#there's enough djss out there that i don't feel pressured to draw him often
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
So a question, how do you feel about djss?
I like him a lot ^o^! I think he has the BEST character design in the entire game, and his VA does so much to bring him to life.
I think I've said this before, but DJSS is the *reason* I decided to buy NSR over Mad Rat Dead (besides my music preference). I just really had to meet him, and I was not disappointed when I did.
He's the first character I ever drew from the game because I basically fell in love with him at first sight.
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(My very first NSR doodle.)
The only real "negatives" I have to say about him is that I don't find him sympathetic at all. I just don't buy into sad boi DJSS propaganda. He is an asshole, was an asshole, and will probably always be an asshole.
But, I don't think he needs to be sympathetic to be likeable. I love that he's just an unrepentant prick from beginning to end, but that does mean that outside his aesthetics, I don't have anything nice to say about him. However, him being such a big prick means that it's very fun to bully him, so he's great for comics when I need something bad to happen to somebody >:3c.
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So in short, I love him a lot, and do not take my lack of posting about him as meaning otherwise.
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