#there's a mirror for sale with a cat looking lovingly up at the photographer
the-one-who-rises · 2 years
A small pleasure in life is seeing people’s cats sneak into the photos they put on craigslist : )
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anuschkalova · 6 years
Toxic. (Newt x Reader) Part 3
A/N: Here’s part 3! This is the final part and as promised: it will fix all your broken hearts. Thanks for reading and leaving feedback, it’s always appreciated! Enjoy :)
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader
Words: 4.227 ➡️Part 1 of Toxic HERE ➡️Part 2 of Toxic HERE ➡️Masterlist
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15th March, 1927
It was 5:30 pm when you finished work and exited the salon, taking a deep breath of the breezy spring air. 
„See you tomorrow, Y/N“, your co-worker smiled and locked the door. You nodded, returning the smile and tighten your camel coat. 
„Goodbye“, you said and walked away. The Londoner streets were pretty busy this Tuesday evening, especially Oxford Street with its endless stores. The inviting smell of herbs and fruits surrounded you, its source was a small tea shop. The displays were lovingly decorated with fine porcelain cups, colorful teas and fresh flowers. 
You remembered that a customer, an elderly lady, had asked for a cup of black tea yesterday, but the caddy had been empty. Instead she got mint. It wasn’t a big deal, but a small detail that you rated very important. Every customer deserved full satisfaction - even on a cup of tea.
Since you came back from America a few weeks ago, you started working as a hairdresser again. Linda, the owner of the salon, had welcomed you warmly and together with four co-workers you fulfilled the wishes of men and women. Trimming, washing, shaving and blow-drying: you loved to put a smile on people’s faces after they admired your work in the mirror. It made you happy. And happiness is what you needed right now. 
A bell above the tea shop’s entrance declared your visit and the owner greeted you politely.
„How can I help you, miss?“, the white-haired man asked and smiled, countless crinkles framed his friendly eyes. 
„A full package of black tea and hibiscus, please.“
„Of course, of course“, the owner took his little shovel to scoop the tea into the package. You let your eyes roaming the cozy room and immediately froze when you caught a familiar figure on the street. Newt?
„Here you go, Miss“, the old man handed your order and you hastily payed him.
„Keep the change!“, you said while rushing towards the door, stumbling outside on the crowded pavement. You pushed your way through the people while searching for the wizard, but he was nowhere to be seen.
„Ah“, you gasped after someone bumped into you, causing your tea to fall down. You quickly picked it up and entered a fashion boutique to escape the rush. The slow rhythm of the quiet jazz music there was a contrast to your racing heart. You grabbed a dress, any dress, to disappear in one of the dressing rooms. You sat down on the stool and covered your face with your hands. What were you doing? He had hurt you, he had broke your heart and still you ran after him at the smallest glimpse. Newt Scamander, the man you were deeply in love with, had chosen another woman over you. He didn’t say it out loud, but you felt it. His eyes back then at the Goldstein’s fire-place had said more than words could. 
„Miss, do you need help?“, a female voice followed by a light knock snapped you out of your thoughts. You sniffed and realized that you had been crying. 
„I-I’m fine, thank you“, you lied and shut your mouth to muffle the sobs. The saleswoman seemed to hesitate but soon you heard the distant clicking of her heels and relaxed. 
You whipped the tears away and for the first time took a closer look at the dress. It had a high neck with a diamond-shaped cut-out to reveal some cleavage. The seam of the royal blue silk reached the ankles and would elegantly caress any female body. It was beautiful. You considered buying it; maybe it was time for something new. And your closet lacked some nice dresses for going-out adventures.
Unfortunately you had picked the wrong size and so you were ready to leave the dressing room to grab the right one, when you heard someone entering the boutique. It was the person’s voice that got you froze in place all over again.
„How can I help you, sir?“
„Uh, I need some shirt buttons I suppose“, a man answered and there was no doubt - It was Newt. You stood completely still to eavesdrop the conversation better.
„Yes, he does. A pair with jewel, please“, a female voice added and it wasn’t the saleswoman. Newt was there with another woman. Your heart skipped a beat. Was is Leta?
„Of course. Follow me please.“ Their footsteps faded away and you assumed they were in the back of the store. Debating what to do, you decided to sneak out of the dressing room and tiptoed to the sales area to hang back the dress. 
„Was the dress too big?“ You flinched and turned to face another saleswoman. Her red lips carried a perfect smile. „I saw you picking it before. It is truly a charming dress that would flatter your eyes and figure, Miss“, she gushed way too loud for your liking.
„Thank you.“ You lowered your head and took a step away, but the woman didn’t register your leaving. She fumbled at the clothes rack, making the hangers squeak sharply and you cringed. Proudly, she held up the blue dress for you to see and from the corner of your eyes you spotted Newt and the two women coming back. You quickly turned your back on them.
„Miss?“, the saleswoman next to you asked, but you kept silent. You stared at the shop window and saw the weak reflection of Newt. 
He had his hands buried deep inside the pockets of his coat, his head titled low so his messy fringe covered most of his view. He gazed around, clearly unsure what to do while the two women next to him were eagerly discussing which shirt buttons were more elegant. Then, your eyes widen as you recognized his coat. He wasn’t wearing his usual blue worn-out coat, but a new grey one that fitted his upper body perfectly. It was made of tough cotton with various and spacious pockets, handmade by one of the most talented tailors in New York City. You knew that, because you had bought it. It had been your birthday gift to Newt. After your break-up you were sure that he would toss it in the trash, but here he was, wearing it. 
Suddenly, you saw the unknown woman looking straight at your back and Newt followed her eyes. You swallowed hardly and felt your face heating up. Panic rose up like a giant wave and threatened to break over you. 
Newt’s company walked over and you couldn’t move. Your legs and feet felt like stone.  
„What a beautiful dress!“, she exclaimed excitedly and the saleswoman handed it over to her. She swirled with it, letting the light silk dance in the air. 
„Isn’t it perfect, Newt?“, she asked and you slightly twitched at his name. You needed to get out of here.
„Leta, don’t you think that you own enough dresses? Besides, looking for a wedding-dress should be your first priority in that matter“, Newt scolded half-heartedly and it stung your heart. A wedding-dress? Does that mean…?
„Oh, you don’t get it! You are a man, Newt“, Leta whined and faced you. „Any woman should have a dress like this, right?“, she asked you directly and all eyes focused on you. For god’s sake, since when got the jazz music so loud? It pounded painfully in your ears - until you realized it was your own pulse. 
You slowly looked at Leta without moving your head and recognized the woman on the photograph that Newt kept in his shed. Expect she was more beautiful in real life.
Tears started to fill your eyes and Leta’s smile dropped. „Are you alright?“ She placed her hand gently on your shoulder. Her touch was warm and caring, and in that moment you couldn’t blame Newt for loving Leta. 
Then, you saw the door opening. Another customer, a middle-aged woman with black dyed hair, entered the boutique. She was your savior, you thought. Her dramatic sigh made everyone direct their attention to her - she then forced her wet umbrella on the younger saleswoman with the red lips.
„Oh dear, it’s raining cats and dogs. This nasty weather almost destroyed my hair.“ She straightened her black strains and gasped in excitement at the sight of you. So much for being your savior…
With quick little steps, the woman reached you and put her arms around you, giving a firm hug. People might assume that you were best friends, or mother and daughter, but in fact you had seen her once before.
Yesterday, when you had cut her hair at the salon. 
She kissed your cheek and grabbed your shoulders and suddenly you felt your body being moved.  In total shock and disbelief, you made eye-contact with Newt. 
„This lovely girl gave me this pretty cut yesterday! She’s an angel, so talented and nice. Thanks again, my dear“, she praised you and swung her hair for proof.
Newt’s eyes widened and he took a step towards you before he froze. The wizard swallowed while his mind was running wild. You could tell. You had seen Newt like this whenever he would approach a new creature that was unfamiliar with him. He’d took wary steps, head slightly down and eyes focused on the creature. Newt’s pupil would slightly dart from side to side - really quickly; so fast that one could only see it if they were aware of it. That quirk was a sign for the million thoughts that flooded his brain.
Leta was clearly confused and looked between the two of you. Her hand lightly touched Newt’s sleeve and a small sparkle got your attention. A beautiful diamond ring decorated her hand and it was the final straw. 
Your heart was being teared apart in the most brutal way possible. If the black haired woman didn’t hold your shoulders, you would have collapsed on the ground for sure.
„Y/N…“, Newt finally spoke. You shook your head.
No, he couldn’t do that. He wasn’t allowed to say your name, not after he had destroyed you. Not with his heart belonging to this woman with his ring on. 
Tears streamed down your cheeks and a sob left your trembling lips. Newt’s hand dashed forward to grab your wrist, afraid you would leave again, but his action made you react. 
Without knowing it, you had slapped his face. 
So hard that your hand tickled from the impact, Newt’s face had been pushed to the side. He stood completely still, slightly nodding to himself. The silence was unbearable and made you realize of what you had done. 
„I-I’m sorry…“, you mumbled and turned, running out of the shop. You bumped into people, stumbled here and there, but that didn’t matter. You needed to get away - far, far away from Newt and Leta. Away from their luck. Away from their shared future that had no room for you.
The heavy rain drowned your clothes and mixed with your hot tears, turning them invisible. You felt somewhat grateful for the whim of nature.
Cars honked in chorus as you carelessly crossed the busy street. 
„Y/N!“ , someone screamed. It was Newt.
Your heart demanded you to go back, but your brain forced your feet to keep running. You made it safely to the opposite pavement, but crushed into a woman. You fell to your knees and then a pair of hands pulled you up and dragged you two into a narrow side street. Your instinct told you to scream for help, but the same hands pressed against your mouth.
„Don’t make a fuss. We don’t want attention, do we?“, Tina asked and let go of you. She smirked a little when your eyes became big.
„Tina? What… Why are you here?“ You felt relieve to see your friend in front of you and it almost got you crying again. However, the female Auror pointed to the side and your happiness instantly vanished at the sight of Newt who rushed towards you.
You desperately grasped at Tina’s coat. „Please, get us out of here! Do this transportation thing!“, you begged her. Tina knitted her eyebrows, debating to either fulfill your plead or not. The decision came naturally to her as Newt was just a few meters away, his harried breathing already audible. 
„Hold on!“, she ordered and you did. 
„No!“, Newt shouted, but it was too late. Your body was being stretched and squeezed in the magical stream of time, your skin felt like burning, your blood like boiling - but it numbed the pain of your shattered heart. Temporary.
It took you a while to overcome the sickness. You laid on your couch while Queenie brought you a cup of camomile tea. The warm liquid calmed your roaring stomach and nerves.
„Thank you, Queenie.“ You smiled at her.
Tina had apparated you two into your London flat where the other Goldstein sister had waited impatiently. It didn’t surprise you much, it was obvious that Tina wouldn’t travel without her beloved other half. 
You sat up after drinking half of the tea. 
„As much as I’m happy to see you, but what are you doing here?“, you asked straight away and Tina took a seat next to you, placing her hand on your shoulder.
„Newt is having a book launch party this weekend at 7 o´clock“, she started and you frowned. 
„At a bookstore in Diagon Alley. We can show you the way and accompany you…-„ 
Tina shut up when you raised your hand.
„Why are you telling me all this?“, you asked and Queenie kneeled in front of you. Her eyes reflected hope and assurance and it increased your confusion. 
„Oh, Y/N, darling. Go to this party and talk to Newt. Trust us.“
You scoffed and shook your head. But Queenie didn’t let go and took your hands, squeezing them gently. She got your full attention again. 
„I know that he hurt you, I can feel your pain…“, she said and you gulped. „… but I also know the truth. So please trust me when I say that everything will be alright.“
Trust. It was the reason why Newt had left you. Yes, it was wrong to touch his private stuff as he despised nothing more than that. But the anger concealed your conscience as you recalled the latest events. Newt was going to marry Leta. The overwhelming evidence spoke for itself. The photograph, the letter, the ring. You were a pleasant time killer for him until Leta decided to take what was hers. So how were you supposed to face the love of your life knowing all this? Knowing that there was no hope. 
But Queenie was always right. She could read minds and knew people’s true feelings, thoughts and intentions. Trusting her meant to trust in another future. The image of you sitting alone in your dark living-room while wallowing in self-pity started to fade away. Instead, you saw yourself feeding the mooncalves, surrounded by all the creatures that grew dear to your heart, with Newt by your side who looked at you in awe. You nodded to Queenie when tears filled your eyes again. She fought her own sadness, but her knowing smile encouraged you. 
There’s was nothing to loose. This time you would do it right and trust.
19th March, 1927
You had visited Diagon Alley before. Newt brought you along when he ran an errand last summer. The cobblestoned street with its many colorful shops and restaurants fascinated you throughout your visit. Newt had promised you to take you with him there more often - but he didn’t.
Now you stood in front of the green book store named Flourish & Blotts, a big poster by the entrance that promoted Newt Scamander’s book Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them. 
The night was surprisingly cold, so you tightened your coat and looked behind you. Tina and Queenie stood a few meters away and nodded. They would wait for you inside The Leaky Cauldron, a Wizarding pub. 
You took one deep breath and then entered the book store where a well-dressed man welcomed you. 
„Good evening, Miss“, he said and you handed him Tina’s invitation for the party. The man accepted it and took your coat, revealing your black cocktail dress. A few guests turned around to admire your appearance and some men would even cast you a smirk. 
You grabbed a glass of champagne and made your way through the crowd. Witches and wizards of all ages had gathered to celebrate one man’s work. Newt must be nervous with all this attention. 
You took a sip and gazed around. 
You saw a desk at the end of the room, endless piles of Newt’s book covered the table. A poster informed that there would be a signing session and you actually considered taking part in it when all of a sudden the store was filled with thunderous applause. 
You followed everybody’s eyes that were directed to the front desk - now with three people at it: Leta, a young man that looked utterly familiar and Newt. 
You titled your head when you recognized the blue dress Leta was wearing - the blue dress you originally planned to buy at the boutique at Oxford Street.
The Magizoologist bowed slightly and smiled awkwardly. He was clearly uncomfortable, but tried his best to hide it. You drowned your glass and gave it to one of the waiters that provided the guests with alcohol and snacks. 
„Ladies and gentleman, dear colleagues“, the unknown man spoke up and the room fell silent. He was the opposite of Newt - he stood upright with his eyes straight forward to address the crowd. Newt’s posture was a little hunched while he listened to the man’s speech that praised his work.
It was the usual: acknowledging the effort, emphasizing the impact it will have on the community and the oh so important assistance of the Ministry of Magic. 
But then he said something that pricked up your ears. 
„… and I have to declare my pride“, he said and faced Newt. „My little brother can be sometimes exhausting. The fact that he knows more about magical creatures than human behavior is the greatest proof…“ Giggles and laughter interrupted his speech and Newt flashed a nervous smile towards the crowd, ducking his head in guilt. Little brother?
„But I am proud of what he has done. He wrote this book with much blood, sweat and tears and I am thankful for the useful knowledge he is sharing with the Wizarding world. So, ladies and gentleman, let’s raise our glasses to celebrate this special evening. Cheers!“
When everybody took a sip of their drinks, you were busy studying the face of Newt’s brother. Why didn’t he tell you about him? You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice the people in front of you leaving, making you the closest person to the desk. 
Now exposed, Newt’s brother caught your stare and you flinched. Crap. He smiled at your blushing face and Leta followed his gaze, as did Newt.
You turned around and disappeared into the crowd. You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t face him. How stupid have you been for believing the tables could be turned?
Scolding yourself mentally, you weren’t aware of Newt chasing you. When he finally reached you, he tapped your shoulder hastily, causing you to jump in surprise. You bumped into a woman and her champagne spilled over her evening dress. She gasped.
„Oh no, I’m…I’m so sorry…“, you stuttered and Newt offered the woman a cloth. „My apologies“, he mumbled and put his hands on your waist, guiding you towards a quieter area. 
His touch made your heart pound in pure bliss and he must have noticed your stiffness, because he let go of you.
Newt hesitated. „How are you?“, he asked. You glanced up at him and god that was a mistake. His freckled face was tensed and his usual full lips being pressed into a thin line. Just his ocean blue eyes were sincere and kind as you’d remembered them. You pulled yourself together.
„Fine“, you spatted. „Since you broke up with me.“ Newt shifted and lowered his head. 
„I’ve… never broke up with you.“ 
„You wanted me to leave and you let me go.“ The memories brought up the hurt and anger, but you suppressed the emotions. Newt kept silent and fumbled with his sleeve.
Then, you couldn’t take it anymore.
„Why haven’t you told me about your engagement?“
Newt’s head shot up, his eyes wide and paralyzed. „My what?“, he asked and his faked ignorance made you angry.
„You are going to marry Leta. I saw her ring… you were talking about a wedding dress with her. I understand, but why didn’t you tell me about it. Why did you let me suffer?“ You were choking on your words and soon sobbing. The Hufflepuff grabbed your bare shoulders and rushed to a corner.
Your back was pressed against the cold wall while Newt’s tall figure towered over you. You let him hold you.
„I am not marrying Leta. It’s my brother’s ring she’s waring“, he explained and you completely froze. „Theseus, my brother, is going to marry Leta“, Newt repeated strongly and his big eyes begged for your understanding.
Realisation slowly started to rise. „So the shirt buttons you bought…“ He raised his hands to show you the small accessory. 
„… were for this event and not my wedding“, he clarified and you let out a shaky breath you kept way too long in. 
His lower lip quivered as he saw your relief. 
„My love“, he whispered and carefully cupped your face with his hands. He was shaking and you leaned into his touch. If his love had been as essential as water, then your soul was for sure a desert, thirsty for his caresses and devotion.
„I though you hated me.“ His grip intensified. „I could never hate you“, he assured you.
„I’m sorry for what I’ve said to you“, Newt gently rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs. „I… I-I should have … told yo…-“
You shook your head and placed your fingers against his mouth, hushing him. 
„Don’t talk, we can do this later“, you panted and the wizard shuddered at your heavy lidded eyes. He knew this look.
Without thinking twice, he navigated you to the bathrooms and you had trouble keeping up with his pace. A little smirk formed on your lips at Newt’s neediness. It made your heart skip a beat at the fact that he wanted you as bad as you wanted him.
You giggled like a little schoolgirl when he locked the door and stumbled back to you. Newt shyly laid his hands low on your hips and your own hands found the hem of his coat.
„I hope you like your present“, you said and patted the grey fabric. He sheepishly grinned and pointed to his breast pocket. 
„Very much. But I’m not the only one.“ On cue, the tiny green head of Pickett lurked out and greeted you with his high pitched voice. 
You smiled happily at the sight of the little creature. Oh, you couldn’t wait to see the rest of them.
„Let me express my thanks for that wonderful present.“ You raised an eyebrow and expectedly watched him until he bent down to press his lips against yours.
The kiss was sweet and lovingly, so pure and right that it healed your broken heart within seconds.
Newt whimpered into the kiss, his hands glided to the small of your back to pull you even closer.
All the bad memories were erased by this one simple touch. 
Pickett, however, didn’t appreciate the close contact and squeaked to protest. You and Newt let go of each other and he flashed you an apologizing look. His freckled hand found yours to intertwine your fingers. 
He pecked your nose and admired your face. He always enjoyed memorizing the little details of your beautiful features. Knowing that you were all his again made him to the happiest man on earth. 
„You are my everything, Y/N“, Newt confessed and guided your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles. You smiled in response. „Now and forever“, you added and mimicked his gentle gesture.
He blushed faintly and after you had shared another sweet kiss, you decided to head back to the party.
Newt stole two glasses of champagne of the waiter’s tray and offered you one glass. Tonight ,you would not only celebrate the launching of his book, but also the reunion of your love. The night was still young and the live music swayed everyone in a soft rhythm. You blamed the aftermath of your little make-out session in the bathroom for Newt’s urge to dance. He pulled you closer, his free hand on your waist while he balance his drink in his other hand. 
You laughed at his lost eyes, his try to let himself carry by the music, but it was you who had to lead .
Yes, you were going to enjoy tonight without any worries. Tomorrow, you would talk things out and enter back reality. But for now, you would pretend that everything was alright.  The End. 🖤Tag-List: @jessiejunebug @social-awkwardnesss @jackdawsonsgrl @0from-another-galaxy0 @imcalledflorence @itsintothegreatbeyondstuff @jl-loves-daisies @ann-is-amazing-person @newtsobrienss @usernamemingmei @alihru @barbarachern @babyhufflepuff @wizardingworlddiehardfan @rubyreds-stuff @fireflyloki28 @fandomtrashwhore @theroyalbrownbarbie @pparkerssweetheart
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