#and it makes a neat thing where those skills freely manipulate the clock to set up for the damaging skills
dravidious · 11 months
You're quite neat
General idea for a turn-based combat system that I thought about like 3 years ago and never wrote down: There's an "element clock" that has like 3-6 slots on it that store elements. When you use an elemental skill, the element in the currently active slot affects it; if you use a fire skill, then having fire in the slot boosts it, water weakens it, and grass also boosts it probably more than fire idk. Then the active element turns into fire, then the clock rotates to the next slot, so the fire element that you put in will come back around in like 3-6 turns. The clock may or may not rotate when a non-elemental skill is used, or maybe there are no non-elemental skills, idk. Anyway the idea is for it to encourage you to plan ahead and improvise and consider the enemy's abilities and attack patterns.
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Valentine’s Day Countdown: Day 4
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Valentine’s Day Countdown Collection
Day 4 of my Valentine’s Day Fanfic Countdown. If you’re interested in seeing your story/ship get written by me, found out more here!
So, without any further ado, here are the two requests that made today’s cut:
1) Loki Laufeyson x Reader 2) College!Peter Parker x Reader
Anonymous asked green-eyeddragonfanfiction: For your valentine thingymajig(i like this word)  Can you do a reader x loki where the reader has infiltrated the avengers compound as an avenger but she's (could be he as well i dont really care). The avengers find out and get all butt-hurt but loki believes in her and hes the first to trust her again. Also whats the difference between an imagine, a one-shot, and a drabble?
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader Warnings: swearing, angst, betrayal Word Count: ~1,163 A/N: yasss Loki. Also, sorry for the delay on these. I made poor life decisions yesterday.
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One year, three months, sixteen days, ten hours, thirty-five minutes, and four seconds.
That’s how long it took Earth’s mightiest heroes to realize you weren’t all you appeared to be.
Even with all of Stark’s money and a few of the best spies this world had ever seen, it took them months to sniff you out.
Which is why you now found yourself in a high-security cell in the basement of the Avengers compound in upstate New York.
“Just tell us who sent you, (Y/N).”
The Captain’s voice drew you from your reverie. You stared at those piercing blue eyes through the thick wall of glass. All traces of the shy, kind man you’d come to know were replaced by the cold, hard exterior of Captain America. Still, he didn’t have what it took to break you.
The red head next to him... she might be a different story.
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” you muttered, turning away from them on the rock-like cot in your room. Everything was a sterile white that already had you itching to punch something. Too clean. Too neat.
“Just tell us what we need to know, (Y/N). This doesn’t have to end this way,” Natasha said persuasively, voice as smooth as silk.
As though she wouldn’t slit your throat the second you looked at Steve sideways now.
Can’t tell you. Too dangerous. They’ll kill you. Tear you all to pieces... go through anyone to get to you.
When you didn’t speak- or even move- Steve let out a long sigh. “C’mon, Nat. We’re wasting our time here,” Steve said coldly. You could imagine the disappointed, betrayed look on his face in crystal-clear detail. It made your heart plummet to your stomach.
You weren’t supposed to develop feelings for your marks, but this ragtag group of idiots had grown on you like no other. Eventually, you realized you hated deceiving them. You wanted to stop. Wanted them to find you out so you could stop the charade.
Catch me. I can’t stop. They won’t let me. Catch me. Lock me away where the sun doesn’t shine. I can’t keep doing this.
“Well... you look like shit.”
You went still. You knew that voice nearly as well as your own.
“What do you want, Loki?” you asked, trying to sound as detached as possible. Getting close to Loki hadn’t been part of your plan. He was dangerous. Deadly.
And had enough suspicion surrounding him that he’d cast doubt on any near him, too.
That didn’t stop you from falling in love with him, though. He was a complicated man with enough twists and turns in his soul to keep your guessing for the rest of your life.
You liked it. He was adventure, wild and dangerous. A promise of fun and mischief. Simple in his complexity.
Not bad on the eyes, either.
“Why did you do it?” he asked, sounding nothing more than politely curious.
You snorted. “You don’t have any right to judge me,” you said scathingly.
Run. Away from me. Go. Before you make things worse for yourself.
You could practically see him regarding you as he thought. “No, I suppose I don’t... and I’m not. But I am curious.”
You spun to face him, unable to keep your composure any longer. “What do you want me to say, Loki? That I’m sorry? That I didn’t mean it? That it’s all some big misunderstanding? Well, I’m not going to fucking say it. Any of it,” you spat. He didn’t so much as twitch.
His next words made your breath catch in your throat. “What of us, then? Was that all a lie, too?” he asked, regarding you coolly. He was so deathly still that you knew he was struggling with his emotions.
You set your jaw and took a deep breath which you exhaled through your nose. “You don’t mean anything to me, Loki. You never did. I was just using you to throw suspicion off of myself,” you said as you glared at him.
It felt like you were being stabbed in the heart as you spoke. Your mind was racing.
Buy it. Believe it. Don’t attach yourself to me. Not when you’re just beginning to build bridges with everyone else. Save yourself like you always do, you fool.
There, in the back of your mind, was a smaller voice, I love you. Please, don’t leave me alone. Please. I beg of you.
You turned away and pulled your knees to your chest. “Goodbye, Loki. Don’t come back. I don’t want to see your face again.”
You didn’t hear him leave, but he was always a quiet one. Moving around undetected by even Natasha and Bucky seemed to be a special skill of his. You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and check; the sight of the room on the other side of the glass being empty where just a moment before Loki had been... now that might break you.
So when a pair of lean muscular arms wrapped themselves around your waist, you couldn’t help the sob that escaped your chest.
“Please don’t lie to me, love...” he murmured, breath tickling your ear. You leaned back into his chest and let the tears flow down your cheeks. It was all too much, and you felt your resolve crumble away in that instant.
“I’m sorry, Loki. I’m so sorry. Please... please, I can’t- I can’t lose you. Not you,” you choked out between hiccuping sobs.
He ran his fingers through your hair and placed a kiss to your temple. “I’m not going anywhere, Dove,” he whispered. At that, you managed to calm down a bit, although tears still flowed freely down your cheeks. “Please talk to us. Talk to me... so I can drive my knives through the hearts of anyone who’s ever tried to manipulate or hurt you,” he said, voice somehow both endearing and deadly.
You snorted and wiped your tears from your face before you turned to him. You were wearing an amused smile and the sight made the corners of Loki’s own lips turn upwards. “I love you, Loki Laufeyson. And that’s the truth,” you whispered as you rested your forehead against his and ran your fingers through his long black hair.
His bright grey eyes locked onto you, sparkling with mischief and emotion as he spoke. “I love you, too. And if you ever tell anyone how sappy you make me, I’ll be forced to kill you to save face,” he joked.
You let out a short huff of laughter which he shared, a deep rumble of a chuckle in his chest. “Duly noted, my God of Mischief.”
His grin turned a little more feral and you felt a thrill of anticipation run through you. “I do so love when you call me that.”
“God of Mischief?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He truly was one for all the pomp and circumstance.
He smiled and shook his head. “Yours.”
sheerioasteroidpanda said to green-eyeddragonfanfiction: Okay so, for your valentines day thingy Could you do a College! Peter Parker x Reader and it be fluffy af Like maybe reader is super close to Bucky (like shes constantly hugging him and makes him give her piggy back rides idk) and Peter thinks that they are actually dating but then Bucky asks if she has plans for Valentines and reader gets all sad because she doesn't and Peter panics and asks her out in front of Bucky. IDK I just love you and I feel like Spidy doesn't get enough love sometimes
Pairing: College!Peter Parker x Reader Warnings: None... I think. Word Count: ~1,337 A/N: Obviously an AU a few years in the future where Peter is in college and therefore 18+
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Peter watched as you passed through the kitchen in a whirlwind, grabbing food and coffee while juggling your backpack and coat. His homework lay forgotten on the table in front of him, too distracted by your very presence to bother giving it any attention.
“You should really sit down and eat, Doll,” Bucky said with a frown from his spot at the kitchen island. Beside him, Steve nodded in agreement.
You barely even flinched at the request as you shoved a piece of toast in your mouth. “Can’t, Buck. I’m late,” you said hurriedly. Peter frowned when you slung an arm around him and placed a kiss to his cheek before giving Steve a hug and dashing for the door.
You paused at the doorway and turned to look at Peter, whose heart immediately began thumping loudly in his chest at your sudden attention. “See you in class later, Peter?” you asked, giving him a tentative smile. Peter nodded eagerly, his voice having spontaneously left him the moment you looked at him. You smiled at him. “Cool.”
And then you ran out the door.
Bucky and Steve had watched the entire thing and when Peter finally looked back at them with a goofy grin on his face he felt himself pale dangerously at the look on Bucky’s face.
He looked murderous.
Which, for an assassin with a metal arm, meant he was absolutely fucking terrifying.
“I’m just gonna- I’ll go study in my room,” he said, quickly gathering his books up and making a hasty exit, books teetering dangerously in his arms.
“Bucky...” Peter heard Steve say chastizingly, but Peter practically ran to his room and didn’t overhear anything said between them after that.
The clock hit 12:50pm and your professor dismissed the class. You and Peter stood up and gathered your things, chatting absently as you moved. You made it out of the building and towards the parking lot slowly, enjoying each other’s company. Peter was sure if Bucky saw the two of you together he’d punch his lights out.
Finally, he asked that question he’d been dreading. Why he wanted to hurt himself like that was beyond him. “So... you have plans with Bucky later?”
You thought about it for a second and even pulled out your phone to check. “No... why?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Well, cause... cause it’s Valentine’s Day,” Peter said, gaze glued to the ground.
You sounded good and confused now. “What does that have to do with anything?”
Peter’s gaze flew upwards to your face, but he quickly looked away nervously. “Well, he’s your boyfriend, so-”
“What?” you stopped in your tracks, face unreadable.
“Bucky’s your boyfriend, so I’m sure you guys are doing something tonight... right?”
You stared blankly at him for a second before wordlessly pulling out your phone and typing something Peter couldn’t quite see without straining his neck quite obviously. You shoved your phone back into your pocket and looked up at him and Peter tried very hard to look like he hadn’t just been trying to sneak a peek at your phone.
“Peter, Bucky’s not my boyfriend,” you said, deadpan.
“What? But you always hug him and give him kisses and you used to ask him to give you piggy back rides and-”
“Peter,” you cut across him. He instantly snapped his mouth shut and stared at you in confusion. “Bucky’s not my boyfriend. He’s my grand uncle.”
Peter’s eyes widened comically and you had to bite back a laugh. “He- You- What?” he asked, flabbergasted.
You laughed at that. “My Grandma Rebecca is his sister. We’re family.”
Peter’s mouth opened and closed a few times and you made a mental note of how he looked like a fish out of water. “So... not dating?”
You made a face. “Ew. No. Even if we weren’t related he’s over a hundred years old. I mean even if you count biological years he’s still got like ten years on me.”
Peter frowned and looked at the ground. “Oh.”
You peered at him, head tilted slightly. “Why do you ask?”
Peter went beet red. “No reason.”
You paused before plastering a smile on your face. “Oh, alright then. Let’s get back to base, yeah? Before Tony sends Steve and Natasha after us.”
Peter nodded and avoided your gaze. After a moment, his head shot back up, confused expression on his face. “Hey, what did you send on your phone a minute ago?” he asked curiously.
The grin on your face reminded him violently of Natasha and the glint in your eyes reminded him of Bucky. “Oh, I told the group chat you thought Bucky was my boyfriend.”
Peter went tomato red again as he pulled out his phone. Sure enough, the group chat had exploded with messages and he saw quite a few witty, sarcastic ones from Tony, Clint, and Sam. He supposed it was a blessing Loki didn’t have a phone.
“Stupid. Coward. Idiot.” Peter thumped his head lightly against his desk with each word. He paused his berating of himself when he heard the scuffle outside his door.
“Buck, come on- you can’t just-”
But Steve’s protests apparently didn’t stop Bucky because a second later he kicked the door open, six feet of muscle and anger blocking the light from the hallway.
Peter gulped loudly. “Uh, hi, Sergeant Barnes. Captain Rogers. Can... can I help you?” he squeaked.
Bucky stalked forward and stopped barely and inch from Peter who’d reflexively stood up in case he had to defend himself. “Fix it,” Bucky spat.
“Wha- I don’t-”
“Fix it!” Bucky hissed again. This close, Peter could feel his breath on his face.
Steve sighed; Peter could just barely spot a broad shoulder and the top of Steve’s blond head past Bucky. “Bucky, you gotta use your words.”
Bucky took a deep breath and took a half step back. “She’s sad. (Y/N). I can’t fix it. Not this. Already tried. Grow a pair and ask her out,” he said, glaring down his nose at Peter.
“Wait, what? You... want me to ask her out?” he asked, utterly caught off guard.
Bucky scoffed. “Hell no. But you make her happy. I see the way you look at each other. I’m not blind.”
“She likes me?” Peter asked, the words sounding foreign in his mouth even though he’d been wishing for them to be true for months. Years, even.
“Go ask her yourself and find out, punk,” Bucky said as he crossed his arms.
Peter nodded, mind going a million miles per hour, and moved to step around Bucky’s large frame, but his metal hand shot out and stopped him in his tracks. “If you hurt her, I want you to know- in no uncertain terms- you’ll regret it. I won’t go into details. I don’t need to. Just know I’m a man of my word,” Bucky said darkly. Steve sighed and shook his head, burying his face in his hands in exasperation.
Peter gulped and nodded. “I understand, Sergeant Barnes, sir.”
Bucky gave him one last glance before he removed his hand and nodded. “Then go.”
Peter didn’t need to be told twice. He bolted from the room, eager to leave The Winter Soldier behind.
He found you in minutes, knowing the places you liked to frequent off the top of his head. When you saw him rush into the room you smiled, though one of your brows was lifted in confusion. Even from this far away, Peter could tell you’d been crying recently. Your eyes were still a little puffy and red.
“Hey, Peter... what’s up?” you asked casually.
“DoyouwannagoonadatewithmeforValentine’sDay?” he asked, words blurring together in his haste to get them out.
You stared at him blankly, nod understanding. “Sorry... what?”
“You. Me. Valentine’s Day?” he asked haltingly, finer speech eluding him under your gaze.
But you finally seemed to understand, wide grin lighting your face up; one Peter instantly found himself mimicking as his heart soared. “Yeah, Peter. I’d love to be your Valentine.”
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