#there's like a bunch of anime plots that didn't make any sense but im not putting it here cause i don't remember their titles
random-bi-writer · 9 months
My oldest followers, you all remember how I come up with the wildest theories for Amphibia (especially my corruptianne and anastasia theory era.)
Well, here I am. Wondering what the heck did did I eat when I come up with them and I finally have the answer.
Ladies and gentlemen, behold; The Lore of My Childhood.
Pretty Rhythm: Ice skating Idol anime, in s2 the s1 mc got possessed by the clothes she's wearing and it dragged her soul to hell.
Shugo Chara: Magical Egg anime, Mc's youngest oc went evil the moment they were born and that oc decided to live with the edgiest idol in existence.
Danball Senki: Toy Robot anime, in s2 the s1 mc's friends got kidnapped by his dad and he teamed up with a gamer/power ranger cosplayer and a martial arts fighter to save them and they ended up having to protect the world from a capitalist company and the cosplayer's brother. Said cosplayer got his brain damaged and became a villain in the novels.
Idaten Jump: Bike anime, three idiots got isekaid with their bikes and they found out that the mc's dad is the missing king of the world they're in right now.
Mermaid Melody: Mermaid anime, A penguin and an octopus have a wholesome enemies to lovers relationship and tries to hide it from their friends romeo and juliet style.
Tamagotchi: Yes this game has an anime, a 12 year old alien accidentally kidnapped a human child and almost end the world cause he made god think that he's going to take a break.
I swear, I'm not messing with you all. All of this actually happened in canon.
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loserlvrss · 9 months
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summary : the one time you can't seen to control yourself happens to be around the one person you find yourself fantasizing about
genre : suggestive, friends to ??, heeseung x gn!reader tws : language, kiss, suggestive content author notes : ariana better put some version of fantasize on ag7 or im ending my life haha... word count : 0.8k
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there wasn't supposed to be a tension. the room was silent, reserve for the TV playing against soft taken breaths. however, you couldn't focus on anything but the man sitting on the opposite side of your couch. he stared at his phone — energy locked into whatever he was reading at that moment — hair creating a barrier against your piercing-gaze in his peripherals.
he had come over not too long ago, some time in the middle of the movie you put on to distract yourself from the workday you had just completed. too stressed out when you got home to even take your shoes off and exit the foyer for a couple of minutes; actually, your purse and keys still laid on the floor messily.
now, you do find yourself distracted, and it would be a good thing if it wasn't driving you absolutely insane. if he wasn't so oblivious to you and your presence.
maybe there was a tension, but he was none-the-wiser to it.
you tried to clear your cloudy brain, focus on the animations dancing across the screen, and not scenarios to get the man to finally attach his lips to you flashing through your head like a badly timed daydream.
you swallowed thickly, the lump in your throat dragging the entire way down into the pit of your stomach. you knew deep down he didn't care for you the way you so secretly did him. but, right now you couldn't care less what he thought of you, you just wanted him to think of you.
"heeseung," you exhaled, not even sure where you were going to take the sentence. he raised his head, phone settling in his lap. his sights locked onto you and suddenly you felt too warm for your own good.
honestly, you weren't even sure why he was making you feel some type of way. he hadn't said much since entering your home but, there was something about the man that was too intoxicating to ignore. he was like a good movie with a plot-twist, an enemies to lovers book with a cliff hanger. his aura holding you in rose-adorned chains.
and reality was, you wanted him to be yours.
you couldn't find the right words — actually, you couldn't find any at all. he took your breath away and made something so easy so fucking difficult. you weren't shy, never have been, but nonetheless he made you blush like a school-girl.
yesterday, you wouldn't have had a crush on him, but tomorrow seems to hold a different title — or maybe it was a momentary infatuation. a because of the proximity; lack of being able to pick from the bunch thing.
however, you knew the truth was exactly the opposite.
"hey, earth to y/n?" you hadn't noticed the smooth movements of the man until he was inches from your face: close enough you could smell a minty scent and a cologne that made your head spin. "what's on your mind?"
how could you tell him anything but the truth when you were barely seeing straight? there’s no doubt he could sense it now.
your head was starry with all-things him, the background fading away until you could practically crawl into his skin. you were trying so desperately to behave, to keep the distance from closing. you could lie to yourself and say that it wasn't really your desire to have him, but that lie didn't get any more convincing the more times you spewed it out.
you leaned ever-so-slightly closer, lips almost brushing. you half-expected him to back away — in fact, you were mentally prepared for it. on the contrary, you two were no strangers to flirting with each other. it wasn't even the first time you've been face-to-face like this. but, that was always short-lived and due to copious alcohol consumption.
"you." you breathed out against him, "i'm thinking about you."
the intensity of his eyes locked onto yours was too grasping to look away, despite the nervousness he drenched you with. his arms fell to the cushion on each side of your head, caging you between them. your breath caught with choking force as you gasped quietly. you didn't know why he wouldn't reply, back up or shatter your fantasy. but, then you caught him glance down at your slightly-parted lips and back to your eyes.
maybe, just maybe, you were too mentally weak to deny the gravity of this sober-situation. if you got up, you were sure your knees would buckle and you shivered with anticipation, stomach twisting out for him.
his voice was low, "can i kiss you?" he asked, flicking his eyes to what he wanted and watching your reply roll off them.
your heart rate spiked, palms sweating against the plush surface. your voice was barely audible when you finally forced out a reply, though he heard you loud and clear.
he finally broke the anticipation — the tension you were sure he didn't have a clue about. and, maybe he didn't a couple of minutes ago, but it's better he catch on later than never, right?
you never realized, until this moment, why the stories always described the pure lust of an awaited first kiss as crashing; but, the way he closed the distance could only be described as such. you might end up regretting it but at this exact moment, with his lips setting you aflame, you didn't have a thought in the world that didn't resemble him.
yesterday, you wouldn't have wanted to go up in flames but, at least, it was by his doing.
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reblogs, likes and comments are greatly appreciated! thank u!
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
Get to know the author!
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name: Jessica or Slurku
pronouns: She/Her
preference of communication: Either here via IM or Discord. I don't like to give out my discord freely, if you really want it, ask.
most active muse: Alexander and Cromwell. Don't got time for anyone else atm.
experience / how many years: Been RPing since March 7th 2006 for nearly 17 years now ( I have that kind of memory) I got my start on Gaiaonline did a lot of anime RPs like Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto and Pokemon and I'm not fucking proud of how I used to write shit either. I would take a 3-4yr break before coming back to RP on tumblr where I was in the Wreck it Ralph fandom from 2012-2018. I would occasionally RP on skype when that was relevant as well. I had a few RPs in dA notes for some reason but that didn't last long.
platforms you use: tumblr, not interested in RPing in discord or anywhere else.
best experience: When I first debuted my evil ( or more evil and animalistic) King Candy Cybug and freaked a bunch of people out, that was funny as hell.
rp pet peeves: Being rushed for anything ever. This is my hobby and you are not paying me, do not ever rush me for anything even if you are nice about it. Because regardless of how nice your are I can still see that you are being impatient with me. I am a person with a life and health issues who also takes care of a parent with no kidneys.
Too many fight RPs scare me, I get skeeved out because I had a horrible fucking time after a while in the WiR fandom. Just constant fight and big-dick muse measuring is annoying. Anyone can make their muse god.
This isn't to say I won't do them, there has to be reason for it. Alexander looking to hunt someone but said quarry decides to fight back is more than welcomed.
Not being able to land hits on muses when fighting and taking all the hits sucks and I will write myself out of said fight because at the point things get boring. Fighting is give and take. Alexander is tanky and I will write him as such but he can be hurt too.
Lore breaking is pretty upsetting to me.
People who don't readmore super long replies. There's really no excuse not to do it, you can do it on mobile even so...
Making starters for people who never answer them. I will not do so again but you are free to throw one my way.
Relentlessly and constantly, and I mean over staying your welcome with annoying my muse get's tiring at some point. I do have fun with Alex getting irritated but if it's just all the fucking time I get a little irked myself. I know it's fun to poke at the big bad scary monster man but my brain starts to hurt piloting this big bitch of a man at some point, please chill sometimes.
fluff, angst, or smut: All are good in moderation.
plots or memes: I don't mind either or.
long or short replies: For plots, medium to long as long as things are formatted to not clog the dash. I don't mind short replies but only if muses are just shooting the shit. I'm not a fan of one-liners for plots.
best time to write: When I'm well rested, fed, showered, properly medicated, hydrated, caffeinated, and gotten my irl stuff taken care of and whenever I feel like it.
are you like your muse(s): Sometimes. In a more milder sense I'm not trying to eat people I'm a lot nicer than he is but I don't take any shit either.
tagged by: Stolen from @cflight
tagging: God
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wolveswithhats · 6 years
IM GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO WASN'T FOND OF THE FMA MOVIE. it did seem really soulless honestly. there was no real drive or direction and it seemed so slow and lacking, empty even... granted i liked it a lot visually (except envy's design and roy's flame animation. wtf was that) and i thought that some scenes were cute and tried really hard to have that fma feel but overall it was mediocre to me. it didn't do the original franchise much (if any at all) justice and it left me disappointed.
i also found that it was better received by people who weren’t familiar with the original series. like, it’s not death note bad imo, but it’s not much to appreciate. visually yeah, i thought it was beautiful, and some scenes were great and played out well. but other ones… it was just too changed. music wise the soundtrack was really nice though, that i liked a lot. but that’s just a musical standpoint.
I haven’t read up any reviews. Is…is it actually well received? I’m shocked at the idea that anyone thought the movie was GOOD. I’m gonna go ahead with a probably wildly unpopular opinion and say that it was actually worse than Death Note. That was a shitty whitewashed adaptation and felt like bad AU fanfiction, but there was at least some cohesion in the storytelling. There was a clear narrative from start to finish and I had no trouble following along.
This was like they took a bunch of FMA plot points, but them in a bingo spinner, pulled them out at random and placed them mad libs style into a movie. I recognized the elements, but because they used them outside of their original context, it made no sense whatsoever. I’m not sure I could actually tell you what the plot of the movie was because I don’t think there was one.
I was wondering how non-fans felt about it, though I can understand how and why it’d be better received, but I also feel like it’d make absolutely no sense. This was very much a movie designed for fans, because so much of it hinged on already being familiar with the source material. They didn’t really bother much with world building or exposition and just sort of assumed the audience already knew what was up.
Visually it was… ok. It got a little early 2000s video game cutscene at times (see: Nina) but I’ve seen worse. I felt like there wasn’t nearly enough alchemy used, and I feel like their budget must have been limited because I swear Al would disappear for scenes at the time. I wasn’t crazy about Envy’s design either (I don’t like how they did their hair and was hoping for someone a little more androgynous), but I don’t really remember much about the flame alchemy. I think I was too busy going “wait. is he really going to kill both Envy and Lust at the same time? really? oh ok well that’s dumb.” just like this entire movie.
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