lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
I Intentionally Start Shit in the Loki Tag
If you complain about Sylvie being "harmful queer rep" BUT want "Lady Loki" in the MCU, which was Loki possessing Sif's body just to torment Sif, I need you to sit down and shut up. a. Genderfluid people don't go by "Lady " when they're femme or women. b. If you don't see the transphobic dogwhistles in the comics possession subplot, I don't know what to tell you... But let's say that hag that wrote those crappy books would love it. c. If you weren't aware about this, maybe you should read the wiki at least before giving uninformed opinions.
I definitely agree that they should not have led people on with the promise of genderfluid rep during the promotion of the series. But get mad at Disney/Marvel for that. Not at the writers or Sophia Di Martino that had to cave in to Feige's demands. That's literally what they have to do.
I really don't give a damn about the "autogynephilia" allegations, which again, is ALSO PRESENT IN CIS WOMEN. Like why the fuck should I care about someone finding themselves hot? There's fascists out there. AGP even if it was a trans-specific thing harms no one. The only harm said to come from it is DUE TO FASCISM because it plays into RESPECTABILITY POLITICS.
If you use AI to create a "proper" Lady Loki or love interest for Loki, you can't complain about the blatant product placement in S2. I am not a fan of product placement either and won't defend it, but those are the rules. Show some integrity. And before you ask, I have not given a cent to Disney since they pissed me off with attempts to trademark Dia de los Muertos for Coco.
If you complain about how being a "Loki" is not a role (unlike Spiderman) and how it should have been all 100% Tom Hiddleston, you don't get to call it selfcest as a gotcha, because you're already differentiating between the variants with different DNA. Like do y'all hate selfcest or not? Make up your mind. The series treats a Loki as an archetype of sorts, so it can be a role. Also, having the same name does not make you related because we don't know what Sylvie's parents are? And we don't even know if Sylvie is also a Jotun, a prop claims she isn't.
If you say you want Sylvie dead but claim to not be misogynistic, because you'd love if a specific love interest from the comics or mythology replaced her, STFU. You only like those because you can project whatever the fuck you want onto them.
If you claim Sylvie is a misogynistic depiction of women but salivate over characters written by cishet white men in the 1960s-1980s that made wanting to fuck Thor or being in a monogamous marriage with Loki their entire personality (there's so MANY OF THESE), STFU. Do you hear yourself? And no, it's not misogynistic of me, a woman, to criticize offensive depictions of women by cishet white men. They're not real.
Our MCU!Loki is not the young adult Ikol reincarnation currently. Of course 20-something Verity is not going to be there! The Loki show should be praise for having multiple female cast members around the same age as the protagonist and pragmatic clothing choices that allowed SdM to nurse her baby.
Selfcest isn't real and I cry tears of boredom whenever someone clutches their pearls over it.
The comics aren't perfect. As much as I loved the recent Dan Watters run (and German Peralta's art), the comics art has some very questionable tendencies, especially regarding Loki's nose when she's femme. It's associated with how some kinds of facial features are considered masculine or feminine (and racialized). Noses have no gender, ffs! Women with nose bumps exist! For some reason Loki always has a tiny button nose when she's a woman or femme. There's also the BLATANT physiognomy that has ALWAYS PLAGUED Thor comics since their inception, and Loki's facial features as they've become more "grey" and less evil is an interesting study. Peralta's far from being the only artist with this problem, and is far from being the most problematic. For comparison from Loki (2023) run:
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Loki from ye olden days:
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lokiinmediasideblog · 11 months
Things I need Loki Series Antis to Stop Doing
Joking about Femicide isn't Cute
If I see another "joke" about how Sylvie should get killed by Loki or Mobius so they can get with Mobius or whatever, I will go apeshit. I am from a country that has a VERY HIGH femicide rate, joking about this isn't funny. And as someone that grew up surrounded by news of constant graphic and hyper-violent news of women's deaths, it's a bit triggering. Hell, I even find fridging in comics a bit triggering and try to avoid it, and it's the trope I loathe most. You are myopic, disgusting, and privileged to consider this funny.
On "Larry"
I need you all to tone down the borderline ableist comments when talking about how Loki is now a "foolish" character named "Larry" and that you want "Larry" dead so the "real" Loki can come back. Or that the Loki from the movies would kill "Larry." Loki or "Larry" as you all like to refer to, shows some pretty overt ND traits in the series. In the movies, they're more ambiguous and more "masked" and thus more palatable (Loki also has less screentime). In Thor 1, I'd have considered Loki "ND-coded (especially in my heart, always) but not explicitly so", whereas in the series, it's more in your face (not confirmed by Word-of-God, but I do similar shit and went like "He's just like me!").
I think it's fine to say that you think the characterization was inconsistent with those from the movies and to not like the writing of the series, but tone it down with the insults. How do you think it looks like when people say a character that acts a bit like you is now "foolish" or "stupid" and that you'd rather Larry be dead because he's overtly expressive and "exaggerated"...
Subjecting Loki and Sylvie to the Aloy Treatment "from fans"
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So, I didn't want to say it on my post about how people are too harsh on Loki and Sylvie's wardrobes on the series and are putting more importance on aesthetics rather than storytelling, but you all are sounding like the "fans" that redesigned Aloy, from a post-apocalyptic setting, with a full face of makeup. I find it interesting it's a primarily male-presenting queer character also getting this treatment. Here's my post:
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
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Imagine tagging Neil Gaiman, whom you constantly complain about because he doesn't depict Loki the way you wish, to confirm some half-assed theory (by that salty Tumblr user I know suibaited me at least once on anon).
I know you're referring to this frame:
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Sandman spoilers!!!
It's implied/stated Dream wanted to die, so he MIGHT HAVE orchestrated his own death (and that's what Loki realized, that Dream allowed Loki to escape his punishment because he knew it'd lead to his death). Only to reincarnate in Daniel.
First, Sigyn wouldn't know shit. People don't need reasons or justifications to take abuse. There's no "greater reason." They just do. Maybe she doesn't like the idea of someone suffering like that. People can care about people that fucking hate them.
The way y'all talk about abuse is fucking harmful. With the constant praising of perfect victim narratives, hating women for not being doormats ("Sylvie is abusive"), acting like being loyal to an abusive husband is a sign of sainthood, using cherrypicked comic panels where Marvel!Loki says he loves Marvel!Sigyn to prove that there was actually no abuse, ignoring a lot of other stuff. Acting like there's a greater reason or justification for the abuse.
I feel like having Sigyn calling out Daniel!Dream would be incredibly out of place. And this sounds like beating a dead horse with OP's insistence on holding Marvel's Ikol accountable for what their previous reincarnation did (Geez, leave Ikol alone).
Also, if I had venom constantly dripped for millennia in my eyes I would also be evil and cuss out whoever was near to me for failing to get it all cus that's fucking torture. That's your answer to why Loki's so fucking evil.
Also, OP lacks basic media literacy and has a tendency to fail to cite sources and just make shit up on various occassions (SiGyN iS aSsOcIaTeD wItH fOxEs. Nope. YOU just made that up.).
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
re: that post about Sigyn shippers.
FINALLY someone says it. I know they're not a huge subset of fans in the grand scheme of things but my god I feel the same way. Esp the ones who bash Sylki (and I don't even like that ship personally), and draw comparisons between Sylvie and the Sigyn they made up in their heads. The way a lot of them portray her always just comes off as sort of misogynistic and tradwife-y. I don't have a problem with the ones who ship and let ship + I know they're not all like That ofc.
And they act like the myths and Marvel and the MCU are the same thing when they're all ENTIRELY DIFFERENT! For people that complain so much about how Loki is actually "Larry the clown" now, how the fuck do they not get through their heads that Marvel comics are loose adaptations of the myths and the MCU is a loose adaptation of Marvel comics!?
And yea they veer towards very trad-wifey... like one I blocked constantly goes off about how "Marvel's Sygin actually has a personality, look at her calling Lorelei a slattern and being happy that Amora is being forcefully given to a brutish giant. SO FEISTY." Yeah, cus slut-shaming and wishing harm on another woman is quirky... And obnoxiously ALWAYS ends her posts with some badly drawn Logyn gif and overuses emoticons.
And constantly praising her "noble" act of staying with the man that killed her fiance and tricked her into marriage DESPITE Odin and the rest of Asgard wanting to annull the marriage. Like who the fuck does that? And that's not praise-worthy behavior. She was written by cishet white men in the late 70s and the 80s as a ridiculously waify prop to show how evil Loki was.
But apparently Sylvie, who is dressed for practicality and has a motivation of her own, is the "misogynistic" stereotype and she should have set up aside her mission to fawn over some guy she just met. Series antis complain about the pacing (I do have complaints about that too because 6 episodes is a little too fast), but then act like the appropriate behavior would be for Sylvie to set her motivations aside.
Like I am fine with Marvel Logyn shippers if they don't insist EVERYONE ELSE must follow some very monogamous re-interpretation of Loki and get through their heads the concept of "loosely based". Myth!Loki spent 8 winters as a woman on Earth birthing children! There was also Angrboda. A lot of the norse gods had mistresses, including Thor and Odin...
Last I heard they were throwing fits over Wanda/Loki from Scarlet Witch #8 (Even though it didn't happen in the end :'( ). And some were complaining about the loosely-based high school AU norse mythology Netflix series Ragnarok having Balder/Loki as endgame. Which comes off kinda homophobic too...
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lokiinmediasideblog · 8 months
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THAT obnoxious Sigyn stan claiming Sylkis were pressuring writers into giving Loki and Sylvie kids reblogged my post pretending to refute my points and then blocked me. What a fucking coward. Yea go back to your echochamber. She posted the following:
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I saw and keep seeing horrible harrassment campaigns against Sophia Di Martino and Kate Herron from Sylki antis. Someone even doxxed Tom Hiddleston on Twitter. Being Tumblr's sweetheart didn't save him from it... I have proof, it even made it into a The Atlantic piece on the Depp trial describing misogynistic harrassment campaigns. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2022/05/modern-celebrity-fandom-johnny-depp-amber-heard-trial/629887/
We don't know if it's the same Laufey. I had a friend with the same name as me once in high school ( People thought I made her up LOL). Having the exact same name didn't make us blood-related (She was blonde with curly hair and I have straight hair and a darker complexion). I am saying this with a grain of salt because it's a prop, but there is a document intake prop form suggesting they are not even the same species?
Then your problem should be with Marvel and EVERY work derivated from mythology. But you won't call them lacking in imagination because you're a hypocrite. The way you are acting about Sigyn makes me think you worship her. If you're Norse pagan why the fuck do you mix and match Marvel and Norse myths so much?
You didn't post anything rebuking my source. You just posted pictures of some norse myth book you have saying Vali is Loki's son. It doesn't address the transcription error in any way. The following are the book pics just to show how unhelpful they are:
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lokiinmediasideblog · 9 months
Comic Sigyn was hurt by Loki as his abused wife then hurt again when she was brought back for that one shot where he called upon his friends to punch her into unsconsciousness (even tho she posed him no threat as she lacks magic or combat skills) and any Sigyn fan who actually cares about her as a character and not a self insert vessel would want her 9549 miles away from Loki since everytime they're near each other he finds a way to hurt her. But they don't, because they project onto her to live their fantasies of kissing Loki. They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name.
I recall seeing her use magic to help Loki on the few Simonson issues I have read. To be fair, Ikol is not the Loki she married. The exes all want revenge on someone who's no longer here (with the exception of a handful like Leah..). And yeah, they aren't good for each other and she's definitely a self-insert.
I have only ever read ONE good Loki/Sigyn fic that I enjoy where their relationship is the focus because Sygin actually has a personality and Loki was allowed to be awful in a way that was interesting rather than "evil incarnate". It reminded me a bit of "The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black. I am really not a fan of x Reader, x OFC, or x Sygin stories for the most part. Here's the good Logyn fic in question https://archiveofourown.org/works/44334754
I will warn it tends to bash Sif and the W3. So if you love those characters, I might avoid it.
They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name. Yeah. I have said I would only be fine with her coming back if their relationship and dynamic is retconned and rewritten entirely. I would argue that Sigyn has no personality and that's why she is the self-insert of choice...
I also don't appreciate the guilt-tripping some Marvel!Sygin stans do to try to make us care about some prop of a female character. Of course I would erase her if it benefits Loki's character and means I don't have to see her used as a prop to show how far Loki's evil goes. Loki's actually interesting and her being used as a prop didn't add anything interesting to his storyline and it was quite annoying. Of course we all have more investment in Loki as a character than Table # 5. We've already seen Loki being awful in more interesting ways. Plus, I feel he should get that specific relationship retconned/erased because comics always get retconned and the way most of the comics handled Loki annoys me ("evil from birth" narratives while everyone else is obnoxiously perfect are the bane of my existence). I am glad he's allowed to be gray rather than pure evil now and that's he's gotten some things retconned to avoid "evil from birth".
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lokiinmediasideblog · 11 months
Not to start shit, but to me, the worst kind of Marvel/MCU Loki fan are the ones ADAMANT about how Loki shouldn't be shipped with ANYONE but Sigyn. I give them the most annoying voice while reading their posts in my mind. Ugh, I saw one pissy over the recent Wanda/Loki from the comics. It makes me sad because I feel bad for the mythological version of Sigyn and don't hate her. But these people just make me recoil whenever I see the name "Sigyn" and yes, I do hate Sigyn's Marvel comics version because it's an harmful stereotype of women and abuse victims known as the "perfect victim". And her design is generic. IF I were to pick someone from the comics to ship Loki with, it'd never be her.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 6 months
is it j*nquilcl*gane?
the account i find insufferable, yea, but not the suibaits. The suibaits I am pretty sure were from another account that starts with "salty" and ends with "creations" that interacts through anon a lot with the s**** stans. I recognized the wording because they interacted with my posts when I started this account before they decided they hated me for my takes.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 6 months
Taking advantage of my shadowbanned status (given that I am not followed by this blog and I've blocked them) to be petty and state that I am such a cranky bitch over very niche thor fanart that looks at me the wrong way. I hated how their pinned post Thor looked at me. To the point I'd have to reign in my temper before reblogging posts or replying, and be amicable. (I know I have issues, ok? I get so mad over eye contact lol). And they were followed by a blog I refer to as "bloated Power Puff Girl Thor", whose art they constantly reblogged and I fucking hated (I blocked PPG Thor yay! I am proud of myself).
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Tell your representatives to OPPOSE THE EARN IT ACT!!!! And KOSA!!!
Adopt an axolotl. This amphibian whose likeness has become popular for merchandise and art, is endemic to Lake Xochimilco. Funding for the preservation and rehabilitation of its habitat was cut by the Mexican government:
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IStartShit-If you want to avoid seeing me argue with people and being annoying, block this tag.
myth!Loki-Refers to the Loki from Norse Mythology
mcu!Loki-Refers to the Loki from the MCU (not the comics)
comics!Loki-Refers to the Loki from Marvel comics
I will use similar tags for other norse myth inspired figures (e.g. myth!Thor).
lokiInMedia-Refers to miscellaneous depictions of Loki
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hot takes-My possibly divisive views on Loki-related media and Loki-related media fandom
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I try to keep the myths separate from Marvel properties, and other media by using the tags mentioned above.
I do not condone harassment based on fictional media.
My MCU OTP is Valki (Valkyrie/Loki). I am neutral/indifferent to pretty much other ship. I am bound to defend those ships if I see too much wank because I am a huge contrarian. I think the only Loki-related ship I dislike is Frostiron because I can't stand Tony Stark. I try and don't want to be moralistic about it though.
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