#there's no readmore because this isn't a blog that's ever gonna see use
The first thing you need for mods is a mod loader, which is the the overarching program that helps mods work together.
The biggest one used to be Forge (with it’s heyday being on version 1.12.2), but starting in version 1.16.5 Fabric became roughly equal in usage and now is becoming the more popular version. This is evidenced by more and more mods being only supported on fabric exclusively, whereas they used to be only supported on forge.
Downloading the forge launcher requires downloading the specific version needed (1.12.2, 1.16.5, etc...), whereas the fabric installer gives you the option to select the desired version during the installation process.
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In order to run mods, you will first need to launch Minecraft with the desired installation active in order for the mod loader to create the mods folder in your .minecraft folder.
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Next, close Minecraft and press win + r (cmd + space for mac I believe)  to pull up the RunProgram window and search for appdata, then follow appdata->roaming->.minecraft to find the file that stores your minecraft application data such as local world files, screenshots, and any other local mc data (I recommend saving a shortcut of .minecraft so you don’t need to follow the file path every time you move mods or look for screenshots.
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The next thing you’re going to want to do is go to Curseforge. This site has a bunch of mods and modpacks (modpacks are basically just a bunch of mods people have decided work well together to create a certain kind of game experience) but you’ll want specifically the page for Minecraft Mods linked Here
Remember when searching to be in the mods tab not the modpacks tab
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Many mods require dependency mods in order to work such as modding APIs and Library mods.
For running any fabric mods, you’ll need Fabric API installed, so we’ll use this as an example of how to ensure you have the right file in the right location. Assuming you know how to use a basic search function, you should find this mod
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DON’T JUST HIT DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL. What are you, six? Look at what file you’re actually installing first. Read the info page. Get in the habit of reading the documentation and knowing what you’re doing.
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The description is where mod creators usually put an explanation of what the mod does. This specific description explains Fabric and links to the same fabric webpage I did above. Most mods with dependency mods will also typically say in the description, and often will also link directly to that mod’s curseforge page.
Once you’ve read the description, go ahead and switch to the Files tab.
This is the upload and version history. If a mod has been updating over multiple versions, you’ll see that reflected here, as well as if a mod is supported for both forge and fabric (important for when you download xaero’s map mods as they host both forge and fabric versions on the same mod page). Some mods will work on later versions of the game (a mod for 1.16.1 will likely work on 1.16.5 as well) but it’s still preferable to get the correct game version).
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in this instance, you’ll want the latest 1.19.3 version upload ( [1.19
3] Fabric API 0.73.0+1.19.3), not the snapshot versions. The orange/yellow curseforge download icon is for if you’ve got their program installed and they install the mod for you, but for our method you’ll simply hit the regular download button and find it wherever you have downloads set to go on your computer.
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Next, move the mod file into the mods folder in .minecraft
That’s the basics, now moving on to Xaero’s mods, once again use a basic search function and pull up the mods. The worldmap and minimap mods are developed separately, so keep in mind you’ll need both files to have both functionalities.
Looking at the files, you’ll remember I said this mod creator hosts both the forge and fabric versions of each mod on one page (most developers maintain them on separate pages, keep that in mind as well when searching for mods). Keep those straight. If you’re running the Fabric Launcher, Forge mods simply will not work. It’s not possible. “Why isn’t it possible?” you may ask, well it’s just not.
You’re going to want this specific file
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download, put in mods folder, blah blah badabing badaboom load up minecraft, you shouldn’t get any mod errors (the error usually tells you if you’re missing dependencies or if your version is the wrong one).
Like in most video games, anytime you get a new mechanic, you should check out the options and controls for it. esc -> options -> controls -> keybinds -> scroll until you find the category for the mod. Some mods come with their own settings/configuration screen and this should be mentioned on the mod’s description page.
Tada! You should be set. Harass me if there’s any information I missed and I’ll try to update this.
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diamond-dangeresque · 13 days
i am now emotionally stable enough that i can put down some miscellaneous Awakenings/DA2 hot-takes (for Tumblr) in this post under a readmore.
fair warning, possible/subjective rancidity. please avoid if you're not here at my blog for this nonsense.
Anders and Fenris are wrong, and they're also right. I want this out of the way right now, both have solid viewpoints and both also look for reasons to tear the other down at any given time. They're antagonizing each other because they each see the counterarguments of their viewpoints in the other and don't want to come to terms with the fact that, wait shit I might actually be wrong
because if the last (checks watch) eight to twelve-ish years of looking at the country I live in and its people morph wildly have shown anything, it's that a lot of people take having their worldviews or opinions shown to be wrong as a personal attack on their character and sometimes on the community(/ies) they represent, and when "attacked" like this most people behave vitriolically at the attacker
Anders romanticizes Tevinter in a way that is really uncomfortable and is even willing to overlook the whole "slavery is legal and A-OK in Tevinter" thing, but at the same time can't come to terms with the dog-eat-dog mentality that Letting Blood Magic Be A Thing opens up. literally: if you're not taking advantage of all this Free Power by abusing these Not-People you are legally allowed to have, you are either going to fall behind or get merced by someone else who sees you as a threat. Or an annoyance. Because Tevinter also lowkey works on Might Makes Right. "Just say no" isn't enough over there. (this post and the first two responses actually go over the issue with blood magic really well and summarize it in a much more succinct way than i ever could. give those a read, and then ignore the rest of the thread. lector emptor.)
but i also get why he does so. it's just using the same framework that people use to frame a place like modern russia as some rightwing-friendly anti-lgbtq paradise, but i get it. and if you're going Friendship route with Anders, you don't really have a way to tell him "I understand why you're romanticizing this place, but this isn't very healthy or productive. Or, you know, just."
(speaking of: Justice and Merrill are getting their own post. this one is enough of a mess as it is and it's mostly Fenders-adjacent so far)
Fenris is deep in the antimage paint, to the point of being sympathetic towards Templars even when he really shouldn't be. i understand 1000% why he would be so deeply antimage and see the Circle and the Templars as a net good, but like...
bruv i dunno how else to tell you this. but a templar will just as likely smack around elves as they will mages. like elves are only barely above mages in the eyes of the Chantry, even if they convert and go full Andrastrian
because while the Chantry and that system in Tevinter are overt hypocrites, the Chantry and system in the rest of Thedas are covert hypocrites. by the time you see the deception, it might be too late. and for someone as deeply traumatized and hurt as Fenris, he's gonna try real damn hard to avoid looking at the deception until someone smacks him with it outright because the lie doesn't hurt as much.
i.e. the Chantry would absolutely use Fenris as an antimage warhound and maybe even think about lyrium tattoos versus mere Magical Singing Rock Heroin Addiction, and Fenris would just end up having a new master at the end of the day 🤷
and if the Templars ever lose an easy target of oppression in the mages, they will turn to the elves next and go "well. maybe Andraste was...a teensy bit wrong?"
(you know. like Tevinter.)
Really, a good chunk of the DA2 cast are just Straight Up Wrong about a lot of things and they still try, and it's IMHO one of Dragon Age 2's two linchpin story themes: most of the characters you meet have very myopic views on things, or have views shaped by their extraordinary experiences that don't really let them see the other side (or any side not their own) as clearly as they could or should be.
no no no, don't give me that "but [x] is right tho?" "[x] is right to me 💖💞" shpiel because that's not what this post is about, focus
Everyone in this ragtag bunch of criminals and ne'er-do-well do-gooders—especially Hawke—has Been Through Some Shit, and that shit has defined a lot of their worldviews and ideologies and the ways in which they interact with people. Tons of NPCs in Kirkwall have Been Through Some Shit and are laying out their worldviews and mentalities colored by these experiences. Everyone is hurt, has been hurt, will be hurt, and it defined and continues to define and will define their actions and thoughts until those characters find a way and some time to clear their head and sort their thoughts and trauma.
(but it's really hard to sort that shit out when you have a first enchanter who watched Re-animator way too many times, a knight-commander about thiiiiiiis 🤏 close to crossing her own rubicon (and yes the Rome analogy is important for this context), and a grand cleric with her thumbs up her ass thinking neutrality is an acceptable form of activism)
(along with like 16 gorrillion other issues Kirkwall has, but i digress)
And part of Dragon Age 2 working so well as a tragedy are these major character flaws. Anders and Fenris can't see each other as allies for the same cause because superficial differences keep them at arms length. Merrill wants something that seems to come so easily to other people, even to nonmages, but can't ever seem to grasp it. Aveline is desperate to hold onto the love and memory of her husband and exerts that through her work and behavior, but she also can't keep her subordinates at arms length because she sees Wesley in every guard under her who dies. Isabela does what she wants when she wants because so much of her life before this point was hounded by others controlling and using her (on top of Qun-flavored religious trauma). And so on and so on.
And all these things, and many more things, make these characters butt heads with each other in their banters. In the cutscenes. In the major pivotal game points. In how they agree with or disagree with your decisions in-game.
But like. It has to be said, again: many of these characters are Wrong, and about a lot of things, and quite frequently! And, in the grand context of understanding this story and its characters, that's fine. These things are meant to be explored critically, introspected on, enjoyed with things revealed by hindsight, etc etc.
Just...don't be weird about it. Please.
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villains4hire · 1 year
🔥 [[ topic...how about ship wars? Or you can pick something else it you prefer! ]]
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//I'm gonna put this under a readmore because of the graphic content I've seen and I'm not gonna be not so nice about it. I track anons as a warning to anyone eager to send me something over this. Anyone reading this has been warned about extremely triggering content. As I will be covering this from top to bottom from how much grief ppl have caused in the rpc over ships.
First off: We're gonna start off with the heavy shit such as rape, pedophilia pairing stuff in the communities bc it's not as much of an issue in tumblr anymore. Though while still there sometimes? It's still an issue in other platforms like twitter.
So rape can be portrayed and fade to black, but I don't think it should ever be actual smut or part of ships or anything that someone can get off to or said it's a good. Because you're pretty much just making fetishist rape porn at that point. Same for pedophilia as it can't be positive for something that extreme or show that it's okay. That's just flat period and something other than background or darker settings should never really be an outright element otherwise as most of the rpc does not want or care about that shit. There's no such thing as antis when it comes to that, you either support pedophilia/rape in positive lights, portrayals or just outright want porn like a sick fuck but you're too much of a spineless bitch to admit it, period. What it doesn't mean: that you can take things like Jasper's forced fusion or call the character a rapist for doing inhuman things to begin with or 'toxic relationship where she's a rapist/pressuring Lapis for what you see as sex'. You're mentally deranged for making that comparison and yes, this is a REAL thing that actually happened in tumblr SU and twitter SU discourse and it was super braindamaged and then the same ppl. Fucking kissed Lapis's ass when it was revealed she was the controller of the power dynamic bc their lil uwu snowflake glorbo was suddenly the rapist by their logic and defended her in a panic. Fuck off, don't make those stupid ass takes toward kids media to begin with you fucking morons. You CAN take media that's not exactly adult and add elements and all that, but for the love of god, try to make some sense, not go too crazy, as most don't but when they do? It's so mentally unhinged and I'd almost argue actually delusionally braindamaged. As I will use that word for this bc it is, I don't want to see that kind of themes in open kids media/rp blogs unless you're a centered adult rp blog like I am that bar kids from seeing it. That's fine, you can have tragic backstories and all that but be open about it in your bios, rules of what you do, don't spring the topic of SA or such elements when doing that kind of fandom by surprise or having it unlisted unless you never plan on talking about it openly/openly rp someone being faded to black or a memory like ffs.
I say this stuff from top to bottom as Camp Camp, Rick and Morty on the tumblr fandom and more had people openly shipping Morty with Rick and posting porn in the main tags before the porn purge. Then same for Camp Camp with David and the Campers or even ppl in the rpc being into that shit. Like, it was bad, really bad back then years back. Like some of it may seem unrelated, but a lot of it stems from 'shipping wars' or ppl claiming someone's an anti for very GOOD reasons bc they're actually just covering ass for someone else or their own for sick fantasies.
Moving on.
Secondly: you can have toxic ships, surprise, surprise. So long as it's just an abusive relationship in a couple, I don't care.
There are bigger problems in the to world to worry about, and yeah, so long as it isn't like a thinly veiled mask for hating women, men, or some other group like a race or gender identity/sexuality. It's really whatever honestly, be smart about it, as is your character a misogynist/bigot and it's clear it's a part of their established canon or an oc that's a prick and not a good person or meant to be? Then yeah it's fine, ppl don't need to bend ass over backwards to explain themselves or cover their ass or explain themselves to you, you're not entitled jack fuck, so eat it. I don't think taking aspects like SU's fusion or other things in kids media for toxic relationships should ever go beyond: 'toxic' or showing this relationship is 'bad' and here's a generic example why to a power dynamic. I think if you DO want to go a darker route, you need to be a purely adult blog, not push that garbage in the broader rpc or fandom space as if it's a children's media, don't be a deranged moron about it. Thanks.
Thirdly: I myself have been harassed for Verosika (When I had her) and or Stella bc of their relationship to Blitz or Stella as thinly veiled anons.
I have tracked these ppl's IPs and for a time had them blocked or kept them blocked. People are not your punching bag for portraying a ship you don't like even if IC unprompted or making it unclear it's not an IC prompt, as when you talk with your feelings for an ask, it's pretty clear you're an insecure dumbass about your precious glorbos in a gay ship or ship getting ragged on by something ic to the point you need to go ass overbackwards to defend it or even send unironic hate disguised as an ask prompt.
Fourth: no one gives a fuck about your OTP or NOTP outside of your space, even then it's questionable. If you can explain it in a healthy, non-passive aggressive manner or to the point of not being vaguing, then fine, go ahead. Criticism is always fine, always will be. Otherwise? Stfu, no one cares about your negativity, and no one cares if you have a problem with someone liking a ship.
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weebsinstash · 2 years
I can see what you mean by hitting too close to home right now especially with context. It didn't need context before as you have the right as a writer to chose when or even if you write. If you decide that this blog is too much you can take a break or even quit. Do what's healthy for you. You are already going through too much don't let the opinion of any disgruntled readers sway you into pushing yourself.
I understand where you are. My mom was pretty heavy into some serious drugs for a long time. If she knew where to get them she'd still be doing them. And as mean as this is to say, your sister won't be better quickly. A lot of drug addicts won't be able to get sober until they realize they have a problem.
Your sister deserves better then to be abused. But with what you described about her latching on to bad men who hurt her, I think she will need extra therapy and support to realize that fact.
Just remember as much as you worry for her and give of yourself to help her, that you are suffering too so give yourself some love and kindness. Please focus on the healing of you and your sister rather then Tumblr. Tumblr will be here when you feel up to it, and if it isn't there will always be another hellsite. But there will only ever be one of you so your health is way more important.
(This wound up getting really long so I'm just gonna put it under a readmore, i do talk about sexual assault and certain things like that if that's a trigger for anyone)
I just. I dont know how to feel. I was distancing myself from my sister this past year because her behavior was too unbearable (she will barely talk to you and it seems like the only times she reaches out is when she's drunk or needs something) and then when I reconnect with her, everything is worse and now she's angry at me I wasn't there to support her? I can't even talk to her about this? I've never really ever been able to talk with her because she has bipolar and BPD or maybe something else entirely that's undiagnosed and whenever you ask her certain questions she immediately takes it as criticism and completely shuts down, tells you to fuck off
I thought I could use my position as her little sister to try and talk to her and comfort her but she's. Shes genuinely a different person now. She even screamed at me that "we are strangers" which, she's the one that moved out and she demands you only speak to her through text, she's the one that has FOR YEARS sided with her boyfriends over her family and then will never apologize when those men turn out to be fucking garbage. And it's just like, texting? that's been my main form of contact with her for years. She just won't even do basic stuff for herself anymore and blames it on anxiety and ptsd. Um. Like. I hadn't spoken to her in over a year until around a week ago, hadn't spoken in over a year right, she's begging our mom to pass messages along and tell me she wants to talk to me, and on her birthday, I gave her a call and left a voice mail
She didn't even listen to the fucking voice-mail because "ugh you know I don't listen to voicemails, they stress me out"
Like genuinely, how do you have a relationship with someone who lives in another state and the only form of contact is text, you're only supposed to text specific things in specific lengths and at specific times and she still might not ever reply to you? And then to insult you and say you were never there to support her as an excuse to run into the arms of a STRANGER rather than you?
I feel like there's something I should do. I feel like I need to save her somehow. I'm worried and terrified and scared and I don't want to leave her alone but we literally live in different states. And she just. She just honestly doesn't want to be helped. She genuinely thinks she's handling everything great and it's like "Emily you were literally raped and you turned around and pierced your nipples exclusively for the sole purpose of never wearing a bra anymore and constantly exposing them to other people, you're literally constantly acting on your trauma"
She wouldn't even. At one point it's almost time to say good bye and im crying and I hug her and she. Pulled away from me. Says "we're in public, I live here, can we not do this" because she has a creepy landlord and she was like, paranoid that someone who knew her landlord was lurking around the corner or something? And she hates it there and thinks he's a creep and she's absolutely positive he's coming into her apartment without her knowledge or permission and she just??? Turned around and renewed her lease???
So you can expose yourself to complete fucking strangers but hugging your own sister is out of the question? And then later when I hugged her again in a more private setting, she wouldn't even squeeze back, and she did the. The thing where you tap your palm on someone's back. And she did it in such a. Such an obviously fake "you're being hysterical" kind of way. And it hurt. It hurt so fucking much. Is the only time she can pretend to love me when she's drunk?
I dont know, I accidentally made this post about myself. I just. I think I've lost her, at least for now. And I think about my blog and my writing and I was literally just recently thinking of "oh what if reader gets too drunk or high around X character and--" and sure enough it turns out my very own sister was raped because she did coke and weed and drinking with two men she didn't know very well and wasn't wearing underwear and fell asleep in front of them and when she was. Being hurt, she just. Froze. And she didn't even go to the hospital until weeks later when it became obvious that one of them gave her an std, and her main concern st that time was "oh there's a nice guy i like right now and I don't want to tell him"
Mind you, we've deduced that "that nice guy" is her current boyfriend, a fucking loser 38 yo who still lives with mommy in the house he grew up in and his ""job"" is a bicycle repairman, not even motorcycles, bicycles
I want to throw up. I want to actually fucking throw up. I don't know how I can protect someone who won't protect themselves. I domt even know how im supposed to fucking function. My mom is devastated, im devastated, we just planned this like 3, 4 day trip to travel out of state to see her to do a welfare check and she acted like she hated us the entire fucking time. Here she is with her fucking family she hasn't seen in 3 YEARS AND THAT WAS AT OUR GRANDMOTHER'S FUNERAL and she didn't even. Go to fucking hug us when we saw her for the first time
It isn't just that she's been hurt and she's an addict now, she's literally acting completely different, and I don't know if it's trauma or drugs or what she's doing to herself but I don't know if I can watch it. I want to be there for her but if she won't let me then. Then. I might have to make the decision to let her go. And I'm terrified. Oh god I think I need to go call into work, I don't think I can go today, or tomorrow, or next week
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wooahaes · 2 years
On the topic of social media AUs ... maybe it's just me but it also leaves me feeling a little weird when white people use pictures of some pretty korean girl for y/n. Like. It feels a little off to me? Why would you use a korean person when both you and probably a majority of your readers aren't korean? To make it more realistic bc a korean is more likely to meet them? I mean it's idol x reader fiction, it's unrealistic by default
I don't mean to be rude to anyone or call anything out I just feel some sorta way about it.
Also I think it's just a little sad to write fiction where the reader is supposed to identify themselves with y/n but then taking that possibility away from so many people by adding a picture. If you want y/n to be an OC (which would be fine but) then just make an OC instead of calling them y/n...
oh hi nonny i absolutely want to talk about this
my friend ursa has a very good post (two, actually) about this sort of thing and how to fix it. sorry to hype her up again, but her posts are genuinely a good read and i feel do hit on the topic that people just... don't ever address. reader insert fics are meant to be inclusive (which ik me writing LHC was definitely excluding people who aren't chubby, but i feel like there's defo a difference between "automatically excluding people from the get-go without even attempting to warn about it" and "someone writing representation for themself because they rarely get to see it").
the rest of this is going under a readmore because i hate having long asks on my blog sdfkjhsdf sorry
i can't really say too much on the topic because i'm a white person speaking from a white perspective, but i get it, i think? it kinda feels... a little fetishize-y of korean women. if you want to write an OC and give her a face claim, do it. i personally do that when i give my readers friends, as do a lot of people.
at the very least, i wish people would warn their readers when a fic is going to be exclusive up front. i warn for when my reader fics are chubby!fem!reader (or even fem!reader in general), i've seen other writers warn that a fic has a fem!reader whos physically smaller than the guy. i've almost gone into a social media au until i saw that the writer gave a warning that they used ulzzangs for reader!! and i appreciated that, even if i didn't end up reading their fic!! i genuinely hold nothing against those writers because they put in that warning.
anyway not to throw my own shot out there but sometimes i genuinely wonder if like... people realize its probably easier to just not include ulzzangs for reader than having to match up appearances (long hair, or curls, or whatever) between pictures. i get using the same pics from the same person, but still--it's gotta be easier to just... not have to go looking for those pictures, right?
anyway if ur gonna use a korean girl for ur smaus u might as well use some girls from jstyle_evellet on instagram for once. fucking do it. i dare you. use yeom yoon-hye. use bae kyo-hyun. i DARE you to use someone who isn't the traditional petite pretty ulzzang girl you see everywhere. if your instinct is to go "ew no, why would i use them?" then maybe you should sit down and ask yourself the real reason why you use ulzzangs because it sure as hell isn't to "make it realistic"
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kamari3 · 4 years
I have a question about Underlust(main story not fanart), and was redirected here by Alaina. What exactly sort of content does it contain that makes it 18+? Because even saying 'sexual stuff' or 'NSFW' covers a big range, I feel. I don't really like a lot of that sort of sex stuff but I have absolutely enjoyed stories containing it before, I know how to skim and self-moderate to some degree if the story is worth it to me. BUT, that's a lot harder for me with images than with just text. Thoughts?
hahaha oh gosh i usually get questions like this on my art/ask blog @kamari333 !! gonna feel weird seeing this level of undertale coming from me over here XD ok so lets look at underlust
please forgive the sloppy typing i'm on my phone (as per usual)
edited to add a readmore-
underlust was made by @nsfwshamecave years ago, back when they, Niel, was using that blog for the sake of freedom of sexual and self expression. that was their horny on main blog. so, reason #1 that underlust is NSFW is because the creator of it was primarily NSFW and asked us to treat it that way so kiddos didnt end up crawling all over her lewds
reason number two is that Niel made a lot of lewd content using Underlust. a lot. it was super great. just- just the absolute motherload of undertale themed smut. (god i miss them). they shipped sansby, they shipped papdyne, they ESPECIALLY SHIPPED PAPYTON and in my opinion underlust is the BEST papyton ever! they shipped OCs and they shipped papcest and sanscest and occasionally fontcest but not as much and it was just- All The Ship Must Sail ok? ships everywhere and ships shipped with a cargo full of 5-star lewds
now we get into the meat of Underlust: the story. Niel never managed to write the full thing before they quit the fandom for personal reasons, and what they did write was out of order and fragmented between asks and disorderly posts, so i'll do my best to kind of sum it all up chronologically... Please keep in mind there may be some stuff in here that could upset you so i'll try to put tags for trigger warnings i think of as i go
Toriel and Asgore are about to have a kid, but the moment they are born, the child dusts. its implied its a miscarriage. In one ask, where someone asked Toriel about Asriel, all Toriel could answer with was "Who?" because she never even had the kid long enough to give them a name. So Uh. That kind of heavy content isn't necessary safe for kids.
The kiddo's dust somehow gets onto a rose that grows underground and thats how Rosie the Rose comes into existence.
At some point, a fully adult Chara falls and shows off a lot of horny on main energy. they are a huge sadist. I will say I am uncertain about the specifics of their canonical relationship with the dreemurrs.
Gaster studied the traits in Chara's soul, trying to make something to help with all the not-making-baby syndrome going on among the monsters (which, my phrasing aside, was pretty serious for a population of creatures with dwindling numbers). He tested on himself and his two sons, but only ended up putting them in a constant state of heat. thats LUST. Niel never went too deep into the lore of what exactly LUST is, so I have my own personal headcanons quietly on my side of the fandom haha.
Eventually everyone of adult age got the LUST. So now just about everyone in the underground, save the few kids, have horny on main syndrome. it doesnt actually help with the baby making though.
So there is another reason underlust is NSFW: constant heat, and human experimentation.
Fast forward and then the most fleshed out part of Underlust happens: The Events of the Papyton comic. You can still find these floating around online, reposted on pillowfort and in my discord haha.
Prepare for spoilers.
Prologue: Papyrus is lonely and super super wants respect, recognition, and love. So he goes to Undyne to train to get into the Royal Harem. Its implied that the job of the Royal Harem isnt just to fuck Asgore (who lost his wife at some undisclosed point- Toriel is in the ruins now) but to fuck everyone in the underground who wants/needs the sex. So like, its a government funded brothel? Undyne does train Papyrus (which apparently includes endurance training and edging- the one picture we got was pretty hot ngl- for a lesbian undyne knows her way around a dong), but she sees right away that even though he is amazing at sex, he doesnt have the right mindset to be in the harem. Pap is too emotional, too clingie. so she isnt letting him in.
On Mettaton's Side: Alphys builds mettaton a body that he loves and syncs with instantly. He goes on his quiz show to debut his body and hes happy with the attention, but after the show, two guys from the audience corner him outside and... uh... rape him. No sugar coating that. It is very violent and noncon. Tonton is permanently scarred in body and soul after that.
So theres more content thats NSFW and probably doesnt need to be in kid safe spaces. The whole rape thing.
Alphys finds him and even though he cant just leave his body, she helps fix him up and modifies his look so he is more comfortable.
But, uh... He is Not Okay. That was seriously traumatic and even though he pushes through it for his quiz show he has a lot of issues since most of his audience isnt interested in the science or history or learning part, they just wanna catcall him.
But he gets this one Fan who calls in correct answers and sends him really sweet fanmail.
And its Papyrus. Papyrus is Tonton's number one fan.
And eventually Papyrus goes to the show live and asks Mettaton out on a date. Its cute as balls. Just. A montage of fluffy respectful date fun and just- SCREAM. its great!
And then Mettaton's rapists show up. And they make to do it again. Papyrus tries to stop it but he gets beat up. He does encourage Tonton to fight back. which he does. and almost murders them. He's super emotional and says some mean things to papyrus too.
But stuff happens. Forgiveness. Healing. A kiss. Listen it's a story about how your trauma doesnt have to define you and it's definitely not for kids but its a good fucking story ok?!
Theres also a sidestory about mutual pining sansby which is also cute as fuck.
The themes of Underlust are sexual expression, how appearances can be misleading, how trauma doesnt have to define your life and how you can heal, and most importantly, that Love is more important then Lust.
The story was never finished, but there was talk and visual hints of adding themes of like how asexuality is valid and you can love people without sex, and how having sex and being unashamed doesnt making you gross, and platonic love being just as good as romantic love, and all this great stuff, but at the time niel was having more fun making lewds and just living her best life, so a lot of story and thematic elements were left unfinished
So... yeah. That's Underlust.
The cliffnotes version anyway.
The designs are amazing and iconic af. I especially love Blooky being an angry stoner. Asexual Nonbinary (21yo) Frisk is great! Its a beautiful AU with a lot of love in it and it makes you feel like its safe to be as lewd or not lewd as you want to be. But it is NOT an AU for kiddos. Not at all.
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