#there's a huge overlap between those that ship Marvel's Loki with Sigyn and having terrible takes
Not to start shit, but to me, the worst kind of Marvel/MCU Loki fan are the ones ADAMANT about how Loki shouldn't be shipped with ANYONE but Sigyn. I give them the most annoying voice while reading their posts in my mind. Ugh, I saw one pissy over the recent Wanda/Loki from the comics. It makes me sad because I feel bad for the mythological version of Sigyn and don't hate her. But these people just make me recoil whenever I see the name "Sigyn" and yes, I do hate Sigyn's Marvel comics version because it's an harmful stereotype of women and abuse victims known as the "perfect victim". And her design is generic. IF I were to pick someone from the comics to ship Loki with, it'd never be her.
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