lokiinmediasideblog · 10 months
Comic Sigyn was hurt by Loki as his abused wife then hurt again when she was brought back for that one shot where he called upon his friends to punch her into unsconsciousness (even tho she posed him no threat as she lacks magic or combat skills) and any Sigyn fan who actually cares about her as a character and not a self insert vessel would want her 9549 miles away from Loki since everytime they're near each other he finds a way to hurt her. But they don't, because they project onto her to live their fantasies of kissing Loki. They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name.
I recall seeing her use magic to help Loki on the few Simonson issues I have read. To be fair, Ikol is not the Loki she married. The exes all want revenge on someone who's no longer here (with the exception of a handful like Leah..). And yeah, they aren't good for each other and she's definitely a self-insert.
I have only ever read ONE good Loki/Sigyn fic that I enjoy where their relationship is the focus because Sygin actually has a personality and Loki was allowed to be awful in a way that was interesting rather than "evil incarnate". It reminded me a bit of "The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black. I am really not a fan of x Reader, x OFC, or x Sygin stories for the most part. Here's the good Logyn fic in question https://archiveofourown.org/works/44334754
I will warn it tends to bash Sif and the W3. So if you love those characters, I might avoid it.
They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name. Yeah. I have said I would only be fine with her coming back if their relationship and dynamic is retconned and rewritten entirely. I would argue that Sigyn has no personality and that's why she is the self-insert of choice...
I also don't appreciate the guilt-tripping some Marvel!Sygin stans do to try to make us care about some prop of a female character. Of course I would erase her if it benefits Loki's character and means I don't have to see her used as a prop to show how far Loki's evil goes. Loki's actually interesting and her being used as a prop didn't add anything interesting to his storyline and it was quite annoying. Of course we all have more investment in Loki as a character than Table # 5. We've already seen Loki being awful in more interesting ways. Plus, I feel he should get that specific relationship retconned/erased because comics always get retconned and the way most of the comics handled Loki annoys me ("evil from birth" narratives while everyone else is obnoxiously perfect are the bane of my existence). I am glad he's allowed to be gray rather than pure evil now and that's he's gotten some things retconned to avoid "evil from birth".
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
It's my Birthday 🥰
And love @jonquilclegane gave me a sweet birthday present 😭😍
A fanart of my Sigyn Queen of Asgard cosplay made by @scrubbby
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Thank you to both of you 😭💗
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Unpopular Opinion, but I think the first 2 Thor Movies were better than the last two directed by Taika, BUT LEMME EXPLAIN WHY.
I am ABSOLUTELY not dissing Taika as a director, not his take on the plot and characters.
In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed both "Thor: Ragnarok" and "Thor: Love and Thunder". I can personally say that I liked them quite a lot. They were entertaining, I cackled like an idiot for most of the movies and I did have a great time throughout the best part of them. (plus, Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster, Cate Blanchett as Hela -dear Gods, Hela fml - and Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie...LIKE. THEY WERE *EVERYTHING. *E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G*)
What I DIDN'T LIKE was the STRIKING dissonance in vibes and mood between the first two movies and the last two.
We went from Kenneth Branagh's "Serious, almost Shakesperian motifs" in the first Thor (up to this date, still very much my favorite) to Loki's"Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster, and in exchange for codes and access to a ship, I'm asking for safe passage... through the Anus."
I personally am not a fan of movies connected to a certain character, that are set up to have a certain motif and that start up with a certain vibe behind them, and then, one movie later, they get a turn left so sudden, I couldn't even brace myself because it didn't see it coming AT ALL.
And once more, I am absolutely not dissing Taika's take on the movies, but rather whoever thought it was a good idea to bring such dissonance into the continuum of the events connected to the Asgardians.
If Thor's whole story had been set up to evolve through a more comical lens FROM THE BEGINNING, such as in Taika's movie, I wouldn't have had a problem AT ALL with how the movies had subsequentially developed, because there was a thread that was followed, and it was consistent. On the contrary, I would have probably been equally pissed had they started on the comical path and then took a more serious, gloomier turn with the last two (so basically the opposite of what has happened instead).
So, I guess, what I am trying to say is that I failed to appreciate the last two movies 100% because of the lack of consistency in tones and also characterization of certain characters.
And this brings me to want to spend just a few words on Loki.
I adored Loki from the first Thor, how he was characterized in "The Avengers" and then how he still was himself in Thor 2, but with some growth to himself. Loki, from what I perceived, was set up to be a tragic villain bordering on the Anti-Hero territories, which was consistent with his mythologic counterpart, so, I truly failed to appreciate his evolution as the buttmonkey to Thor's jokes. While I appreciated that Taika kept Loki's mischievousness (I mean, Loki is THE God of Mischief), I didn't like the fact that he went from being considered a threat to being treated as a nuisance at best, and a buffoon at worst.
(don't let me start on the fact that Sygin was never brought into the MCU lore, because Gods forbid we bring someone that adds to Loki's whole character and bring even more depth to him. But that's precisely what fanfictions are for, fml.).
So, what I am trying to say is that I wish "Ragnarok" and "Love and Thunder" had been done with a little bit of criterium AND in correlations to how the whole Asgardian lore had been explored in the first two movies, rather than just deciding to throw all that to the nettles and go down another path altogether.
And I do realize that these movies have been done over the course of almost 15 years, so, of course, things change over time. But I still think that there was A LOT of potential to explore Thor and the Asgardians' lore in a more cohesive way.
that's my two cents right there.
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worstloki · 4 years
About the earlier post about Sigyn, you're right!
The whole "Sygin was supposed to marry a giant but Loki killed him and disguised himself as him for the wedding" has no basis in mythology, the comics completely made the whole thing up.
They wanted to explain why a sweetheart like Sigyn ended up with Asgard's Chronological Pain In The Ass
jokes on them, Sigyn wanted to be stuck with him, 
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holderofthebowl · 3 years
Chapter Ten: If You Had But Asked
- Chapter One: In the Service of the Queen - Chapter Two: Peace Offerings - Chapter Three: Salve for the Soul - Chapter Four: Kings Guard - Chapter Five: Not a Door, but a Window - Chapter Six: Typical Æsir Arrogance - Chapter Seven: For Odin’s Sons Are We - Chapter Eight: A Demonstration - Chapter Nine: What the Gods have Joined, Let None Put Asunder -
Summary: The start of a multi chapter origin story for Loki x Sigyn in the Marvel Movie Verse which will incorporate both mythological elements and elements from her comic backstory. This takes place between the Avengers and Thor 2 during his imprisonment.
Author: holderofthebowl
Which Tom/Character: Loki
Authors Note: Well it’s been almost 5 years... hahaha sorry about deserting you all, in the middle of the climax and everything. Med school and then the first few years of being a real grownup with a big kid job, moving back to the states and 1000 other things in life and such. Anyhow, if you are new to this fic start at chapter 1 or you are gonna be real confused. Sorry if I’m a little rusty, but an update 5 years later is better than nothing :) Anyhow ‘So I made you some content, daddy made you your favorite open wide’ I hope you enjoy. 
Rating: PG, A slow burn but we’re finally there. A whole kiss in this chapter and everything. 
Sigyn’s slippers clicked with purpose as she marched down the marble steps toward the dungeon. She angrily whipped both her cheeks with her palms. Her tears had changed from mortified embarrassment to red hot anger. The long train of her heavily embroidered and laced wedding dress draped along the steps behind her. 
She turned the corner toward Loki’s cell. The scene there did not surprise her. Four Crimson Hawks were upon him. Two of them pointed their weapons at her dark haired bride groom’s back. The other two, were pinning him to the bed, one was clamping manacles to his wrists, the other leaned an elbow across the back of his neck, holding him in a kneeling position with the side of his face to the mattress. No doubt trying to pull from him the location of their missing comrade.
“Where is he?” Sigyn spat at her now husband, with a level of venom that startled Odin’s soldiers slightly from their own interrogation, as they all turned to meet her gaze. 
Loki beamed at her, speaking as though there weren't soldiers leaning on his neck. “Sigyn, what a fine ceremony that was, beautiful, I especially loved the floral arrangements. So very sorry I wasn’t able to stay till the end. By any chance, would you be willing to tell me how it went?” 
Sigyn ignored his question. “Where is he Loki. Did you kill him? Is he dead?” She moved closer to the force field in front of her, her hands clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. 
Loki chuckled “ I mean, one can only hope.” he said shrugging, The man above Loki snarled and increased the pressure on Loki’s neck causing him to wince. Sigyn pursed her lips before addressing the Odin’s men. 
“I demand to speak to my husband. Alone! Asgardian law gives me that right!”  Everyone in the cell froze. None had been there for the conclusion of the ceremony and for a single moment, the entire cell of men was shocked, including Loki. It was he that cut through the silence. A deep full laugh that reverberated down the stone hall, only slightly muffled with half his face pressed into his linen sheets.
Slowly the soldiers withdrew, undoing the manacles, letting Loki push himself into a standing position. He dusted himself off with dramatic flare, his face beaming. The Hawks lowered the barrier allowing Sigyn to enter. They shot her looks as if she had grown a second head, too shocked to be upset about the betrayal of their brother in arms. She walked past them trying not to notice. She doubted this would be the end of looks and side glances she’d receive, likely for the rest of her days on Asgard. 
Loki approached her arms out, as though he thought to embrace her. The sound of the slap reverberated across the cell. Loki took a step back, and rubbed his cheek, but his smile didn’t dissipate. “Where is Theoric?” Sigyn demanded crossing her arms. 
Loki let a noise of irritation slip from between his lips and rolled his eyes. He threw a hand up in a gesture of dismissal. “That’s not important right now. What’s important is...”
“It’s important to me Loki.” she cut him off. Loki ignored her plea 
“And Odin really let the marriage stand? Ha! I can’t believe it worked. I can just imagine the row that caused. Was my brother there? I didn’t see him in the crowd beforehand.” Sygin watched him start to pace, he was having a difficult time keeping the energy of a successful scheme contained. 
Her shoulders slumped slightly and she sighed. This was not working. She was going to have to find a different tactic. Why she thought insisting Loki do anything directly would work in the first place was beyond her. Threats and orders were not in the prince’s nature to obey. She thought a moment. “Well, I guess there is one benefit to him being dead..”
This comment stopped Loki cold, and he turned to her. “What benefit?” he asked. Good, he was confused. He hadn’t expected that. He didn’t like being confused. 
“I mean at least I won’t have to tell him.” she said shaking her head. Loki lifted a single sculpted black eyebrow. “You know, I won’t have to tell him how you tricked him into missing his own wedding day. How it caused a huge scene, humiliating him in front of the All Father and the entire court of the Æsir. And then, how in front of his family, and his friends, at his own wedding, I married that man instead.” She paused for effect, allowing Loki to contemplate that a moment. “You’re right, I’d rather not have to break that news to him. Can you even imagine how humiliating that will be?”
Loki was still for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth began to drift upward. “Oh, no my dear. You are right, that’s much better.” He turned and strode away to her toward the corner of the cell, addressing the Crimson Hawks who had been standing back, eavesdropping no doubt. “Tell Heimdall to cast his eye toward Svartalfheim. He should find your man there. If he didn’t die falling through the portal, or succumb to something on the planet.” Loki chuckled to himself. The guards left to find their fallen comrade. And they were left alone.
“Thank you” said Sigyn, some of the tightness dissipating from her chest. 
“Are you happy now?’ Loki asked.
Sigyn narrowed her eyes and stepped towards him “Am I happy now?” she parroted back her hand balling back into a fist. All her previous rage flooding to the forefront. Loki instinctually took a step back, his eyes flicking toward the hand that had slapped him with earlier. “You humiliated me, that was mortifying. That was possibly the worst thing anyone has ever done to me.”
Loki face contorted suddenly into confusion. “But, you said yes? You still married me?” 
“Of course I married you. If you had just spoken to me, but once, anytime during the months we’d spent together, before I ended up in front of the All Father. If you had given me any indication that...” the words were getting stuck in her throat now, fresh tears on her cheeks.  “If you had said anything, anything at all about how you fel...” she cleared her throat to choke back a sob. “But no, talking to me like a peer, a person would have been too difficult. Instead you come up with some grand scheme to get your way. Consequences to others be damned. You arrogant emotionally stunted child!”
“You wouldn’t have married him. If I had but asked you not to?” his voice was quiet. An innocent honesty to it as he searched her face, so profoundly uncharacteristic and sincere. 
Sigyn felt the angry leave her body, she let it go with a breath. “I wouldn't have married him.” her reply was simple. 
It was all she needed to say. He closed the distance between then so quickly Sigyn barely noticed and then his lips were on hers. He pulled her in tightly, arms warping around her back. She leaned into him, her hands finding his dark hair and kissed him back, just as hard.   
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dioses-y-religiones · 3 years
24. El dote de Frigga
Tom saltó a la fama internacional con su personaje de Loki en la película de Marvel, Thor. Ahora, pasada un poco la euforia por la película, es atacado por una enfermedad terrible con la que, en ocasiones, pierde el control sobre sí mismo, nadie sabe qué es, ningún médico puede ayudarlo, y se recluye para no dañar a la gente a su alrededor con esos episodios violentos ocasionados por esta extraña enfermedad. En su desesperación, y después de haber agotado todas las posibilidades médicas, se ve obligado a viajar a otro país, muy diferente al suyo para buscar a la ayuda de una bruja.
Nota de Autor: Los diálogos que están en cursiva, son diálogos en inglés.
El playlist en YouTube con las canciones del Fic es http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe1RQg1PRt4FaYvpCpq6raUbZwtpyLwbz
24. El dote de Frigga
A diferencia de la guerrera, la otra mujer que acompañaba a Sif vestía como noble. Ofelia hizo una reverencia ligera diciendo.
— Lady Sif— a lo que ella respondió con una inclinación un poco más tosca, se notaba que no estaba muy acostumbrada a los modales femeninos cortesanos, con lo que Ofelia se sintió identificada.
—Thor…— comenzó a decir Sif, pero la otra mujer se aclaró la garganta y Sif la vio irritada pero continuó — Su alteza real, el Príncipe Thor ha llamado a mi atención, que no hemos sido formalmente presentadas.
—Se quién eres.— dijo la bruja, ganando la ventaja en la situación incomoda— Lady Sif, la Doncella Escudo de Asgard, guerrera feroz y mejor amiga de Thor, — Sif vio extrañada a Ofelia, pero enseguida sonrió orgullosa, por un momento, la bruja pensó que no era justo esta ventaja, porque Ofelia y Tom habían leído los Eddas y las leyendas de la mitología, eso sin contar los comics, sabían lo que debían de saber de la mayoría de los Dioses importantes de la corte, en cambio los Dioses sabían poco sobre los mortales y nada sobre ellos en particular, como sea Ofelia estaba decidida a hacer que su nueva vida ahí funcionara, así que no dudo en usar esa ventaja. —Eres leyenda en la tierra, un ejemplo en mi mundo para los derechos de igualdad para las mujeres, para el feminismo.
—¿El qué?
—Feminismo es un movimiento político en mi planeta que tiene como fin demostrar que las mujeres podemos hacer el mismo trabajo que un hombre y se nos debe tratar con los mismo derechos y obligaciones— dijo Ofelia señalando a la Diosa que la veía con los ojos muy abiertos y con la pequeña sonrisa de orgullo persistiendo en los labios. – claro que se quién eres, y es un verdadero honor, mi nombre es Ofelia.— terminó de decir la mortal ofreciéndole la mano a la Diosa, la que la tomó del antebrazo, en un saludo militar.
—Es un placer conocerte Lady Ofelia. Esta es Sygin.— dijo Sif señalando a la Diosa que tenía a lado la cual hizo una reverencia más grácil que cualquiera de las dos. Ofelia la vio un momento, un poco asustada, cuando recordó quién era. Sygin es la esposa de esposa de Loki en la mitología, con todo lo que pasó, ni siquiera había pensado en ella ¿Ya era su esposa? ¿O se había separado? Loki nunca mencionó estar casado, Ofelia pensó que tal vez aun no lo estaban — Ella es una princesa Vanir, de la familia de la Reina
— Es un placer conocerte al fin Lady Seiđkona — dijo Sygin con una voz dulce. ­– Me habría presentado antes pero el príncipe Loki no quiere que se acerque nadie nuevo a ustedes si no está presente él y él nunca está presente.— dijo con media sonrisa, volteando los ojos lo que Ofelia sonrió más relajada —pero ya no podía evitarlo, ya que tenemos poco tiempo.— Ofelia las vio confundidas, Sif estaba parada muy derecha con las manos atrás, viendo a otro lado y Sygin veía a la bruja con una sonrisa emocionada.
—Perdón ¿Poco tiempo para qué? ¿Se refieren al blòt?
—No tontita a la boda. Sif, Lorelai y yo somos tus damas de honor, ya que te negaste a traer a alguien de tu planeta, la Reina nos ha pedido que te acompañemos y te brindemos asistencia en esta empresa.
—Pensé que iba a ser una ceremonia simple.— dijo la mortal confundida, ambas asgardianas se rieron.
— Querida no hay nada que se haga simple en este palacio. No te preocupes, va a ser divertido, podemos ser amigas. — Ofelia sonrió forzadamente y buscó a Tom con la mirada, este la vio y enseguida supo que lo necesitaba, pero Thor lo tomó del hombro para decirle algo. Ofelia volvió con las dos mujeres quienes le ofrecían una copa de un brebaje muy dulce y fuerte. Y las tres terminaron acoplándose a la reunión.
Mientras Chris les explicaba a todos lo que era una película, y como en la tierra le pagaban para interpretar a Thor, Tom aprovechó para acercarse a Ofelia.
—¿Estas bien?— dijo el actor abrazándola
— Sí, no te preocupes, es solo que es muy raro saber cosas sobre los Dioses que todavía no saben, esa mujer de ahí es Sygin— Tom vio sorprendido a la Diosa que señalaba la bruja, la futura esposa de Loki y la Diosa de la Fidelidad. —va ser una de mis damas de honor a petición de la Reina.
— ¿Damas de Honor? Pensé que iba a ser una ceremonia simple.
—Tú y yo pensamos lo mismo, mi amigo, pero aparentemente debimos poner más atención en la reunión con la Reina. — Tom la tomó de la mano y con la mano libre levantó la cabeza de la bruja tomándola por el mentón.
— Todo va a estar bien ¿Ok? Estoy aquí contigo.— Ofelia le sonrió, pero antes de que pudiera decir algo Thor le gritó.
— Göthi, ¿Puedes hacerlo?
—Perdón, ¿Hacer qué?
—Imitar a mi hermano— Thortenía a Loki rodeado por los hombros y aunque este estaba muy pálido, no se notaba especialmente irritado con la cercanía, lo que es más, sus mejillas estaban un poco rojas igual que las de su hermano mayor, lo más probable por la cerveza.
— Sí, Thomas, he escuchado bastante ya sobre el asunto y aun no lo he presenciado, hónranos con tu interpretación y que Christopher haga la de mi hermano.— dijo Loki entusiasmado, Chris vio un poco asustado a sus amigos y Tom dirigió la mirada a la bruja con un poco de miedo también y esta lo pensó un momento y dijo.
— Si me lo permiten, los que sean mortales, ¿Puedo hablar un segundo con ustedes?— y todos vieron como Chris, Ofelia y Tom se separaron un momento y después intercambiar unas palabras, los tres llegaron a la conclusión que, si no decían nada de la trama de la película estarían bien, solo tenían que buscar líneas que no revelaran nada. Ofelia se volteó a quedar frente a todos y levantado un poco la voz dijo sonriendo.
— Damas y caballeros, les presento a Thor y Loki de Asgard.— Ambos actores entraron en papel en seguida, Chris sonrió ampliamente y saludó a todos seductoramente guiñándole un ojo a la mujeres presentes, mientras que Tom levantó la cara puso las manos atrás e inclinó un poco la cabeza a modo de saludo para luego verlos a todos con la cabeza muy en alto, ambas actuaciones arrancaron carcajadas de todos los presentes incluso de los interpretados. Se pasearon por el salón fingiendo ser sus contrapartes ambos teniendo cuidado de lo que decían y guardando el respeto suficiente a los Príncipes, Sobre todo Tom no quería interpretar a Loki como villano, solo como la persona complicada que era ahora.
Una vez que terminaron las interpretaciones, Thor se ofreció a llevar a los mortales a un pequeño tour por los alrededores del palacio, esto los emocionó mucho, ya que en todo el tiempo que llevaban ahí no habían tenido chance de salir mucho del palacio, pero Ofelia sintió a alguien que la tomó del brazo delicadamente, era Sygin quién la veía sonriendo amistosamente.
— No querida, nosotras tenemos cosas que hacer, ellos van a salir de los terrenos reales para dar tiempo a los preparativos para la ceremonia nupcial. Esta es la última vez que ves al novio en calidad de novia, de doncella.— Todo el salón se quedó en silencio mientras Sygin decía esto y ahora Ofelia veía como todos los Dioses la veían a ella y a Tom. Loki le dio un pequeño empujón al confundido británico, quién caminó hacia ella, todos los Dioses los rodearon para ver mejor y Tom tomó las manos de la bruja que veía a todos un poco nerviosa. Pero con un pequeño apretón ella puso atención en el actor.
—Bueno, parece que aquí estamos,— dijo Tom también incómodo con todas las miradas —¿Estas lista?
—Sí... creo, estoy extrañada por como todo lo quieren hacer enorme en este lugar pero sí, lista— dijo con media sonrisa —supongo que nosotras nos encargaremos de poner las flores, escoger la música, arreglar el evento, mientras ustedes siguen la fiesta— Tom sonrío del comentario y la abrazó — ¿Y tú? ¿Estás bien?— preguntó ella.
— Sí, emocionado, ¿Esta mal? —dijo el actor, pero la bruja negó con la cabeza sonriendo conmovida — y un poco nervioso, esto no está en ningún guión, comic, o libro que hayamos leído.
—No te preocupes, solo respira profundo, es solo un día.
—Tres— ambos escucharon a Sygin decir desde atrás en voz baja y voltearon, luego se vieron y bajaron más la voz.
—Solo son tres días y tenemos trabajo de hacer ¿Ok? vamos a salvar el trasero de Loki— terminó diciendo la bruja lo más convincente que pudo y Tom le sonrió.
—Buena suerte querida.— dijo dándole un pequeño beso.
—Buena suerte a ti también— terminó diciendo ella en español acariciándole la mejilla a Tom. Los hombres halaron a Tom con cuidado de no lastimarlo y se lo llevaron. Solo quedaron Ofelia, Sygin y Sif, la bruja no dejó de ver la puerta por un momento, luego suspiró decidida y se volvió para ver a las Diosas detrás de ellas, Sygin tenía las manos en el pecho y veía con ternura a Ofelia, Sif aunque más seria, también se parecía conmovida Ofelia las vio confundida.
— ¿Por qué me ven como si me hubiera despedido de Tom para siempre? Solo fue a dar la vuelta por la ciudad ¿Verdad? Va a estar bien ¿Verdad?— dijo la bruja un poco nerviosa.
— Claro que Göthi va a estar bien, es solo que, sí fue un tipo de despedida importante, fue la última vez que se vieron como infantes, la próxima vez que él te vea, serás su mujer y él tu hombre...
—Hace mucho que Tom y yo dejamos de ser niños…y…— dijo la bruja pero se fue callando por que Sygin estaba comenzando a llorar.
— ... Y el hecho de que nunca puedan estar juntos me rompe me corazón.— dijo la Diosa rompiendo en llanto.
—¡Sygin!— reprendió Sif, Ofelia sintió compasión por la Diosa que ahora sentía compasión por ella “Oh, la ironía” pensó Ofelia recordando cómo lo diría Loki.
— No, no llores Lady Sygin, está bien, Tom y yo sabemos en lo que nos estamos metiendo, te agradezco el sentimiento, pero por favor detente— Le dijo la bruja quien empezaba a sentir compasión por sí misma, y eso no podía permitírselo, le esperaba una semana complicada y acaba de comenzar.
— Ya basta Sygin, tenemos que llevar a la mortal con la Reina, para comenzar sus preparativos— dijo Sif secamente y Sygin se disculpó con un murmullo.
Ofelia fue dirigida a un área del castillo que no conocía, durante el camino, la bruja encontró la compañía de Sif más tranquilizadora de lo que jamás pudo imaginar. Pero cualquier cosa que tranquilizara a la bruja terminó, cuando entraron al lugar donde la Reina esperaba. Era una sala arreglada especialmente para brindarle un baño purificante. Constaba de una piscina circular con una fuente en el centro, de la cual el agua refulgía de un color tornasol en tonos dorados. Una serie de escalones que terminaban debajo del agua, que servían de banco en las que ya había algunas Diosas sentadas platicando tranquilamente dentro de la piscina. También había otras fuentes, varias con plantas que Ofelia no conocía y brindaban un aroma maravilloso, mientras las piedras soltaban vapor que impregnaban toda la sala.
Toda la habitación estaba rodeada por una energía tan fuerte que aun con la sensibilidad atrofiada y sin haber tocado el agua, Ofelia pudo sentir la magia y la energía que tenía el agua y tantos años de experiencia profesional le decían a la bruja que todo el lugar estaba dedicado a la relajación de los que tenían el placer de usar esa sala.
Dos sirvientes se acercaron a ellas y vio como Sif entregaba sus armas, hasta ella se veía mucho más relajada, pero no tuvo tiempo de ver qué pasaba con ellas porque la Reina se acercó a la bruja y esta hizo una reverencia, la Reina le sonrió y la tomó del hombro.
— Seiđkona, debes estar familiarizada con los baños purificantes, ¿No es así? Éste en especial, es un rito de lustración para liberarte de todo mal espíritu o influencia negativa y poder brindar a tu cuerpo un libre flujo de energía, además...— dijo mostrando una sonrisa cómplice —de relajarte.— Ofelia sonrió pensando que probablemente no había suficiente agua en toda Asgard para quitarle toda la “influencia negativa” pero no dijo nada. Solo se dejó guiar por la Reina.
Frigga dirigió a Ofelia hacia uno de los bancos, uno de los sirvientes le dio un cuerno hueco, el cual contenía hidromiel, ella lo aceptó, mientras comenzaba a notar que las Diosas, que en ese momento la veían, estaban desnudas. Pero su atención regresó a la Reina cuando esta comenzó a desvestirla, Ofelia se tensó y se puso muy roja.
—Su majestad,… emm ¿Qué hace?— dijo la mortal retrayéndose en el banco, pero esto no detuvo a Frigga y Ofelia no creyó correcto rechazar a la Reina de Asgard — Yo puedo…emm, por favor.
— Seiđkona, no tienes por qué afligirte,— Dijo Frigga en un tono tranquilizador, Ofelia la vio asustada por un momento, angustiada pensando que no era justo para ella, las demás mujeres ahí eran Diosas, por definición perfectas. Pero, la Reina, sin dejar de trabajar en el elaborado vestido de la bruja, la vio a los ojos— Las Nornas nos brindaron estos cuerpos y no debe apenarte mostrar la desnudez – las doncellas en el agua animaban a Ofelia a unírseles. Ofelia respiró profundo y apuró el contenido del cuerno casi por completo, mientras trataba de recordar todo lo que sabía sobre rituales prenupciales nórdicos, esto era parte del ritual conocido como el “Dote de Frigga” y si quería hacerlo bien tendría que dejar de lado ese sentimiento de inseguridad que tenía —Es solo una fiesta más en casa– terminó diciendo La Madre de Todo. La bruja no sabía si era por todo lo que había bebidó, o si era por la magia en el cuarto pero suspiró de nuevo, dio el último trago al delicioso hidromiel, y dejó mansamente que la Reina continuara.
Una vez todas en el agua, la bruja se sintió más cómoda, en algún momento Sif se acercó a ella para deshacerle el complicado peinado a base de trenzas que le habían hecho esa mañana, mientras le decía, con una sonrisa– Durante los tres días que siguen debes traerlo suelto.
Todas jugaban y reían,contando anécdotas sobre sus experiencias en sus bodas, Ofelia de hecho se estaba divirtiendo, hasta que por supuesto, Lorelai abrió la boca.
—Se supone que estamos aquí para aconsejar a la novia sobre su noche de bodas con su esposo, pero viendo la circunstancia en la que nos encontramos ¿Debemos aconsejarla para complacer al príncipe?— Ofelia volteó los ojos irritada, le iba a contestar algo pero un gruñido a lado de ella le llamó la atención, vio a Sif viendo a Lorelai como si quisiera que se ahogara. En ese momento Ofelia decidió que podía ser amiga de Sif. Pero la que contestó fue Sygin, quién tenía en las manos un frasquito que estaba destapando.
— Y tal vez no haya nadie en todo el reino como Lorelai para aconsejarte, con toda, toda la experiencia que tiene complaciendo caballeros. – Sygin hizo especial énfasis en la palabra "toda". Las demás doncellas rieron, incluso Lorelai tuvo que forzar la risa, Ofelia supuso que por la presencia de la Reina, mientras Sygin vio a Ofelia, le sonrió y junto con otra joven comenzaron a untarle a Ofelia un polvo blancuzco, que Ofelia supuso que era algún tratamiento de belleza, pero de nuevo Lorelai llamó su atención.
— Pues si Lady Seiđkona puede sacar provecho de cualquiera de nuestras experiencias, habremos cumplido nuestra tarea, que es encaminar a la doncella virgen para que no se asuste.
—¡Hey! Puedo ser virgen pero no soy una niña, en mi mundo tenemos algo llamado educación sexual muchas gracias— dijo Ofelia, pero todas la vieron e incluso algunas inclinaron la cabeza a un lado. La bruja explicó — En la tierra…Midgard, nos enseñan cómo funcionanlas relaciones sexuales y la reproducción humana. – terminó de decir la bruja con media sonrisa, pero cuando Lorelai empujó un poco a Sygin para acercarse a ella y la miró divertida.
— El príncipe no es un ser humano, Seiđkona.
—Lorelai no asustes a la mortal,— reprendió la Reina — No te preocupes, niña, todos los hombres son básicamente iguales.— Le dijo la Frigga en tono tranquilizador.
— Sí, supongo…— continúo Lorelai venenosamente — …aunque no todos sienten la necesidad de transformarse en las cosas más extrañas en el momento, pero sí, iguales— Ofelia la vio alarmada.
—Perdón ¿Qué?— dijo la bruja en español. – ¡¿Se transforma?!— pero la que le contestó, fue Sygin.
—Es de hecho divertido— Ofelia la vio escandalizada pero escuchó a Sif, riéndose.
—Sí, recuerdo una vez que…— pero Ofelia la interrumpió, viéndola sorprendida.
— Espera, espera, ¿Ustedes se acostaron con Loki? –Preguntó Ofelia, tratando de sonreír incomoda, pero cuando la mayoría de las doncellas que estaban presentes le contestaron que sí, se arrepintió de preguntar. Se sentó desnuda a escuchar anécdotas y experiencias que estas mujeres habían tenido con el Dios del Engaño. La mortal sentía su cara al rojo vivo y por un momento Ofelia pensó en como lo estaba pasando Tom.
Mientras tanto Thor, sirvió de guía turístico a los midgardianos durante dos días, por los terrenos y lugares importantes de la ciudad dorada, en donde siempre los recibían con fiestas y festines, culminando en una taberna llena de guerreros y ciudadanos que dieron la bienvenida a los Príncipes, los mortales y los amigos que los acompañaban, a Tom le dio la impresión de que, no solo estaban esperando, parecía que había algún tipo de cometido específico, ya que el lugar estaba preparado con un gran banquete y bebidas de todos los tipos.
Había mujeres jóvenes muy hermosas sirviendo cerveza y jugando con los caballeros, estas al verlos llegar corrieron a complacerlos con caricias, bebidas y diversas frutas, algunas halaron a Tom a una silla, que desde donde estaba Chris, parecía una especie de trono. Mientras, la mayoría de las mujeres se apresuraron a darle fruta en la boca y sentarse en la piernas del sorprendido británico, Chris se quedó en el fondo de la habitación para tomar fotos, riendo de la cara nerviosa y apenada de su amigo, estaba tan concentrado que lo tomó por sorpresa cuando dos jóvenes se acercaron a él seductoramente, ninguna perdió el tiempo y acariciaron los brazos, el rostro y el estómago del rubio en un intento de seducirle. Pero este las detuvo delicadamente.
—Lo siento señoritas, pero yo ya estoy apartado —Chris decía un poco apenado y nervioso, pero sonriendo mientras levantaba la mano haciendo referencia a su anillo de matrimonio, a lo cual las jóvenes hicieron un mohín y pucheros y dedicaron su atención a Tom.
Mientras tanto Tom se sintió acorralado mirando a uno y otro lado, solo encontrando rostros jóvenes, que lo veían con deseo, él solo se reía nerviosamente y seguía disculpándose tratando de levantarse y pasar entre la multitud de bellezas. Pero en un punto todos se callaron en la taberna y las jóvenes se fueron apartando poco a poco para terminar revelando una mujer vestida de verde al fondo. Era la mujer más hermosa que Tom hubiera visto, todos los caballeros se callaron para observarla y por la actitud que ella tenía, sabía lo deseada que era por todos en el lugar.
Miró a Tom como si fuera una especie de presa y caminó hacia él muy despacio, cuando llegó, ella se inclinó recargándose en los muslos del actor y viéndolo directamente a los ojos. Se quedaron así un momento creando un ambiente de expectativa silenciosa en la taberna, finalmente interrumpida por la voz aterciopelada de Tom.
— Lo siento señorita…
—Amora, mi señor, mi nombre es Amora y soy la responsable de complacerte esta noche…— dijo “La Encantadora”, bajando la mirada al regazo del actor para luego subirla moviendo sus parpados muy despacio — … y tu vas a amarme Lord Thomas.
Con esto Tom tragó saliva, y se mojó lo labios con la lengua, pero su cerebro logró hacer las conexiones necesarias para recordar quién era Amora, y la última vez que la mencionaron en la tierra. Fue cuando hacían la investigación sobre Loki en el hotel donde conoció a Ofelia, en México, ella estaba leyendo los comics que Tom había traído de Londres y recordó que está hizo un comentario con respecto a Amora. Si mal no recordaba y su español no le fallaba iba más o menos: “—Amora siempre usa esa frase y vas a amarme” y ahí van toda la bola de babosos a caer…— dijo la bruja riéndose del ”baboso” en turno. Lo que, de hecho, hizo que se riera un poco, porque él era el baboso en turno. Esto logró que Amora lo viera indignada y sorprendida y que todos el en taberna jadearan sorprendidos también.
—Gracias mi Lady Amora, por su interés, eres muy hermosa y estoy increíblemente alagado por tu atención, pero debo rechazar el ofrecimiento en honor a mi futura esposa —Todos en la taberna explotaron en vitores hacia Tom. Antes de que todos se acercaran para poder felicitarlo Amora simplemente dijo.
—Tú te lo pierdes —y se retiró con aire ofendido. Comenzaron a fluir las bebidas y la comida, poco a poco el lugar se llenó de alegres melodías mientras los Dioses bailaban y cantaban al compás de la música.
Tom se levantó, caminó hacia su amigo y le preguntó en voz baja.
— ¿Qué acaba de pasar?
—Acabas de rechazar a La Encantadora y creo que no muchos de aquí puedan decir eso, Thor menos que nadie.— dijo Chris soltando una carcajada, Tom le iba a contestar pero Thor se dirigió al sorprendido Tom dándole un manazo, un poco demasiado fuerte, en el hombro.
—Lo has hecho muy bien Thomas, Lady Ofelia estará muy orgullosa de que hayas pasado la prueba.
—¿Era una prueba? —preguntó Tom, sorprendido, dando gracias a Dios por el hecho de pensar todo el tiempo en la bruja, ya que esto lo había salvado.
—Claro que sí, más yo tenía la certeza que podías con ella. Todo hombre que se encuentra enamorado ha de pasarla en la víspera de sus nupcias y demostrar que, de entre todas las doncellas, solo una ha sido elegida para desposarle — Chris miró al gigante sorprendido y divertido, mientras este lo rodeó con un pesado brazo sobre los hombros entusiasmado —Así es hermano, no es fácil resistirse a las bellezas de Asgard.
Sintiéndose un poco mejor, Tom acompañó a los otros a sus asientos y disfrutar de la amenidad.
Mientras tanto en el castillo, la dote de Frigga había durado toda la noche y gran parte del día siguiente, las Diosas comieron y bebieron todo el tiempo rodeadas de un gran festín y con un gran número de sirvientes al pendiente de lo que necesitaran, cuando terminó, las Diosas se secaron y vistieron a la mortal con un vestido blanco simple. Ofelia estaba semi acostada en una banca tipo otomana mientras sus damas de compañía terminaban de pintar figuras en la piel, habían pasado más de día y medio en los baños, entrando y saliendo, comiendo y bebiendo, festejando y hablando, y ahoraella estaba másallá del punto de relajación, tanto que escuchó a Sif decirle a Frigga.
—Mi Reina, creo que está dormida.— Ofelia podía sentir perfectamente a la Doncella de Escudo que estaba trabajando en un hermoso cuervo formado de patrones entrelazados en su muslo, Ofelia iba a contestar que no estaba dormida, que la estaba oyendo pero no podía reaccionar, “usaron demasiado tranquilizante” pensó.
—Seiđkona, ¿Me escuchas?—pero Ofelia solo pudo contestar con un “mmm…”— vaya, parece que tienes razón Lady Sif, dejémosla descansar un momento mientras preparo un brebaje para ayudarla.— con esto escuchó como las doncellas y la Reina salían de la habitación, dejándola sola, podía sentir la extraña y suave tela del vestido sobre su, muy sensible piel resultado del baño purificador. Pensó en dormir un rato, pero sabía que no estaba cansada, solo intoxicada, así que se dedicó a usar la poca magia a la que tenía acceso para sacar parte de la ligera droga herbal que habían usado en el baño, de su sistema, ya que obviamente no la habían medido bien para un mortal. Para cualquiera que la viera, parecería que estaba dormida, necesitaba concentrarse, por esto no se movió cuando escuchó a alguien entrar por la puerta.
En condiciones normales podría saber mucho por la energía que irradiaba el intruso, pero ahora no podía, por eso la alarmó mucho escuchar la voz de un hombre que no conocía, porque sabía que, sin contar al Einherjarelegido por el Rey quien cuidaba la seguridad de estas habitaciones, ningún hombre debía acercarse a la novia,era la ley en este lugar. Tampoco se movió cuando este tomó un poco de su cabello y jugó con él entre sus dedos. Ofelia abrió lo más que pudo los ojos, lo que no era mucho, apenas dos rendijas por los que veía a un hombre que de hecho no conocía, este la vio como si ella no fuera gran cosa, soltó el cabello como si no estuviera interesado. Le dio la vuelta al sillón observando a la bruja de diferentes ángulos.
—¿Cómo es posible que una criatura tan insignificante, sea la diferencia entre la vida o la muerte de Loki? – el hombre puso una mano en la cintura de la bruja y la deslizo hasta la rodilla, su actitud era de estar midiendo la calidad de algo.— Las Nordas deben de estarse divirtiendo mucho con el destino del muchacho, tantos intentos de deshacernos del él y ahora la oportunidad viene en la forma de una simple mortal, ni siquiera tengo que matarte ¿Verdad?
El hombre tomó a Ofelia de la cara y la forzó a voltear a verlo, pero la bruja seguía sin abrir los ojos completamente, solo pudo quejarse débilmente— No te esfuerces criatura, lo más fácil fue poner un poco más de tranquilizantes en el baño de Frigga, no mucho para que las Diosas se dieran cuenta, pero si la suficiente para la constitución delicada de un mortal.
“¿En serio me va a contar todo su plan?” Pensó la bruja moviéndose muy poco tratando de levantar el brazo para soltarse pero lo dejó caer. —Luego solo tuvimos que deshacernos del único Einherjar que cuida esa puerta. Tengo que aceptar que la mejor parte de esto, es que no tendremos que lidiar con la venganza de Thor, ya que técnicamente no lo estamos matando, ni a tí. Thor es fácil de manipular, pero el reino estará mejor sinLoki, esa serpiente. — dijo el hombre dejando la cara de Ofelia y tomándola con ambas manos de la cadera para girarla de modo de sus pies descansaron en el piso.
Las luces en el cuarto comenzaron a parpadear a causa del fuego, que se estaba moviendo de forma irregular, pero el hombre no sintió ninguna brisa. Vio hacia la puerta, un poco nervioso pero seguía cerrada. Debía darse prisa, si lo encontraban haciendo esto le costaría la cabeza, cuando regresó su atención a Ofelia, ella tenía los ojos muy abiertos, estaban negros y estaba sonriendo. Ninguna otra parte de su cuerpo se movió.
La imagen asustó un poco al Dios, por un momento no supo que hacer, por un lado, la sola imagen era perturbadora, pero además la mortal no debía estar consiente, las luces iban y venían y la habitación se quedó en silencio. El hombre no podía saber si la bruja lo veía con esos ojos bañados en obscuridad, parecía que ni respiraba. El hombre suspiró profundo decidido a continuar con el plan. Se inclinó para subir la falda blanca de Ofelia, pensando que si ella ponía resistencia, podría someterla fácilmente, pero ella seguía sin moverse. Subió la falda hasta las rodillas y cuando iba enderezándose, la luz parpadeó una vez más, para cuando el hombre estaba erguido y la luz re­gresó, vio a la bruja que ya estaba sentada frente a él con la misma inquietante sonrisa, él podría jurar que su corazón se detuvo por un momento. Tuvo que dar dos pasos para atrás. Ofelia seguía sin moverse,parecía una estatua. El Dios junto las cejas enojado y asustado. Sacó una daga de algún escondite en su espalda, — Voy a hacer esto más rápido, pero no menos doloroso…yo...— el Dios amenazó pero lo que decía fue perdiendo fuerza cuando notó que Ofelia inclinaba la cabeza hacía un lado dolorosamente lento, la misma sonrisa. Nada más se movió, solo su cabeza.— No te tengo miedo Wicce. –mintió el hombre que daba más pasos para atrás.
La sonrisa de la bruja se desvaneció por completo y dijo – No te preocupes por eso, tenemos tiempo. — Ella, en un movimiento rápido, levantó la mano para sellar la puerta con magia, en ese momento las luces que apagaron, pero esta vez no regresaron inmediatamente, lo único que él podía oír, era su propia respiración agitada, seguía caminando hacia atrás, hasta toparse con una pared, levantó la daga para defenderse, pero cuando la luz regresó y vio el rostro de la bruja a centímetros del él, soltó la daga y mientras su mente se inundaba de negro por la mirada de la mortal, comenzó a gritar de pánico.
La primera en escuchar el grito fue Lady Sif quién desenvainó la espada, llegó a la puerta donde se supone que descansaba la bruja, se alarmó cuando no vio al Einherjar. Los gritos no eran de la bruja, eran de un hombre, llamó a los guardias y trató sin éxito de abrir la puerta, golpeó lo más fuerte que pudo, incluso con los dos guardias que llegaron a ayudar. Pero no fue hasta que llegó Frigga y deshizo el hechizo que se abrieron las puertas. Cuando pudieron ver hacía la habitación, todos excepto la Reina dieron un paso hacia atrás asustados por la perturbadora imagen.
Primero los gritos nunca cesaron y eran horribles, la única luz que había en cuarto, era la que provenía de la puerta recién abierta y en el centro de la habitación revuelta, estaba la pequeña mortal vestida con su vestido blanco que tenía manchas rojas, iba descalza y tenía los ojos negros y en la mano la daga del hombre, la que estaba goteando sangre y en el otro brazo una herida larga. Se quedaron todos un momento sin moverse oyendo los gritos del hombre, pero cuando Frigga notó que llegaban más guardias, la Reina, haló a Sif y a los dos guardias que estaban con ellas y cerró la puerta tras ellos. Con un movimiento de muñeca hizo que las luces se prendieran y vieron a la bruja que sonreía inocente pero con los ojos aun negros, ella soltó la daga. Sif fue hacia el hombre y lo noqueó de un golpe, la Reina volteó con los guardias.
— Ustedes no dirán nada de lo que fueron testigos aquí hasta que yo lo diga ¿Me di a entender?
Los Einherjars de pusieron muy derechos y contestaron — Su majestad.
—Lleven a este hombre a las mazmorras,lidiaremos con él después.— Cuando los Einherjars se retiraron, ella se dirigió a Sif quién seguía viendo asustada a la bruja.— Sif ve por favor por Eir dile que venga de inmediato.
—Sí su majestad.— dijo la guerrera poniendo un puño en el pecho haciendo una reverencia. Frigga luego se dirigió con cuidado a la bruja.
—¿Seiđkona, estas bien?
—Sí, su majestad, lamento el escándalo,—dijo sonriendo, un poco apenada la Reina respiró aliviada.
— ¿Qué pasó?— preguntó sin dejar de ver los ojos de la bruja, nunca había visto a un mortal que tuviera los ojos así. Pero Ofelia parecía que no lo notaba y procedió a contarle lo que pasó, en un momento llegó Sif con Eir y cerraron la puerta, dejando ya una pequeña multitud de gente afuera. Mientras Ofelia seguía contando lo que paso, Eir se acercó con cuidado y trató el brazo, un poco nerviosa. Cuando la bruja terminó el relato, Sif dijo.
— ¿Qué pasa con tus ojos?— y la bruja se sorprendió un poco y sonrió disculpándose.
— Lo siento, lo olvidé— con esto parpadeo y sus ojos regresaron a la normalidad. Las dos Diosas compartieron una mirada de sorpresa, pero fue la Reina quien continuó.
— Lady Ofelia, no hay manera de que pudieras hacerle daño a un Dios ¿Cómo…?
—Oh lo sé, por eso opté por asustarlo, nunca lo toqué, — dijo defendiéndose— solo asumí que viviendo en Asgard no estarían acostumbrados a las películas de horror de la tierra, aproveché y use todos los clichés que se me ocurrieron, le di a beber mi sangre para crear una conexión ligera entre nosotros y poder crear imágenes en su mente— dijo la bruja levantándose un poco la enagua del vestido manchado de sangre — Allá va la pureza ¿Verdad?— dijo Ofelia tratando de bromear, sonriendo incomoda.
—¿Qué hacemos, la bañamos otra vez?— dijo la guerrera atrás de la Reina, pero esta vio a la bruja un poco nerviosa, lo pensó un momento.
— No, vamos a fingir que no pasó nada, dile a Sygin que traigan el otro vestido y llama también a Lorelai está en los jardines, vamos a limpiar la sangre y ponerle una linda corona de flores a la inocente novia. — dijo la Reina divertida y un poco orgullosa, pero Ofelia estaba tratando de quitar una mancha sangre del vestido tallándolo con los dedos. Sabía que no lograría nada, pero sí estaba muy apenada, todo el esfuerzo que pusieron las Diosas para hacerla parecer pura y ahora lo echaba todo a perder haciendo lo que siempre hacia. Pero no pudo evitar divertirse con el Dios un rato, le daba cierta sensación de superioridad que había perdido en esos días. Aun así sabía que no era momento para divertirse, si la Reina no consideraba a la bruja a la altura del sacrificio podría haber problemas, no que no quisiera llevar a cabo el ritual, Ofelia sabía que la Madre de Todos no arriesgaría la vida de Loki, pero si podría decidir matar a la bruja en el blòt.
—Lady Ofelia ¿Puedo hacerte una pregunta?— llamó la atención de la bruja.
—Claro que sí, su majestad.
—¿Mi hijo sabe que te puedes cuidar sola?— dijo Frigga con un tinte de orgullo.— ¿Sabe que te estamos sobreprotegiendo?
—Creo que, no solo lo sabe, si no, que le divierte— dijo ella sonriendo apenada. Y la Reina comenzó a reír.
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noisymouse · 5 years
Sygin is said to be added later, so idk how much is Christian influence. Snorri sturluson was a devout Christian. So she was probably meant as a dimensionless figure. Its lovely to read your take on her and hope i get to see more cool content. Love, anon
It’s a little more complicated than that... first of all, *much* of our knowledge of norse stories was written later by Christian scholars. Like, most of it. Sigyn DOES appear in the prose edda by Snorri, but also has a brief mention in the poetic edda. It is true both of these were written in the 13th century (but again, I can not stress enough, much of our knowledge of norse stories comes from these two sources as well so... you could say ALL of it was added later.)
There is also a brief mention of her in a skaldic poem from the *9th* century. This has caused some people to theorize she may in fact be a goddess that comes from an earlier form of germanic paganism, and although I would be cautious about jumping to THAT conclusion (to me it seems kind of like how people try to find evidence for Persephone being an underworld goddess who used to rule by herself before patriarchal classic greek mythology, using dubious or even flat out made-up sources) I think it’s safe to say she wasn’t a later addition that was never originally part of norse stories.
At any rate:
I think it’s definitely true, either way, that she was never an important figure. She has great personal significance to me, and to many others, and to me that’s kind of the really lovely part of mythology, is how we, in contemporary times, look at these stories and reinterpret, retell, and reinvent them, and in this way keep them fresh and alive and relevant.
Continuing to get more off topic, that’s probably why Loki is one my favourite characters from any historic myth: he’s become such a popular contemporary figure who has been reinvented in so many things. I absolutely LOVE him in the Marvel comics (and the movies too to a lesser degree). I love the complex and changing stories he’s had over the last decades, I love how some of the stories incorporate parts from the old norse stories, I love how comics and movies, all this media, is really like our modern folklore, and Loki has been revived. I really love it.
Phew. Anyway.
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writernotwaiting · 6 years
Mis-Matched, Part 4
In this chapter: Sigyn is frustrated; Loki does some work in the library (real research this time); and woosh, did someone turn up the heat? I think it just got a little warm in here.
Title: Mis-Matched Rating: M (this is subject to change at the whim of the author’s muses) Characters: Loki, Sigyn, Frigga, Theoric, and various supporting OCs Description: This is an attempt to fill the propmt requested by @someillplanetreigns (and now I can’t even tag you!): “you asked for prompts and pairings - I would like to humbly beg for more Logyn? I don’t have a great prompt, but this odd thought is in my head about a way to make the comic plot about Theoric and the marriage into something about marriage by proxy? Maybe something like Loki has the duty of proxy-marrying Sigyn cos Theoric’s in the army, and totally plays everyone by going the whole hog and appearing as Theoric, but then Sigyn, who thought Theoric was dull as ditchwater and Loki is… well, y’know, Loki.” I’m not sure this is precisely what you wanted, so I apologize in advance for my wayward muses – Loki does what he wants. Chapter: 4 of 5 -- yes, I know; I said that this would be the last chapter--I swear to god that the next chapter really will be the last one! I’m really sorry! Acknowledgements: thank you @icybluepenguin for serving as one of my favorite Editor Supreme and Director of Continuity Oversight!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 on Ao3
        As soon as she was able, Sigyn practically ran back to her room, stuffed her skirts into her mouth and screamed. There wasn’t even anything she could break or set fire to—none of it was hers, and surely the smoke would attract attention. She sank down to the floor in front of the desk chair and beat the cushions for all she was worth.
     Aaaargh! The Norns are having a mighty fine laugh at this, aren’t they? So much for patient resignation. He can’t do this to me! I can’t do this. How am I going to survive this?
        She sat on the floor arms draped over the seat cushion for a good 15 minutes before she started feeling really stupid, and finally looked up, and turned around to lean back against the chair leg.
     Ah, goat’s piss, girl, you do what you’ve been doing. Keep your head down. Smile and nod. Be helpful, but not too helpful. Don’t set anything on fire. By all that’s fated—DON’T SET ANYTHING ON FIRE!!!!
        This whole behaving one’s self was definitely overrated. Well, one small consolation she could count on was that after consummation, Theoric would be absent from home often—as long as Asgard was at war, his services would be needed elsewhere—and Asgard was always at war with someone. Thank the Norns for tiny favors.
     Her father’s money would keep Theoric’s aging estate afloat. Herr Braggison would get whatever kickback Theoric had promised, and Sigyn would be well out of the public eye and away from anyone who might be overly interested in enforcing immigration statutes. It then occurred to her that maybe she should read up on those statutes while she had access to a law library, so she at least knew what I’m hiding from.
        See? I can be rational.
        She looked at the time piece on the mantle—two hours until supper. Time enough for a quick bath before she got her notes in order for the queen. She reminded herself of her mantra:
        Smile and nod.
        Be helpful, but not too helpful.
        Don’t set anything on fire. [read more cut below]
        Loki, on the other hand, went right from the botany library over to genealogy. He had already looked through Theoric’s and Herr Bragisson’s pedigrees with a fine-toothed comb and hadn’t come up with anything suspicious. Theoric’s blood was as blue as the underside of a glacier—an ancient country estate with impeccable bloodlines. He was probably even Odin’s fourth cousin twice removed. There was nothing improper to dredge up there. It did, however, confirm his hunch. The estate was ancient but was parasitical. It had no means of supporting itself in the style to which its owners were accustomed, and badly needed an influx of cash.
Herr Braggison’s bloodline was quite a bit more mundane—money made in trade—and he certainly seemed to need no money, but Loki had seen enough of the man to know that his veins flowed with the ink of a ledger, so some profit motive for Sigyn’s marriage arrangements would come as no surprise.
        Today he would delve into Sigyn’s family. But here he ran into a bit of a road block. Loki found the father—a trader in exotic wines and alcohols. He could trace the paternal line with no trouble. As for the mother . . . nothing. Well, not nothing, there was a marriage certificate. But that’s it. He searched everywhere.
        Alright then, what was Trygge doing in the year before he married Ilona. That meant reading trade records.
           I hate reading trade records.
        But how hard could it be, really? Merchants had to apply for travel within realms—it wasn’t always safe, what with shifting alliances and trade agreements, so if Trygge had gone off-world there would be permits involved. And it wasn’t all that difficult to find them.
     Trygge had applied to travel to Alfheim to buy sweet wines, there were the dates, but wow, he was gone for a long time.
     That’s an awfully long trip for just sweet wines. Was there anything else in the import manifest?Where’s the manifest? Of course, it’s in a completely different part of the library.
     Trade manifests.
     Ah ha! Sweet wines. Elven liquors. Fire whiskey. Lots and lots of fire whiskey?
        Fire whiskey was from Muspelheim. There is no trade agreement with Muspellheim. There had never been a trade agreement with Muspellheim. Intercourse with Muspellheim is, in fact, strictly forbidden and has been for ages.
        So, Sigyn’s father had purchased fire whiskey through a third party? Did Alfheim have a trade agreement with Muspellheim?
        More records—lists of liquor dealers in Alfheim 900-1000 years ago.
Norns, I hate trade records!
        Two hours later, Loki had come up with one possible source—there was one—singular—dealer of fire whiskey in Alfheim during the ten years prior to Trygge’s marriage to Ilona. The Fire Stone Inn: sole proprietor, Aeldit—formerly of Muspellheim.
        Wow! Look at that stack of permits.
           Permit #6870043: special dispensation for non-citizen ownership rights to The Fire Stone Inn to one, Aeldit, formerly of Muspelheim
        Well, that answered the question of how Tryyge had bought fire whiskey without traveling to Muspellheim, but look at all these other permits:
           “Permit #6870044: special dispensation for non-citizen proprietorship of a hospitality-oriented business, to aforesaid Aeldit.
        Permit #6870045: special dispensation for non-citizen sale of food and beverages, to aforesaid Aeldit.”
Permit #blahblahblah . . . Ah! alright then--
        “Permit #6870056: for the manufacture and sale of fire whiskey, ‘based on his father’s own recipe.’
        Permit #68070057: safety dispensation for a minor involved in the manufacture and sale of fire whiskey—daughter, Ilona, claimed to be essential in the running of family business.”
           Wait, what?
Daughter, Ilona, essential in running the family business.
           Trygge’s wife—Ilona.
           Urd’s stinking well, Sigyn’s mother was a fire giant!
        Why does that make Sigyn even sexier?
        It doesn’t matter, because by all the water in Urd’s stinking well, I am stupidly in love with her.
        He went to his mother right after supper.
        “We have to talk.”
        “Have you discovered something?”
        Loki looked around to make sure all of Frigga’s ladies had gone. “Fire whiskey.”
        Frigga furrowed her brow. “Don’t be cryptic, dear. Occasionally you need to spell things out, even to me.”
        “Sigyn’s father, Trygge traded in exotic liquors. While on a trading excursion, he found a supplier for fire whiskey. Made by an actual fire giant. Who had a daughter.”
        “Trygge married the daughter. Sigyn’s mother was a fire giant.
        “I beg your pardon?”
        “Sigyn’s mother was a fire giant.”
        Frigga sat down.
     It’s not often Loki struck his mother silent. He tried to savor it, but he was a little too nervous to really enjoy it as he ought.
        When she recovered, her response was probably predictable.
        “That’s not possible, Loki. There’s been no legal interaction with Muspellheim for millennia, even diplomatic contacts are mediated.”
        “A person who lived lived in Alfheim and sold fire whiskey was granted a huge stack of permits granting him “non-citizen’s rights” to operate the business. Sygin’s father was a liquor importer and acquired massive quantities of fire whiskey while on a trip to Alfheim. He also, seemingly, acquired a wife on the same trip, a wife who has the same name as said dealer in fire whiskey.”
        “And there were no other sources for the fire whiskey.”
        “Well, elves definitely do not make fire whiskey using a family recipe.”
        “No, they do not.”
        “And when you think about it, Sigyn definitely does not look as though her mother was an elf.”
        Frigga sighed. “No, she does not.”
        “So Trygge probably smuggled his new wife into Asgard when he returned with three barrels of legally purchased fire whiskey.”
        “Because of course there are no records of her mother entering the realm legally.” Frigga frowned as she spoke.
     Loki shook his head. “None.”
     “And does explain her father’s insistence that she marry early, and well.”
        Loki nodded and began to fidget with his hands. “Is this a problem?”
        “How big of a problem?”
        “Honestly? I’m not sure.”
        Loki dropped onto the sofa next to her. “Mother, honestly? I really need it to not be a problem.”
        She carded her fingers into his hair. “Oh dearest, you know I’ll have to speak to your father about this.”
        Loki groaned.
        “Well, he would have to be involved in these discussions at some point, anyway, sweetheart. This just means I will have to involve him a little bit earlier.”
        They sat quietly for a few minutes before Frigga broke the silence, “There is still the matter of the contract.”
        “Actually, I’m not all that worried about that. I’m pretty sure Theoric only agreed to the marriage because his estate desperately needs cash, so I really think he could be bought off. And since the marriage has yet to be consummated, and I’m also fairly certain that the contract is not strictly legal, since Sigyn is not a legal resident. If this is the case, then the contract could easily be annulled. By the proper authorities.”
        Frigga smiled, “By the proper authorities.”
        “So really the biggest obstacle is  . . .”
        “Your father.”
        “My father.”
        “And you might want to speak to Sigyn, as well.”
        “Right. That could be important.”
        So his mother would talk to Odin, and Loki would talk to Sigyn.
        Goat’s piss. I’ve got to talk to Sigyn.
        Loki cloaked himself and went to find her room.
        For her part, now that it was getting late, Sigyn sat in her bed staring at an open book that she had not been reading for the last 30 minutes.
     She wasn’t frustrated any longer.
     Sigyn was angry.
        What in the known universe was Loki playing at, anyway? “We’ll talk later.” What does that mean? There is nothing to talk about. What gives him the right to jerk me around like that when he knows I can’t do anything? Selfish bastard. Just because he’s a prince he thinks he can have whatever he wants and do whatever he wants and there won’t be any consequences. Well, there might not be any consequences for him, but there absolutely be consequences for me. Permanent consequences. I can’t even defend myself without getting into trouble. I would set fire to his spellbooks if it weren’t a waste of good reading materials.
        Of course, just at that moment, someone knocked on her door. Who in Asgard . . .?
        She tied her robe tight over her sleep clothes and pulled open the door.
        He glanced quickly down the hallway before asking, “May I come in for a short while?”
        “That’s really not a good idea.”
        Loki swore he felt the temperature drop, and he swallowed nervously. “I cloaked myself. No one saw.”
        “And that makes it ok?”
     He felt colder. “I just need to talk to you. Please?”
        After a long pause, Sigyn reluctantly stepped out of the way so he could pass into the room. Once he was fully inside, she stood against the closed door and crossed her arms, making no attempt to make him comfortable.
        Loki fidgeted as he stood in what little floor space existed in the small room. Finally, Sigyn jerked her chin upwards and raised an eyebrow. She was not in the mood to be helpful. “Well?”
        Loki frowned briefly, then pulled the chair away from the desk. “Won’t you sit down?”
        “No, I think I’ll stand, thank you.”
        “Alright, if you prefer.”
        “I do.”
        Loki moved over to the bed and wrapped a hand around one of the posts as if its solidity would serve as a mental brace. He cleared his throat. “I want to talk to you about your contract.”
        Sigyn’s mouth fell open, this was clearly not the conversation she had been expecting. “What?”
        Loki stood a little straighter and ran a hand down the front of his jacket. “I want to talk to you about your marriage contract. You never signed the betrothal papers, and pardon me if this seems to overstep my bounds, but I sense that you are less than enthusiastic about the marriage. I feel it’s my responsibility to make sure you aren’t entering into something unwillingly.” He took a breath. “Sigyn, has this marriage been forced on you?”
        Sigyn opened and closed her mouth several times trying to find words that made sense, her face suddenly hot as she looked Loki directly in the face and tried to decide whether she was embarrassed, frightened, or enraged. In the end, all she could spit out was, “Why do you care?”
        He couldn’t quite maintain a neutral facade when he replied, “Well . . . it’s a matter of honor . . . why would I not care?”
        She snorted. “Honor? Is that what you call that little display in the library, then? Is a seduction more honorable when it’s only a woman’s reputation at stake rather than her husband’s?”
        He flushed. “That has nothing to do with this.”
        She crossed her arms again. “Does it not?”
        “No. Yes. Not the reputation part, but . . . ah, Freya’s cats are easier to talk to. Why are you making this so difficult? It was a simple question.”
        Sigyn walked right up into his personal space. “Not. So. Simple. You explain yourself or I’m not answering any questions. I’m not going to be manipulated into becoming a hanger on.”
        “A hanger on? Is that what you . . .? No! That is not what I meant at . . . how could you think that?”
        “Really?” And looking at him like he had quite lost his higher brain function—which to be fair, he rather felt he had at that point—Sigyn turned away and sat down heavily in the desk chair.
        Loki scrubbed his face and grit his teeth. He made a fist and jabbed a finger in her direction as he took a deep breath to speak. He snapped his mouth shut again, lips in a tight line as he scrunched his eyes shut and counted to five.
        He opened his eyes and breathed out heavily before he spoke, “I don’t want a hanger on. Alright. Here is the truth—and you really aren’t playing fair here, but this is the whole of it because you are clearly not being rational—I don’t want you to marry Theoric. He’s a thick-headed, slow-witted idiot, who’s never seen the inside of a book that he liked, whose preferred bed-mates, pardon my crassness, have all been blond, enormous-breasted doxies. The very idea of you spending the rest of your life linked to that rock-headed ass-end makes me furious, and I would actually prefer-it-if-youwouldmarrymeinstead-and-I-think-I-can-get-you-out-of-your-established-marriage-contract-wouldthatbeprefferabletoyou?”
        By the time Loki got to the end of this speech Sigyn’s eyes were as wide as trenchers and her mouth hung open in shock. She blinked. Closed her mouth. Blinked again. When she finally responded, her voice was very small. “I have no idea how to answer that.”
        “Yes. You could just say yes.”
        “It’s not that simple.”
        “I think it is.”
        “There are things that make this particularly complicated.”
        “I know.”
        Her brow pulled together in frustration and sat up straighter. “No, you don’t know.”
        Loki walked over to her and pulled her chair around so he could lean against the desk while they talked. “Actually, I do know.”
        Sigyn cocked her head suspiciously, both annoyed by his seeming obtuseness, and aroused by how effortlessly he shifted her around in that chair.
        “I do know,” he repeated, but then Loki suddenly realized the potentially stalkerish behavior of his research, and his eyes darted nervously between his hands and her face before he gathered the nerve to launch into his explanation, “Right. Please don’t take this the wrong way. I, um, I did some research—a lot of research, in fact, in the library—and I, um, found out about your mother’s origin and why those origins might be the reason for Herr Braggison’s insistence on this particular marriage and its haste, and um, I want to assure you that those origins are very much not a problem for me, and I am willing to, um, work toward not having them be a problem for any other, erm, potential contracts that you might, um, choose to enter into.”
        Sigyn’s voice came out in a whisper now. “And you would like for that contract to be with you?”
        Loki finally looked directly into her eyes, and his voice also became extremely quiet. “Yes.”
        “And how,” her voice still low, “do you propose to make any of this possible?”
        Loki dropped to his knees in front of her, took her by the hand and began to play nervously with her fingers. “I believe that, since the contract was made between a citizen and a non-legal resident who was also a minor at the time the betrothal was signed, that the contract is not legally recognizable. I also believe that after the contract is annulled, that I can petition the royal council to grant you permanent residency after which you could legally enter into negotiations for a new contract.”
        “And you have reason to believe that petition would be granted, why?”
        His gaze shifted from her face to the fingers he held in his own, and he smirked. “I have it on good authority that the petition would be supported by the queen.”
        A slow smile began to show on Sigyn’s face to match the warmth that had started to spread through her chest. “Do you, now?”
        “I do,” and when his eyes moved back up to meet hers they were full of mischief.
        “Well then, it might be worth an attempt.”
        Loki’s focus never wavered from her face as he leaned forward and brought her fingers to his lips. “We’ll consider it a plan, then.” And though the first touch of his lips to her fingers was a chivalrous gesture, the next thing she felt was the wet tip of his tongue when he brought it out to taste the very end of her fingertip, and then his teeth began to nip. Her mouth once again fell open and she flushed down her chest as he took the tip of that finger into his mouth and sucked gently. Her heart beat hard enough to shake her clothing and her breath became shallow.
        He slowly slid her finger out of his mouth and asked, “Is this alright?”
        Her assent was the smallest of nods.
        He smiled broadly as he moved even closer, his face centimeters from her own, hands sliding up her arms to rest on either side of her neck. “Then perhaps this would be agreeable, as well.” He brushed her lips with his own, feather light, thumbs resting under her jaw, then pressed forward into a soft kiss.
        Sigyn drew back barely enough to break contact. “That would absolutely be agreeable,” she whispered, and leaned into his touch once more, lips parting in invitation.
        She closed her eyes as she concentrated on the soft warmth of his mouth, on the taste of him flooding hers, and on the slow, wet slide of their tongues against one another. When they finally broke apart nothing existed but the dark green eyes inches from her own. She could barely breathe, even as her fingers found bare skin at his neck and fluttered over it, as if she could taste him that way as well, feeling the lines of muscle and following them up to trace around the shell of his ears, brush the softness of the lobes and comb through the hair at the base of his neck.
        His own hands explored downward, sending tingles through her skin as he followed the collar of her sleep shirt over her clavicle, down to play at the dip in her cleavage, sneaking inside the fabric to cup her breast as he leaned in again for more of those glorious kisses. Loki drank in the little notes of pleasure that welled up with each touch, just as Sigyn swallowed down his own soft moans.
        A distracting crick in his neck prompted him to pull back just slightly. “Sigyn, can we . . .?” And pushed the chair back slightly before pulling her down to straddle his lap on the floor and into another kiss. “Mmmmm, mch bttr.”
        She giggled and wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him to settle in as close as possible, gaining a needy groan for her efforts as she felt his cock hard through their clothes and she rocked against him.
        Loki buried his face in her neck. “Oh Norns, Sigyn, I have dreamed about this.” Soon his lips mouthed wetly at her pulse point as he inhaled the smells of her—soft amber soap mixed with the lingering scent of the library. His mouth continued its travels south. He pulled her tunic aside to reveal a smooth copper shoulder, and he paid worship to the newly revealed skin while she watched, mesmerized by the path marked out by his lips and tongue, by the contrast between his ivory complexion and her own darker skin, whimpering when his hand lifted her breast free of the shirt and he sucked at the tight nipple he discovered.
        Loki smacked his head hard on the desk behind him when someone rapped loudly of the door.
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Not to start shit, but to me, the worst kind of Marvel/MCU Loki fan are the ones ADAMANT about how Loki shouldn't be shipped with ANYONE but Sigyn. I give them the most annoying voice while reading their posts in my mind. Ugh, I saw one pissy over the recent Wanda/Loki from the comics. It makes me sad because I feel bad for the mythological version of Sigyn and don't hate her. But these people just make me recoil whenever I see the name "Sigyn" and yes, I do hate Sigyn's Marvel comics version because it's an harmful stereotype of women and abuse victims known as the "perfect victim". And her design is generic. IF I were to pick someone from the comics to ship Loki with, it'd never be her.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 10 months
I think it would be neat if they brought Sigyn back to the comics just to deconstruct this idea that her and Loki are this grand destined-to-be-together romance, especially now that Loki comics are very meta and trope aware. Have Loki say something like "why should I marry this woman because the lore says is what a Loki does? I think we've established I don't like being put in a box?", and have Sigyn be like "my lore gives me no identity outside of being Loki's wife, how will I know who I am if I don't break free from that?", and have them agree to go on separate ways. Sigyn stans say that she should not be written as a doormat, but there's no way to have her give a second chance to the guy who tricked her into marrying him, killed her fiance, and treated her like shit without making her come off as a doormat.
Yep. ^^^^
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
Loki and Sigyn's coat of arms
Marvel Style
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coat of arms by myself
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
For @dailylogyn
Zawe Ashton is Sigyn
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Picture editing by myself
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
Logyn Appreciation Week Day 5
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
Pay attention to Sigyn's clothes!
There is no side wind in this scene! And yet there is a small bulge under her clothes, Sigyn is pregnant? 😳😱🤯😍
I just noticed it when I took a closer look at the picture
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
A Cover for the Fanfiction Snakes & Flowers by @mistress-of-words
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 19
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna @mistress-of-words
Sigyn You sweet gentle killer
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All seems peaceful in Asgard when young Sigyn begins her training as a healer under a false identity. However, the construction of a new trade bridge soon throws the important city and its inhabitants into a murderous feud. Which not only threatens the peace of the city of Asgard but would also mean war in all nine ranks. Young Sigyn risks life and limb - and love - to prevent her life and that of all new worlds from being destroyed. Her opponents are getting more and more aware of their dark secrets and Sigyn soon feels it is necessary to reveal her true identity.
The light of the silent Story by @jonquilclegane
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It had all started in darkness. Darkness, not silence, though. There were sounds, some melodious, some terrible. The drops of poison falling into her bowl were terrible. The screams of her husband as they burnt his skin and eyes were pure torture for the both of them. To soothe his pains and grief, Sigyn would sing to him old lullabies she used to hum to Vali and Narvi before they fell asleep in her arms. Such sweet burden, they were. They would coo and giggle as their mother tended to their needs, and bring so much joy to their parents and older siblings.
All gone now, but their guts Odin used to make Loki’s chains.
Sigyn’s heart was forever broken, she knew there was no coming back from such despair. One could be swallowed by it, or let hatred consume their heart as they swore revenge. She knew her spouse had chosen the later, the fires of rancor and resentment burning in his green eyes. She, on the other hand, felt lost. She had always been so trusting and naïve, thinking the Aesirs were her family, and that, even if they disliked Loki, they would never hurt her children.
She had been wrong. Oh so wrong… And her sons had paid for her childish gullibility.
Then Odin came, taunting them, offering to release her from her task.
“Ragnarok will soon come”, the AllFather declared, “And I need all my Valkyries by my side, most of all the Friend of Victory. Leave Loki’s side, and come do your duty, Sigyn”
Sigyn blinked, before exchanging a look with her husband. Loki seemed concerned for a moment, but she just laughed.
“Odin, are you serious?”, the goddess asked bitterly, “you killed my children, tortured my husband, and you expect me to follow you loyally and serve you, as if nothing happened? How dare you!”
But the king of the gods took her refusal badly. Suddenly, the Einherjars took her from her husband’s side, and forced her mouth open.
“You have insulted me too many times, woman”, Odin cursed, “Your punishment shall be no more songs or soothing words for your husband. You shall be silent.”
And with a knife forged by her own father, the guard cut off Sigyn’s tongue, throwing it at Odin’s feet.
They all went away, as quickly as they had come. Sigyn stayed on the ground for the longest time, crying, in pain, trying not to choke on her own blood.
She wanted to scream, but no sound came from her mouth. She would be silent from now on, as the AllFather had ordered it. However, if they thought this would stop her from helping her beloved, they were wrong.
Despite her own agony, she found back her bowl, and took back her place besides Loki, shielding him from the snake’s poison, her light appeasing his torment and faithfully guiding him out of the darkness.
Tudor Sigyn (AU) story by @jonquilclegane
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Tudor Sigyn
Lady Sigyn of Vanaheim had never been anywhere in her entire life. Her mother being a widower, she had more freedom than most women ever dreamed to have. Yet, she knew her daughters had to be virtuous and have an impeccable reputation if they wanted to marry men of noble birth. Vanaheim, centuries ago, had been a little kingdom, and their mother was very proud of this fact, even though they had lost their royal crown and had to bend the knee to neighboring high lords. Still, Lady Freya hoped her girls would marry princes or very important noblemen, and therefore, their behavior had to be faultless.
Her sisters had already found worthy matches, but Sigyn still remained a spinster. In her dreams, she had found a handsome knight who would carry her very far from her mother’s castle. He would love her and accept her as she was, and never let her go. However, she knew that life was not a dream, and full of responsibilities. The lord her mother would eventually pick for her would not be as pleasant as the one in her dreams, and she would have to be his dutiful and obedient wife, giving him as many male heirs as her weak body could bear, whether she liked it or not.
So, when her old friend, Anna von Jülich-Kleve-Berg, asked her for a favor, she knew this was her only way out of this dire fate. Anna had been chosen to become King Henry VIII’s new wife and seemed excited at the idea of becoming his queen. Sigyn, at the news, was more concerned.
Terrible rumours were circulating about the king, and how he had broken his first wife’s heart so badly she had died, how he had executed the second on false accusations, and how he had let the third die after she had finally given him his precious male heir. Sigyn was no tattletale, but she could not let her friend marry such a man without knowing what to except from such a dreadful match.
But Anna knew all of this, and still wanted to go to England.
“Better being Queen of England than staying here, a burden to my family, don’t you agree?”, she said, with a sad smile, before adding, “That portrait Sir Holbein made of me was so beautiful! I am sure the king will love it… and me.”
Sigyn sighed, trying to repress a shiver running down her spine, thinking of all the king’s brides, and how they had probably thought the same.
The journey was long and arduous, but when they reached Dover, the future Queen’s lady-in-waiting breathe England’s air for the first time and laughed to herself. She had always wanted to travel, well, her wish had been granted. She only hoped her friend’s happiness would blossom at the king’s court.
Around New Year’s Eve, they reached Rochester Abbey and stopped there to refresh themselves before meeting the king. There, a few gentlemen were waiting for them, to greet them on English soil. One of them was the most handsome man Sigyn had ever laid eyes on, wearing a ruff, doublet, leather jerkin green with golden snakes embroidered on his sleeves and on his chest, and rubies encrusted as the reptiles’ eyes. He was so elegant and refined the lady felt her breath had been stolen away. She could hear other people talking around her, but she was mesmerized by this striking vision. When the man in question caught her staring, the lady gasped and blushed, trying to hide her embarrass, but he laughed and came to meet his lovely admirer.
“Good morrow to thee, sweet lady”, he started offering his hand to her, “I am Lord Loki Laufeyson. What art thou called?”
“My name is Lady Sigyn Freyadottir, my Lord”, she responded, while offering him her most courteous curtsey.
After a small collation, the future queen went into her apartments, Lady Sigyn stayed in the gardens with her suave suitor. She could feel her heart beating only for him, and knew she would belong to him, heart body and soul, hoping this was an honorable gentleman that would not play with her honor or her virtue, sending her back to Vanaheim in tears and in shame.
That is when the worst happened. Suddenly, they heard screams and shouts coming from the abbey. A man, huge and obese, was running down the stairs, shouting, his eyes mad with fury.
“I like her not!”, he howled loudly, “She looks like a horse!”
Sigyn felt her companion freeze next to her, before seeing him rush to the older man’s side.
“Ah there thou are, Laufeyson!”, he called Lord Loki in quite a familiar fashion.
Her suitor bowed to him with the utmost respect, and Sigyn felt her blood becoming ice in her veins.
She had seen a portrait of the king once, but it had been a poor quality reproduction. Tall, heavy, with a voice that could summon the thunders of war…. Was this her friend’s future husband?
But then…
Forgetting about the handsome lord, Sigyn ran to Anna’s room, finding her in tears, whiter than the sheets.
“I did not know it was him”, she sobbed, “He came into my rooms. I thought it was some rude stranger…”
Her lady-in-waiting nodded and tried to comfort her. She was impressed with Anna’s dignity and gravitas. A true queen, whatever that awful, ugly king said.
“He is disgusting”, Anna admitted, “His smell is awful and his temper short.”
Sigyn took her friend’s hands into hers and looked into her eyes, ready to follow whatever order her future queen would give her.
“Do you want to go home?”, she asked, her voice shaking, knowing the consequences of running away would be ghastly, but maybe better than staying and marrying this king, in a court full of snakes.
“No”, Anne replied bravely, “Everyone excepts me to do my duty, and so I shall”
And so she did. And the king despised her for it, insulting her and humiliating her publicly.
Sigyn tried to give her as much support as she could, but being a foreign lady at the English court was not easy. She needed allies of her own but only found scorn and mockery. Cromwell, the King’s man who had organized the union between Anna – who was now called Anne of Cleves- and the King, was becoming more and more anxious and impatient. He knew his head was about to fall, and from time to time, the tone he used showed how much he blamed the new queen for his failures.
Pitiful man.
Another man was hanging around the Queen’s chambers, and at first, Sigyn thought he was just keeping watch of the new queen for the king. But it turned out, the “Green snake”, Lord Loki Laufeyson, had another prey in mind.
“How farest thou, sweet Lady Sigyn?”, he asked, brushing his long fingers on her sleeve, making her hear beat much too loud, “What ails thee? May I be of service to thee?”
Sigyn let herself cross his green gaze and sighed. Who could resist such courteous manners and gentle words? His voice was softer than the velvet of his doublet, and mesmerized you in a matter of seconds. Some ladies of the court said he was a sorcerer, and something at the back of Sigyn’s mind wondered if they were not right.
Still, she was there to help her queen, not being courted by the men of the evil, ruthless king.
“By your leave”, the lady said, trying to escape Lord Loki’s hold on her, but he was not letting her go.
“My sweet lady”, he called her, “I am enamoured of thee”
Sigyn looked at him, and scoffed. She had let him distract her on the fateful day at Rochester abbey. She should have been with Anna, but instead, she had been in the gardens with him.
“No, my Lord, I shall not hear thee devious, treacherous words”, she answered, holding her head high.
“Are thou deaf to the song of love, dear Sigyn?”, he cooed into her ear, before making his grip on her arm harder, “Or are thou enjoined to another?”
She knew that a Sir Theoric was looking at her in a certain way, but how could she have agreed to marry him, when she knew her heart belonged to Lord Loki… even though she could not trust him.
“I have no lover”, Sigyn whispered, as the man she loved caressed her cheek softly.
“Good. Preserve thy maidenhood”, he declared, “and be my beloved”
“I shall protect thee”, he promised, “and help thee as much as I can”
He pointed the Queen’s rooms and smiled at his beloved, taking her hands in his.
“Wilt thou favour me with thy hand?”, he asked. Sigyn stood a moment, speechless, as she knew she was gambling with her life in this affair. Lord Loki Laufeyson was powerful at court, the descendant of some Norse king, and richer than the king, some said. Why would he pick someone as unimportant and ordinary as she was?
“Everyone says the Queen will be dismissed soon”, Sigyn muttered, “She will accept divorce, and when she goes, I will go with her. Thou know this as well as I do. This match is not advantageous to thee, my lord”
Lord Loki snaked his arms around her waist, and when his lady gasped, he claimed her mouth with a kiss. Sigyn was shocked and afraid someone would see them. Yet, the Queen’s apartments were deserted these days, so they were all alone. Sigyn feared for her reputation, yet, how could she want to free herself from such a sweet embrace?
“My loyal, sweet lady. Marry me”, Loki repeated, kissing her neck, then her collarbone, whispering words of love on her skin.
“Yes”, Sigyn finally answered.
A few months later, the King divorced the Queen, as she became his “beloved sister”, and she was gifted with the castles of Richmond and Ever manor. Sigyn followed her in her exile, and her husband came with her too.
The Tales of the Dead Widow
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Two families, one secret and one tragic love story.
Sylene is late for her beloved mother Sigyn's deathbed. All the more she wants to fulfill her last wish and clear up the dark circumstances that divided her family years ago.
Together with her brothers Nari and Navri and the sympathetic nurse Iric, who has been caring for their mother for the past few months, Sylene tries to find out more about the family rift. Her quest takes her through her father's harsh childhood years in Asgard, through the hardships of the Wars of the Infinity Stones, and culminates in meeting Iric's mother, Amora The Enchantress, in Atlantis, where she uncovers a terrible secret. And Iric, who Sylene gets to know in the course of her research, also seems to be hiding something...
Classic Loki and the Lady of the Void by misreall
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Classic Loki and the Lady of the Void:
Classic Loki arrives in the Void.
Sigyn Angel of revenge
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The young dark elf Sigyn dreams of adventures and the big, wide world. When the inn where she is staying with her parents is attacked one evening, the dreams do come true, but Marla loses more than her true self or her human being can give. She swears revenge and embarks on a vendetta through the nine worlds together with the mysterious mercenary Theoric. Strange figures cross her path, as mysterious as the worlds themselves: the flamboyant Fandral, the witch Lorelei, the wheelbarrow team Wulff and Etzel, the ringed Thor, his younger brother Loki and the guardian of souls herself.
The heir to the throne Story by @jonquilclegane
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To no one’s surprise, Princess Sigyn Freyadottir had been chosen as the next queen of Vanaheim, and therefore, as her mother’s heir.
The princess, however, was not sure she liked it. She accepted the title of crown princess, as it was her duty to do so, but she did with a heavy heart. Becoming heir to the throne of Vanaheim meant she would lose all her freedom. No more travelling with her friends and going on reckless adventures. No more practicing dangerous spells with the witches and Loki… No more… Loki.
She knew her handsome, charming prince wanted to be king of Asgard. As a princess of Vanaheim, she would have been an advantageous match. But as the future Vanir queen, it became impossible. She could not be queen of both Asgard and Vanaheim – so many treaties had seen to this.
So she had to renounce him. Renounce their love. She would not ask him to forget about Asgard’s crown and be her consort, she knew what it meant for him. It was not about his father’s throne, but his father’s love. To be chosen by him as heir to the crown of Asgard would mean Odin finally saw him, out of his brother’s shadow. It would mean he loved him.
As for Sigyn, she knew none of her sisters would be fit for the part of queen. They were all lovely, and hated responsibilities. Her uncle Feyr always praised them for their beauty, and Sigyn for her intelligence and common sense. The Vanir council had insisted she was the best choice for the good of the realm, and she unfortunately had to agree.
She had to let Loki go, forget her heart and do her duty, as she was sure her Prince of Asgard would do his.
But then, one day, something incredible and heartbreaking happened.
As she retired to her rooms, she was surprised to find some man sitting on her bed, his head low, and his face full of tears. It took her a moment to realize it was Loki, as his pain seemed to have transformed his appearance. Where was her prince, so full of charm and mischief? He was now but only the shadow of the man he once was. However Sigyn’s heart still recognized him and shattered at seeing him in such a state. Why was he in her rooms instead of Asgard? Had something terrible happened to the royal family? She ran to his side and knelt in front of him, gently caressing his wet cheek.
“My love”, she started gently, “who dared hurt you?”
Loki took notice of her and kissed softly her fingers, before pulling her into his arms, nestling his face into her neck, breathing the perfume of her hair.
“I needed this”, he whispered, “I needed you”
Sigyn felt lost, torn between her love and desire for Loki, and her duty as heir to the throne of Vanaheim.
“You know I will always be here for you if you need me”, she reminded him, “Vanaheim and Asgard have always been allies, after all”
But Loki laughed, and cried, and laughed again, leaving her arms and standing up, his gaze lost in some terrible dream.
“But I am not Asgardian”, his voice broke and Sigyn gasped, as he revealed to her his true nature. Now, a Jotun was standing in her rooms, his blue skin marred with sacred runes, and his eyes shining like the most precious rubies.
“Would you still love a beast, Sweet Sigyn?”, he asked, as a challenge.
However, there was no challenge for Sigyn, as she knew she would always love Loki, whatever his nature or the circumstances.
“I am the son of Laufey. Odin only adopted me. Thor is his heir, not me… I was never going to be his heir”, he recounted, stammering a little on the last part, under the weight of this terrible reveal.
Sigyn crossed the little distance there was between them and kissed him, showing him she accepted him as he was, and that he was still king and master of her heart.
Loki would not be King of Asgard, and did not want of Jotunheim. But here, in Vanaheim, he would be happy, Sigyn promised, she would make sure of it.
The Two Lives
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Sigyn grows up wild and happy with her grandmother on the vast moors of Nidavellir. Shortly before death, the old woman reveals the secret of her true origins: Sigyn is the daughter of Frayer and thus part of the royal family of Vanaheim. With the move to her unknown family in Vanaheim, her whole life changes.
Sigyn, for everyone, she is just Her Royal Highness. But in Vanaheim with the strange family she does not feel welcome. When her supposed cousin Loki appears on the scene, she finally finds a friend in him. Over the years, passionate feelings develop between the two. But the charismatic Odinson has dark secrets.
WandaVision Sigyn Story by @roruna
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Agatha Harkness wasn't the only person who felt when Wanda hexed the town of Westview, New Jersey. While everyone else in New Asgard were reuniting with the loved ones they'd lost in the Snap, Sigyn was quietly resenting them.
It wasn't fair. Loki was her joy and Thanos took him from her in such a way that she'd never get him back. Her husband was dead and there was nothing in New Asgard worth staying for.
She told herself she was investigating that huge surge of chaos magic because she wanted to protect the realm of Midgard. But most of her hoped that all that magic would tear her body or mind apart.
She recognized Vision, the Avengers' construct, first. Thanos had slain him too. Or so she thought. Once she saw Wanda, radiating love and chaos magic, Sigyn understood. She understood not only what was happening in Westview but she also understood Wanda.
Wanda's grief, love and desire to unmake her loss mirrored Sigyn's own. And what this mortal had done through sheer power, Sigyn could mirror with mastery of Vanir magic, a tiny bit of borrowed chaos magic and one of Loki's old daggers.
Sigyn recognized Agatha Harkness as a fellow "magical girl" and she was certain that Agatha recognized her as one as well. So while "Agnes Bohner" lived in the house on Wanda's left, "Penelope and Lawrence Lacroix" moved into the house on Wanda's right.
"Penny and Larry are new to the neighborhood too," Agnes announced cheerfully when Sigyn went to introduce herself to Wanda.
The nicknames stuck like gum in her hair and Sigyn decided that this was the first shot fired in this magical cold war. She didn't know what Agatha wanted with Wanda. Her concern was to keep the Hex going. If the mortal witch became a threat to that goal then Sigyn would slay her. "Penny" and "Agnes" watched each other like hawks and exchanged vicious zingers, creating a dynamic that parodied a love triangle with Agnes as the "fun, quirky" friend and Penny as the "boring but dependable" one. Their open rivalry for Wanda's attention was fertile soil for many hijinks and shenanigans.
Agnes hosted a barbeque on the same day Wanda had promised to watch Penny perform Shakespeare in the park. Wanda used magic to try and be both places at once and eventually, the bowl of Agnes' State Fair Blue Ribbon chilli ruined Penny's historically accurate Tudor gown during her big soliloquy.
Agnes and Penny ran against each other for treasurer of the Westview Ladies' Society with
Agnes as the incumbent. Penny won the election but it turned out that the only members of the Ladies' Society were actually Anges, Penny and Wanda so the group was dissolved.
Agnes and Penny competed viciously but whoever won, they both lost. This dynamic played
itself in the end. Wanda realized she was holding the town hostage. Agatha tried to take all her power.
Sigyn tried to enchant her into rehexing the town. Wanda stripped Agatha of her magic and trapped her in her Agnes persona. The resurrected Loki crumbled to dust in Sigyn's arms. Good triumphed over evil. Wanda sacrificed her selfish happiness to free the innocent mortals of Westview. Agatha was imprisoned so she could harm no one. Sigyn swore revenge on the Scarlet Witch.
The Mystery of a Cold Murder story by @jonquilclegane
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It had only taken Amora a thousand years to realize the one she loved and wanted was Loki. For centuries, she had craved Thor, but one day, the penny dropped: Thor was boring and they had nothing in common, while Loki was her soulmate and her equal in good looks, intelligence, magical powers and ruthlessness. They understood each other in a way the Golden Prince never could.
There was an inconvenience though. Loki believed himself in love with another, some meek little princess, uninteresting and dull, pie-baking and without a doubt, the most annoying woman in the Nine realms.
And Loki had chosen THAT as his bride? Of course, he had only married her because she had refused herself to him before having his ring on her finger. She was a foolish goose, but not that stupid apparently. Now, her true love was stuck in a loveless union with that half-dwarf tart. He said he loved her, but it was obviously only to keep up appearances, and not look like he had been played and forced to marry some pig-faced virgin to get her into his bed.
Amora waited for Loki to get rid of her, mock her, cast her away, but the longer she waited, the more impatient she grew. Every time she was at court, she saw Sigyn by Loki’s side, her small, graceless hands on his arm. It took the Enchantress all the strength in the Nine realms not to throw herself at the Princess and grab that dull little girl by her unruly blondish hair, and threw her from the Bifrost, with hope and prayers they would never hear from her ever again.
That’s when the idea came into her head. Loki could be an untrustworthy snake, but he was hers. Yet, it was obvious something was stopping him from getting rid of this cumbersome wife. Maybe Frigga had taken the girl under her wing, and he did not want to break his mother’s heart? Or was this a political alliance, as she was daughter to the Vanir queen and niece to the King of Nidavellir? Well, if he did not act, she would have to.
And throwing her rival from the Bifrost seemed like a wonderful idea, and a marvelous way to unleash her anger and frustration.
Tricking Sigyn into following her was so easy Amora could have cried. THIS was supposed to be the Trickster’s wife? Poor Loki bound to such an idiot for the rest of time! Heimdall was madly in love with the Enchantress, so when she asked him a favor and to bring her some flowers, he obeyed and deserted his post for a minute. That was more than enough to stab the goddess of Fidelity and push her into the void, as she had planned.
For months, people wondered what had happened, before eventually finding the rotting corpse of that “poor, dear Sigyn we all miss so very much”, to quote the AllMother.
Loki had found solace into her arms, so Amora smiled, enjoying her lover’s kisses, until suddenly, she felt a deep pain in her stomach. The Enchantress gasped at the sight of her green dress stained with blood, and a soiled blade coming out of her belly.
“This is for Sigyn”, her Prince said, coldly.
And then, there was nothing but the darkness.
Part 20 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last 4 parts
Part 18
Part 17
Part 16
Part 15
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