#therefore implying that it’s all the somewhat smaller details of the story -
boypussydilf · 2 years
im fine im totally fine and also normal (i am going to spend the next week comparing the details of the original hound of the baskervilles to what we know about the professor case in dgs to try and build up some specifics in my head about what happened during that time in dgs. WHETHER I LIKE IT OR NOT)
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 68 – The Secret of Resurrection and the Outing
“Greetings to you, O Lord of the nobles. Pardon me, for I cannot rise from my respite.” 
“Have no concern. We are all aware of the state your body is suffering.” 
Lascrea raised her hand in a salute-reply to Lunark. 
When Rael learned from Seira that the werewolf who was as immobile as a corpse finally opened her eyes, he scurried back to the Lord's Hall, which he had emptied for less than 10 minutes, to share the news with Lascrea. 
Lunark also requested to the Central Knights stationed at the ward that she must speak to their lord, and their meeting was scheduled shortly afterwards. 
And they were not the only participants for today's meeting.
“I pray for your patience, although this room is not big enough to allow all of us. Our speaker must not leave her bed.”
“Have no concerns, my lord.” 
“We are alright.” 
Kei and Rosaria were standing next to Lascrea, rendering Lunark's room rather crowded. 
Her room may be the best that Lukedonia can offer, but it was designed for a single occupant. 
And the room felt even smaller because they also had virtual guests for this meeting. 
<May we begin?> 
Lunark flinched at Frankenstein's voice, transferred through Lascrea's phone that was switched to the speaker mode. 
No one would have missed it, yet no one pointed it out, for none of them paid attention to anything other than what Lunark was about to unleash.
“I believe all of you would know by now with what power I defeated the Dark Spear.” 
“We all happened to be shocked and perplexed. How did a werewolf like you got to wield power that was most certainly begotten by Raizel?” 
Everyone solemnly focused their sights and hearings upon Lunark.
Even she was still trying to wrap her head around what happened.
Upon accepting the mysterious power that offered its hand to her as she sunk deep into the sea, her abdomen punctured by the Dark Spear, Lunark realized the oh-so-familiar-for-some-reason power was none other than Raizel's power. 
As of now the power was rinsed off her like snow met with summer sun, but her psyche had been etched with memories that had connected to her during her carriage of the power. 
“This would be a long story, for I must start off from the Noblesse's disappearance into slumber 820 years ago.” 
The nobles surrounding Lunark implied fluster with their eyes. 
They knew discussion on Raizel is a must, considering that he is the source of the power Lunark made use of. 
However, they did not expect her to wind back at least six books on noble history, to land right onto Raizel's slumber that took place 820 years ago. 
“Noblesse, sir, you fell into sleep immediately following your duel against my lord, didn't you?” 
<...I did. I chose dormancy as I was stranded upon the oceanic spot not far from Lukedonia, and the zone of water and salt directly beneath became my sanctuary.> 
“Actually, I fell into the sea nearby after I was fallen as the result of my first showdown against the Dark Spear. Geologically speaking, it was near a human city called Miami, stationed in United States.” 
<Miami...? It happens to be one of the three vertices composing the Bermuda Triangle, at the center of which Lukedonia lies.> 
Lunark coerced her voice to activate, painstakingly shifting her attention away from the now-automated wince in her heart in reaction to Frankenstein's voice. 
“As you were recovering in the ocean for 820 years, your power was leaking from your coffin little by little. And after 8 centuries, the underwater domain centering on your ex-sanctuary came to absorb your power.” 
“What? You mean... Currently there is a submarine area not far from Lukedonia that holds power from Raizel?” 
“Correct. And that happens to be one of the three reasons why you, the Noblesse, and two of your heads of clans could return from death. During the nuclear missile incident, the three of you stood in defense of your homeland right above the Noblesse's ex-sanctuary. Which also served as the vessel of your remains from the clash. There the three of you absorbed the power of Noblesse teeming within, to rise back to life. Speaking of which, don't you feel there has been an increase of your power?” 
Silence heavily dawned upon the chamber as Lunark spoke; the three nobles knew she was absolutely right, their awareness of the phenomenon prevalent within them, unbeknownst to them. 
Once they defeated death, in contrast to their resolve, they could feel their powers have become somewhat more durable, more invulnerable. 
Which was forgotten momentarily due to series of huge events that promptly tagged along the nuclear missile incident, such as the downfall of Union and the QuadraNet Project. 
Hence the question regarding the resurrection of the three of the five affiliates of the nuclear missile incident was gone, but their curiosity was yet vivid. 
No, it has gotten vivider. 
“I beg your pardon, but I need more details regarding what you mentioned earlier. Now I understand how my lord, I, and Kei could return to life, but... Are you saying the return of Noblesse is also related to the place where we met our temporary eternal sleep?” 
No one emitted a breath at Rosaria's question-slash-accusation, for she touched on the spot that had been itching ever since Lunark held in her lips the “three factors” that had brought Raizel, Lascrea, Kei, and Rosaria back to the world of the living. 
All ears grew keen on Lunark's mouth, waiting for her words to water their thirst for knowledge. 
“Yes, but it wouldn't have been possible without the other two factors, one of which happens to be the half of Ragnarok that you yielded to the Noblesse.” 
Lascrea's, Kei's, and Rosaria's mouths turned agape, for they did not expect to hear the name of the noble lord's soul weapon from a werewolf.
No sound could be heard past Lascrea's phone, an evidence that Raizel and Frankenstein would look no different from them. 
“You permanently forfeited the half of your soul weapon to the Noblesse, did you not?” 
“...I did. It was left behind for Raizel by my father the lord, which Raizel gave back to me upon his return to Lukedonia after 820 years. Nevertheless, I handed it to him in order to replenish his life force.” 
“The power that used to compose the half of the Ragnarok would have by now changed into Noblesse's life energy, fully absorbed into his body. But it's not completely gone. Its remains must be there. Even though it is only half of its original form, Ragnarok stemmed from the bloodline of the noblest nobles in the lead of your kind, therefore forged with might beyond any mortal understanding. I'm sure you, O Noblesse, would have felt the weapon flowing within you ever since you received it.” 
Raizel spoke no confirmation, which in turn served as a confirmation.
It was his habit of speech; whereas he does not necessarily confirm what is right, he will deny anything that deserves his denial. 
<...Okay, so what's the final factor?> 
“...The fact that the four of them met eternal sleep, albeit only briefly, on the same day, at the same hour.” 
That was when Kei and Rosaria exchanged glances, their eyes flickering precariously, and Lascrea failed to conceal confusion marred with inquisitiveness from her face. 
“The key is that you, O lord, and the Noblesse fell into eternal sleep at the exact same moment. As your remains dropped into the Noblesse's ex-sanctuary, the power of the Noblesse embedded in the area created a reaction with the remains of the Ragnarok, its power not far behind the former. And this reaction reached out to its twin - yes, it reached out to the Noblesse, now a biological container of the half of the Ragnarok.” 
The three nobles listening to her gaped at her, looking as if they were hammered in their heads. 
“The point is that the bond between the two parts of Ragnarok still exists as we speak, even though a half of it now pulses through Noblesse's blood and soul. As the two Ragnarok's caused a chain reaction of resonation with the Noblesse's power under the sea, there formed a temporary spiritual bond between you and the Noblesse.”
<...So are you saying the resurrection allowed by the power from my master's ex-sanctuary managed to apply to my master as well?>
As Lunark's speech was closed, no one did not as much as mumble, too starstruck by the elements that felt so much like part of destiny, in joint with coincidence like fate. 
At then Lascrea's eyes gleamed in remembrance. 
“That reminds me of the tale I picked up from the human reporters who used to be short-term tenants of Lukedonia. There is this marine zone near Lukedonia dubbed as 'Bermudan Treasure Chest' among humans, flaunting innumerable number of rare marine species, its individuals much bigger than those from the identical classification inhabiting other areas. However, recently there have been mysterious shifts in the ecological system of this zone, such as mass deaths of marine species, including the blood-red corals exclusive to this zone.” 
“True. This place you speak of happens to be a favorite dining spot of mine, where I would often drop by to feast on the fish.” 
“...Now I am reminded of how it all began upon our homecoming.” 
<...I see. That zone must have flourished thanks to the power from my master's ex-sanctuary, which is not surprising. It has been bearing the greatest force of life on Earth for more than 8 centuries. But now its power is lost to you, two of your heads of clans, and my master, thanks to this spiritual bond thing, resulting in the end of the golden age for its marine population.>
“...Don't forget that I received unimaginable amount of power from that spot as well. So things can only take the worse turn for the natives of that zone.” 
Kei started to speak as soon as Lunark finished her mutter. 
“Quick question - how do you know all this? And how come none of us remember this?” 
“...The ex-sanctuary of the Noblesse absorbed along with his power the psyche he had harbored. I'd say the power that is held there is basically semi-animate. So after the nuclear missile incident, the entire process of spiritual bond and resurrection that touched on your lord and the Noblesse was engraved into the power within the ex-sanctuary. I managed to absorb all this when I accepted this power. But the reason why none of you remember this is because... I'd compare it to the rupture of glasses that could not stand the multiple resonance of sound waves. What you had gone through was a miracle that transcends life and death. So it'd be no wonder that it left an unseeable scar upon your memories.”
Kei was not the last one to fling questions, and Lunark answered all of them. 
The meeting was closed following Frankenstein's offer that Raizel might be able to gain more life if they are to make use of the power that is left in Raizel's ex-sanctuary (and they sort of saw it coming).
Lunark was left alone, and only then someone approached her. 
“Lady Lunark.” 
“You...? What are you doing here? Your lord and your fellow heads of clans are gone.” 
Lunark's pink pupils were sketched with puzzlement as she recognized Rael. 
“There's something I must tell you.” 
The werewolf warrior tensed, in understanding that Rael chose to confront her after Lascrea, Kei, and Rosaria at last went away. 
On the other hand, Rael was fairly calm, for there was no trouble that required his presence. 
It was but a small reason that he requested the Central Knights from the ward to notify him as soon as she awakens, even though they share nothing in common except for the QuadraNet Project. 
It was but a small but legitimate reason. 
When Lunark awakens, relay her a gratitude from me, I pray. 
That was the concise yet packed-with-meanings request from Raizel, as he sent Rael away to Lukedonia. 
That was supposed to be the sole reason why Rael was waiting for the moment Lunark opens her eyes, but lately things have changed a little. 
During the course of arrest of Deneb, the Central Knights confiscated the walkie-talkie he forced away from Yuhyung's bag. 
Which was passed on to Rael, before it can return to its rightful owner.
The QuadraNet Project may be on a hold, but everyone knew it would be on a hold only for the time being. 
When the project is to commence again, the chances are high for Rael to reassume the ambassador of Lukedonia. 
So it would be logical for Rael to keep the walkie-talkie for now, though no one can certify until when he must keep it with him. 
So Rael had no idea the walkie-talkie dropped right onto his hand would spill Frankenstein's voice all of a sudden. 
I decided to bet my hopes on Mr. Jang's walkie-talkie just in case. Boy, am I glad it didn't turn out to be a fool's hope. 
S-sir...? What's going on...? 
I need a favor. And don't fret. It's nothing huge. 
Back then Rael was busy trying to think of a favor that Frankenstein could possibly ask from him. 
He knew Frankenstein was a man of reasons, but he could not help getting anxious, in consideration of the speaker.
When Lunark wakes up, tell her to go back to her homeland as soon as she becomes mobile. 
Sir...? What do you... 
Tell her not to even think about sticking around Lukedonia and go back as soon as her body becomes good enough for her to move around like usual. 
Frankenstein did not assume any coldness in his words, but Rael could not ask what is the matter, due to the just-deal-with-it attitude he wore at the time. 
Nonetheless, Rael presumed there was no misfortune or problem that Frankenstein had in mind that had urged him to make such delivery to Lunark. 
But please tell her that she doesn't have to run back home right as she opens her eyes. Please. 
He could feel generosity, not at all feigned or halfhearted for the sake of the least of the courtesy he could pull off, as Frankenstein added one more “please.” 
Retracing his experience, Rael finally started off with his job as a messenger. 
Few days later, KSA 
“And that's it for the whereabouts of the remaining lots of the Union.”
A series of nods and regards from the table headed to Tao, who had been making his laser pointer busy with the satellite images from the beam projector. 
Seoul at last regained its daily life, thanks to KSA and RK's joint administration. 
All boxes on the to-do list of treatments and examinations were checked off, and the protocol on media management and operation in case of national crisis met its closure. 
And today, the key personnel of KSA, the RK, 3rd Elder, and Yuigi were gathered at the meeting room for the briefing on the progress up-to-date. 
First of all, Yuhyung was officially discharged, permanently expelled from the registered catalog of KSA employees and staff, imperatively relieved from all his duties and privileges. 
At the same time he was charged, with the recent case in Seoul, as a result of the internal investigation on the matter.
His true crime will never be printed on the public document housing the details of his charges, but he will be legally punished in one form or another, via the man's request. 
I don't care what or how. I want the heaviest penalty you can throw upon me. 
They have yet to decide on the exact what or how, but Yuhyung's career and life are now as good as over. 
And the Union agent who was captured at the end of the calamity at Seoul was eliminated the day before. 
Before which came the interrogation on the location of and the melee force possessed by the remainder of the Union, which provided a basis for Tao to plot a satellite map. 
“The international summits over the globe are not yet very cooperative, which means we are the only manforce we can hire for this job. So my opinion is that in terms of efficiency, it'd be much better for us to select and dispatch people for extermination and shutdown, rather than to have us travel back and forth for the job.” 
“So you're saying the said people must live as wanderers until the Union is completely gone, keeping in touch with us for the sake of communication and progress report.” 
“Which is why we need someone equipped with the energy and combat abilities that will allow them to cope with years-long travel and non-stop combats, as well as flexibility in improvisation against the unexpected. And thorough knowledge in the a's-to-z's of the Union would be a plus.” 
The second Tao, Yeonsu, and M-21 finished their speech, a hand was raised in the air. 
“I'll do it.” 
The hand belonged to none other than the 3rd Elder, gaining a dozen spotlights from the spectators' wide-open eyes. 
“I'll join him.” 
And Yuigi was the second to raise a hand. 
“W-what do you mean by that?” 
Takio - obviously - posed a question in alarm.
“I'm the perfect candidate for the requirements you just listed, M-21. And unlike you and your team, with duties to protect this place, I have no requisites that will bind me from travels.” 
“Same could be said of me. Since the 3rd Elder has lost his power, he would need a bodyguard to carry on with his mission against the modified humans potentially as powerful as Helga.” 
Their logics were without a flaw; in fact, they made an appeal that was only essential. 
The results for 3rd Elder's check-up revealed that his power did not altogether vanish; however, now he has become weak, no longer capable of firing an impact on par with that from a tank upon a single glance. 
Not to mention they learned through Helga that Union was still armed with combatants including her teammate named Sol. 
A proof that it will take a miracle, not hope, for them to bypass any physical collision during their mission. 
A proof that the 3rd Elder and Yuigi are basically candidates sent from above for the job. 
And they knew they would not need to be apprehensive for another betrayal, as the two ex-agents were the ones who supplied the key solutions for the catastrophe at Seoul, thereby earning themselves virtual badges that will certify their allegiance. 
The briefing took itself through the introduction, body, and conclusion without a haste, until the 3rd Elder and Yuigi were classified into a special team to search and destroy the hidden survivors of Union around the world. 
Partially because Frankenstein curiously hurried with the briefing.
“Now, I shall take my leave. You guys stay here and... Do whatever you need to.” 
“What? Where are you off to, boss?” 
“Outside? You mean outside Korea?” 
“Yup. But don't worry. I'll make sure I'll be there to say good-bye to the special team as they leave.” 
The three men of the RK could only tilt their heads in confusion, staring as Frankenstein hustled away without even telling them where exactly he was headed to. 
“But is it just me, or... Is he kind of excited?” 
“Thought I was the only one.”
“Well, you weren't.” 
The three men felt their curiosity stacking up by the end of their chat. 
Just what could urge the blonde human to leave in urgency, with a face in full bloom with such roseate excitement so very pronounced? 
(next chapter)
There you have it - the secret behind the four nobles’ return from death. As a reminder, in this fic Muzaka was not dead during the nuclear missile incident, which was mentioned in chapters 1 and 2. It took more than 60 chapters for me to finally unleash the secret for the remaining four. XD
This is part of the reason why I wanted to write this fic. I wanted to talk about Frankenstein and Lunark’s relationship, which was never officiated or portrayed in further depth in the original webtoon, and also attempt my take on the why’s and how’s on the nobles’ resurrection. As I was coming up with theories, I was reminded of the half of the Ragnarok that Lascrea gave to Raizel, and then I remembered how Lascrea, Kei, and Rosaria stopped a missile headed to a human city. The name of the city was left unknown in the webtoon, but I decided it’s Miami, since it didn’t take that long for them to stand upon the ocean to stop the missile (meaning it’s nearby Lukedonia and stationed at the coast of the continent, which would meet the demands to describe the American city that happens to be one of the three vertices making up the Bermuda Triangle). Thus I could come up with the grand secret behind the nobles’ return from death. This “Bermudan Treasure Chest” that I created was in a way a huge spoiler, and the blood-red corals that inhabit this zone was also a hint, in a way. And of course, none of this is canon; this is purely my theory, my creation.
At last I revealed the secret behind the return of the four nobles from the nuclear missile incident, and the two villains of this fic - Helga and Yuhyung - made their official exit. And you also know what will become of the 3rd Elder and Yuigi, and now all that remains is the relationship between Frankenstein and Lunark & the reason why Muzaka’s body moved on its own for survival during the nuclear missile incident. Which means that once these two are settled as well, this fic will be over. There are only 2 more chapters to go, and I can’t tell you how thankful I am to you for staying with me all this way. I’ll see you next week and the week after that with chapters 69 and 70, respectively! Thank you so much! :)
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The hotel is positioned between the Attractive Sydney Opera Home and the Harbor Bridge. Maria Rigoli is a practising lawyer of 22 years expertise and the founding father of Rigoli Attorneys Maria's specialty areas of apply range from household law disputes to deceased estates to complex property issues. Nevertheless, due to the chilly climate situations and considerably bleak business, winters present greater chances of netting cheap airfares on financial system as well as first and enterprise class flights to southern Australia. Unfortunately no-one can predict when these accidents will occur or the severity of them after they do. The only thing to do is to have a high quality journey insurance coverage policy. Medical is by far a very powerful issue on an insurance coverage, so if you happen to really don't wish to pay for travel insurance then no less than get a really basic coverage that covers medical. The seashores are nonetheless common throughout these months and the elevated rainfall produces sensible wildflowers round Kings Park and the Avon Valley. Bilgola- if you need a suburb feel and a secluded beach then get yourself an lodging bilgola by checking out realestate bilgola. Australians are proud of their grapes and wine culture. You will spend extra time together with your clients, and more time engaged on what you are promoting, quite than in it. Finally, you'll have a business that runs without you. Low-cost flights are readily available, with Virgin Blue providing among the finest home prices, plus international flights to New Zealand if that's a part of your trip. I've never heard of any individual not being given permission to go on the grounds that the journey was for a vacation. Certainly, you're in the incorrect place at the wrong time if you need the UGG brand and you're in Australia in the Summer time. Journey travel right this moment is increasingly the journey mode of alternative for stylish travellers in search of to experience a vacation somewhat than merely sit in a tour bus passively sightseeing. Just110 kilometres south of Adelaide (sixty eight miles or so) and 16 kilometres (10 miles) from the coast, you may discover considered one of Australia's finest stored nature secrets, Kangaroo Island. Toyota this week stated that part of the automobile industry's issues are brought on by Australia's inflexible workplace laws and our habit of taking a paid sick day or "sickie" especially on Mondays and Fridays giving the worker a 3 day break. Should you resolve to go on a more adventurous vacation reminiscent of skiing, be sure you have winter sports activities cover. Historically and culturally important icons of Aboriginal and Australian tradition, like Ayers Rock/ Uluru hold the true outback spirit that make this country nice. Hello, my title is John morrad, I am the author of The Discount Travel and I have lived, labored and travelled the length and breadth of Australia since arriving from England as an immigrant in 1974. For a small state, Victoria has a few of the greatest sightseeing and most fascinating places within the country. You possibly can choose a benefit period of 6, 12 or 24 months, whereas some policies will allow you a profit period of as much as 5 years for normal earnings safety insurance coverage. The 3 Berth / three individuals sleeping campervans are perfect for a small family, or for three buddies who wished to journey along with the comfort of an residence. Or perhaps you may desire to journey to the purple centre and visit our stark Australian outback (otherwise referred to as the bush”). The largest island is Viti Levu, with the 2 biggest metropolitan areas - Suva, the capital city and Lautoka. You're able to find out the place and for what programs an RTO is accredited through the Nationwide Training Data Service (NTIS). For affordable accommodation you possibly can search for price range accommodations or hostels, lots of the latter now have good facilties and have moved on dramatically from the backpacker hostels of old. You can take the course on-line, at a Tafe collage or personal institution anywhere around the nation. The commonest visa issued by Australian immigration authorities, is the Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) visa, which lasts for up to three months, as well as a tourist visa that enables the visitor to remain up to 12 months.
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