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obscurelittlebird · 6 years
Recommend any other blogs like yours?
If you find any let me know. I myself am on the hunt to find any comedic classic literature blogs like mine, but until I find any, here are some blogs with good content that I will highly recommend: 
@sparkitors  |  @dreamyfilms  |  @lizziebennet  |  @as-delightful-a-creature  |  @therealelizabethbennet  |  @incorrectclassiclitquotes  |  @urtolerable  | @dearestloveliestelizabeth  |  @janeaustenapproved  |  @darcybae  |  @darcybeth  |  @incorrectpride-prejudicequotes  |  @fanny-brawne  |  @north-and-prejudice  |  @fine-eyes
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halfagony-halfhope · 9 years
therealelizabethbennet said: Who said what ?!! Give me the name and I’ll defend the pride. 
it was a brazilian booktuber. she was answering a tag a she needed to pick an inspirational couple and she said something like:
 'i could say something cliche like darcy and elizabeth but i think if jane austen had written a few more chapters they wouldn't have lasted as couple because they are too similar' and then she also says that they aren't compatible. 
and i'm just like ???????
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