#therefore I AM going to goof off on Sunday morning
mari-beau · 8 months
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houseofglass · 5 years
I’ve got to get this off my chest.
Y’all have heard by now that Jared was arrested for public intoxication and assault. Many are gushing support for Jared, making excuses for his behaviour (mental illness, stress, etc.) but I’m not going to. Why?
There is no excuse for his behaviour. There are, however, reasons that contributed to his behaviour.
By ‘inexcusable’ I mean he’s a grown man, already aware of how alcohol affects him, already cognizant of the stress in his life, already in treatment for his depression. If he was barely legal age and new to fame, money, and paparazzi then I’d excuse this as a one-off, a fuckup of mountainous proportions.
But, like I said, he’s a mature adult, so I don’t excuse him.
I do understand there may be evidence we haven’t seen and therefore there may be more to that video than meets the eye. All we know for sure is:
he was intoxicated
he pulled money (or something that looks like money) out of his pocket
he had another person in a headlock
Intoxication may be from a mixed source. He was at his bar, Stereotype, where he’s been known to hang out. He had been drinking. It’s also possible he ingested some other drug as well, but only a blood test will reveal that. We may never know. (some may even blame alcohol interfering with anti-depressant medication)
He pulled money out of his pocket. Why? Some say it was to bribe the police. Sure, I guess. It could also be he remembered to pay his tab and pulled money out to do so. We don’t know, because we don’t have a direct line to the inside of Jared’s mind. I know, from experience, that intoxication can muddle thoughts. He could have simply been counting his money because he remembered he should count his money. Drunk brains don’t function very well.
He had another person in a headlock. Was that violent? Yeah, it was. Even if he was goofing around, it was still violent. Props to Jared for letting go instead of squeezing tighter.
Police arrived and because arrest records are public we know he has two charges of assault and one of public drunkenness totaling $15,000. I don’t know how Austin’s court system works but I imagine Jared will pay the fine and be done with the whole thing.
But it begs the question: what caused this public display of inappropriate behaviour? What are those reasons I mentioned above?
Well, regardless of whether or not you’re a tinhat, Jared and Jensen are very close. They have a tight, unique relationship. One that’s about to change. Jared’s new show Walker, Texas Ranger was picked up (although it may be dropped now, time will tell) and Jensen is releasing a music album. They won’t be filming together, won’t spend nine months of the year together, won’t be around to catch all the day-to-day shit that couples/tight friends catch. They will be two separate people doing two separate things when they used to be two separate people doing the same thing. This adjustment will be difficult for both of them, probably in ways they haven’t yet realized.
Also, Jared’s fan interaction has been limited lately. He’s been spotted at sporting events and bars. Fans get their pics with him and report it online. But other than those two events, where is Jared spotted? Conventions and filming are his job so they don’t count. Events with his wife seem to be more for her blog than for any kind of couple time, therefore also work in my eyes. And maybe my dash isn’t as comprehensive as others in terms of Jared’s whereabouts, but each time a new pic popped up of Jared meeting fans in a bar I’d think, another bar? Another drinking night? It really did seem like the only pics of Jared without Jensen were of Jared drinking. I’m sure someone will point out how wrong I am, which is cool. My general feeling is that bar encounters outweigh others.
Sidebar: this has been bugging me for a while but I was reluctant to post anything about it. Jared drinks a lot, according to social media. It feels like there’s an awful lot of pics of Jared from bars when he’s not working. I’ve seen posts on my dash about how Jared looks happier when he’s out drinking with fans than he is with his wife. Or how Jared is hanging out at a bar while Jensen does *insert whatever event here*. Why? Why would a man who’s closing up on 40 be hanging out in a bar? Doesn’t he have friends to hang out with? Other activities to do? Um, children to parent? I’m sure he does all those things, but when I look at only his media I see a man who drinks a lot. Also, alcohol is a depressant. If you already have depression, alcohol will exacerbate the depression and the person’s thoughts will begin a downward spiral until alcohol is not imbibed. This is a slippery slope, and I’m genuinely hoping Jared sees his behaviour for the escalation that it is and to get that shit under control.
I’ve been here on Earth longer than J2, longer than Misha even, and I know that sometimes people make bad decisions. It happens. Mind altering substances assist in bad decisions. After all, the first part of the brain disabled by alcohol is the self-assessment part, so people usually think they’re just fine while drinking when they are, in fact, not fine at all.
But what’s really important here is how Jared behaves in the aftermath and when fans have forgotten this chink in his armour. If he continues to go out drinking when not working, he’s likely to repeat the bad behaviour or come up with whole new bad behaviours. If he slows down and remains sober around fans he’s less likely to repeat this event.
But that’s the key. The incident itself is regrettable and probably embarrassing for him. It’s how he behaves in the future that matters.
(ps - it’s almost like Jared wanted to be important again. He told a story about breaking up a fight recently, France maybe? I don’t remember. But he’s broken up fights before and boasted about it. He’s also been involved in fights where someone was insulting the person he was with. Like, in his drunken mind he thought he was being the hero but things went sideways. It’s interesting that this occurred right around the time Christian Kane was guest starring on Supernatural and Jensen was headlining yet another non-Supernatural event. Jared struggles with feeling like he’s not enough, I wonder if he felt inadequate somehow and it built up to the point of the incident this past Saturday night/Sunday morning. I’d love to know, but I understand I’ll never have that privileged access to his life.)
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citycfangels · 7 years
text: charlie ⇄  raquel
Charlie: [to the wrong number, attached picture: http://68.media.tumblr.com/1203872c019be23dab87c12490862f3c/tumblr_inline_njjkf7zAyH1t3m33w.jpg]
Charlie: good morning ;)
Raquel: I suggest a cold shower.
Raquel: and not sending me winky faces along with dick pics.
Raquel: if you want me that bad then use your words and actually say it.
Charlie: ... fuck, wrong number
Charlie: it wasn't meant for you
Charlie: my dick isn't actually in sight, btw
Raquel: wrong number?
Raquel: fuck you Charles. I hope you really do screw yourself.
Raquel: delete my number.
Charlie: for professional reasons, i'm not deleting your number
Charlie: i'm so so sorry, Quel. i just...
Charlie: nevermind.
Raquel: professional reasons my ass Charles. You don't need to have my number. If you need to contact me you can go through plenty of people to tell me something
Raquel: don't. I don't want to hear I'm sorry.
Raquel: forget it and forget about me. There's no reason for us to contact each other.
Raquel: you have other girls to be texting.
Charlie: wait a minute, you're such an hypocrite
Charlie: do i have to remind you that not a while ago you sent me an almost nude picture by mistake because you were texting Nathan?
Charlie: and no, the rule doesn't apply right now
Raquel: You're right, rules don't apply because as far as I know we don't have an agreement any more. Or maybe the rules only apply when you want them to apply.
Raquel: You knew there would be a possibility that I would be texting my BOYFRIEND pictures like that but you're texting me when we haven't talked in days and when you've been avoiding me. Call me a hypocrite all you want but it doesn't take away from the fact that you knew what you were getting into.
Charlie: we're not fucking, therefore the rules to make that easier doesn't apply right now
Charlie: i /knew/ what i was getting into. i'm very aware that you have someone else, i'm very aware that you would send him pictures, because as far as i know, you're in a happy relationship with him, that's why i wasn't freaking out when i got that picture. because i knew what i was getting into
Charlie: what's pisses me off is that while i have to be cool with the fact that you have Nathan and i am cool with that, you're being a whiny bitch because i'm sleeping with other girls.
Charlie: tell me how's that fair, Raquel.
Raquel: you're right. I shouldn't be happy that someone else can make you happy or that you want someone else in your bed that isn't me.
Raquel: you're right that I should be happy with what I have and that I shouldn't be freaking out.
Raquel: you don't have to worry about me being a whiny bitch or about having to be cool with anything.
Charlie: you deserve to be happy, and i'm the first person who wants you to be happy. and i'm not asking you to be happy because i'm fucking someone else, because that's the only thing i'm doing. i'm not even asking you to be cool with that, because i know you're not okay with that
Charlie: i'm only asking you to not do this when you did the exact same thing weeks ago and i didn't
Charlie: we fought, we're in this situation. you don't want to continue with this? fine, we're just coworkers, exes and that's it.
Raquel: I want you to be happy too.
Raquel: even if I'm the one that wants to make you happy (deleted)
Raquel: yeah sure if that's what you want.
Charlie: i'm asking you if you want that. i don't want to stop this, but if you want, i won't say anything.
Charlie: think about it if you need it, you don't need to answer right now
Raquel: I don't need to think about it.
Raquel: that better be the last time you send me a picture meant for someone else.
Charlie: yes ma'am, it won't happen again.
Charlie: are we okay or...?
Raquel: good. Not that I didn't appreciate it.
Raquel: well... you can keep my number if you want to but there's really only one way to make it up to me.
Charlie: good to know
Charlie: yeah?
Raquel: yep. Well actually a few ways but let's see what you come up with.
Charlie: i know i can make it up for you in form of sex and coffee, but is there anything you want?
Raquel: actually I wasn't thinking about sex this time. It's not all I think about with you 😜
Raquel: I don't know but we do have a reason to celebrate and that's one way you can make something up to me. I might have sort of maybe booked a commercial so I want a big congratulatory lunch or dinner or something with you.
Charlie: oh no, i must be doing something wrong
Charlie: did you? that's amazing! congrats.
Charlie: we should do something to celebrate, and it doesn't have to involve sex... or at least not until the end of it
Raquel: or this is phase one of me getting super attached to you
Raquel: THANK YOU! It just has me driving in a convertible with someone down the coast. It just films for five days but I'm actually really excited about it. They said I had a look whatever that means. Hopefully it means that I don't look like one of the girls in ugly outfits in fast and the furious movies and more like a girl willing to drive up the coast in a top down convertible which I never would do btw.
Raquel: I'm up for the challenge of keeping my hands off you if you are. What do you want to do?
Charlie: still, it sounds like a big deal. it's a commercial, but baby steps, right?
Charlie: i like the sound of that. dinner and drinks, and whoever wins this gets to be on top and gets to fulfill a fantasy the next time sex is happening, deal?
Raquel: yeah it's actually a huge baby step but I'm just not going to get all diva-ish yet. Soon enough you get to say that you slept with the star of a national commercial.
Raquel: dinner and drinks sounds perfect. As if you don't like me being on top. I give you one hell of a view.
Charlie: mmm, lucky me
Charlie: i enjoy it a lot, but you know how much i like to be on top and be in control ;)
Raquel: very lucky you. You knew me when. And you get to flash that fan club president's badge and not have to worry about my eventual fanboys.
Raquel: okay and you haven't let me down when I have let you be in control.
Charlie: you mean the hickeys?
Charlie: i'm kidding
Charlie: i would never let you down in bed. i'm too good to fail ;)
Raquel: if you want hickeys then you'll get them.
Raquel: you sound like a student athlete. Too good to fail always hustlin' #neverstop
Charlie: too bad i can't give you any
Charlie: ha ha, funny
Raquel: yeah too bad. Or you can try to give me hickies where you think no one will find them
Raquel: I'm a natural comedienne. Way better than Amy Schumer
Charlie: if you're lucky, you'll get them between your legs after dinner while i have dessert
Charlie: you can add that to you curriculum. actress on a national commercial, comedienne...
Raquel: then consider my cake yours.
Raquel: singer, dancer, model. I'm the dream girl and the total package.
Charlie: yummy cake
Charlie: wow, you're a quintuple threat. indeed you're quite the package
Raquel: the sweetest and yours.
Raquel: now you can go back and hashtag all of your old pics of my on your instagram with #blessed because you really are that lucky.
Charlie: lucky me
Charlie: so, where do you have to go to film this commercial?
Raquel: well it's just in Santa Monica or at least we meet in Santa Monica before we have to travel but it does mean that you don't get to see my face for 5 days.
Charlie: five days? well, it could be worst
Charlie: when do you start? i should give you a proper goodbye/break a leg or whatever it is the day before or something
Raquel: yeah, I could have actually booked a job that made me move to Canada or something not that I'm opposed to knowing more about where you're from.
Raquel: break a leg or almost break something and making sure I almost can't walk? Either way I'm okay with celebrating. I start on Tuesday. You can plan my surprise for Monday.
Charlie: eh, you could, but there's nothing too interesting up there besides me a long time ago tbh
Charlie: if it involves breaking something, then i would start on Sunday. and i will, because i plan on fucking you really good before you leave
Raquel: that is where most tv shows are moving just because production costs are low, and if I go then that would be one more thing to make it interesting.
Raquel: start on Sunday. You just want to hog that much of my time. Is that your plan so that I miss you more and come crawling back?
Charlie: if you say it like that, you have a point. there's nothing much there though
Charlie: busted, that was the whole plan i had in mind. fucking you and spend all day at my apartment so you would miss me when you're in Santa Monica
Raquel: I'll take your word for it, but just know that if I'm offered some huge greg berlanti super hero show that films in Canada I just might have to take it and you just might have to follow me to the edge of the earth
Raquel: I already am going to miss you, you goof, but if you think I need you to fuck me in order to remember then you can have me sunday night.
Charlie: you'd be the wildest fantasy of every nerd if you landed one. i guess i'll have to follow you and be your cheerleader or something like that, as i am the president of your fan club
Charlie: not that i think that, but what's better than sex before you go to Santa Monica for five days?
Raquel: you're supposed to follow me to the ends of the earth. I'd keep you entertained
Raquel: eh sex in general I can be indifferent on. It's sex with you that makes the difference. Maybe the better thing would be sex with you now and then not having to not see you for five days.
Charlie: yeah? how would you keep me entertained?
Charlie: wouldn't you prefer a whole night of sex on sunday that could be extended to monday morning though? you'd get coffee and a whole breakfast too
Raquel: by bringing my full array of board games, duh. We could play one round of monopoly and be entertained for days
Raquel: you should have just said and in the morning I'm making waffles like donkey in the shrek movie. But I'm only saying yes because the food.
Charlie: Monopoly? really? that ruining relationships game?
Charlie: only because of the food? now i'm offended
Raquel: yep. What are you gonna do about it?
Charlie: that's why i hate it!
Charlie: i don't know, i should tie you up and tease you until you beg for that
Raquel: there are just those two rules. We always could play scrabble. Or twister.
Raquel: ropes, your ties, or handcuffs?
Charlie: twister sounds good, so does strip-poker and any game with strip in the name
Charlie: i'll let you choose, babe. just keep in mind that i only own one tie.
Raquel: well don't you know twister is only supposed to be played naked?
Raquel: one tie isn't going to do and rope leaves rope burns so I'm thinking handcuffs.
Charlie: that's why it sounds good ;)
Charlie: oh, kinky. i'm a bad influence but you enjoy it anyways
Raquel: okay but if you want to do strip poker you're going to have to teach me
Raquel: you're the worst. I used to be wholesome. You ruined me.
Charlie: why would i teach you to win when i could watch you undress every time you lose?
Charlie: shhh, don't pretend you regret discovering the wonders of sex that makes it fun and hotter ;)
Raquel: that's unfair.
Raquel: okay I don't regret it and I'll see you later tonight to discover even more wonders 😘
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