#there's even a joke about how they can't be lighting up like glowsticks when they're in the forest
basil-isdead · 6 months
sorry babe i can't talk rn i'm too busing thinking about all of the dumbass inconsistencies in the school for good and evil book series
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 7 months
☆Idol, Idol☆
Murmur was making room on his desk for more akudol merchandise. Humming happily as he added the new additions to his collection.
"Geez, don't you have enough of that shit already?" Eito asked while lighting a cigarette. "Absolutely not! Star-Chan just came out with a new poster that I need to buy and have them autograph!"
Furcus looks up from one of her many books. "Aren't you running out of desk space?" "Who needs a desk? This is a shrine for my precious Star-Chan!"
"Aren't all akudol's basically the same? I don't understand why you need to be so obsessed with this one in particular." March pokes at one of the figurines which Murmur promptly slaps his hand away.
"Star-Chan is different! They've been performing since I went to school here. And they always remember me. And they call me their number one fan! And they've personally given me front row tickets before!"
"Oh, Devi, their feeding your obsession." "What does your spouse think about all this shit?" Murmur gasps offended.
"For your information, we both like akudols, and they don't mind my collectibles. They even managed to get me a ticket for their concert today!"
Murmur buzzed with excitement. Happy to see his favorite akudol, but sad his partner always seemed to be busy for those concerts. He had hoped bond with them over this akudol too.
Fixing your hair and makeup as you got ready for your concert tonight, you smiled at your reflection. "You mean even after all these years, your husband still doesn't know you're Star-Chan?" Your manager asked.
You giggled and fixed your outfit. "Nope! Isn't that adorable? He's so excited when he sees either side of me. I love it!"
"Are you sure you want to retire? You still have several years left in your career." "I'm getting older. Akudols is a younger demons game. Besides , I can still perform. But I want to perform as myself and not Star-Chan."
You test your mic. Your manager sighs and leans against the wall. "I guess I can't force you to continue. But are you sure you want to announce it tonight?"
"Yep!" You chirp as you slipped on your heels. You could hear the roar of the crowd. "You know what they say, 'it's now or never' if I don't do it tonight I never will."
The peppy beat starts, and you strut onto the stage. A bounce in your step as you hear the roar of the crowd. You see Murmur in the front row cheering. You give a little wave and start the song.
☆I can't help it if I make a scene, stepping out of my hot pink limousine. Turning heads, and I'm stopping traffic. When I pose they scream, and when I joke they laugh.☆
You see the neon glowsticks and banners waving frantically around. You brush your hair out of your face. Leaning towards the edge of the stage where your fans can almost touch you.
☆I've got a pair of eyes that they're getting lost in. They're hypnotized by my way of walking.☆
You laugh and back away from eager hands swaying your hips playfully. You wave your finger in a scolding manner. You flaunt your dazzling charisma, ensuring you have the crowds' undivided attention.
☆I've got them dazzled like a stage magician. When I point, they look, and when I talk, they listen.☆
You stop in the middle of the stage, looking out at the crowd. So many had shown up. So many cheering your name.
It's been a great journey to reach where you were today. You couldn't have done this without your fans. How wonderful it was to have them.
☆Well, everybody needs a friend, and I've got you, and you, and you. So many I can't even name them. Can you blame me? I'm too famous!☆
You smirk confidently as you place your hand over your heart. You spread your wings and take flight. Spinning and twirling around the room.
Your fans become more excited reaching up for you. But you only reach out for one. Your husband. You adore his shocked face as you drag him on stage.
☆Haven't you noticed that I'm a star? I'm coming into view as the world is turning. Haven't you noticed I made it this far?☆
You face him and let your magic disguise drop. His jaw hits the floor. You laugh and kiss his cheek. You adored his reactions.
☆Now everyone can see me burning. Now everyone can see me burning. Now everyone can see me burn~ing.☆
The stage lights shut off. The curtains close. None of that matters, though. They only thing that matters is what you'll husband will say.
"I... i... can't believe it." You bite your lip worried. It turns out you didn't need to worry. "I'M MARRIED TO STAR-CHAN!!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!"
You gasp startled as he picks you up. You both end up laughing as he spins you around. "Do you realize what this means?" He asked.
You shake your head amused. "You can sign all my new Star-chan merch!!!!" You can't help but laugh hysterically as he sets you down and pulls off his backpack shoving newly bought items into your hands.
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