mk starts to cry wukong hugs him.
then, we get an outro-monologue thingy from tang- and what we see durin it is basically this;
1; macaque is in court with the ten kings(?)- his powers have been affected by snake guy.
2; pigsy n mk are just havin a nice time addin a new photo to the photo album.
3; nezha and his dad are helpin handlin stuff in the celestial realm,
4; finally, the monkie kids/mk’s crew + redson + the two monkeys are havin a lil celebration somewhere… but in the very end, macaque sees how mk’s staff is also affected by snake guy’s powers(?).
but it’s preeeeetty late for me rn and I cannot stay up(gotta wake up early tmr) today, so if I have anything else I wanna say I’ll probs just will do that in another post.
so gn! drink water, eat food, and have a great day/night! :D
cya’ll in the next post!
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breannastewart · 1 year
what are some of your favorite stewie and sue moments?
oh man I have so many it’s hard to pick just some so this may accidentally turn into a master post of stuff, sorry not sorry in advance 😭
but obviously you gotta start from the jump on how much sue looked out for her, and jewell as well. how she texted every day to check in, jewell talking about her helping buy groceries. there’s this clip from an interview where stewie says sue kept telling her she doesn’t get out enough so she was trying to expand her food horizons and sue just sheepishly shrugged and whispered "I do" about it 😭
sometimes stewie looks out for her too, like when sue asked for her to scratch her back because she couldn't reach but of course stewie had to be a mega dweeb about it 😭
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here's the full gifset for that
we all famously know sue credits stewie for fixing her shot in that all time performance of hers in game 5 of the 2018 semis, how it was her who noticed something was off and told her to use her legs more and the rest was history on that, just good looking out by stewie
random silly moment but when stewie got a cut on her neck during a game back in 2018 they had to stop play for the blood and stewie is just aggressively swiping at her neck and sue comes over like stop it let me do it 😭
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when sue broke her nose thanks to stewie's elbow hitting her in the face, the rest of the game stewie was so noticeably rattled even the commentators started speculating about it and then there's this moment on the bench when sue comes back, stewie's clearly got the red teary eyes before she has to check in and sue's the one trying to comfort her but also get her focused back on the game even though she's the one with gauze stuck up her nose 😭
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they also just would talk A BUNCH on the bench during games I have multiple clips from games over the years of them just being obnoxious as hell or blabbering away on the bench omdfgh
ANYWAY OTHER MOMENTS. when stewie hurt her achilles she mentions in probably one of my fave interviews that sue was one of the first people that texted her, she said she told her "I knew on your face something was wrong, usually you fall and you get right up" + after her surgery when she still wasn't mobile enough, she mentioned in another that sue and megan would come over and cook dinner for her. got massages for her, too. below is from one of my fave articles (more from that article when you scroll down as well) and like... this girl 😭 she was devastated 😭
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but sue ended up out for that year as well and it ended up producing this cute little exchange though 💀
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when she injured her OTHER achilles in 2021, sue mentioned stewie looked at her and mouthed 'uh oh' and she kinda knew then, and stewie later talked about how she wanted to keep playing but sue was the one who kinda brought her down like you need to think about the long term, not right now. and I just think all of that really shows the deep connection and trust there and stewie even talked about how they ended up understanding each other in ways others can't. here are some of the other screencaps from the article I mentioned above back in 2020:
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stewie has talked a lot about how she believes she wouldn't be where she is without sue. making players cry is kind of unfortunately holly rowes thing but stewie's interview back in 2018 before the finals, talking about sue and how much she deserved another championship and how she's done everything for her is very sweet. and here's that again from an interview before the start of this season:
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and that isn't one sided, sue's 2018 player's tribune piece before the finals lives in my head rent free, it's better than any poems ever, just
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and in a poscast post bubble/championship she mentions how she hadn't said it to her face yet that she saved her career, and then in an interview in late 2021 she talked about it again that she was weighing her options of retire or go play somewhere else with a chance to win, and then they got stewie, and
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here's the gifset I made for that
going to throw in some random social media things to break up the sweet and sentimental stuff because these two are hilarious idiots (there's still some sweet things too)
these are from stewie's snapchat back in 2017 😭
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again they're weird and silly and thanks for giving the sue gays a heart attack with this one stewie
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and then there's these... 😭
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that's where I'll wrap it up maybe because this has gotten long enough and there's just so many more I'd be happy to share if you like, and I'll leave you with some random cute pictures as well
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vaporsystem · 2 months
The other night I felt like i was gonna have a panic attack so i was like "someone please take over idc who" and someone actually did i was like "oh damn i didnt expect that to work." :)
I think it was that one thing that appeared a while ago that didnt like talking. I still dont really know who that is. Also i dont really remember drawing that last post so ermm thats also kinda interesting.
I need to take more time talking to people and figuring out whos whos cause I still dont know who the usual me is. Im a little afraid of finding out the me who i think i am is like 7 people but like it feels wrong to keep just pretending the body is like its own thing, cause like im pretty sure im not who that person is right now even, but theres not a good or easy way to express that if none of us know who we are!!!
I know who """""the girl in my head""""" is even though ironically shes not around that often, i know helix is in here and they like actually talk sometimes. I know that one person is in here that we havnt talked about, we can call them Z i guess, i think theyre like the closest thing we have to a "gatekeeper" or whatever. Theres another girl that showed up, asked for a room, then just kinda never came back out but we like her she can have a place to live. Like i think its pretty obvious Raven is in here at this point right like we dont really need to hide that do we. Fictives seem really common so we dont need to like pretend. Im not sure who i am rn but :). but then theres like that one fucking person who says theyre the me that is me but thats not all of us!!! youre jsut you!!!!
Z thought they were them because when we tried to start building our mind place or whatever they were there and took over and tried to sort all of us out, but it seems like the they that them there was a different person when they werent inside so like ???
i KNOW at the end of the day were all the same person i GUESS but like...bitch you gotta figure out your own shit so we dont have to keep like pretending to be you just cause youre confused! also anyway can we stop using psuedonyms please its getting stupid and hard to keep up with no one is going to like dox your head people like "ohhh their headmate is named steve now ive got them" only three people see this anyway unless this shows up on someones fyp in which case ermm hiii
oh maybe we should liek start doing that thing where like we start signing off with emoji or whatever so we can keep track of whos who when we start talking on here cause like. its obvious to us right but like it probably looks nutty to everyone else, but also we kinda like hate all the cliches and stereotypes and stuff that people do on here like the people with people in their heads on tumblr are so obsessed with emojis we dont really get it, but i guess we dont know all of our names yet so it makes it a little easier. i dont know how to open the emohi menu 🌼🌻💐🌺these all kind of suck...🧁🎀👚🦄🦑we can pick one later i guess i like the cupcake and the horse, we could let outrselves be a pony....we could be pinkie pie if we wanted to be like no one could stop us but then people would think of that one screaming one probably but like.......................pongey.......
anyway i like being happy!!!! its so fun to come to the front because like that they that is them is so fucking like dull and they dont want to believe in us so like fuck it were gonna keep interuppting when they come over here. Helix did it first we can all have a turn!!!! theyre gonna be like "what if im wrong :((((((" when were literally fucking like loling and lmaoing rn. like sorry we dont all have epic backstories about like showing up in times of need im sorry we cant all be the girls you have a thing for 🙄 maybe i can just want to like eat candy for once instead of like saving you from depression or whatever WHICH LIKE ITS GOOD that the others were there for that im not like evil but like we dont ALL have to be that to be real!!!! im gettin very tired noww ppl will read this and be like woahh but itll be cool because theyll be like new bitch?? and youll be like ouuu ermmm nooo dont looook but its too late!!! hiiiii hi hi hiii
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crimsun-n-clover · 6 months
dalia chronicles
i need her so bad dude
like. i don’t. i’m just being weird because i’m bored and she’s my type.
i’ve hit rock fucking bottom. i took all the screenshots of her stuff and all the songs off of them and put them in a playlist. because if i was posting “me <3” to thee most obscure song ever?? i’d want people to go check that shit out. and like. understand me or whatever. but that’s what i would want. i’m being fucking weird about this. i think she’d like the attention but i’d actually rather die than give it to her in this dumbass unstable institutionalized way
i just need her to dm me first ONE TIME. not replying to me posting her stuff on my story. like. replying to literally anything else. to justify my behavior.
i took mickey to a concert a few days back. twas rad. we saw idkhow. i posted about it a little. when i get home and check my instagram?? i see that i posted us at the concert waiting for it to start 5 hours ago. and dalia posted a question submission box to an idkhow song. 5 hours ago.
WHAT ARE THE ODDS. she’s fucking with me. she’s SO fucking with me. just dm me for the love of GOD and stop baiting me with things. even though it’s kinda why im into you in the first place. fuckin whatever man.
this is literal torture but i’m kinda having a good time ngl
today she posted two stories to the song casual by chappell roan and holy. fuck. dude. that song is SO real.
i’ve felt used so much for my looks and reputation and i was fucking fine with it at the time because if that was all i was gonna get then i should just shut up and be grateful. i was so stupid but i was almost happy. it made everything hurt so much more when it was over because honestly? i was fucking bitter. i wanted nothing more than revenge and numbness. i wanted to hurt her back and keep her down before she can try that shit again. teach her a thing or two about what loss means. it’s horrible to be like that, i know. but it was horrible of her to be showing me apartment listings for us while talking to a guy who was actively homophobic toward me. i’m not proud of what i did or who i am, but fuck being the bigger person. i’m three fuckin inches tall and gonna get in your stupid double standard holding brain until you pry me out yourself and admit what you did.
dalia posted herself to that song twice in a thirst trappy way. i want to pick her brain so bad. what happened? are you okay?? you deserve better. you’re interesting and talented and deserve every ounce of attention you crave. i’d be happy to give you some if you’d give me permission. i don’t want to be the problem here. the bits of your personality that i’ve seen have been so intriguing to me. i’m enraptured and i want to know more. it’s not purely physical, but it could be if you want it to.
also. why are you so hot it’s not FAIR and how have the last two girls i’ve been dangerously into posted themselves with a star drawn on their collarbone and made my poor gay brain short circuit?? i’m actually in shock about that one ngl. while the lyric “knee deep in the passenger seat and you’re eating me out, is it casual now?” plays in the background. i hope i die
moving on. ish.
i want to save it but they’re videos and i can’t just paste videos into a notes file like i would with a photo i didn’t want laying around. i didn’t even like the more thirst trappy one because i’m RESPECTFUL. she’s so pretty and i want to drool over her a little. i’m obviously fucking ashamed but if a straight guy did it it would be normal so. whatever. i feel like saving it would be hitting some kind of barrier. dunno what it is but there’s gotta be a limit around here somewhere. or maybe it’s admitting something to myself. that this is a genuine interest but it’s not if i don’t save the video. GOD i hate it here
i feel like i’m objectifying her? like. i’d love for her to objectify me honestly. lick my fucking tongue and get it over with so i can think about it for the rest of my life. she seems to be looking for attention in any way she can get it and that makes me think she would be cool with it. but i don’t want to be that you know? i know how that feels. but i also wouldn’t mind something unserious with her. but i would want more if she wanted more. that’s a fucking LIE i’d want more regardless but i’d take more if i got permission.
i’m kinda sorta maybe the type of person with an avoidant attachment style. something good happens? cool! sounds like bullshit. cash out while i’m high and tuck tail n fucking bolt. i’ll feel like shit about it but if i stick around something bad always happens.
i’m getting. a vibe. that maybe she’s similar. i’m probably just projecting. i don’t know how to describe it, but it feels like everything she does is a wild fucking shot in the dark and then she runs off for a bit until she builds up the courage to do it again. she’ll drop a hint or say something important and then post art and her outfit for a week and do it all over again.
it feels like we’re both testing the water at different times. just “wouldn’t it be cool if. girlfriend? GOODBYE GUYS NICE KNOWING YOU” eventually there’s gonna be an intersection and shit is gonna go DOWN bro. like. added to my lore kind of down. but i think i’m gonna be the one to have to actually make the first move that isn’t liking her stories and i’m gonna blow my fucking brains out. and like five other people will die because of all the suicide pacts i’m a part of.
and then immediately after i get even a DROP of reciprocation i’ll go “damn that’s crazy. fuckin ditto or whatever. i’m leaving the country don’t wait up” OR immediately propose. no in between. i hate it here
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urmomw4ntsme · 7 months
why is andrew the best peter but tom the most interesting peter 🤔
im slwepy as fuck rn but i was waiting to answere. this till i was free from the disgusting inhumane clutches of egg and jams ok so see we i may be biased byt look at tjis guy.
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yea this is rea footage of me being a simp i dont care he's cutie patootoe baby waby shona janu also like decades older tham me 😀 but anyway now that thats out of the way. we ALL love peter 3. thats a colective thing eveyome agrees on if u don't um ya boring bye
but he issss the best lke?? the way he plays peter the way he literally becomes him im not saying tobey or tom r bad im js saying andrew isbbetter. like . i havent watched tobeys movies so i cant sau that abotu him actually but i hve watched homecoming ffh and nwh amd i promise that andrews peteer is the best the funniest the prettiest peter because in toms peter we get to see a lot df action right?nd we get ro see him interacting with other superheroes and hes got ppl who r superpowered like him who have his back but peter 3 has no one hes alone !!!! he js has his aunt and his gf (she died) <3 but still we see hes so funny like that knife scene? wjen hes like omg noooo knives my only weaknes s :( and stuff he IS SO FUNNY !!!! NO KNE TALKS ABOUT IT. HIS HUMOR IS THE KINDA PATHETIC THAT WILLL MAKE U LAUGH SM CUS ITS PATHETIC and . peter 1 has 3 movies lots of screentime and as i said lots of interaction with other superheroes lots of plot lots of stuff happening to him lots of trauma lots of character development. but still for me at leastz petee 3 js. overshadows him? cus hes got js 2 fucking movies but hes so perfectly funny and traumatised and happy and sad and angry in that limited amount of thing without it feeling extra or obnoxious and like how do u not see jes the best????? like theres a guy who has an assignment of 20 pages and 7 days to do it and thwres another guy with the same assignment with only 2 days to do it but the seconf guys assignment turns out to be better and ppl r shocked when i cal him the best?? im not saying tom isn't thafs why i said hes the most interestign cus as i said He has sm sm sm sm sm character development i love it so mucj like we get to see him with this girl whos lowk weird and he has. crush on another girl but girls fsther tries to kill him send s him to jail and then he starts falling for first girl and he alao haa bsf who is guy . chair and hes in love witb the girl bit its awkward cus suddenly they apparently died for 5 yrs and came back to life then his real dad died and he goes to trip to be happy but thees jealousy jeaosy and random guy with fishbowl helmet and super storong element villains and nick furu is not rea ans hes scared and his love finds out hes spidey and they save the world tgt aND THEY KISS !!!!!!!! also he becomes thor/captain in middle but then later fickingg bald ass jj tells everyone who he is and now hes gotta do smth about it and eveyone almost dies and then there's ppl form diff unieerse and theres Him from diff univers????? and aunty may dies :( and hes sad and angry bit his bros got his back and MJ ALMOST DIES WHAT THEFUCK WAS THAT MARVEL WHY WUD U DO THAT TO MG POOR BABY PETEE 3 and amyway hes murderous but doesnt kill and them self sacrifice and love ob hisblife and bsf forget who he is !!! do u see how much is happening this is all so interesting its sooooo aweome i love him thats why i said whag i said i must stop now thsnk u meow bueyeey
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howdyfriend · 2 years
i am free from the road once more so i will answer ur ask now :)
Im going to talk about Anya and Celeste’s world itself first though so i can get into more character specific stuff.
Since they are super cool supervillains, they gotta have powers right? In this world, magic mostly genetic. There are alternative magics, think like potions and shit, but its weaker and more finicky. The most worthwhile magic is passed down from parent to child. It works like regular genetics, some powers are more dominant than others, generations can be skipped, etc. Anya got her powers from some distant aunt, and most of her close family does not have magic, save her cousin. Celeste’s family have had very strong, dominant magic, so she and her siblings all have their fathers magic. Magic is influenced by where and how your ancestors lived, Anya’s ancestors lived near water, so she has water magic. Celeste’s ancestors were the ones who would keep night watch, and as such has darkness and shadowy related powers. Not everyone has powers, and over time the number and diversity of people who can use magic has gone down.
Anyways Character Time Yay
Celeste grew up super rich. Like uber mega crazy rich. Not Jeff bezos kinda rich but really fucking rich. Eldest of four children, she grew up expected to bear the family name, business, and riches when her father dies. As such, a lot of pressure was put on to her. Everything was chosen for her. Every extracurricular, every class, even her outfits were planned ahead. She was allowed no individuality. She was the heir, designed to be a carbon copy of her father.
You could imagine how terrified she was when she realized she was trans.
She knew she couldn’t come out. While she didn’t like how she lived, it was better than the streets. So, for years, she sat on this revelation, growing more and more uncomfortable and angry at everything. She would reach out for support and be dismissed, restrictions for her behaviour were getting tighter, and the dysphoria was becoming overwhelming. That is until she saw the perfect chance to end all of this.
Her father had just wrote his will. One day, she went into his office to ask a question and saw it lying out on his desk. He had named her both sole heir and power of attorney to his estate, and knew that this was her chance to get out of all of this. Despite her increasing restrictions on her movement, she was able to secure enough cash from around the house to hire a hitman. No paper trail was left behind. Everyone in that house died that day, and she inherited huge money.
Anya grew up in a standard, suburban home. White picket fences, oak trees with tire swings, garages with suvs and minivans. Her childhood was ordinary at best. Despite a lack of expertise in the area, her parents managed her magic well and her abilities developed nicely. It wasn’t until middle school until things went wrong. She had been pestered by a small pack of bullies for a while, but had recently started escalating their behaviour. So she fought back. Small things at first, directing tap water back at their faces, causing clouds to pour rain down onto them, innocuous things like that. Over the course of middle school and high school she was starting to get fed up with the increasingly agressive attacks from her bullies, when it all came to a head on the night of her graduation when they tried to drop the stage lights onto her. She was a theatre kid though, and was able to get out of the way fast enough to not get crushed. In a fit of rage for ruining her moment in the spotlight (which they just tried to kill her with) she lost control over her powers, sucking every ounce of water out of their bodies. Feeling the adrenaline rush, she let herself go completely, savouring the power she felt. Eventually though, she stopped, and realizing the damage she caused, ran away.
She wasnt going to let up on that feeling of power though. Not a chance. After honing her newfound power on the local wildlife, she packed her bags and started life anew in a different country, becoming a hit man. One night she was approached by a young man seeking to inherit his fathers wealth. He knew he would be caught if he was the killer, so saught out her instead. He asked to frame it as a home invasion, as not only would he pay her in cash but in whatever valueables she wanted from his home. She took the deal, and got to work. After everything was said and done, they parted ways, Anya using her extra wealth to fund a far more lavish lifestyle. This lifestyle lead her to a house party, where she would meet an awfully familiar face.
Anyways they get together and decide “fuck it lets just cause problems on purpose” and become supervillains the end.
and for andy i have something planned for him ;) its fun dont worry :)
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reliving-elegy · 1 year
Another First Friend
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[Alone in the void, Keane attempts to communicate with dormant Kerykeion.
What he knows is what we know, save for one crucial detail that I cannot produce for you.
What instructions Keane has been given- why only he has chosen this path for himself- is forbidden from my voice.
I pray you might know the secret already, listener.]
"...When's the last time you spoke of life... and meant what you said?"
"That it's something to embrace, observe and reflect upon?"
"If the world were like that... why are we so keen to turn away when the we see all the ugly parts of it?"
"Oh... haha. Synonyms funny."
"Don't dodge the point! I'm being serious here!"
"...Sorta. Kinda serious. Like, serious enough."
"Awww- just- stop being picky and answer the question!"
"...You, uh... right. Can't talk. That's cool. That's ok. I get it. I don't like to talk about any of this neither... err, either! Wow, that's... rare."
"It is! I might say things that are dumb or pointless, but at least I phrase 'em properly. That's... a typo. With my face. A, uh..."
"Slip of the tongue?... No. That's- that's more like a 'blurt' or a 'burst'. What's a mistake but for... grammar?"
"No, not just a grammar mistake! There's gotta be a word for it around here somewhere. Finding it is... a little hard, but it's there."
"...Ok, I'm 90% certain it's there. Sue me."
"Oh, 'sue'. Do you... uh.... know what that word means?"
"It's... law stuff. I don't know if you'd wanna get into that right now since we're... busy. Kind've."
"Talking to each other. Busy talking. To each other."
"Not alone."
Not alone.
".... Not alone. That's... that's...."
"Close!! Refreshing?"
"....Too far? Too far. Sorry."
"Right! No apologies. Sorry- I mean- DAMN IT- SORRY- FUCK."
"Language... toning it down. Keeping it civil. Where were we?"
Grammar mistake.
"Yes! Word for that is... is...."
There is none.
"....No word for... grammar mistake in speech? Nothing?"
"...Could... could I make one?"
You could not.
"Why not?"
Language requires two- one to speak, and one to listen.
"....Oh!!! You mean I can't! Of course not, you're right, you're right. We would have to make it."
"I mean, if you want to."
I cannot.
"...Cannot... cannot what?"
I cannot want.
"....Could we... do it anyway?"
"...Stupid idea. I should've figured; that's... that's on me."
"Wait, no?"
"No... so.... can't want... not stupid... or not on me...... alright.... alright."
Keane struggles with noises for a while until landing on a particularly strange-sounding syllable.
The silence listens closely.
"A grammar mistake. A furp."
"That's the word now. Deciding it!"
Keane waves free hand into the void.
"Furp! A grammar mistake!"
A grammar mistake... is a furp.
"Right! That sounds like a thing that could be a word."
It is a word.
"Yeah, yeah, you get it!"
Furp is a word. You made a word.
"And it wasn't even that hard!"
"...I made a furp. Oh, that'll be fun!"
Keane giggles quietly.
The silence smiles.
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chidoroki · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers S2EP1
aka: the boys are back in town ♫
Oh thank god we're picking up right where season one left off with no recap in sight. Exactly what I wanna see!
 Who the hell was quick enough to beat Kisaki up and save Takemichi when the lights went out huh?
This place at the side of the river where Takemichi is now.. I vaguely recognize it from some of the season’s previews.
BAJI???? I.. what? WHAT? Sir you died in this timeline didn’t you? They were just talking about you and how Kisaki apologized for it!
Wait, did they ever mention last episode that Baji was actually dead..? Okay yeah, looking back they did mention he died on Halloween. So.. I’m still confused on how he’s here now apparently? Unless that ain’t even him and I’m rambling for nothing. I dunno, I screamed and paused when this guy showed up.
Real talk though, I know how the series ends. There was a lot of chatter when the last couple chapters were being released, so naturally, I got curious and read the last three and yeah.. kinda disappointing how fucking quick everything was resolved and ended (I feel your pain, TPN did the same), but at least we’re all happy? I guess? Anyway I’ll shut up now. I know little to nothing of everything that happened in between last season and the very end.
Ohhh shit, it was Kazutora who saved him! I wished I would’ve recognized his voice more.. that would’ve helped. I love that he still has that little bell earring.
Okay well never the fuck mind then, now he’s beating up Takemichi.
Hold up, he wanted to save Chifuyu? Mmhhm okay, good. Good. I wish you did save my boy. I’m starting to warm up to you now.
Aww but he was there to pick Kazutora up when he was released from prison! Best boy!
Yeah Toman has really got batshit crazy. Y’all gotta fix that.
Ah cmon, Pah and Peh were murdered last night too? I’m trying to think who else at that table was part of the old Toman since they’re getting targeted apparently.. the dude that always smiles and the guy with the blue hair with the swirl I think (it’s been a long while, I’ll remember names eventually). And Hanma too, but he wasn’t originally Toman.
Oh, speak of the devil, there’s the blue haired guy. And these other two guys from Black Dragon I remember from last season and recognize from previews. Three of ‘em working close under Kisaki? Oh dear..
Good, so Naoto is alive, just who knows where.
Ah, there he is.. and he’s handcuffing Takemichi. Alrighty. So much for a touching reunion.
Oh even Kazutora was blindsided by this, oops.
Every time the episode fades to black I’m expecting to see the new OP and every time I get nothing! Ah! Stop teasing me.
Damn dude, Takemichi really changes when he moves between timelines huh? That video of him was totally unlike our crybaby.
Ah fuck, so he’s the one who gave Akkun the order to kill Hinata?
Okay so he didn’t know that it was her who was gonna be killed, the second video proved that, but still. How do ya go back in time to fix that when you’re sorta the problem? I mean, can’t we all just agree to kill Kisaki? Yeah? No? Okay.
“I can only go back to today 12 years ago! There’s no way I can save him [Baji]!” If I didn’t know how it all ended, I would’ve been far more upset with this.
“Tetta Kisaki clearly has some obsession with you and my sister.” I think I know the reason via my many random glances at the manga but not completely sure..? But if it’s for the reason I think, then he’s so dramatic.
Oooh back to the past and we’re on a bowling date with our lady. Not only that but he got three strikes? Nice going lad!
Oh my god, the way she tossed the ball was adorable.
Ah great, the blue haired guy got a strike in the lane right next to us. Hakkai is his name right? Pretty sure he’s already part of Toman at this point. I know I’ve seen him in previous fights.
And that was his sister off to the side too right? Only know that ‘cause I had tagged her in stuff already.
Aahh Chifuyu! So happy to see you even if only in the ending! (for now).
So many names I gotta go back and remember, oh boy.
There’s our tall guy Hanma! Ngl I’m kinda excited to see more of him? I dunno what changed in me since season one but yeah, went back and watched a few of his scenes again and I like him.
Those white jackets I thought were from Valhalla but these ones got “Tokyo Kai” on ‘em, so are we switching? Because honestly I loved that style of bomber jacket more than the black Toman ones. Not really sure though, since a bunch of other scenes have the originals.
Ending sequence and the song were nice though.
Well now, lot to take in from the first ep but so glad to see everyone again!
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bugtownthepodcast · 1 year
Transcript for the episode under the cut
Bug: Okay, Bug, you've got this. How does this thing work?
Multiple Clicks, clunking sounds etc.
Bug: Come on, you stupid thing, work! Why won't-
Bug: Oh. It's... already recording. Stupid. Let's try this again.
Bug (in fake-cheerful voice): Hi everyone! My name is Bug Whitlock. My pronouns are they/them... I think. Today is my eighteenth birthday. Yay!
Bug (in their normal voice): God, that sounds awful.
Bug: Hi, I'm Bug. Errr... as of today, I am eighteen. I have black hair and brown eyes. I moved into my new flat today, where I found this super-old tape recorder and decided to find out if it works, because why not. Also, journaling is supposedly good for your mental health or something, so... yeah.
A short pause
Bug: Man, this is stupid. I mean, it's not like anyone is going to hear this, so what's the point of it anyway. Just... talk into a recorder?
Bug: Ah, forget it.
Bug: Okay, so this might sound stupid, but I feel like I should finish this entry at least. So, what did I do today? I spent about six hours on the train ride here, then I got lost multiple times, since Pottersburgh is a pretty city, but also one that's quite difficult to navigate. I spent about five minutes just (chuckles) standing in front of my landlords apartment and contemplating all of my life choices leading up to this point, before I went in and got the key to this apartment. Then I started unpacking my stuff, before I found the recorder... Yeah, that's about it.
Short silence.
Bug: I have a bit of money saved up, but since I'll need groceries and stuff, I'll only be able to pay the rent for about... two months? So I, er, have to find a job fast, otherwise I'd have to go back. And we don't want that!
A small laugh that sounds more desperate than amused
Bug: Shit, this whole thing was a terrible decision. Maybe if I'd just stayed, I- it-
A short pause
Bug: Wait. What was that?
Distant voices
Bug: I thought the other flat was empty, but someone is yelling. I- I can't quite make it out, but something about... rats? And... about children.
The voices continue, before staying quiet.
Bug: It stopped. I should- I should probably go investigate to make sure that everyone's okay and stuff.
Short Silence.
Bug: But... what if it's just the tv? I don't know the situation and I don't wanna be intruding or annoying, I just moved in, I...
But if someone's in danger, and I do nothing-
Short pause
Bug: Wait here a minute.
They snort.
Bug: I'm talking to a recorder like it's a person. That's, like, super weird.
A short pause.
Bug: Wait a minute.
Bug (in a shaky voice): Okay, so... I went downstairs and knocked. I was kinda worried that I'd be intruding in some personal stuff, but nobody answered. So I knocked again, no answer. But then I noticed that the door wasn't locked and I opened it, looked inside and...
They gulp.
Bug: Nothing. It was dusty, like really dusty. Nobody has been there for at least ten years, and there was certainly no one there a few minutes ago, or there would've been footprints. I went through the whole apartment, it has the same layout as mine. Absolutely nothing, except for dust and dead flies. But I heard a voice just now, it's gotta be on the recording.
A shaky laugh
Bug: I mean, there's gotta be a rational explanation. It's just... not possible, right? Maybe I misheard and it's actually a noise that came from the next house. Or... maybe I fell asleep for a second. It's nothing. Probably.
A pause.
Bug: I'm just... scared. Because I mean- I need this to work. 'Cause if it doesn't, then all that secret planning, all that money I saved, then that would have been for nothing. And I would have to go back home. And I just...
A sob.
Bug: I thought that if I just got here everything would be okay, but it's not. I'm scared, and alone, and now I'm apparently hallucinating voices. That are talking about rats, of all things. Why am I even still talking into this thing? I am sitting on the floor and I am narrating my feelings into an old-timey recorder that doesn't even belong to me. Look at me, I'm Bug Whitlock and I'm unable to do anything without feeling sorry for myself , apparently.
A pause
Bug: Focus on the good things, Bug. I am in my new home. I have some money saved up, not much, but it's there. If everything went according to plan, my parents have no idea where I am right now. I am a legal adult who can make their own decisions. I am not at my parents house anymore. Deep breaths. Deep breaths, Bug.
They sigh.
Bug: It's getting late, I should probably go to bed. This won't lead to anything.
Silence, then knocking.
Bug: Who the-
Rustling, then a click.
Bug: Okay, so... this dude just knocked. He said that his name was Jay and that he lived in the apartment above mine. He'd seen that I just moved in and wanted to bring me some risotto he made. He also had a really cool cane, it had birds and stuff all around.
Bug: I'm actually kind of getting emotional over this right now. It's just... really nice, you know? I mean, he doesn't even know me. It just means a lot.
A short pause.
Bug: Also, this risotto smells, like, really good. I mean, yeah, you can't really tell, since this is a recording, but this snell is heavenly, it's like paradise for tastebuds. Man, Jay really knows how to make risotto. I owe him my life.
Short pause
Bug: Also, I just realized that I haven't eaten anything today. Errr, so... that's not good.
They laugh nervously.
Bug: I didn't really drink anything either. No wonder I'm such a wreck today.
A short pause
Bug: I'm going to eat the risotto now and then I'll go to sleep. I'll have to go grocery shopping tomorrow, since I don't have any food right now or furniture- I'm literally sleeping in a sleeping bag in the middle of my living room. But I hope to change that as soon as I'm earning a bit of money. Finding a job is... also on my to-do list, heh.
A short pause
Bug: Well, then, good night. I'll try to make another entry tomorrow. Bye!
Bug: Me again, half an hour later. I think I might've found something.
The sound of paper rustling
Bug: So, when I searched the empty apartment earlier, I found a piece of paper that was completely crumpled up. I didn't think it was important, but I took it with me anyway. I just looked at it, and it's a list of names, adresses and ages. All of them children. One is five years old, one is seven, one's ten... And then- here- the date of their dissappearance. The oldest one is about a year ago, and the newest one is... the twenty-first of june. In fourteen days. What does this mean? Is this... the calendar of a serial kidnapper?
A short pause
Bug: What did I get myself into?
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autonoes · 1 year
so there is a situation. no one has to read this bc it’s probably gonna be pretty much incoherent and i’m just tryna think things thru. (self harm and suicide mention)
me and two other guys have been friends for like 13yrs or smth. let’s call them friends A and B ok. friend A is like the sweetest man ever but a v passive and anxious guy, v bad at making decisions and just coasts thru life and gets pushed around. he’s had this sorta older gf (early 30s i think) for like 2 yrs. she is basically a surrogate mum for him (drives him around, tells him what to do, gives him a place to live blah blah). it’s a bit creepy but ok. she has been up front since day 1 that she wants babies. loads of babies. friend A has somehow skirted around the issue and put it off for years now. he is NOT ready to be a dad and he says this openly—but not to her. she has an unstable visa and work situation and quite bad anxiety/depression. A’s mum gets on suuper well with girlfriend and wants them to get married and have kids asap
enter friend B. friends A and B have this mutual friend. friend A opened up to this mutual guy and told him that things were kinda fucked up between him and gf. main thing is that she’s self-harming and friend A feels like he needs to protect her. this has made him super isolated cos he can’t stay away from her at all without her calling and texting constantly asking him to come home. mutual friend tells friend B all this out of concern for friend A, and tells him to tell me too. friend B starts messaging me abt how we need to step in and do something (i’m at the other end of the country at this time). he’s even considering telling friend A’s mum so that she will swoop in and save him. at this time i was under the impression that girlfriend was threatening friend A with self harm and suicide. so i was like that’s abusive as fuck. u gotta talk to him. so friend B meets up with friend A. but he brings that mutual friend guy AND some other dude we all know from school who knows nothing about all this??? and he totally fumbles it and doesn’t even mention anything. very annoying but ok. i’ll just do it
anyway so now i’m back in the same part of the country as them all. and i’m gonna talk to friend A. i meet up with friend B and try to get more info out of him and he tells me that yes there IS a self harm element but now he doesn’t know whether it’s being used as a threat or not. so this makes everything waay more complicated and throws it all into veeery sensitive gray area.
anyway i’m meeting up with friend A tomorrow and idk how exactly i’m gonna approach this. bc i’m not even meant to know ANY of this rly. like it’s v sensitive and confidential info that he gave to a totally different guy and which has now passed two hands to get to me. so idk whether it’s best to pretend like i don’t know anything and just coax the same info out of him so we can talk abt it. or whether i should be up front and say i heard some stuff i’m concerned abt and ask him to give me his perspective on it all…. i don’t mind talking to him abt this. i feel like i might be able to come at it on his level bc i have had some experience w this kind of thing in a relationship before (tho when much younger and a lot less messy) and i know how it can fuck ur head up.
it’s all a mess tbh. i’m gonna stop thinking abt it and just talk to him and take it as it comes. i am worried abt him. either he stays w her and leads her on even more abt having kids til she goes completely mad and dumps him. or he does have kids (not good situation). orr he actually takes a stand for once and tells her he does not want children and they split. this is probably the ‘best’ situation but it would be very hard for him and for more reasons that i cannot explain might end up very badly for him….. aaagggggh. v upsetting. i hope he will be ok
omg this is long and incoherent. sorry if u read all this
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dameronology · 2 years
I’ve been dying for a pov where fem!reader is the one that dives in the lake and gets attacked but the demo bats and Eddie being the protective boyfriend he would be would immediately jump in and save you then panic when he sees what they did to you 🫶
oh my goshhh yes the angst (also apologies for how long this took me to write work has been kicking my butt)
once again i went off on an absolute tangent w this lmao i kinda delved into the stuff a little before batgate too hope u don't mind i just LIVE for protective eddie ngl
warnings: language, mentions of injury
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eddie munson, as he has proclaimed several times, tends to run from things. he ran from most of his homework in 1984 hence why he's now a super senior; he ran from jason carver in the eighth grade when he stole his animal crackers and he ran, rather ironically, from the gym teacher last week when she chased him from underneath the bleachers with a half-smoked blunt in his hand
he even tried to run from his feelings for you at first. it was mostly fear because you're golden as fuck and the best thing that ever happened to him and honestly he was just scared of hurting you
but this is eddie munson we're talking about, who regularly trips over his own fuckin shoe laces. even in a metaphorical sense, because whilst sprinting from said feelings he skidded and fell on his ass for you and realised that actually, letting himself fall in love with you wasn't the worst thing in the world
that was two years ago & now you're eddie's entire fucking heart. he might feel a bit lost about the future sometimes but he knows it's gonna be ok when you're by his side
getting tangled up in all the upside down shit was beyond what either of you could have ever imagined; honestly his reaction at first was to run, but he knew as you & the others came after him, he didn't have to anymore
you stayed with him at reefer rick's from the second you found him; half because he was a wreck and needed you there, but also because people are dying left, right and center, and he is hellbent on keeping an eye on you
eddie is glued to your hip the entire time. he's clingy at the best of times but now, he won't sleep without both his arms wrapped tightly around you and he wakes up periodically in the night to check on you
and despite the fact he's arguably more traumatised by this entire thing, eddie is constantly asking if you're ok; asking about how you're doing with recent revelations and putting on a brave face to hide his own worries
everything becomes a lot more real when you have to go out with steve, robin & nancy to find the gate. you're both kind of involved now, right? and you're deadset on proving ed's innocence so you're gonna find this fucking monster
eddie doesn't like the idea of you coming with them and getting hurt. he likes the idea of leaving you on shore even less. sometimes you gotta pick the lesser of two evils
it's like you were gonna listen to him anyways. eddie has never been able to tell you what to do
so you get in the boat with them; eddie takes the seat beside you, large hand protectively spread out on your thigh and dark eyes scouring the water ahead of you for any danger
when the compass starts going wonky with a capital "aah!" you're kinda over the whole thing and before anyone can stop you, you've lost your shoes and jacket and you're jumping in the lake
you're too quick for anyone to stop you
eddie is less then pleased when you resurface a few minutes later, announcing that you've found the gate
"why would you do that?! are you fucking insane?! why?!"
before you can argue, you're being dragged back under
even though eddie had said before that he was only brave when it came to d&d, he's diving in right after you. shoes on, jacket on, he doesn't give a shit
an unambiguous sign of true love indeed
he goes down and down after you, not really caring if the other three follow you (they do btw once they all have a moment of "what a chaotic couple")
eddie is basically kicking his way through the gate, blindly beating the shit out of every demobat he's seeing
because like HELL are they gonna get away with hurting you
he's blinded by pure, white rage really. also a little bit of fear, but that just manifests itself in said rage
eventually, when you're finally free of the bats' grip on you, eddie is on his knees by your side, one large hand holding your head and the other checking your pulse
"please tell me you're alive. jesus christ, please say you're alive because if you're not i'm going to-"
"- i'm alive!" you manage to cough out, "just about"
he's taking you in his arms in seconds, pulling you gently into his chest and holding you there, calling you a dumbass and a fucking idiot but one that he loves so fucking much it hurts me right now
robin & steve take a step back for a moment, but nancy - being nancy - is proactive, tearing up her jumper and wrapping it around the wound on your side
eddie sheds his leather jacket, wrapping it tightly around your shoulders
the entire time that you're walking through the upside down, he's got an arm around your waist and one hand holding where your cut is in order to keep pressure on it
and he lets you ride the back of his bike !! no way in hell is he making you cycle in your condition
whilst the other three are communicating with dustin & erica, eddie is ransacking the upside edition™️ of his trailer for any medical supplies
of course there are none but it's sweet that he tries
he insists on going through the gate first so that you don't have to just land straight on the mattress
even though he falls flat on his ass, he manages to catch you
eddie munson will always be there to catch you
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chronic-boogara · 2 years
𝕎𝕖 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕨𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕤
part five or maybe six of my woobification of slashers “series”. i’m happy that some of y’all are enjoying this as much as i am. anyways enjoy another lil ficlet with my second fave scream boy
valentine’s day was the most pointless holiday of the year and y/n comes along to change that.
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“we should totally cut today dude..i’m so tired of all this “love is in the air bullshit”. it makes me sick to my stomach”. stu said, gagging as a happy couple walked past
billy shut his locker , considering his options for a moment.
on one hand he could skip the day with stu and cause havoc in town with his best friend or he could stay in school and suffer another six hours of the same old shit accompanied by his insufferable peers.
“you gotta point…we can leave through the first floor bathroom window”.
he grinned and gave him a thumbs up. “see you in ten buddy”. and with that he was gone , most likely to go retrieve some hidden liquor or weed.
billy sighed. he really needed to get drunk or high. hell today was a holiday for gods sake,he deserved both. he smiled to himself thinking about all the fun he’d have once he left this prison.
and that’s when he felt someone tap his shoulder.
“um..excuse me”..
he was met with probably the most beautiful human being he had ever seen. he’d swear his heart actually stopped beating in his chest. if it were a movie he’d have hearts for eyes or something corny like that.
but this was real life. and he was billy loomis , infamous at his highschool for being a bad ass.
in an attempt to play it cool and act like he wasn’t absolutely awestruck he gave her an uninterested look. “yeah”?
“i don’t think you remember but umm..you beat up that boy who was harassing me and all. it was like a whole year ago now but i..” she trailed off, obviously intimidated by his gaze.
he wasn’t sure how he had forgotten someone so beautiful but he nodded at her. “and youuu…? you don’t have to be shy around me”.
“my name is y/n and well i wanted to properly thank you so i made you a card and got you some roses…your friend stu said you are into dark stuff so it’s all black and grey and white”. she continued, giving him an envelope with his name beautifully written as well as six black roses tied together with a fancy looking bow.
“it’s kinda stupid i know but..ya know it’s just…”. her voice trailed off again and her gaze fell to her feet. “you really saved my life so i wanted to return the favor kinda”.
billy was taken aback. no one had ever done something so kind for him.
“wow..thank you so much”. he eventually said, gripping the roses tightly. if he wasn’t carful he might start to cry. “this was..like super cool of you”.
he felt like a dork but he was at a loss for words.
she looked so happy at these words. her smile lit up the entire hallway. “i’m so relieved you like them. black roses are so hard to find this time of year and making the perfect card took foooorrrreverrr”.
billy started to zone out mesmerized by how pretty this girl really was. he wasn’t sure how he had never noticed her before, honestly he forgot most of the events of the incident she was talking about.
“class is starting soon so i should probably go...don’t be a stranger kay”? she waved goodbye and turned on her heel.
“wait a second”! billy grabbed her wrist and yanked her towards him. unessarily rough as he was he needed to grab her attention.
“today is friday after all..would you maybe want to play hookey for a day ? it’ll just be me and you well and stu but we can ditch him if you want. it’ll be like a valentine’s day hang out sort of”. billy had never sounded so awkward and flustered in his life. how was she doing this to him? was he about to ditch stu for a girl?
“i have classes to go to though. my mother would totally kill me if she found out i skipped the entire day”.
he gave her a pleading look, “just this once..please. i promise it’ll be fun, consider it part of your gift to me”. gesturing towards the items in his hands.
he felt so stupid saying something like that. it sounded as if he was increasingly desperate to get her to stay. which he was but it was not supposed to be this obvious.
with a sigh she nodded. who was she to say no to a cute boy asking to spend time with her on the most romantic day of the year? “you know what..yeah i’ll go with you..i’m sure it’ll be fun”.
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