#there's better places in the country bondi babes get on it
kangaracha · 8 months
sometimes i'm like 'man maybe it would be funny to insert the melbourne vs sydney rivalry into queenmaker' and then i remember i'm not from either of those cities and i have no skin in this game
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storytimecatb · 8 years
Another one done :) Warning: contains a brief violent scene against a woman, and slight racism. I'm of colour also, so I've just used a bit of what I experienced to help me write this. (I have trouble with these types of requests) So hopefully it's okay ❤ – You and Van were invited to a party at Bob’s new house in LA. The place was huge and you didn’t know half the people there. You held onto Van’s arm for the first little bit of the party. You both eventually branched off into different directions and began mingling. You found Bob’s girlfriend and hung out with her for a bit. She was slightly tan with long dark hair and dark brown eyes. She wore more makeup than she needed but still looked super pretty. Her and Bob were alike, they were both quiet. Bob was loud compared to her, but she was really nice. “You enjoying the party? It was Bob and Bondy’s idea to have one. I’m the designated driver, so you guys can get as drunk as you want. I’ll make sure everyone gets home safe.” She didn’t drink as much as the rest of you and was usually the DD. “Thanks D.” She looked distracted by a group of guys huddled “No problem,Y/N. What do you think they’re doing over there?” Van was suddenly beside you “Hey love!” you didn’t get a chance to answer Dayna, she walked off to check out the group. “Hey Van.” He had his arm around you and handed you a fresh drink “Wanna go see what’s going on?” It’s like he read your mind. “Yeah, Dayna went to see what’s going on. I’m a little curious now too.” You both walked toward the group of people, you had no idea who anyone of them were. Most of them were friends of friends, that you hadn’t been introduced to before. Not like it mattered, you probably wouldn’t see most of them after this anyway. As you got closer you could hear laughter from a man, and a few people telling him to leave or shut up. “They need to go back to their own country!..” someone yelled at the man calling him a “trump supporter”. It was a fitting insult for him, from what you heard him yelling about. You couldn’t see what was happening until you got to the front of the group. A man was drunk and ranting about how Mexicans shouldn’t be allowed in the US anymore. You weren’t the only Mexican there though, there were maybe four of you, quietly listening to this man complain. Bob and Bondy walked up beside you and Van “Who the fuck is this idiot? Hey mate! It’s time to go!” Bondy was infuriated and walked right up to the mans face. “You need to get the fuck out of here, we don’t tolerate that bullshit around here.” Bondy looked like he was ready to start bashing this guys head in, D jumped in. “Alright alright. Enough!” The man shoved her aside, it made you jump “HEY! Don’t touch her!” Van tried to hold your arm but you walked right into the middle of the chaos and straight to Dayna who was on the floor. Bob got right up in there “Who the fuck do you think you are?! Don’t fucking touch her like that, you piece of shit!” He was holding this guy by the front of his shirt. The man started laughing “Your friends with one of them?” He was looking directly at you and mimicking an accent. It didn’t sound anything like you at all, but it was still offensive. “They’re the ones who don’t need to be here! They’re the ones who need to go.” Van also got up in his face, he didn’t tolerate racism. Especially if it were aimed toward you “You prick! You don’t know shit..” He and Bob dragged this guy out the front door. You thought it was over, but Bob was still mad at him for pushing Dayna. He began pushing this guy around until he fell to the ground. Bob got right above him and began punching him. Van and Bondy pulled him off “Alright mate! He’s had enough.” Everyone got back inside, Van found out who the guy was. He was the boyfriend of a crew members sister. She was complaining about Bob beating him up. No one bothered listening , so she helped him into their car and sped off. The room was filled with a tension, Benji yelled out “shots!” The music started playing again and everyone slowly went back to normal. You and Dayna were sitting beside each other, “You alright,D?” She was waiting for Bob to calm down, he was sitting on a chair while Bondy gave him a shot of whatever alcohol he had trying to chill him out. Dayna was sitting there like she wasn’t just thrown to the ground “Yeah I’m fine. Are you okay? The guys a fucking jerk for saying all that shit.” Van had his arm around your waist “Everyone okay?” You weren’t bothered by the guys words, but more worried about if Dayna was hurt. She hit the floor hard when she was pushed. You reassured Van “I’m okay.” You looked back at Dayna “Are you sure you’re alright?” Bob stood up and held Dayna’s hand “Did he hurt you? You gonna be okay, D?” He had his other hand cupping her cheek, she gave him a small smile “I’m fine Bob. Did it really look that bad?” He gave her a big hug and kiss “It looked rough as hell, princess.” You, Van, Benji and Bondy sat out on the deck getting air. “Y/N, don’t worry about anything he said. It isn’t true.” You were very aware of that but thanked them anyways. Van continued asking if you were alright “Van I’m fine! It’s not the first time I’ve heard this shit before. Ive learnt to ignore it.” He nodded “Alright,sugar. Just double checking.” The party was coming to an end, most of the people left and it was eventually just you, Dayna and the boys. Bondy was hammered “What a fucking night!” Everyone but Dayna had drank to forget what happened. “Alright, Mr.Johnny Bond. It’s time to go home.” She helped him walk to her SUV, opened the door and he just fell in. He was long gone. Bob was no longer mad “I’ll come for a ride.” He got in the passenger seat. Benji was waiting for his cab, “I’ll see you guys later, cabs gonna be here soon.” Van and you got into the back seat of her car and Bondy sat between you both. You made sure he was strapped in and not falling all over the back seat. “Whose place is closest? Bond’s right?” Dayna was trying to make sure she knew where everyone was going. He was was staying at a friends about 20 minutes away. “I’ll drop you two off after I drive him.” You gave her a smile “Thanks for driving us!” Bob looked back at the three of you and laughed at Bondy. “He’s absolutely pissed.” You were pretty drunk and Van was almost as drunk as Bondy was. “Thank god for your amazing girlfriend! Dayna, you’re great. Bob, mate. You couldn’t have picked a better woman, Dayna you’re great.” You laughed at Vans drunken blabber, “You need sleep, babe.” He looked at you and held your hand over Bondy’s drunken body “Y/N, your accents beautiful babe. Fuck him. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who doesn’t think so. I love you alright?” He was so out of it, but trying to be sweet. All you could do was laugh and accept his kindness “Thanks Van, for your comforting words.” He made a clicking sound “Anytime babe!” Dayna and Bob were giggling at you two, Bondy woke up “Are we all holding hands?” He placed his hand on top of you and Van’s. At this point Bob couldn’t hold in his laughter “All of you are pissed!” Everyone was laughing. The car pulled up as close as it could get to the front door of Bondy’s friend’s. “Okay, let’s get the drunken loon inside.” Van and Bob carried him in, and were back in the car. “Alright, only a 30 minute drive now and you two are home.” Dayna backed out and started driving again. Van fell asleep 5 minutes in. “Y/N, you want a water? We have a couple bottles up here.” He handed two bottles back, for you and Van. You were sipping on water when Van woke up “Shit, are we there now?” You gave him water “Maybe another 15.” He took a big gulp of water “fuuuuuuuck, alright then.” He ran his fingers through his hair, and whispered to you “I meant it. You’re accents gorgeous.” You could see that he was sobering up a bit. He grabbed your hand and rubbed the top of it with his thumb “Thank you.” The rest of the ride was silent. Everyone was listening to the radio minding their own business. “Okaaaaay, here!” You realized the car was sitting outside your place “Thanks for driving us home, D. I’ll be back tomorrow to get the car. Goodnight guys!” Van helped you out, gave them a small wave “Night.” They waved back, while backing out. Dayna yelled out the window “See youse tomorrow!” You both stumbled through the door, you sent Van to bed and got two glasses of water for the morning. When you got to the room Van was already crashed, so you put the glass on his night stand. “Goodnight, love.” You kissed his forehead, he mumbled something that sounded like ‘I love you’ and gave you a small kiss. Whatever bullshit happened tonight didn’t matter anymore, you had each other to depend on and take care of one another. That was enough to let you know everything was and would always be alright.
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