#why can sophie speak french????
basil-isdead · 6 months
sorry babe i can't talk rn i'm too busing thinking about all of the dumbass inconsistencies in the school for good and evil book series
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nuvolisa · 4 months
Land where I land
It’s unusual for Jim to call him at the Police Station for anything. Even during the worst of cases, the officer has always tried to not get him involved or to come to him once everything was settled.
So, when he calls late at night, Bruce knows that something isn’t right. No villain attacks, no escapee from Arkham, no robberies, and no bomb threats: does Jason need to get bailed out of jail again?
Jim Gordon’s voice is somewhat sarcastic as he speaks over his desk’s phone. “You’ll find out when you see it.”
Bruce is not looking forward to it.
It’s late, too late for any sane and law-abiding citizen to be out at such an hour. What could’ve possibly happened to cause such a mess that he needed to get involved? Couldn’t Jim just have used the Batsignal if things were that bad?
Instead, when he enters the building, the old commissioner is snickering. Bruce is definitely not good with emotions, but he thinks he’s making fun of him. He doesn’t find it funny.
“What's going on?”
Bruce Wayne is confused, confused as to why the officer is so cheerful, confused about why he would call him here in the first place. Did he find his job that amusing?
“We’ve found this girl… well, let’s just say that she basically landed right on the back of an officer, and seemed to be confused, likely she’s an immigrant.”
Bruce was stunned.
“You called me here… for a kid who’s lost?”
James Gordon places a hand on top of his shoulder. “Do you know any French?”
This was going to be a long night.
There is a woman in the interrogation room, talking to what looks like a girl not older than fifteen, at least from her height. From behind the glass, he can’t see very well.
“Sophie, come out for now,” says Jim on the interphone, and the CPS worker obliges, waving tenderly at the girl she’s been interrogating.
Sophie Dallway comes to the other side of the interrogation room and fixes her skirt. Bruce notices that she must’ve dressed up in a hurry, but he understands: it’s quite late in the night.
“Did she tell us something?” asks Jim with a small amused smile under his mustache. Bruce’s on the verge of exploding.
“Not much, to be honest. She keeps telling the same story, she has no idea how she got here and what happened. She insists on letting her go, that she’ll find a way.”
“We can’t do that,”
“I told her that, she just started shaking.”
Jim looks down. “Good,” he says, sarcastically. Then he turns around to face Bruce, “Your turn now.”
“Go in there and talk to her, Wayne.”
“But why?”
Jim shoves him out of the room with a half-hearted pat on the back. “You’ll guess soon enough.”
The interrogation room is surprisingly dark. The small yellow lamp hasn’t been changed since probably the 1960s and the empty metal chair doesn’t help to give a welcoming environment to a child. He can barely make out her silhouette, but he trusts Jim, he has to.
He opens up the folder on the metal, icy-cold table, and starts reading. “So, your name is…”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she completes the sentence for him, hesitantly.
Bruce is already lost, he doesn’t know what to say anymore. “You’re from Paris, is that correct?”
"Yes," she replies softly, "but I don't know how I ended up here in... Gotham, is it?" Her voice is tinged with confusion and a hint of fear, well hidden behind her thick, native French accent. He doesn’t fail to notice the urgency in her hand movements.
He scans the document one more time. Everything she has said to the CPS worker seems rather unfamiliar, he can’t for the life of him understand why he’s been involved in this case. He closes the folder and looks up sternly.
At that moment, it finally clicks. The teen is here, sitting in front of him, and she has two dark black pigtails that look almost blue under the light. Her eyes are two perfect sapphires with the tint of a calm sea. Her lips are in the shape of his mother’s, small and heart-shaped, and don’t hide the small pointy canines that Damian has. Despite the dark and gloomy atmosphere, the girl brightens the room, even with the terror easily readable in her pupils.
Bruce feels like fainting.
Marinette is rambling about needing to go back to Paris, but her words don’t fully reach his ears, it’s all rumbling background noise. The only thing he can hear is his racing heart, threatening to dig a hole and come out of his chest.
“Who are your parents?” he asks, with a stoic face, interrupting her quite abruptly. Bruce immediately notices his faux pas: he can’t let this overwhelm him, he can’t afford to be emotional anymore.
“Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng,” she answers, her eyes low on the ground. “They’re bakers…” she whispers. Bruce manages to catch it. The names are unknown to him.
“Do you have a number we can call?” he asks, but she shakes her head.
“No, I have their numbers saved on my phone, which is… back in Paris.”
This feels like a joke. He wants to turn around and ask Jim if it was Clark’s idea, but he realizes that whatever this ordeal is about, this poor girl, who looks so much like a carbon copy of himself, is disoriented and scared.
Bruce has a sympathetic look in his eyes. “Do you remember what happened right before you got here?”
Her voice is soft, it reminds him of someone.“I was in my room, getting up for school when I just… there was a blue light and I was here.”
He notices immediately that she is lying: her eyes look at her right, and she instinctively starts touching her face, her earrings, her neck. But why would she? Wouldn’t it be better for her to give the entire truth so that they can just send her home?
“That’s… peculiar,” he comments, trying to indicate that he doesn’t believe her. Not that he doesn’t believe she has just popped out of nowhere, which would be nothing compared to the sheer amount of strange things that happen in Gotham, but that she’s not telling the whole truth.
Her smile contorts into an embarrassed expression. “I know but… I can’t tell you much more.”
Marinette awkwardly fixes her posture. He can’t believe that such a petite girl, who wears pink ribbons and a pastel t-shirt for school, looks actually so much like him. “We… can’t really talk about what’s happening in Paris. Mayor’s decree. Technically, it’s the former mayor’s decree, but it’s still valid.”
That’s concerning, to say the least. He turns around to gesture to Jim that this is something they have to discuss. But what could possibly be happening in Paris that needs to be hidden from the rest of the world?
“I understand your fear, Marinette. But why is there an information block in there in the first place?”
The girl freezes. “I can… I can’t tell you,” she murmurs. His heart contorts at seeing the expression on her face, the same of a small puppy who has been abandoned. The irony of it doesn’t go unnoticed.
“You can. You’re not in Paris right now, so any decree doesn’t affect you. I’ll make sure to protect you, don’t worry,” he says, trying his best to reassure her. Bruce is very good at faking confidence and charisma; but at real compassion and genuine affection? He’s hopeless.
Marinette still looks like she is being tortured, like she has seen a ghost. Yet, she starts explaining what exactly happened in the last two years. He understands her hesitance: magical jewelry, possessed people, domestic terrorism. This city is in dire need of help, and he knows what he will be talking about at the next Justice League meeting.
As he hears the girl explain and analyze the villain in detail, every doubt clears from his mind. That is certainly his daughter. If her overall look wasn’t enough, the way she describes accurately every move and every action taken by the villains to terrorize her city would convince anyone that this is his long-lost kid. From the way Hawkmoth lured in citizens using complex schemes, to the way Mariposa’s attacks are far more well-organized and diligently planned.
His mind starts wandering as the girl keeps on telling Paris’s story. Her skin is pale and reveals on her arms burn marks, old cuts, and bruises. She’s incredibly small and thin despite being the daughter of a baker, and it makes a lot of questions pop up in his head. She doesn’t have the body of a hero, but she sure has the mind of one.
The papers that the CPS worker gave him tell him that she’s fifteen. He tries to think who the mother of this girl could be. It was too early for both Talia and Selina, and the timeline doesn’t match with Vicky Vale either. He looks at her once more, and it hits him like a brick.
It couldn’t be. But also, it is the only possibility. He doesn’t want to believe his own mind, but logically he already knows who it is. Zatanna Zatara. It is impossible to ignore now: she looks exactly like her. A drop of sweat runs down his spine. Why didn’t she ever tell him?
Come to think of it, he hasn’t heard from the woman for fifteen years. His head hurt. Does that mean that Marinette has… No, it’s best to think about this later.
“Sir, are you okay?” she asks, seeing that he doesn’t seem responsive to her story. The sweet tone of her voice makes him feel another gut of pain in his chest.
He shakes his head. At that moment he realizes he hasn’t even told her his name. He wants nothing more than to dig a hole, crawl in it and die. He thankfully can’t hear Jim Gordon laughing his ass off in the other room, or else he would try to jump out of a window, no gear on.
“Yes, sorry. Call me Bruce, by the way. There’s no need for such formalities, I’m here to help.” He offers her a smile that looks so forced it could make her vomit.
She doesn’t look any better. “Can you help me go home, Bruce?” she pleads, eyes filled with tears and determination. Her voice, however, betrays her.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he replies. He needs to get out of here and fast. Bruce doesn’t know whether to strangle Jim Gordon or kiss him.
The contents of his stomach threaten to come out, and he quickly comes out of the room, trying to keep up his usual stoic demeanor. As he reaches Jim’s office, his eyes look bloodshot, and he has to consciously stop himself from trembling.
The old man is smiling smugly from his desk, and as he looks up from the paperwork he’s throwing around, he says: “So?”
Bruce tries his best to not scream, not yell at him ‘What the actual fuck, Jim?’, not throw the entire paper bin on the ground. His voice isn’t as cold as usual.
“Can we get a DNA test done?”
Jim’s laugh echoes in his ears, and it feels like mockery. Bruce desperately wishes he slept that night.
Sophie Dallway downs her coffee and makes her way to the room, a tad bit more awake than she was before. She looks at the necessary paperwork, and this looks like a complicated case, judging by how much she has to sign.
But as she pushes open the door, she’s met with silence. No one is there, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is gone. Bruce has already lost any trace of his daughter, mere minutes after meeting her.
Whole series here!
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littlemissneverseen · 4 months
Okay, so some time ago I wrote a solinh fanfic in french, and I thought I'd translate (and completely rewrite it) for the free day of @solinhweek.
(Please keep in mind I am not a native English speaker. I apologize in advance for any sentence worded weirdly or anything that doesn't seem right in English. It is also a bit purple-prosy and kinda cringe, so keep away if you don't like that.)
Anyways, here you go!
Falling rain - A solinh fanfiction
Pairing: Solinh (Sophie Foster x Linh Song) Genre: Angst Word count (Prologue & Chapter 1): Content warnings: Mentions of war, death, ... (let me know if I should add anything) Other: Established relationship, happens after canon events (they're both in their twenties)
Prologue "Good night," I whisper, without really believing it. But she deserves to hear those words, to see that she's safe. As safe as she can be, at least. Because I know that behind her closed eyelids and soft smile, behind her angelic face, the worst demons are tormenting her. War never left us. Not really. The memories always remain, hiding in the shadows, waiting for a good time to come back and haunt us. They're there when I end up in tears, remembering those I have lost and hating myself for surviving, for not having fought harder so they could be by my side. They're there when I wake up in the middle of the night scared not to find another person by my side. Scared that they took her too. They're there when I see a shadow in the calm of the night or reflections in the sunlight, a reminder of the electric glow of force fields. And I wonder if it will all start again. War beat me up, tortured me. And its grip never relaxed. They already took so much and can't wait to rip everything away from me again. I try to forget. But I see them everywhere. In a strand of blonde hair. The glow of a flame. A stretching shadow. In her eyes, filled with regrets and sorrows I know I will never be able to make her forget. In her tired and pale face. War never left us. Not really. The demons just managed to bury themselves deep within us. They make us regret, doubt. Why should I deserve to be happy if others cannot even be anymore? Sometimes, I let myself forget, for just a few moments. But panic always comes creeping back A call to order, a reminder of the haunting. It never ceases to whisper into my ear, it's breath on my neck. Everything is your fault. You could have saved them. You failed. And nothing you cherish will escape my claws. And often, I want to believe it.
Chapter 1 In the room's darkness, a figure carefully got up from the bed where she had been lying and turned on a light, casting a soft light onto the room and revealing photos ornating its walls. She approached a window and opened it with a slow and careful gesture. For a few instants, the young woman gazed outside, enjoying the silence of the night before leaning over the window sill to breathe in the soft scent the rain had left behind. The light raindrops were still falling, losing themselves in strands of Linh's hair, leaving her hair gorged with water and sticking to her face. Silently, she moved away from the window, closing it gently. She left the room, pausing only to replace the bed sheets over her sleeping partner. At that moment, the bed seemed like an island lost in the middle of a storm, like a shelter where you could curl up, keep warm, and ignore the raging storm outside. She drew a shaky breath, she needed to get out. "Sleep well," she murmured on her way out. She would have liked to say so much more. She would have liked to whisper all the words she never dared to speak. She would have liked to confide, to finally open up. She could have. She did nothing of it. Linh liked to think of herself as a flower, waiting for the perfect moment to bloom. But each passing day felt like another in an endless winter, spring seeming further and further away, the warmth of the sun's beam slipping further away from her grasp. So she stepped away, regretting everything she hadn't been able to say, every word that had stayed thought, every scream that had stayed whisper. She delicately closed the door y, adding another wall between her and Sophie. Another hurdle to overcome. An ocean between two worlds. She almost wished to make a sound, to wake Sophie from her slumber. Maybe then she'd finally confess her truth. Maybe then she'd share her sorrows and pain. Perhaps then she'd finally blossom. On her tiptoes, Linh descended the stairs, shivering at the contact with the cold tiled floor, which seemed like frozen blades sinking into her skin. She shook her head to get rid of the morbid image. It was only the floor. Only the cold, cold floor. She walked out, naked feet against damp grass. There, she felt the raindrops against her skin. The soft breeze of the wind. She turned, expecting to see some sort of danger, a monster from her worst nightmares. She saw nothing. It was only a breeze. Only the cold of the night. Only herself, in the menacing darkness, too familiar to be a true friend. But she was never really alone.
Please let me know if you liked it, I haven't written much in English and would appreciate the feedback.
If I don't change my mind and decide I hate this fic, I should upload the rest soon.
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bomberqueen17 · 2 months
the far side of the world
i've made it via audiobook to book 10 of Patrick O'Brian's Jack Aubrey / Stephen Maturin series and I initially read these books so long ago that time and again I'm like oh i definitely didn't read this one i don't remember it at all and then I stumble across something that I'm like ... oh, no i definitely read this one so like. well. i just can't tell. But i really do think I'd read these before, and I just was too young to fully understand some of the bits.
I'm making myself not look up spoilers for things so I can be surprised by them as they happen. But some of the things are just. Well. Anyway. I'll cut, so as not to discuss spoilers with anyone else who wanted not to be spoiled.
I was sort of sad, for this book, because Pullings had been promoted and thus wouldn't be in the ship anymore, more's the pity, but oh joy, he has come along as a volunteer! Won't Mowett, who is now first lieutenant after his departure, be jealous or feel slighted, Stephen asked, and Jack says why, anyone else would, but those two get along so well and have already worked it out between them, there will be no trouble among them. Stephen muses that they are polyandrous husbands, to be sure, married to the ship, and Jack needs the word defined and then is sort of gently skeeved-out at the entire notion of polyandry, despite his own imperfect command of monogamy.
This finally drove me to look at AO3 to see if there were any fanfiction specifically of this pairing, because I would completely read Mowett/Pullings/HMS Surprise, treated with any kind of gravity (and crack would also suit). Alas I found none, and distressingly little Pullings/Mowett either. In my mind I have dubbed them the Tubular Husbands, as Mowett is initially described as a "perfectly tubular young man" (I think the description is meant to hint that he is still slender with youth and has not really filled out into full adulthood yet, as I believe he is meant to be a teenager in that first book), and later Pullings is also described as somewhat tubular in form, I think in a musing by one of our principal characters that he has recently filled out and thus is no longer quite so caterpillar-like. Anyway I think Tubular Husbands is a perfect ship name for them and if I were in a fic-writing way at all currently, and not so taken up with my various ongoing shit, I would totally write it. High, excellent potential there.
But I digress. Well, not really, that's about all I had to talk about.
It's hard to quote snippets from an audiobook but the other night I was enamored enough of this passage to transcribe it. Stephen is speaking of Jack's wife, Sophie, who is a dear friend of Stephen's, he and she never having had the slightest romantic chemistry but understanding one another perfectly on a human level for many years.
"I desire you will not top it the Othello, brother, for shame? Stuff on you. If any man so far forgot himself as to make a licentious suggestion to Sophie, she would not understand him for a week. And then she would instantly lay him dead with your double-barreled fowling piece."
Everyone in these books is slightly autistic, to be sure.
Simon Vance is a great narrator, but any accent he does that is not English is just awful. His American accents are painful, and for an Italian woman he did the same bad French accent he does for every Frenchman. it is a shame, otherwise I do like his performance a great deal. Well, on 1.25x speed, otherwise the pauses for effect drag on too much. I do not need a languid cadence for a thirteen-hour piece, thanks much. But it's a delightful performance on 1.25x speed and I am enjoying it greatly, I just wish he had listened to like one Italian person speaking English before doing all the bits with Laura Fielding. Do you really think an Italian would pronounce it Lauxhra with that guttural French R? Meestehr Matuxhrîn! Non, I seenk not.
Anyhow I'm as far as the pacific ocean in book ten don't tell me what happens but do tell me your headcanons about the tubular husbands and just how dedicated they are to this undersized but sweet-sailing frigate.
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zhaliacain · 24 days
Huntik team as things my family have said
Sophie: do your research before trying to prank somebody
Lok: I got to go the three park theme times!
Sophie: you know you said-
Lok: I know… I know
Dante: Den give Lok the Holotome
Den: I will if he helps me cook food
Dante:it’s not your holotome so you don’t get a say in who uses it!
Zhalia: no no you’re misunderstanding, this isn’t a matter of ownership
Zhalia: this is a hostage negotiation
Sophie: the best way to avoid spiders is to keep your living area clean and tidy
Lok: I’ve seen more spiders in your room than in mine!
Sophie: because they’re hiding in the clothes on your floor!
Den: I’ll do my best, I know that doesn’t mean a lot, but I will
Lok: but I can’t speak French
Sophie: as long as you can apologise for your existence it will be fine
Metz:What are the biggest threats you’re facing right now?
Dante: my biggest concern right now is e-scooters
Metz:… right…
Lok: how did I not know this?
Den: clearly you weren’t paying attention to the simpsons
Den holding a handful of white fluff: I have Cherit skinnnn
Cherit: why would did you have to make personal eye contact with me to say that
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fitzrove · 3 months
I noticed your tags on the "bad localisation"-post and now I must know the lore... the Finnish translator of Elisabeth didn't speak German???
Hehe, I'm glad you asked!!
Mind you, this production happened when I was a small child, so all I have is second-hand knowledge from the internet (and an audio recording). Also, I may have exaggerated for comedic effect in my original tags lol, I don't know if he genuinely didn't speak it. However...
The guy who translated the Finnish Elisabeth was a very famous (prolific, if nothing else) theatre director and musical translator, starting his career in the late 60s already with a wildly popular production of Hair. Elisabeth seems to be among the only German-language shows he ever worked on - most of it was translations from English and French. ngl I also sort of hate his musical translations from English LMAO - because of how prolific he was, they still haunt the Finnish musical scene today... One big one he did is Cabaret back in the 90s, and a theatre that put a big fancy production on in 2020 actually redid all of the songs and only kept his dialogue because the translation was so clunky lmao. But I once went to the library to dig up his original lyrics to the title song and omg they suck, I wrote better ones in two minutes because I needed a Finnish version quickly ahshshsh. So already, it's a bit of a bad sign - this man is not a translator by profession or training, he's a director who started out doing it for practical purposes, and has a pretty broad set of languages he works in.
But then again - maybe it wouldn't have been a problem, especially since he had such extensive experience. In fact, Elisabeth was the last translation he ever did before passing away rather shortly after (of old age), so maybe I shouldn't be too harsh on him... However, the fact remains that the translation, just as lyrics, is pretty terrible and nonsensical sjjsjsjd.
My initial comment was actually largely inspired by this blog post by someone who actually saw the prod live (from onenightintheatre on blogspot), quote:
It sounded like the translator hadn't really understood German, because many lines sounded like someone had taken a dictionary, looked up the most important words of the sentence and then written a whole new sentence(-ish) based on those words. An example that remained etched in my mind: ("Eine Kaiserin muss glänzen"; Finnish, the Finnish translation in English, and the original German text) Countess Esterházy: Suunne aukaiskaa! ("Open your mouth!") (Öffnen Sie den Mund!) Sophie: Keltaiset ei olla saa! ("[Teeth] may not be yellow!") (Die sind zu gelb, das darf nicht sein!) Elisabeth: Tammalla saa! ("Mare's [teeth] may!") (Bin ich ein Pferd?) So... Instead of asking why they're treating her like a horse, Elisabeth thinks she is a horse and can therefore have yellow teeth? Oddly, "Bellaria" was significantly better translated than rest of the musical and actually sounded beautiful and made sense. There were also factual errors, like Rudolf complaining to Elisabeth that he must get married, when at that point of the story he had, in fact, been married for several years. The translator passed away half a year after the derniere, though, so maybe he wasn't at his best anymore when he did the translation.
As for me, I don't know the Finnish translation by heart, but some of my favourite songs (well, mostly Schatten 2) which I do know by heart also had the ball dropped on them... in that song, Rudolf complains that the court is wasting money on parties (woah good job working in the "dancing around the golden calf" metaphor, I'm sure the original author didn't mean it metaphorically to go with the pied piper thing, he meant literal dancing - though I guess this is accidentally accurate to irl rudolf and his ranty pamphlet on the idle nobility xD) and it's just quite clunky and repetitive overall without getting the main point across too well. Which is such a pity! I mean, translations are hard, but Kunze's work has since been translated into Finnish well, with the references and thematic messages intact, it's not impossible. So in a way, I think this one is a case of someone well-established in the industry getting the job because he happened to be there and have an extensive track record, not because he actually had the skills to make the best possible translation...
Ahsdhsfhfs so yeah. There's no proof that he didn't speak German, but it's my personal theory. Also, according to a few sources, Kunze himself hated this translation......
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natequarter · 6 months
🧔🏻‍♂️ and 👍 for the ghosts ask game :^)
🧔🏻‍♂️: Humphrey
he's good fun! not the best character in the show (that's alison), largely due to his limited screentime, but i do like him. i disagree with some of the actual history - it seems more plausible that he'd die in the 1580s - and it's really weird that he's marrying a foreigner at the age of 14 (not standard practice!! he can marry at 16 and have it go just as badly i promise!!) but he's very amusing and well-written considering the lack of time he has. i also think the writers contradicted themselves with en français and shot his characterisation in the foot there, but oh well. why is robin teaching him that he needs to listen? he did listen to sophie. he even tried to speak french! despite not speaking it (which is also odd as he really should've been taught that) and despite BEING IN ENGLAND!! (see bit about marrying a foreigner.) in fact, it's sophie who refuses to listen; he tries to listen plenty and it's hardly his fault she chooses to push him away. there's really not much more he could've done and it's so odd to have robin (who consistently doesn't listen to humphrey and ignores him) lectures him on this?? even though he did try to speak french! this is like, a whole plot in the bone plot! hello? am i going mad here???? anyway. those errors aside, i like him.
👍: Favourite Episode
i mean i love quite a few other episodes but it's gotta be the thomas thorne affair, amirite? actually the other best episode imo is gorilla war but in terms of its construction and payoff i think the thomas thorne affair is the most talented of all the episodes. it's just on another level. easily the best episode of the show.
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scaryspears · 8 months
Twilight Fancasts of Main Cast + Opinions
This is mostly based on my last Twilight fancast post I made, which was just Bella, Edward and Jacob. I've decided to think of more actors to add in the mix, might have to make separate posts for all the characters, though.
Bailey Bass as Bella Swan
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Jun Shison as Edward Cullen
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1. If bro can play a kitsune in a human's body I'm pretty sure he can pull off Edward. We just need to know if Jun Shison speaks English.
2. Also, Edward needs to be an evil dick just because of vampire reasons. He needs to be mysterious and in a good way, not the way the movies portrayed him awkwardly.
Dakota Beavers as Jacob Black
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Don't make him cut his hair, and he needs to be Native American.
Also, get rid of the whole imprinting thing if they're just going to make it gross.
Julia Rehwald as Alice Cullen
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I read short hair and small frame, and I thought of her.
Evan Rachel Wood as Rosalie Hale
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I found out she was around 16 when playing Tracy from Thirteen, which might make this fancast iffy since I'm using her teenage self for the gif, considering the other actors I fancasted are 18+. But I remember watching the film and thinking that she looked like she would make a great Rosalie, which is ironic since Nikki Reed also starred in Thirteen. I know she's quite old, but I think we should find a look-a-like that looks like her younger self.
Tanner Buchanan as Jasper Hale
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1. I was trying to find handsome but creepy blond actors. Wasn't really able to find any, so bare with this. I think Tanner could manage being mysterious and creepy.
Chosen Jacobs as Emmett Cullen
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1. I remember reading some human version fanfics of the main characters, and in some of them Emmett would be Bella's older - and sometimes twin - brother. With that in mind, if Bella's black/mixed, then Emmett is too because why not?
Antony Star as Carlisle Cullen
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1. I think Carlisle's human body should be older, and thus also be played by an older actor. I know Antony Star doesn't have those same vibes that Carlisle does, but he does give off a stern exterior when playing Homelander in some scenes, and I wanna see that is Carlisle.
Emmy Rossum as Esme Cullen
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1. I don't know what to think of Esme other than the fact that I know that she's taller than Bella and randomly gave some info that she lost her baby very soon. I figured she was older when she was turned, just like I envisioned for Carlisle, but somewhat looks very young (I mean, a person is still young even if they're in their thirties).
Wood Harris as Charlie Swan
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1. I'm looking for old head vibes. Man from the old hip hop vibes. "Guy that listens to Tupac regularly" vibes.
2. Also, let Charlie be a temporary supernatural hunter that protects Forks.
Zahn McClarnon as Billy Black
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Chace Crawford as James
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James is described to be very plain looking, despite the fact that he had the vampirism that was supposed to make him look more appealing, so I was thinking about The Deep whilst reading the book.
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Laurent
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I think Edi Gathegi really stood out as Laurent, more dark skinned villains please.
2. Since Laurent is hinted to come from thanks to his accent I decided to pick an actor that is from New Orleans. I don't know why, I just decided to. Maybe I memorised some kind of misinformation about there being French speakers, I don't know.
3. If they really do make a Twilight remake and they toss Laurent to the side I'm actually gonna be so mad, because Laurent's appearance was promising, and then they chose James' boring arse.
Sophie Skelton as Victoria
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I loved Rachelle Lefevre's performance as Victoria, so I want that same vibe of "seemingly innocent but clearly has a hidden agenda/motive". I know it's been a while since she's been in any films (from what I know), but I think she can pull it off. Since Laurent is hinted to be French I think it would be great that they let her be British when playing Victoria. (There's no they, but play along.)
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qloof · 1 year
For the headcannon thing, here’s what I’ve got:
Sophie, Tsubasa, and Kyoya can speak French. It was Sophie’s first language, Tsubasa learned it for a mission at some point, and Kyoya learned it in whatever fancy rich kid school he went to growing up. They found out the others could speak it after the World Championships when Sophie muttered something under her breath and Kyoya and Tsubasa both laughed.
Oh, and number two: Tsubasa tells Yuu everything about his missions now after the whole dark spirit incident to build back up trust. Yuu now knows everyone’s secrets because of this.
Hope you enjoyed!! Love your content btw!
tsoobs kyo and soso interactions omg.,. (i came up with a sophie nickname on the spot ajdjdjjd) <33 yuu has the most insane blackmail cards to pull this is why no one ever crosses him holy shit
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silverhallow · 1 year
Since we know the show likes to include Lady Danbury more into the stories of the Bridgerton family's romances.... How would you write her involvement in Benophie's story? I know you mentioned her helping him find Ben's LIS but past that how would you write it?
So Lady Danbury’s involvement in Sophie/Benedict’s story…
I’ve written about this before but I can’t find the stuff to link it to save writing it again so here goes…
I can see Lady Danbury knowing Lord Penwood, probably through his sister, and upon hearing that she’s passed away and she goes to pay her condolences, she meets little 5 year Sophia, the Earl’s “ward” and meets her a few times throughout the years before Araminta Reiling comes into the picture.
Once Lady Penwood is on the scene, someone Lady Danbury cannot stand, she doesn’t visit the Penwood’s any longer so she has no idea what happened to little Sophie.
It’s my Headcanon that it’s actually Lady Danbury who gets Sophie her governess.
So when news reaches Lady Danbury that Lord Penwood has died and she goes to pay her condolences once again as a former friend but she notices that the little girl Sophia, was no where to be seen and when she questions Araminta about where the Earl’s ward is and why she’s not there with the griefing party, to which Araminta, almost pales at, not knowing or realising that someone knew of Sophie’s existence so just lies and says that she died years ago.
So a few years later Sophie utterly panics when she not only runs into Lady Penwood, but Lady Danbury as she’s escaping the ball, thinking that she’d recognise her.
The two years later when she’s at Number 5, she comes in to bring some tea in for Lady Bridgerton only to her horror realise Lady Danbury is also there, and she’s introduced to the Dowager Countess, and Sophie does her best to avoid eye contact but Lady Danbury can’t help but think there is something familiar about Violet’s new maid and Violet tells her of her ability to speak French as well as her impeccable handwriting and education and the story of her past.
Which neither Lady is buying.
But then she also witness’s Benedict’s attraction to the ladies maid, and knows there is something there between them so she starts meddling, trying to work out Sophie’s real origins.
Only to find out after Sophie’s sent off to jail and she realises who she is and rocks up after the jail scene, the morning after Sophie’s release and her engagement to Benedict having finally worked out who she is, only for Violet to already know!
Lady Danbury is filled in on everything that happens and she personally threatens Lady Penwood herself, that her lies, her deceit would not only be made public but she’d ensure the ruin of her daughter should she not stick to the story.
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liam-an-siorc · 5 months
12 for the ghosts ask!!
12. Is there a flashback scene you wish we'd gotten?
yippie, thank you!
A lot, a lot really I’ll go in timeline order
Robin: literally anything I want to see his family I want to see more of him as a ghosts but before more people came along and how he was we get a bit in the book but still would have liked more of that and family
Humphrey: more again just more I will defend that man with my life but it’s hard to when I don’t know that much I’m like he tired with Sophie he tried for her to be happy and he did but then in season five they are saying how he dose not listen and what not and she was speaking French both of them made no effort to speak the others launguge from what we say we yeah more of him and his life
Mary: for this one I was pretty happy like I’m being bias because I love love love her story with Annie so much so I’m just really happy with it I would love to see more of her with Annie because they where so cute as for her life I can imagine pretty easily I would see more if I could but I think I can imagine well enough I’m not missing any key details I understand why they didn’t show her trials and I’m completely ok with that we all know what the witch hunts and trials where like we know and we see in the book and yeah her with Annie I love so much so more of that but I am quite happy
kitty: again I’m pretty happy with this do I love her yes would I like to see more because I love her yes but I feel like we have a lot from how her sister was in the book her diary entries also loved and that’s really sad so anything that’s not that would have loved to see maybe more of her as a ghosts before Alison her relationship with other ghosts like Annie who are moved on yes
Thomas: I don’t know exactly what flashback I would like for him but I would take anything because I need to know how this man’s brain works literally why are you like this I need to know
Fanny: I want more anything from her life really I want because I said this in my essay about her being autistic which I will edit a link on after but I really want more on her as I say in the essay she is masking I think and would love to see more before she had such a high strict mask it’s still her of course but I’m curious and would love to further prove my point she’s autistic because I am correct
The Captain: again more of anything I do not want to see him when he realised he’s a ghosts like I would but also I think that would be very sad and I don’t noo can’t cope I would love to see more of him and Havers like just I really love them even though we don’t get much but would love more I also would sort of like to see him when he was younger I want to know more about his life in general because we really don’t know much
Pat: when he became a ghosts as sorted these guys out because what where they doing before him?! If trans Pat headcannon was real then Trans Pat but I unfortunately think that’s just a headcannon yeah I know sort of how the 80s where from other movies and parents and all so I kind of know but trans Pat young Pat also I wonder how he got along in school he’s so friendly and so sweet but idk yes trans Pat please
Julian: I’m good.. I know how he’s like but again would take more lore if I could have it perhaps his parents because how where they like to make this child like this
anything really though I love ghosts so much and would love to see more things also plaguers want to see more of them because I love them and more of the ghosts that got sucked off or before Alison was there etc
the Fanny autism essay
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
Sophie Beckett is four years old and doesn’t understand why everyone gives her dirty looks when she sings the songs that Grandmama had. She doesn’t understand the grumbles of “papist” by the occasional servant. She doesn’t know that Ireland is revolting… again. What she does know, though, (or, at least hopes) is that maybe if she stops speaking like Grandmama, then the earl will pay more attention to her. And so, she stops using the tongue of her grandmother.
Sophie Beckett is nine-years-old and has forgotten much of her life before the earl. She doesn’t remember any of her second language. She might be fluent in French, but technically, it’s her third language. Sophie is nine and understands more. She understands that this latest Ireland rebellion is a blip, only important to those on the isle who are revolting. The earl doesn’t care and pulls the paper away from her, remarking that she shouldn’t worry herself with the goings on of an isle across the sea.
Sophie Beckett is twenty-three and standing over the man she dreamed of. He’s sickly and pale and all she can think to murmur as he twists and turns is a soft string of words that her grandmama had used. It’s a hazy memory, and the words come out with little effort, even as they sound foreign to her own ears and she’s not quite sure what exactly they translate to. Little by little, more hazy memories of language appears and she starts to piece together the words’ meanings, but there’s almost always an uncertainty to them. She whispers “I love you” in their quiet lulls in the tongue of her grandmother, even when other people are around, even when they look at her funny.
Sophie is twenty-three and married to the man that she dreamed of. He’s not perfect, but he’s hers and that’s what matters. (Plus, she’s not perfect either. God knows she’s made her own share of mistakes.) He asks, one night when they’re tangled together, what all those words she says mean and where they come from. She explains “I love you,” but that she’s not sure what everything else means or where exactly they come from, aside from Grandmama.
Sophie Beckett is fifty-four-years-old when she learns that those words are Irish from her newest daughter-in-law, who easily translates each word with the precision of someone whose first language was Irish Gaelic. She’s left reeling, suddenly understanding a lot of different reactions to her as a child. Coupled with the delivery of a rosary and a simple letter from the current Penwood earl, she’s left with a lot more answers than she would have ever expected.
Sophie Beckett is fifty-five-years-old and standing on the island where her grandmother and mother came from. Her husband wraps an arm around her shoulders, kisses the side of her head, and whispers “I love you” in Irish, echoing her own productions. It’s purely by accident that she discovers where her family had come from.
Sophie Bridgerton is fifty-five-years-old and staring at a gravestone with the name “Liam Beckett” carved into it. An older woman approaches, and tells her the short, sad story of a man who died young and penniless and alone. The old woman tells her that Liam Beckett urged his wife, Mary, to take their daughter, Bridget, and go as he was dying and refused to let them waste their money or time on a dying man. The last the woman had heard, Mary and Bridget Beckett had gone to England for work. Sophie knows, for sure, then that this man was her grandfather and as she returns to the inn where she and Benedict are staying, she learns that the name Liam is an Irish short form of William… which just so happened to be the name of her youngest son. Perhaps the world just has a funny way of working.
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triviareads · 1 year
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Releases May 23rd
Cecile Trembley is a French markswoman who makes her living running a circus. She and Guy Darlington used to be lovers, but when Guy wanted to set her up as his mistress, she broke off their relationship and all contact. Now Guy has returned, sans fianceé, sans title, and he wants Cecile back too. And he's willing to do anything to win her over again.
Some background:
I came into this book with high expectations because I am a fan of Minerva Spencer's (and a bigger fan of her pseudonym she uses for erotica, S.M. LaViolette). Her plots are always excellent, the sex is usually pretty great too, and there's always something a little subversive about them. Reading the blurb for The Dueling Duchess convinced me it would be along the same vein, so I was excited to start.
My review:
I knew it was a good sign when I read that the heroine was thirty-six, (the hero was four years younger). More mature heroines is definitely something of a pattern I'm seeing in historical romances (recently in The Portrait of a Duchess by Scarlett Peckham and The Countess by Sophie Jordan), and I personally really enjoy it because it usually means the heroine is more level-headed in her approach to intimacy and sex because they have experience.
The plot can be summed up by "Titled Man joins circus to find a friend's relative during the Hundred Days, has affair with markswoman, they part ways unhappily, but now he's back because he needs a job". It's a little convoluted but also, I've long since stopped caring about how improbable a story is since this is historical romance and all I need to be sold on is the romance of it all (and I ABSOLUTELY was). The structure goes back and forth: a "present" section, then a "past" section where we see how Guy and Cecile first met, and another "present" section where most of the plot occurs, and we see what happened after the fallout of Cecile and Guy's affair, and what happens why Guy is rehired as a stagehand (which does involve getting shot at by his ex-lover.... multiple times a day) in the circus just so he can win back Cecile. Honestly, I respect that level of desperation.
SPEAKING of desperation, I appreciate that this was pretty much a book-long grovel. As far as the egregiousness of Guy's actions, it was pretty standard aristocratic fare ("I can't marry you because Money so will you be my mistress?" *cue slap in the face), but Cecile's feelings matter too, right? So when the tables have turned, you really can't fault Cecile for taking advantage. And hey, he consents to the menial labor and whatnot.
Something else I also appreciated was that Cecile does, in fact, have a lover during the time Guy is trying to "woo" her back while working for her. It's very "how the turns tables" of Minerva when it comes to genre conventions. It's not like Cecile is with Guy at the time, right? She has the right to do as she pleases, and if that means aggressively making out with this other man in front of Guy even after rejecting other man's marriage proposal, then so be it.
The sex:
Fabulous. Fantastic. Well-written. Hot. The give-and-take they have going on during sex is great. She's a little imperious and a little bratty at once. He's a little unhinged but also definitely likes being ordered around. There's roughness and there's tenderness where it fits (and "good girl". There is many a "good girl"). It was the best I've read in a long while.
I adored this book and would strongly recommend it for anyone looking to read a regency romance set outside the ballroom. It's a book that definitely keeps you on toes all the way. Apart from the romance (which I loved loved loved), I also like how Minerva interwove feminism and the very real trials of being a woman, in this case a female business owner, in that era. There's also a significant found family vibe (the circus is pretty much one big family, plus Guy and Cecile take in a street urchin) in this book, and Minerva did a great job of setting up her next book The Cutthroat Countess, which I'm very excited to read next.
Thank you to Kensington Books and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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stonewallsposts · 1 year
Jane Eyre- Thornfield
John, the driver- takes Jane from the George Inn in Millcote to Thornfield. 
Leah- a maid-servant. 
Mrs Fairfax- a neat, elderly widow, and manager/housekeeper of Thornfield. 
Miss Adela Varens- Rochester's ward, and the girl Jane is to govern. Sheis 'docile, but disinclined to apply'. She is very expressive and was trained a little in singing and recitation by her mother. 
Mr Edward Rochester- owner of Thornfield. 35 years old, or thereabouts. 
Sophie- Adela's French nurse/attendant. 
Madam Frédéric and her husband- couple who took care of Adele after her mom died, and before Rochester took her in. 
Grace Poole- the servant that looks after Bertha. 
Mr Carter- the surgeon who examines Rochester's sprained leg. 
Rowland Rochester- Edward's brother, who, we are told, wasn't just in his representation of Edward to his father. They conspired to help Edward make a fortune for himself with some arrangement that Edward never approved of. 
Celine Varens- a French opera dancer and Adele's mother, for whom Edward says he once cherished a grand passion. Edward catches her in an affair and ends everything with her. Celine says Adele is his daughter, so she left Adele with Edward and ran away to Italy with another boyfriend. 
The Leas- neighbors 
Mr and Mrs Eshton and daughters, Amy and Louise- neighbors 
Lady Ingram- very nice looking, but very haughty 
Blanche Ingram- very pretty. 
Mary Ingram- a bit slim and very quiet. 
Lady Lynn- 40ish, haughty and stout 
Mr Frederick Lynn 
Mrs Colonel Dent- 
Mr Richard Mason- from the West Indies, brother of Berta. 
The gypsy fortune-teller- sees all the young women, lastly Jane, who he asks pointed questions about her feelings for Rochester, only to reveal he is Rochester in disguise 
While Edward can act imperiously and commanding towards Jane, he still invites her into his presence as an equal and confides himself to her. She appreciates this connection and desires his presence. After the neighbor's party, where she learns of Blanche Ingram, Jane denigrates herself for thinking that she might fit into Rochester's world. But during the party, she watches and feels that the ladies there are not connected with him the way she is. She is slighted at various times during the party by some of the ladies. But while she is engaged in watching Rochester and Blanche consult during the game of charades see lets the reader know that she is not jealous. She senses Blanche is inferior to her. Miss Ingram is showy, but not genuine; accomplished but with a poor mind; she was not original, nor had she any opinions of her own. She believes Rochester will marry her, though she doesn't know why, but that Miss Ingram had nothing with which she could charm him. 
In the aftermath of Bertha's attack on Mason, Jane is drawn even more into Rochester's confidence. He notes that she is willing to help in everything, as long as it is right. 
Gateshead Hall- a brief return 
A message arrives that Mrs Reed is on her death bed and has requested to speak to Jane. Jane returns and is greeted cooly by the daughters, Eliza and Georgiana. But Jane finds that they no longer intimidate her. When she sees Mrs Reed, she realizes that she now only wishes to forgive and be reconciled. 
Mrs Reed informs her that three years ago, Jane's wealthy uncle from Madeira had wished to adopt her and make her his heir. He was told Jane was dead. 
The struggle here is letting go of the old wounds and forgiving, even when those that have wronged her are only half-repentant. 
Thornfield continued 
Mr Wood- the clergyman who performs the wedding ceremony 
John Green- The clerk at the church 
Mr Briggs- Solicitor from London who stops the wedding with the news that Rochester is already married. 
Bertha Antoinetta Mason Rochester- Edward's first wife. 
Jane's Struggle 
Jane returns to Thornfield and meeting Rochester, says, "Wherever you are is my home- my only home." But she is also convinced Rochester will be married to Blanche, and she had asked to be sent away before Blanche moved in. Jane spills her feelings to Rochester one night, who then lets her know that it is her he wishes to marry, not Blanche. So he proposes and she accepts. In the interim 4 weeks she resolves to let him know all her rough edges, so that he will not be deceived about who she is. She refuses finery and declares she will continue as the governess until married. But she confesses that he was becoming an idol to her, her whole world. On the day of the wedding, it is revealed that Rochester is already married to a mad woman. Jane is devastated at the loss of her soulmate. She understands that she must leave Thornfield. Rochester begs forgiveness, which Jane gives him. 
Rochester confesses his love and claims Jane must not love him if she insists on leaving.  
He offers marriage on the Continent where his current marriage won't be an impediment. 
He tells her that the marriage was a trick played on him for money. 
He tells her he married Bertha when he was still young and foolish. 
He paints Bertha as fiendish and demonic. 
He swears he will take care of Bertha, but she herself will not let him live as her husband. 
He shares his history of interactions with women all through the continent, being continually deceived until he found Jane, the authentic love of his life. 
He first gives all the reasons why, while technically married, he should not be considered as such... and then he appeals to Jane's heart by confessing his love of her for who she is. 
Then he appeals to Jane by telling her that his life and happiness are dependent on her. 
But Jane sees that this is an idol that she must renounce. 
Rochester continues to tempt her, but she answers his temptations with what is right. 
Jane's struggle is with all of these temptations- rationalizations of sin. She finally finds connection and love and when an inconvenient truth gets in the way, she chooses to let the Lord guide her and take care of it, rather than trying to take care of it herself. 
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appicot · 2 years
So I've been working on a personal project / OC story titled 'Normal Office'. To make a long and overly complex story short it's about a group of office workers who work in an office together, normal right? Well, the office has a lot of stuff going on. It ... Doesn't follow conventional scientific laws. Doors appear that lead to other worlds and dimensions, the amount of floors change and swap, colors invert and revert all the time... But hey, the pay is good so why complain?
I'd like to introduce some of my favorite characters I've made so far for it-- feel free to ask about any of them :]
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MICHAEL LEBLANC -- The office tech support.
He's the dude you go to for if your computer is on the fritz... However, he's probably going to switch up some of your information just for a cheep laugh for himself. He's very stubborn and annoying , but he's entertaining to watch at the very least because he is in fact a weak whimpy nerd. Like you may be able to gather from his name he is Acadian and primarily speaks french
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LILITH THORNE -- The young manager
After the past manager Annie stepped down to work in human resources Lilith Thorne was brought in to replace her! She's quiet and secretive, and she's not much of a chatterbox but she's nice enough at the least. She's the youngest in the office, yet 100% the tallest-- she's 7ft tall somehow, no one questions it because it's not that odd to them.
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SILVIE & STEVE CROSS -- The security duo
Silvie (right) and Steve (left) are a twin duo who work as the offices (currently only) security! They are loud and playful, but also fairly violent-- you can say someone is stealing a paperclip and they are ready to draw blood. They don't even like the law, they just like being "the awesome guardians of the office" , aka they like to brawl people and this gives them an excuse to do so. Silvie is the more sociable one, but Steve is more thoughtful... Neither of them, however, are smart.
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CHERYL AIMS -- Customer Service (sadly)
Cheryl has the personality of a soggy cat (like the ones denched in yoghurt or milk yeah?). She's anxious and very paranoid and honestly hates working in customer service BUT she's good at her job due to the fact people don't ask for refunds anymore due to how often she breaks out sobbing and asking if it's her fault... She gets raises all the time because of how ""good"" she is at the job... She wants to quit so bad though. Totally not dating the delivery girl wdym
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SOPHIE JONES -- The delivery girl
Teeeechnically she doesn't actually work for the office-- BUT she has connections to the workers and she does most of the deliveries of equipment and supplies to the building, so she counts for the most part? She's skitterish and a bit snappy, akin to a feral cat, but she's easily befriended by tossing food her way (Cheryl did that a bit literally, and now they are dating so hey it worked out!). She also happens to be the ex-managers (Annie Jones) eldest daughter!... Cheryl didn't know this for a few months, so uh yeah.
And that's about all that I wanna share RN because it is late'o'clock BUT I'm making a tumblr specifically so these characters can be interacted with! Character interaction will also help further the plot because there are quite a bit of mysterious things going on in the building... 👀‼️
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huggybug · 2 years
bae seeing this as y/n & thom’s kid & like yea y/n knows the basics of french but thom has managed to speak so much to our kid in french that they know more than y/n & now instead of bedtime y/n is getting a french lesson 😭 (for dilf day if you still do that ….? ahaha)
happy dilf day!
“Regards moi dans le yeux” (look me in the eyes) Thomas paused, waiting for your daughter to stop and look at him. You sat on the couch, holding your phone for her so that she could see the facetime. “Vas-tu te comporter pour maman?” (will you behave for your mom?)
“Oui” You watch your daughter squirm while grinning mischievously, a little lost in the French conversation, only getting the gist of it.
“D’accord, bonne nuit mon ange je t'aime” (okay, good night my angel, I love you) Thomas said with a smile.
“Bon chance pour ton jeu” (good luck with your game) Your daughter smiled and you were proud of yourself for actually understanding that part, only because she said it before every one of her dad’s games.
“I gotta go love, I’ll talk to you later?” Thomas seamlessly switches to English to say goodbye to you.
“Yup, I love you bye”
“Bed time babe, let’s go” You led the way into her bedroom and started getting everything ready for her to go to sleep.
“Can we read Les Malheurs De Sophie?” She asks, holding the book up. It was usually the book that Thomas read for her on the nights that he was home. 
“Maybe we should save that for when your dad’s home” You weren’t exactly keen to read an entire book in French.
“I can read it to you” She grins so you agree, settling down into her bed as she starts the book.
“I have trouble with this part though” She stops about five minutes in and points out a line.
“Uh… elle est dev eh you hon ate?” You tried to sound it out but your French was absolutely dreadful.
“Elle est devenue honnête” She corrected before carrying on with the book. You were a little confused why she asked you if she knew how to pronounce it but you stayed quiet, hoping the book would end soon. She read for fifteen minutes before falling asleep and you left the room, heading straight for your laptop to look up a French course you could take online.
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