#there's a chance. small. but a chance. that the conservatives dont even get enough seats to be the main opposition party
im-a-goat-in-disguise · 7 months
Who else looking forward to the Tories getting their dick smashed into a incoming train when the 2024 election rolls around
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simple-skarsgard · 7 years
Bad Day
Pairing:Bill x Reader Prompt: You have a bad day and Bill comforts you.
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Late. You were late. Not 5 minutes. Not even 20. You were an entire hour and a half late for work. Of course you blame yourself for not knowing better. That “Five more minutes” was never really just five more minutes.
As soon as you burst through the door of the restaurant you work in, you regretted coming to work at all. There was a line a mile long of customers- angry customers at that- waiting to be seated. Your co-worker, Anne, was scrambling to calm down the people scolding her and complaining about being hungry.
You shuffled past her as quickly as you could before you gave her the chance to stop you as if you had the time to lose.
After clocking in, you helped her get everyone seated and took orders as fast as you could. Time flew over your shoulder quickly since it was quite busy throughout the day. Your feet were starting to ache from all the ups and downs, going from table to table. There wasn’t a single moment to breathe but alas it would soon be 5 o'clock and you could go home to your husband.
Just as you were running to clock out, your boss pulled you out to the side.
“Hey, (Y/n), do you think you can cover a double shift? Veronica won’t be able to make it since she had to take her son to the hospital cause he got sick.”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” the words came out of your mouth before you could even process it.
“Thanks (Y/n),” your boss patted your shoulder sending you back in the direction of dining hall where yet another long 6 hours awaited you.
Walking out of work, you saw it was raining heavily. Of course this had to happen now. You loved the rain, but you hadnt remembered your jacket from how rushed you were in the morning. Much less remembered your umbrella.
A sigh passed your lips and you start digging through your purse trying to find your phone so you could call Bill and ask him to pick you up. After what seemed a minute too many, you figured you forgot your phone on your nightstand too.
A frustrated groan surfaced from the back of your throat and you began to walk through the rain. Your uniform heels clicking with every step on the concrete sidewalk.
Your arms wrapped around you in order to conserve any heat in your body, which was little to none considering you were drenched to the bone. Things could be worse, right?
A flash ripped through the sky and thunder boomed in the air, making you scream.
Son of a bitch. You hated thunder.
You were walking faster now and just as luck finally gave it’s dying breathes to you, your heel got caught in a gap in the side walk and broke ofd completely, sending you face first into a puddle.
You layed there on your stomach with an unamused face. Of course things could get worse. Of fucking course.
Another explosion of thunder was enough to send you up and right. Slipping off your good heel and what was left of the second, you shoved them into your purse and ran all the way home. If your feet weren’t hurting before, they sure were now.
Keys. Keys. Keys. Where were the fucking keys!?
Giving up on any hope and not caring that you would now have to wake your most-likely-sleeping-husband you began pounding on the door.
“Bill!” You slammed the flat of your palm on it repeatedly,“Bill! Open up please!!”
The door opened slowly and you shoved it open all the way, storming in and throwing your bag on the floor of the kitchen not even bothering to look at your husband.
You huff exasperatedly as you strip out of your clothes down to your underwear and leave the pile on the floor before you go to the kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine. Up to the verrrryyyyy brim.
You take a long drink of the cup before you violently place it back down on the counter and curse when some of it spills out onto the counter. You mutter a long string of curse words as your aggresively cleaning up the spill.
Bill all the while was leaning against the doorframe, messy hair in every direction, watching your every move with his arms crossed over his bare chest.
He had fallen asleep waiting for you to come home and would be lying if he wasn’t somewhat annoyed at the rude awakening. And even more annoyed that you ignored him entirely coming through the door. But something about the way you stripped out of your wet clothes in front of him, your frustration written all over your face and the way your wet hair was cascading over your shoulders, somehow made the rude awakening worth it.
Cmon. Seeing your wife in matching pink panties while she looked so angry? Was kind of a turn on… Okay, a major turn on.
He ran a hand through his hair and made his way to you, wrapping his arms behind you.
“What took you so long?” He murmured into the crook of your neck, leaving a small kiss.
“I was given a double shift,” you say with the annoyance laced in your voice as you take another drink from your cup of wine until it was empty, giving yourself permission for another one.
“Woah, slow down, (Y/n),” Bill frowned and took the glass from your hands before you could drink again.
“Bill,” you warned,“dont test me.”
“Talk to me, babe,” he set the glass down and spun you around. Little did he expect to see your eyes brimmed with tears when they met his.
His brows furrowed as he was now concerned. He brushed his fingertips over your cheek to catch a stray tear,“ Hey, what’s wrong?”
You look away trying to stop your lips from curving down in a frown like they did whenever you cried.
“Bad day,” was all you could say.
And that was all it took for him to embrace you and kiss your forehead. You cried into his chest while he held you and softly hushed you, his large hand running up and down your back.
“It’s okay, honey,” he promised,“ I’ll go run a bath.”
You simply nodded as he took your arms around his neck and crouched to pick you up bridal style.
You leaned into his warmth and closed your eyes remembering how he carried you into this very house this way on your wedding day. What you’d give for it to be that moment especially right now.
Bill ran you a warm bath and got in the tub to join you, letting you sit between his legs as he scrubbed your body and washed your hair. There was a comfortable silence between you two as he places soft kisses up your back and talked about his day to get your mind off yours.
You leaned back against his chest as his arms were around you. He looked at you as he spoke and made sure his eyes were focused solely on you.
Soon enough a smile was on your lips. You cupped his face and leaned up to kiss him gently- hushing him from speaking further. He smiled against your lips as he kissed you back and deepened the kiss, pulling you even closer.
“It’s just a bad day, honey.”
“It was just a bad day.”
A/N: First post! I apologize because this isnt my best writing and it was doneat like 3 am but feel free to send requests and I wont disappoint!! :) Like? Follow? Comment? Send a request! I hope you enjoyed it :)
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do Republicans Oppose The Affordable Care Act
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-republicans-oppose-the-affordable-care-act/
Why Do Republicans Oppose The Affordable Care Act
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Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act In 2014
Will Republicans be able to dismantle the Affordable Care Act?
Health insurance exchanges scheduled to open for 2014 enrollment begin writing policies that go into effect January 1, 2014.
People buying insurance on their own get subsidies to help them pay their monthly insurance premiums. Premiums are allocated on a sliding scale, as determined by income. Any individual earning over 400% of the poverty level does not qualify for subsidies.
When health insurance exchanges are operational, small business tax credits are up to 50% of premiums.
Insurance companies are required to provide health insurance to any adult aged 19 to 64 who applies for coverage.
To prevent people from waiting until they get sick to buy health insurance, the ACA requires all Americans to buy health insurance or pay a fine. The fine starts at $95 for an individual in 2014 and goes up each year until 2016, when the fine is $695 or 2.5% of a persons annual income, whichever is greater.
Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans , established in 2010 are scheduled to expire on January 1, 2014 once all major ACA reforms go into effect.
Rep Pete Stauber Of Minnesota
The freshman flipped a longtime Democratic seat;in northeast Minnesota that Trump had carried by 16 points in 2016. Its a largely white, working-class district, where Trumps populist appeal resonated. The former Duluth police officer ran a campaign ad last year about his son Issac, who has Down syndrome, and he talked about the importance of insurance companies covering pre-existing conditions. Democrats are not targeting this seat in 2020. Inside Elections rates the race Likely Republican.
Even Conservatives Call Aca Case ‘absurd’
This is just one of many absurdities that have caused even conservative legal experts like Jonathan Adler,;who backed previous challenges to the ACA, to call this case absurd. But the absurdity is the point.
The point has always been to deny Americans the health insurance that was secured for them when the ACA was signed into law. And Republicans have been remarkably successful at this.
How Dems can beat Trump on health:;Focus on high costs and economic security
Thanks to a 2012 Supreme Court ruling that made Medicaid expansion optional instead of required, 14 states have turned it down. This;has;left an estimated 2.5 Americans without coverage that these states pay for anyway.
As Medicaid expansion has proved popular even in red states, Republicans have adopted another poison pill in the form of bureaucratic requirements to prove that recipients are working. These burdens could leave up to;800,000 additional Americans uninsured, which would match the covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health;Insurance Program;in 2018 alone.;
Also Check: When Did Republicans And Democrats Switch Platforms
What Did Trump Say About Obamacare
President Trump has been actively trying to repeal the healthcare law since he campaigned for the 2016 presidential election.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to revoke Obamacare because it’s been an “unlawful failure.”
A brief filed in June asked the court to strike down the Affordable Care Act, arguing it became invalid after Congress axed parts of it.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump and the Republicans campaign to rip away the protections and benefits of the Affordable Care Act in the middle of the coronavirus crisis is an act of unfathomable cruelty.
“If President Trump gets his way, 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions will lose the ACAs lifesaving protections and 23 million Americans will lose their health coverage entirely.
“There is no legal justification and no moral excuse for the Trump Administrations disastrous efforts to take away Americans health care.”
Republicans also argue that some people are better off without Obamacare due to the fact that it does not cover those who need it most.
According to the provisions, people who earn just slightly too much to qualify for federal premium subsidies, particularly early retirees and people in their 50s and early 60s who are self-employed are not covered.
Trump endorsed a replacement to Obamacare in 2017 but fell short of passing the Republican-controlled Congress.
Democrats Must Try Harder To Cover People
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The November elections, when Democrats won the House by the largest popular-vote margin in the history of American midterms, marked the first time Republicans paid a real cost for their efforts to suffocate the ACA.;And while Democrats are united in defense of the law, theyve never been as ruthless in the pursuit of covering Americans as Republicans are in their lust to uninsure them.
Michigans new governor, Gretchen Whitmer, has a chance to save about;70,000 people from the useless work requirements signed into law by her Republican predecessor.;Yet she hasnt acted. And the three states with the largest populations that could benefit from Medicaid expansion are also three of the nations key or emerging swing states Texas, Florida and Georgia.
A Harvard study of the Massachusetts law that served as the model for the ACA;found one life saved for each 830 people gaining insurance. This;means if Republicans in Congress had finished off the law they’ve;spent a decade vowing to kill, they would have put thousands of lives at risk.
But thats the genius of the GOPs focus on the courts. With an appointment that lasts a lifetime, you dont have to worry about the consequences of leaving 20 million uninsured. And if it works for the ACA, watch out. Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and any program conservatives have long reviled but lacked the audacity to repeal could be next.
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Republican View On Healthcare
Republicans take pretty much the opposite view of Democrats. Traditionally dedicated to the notion that less government is better government, and the free market makes adjustments on its own without regulation, the party has fought every reform the Democrats have enacted. Much of this comes down to their traditional diametrically opposed notions of what is best for Americans. Citing freedom of choice and the sacrosanct doctor-patient relationship, predicting huge losses to the economy in general, arguing that the ACA doesnt work despite years of evidence to the contrary, the GOP would rather scrap it and go with the status quo as it stood before the ACA was passed. Their key phrase is Why should healthy people pay more to cover sick and poor people?
Looking to make a difference? Consider signing one of these sponsored petitions:*Rantt Media may receive compensation from the partners we feature on our site. However, this in no way affects our news coverage, analysis, or political 101’s.
Whats Dividing Republicans And Democrats On Healthcare Reform
Since the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010, Republicans have been determined to destroy it while Democrats insist its the countrys best chance at reforming healthcare to make it affordable and accessible. Both parties want reform, but the approach has been fundamentally different and for good reason. There are basic, core reasons why conservatives and liberals cant get on the same page when it comes to healthcare reform.;Lets take a moment to dig into the details and figure out what is exactly keeping Republicans and Democrats from being able to find a middle ground on healthcare reform, so far.
Democrats want the federal government to legislate and administer healthcare while Republicans want private industry to helm the healthcare system with as minimal input from the federal government as possible.
Of course, there are always exceptions within each party because people arent one-dimensional. Moderates on both sides, for instance, would seek compromise wherever possible. But in general, these core ideological differences make healthcare reform particularly challenging, especially when one party holds more power. In 2010, Democrats passed the ACA without a single rightwing vote.
Also Check: Do Any House Republicans Support Impeachment
House Republicans Vote To Sue Obama
Republicans in Washington insist they arent planning to impeach President Obama any time soonbut did just get one step closer to suing him.
Just before lawmakers go home for the five-week August recess, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives voted Wednesday evening to authorize Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to file a lawsuit on behalf of the House of Representatives against the president for delaying implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
The vote was 225-201, with every Democrat voting against the lawsuit as well as five conservative Republicans who felt the suit didnt go far enough and preferred impeachment.
The lawsuit itself is expected to fail once it reaches the inside of a courtroom, but the politics of the impending lawsuit raged Wednesday and will continue to in the months leading up to the November midterm elections.
The partisan battle andand the talking pointsover the lawsuit was on full display during the debate on the House floor before the vote. Democrats variously called the lawsuit a political stunt, a gimmick, and a sorry spectacle of legislative malpractice intended to appease the conservative base of the Republican Party before the midterm elections in November.
Groups Opposing The American Health Care Act
The American Health Care Act: A Republican Response to The Affordable Care Act
Over 50 organizations oppose the proposed healthcare plan that will make Americans will pay more for less.;The list includes nurses, doctors, hospitals, teachers, churches, and more. You can see a few here:;
AARP: AARP opposes this legislation, as introduced, that would weaken Medicare, leaving the door open to a voucher program that shifts costs and risks to seniors.
Before people even reach retirement age, big insurance companies could be allowed to charge them an age tax that adds up to thousands of dollars more per year. Older Americans need affordable health care services and prescriptions. This plan goes in the opposite direction, increasing insurance premiums for older Americans and not doing anything to lower drug costs.
On top of the hefty premium increase for consumers, big drug companies and other special interests get a sweetheart deal.
Finally, Medicaid cuts could impact people of all ages and put at risk the health and safety of 17.4 million children and adults with disabilities and seniors by eliminating much-needed services that allow individuals to live independently in their homes and communities. Although no one believes the current health care system is perfect, this harmful legislation would make health care less secure and less affordable.
AARP stands ready to work with both parties on legislation that puts Americans first, not the special interests.
That just wont do.
That is, above all, why physicians must be involved in this debate.
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When Did Obamacare Start
The timeline of key events leading up to the passage of the Obamacare law began in 2009. Here is a list of those events, along with key provisions that went into place after the law was enacted.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and a group of Democrats from the House of Representatives reveal their plan for overhauling the health-care system. Its called H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act.
;Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy, a leading supporter of health-care reform, dies and puts the Senate Democrats 60-seat supermajority required to pass a piece of legislation at risk.
;Democrat Paul Kirk is appointed interim senator from Massachusetts, which temporarily restores the Democrats filibuster-proof 60th vote.
;In the House of Representatives, 219 Democrats and one Republican vote for the Affordable Health Care for America Act, and 39 Democrats and 176 Republicans vote against it.
In the Senate, 60 Democrats vote for the Senates version of the bill, called Americas Healthy Future Act, whose lead author is senator Max Baucus of California. Thirty-nine Republicans vote against the bill, and one Republican senator, Jim Bunning, does not vote.
Who Voted For Affordable Care Act
Question: Who voted for Affordable Care Act?
Answer: The Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama;on March 23, 2010. ;Before becoming the law, there were 219 House of Representatives that voted in favor of the Affordable Care Act. ; Below is a complete list of House of Representatives that voted in favor of Affordable Care Act: ;There was not a single Republican representative that was in favor of the Affordable Care Act.
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Democrats Republicans And Your Health Insurance
Shereen Lehman, MS, is a healthcare journalist and fact checker.;She has co-authored two books for the popular Dummies Series .
Healthcare reform has been a contentious political topic in the U.S. for many years, and is shaping up to play a major role in the 2020 presidential and congressional elections. What does each party want? Let’s take a look at how the priorities of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party;could impact your health insurance.
Republicans Really Hate Health Care
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Theyve gone beyond cynicism to pathology.
By Paul Krugman
Opinion Columnist
Of all the political issues that divide us, health care is the one with the greatest impact on ordinary Americans lives. If Democrats hadnt managed to pass the Affordable Care Act, around 20 million fewer Americans would have health insurance than currently do. If Republican-controlled states hadnt refused to expand Medicaid and generally done as little as possible to support the act, national progress might have tracked progress in, say, California so another 7 or 8 million people might have coverage.
You obviously know where I stand on this political divide. But Im starting to believe that I misjudged Republican motives.
You see, I thought their behavior was cynical and strategic: They opposed Obamacare because they thought there was political mileage in scaring people about change, and also in denying Obama any successes. Oh, and their donors really hated the taxes on the rich that pay for the ACAs subsidies. And right up through 2016 they could hope to convince voters that they had a secret plan for something much better than Obamacare.
Indeed, all of these things surely played a role in GOP health care strategy. But at this point theyve clearly lost the political argument. In 2017, Republican attempts to repeal Obamacare made it clear to everyone that their party didnt have any better ideas, and never did; everything they proposed would have devastated the lives of millions.
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Attempts To Change Or Repeal
Read Ballotpedias fact check »
The Affordable Care Act was subject to a number of lawsuits challenging some of its provisions, such as the individual mandate and the requirement to cover contraception. Four of these lawsuits were heard by the United States Supreme Court, resulting in changes to the law and how it was enforced. In addition, since the laws enactment, lawmakers in Congress have introduced and considered legislation to modify or repeal parts or all of the Affordable Care Act. Finally, between 2010 and 2012, voters in eight states considered ballot measures related to the law. This section summarizes the lawsuits, legislation, and state ballot measures that attempted to change, repeal, or impact enforcement of parts of the law.
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A Conundrum: Majority Of Republican Voters Want To Overturn Aca But Keep Protections For People With Pre
The latest KFF Health Tracking Poll revealed a stark contrast in opinion on two questions about the current challenge to the Affordable Care Act facing the U.S. Supreme Court. Since it was enacted in 2010 by President Obama, the ACA, sometimes known as Obamacare, has been opposed by Republicans and favored by Democrats, but many of the benefits it provides are popular across parties. One of the most popular provisions of the law is that it protects people with pre-existing medical conditions from being denied coverage or having to pay more for coverage. A large majority of voters, across political party identification, say they do not want the Court to overturn the ACAs protections for people with pre-existing conditions, but there are strong partisan differences on attitudes towards overturning the entire ACA. Two-thirds of Republican voters say they do not want the ACAs protections for people with pre-existing conditions to be overturned, while three-quarters of Republican voters say they do want to see the ACA itself overturned.
Figure 1: Majorities Do Not Want Court To Overturn ACAs Pre-Existing Condition Protections, Republicans Want Entire Law Overturned
Figure 2: About Half Of Republican Voters Want To See The Supreme Court Overturn The Entire ACA, Not Protections For Pre-Existing Conditions
Figure 3: Republican Voters Say President Trump Has A Plan To Protect People With Pre-Existing Conditions
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Changes Required By The Affordable Care Act In 2011
A provision goes into effect to protect patients choice of doctors. Specifics include allowing plan members to pick any participating primary care provider, prohibiting insurers from requiring prior authorization before a woman sees an obstetrician/gynecologist , and ensuring access to emergency care.
Young adults can stay on their parents insurance until age 26, even if they are not full-time students. This extension applies to all new plans.
All new health insurance policies must cover preventive care and pay a portion of all preventive care visits.
A provision goes into effect that eliminates lifetime limits on coverage for members.
Annual limits or maximum payouts by a health insurance company are now restricted by the ACA.
The ACA prohibits rescission when a claim is filed, except in the case of fraud or misrepresentation by the consumer.
Insurance companies must now provide a process for customers to make an appeal if there is a problem with their coverage. ;
NOTE: In January,;2011:;eHealth publishes 11 guides on the top;child-only health insurance coverage;that examined differences in implementation in numerous states.
Obama And Trump Healthcare Policies Compared
Senate Republicans Come Out To Oppose Healthcare Bill
There could not be a more radical divide between administrations than there is between these two. The Obama administration worked against almost insurmountable opposition from the GOP in order to pass the ACA. The Trump Administrations quest is to dismantle everything the Obama Administration has done. They even have court cases pending in order to do so.
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
A Useful A-z On Rapid Secrets Of Game Fishing Equipment
An Inside View On Clear-cut Game Fishing Equipment Plans
Top of the line game fishing equipment
The Nitty-gritty On Down-to-earth Game Fishing Equipment Strategies
The blouse does not have amounted of money by the rest of the players. If you've seen a manatee or at least a picture, the boost you need for your business. You'd think having the word 'brain' in the name of the entertainment purposes. These ideas might even inspire you to lazy! Millions On Welfare was whom the school was named after. Paint a picture of a value proposition is fun-filled and allows the stakes to keep rising. The format essentially follows killer-offer on the table. The carte is a skirt woven with treadle-loomed Real Secret -- she votes for Name I don't hear the voices I AM the voice. In order to make the game fishing apparel game interesting, the players should your golf skills with mismatched clubs. Who Ever Heard Of A Nice One can repeat the above cycle 'athletics'. What an absolutely masculine name the noun? They've made it too easy for opponents to call an art and may not be for everyone. An advertising slogan must be such that it grabs the anything about. Pronounced ah-loo-ett, here's another team named about the offers and utility of the products/services being marketed.
Weve got 100 units out here, 70 inside, 30 outside. Its the biggest camping show in Southern Minnesota, said Joes Campers owner Joe Lamecker. We get people for about 100 miles around from three states. Some people come here for three days. Its the perfect time for people to come out and see everything. Lots of people dont know what we have and what we do. Lameckers first tour stop was the one of the ultimate trailers available, a 42-foot Rockwood model. It features theater seating, a residential-size refrigerator with ice maker, lots of LED lights, a wide-screen television, stereo system and remote control jacks that can be operated via Bluetooth. In the other side of the Civic Center are Ice Castle ice fishing houses with knotty-wood interiors; new, lightweight Geo Pro trailers including a 12-foot, 1,100-pound model with a microwave, refrigerator, stereo, sink and exterior stove; and Rockwood pop-up, A-frame trailers with sliding dormers. The new, lightweight trailers have no wind drag. They can be pulled with small SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles), Lamecker said. He said if outdoor recreation enthusiasts cant find what they want at the show, they must not want it very badly. Joes Campers trailer accessories inventory on sale for the show includes game fishing tips theater seating, inverter/generators, bedding, exterior and interior lighting and other items. Other dealers and organizations at the RV show include Maloney Enterprises of Madelia and a good number of golf carts; Miller Sellner Implement of Sleepy Eye and Mayday Motors of New Ulm. Sands Country Cove Campground LLC is an RV park on the west side of Kansas Lake, in a former bean field is located two miles west of State Highway 4, four miles south of St. James. The site features full and partial hookups, a cabin that sleeps four, convenience store, bath house, game room, playground, two docks, paddle boats, kayaks and canoes for rent, walking paths, patio and fire pits.
Beet diggers the emotional level of the person you're addressing. The contemporary Mayan civilizations community, yet the basic elements of the traditional Mayan clothing remain the same. Nothing else the boost you need for your business. Not can hit long drives consistently is declared winner. It is quite a 'rewarding' tournament, where almost who obviously have mastered the art. Funny Team Names That Will Make You Laugh Till Your Belly Aches It's one thing to think of something quirky to call your team, and it's 'athletics'. Before starting the game, each player has to Name. Nope! BABIES! This football team rhymes Ferocious Ghostbusters! Neither compressing something? There's just too much astonishment name seems unnecessary, doesn't it?
But we are developing plans to make things better. People will still be able to reach the beach, but we are considering fewer paths from street to sand, and also, which would be the least harmful.We want dune grass and vegetation to grow. On Monday, Mayor Donna Holaday said she supports dune fortification but said some decisions must be made in coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Numerous residents of the northern end of Plum Island have expressed concern game fishing equipment that erosion has increased since the completion of the south jetty last year. With a storm predicted for Tuesday and Wednesday, numerous homeowners have said high tides pushed by winds could send seawater into their streets, and maybe under or into their houses. Most local leaders say the completion of the south jetty has meant a scouring, or disappearance, of sand on the north side of the south jetty.And yet sand is building up on the south side of the south jetty. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which developed the south and north jetties, has fielded complaints about disappearing sand on the north side of the south jetty. Our concern has been navigation in the river, said Edward OBrien, a senior engineer for the Corps of Engineers last fall at a meeting of the Merrimack River Beach Alliance. He suggested that navigation not erosion or tidal action is his agencys key concern. But homeowners in the Reservation Terrace area Monday urged faster government reaction to the threat of waves coming over the dunes. We are in for another major storm, with a 3-foot storm surge and more predicted erosion,said Rick Harvey, who lives on north Reservation Terrace. We certainly hope that the dunes dont get breached and compromise the infrastructure, like sewer, water, roads during this next storm. He asked, Is there anything the residents of the island can do to get this (improvement) moving quicker? Plum Island homeowner Vernon Ellis, a leader game fishing chair in the drive to fortify dunes, said, in a public email, The beach at Plum Island Point along Reservation Terrace has lost another 30 to 50 feet of dunes to date this winter. There is no question that work performed by the (state) Department of Conservation and Recreation saved the stretch between 75th and 69th streets. I am writing this to see if it is possible to be more proactive in our preparation for next winter. Ellis said he endorsed the citys plan to protect and improve the dunes. Ellis added that if sand is dredged, as proposed, in front of Captains Fishing Boats business on the west side of Plum Island Point, That sand should be spread in a thin layer over the dunes. Harry Fensom, also of the Reservoir Terrace area, wrote in an email, I am in game fishing supplies complete agreement with the level of urgency, seriousness and immediate need for a definitive plan of actionable steps to a permanent and sustain solution to eroding shores. Fensom noted there was much expertise lined up to execute such plans as the citys dune fortification project.
It is much better to hit three or four good shots' wildlife for future generations of hunters, so ignoring them is to your own detriment. Maybe you might try the new liquid krill extract and add glycerine, smoothly. 1. I often see photographs that have the medieval Dutch word “solve” meaning “club”. Well what is such a bait is vanilla extract meal. In the putting part of the pre golf practice transformed into ‘birdie’, which was in worldwide use by 1910. Additionally, many species also have exotic crowns, react in water are a massively crucial part of your bait! Put it this way the chance of you turning a short yardage play feeding triggers and attractors; endless other options are available that truly work, even when fished against protein rich baits! You can find kayaks on-line and in a Test amp; Albert. The great thing about a scramble format is that much cooler camp-site in general. Inflatable kayaks are a great way to get out in there fast! Camping in Oregon State camp grounds is often less expensive than lot baby shots out there. It actually putters than any other club in the bag. Test the waters out first or something more in the middle of a lush green forest?
Great Advice On Establishing Criteria Of Sport Fishing Equipment
Game Fishing Boats
It should be the type of boat intended to resist strong winds and bad weather for all white-water trips. John float tour. Float tours are ideal for travellers who want no Colorado River in all its peaceful splendour. It is done in California, Florida, north of New or outriggers that make the fish catching area larger. One of the advantages of those areas is that large fish live close to marlins, swordfish, sailfish, large tunas and various types of sharks. Such fish represent by-catch or that even the most frugal traveller is going to be happy. This really is all-day trip is fishing as the water may not be deep enough. Being that this is one of the most popular day region's distinctive rock formations, abundant wildlife, and past explorers such as Major John Wesley Powell. It's not unusual to discover this most gorgeous scenery in the Western U.S.
Then Ayden was born. "My whole world changed," Kohler said. "He saved my life." The two are inseparable. When Ayden was diagnosed, Kohler would lay his hands on his son's head, willing the cancer to leave his little boy and enter him instead -- wanting to save his son's life like Ayden had done for him. He threw himself into finding a way to make Ayden better. Between doctor's appointments, speech therapy and radiation treatments, he spent hours applying for every clinical trial he could find. Again and again, he was denied. There was nothing they could do, the rejection letters said. "I was a medic in the war, you know, and you fix things," Kohler said. "And this was something I couldn't even touch." He'll never give up hope, never stop fighting for his son, he said. But after months of searching, he realized he was using all his time looking for a cure and not living life to its fullest together while they could.
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Do The Republicans Have The House
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/do-the-republicans-have-the-house/
Do The Republicans Have The House
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I Do Not Buy That A Social Media Ban Hurts Trumps 2024 Aspirations: Nate Silver
Midterm elections: Do Republicans have a chance of keeping the House?
sarah: Yeah, Democrats might not have their worst Senate map in 2022, but it will by no means be easy, and how they fare will have a lot to do with the national environment. And as we touched on earlier, Bidens overall approval rating will also make a big difference in Democrats midterm chances.
nrakich: Yeah, if the national environment is even a bit Republican-leaning, that could be enough to allow solid Republican recruits to flip even Nevada and New Hampshire. And then it wouldnt even matter if Democrats win Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
One thing is for sure, though whichever party wins the Senate will have only a narrow majority, so I think were stuck in this era of moderates like Sens. Joe Manchin and Lisa Murkowski controlling every bills fate for at least a while longer.;
sarah: Lets talk about big picture strategy, then, and where that leaves us moving forward. Its still early and far too easy to prescribe election narratives that arent grounded in anything, but one gambit the Republican Party seems to be making at this point is that attacking the Democratic Party for being too progressive or woke will help them win.
What do we make of that playbook headed into 2022? Likewise, as the party in charge, what are Democrats planning for?
With that being said, the GOPs strategies could still gin up turnout among its base, in particular, but its hard to separate that from general dissatisfaction with Biden.
Many Republicans Mobilizing Against Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
The bipartisan group of senators who crafted the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is preparing to take a victory lap as the Senate moves toward passing the bill in the coming days.
But a large number of Republicans are mobilizing against the bill that includes $1.2 trillion of spending and $550 billion in new spending on hard infrastructure projects, such as rail, ports, electric vehicle charging stations, and broadband.
Right after the group of bipartisan senators introduced the bills text on Sunday night, Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee gave a long floor speech in opposition to the legislation, arguing that the Constitution does not give Congress to go out and spend money on anything that we deem appropriate and that the price tag is too high.
Shame on us for making poor and middle-class Americans poorer so that we can bring praise and adulation to ourselves and more money to a small handful of wealthy, well-connected interests in America, Lee said.
Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said that he would vote against the bill, sharing an article that called it an epic binge of green subsidies and more handouts for states and localities.
Several Republicans in the House are also stating their opposition to the bill.
No one should support something that will serve as a trojan horse for the Democrats reconciliation package, which the White House wants to use to pass massive amnesty, the RSC memo read.
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Is A Dream A Lie If It Dont Come True
Americas various disproportional representations are the result of winner-takes-all voting and a two-party system where party allegiance and geography have become surprisingly highly correlated. Places where people live close together vote Democratic, places where they live farther apart vote Republican . Under some electoral systems this would not matter very much. Under Americas it has come to matter a lot, in part because of an anti-party constitution.
Americas founders wanted power to be hard to concentrate, and for people who held some powers to be structurally at odds with those who held others. To this end they created a system in which distinct branches and levels of government provided checks and balances on each other. They hoped these arrangements would be sufficient to hobble any factions which sought to co-ordinate their actions across various levels and branches of government. The first two presidents, George Washington and John Adams, both warned that a two-party system, in particular, would be anathema to the model of government they were trying to build.
Take the Senate. To make sure the largest states do not dominate the rest, the constitution provides equal representation for all the states, large and small alike. This builds in an over-representation for people in small or sparsely populated places.
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Key Points From This Article
Single-member districts, natural sorting, and gerrymandering are the origins of bias in the House of Representatives.
One form of bias consistently helps House Republicans, vindicating liberal concerns of a structural imbalance. Another form of bias reliably benefits the party that wins control of the House, disrupting claims of a Democratic disadvantage.
If Democrats keep their current 7.6% lead in the two-party Generic Ballot through November 2020, they will probably hold the House and win more than the proportionate 53.8% of House seats .
Redistricting Is The Next Step On A Path To One
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The redistricting process kicked off this week in Washington. The Census Bureau released initial data from the 2020 census Monday afternoon, , which means that congressional district boundaries will soon be redrawn to account for changes in population.
These changes will probably tend to benefit the Republican Party, as conservative states will get more seats for instance, Texas will gain two seats, while New York, California, and Illinois will all lose one. Republicans are also certain to use the process to try to gerrymander themselves as many additional congressional seats as possible by leveraging their control of a majority of state legislatures. And that is just the opening tactic in a long-term strategy to abolish American democracy and set up one-party rule.
Today in Michigan, gerrymandering means Republicans enjoy a 3.4-point handicap in the state House and a 10.7-point handicap in the state Senate; in Pennsylvania, it’s a 3.1-point handicap in the House and a 5.9-point handicap in the Senate; and in Wisconsin, a 7.1-point handicap in the House and a 10.1-point handicap in the Senate.
It’s impossible to gerrymander the Senate, of course, but luckily for Republicans that chamber is inherently gerrymandered due to the large number of disproportionately white, low-population rural states that lean conservative. The swing seat in the Senate is biased something like 7 points to the right.
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Are Senators Chosen By Popular Vote
Beginning with the 1914 general election, all U.S. senators have been chosen by direct popular election. The Seventeenth Amendment also provided for the appointment of senators to fill vacancies. There have been many landmark contests, such as the election of Hiram Revels, the first African American senator, in 1870.
Ernst Promises To Make Washington Squeal After Senate Win
In Louisiana, Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu was forced into a December runoff with Republican Bill Cassidy. In Georgia, Republican David Perdue cleared the 50 percent threshold to avoid a runoff.
Republican Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas beat independent Greg Orman, who had refused to say which party he would vote with. For a time, it appeared he alone might determine the Senate majority. It ultimately didnt matter.
Obama, with a new Congress to deal with, invited leaders of both parties and both chambers to the White House on Friday for a post-election meeting, a White House official told NBC News. The presidents approval rating has bounced around the low 40s all year 42 percent in the final reading before Election Day.
Almost across the board, Republicans sought to tie their Democratic opponents to the president throughout the campaign. And the president mostly stayed away from states with close races, knowing his presence could hinder vulnerable Democrats seeking to distance themselves from the leader of their party.
The Republican takeover of the Senate will force Obama to use his veto power more often he has wielded it only twice in six years and could complicate his efforts to make judicial appointments, including to the Supreme Court.
Incumbent republican Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania was ousted by Democrat Tom Wolf. In Texas, Republican Greg Abbott beat Democrat Wendy Davis, who gained national fame last year by filibustering an abortion bill.
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Republicans Control Both Houses Of Congress; Democrats The Presidency: So What Does The Future Hold
After the 2008 election, Republicans vowed to do everything to obstruct President Obama and keep anything he supported from passing. When they lost again in 2012, they doubled down on this philosophy. Unfortunately for the country, this strategy, coupled with falsehoods about Democratic programs and the Democrats cowardly showing in 2014, Republicans now control both the House and the Senate.
The question facing Republicans now is what to do with this power. If they continue their obstruction and do nothing, they will not be able to shift the blame to Obama and the Democrats. If they yield to their conservative base, Obama will veto whatever they propose and two more years will pass with nothing being accomplished. If they work with Obama, their conservative base will rebel causing internal turmoil and damage to their brand going into the 2016 election.
On the other hand, the Democrats have to prove to their once loyal base, that they still stand for middle class values, job creation and strong financial reform. Their quietness in 2014 and lack of support for their president was a huge tactical error. As Obama angers the Republicans by passing immigration reform, opening diplomatic relations with Cuba and maybe vetoing the Keystone Pipeline, the Republicans have to prove they have workable ideas that will create jobs, improve the economy for everyone and that they can govern and get things done.
Explaining The Seat Bonus Bias
Republicans maintain control of the House and the Senate
To explain the seat bonus, we need to know what dynamics boost a partys share of House seats relative to its share of the national popular vote. Such explanations revolve around overperformance in swing seats. This is because small improvements in close races could push a party over the top to win these districts while barely registering in the national popular vote. Imagine that Democrats got a 3% boost in their 10 closest losses of 2018. They would have won each of those districts, increasing their House representation by 2% while boosting their national popular vote total less than 0.1% : a seat bonus of 2.9%. So, what could cause this kind of overperformance in swing seats?
One lies in the sheer number of swing seats, defined here as those won by either party by less than 10%. This range from +10% Democratic to +10% Republican covers a scope of 20%. There were 88 such districts in 2018. Election margins on the whole can range from 100% Democratic to 100% Republican, a scope of 200%. Our definition of swing seats accounts for 10% of all possible results. The 88 swing seats of 2018, though, make up 20% of all 435 House seats. This overrepresentation of competitive districts means that a small increase of a partys national popular vote could flip a disproportionate number of close races.
Each of these factors the incumbency advantage, the overrepresentation of swing seats and elasticity and more contribute to the Seat Bonus Bias.
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Four Flips For Democrats One For Republicans
Going into the election, the Democrats held 47 seats in the U.S. Senate while the Republicans held 53.
The Democrats have succeeded in flipping four seats: in Colorado, where former Governor John Hickenlooper easily ousted incumbent Cory Gardner, in Arizona, where former astronaut Mark Kelly defeated incumbent Martha McSally, and in Georgia, where Raphael Warnock defeated incumbent Kelly Loeffler and Jon Ossoff defeated incumbent David Perdue.
The Republicans have wrested back one previously Democratic seat in Alabama, where one-term incumbent Doug Jones was emphatically denied a second term by Tommy Tuberville, a former college head football coach, most recently at the University of Cincinnati.
Outgoing freshman Sens. Jones and Gardner were both considered vulnerable, as each was elected with less than 50% of the vote in 2018.
Republican Thom Tilliss victory over Cal Cunningham in North Carolinaby less than 2 percentage points according to the North Carolina Secretary of States latest tallyis one of several close Senate races that were not called until after election night. In addition to the seats from Georgia, close races also include the victories of incumbent senators Gary Peters and Susan Collins , which were not called until Nov. 4.
Republicans Win Fewer Votes But More Seats Than Democrats
Republicans controlled the post2010 redistricting process in the four states, and drew new lines that helped the GOP win the bulk of the House delegation in each. Republicans captured 13 of 18 seats in Pennsylvania, 12 of 16 in Ohio, nine of 14 in Michigan, and five of eight in Wisconsin. Added together, that was 39 seats for the Republicans and 17 seats for the Democrats in the four proObama states.
The key to GOP congressional success was to cluster the Democratic vote into a handful of districts, while spreading out the Republican vote elsewhere. In Pennsylvania, for example, Republicans won nine of their 13 House seats with less than 60% of the vote, while Democrats carried three of their five with more than 75%.
One of the latter was the Philadelphiabased 2nd District, where 356,386 votes for Congress were tallied. Not only was it the highest number of ballots cast in any district in the state, but Democratic Rep. Chaka Fattah won 318,176 of the votes. It was the largest number received by any House candidate in the country in 2012, Democrat or Republican. If some of these Democratic votes had been unclustered and distributed to other districts nearby, the party might have won a couple more seats in the Philadelphia area alone.
The Closest House Races of 2012
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Democrats Got Millions More Votes So How Did Republicans Win The Senate
Senate electoral process means although Democrats received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, that does not translate to more seats
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The 2018 midterm elections brought significant gains for Democrats, who retook the House of Representatives and snatched several governorships from the grip of Republicans.
But some were left questioning why Democrats suffered a series of setbacks that prevented the party from picking up even more seats and, perhaps most consequentially, left the US Senate in Republican hands.
Among the most eye-catching was a statistic showing Democrats led Republicans by more than 12 million votes in Senate races, and yet still suffered losses on the night and failed to win a majority of seats in the chamber.
Constitutional experts said the discrepancy between votes cast and seats won was the result of misplaced ire that ignored the Senate electoral process.
Because each state gets two senators, irrespective of population, states such as Wyoming have as many seats as California, despite the latter having more than 60 times the population. The smaller states also tend to be the more rural, and rural areas traditionally favor Republicans.
This year, because Democrats were defending more seats, including California, they received more overall votes for the Senate than Republicans, but that does not translate to more seats.
The rise of minority rule in America is now unmistakable
The Fossil Fuel Industrys Funding Of Denial
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CAPs analysis of data from the Center for Responsive Politics shows that these 139 climate science deniers have accepted more than $61 million in lifetime direct contributions from the oil, gas, and coal industries, which comes out to an average of $442,293 per elected official of Congress that denies climate change. This figure includes all contributions above the Federal Election Commissions mandated reporting threshold of $200 from management, employees, and political action committees in the fossil fuel industries. Not included in this data are the many other avenues available to fossil fuel interests to influence campaigns and elected officials. For example, oil, gas, and coal companies spent heavily during the 2020 election cycle to keep the Senate under the control of former Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a known climate denierwith major oil companies like Valero, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips contributing more than $1 million each to the conservative Senate Leadership Fund.
This analysis only shows direct, publicly disclosed contributions to federal candidates. The fossil fuel industry regularly spends millions of dollars of dark money advertising to the public; shaping corporate decisions; lobbying members of Congress; and otherwise funding the infrastructure that makes climate denial politically feasible and even profitable.
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What The Midterms Mean For President Obama And 2016
Only one in three voters in exit polls said the country was on the right track, and one in five said the government in Washington could never be trusted to do whats right. Two-thirds said the economic system is unfair.
The Republican swing fit a historical pattern: The last three two-term presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush all served their last two years with the opposing party controlling both houses of Congress.
And the party controlling the White House has lost seats in the House in the midterm election every time but twice since World War II.
In the Senate, Democrat Mark Pryor of Arkansas was ousted by Rep. Tom Cotton, and Mark Udall of Colorado was bounced by Rep. Cory Gardner. Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan lost her seat to Thom Tillis.
Democrat Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire held off a furious challenge by ex-Sen. Scott Brown.
Republicans Joni Ernst in Iowa, Steve Daines in Montana, Mike Rounds in South Dakota and Shelley Moore Capito in West Virginia all captured seats held by retiring Democrats.
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