#theres a lot of me transferring things i did not finish on one list over to another list. to still not finish
ghostcrows · 2 years
The fucking annoying irony of my art project about not being able to finish anything due to adhd collecting dust on top of my dresser because I haven't finished it and possibly never will. If I could I'd just make this an art exhibit as is it's already a statement or whatever
9 notes · View notes
shinahbee · 4 years
January Favorites 2021!
February 06. 2021
I actually wrote a lot for this month, perfect way to start off the new year! I have been catching up and watching some dramas and some of the new anime this season, which i’ll discuss a few down below. I’m just realizing that the manhwa recommendations list is growing very long and it reading those titles that i have discussed made me reminisce on some of them and most of which I would re read again. I tried to read some shoujo manga again and thought the stories were shit, so i don’t think i’ll ever go back. I’m thinking of starting some shoujo manhwa’s because I have a few titles that seemed like they might have an interesting plot line. I’ll list in in my favorites if I do end up reading those, but so far i’m still filtering the BL titles .lol.
I’m just going to put this out there now before you read the “Hell segment” I mentioned a few titles that were popular that i dropped and I listed the reasons why i dropped it, they are popular for a reason and if you like that and don’t take the plot line too seriously then that’s on you, but i don’t like the subject matter being glorified rather than “lesson learned” if you know what i’m saying so take my comments down there with a grain of salt...it’s just how i read it and interpreted the subject matter, it has nothing to do with the creator and their thoughts. This is going to apply to all of my reviews, they are just my opinions only so don't take what i say seriously if it you are offended that i happen to diss your favorite manga.
Anyways, i have no music recommendations this month all i have been listening to is podcasts, so listening to people talk about nothing.lol. That’s what my life has come to...
If you would like I can share a few that I have been listening to, let me know.
Alright, you all have a lot to read to i’ll just end here.
Whose baby is it? (ongoing)
Social temperature (ongoing)
Salad days (ongoing)
To be or not to be (ongoing)
Path to you (completed)
Here u are (completed)
BJ alex (completed)
No way, vampires don't exist (ongoing)
Unintentional love story (ongoing)
 Karasugoka don’t be shy! (Completed)
Semantic Error (ongoing)
 Tied up in Twins (Completed)
 My Suha (ongoing)
Crash into me (Completed)
Dine with a vampire (ongoing)
So crash into you is now finished and you can now read the entire thing, so happy it ended really well and of course if you have seen my last favorites journal I made and entire post dedicated to this manhwa. The story is really heart breaking and definitely deals with more adult and mature content and it really is disturbing in some parts, so viewer discretion is advised.
That’s all i have to announce as an update, the rest is still ongoing. This month I came up with certain themes for my hell segment, last month I started with some manhwa that all had a common theme of Scum antagonists that you will run into when reading these manhwa, some of which ranges from mild inconvenience to this piece of shit should be set on fire. If you have not read that please check it out and watch me rant about stupid people.
This week featured another theme that you will run into reading shounen ai/ yaoi manhwa and manga, it’s a very universal theme of “threesomes”...I don’t get it, I don’t get why people think that’s  okay to have three dicks in a room...i’m like there’s three dicks here, that’s way too many..lol. to each their own I guess, but i’ve selected three to talk about that also deals with mature themes and a bunch of people making poor decisions.
But before that, let’s talk about the normal shounen ai manhwa/manga that I have to recommend this month.
Welcome to heaven
1) Inner Beauty:
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“Minjae’s been dumped. Fed up with their long distance relationship, his actress girlfriend Hye-Eun left him while he was “finding himself” in Australia. When Minjae rushes home and runs into Hye-Eun and her gorgeous new man, Woochan, at the airport, drama ensues. Amidst the chaos, the two love rivals bang heads. Upon waking, they discover they’ve changed bodies! Why have they switched? How will they cope? Will they ever be able to go back? Find out as Minjae and Woochan embark on a journey that takes “self-discovery” to a whole new level!”
Firstly this reminded me of the k-drama secret garden, if you have seen it you know that the main protagonists switched bodies at some point and with this manhwa, it happens in the first chapter. I liked how the relationship between the two boys started with minjae’s girlfriend leaving him for another man woochan, and after minjae and woochan switched bodies because he wanted to give the girlfriend a necklace as a gift , he switched bodies with woochan after bumping into him. They went to a shaman to seek out various ways to get back into their bodies while they find out things about each other that they were not aware of,  in the end minjae and woochan were drawn to each other. The necklace is a tribal ornament that has a mysterious power to show a person’s past through their dreams. It seems that the reason why their bodies keep switching was because there was another necklace that was similar that was supposed to be it's partner; they go a try to search for the mysterious phenomenon surrounding the necklace that leads to their relationships with other people changing.
my favorite part of this story is that woochan and his father didn't get along very well because of a misunderstanding, while other parents didn't admit to their mistakes, woochan's father wanted to do so and repair his relationship with woochan, which made the story more compelling. Theres so many manga plot lines whee the parent is abusive and harsh and never did they think it was thier fault, but in this story woochan's father mans up to the things he did and how it affected woochan and i'm really happy about that.
Another thing I like about this story is the end where woochan who was an actor turned director made a film about his and minjae’s relationship because he wanted their story to be remembered and inspire other relationships that were similar to their own to overcome their hardships. This story has so much meaning and it’s something I would recommend to anyone who just likes a good story.
2) False Memories (lee gpiee):
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” Wan’s got a face that scares everyone away before he can really become friends with anyone. So when Ha-woon befriends Wan on his first day at his new school, Wan is elated. Ha-woon must be an angel! It doesn’t take long, though, for Ha-woon to betray him in a terrible way, and Wan discovers Ha-woon might be more devil than angel. But then an accident happens that gives Wan a second chance at friendship with his angel. And it all starts with one big, fat lie.”
This one is really interesting, it is about a boy named wan and he was the new transfer student at a new school and how despite how he looks he wanted make friends this time around. Hawoon met wan when he was climbed off of a tree and fell on him, he immediately took a liking to him and befriended him, being very grateful to have finally met a friend he wanted to be a very likable person to hawoon, but then it was discovered that hawoon had many secrets and is not the kind person he is portrayed to be. There was an incident where one of his followers was spying on him and he wanted wan to essentially beat that person up in front of his other gang members. Obviously wan didn’t want that and this caused some strife between the two of them and wan began to be bullied by hawoon and his gang members. Later hawoon was trying to escape from his brother who went to his apartment to look for him and ran into wan who hides him over night, things tooka turn for the worse when hawoon thinks wan is being really nosy about his business and pushes him away and that is when the guy who hawoon wanted to beat up his him on the head and hawoon woke up with amnesia. Being the only person who had witnessed that, wan brought hawoon back to his place, when hawoon woke up with no previous memories of wan he lied to him claiming to be his best friend and the tow of them started to pursue this new friendship, of course things don’t last forever and the both of them discovered that hawoon in fact had many secrets that he preferred to keep under wraps especially about his family.
I know a lot of comments have said that it was stupid to lie to him about being friends but I understand that it was wan’s way to know the real hawoon. Hawoon’s personality was built by the lack of trust he has received from people and he was never able to open up to a person about anything. I really liked how the incident ended up saving their relationship in the end and they have a lot of cute moments together while going from being friends to being in love with each other. This is a very wholesome story and if you like that plot you will like this story, it really is not complicated.
3) Hand in Hand:
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“While running a small pharmacy in the outskirts of the city, Sam meets a mysterious and out of place patient. This man named noah who was covered in bruises every time he had stopped by the pharmacy, Sam noticed that he seems to be in worse shape every time they meet and became curious as to why that might be, one day he saw noah getting into a shady van with a bunch of people and discovered that this town had a secret that kept everyone involved very secretive. Noah who was discovered to be a part of that society still goes and sees sam in order to be close to him, sam was then reeled into his world and became part of that society that was kept hidden.”
Sorry I had to write that summary on my own cause I could not find a good summary, so basically the pharmacy was inherited by Sam when his father passed away in this small town, there was no one to take over for him so Sam had to give up his dream of staying away from this town to moving back to take over the family business, There one night upon closing he meets a man covered in bruises while coming in to buy some alcohol and cigarettes, he treated him because it looked painful and was curious about him,
This curiosity escalated when he saw him get into a van with a bunch of ugly dudes, the pharmacy assistant said that there were gangs running around and it was best to avoid these people. Sam made the assumption that it was these men that were beating that man up and decided to pull him away from them. Noah then introduced himself to sam as they walk back to noahs apartment and he showed some interest in sam and asked what he wanted as payment for his treatment, Sam of course didn’t want anything which made noah surprised, but relayed to him that the offer still stands when he feel like telling him.
Not only being curious that noah shows up in front of him each time with more bruises but the fact that he may have discovered the town had a secret.
It was in fact an underground gambling scene that caused a lot of people to be very irritable, noah was involved in this and called it “work” as he had a debt to pay back to the person that took him in. Sam didn’t want to be involved but because of his interest in noah the two of them became romantically involved upon a few meetings and Sam started to develop feelings for him and likewise noah was in love with Sam.  I’m not going to spoil the end because it was really intense, if you like mysterious plot points to your story this one will do the trick, it will keep you guessing as to what will happen next.
4) Stanning 101:
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“Ji-Yul Park is an ordinary office worker who spends his spare time stanning a boy group, unlock and more specifically it’s leader, Jay.One day, he time travels back to his past where he encounters Juno, another idol and becomes his manager.What happenes when Juno develops feelings for Ji-Yul? Would Ji-Yul choose loyalty with Juno or his fanboy fantasy with Jay? And what is the purpose for Ji-Yul traveling back to the past-what is he supposed to repair or change?”
I’m not going to lie this title...don’t let it fool you, I thought this was going to be a satire on the whole K-pop fandom and just a story poking fun at k-pop fans...but boy was I fooled..LOL. This summary doesn’t even begin to describe how deep this story goes.
So as the summary says it’s about a fan named ji yul who is a stan of a group called “unlock” and his favorite member Jay was going to leave for military service and he was really bummed about not being able to see him for a while, so he went out drinking with his friends who share the same interest and cried his eyes out wishing that he could go back to the time when jay and his group first debuted.
And of course....that happened some how he was enabled into a time skip backwards to when the group first debuted. He first met up with a roommate that he was going to be sharing a room with, this was none other than juno a trainee a small company, Juno was a sensation later on in history and he was a rival of the unlock, and of course being a stand of jay he didn’t like the idea of being around juno. Upon meeting ji yul was already drunk and the next morning found juno and him had slept on the same bed, this made things between them awkward. But upon a series of events he became juno’s manager and inevitably began to understand the person juno is and how hard he worked, as well as his ties with jay. While trying to figure out what was the reason for the time skip he met another person who was sent back to the same time for a different reason his name was suho, and suho was here for another person named rose who was a in a different group. Rose is a sunbae of Juno’s and the two of them are acquainted, But there was something about Rose that was alluring and that made his “ sponsors” want to see him all the time, this lead to a lot of conflict within his group, saying that he’s the kind of person who would sleep around with anyone that has money.
Suho was a fan of rose and the reason he came back was because in his time he had found out that Rose had committed suicide, now....this is a topic that i feel very strongly about as you may know if you listen to k-pop news there are certain group members from famous groups that have committed suicide as of late, a lot of which was diagnosis of depression,
This story deals with not only suho having had gone through depression and suicide attempts but Rose who was going through that as well, Suho wanted to make sure rose stays alive, so when he was able to meet him he did all he can to be beside him and get him away from these sponsors that clearly only want one thing from him. This had made rose and suho close enough to develop romantic feelings towards each other, it gave rose the courage to confront the ceo from the company. In the end the company ceo was being a dick and tried to force rose to sleep with these people in order to get chances to be on screen and promote their group. One of their members knew from the start what rose had to go through and after rose was being hunted down by the ceo after disappearing, the member took footage from the ceo of all the nasty things he made rose do and gave it to Suho? I don’t remember this part well, but suho somehow go the usb footage and saw that rose had been sexually abused and assaulted by those men. Rose had went to see suho at the time and saw that he found the footage, at that moment he wanted to jump off the railings because he felt ashamed, but suho explained that it was rose’s music that saved him from doing the same thing he tried to do which was of course suicide.
Needless to say, at least in this story suho’s love for rose was able to keep him alive and as soon as suho w able to convey that he had disappeared and asked rose to find him in the future. I chose to write about Suho’s story because I just want to put it out there that suicide and depression are real struggles and to please seek help as soon as you can. Back to ji yul and juno, they in fact had developed feelings for each other and ji yul was sent back because he was in car accident with juno and in the both of them lost their memory of each other that was why ji yul only remembered Jay and being a fan of unlock while not remembering the times he shared with juno and how much he loved him. This made. He was able to tell juno after some time that he is in fact from the future and the both of them tried different ways to preserve the time that they had before ji yul would be sent back. Ji yul tried to defy fate but it turns out the accident happened to juno being in the car without having him there, meaning things will still take its course and you can cheat fate. So ji yul grabbed juno who was still unconscious and put him into the passenger’s seat and said his goodbyes to him, wishing for them to meet again even though knowing that it could be impossible for them to be together in the future he drove into the upcoming traffic. Ji yul woke up again back in the time he belonged the only thing he can remember was seeing juno’s picture in front of him and tears leaving his eyes.
Omg this is a k-drama all in one package, this is where i’ll stop because the manhwa is not finished, so if you liked my summary of it so far please read the actual thing, you will not be disappointed, I promise you.
Welcome to hell
I don’t know how to begin this segment after writing all of that for the heaven’s segment, those stories were just so good compared to the trash that i’m about to share here. But most of the trashiest stories have more complex plot points than normal stories. I mean you need to go through hell to come out the other side right?
*warning* this section talks about mature content! 18+ only, read at your own risk!
Let’s begin then.
1) Private lessons:
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“Hajoon has been crushing on Eun-woo ever since they started college together, but he hasn’t had any opportunities to get close with him. At least they have a class together this semester: a lecture taught by the popular Professor Seo Joohyuk. Hours after the first class, Hajoon remembers he left his assignments in the classroom. Upon reaching the lecture hall, he becomes witness and accomplice to a series of private lessons Joo-hyuk is giving Eun-woo—lessons that unleash his own deepest, riskiest desires.”
I’m starting off strong ...oh where to begin? This story has so many messed up characters, I’d have to say all three of them are messed up. Firstly I don’t care if your professor looks like a  dilf (urban dictionary if you don’t know what it means) you should never get involved with them. Lol. And I don’t know what school you people go to to have professors that look like this...all of mine were crusty old men who were mean and arrogant.
I makes me sick to think that there are some older men that would take advantage of people like the way Joohyuk did with Eunwoo and Hajoon. Hajoon just wanted to get Eunwoo’s attention, but because of joohyuk, he took “notice me senpai” to the next level. but I guess i understand from hajoon’s point of view that if he does nothing, he will never be change his relationship, so if he liked him then getting involve would be a way in. Eunwoo was so enthralled with joohyuk that he would just be a sex partner knowing that he would never have potential feelings for him in the end. I did feel sorry for him at first but then there was this part in the story where they were all preparing for this festival thing and he and hajoon were in a group and had to be waiters for the night of the festival, this was when eunwoo started to somewhat show interest in hajoon. Then that fricken dilf was like “you’re doing things on your own and i’m going to show you why you shouldn’t defy me...” or something like that, asserting dominance saying that eunwoo would always choose me over you to hajoon, and indeed on the night of the festival when he was supposed to work, shit went down between hajoon and this senior and fight broke out while hajoon was defending eunwoo , only later to find out that eunwoo was screwing the dilf in his office while all this was going on, I think i felt my veins snap...this idiot had the audacity to f around with that dilf while hajoon was working his ass off and even defended him. Smh....anyways in the end Eunwoo fell in love with hajoon and gave up on his feelings over joohyuk, knowing that joohyuk will always look at his other partner seojin. So in the end it worked out, but this whole story is a dumpster fire of trash.
So moral of this story is don’t get involved with dilfs, don't simp for them...lol. Just don’t do it. I don’t recommend this story for the content but if you are into trash and BDSM, then maybe this is the one for you.
2) Behind the scenes:
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“Korea’s hunkiest top model Woo Taeyoung has decided to try his hand at acting once more. No more of those teen heartthrob roles, Taeyoung has his eyes set on a much more…mature role. And when he finds out his idol, the dreamy Koo Min-ki, is set to be one of the main actors of the film, he is even more determined to get the role as his co-star. The two seem to have a natural chemistry with each other…both on and off screen. Will this end up helping their performances? Or will it cause their worlds to come crashing down?”
This story is a also a dumpster fire of flaming garbage, it starts off with a model turned actor named taeyoung who works mainly as a model but is secretly a fan boy of another famous actor named minki and he went to his fan signing in disguise, only to be discovered by the fans and cause a racket and minki ended up injuring himself. This caused taeyoung to be able to meet minki in the most embarrassing way, but he wanted to make it up to him by helping him until his injury was recovered. One night minki was driven home by taeyoung and they ran into another popular actor named wonho...(monsta x..lol. i’m so kidding don't kill me...) and this dude saw minki coming out of taeyoung’s car and immediately became violent...
there it is red flag!
Turns out wonho was minks boyfriend, taeyoung only knew that his favorite actor minki was in a 10 year long relationship with his girlfriend, says the media, but he didn’t know that it was a man...and this violent piece of shit at that. Taeyoung had heard rumors of wonho being excessively violent to anyone who comes near minki and anyone who has worked with him always was threatened by wonho. So even though taeyoung reluctantly left minki with wonho he still was really worried, rightfully so.
Wonho is the worst kind of garbage out there; even being in a relationship he still forced minki into having sex with him. This is rape, even if you are in a relationship it means the same thing it’s non consensual and disgusting. Not only this but being violent to everyone that is near minki, is enough for anyone to end this relationship. But minki was that idiot who believed that the old  wonho he once knew  would come back one day and so this ongoing relationship abuse lasted for a long time. Taeyoung of course got an opportunity to make his acting debut, and auditioned for the of minki’s character’s lover, it was the first queer film in production so to the director it was a passion project that he wanted to see succeed. He passed the audition and showed his potential and chemistry with minki on screen very well, so the director was happy casting him in the role. But of course guess who finds out and showed up on the film set...wonho. He obviously made minki uncomfortable and also taeyoung, but in series of events taeyoung went to the bathroom and found wonho and minki making out inside and realized the person he admired was gay and was in a relationship with wonho for a long time. Later on he got to know minki more and found that he had romantic feelings towards him rather than just admiration. Because minki and wonho’s relationship was abusive minki was contemplating on ending it but didn’t have the courage to, it was taeyoung who showed genuine feelings for minki that was able to push minki to move forward. So while this was going on, wonho was in fact being sponsored by a certain person in order to get roles in his acting career, this person was taeyoung’s cousin...yeah i know messed up,. This dude is very toxic and made things go wrong between wonho and minki and that’s how their relationship went downhill for 10 years. Anyways to sum it all up a lot of stuff went down and wonho’s actions were no longer acceptable and as soon as minki found out this ongoing sexual relationship between wonho and taeyoung’s cousin, he broke it off with him finally and moved around different places for a while since wonho would not leave his apartment he couldn’t go back. Taeyoung and minki ended up dating each other now and he succeeded as a model turned actor with this role. Wonho after a series of events was able to let minki go after seeing him one last time and apologizing for everything he’s done to him. The movie was very successful and won many awards and the ending of the series just showed taeyoung and minki talking about their relationship on screen and off screen to the viewers...hence the title “behind the scenes”
Okay this trash made me angry and sad at the same time since it talked about a relationship that has gone bad and two people refusing to leave it since they have been together for a long time. You know when you should end things and if a person starts to change there is no way for them to be the same again. So all in all this story is really good for depicting all sorts of relationship issues and drama. I would say yes give this read because the story itself says a lot about the writer and how they think. This is one of those stories the pull you into the depths of hell and once you resurface your see things in a different perspective.
3) Turn off the camera:
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“Yeon Jihoon is the leader of an idol group that’s hit a dead-end in their career. Now, he’s received a golden opportunity to save his group: a spot on the year’s most anticipated reality show, where he’ll spend two weeks living and filming with top stars Do Yoojin and Seon Yohan. The one threat to the show’s success? Yoojin and Yohan won’t stop having sex with each other. To stop a scandal from tanking the show and his career, Jihoon must keep his co-stars’ antics hidden from the cameras at all costs. Will Jihoon be able to keep these steamy shenanigans a secret for two weeks? And will he survive when both of his co-stars turn their attention on him?”
This is some straight up kinky garbage, like the description says, jihoon got the opportunity to promote his group by becoming a member in an upcoming reality show with two popular actors, the show is a reality show of the three of them living together doing daily activities while cameras are installed in their home. You can see where this is going right? When jihoon first arrived into the house to greet the other two actors; yoojin and yohan and he found the two of them in a room having doing sexual acts and even tried to cover for them when the camera crew arrived up stairs in the room.
After several attempts of the other two actors having sex at different points in time jihoon became very aware of the fact that they were doing this for the fun of not being able to get caught having sex on camera. So basically this was like a fun game to the two actors.
Yoojin and yohan were caught the third time by jihoon while having sex on the kitchen table and so the three of them had a discussion and jihoon made them sign an agreement not to touch him...of course that didn’t work and he was caught in unfortunate circumstances surrounding the both of them, to the point where both sex partners started to want to pursue jihoon for themselves.lol
This manhwa is just straight up kinky trash, it is meant to be a satire on three some relationships and not meant to be taken seriously, so just going by that, there’s not much point to the story, it’s not in depth it’s just interesting to watch jihoon reject these actors advances in order to save his virginity.lol. I feel like from the recent chapters jihoon maybe more interested in yoojin than yohan so i’m waiting to see if yohan even has a chance to be on jihoon’s radar.
This is still ongoing and it only has 20 chapters so far so i don’t have that much to say about it, this was just something really normal in terms of yaoi to read while I was reading some dark stories, the art is really nice too if that is of any interest to you.
So there are a couple of series that are quite popular that I have left out because I have dropped then fairly early on.  one series called “Hate or Love” which i started a while back then and didn’t like the whole plot of having an abusive sibling forcing another sibling into a sexual relationship... i’m like nope...
This manhwa should have just been called “ Domestic boyfriend” I would have avoided it all together, because I have read “Domestic girlfriend” it is essentially the theme, and a giant dumpster fire of flaming garbage.
The main reason i stopped it was because the other person that I was hoping the main guy would end up with didn’t end up as the “ winner” well from what the comments said anyways, cause i stopped fairly early on when i found out the guy i liked was not going to be the end game, that makes me sad cause from the early chapters that i have read, there was a lot of sexual tension between the two of them and I was hoping this author would not push abusive sibling relationship as the plot...but looks like she did ...and i don’t care for it and find it gross...but that’s my morals, even if they were not siblings by blood they grew up together as siblings...that’s still vastly inappropriate. I'm used to it since I grew up with Japanese anime and manga with incest themes, but it still bothers me.... Vampire knight...
Even if they were not even related, i still would not like that red haired dude regardless cause his character seems like a dick, and i don’t think he suffered enough consequences for his actions to make him a redeemable character in my opinion. And also...out of 7 billion people on this earth, you would rather be with your brother...smh.
Also if we are talking about using sibling relationships in a sexual way as a plot line, then how i interpret this manhwa is that it is focused on more of glorifying abuse and sexual relations between siblings rather than making the subject matter more serious, if you know what I mean. But to each their own if you just read it because it interests you then feel free to do so, i’m not interested and decided to just drop it early on.
The other one is called “ Yours to claim” another popular series but again I don’t like dark haired dude,  I think he’s a dick and if it was me I’d choose the blonde guy, he seems like he would be a person that would treat me better. I just don’t understand the appeal of being treated like shit by people, if anyone treats you like that...please dump their ass! Because It’s not okay! Both of these have the “ other guy “ as the better option for a potential relationship but they always choose the other messed up abusive/ bad boy and i just don’t why...i just feel disappointed but literally not surprised since it’s an ongoing trope in any sort of romance based media.
But needless to say there is nothing for us as the audience to do but to read them, we don't make any calls on who the person ends up with and the plot lines that happen in the story, so that is that i guess.
I’m having a mental breakdown just thinking about these two series, i included then briefly cause they fall into this weeks’ theme of trash.
Nothing special to share in this department this month, mostly listening to podcasts .lol.
The tale of nokdu:
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I described this drama as the mulan reversal, if you know the story of mulan, she dresses up as a man and goes into the imperial army camp to fight in the war in place of her father, nokdu is an adopted child that was suddenly hunted down by a bunch of assassins one day and instead of fleeing with his father and older brother he decided to follow the assassin into the city since he was able to injure them in the leg. He followed the assassin into town and was almost able to catch them when he was suddenly arrested from a disturbance another young man in town has caused. Later he found out that the assassin was heading to a village that was out of sight and exclusively to women, in order for him to go in he would need to dress up as a woman, the opportunity arose when he helped a young woman escape from the village with her husband and she gave him her clothes in exchange for his to escape. He then infiltrates the village and now has to chase after the assassin and try to kill the mastermind behind the assault on his family. But what he discovers was more than what it seems. This is 16 episodes and is completed if you want to watch it; I recommend it since its really good.
True beauty:
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Everyone and their mother is watching this web toon turned drama, I say this cause my sister who gave up watching any k-dramas watched this one and read it...this is something, she doesn’t like a lot of things so i decided to watch it after she told me it was good. I watched it and I didn’t like it mainly because the problems in here is very much a young adult type of problem, like having acne and having to deal with bullies at school, these are all problems you mainly deal with when younger so none of this drama is relatable so I didn’t enjoy it. If you like the high school romance drama setting you might like this, but I have watched so much more meaningful dramas, this doesn’t do it for me.
That’s all the dramas I have watched so far, I mainly have been listening to podcasts instead of watching anything, I find it hard to find an interesting drama to watch these days, I have been enjoying listening to people talk about nothing lol.
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Finished Haikyuu season 4 part 2, I left this for a while so that all the episodes were finished and every time I watch it i gives me the same feeling every time. This part focuses on a lot of characters that were not fully flushed out in the first few seasons, like tanaka and nishinoya and one of the bench players...i forgot his name. I really like their portrayal of hinata this season he really is the saving grace of karasuno, not because of his obscure skills in volleyball or incredible stamina but because he’s playing volleyball because he loves it and it is fun even if the stakes are high. I feel a lot of the players here this season were so stressed they forgot that the game is supposed to be fun, and he keeps reminding them that it is what it is and that they should live in the moment. I loved seeing that develop in his character because i feel like there was too much focused on kageyama for a while and I wanted to see more of hinata’s growth.
So I was pleased with season 4 and I can’t wait to see more, haikyuu is really one of those anime that people are widely talking about now and it really is well deserved.
Skate the infinity:
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Another sports anime about skate boarding, the animation is really nice and art style is really beautiful. I know there are so many sports anime out there now but this one is really interesting, I like the relationship between the two main characters reki and langa, it reminds me of the friendship between riku and sora in Kingdom hearts, reki teaches langa how to skate board from scratch and langa being a previous snow boarder was able to race one of the best contenders in the underground skating rink and beat them in a match but of course he isn’t a genius so he wanted to learn everything from the ground up since he thought it was fun. Lol. I like seeing the progress so far in their skating journey, this anime is really wholesome.
Dr. Ramune mysterious disease specialist:
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This is a very satire anime, It is really comedic and deals with a doctor treating weird diseases, like the first episode there was a girl with a disease that made her cry out condiments as tears. It's actually very interesting in terms of the types of diseases they treat in each episode and how he uses these magical items to do so, that is a really bad explanation for this show but please watch it .It’s interesting so far and I’ll write more as it finishes.
so as a finishing statement, I hope you all enjoyed the favorites for January, I have been able to catch up on a lot of things which is why I have so many things to talk about this month, I already have the next theme for the Hell segment planed out for next month, so I can't wait to share that, if you like the manhwa recommendations and my excessive ranting so far.
until then. please take care of yourself and your love ones ! lunar new years is coming up, have a great year and I hope 2021 will be a lot better please follow me on my social media listed below if you'd like
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
Deviantart: she-be.deviantart.com
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uniformbravo · 7 years
“quick” life update while i wait for my ipod to charge
(do ppl even still use ipods in this day & age. whats spotify)
i never made any posts abt it but i started the new semester & im taking 2 classes, it’s funny actually bc i waited even more til the last minute than i usually do to figure out my classes & spent the 1st week of school trying to see a counselor to find out if i still needed classes and that’s a whole other story for a whole other day but long story short the answer was no but i decided to take a couple anyway
mainly because every time im not in school The Depression takes over & i just needed something to Do so im taking intermediate painting (even tho painting 1 made me want 2 die every day) and animation (even tho i’ve already decided i don’t want to be an animator????)
so heres the thing, okay, since these are classes i don’t need in order to fill any requirements or anything i had to pick them based on nothing, really, like my main reason for taking classes this semester was to give myself something to do, right. i picked painting because my friend had told me she was taking it so i was like yo i’ll just do that too bc we had fun last time & it’s a good way to stay in contact. originally that was gonna be my only class bc i knew it’d be a lot of work and time but then i talked to my school’s art counselor about transferring to another school after im graduated from here and i’d said i was maybe interested in storyboarding so we looked at schools with animation programs and i decided super last minute to just take the animation class here and Boy what a mistake
last semester i was talking on here about a computer art class i had considered taking but dropped bc it seemed kinda... shitty?? because i hated the way the teacher taught and i felt like i wasn’t gonna gain anything from the class??? well animation is taught by the same guy and hhhhhhhhh he’s so fucking unhelpful it’s such a nothing class
see i was hoping to learn some hand-drawn animation basics like timing, squash & stretch, the fucking bouncing ball assignment, shit like that, right. the teacher was like “today we’re gonna go over the 12 principles of animation” and i was like “sweet i’ve heard of that this’ll be good” & literally he brought up a list, read off most of the names, briefly described a few, and told us to google it if we wanted more info like?? holy shit dude????? thanks for nothing oh my god
i’ve been taking a lot of time practicing animating in flipnote studio on my 3ds and watching youtube videos and i’ve been learning so much more from that than anything explained by my teacher bc godddd. basically what the class boils down to is like. flash animation. so far we’ve been working in adobe illustrator and animate & i cannot stand illustrator. i know it’s a good and useful program and if i wanted to i could learn how to use it & eventually get used to it but just the way he teaches it makes me want 2 slam dunk my computer
the computer art basics class was strongly recommended to be taken before this class but tbh i don’t even think that’s the issue here because i tried to take that class and his method was the same; he does a demo on screen that you’re supposed to follow along and do with him and he explains what hes doing as he goes but he goes so fast that if u miss a step ur fucked 
and it’s not just that he goes fast, it’s also that theres no understanding of the program itself, like ok u know how in math there’s all these formulas where if u just plug numbers into them it gives u the right answer? i always understood formulas better when i knew what each variable stood for & why the values were being added or multiplied together because then it made it easier to extract the information i needed from word problems and also helped me memorize the formulas themselves easier because i could make those associations between numbers and purpose. i had the groundwork of the formula, so i could apply it to all kinds of situations
this class is like, he only gives you the very specific formulas required to accomplish very specific tasks in the programs so i can’t make the connections to figure out how to perform other tasks and i get super lost every time & it’s super frustrating & i could ask for help because he comes around and helps people who need it but i sit in the back corner so he never really even looks my way so i feel like i can’t get his attention w/o speaking up or getting up to go get him & i get lost so often that it’s really just a pain to ask him every single time
i just hate when i have a problem in one of the programs & i just have absolutely no clue how to fix it or even work around it? im used to photoshop and illustrator is just so opposite that my brain doesn’t want to work with it so im. 100% floundering in this class
we have 2 assignments during the whole semester, the first was a group project where we hand draw a 3-second animation (~30 frames) and that was literally the very first thing we did in the class with no prior guidance and honestly i suspect that the only reason he assigns it is to fill the requirement for a group project (which i know is a thing bc a lot of my past teachers have talked about it being a thing) so it was literally just. a nothing project
the second assignment is our final which is a 90-second animation (~1080 frames) and we have basically the rest of the semester to work on it, so about a month and a half-ish? and all we’ve learned how to do so far is motion tweening in animate, basically. i mean we did a ball-and-string thing which was kind of different but it mostly involved a lot of copy+paste bullshit in illustrator & also like automatic shortcuts & stuff, there was really no drawing involved at all
also it’s one of those classes where everyone just kind of messes around and does their own thing like?? i saw one girl reading manga on her computer & these two dudes at my table were comparing yugioh cards & i hear like 50 thousand conversations about anime every day & i mean im not one to talk tbh but it’s just the atmosphere, it feels like u either know what ur doing or u just fuck around w/ ur friends and im in the “neither of those” category and the girl who was reading manga is in the “both” category bc every other time i’ve looked over there she’s got this amazing masterpiece on her screen that she made in illustrator & i die inside every time what the fuckkc 
he showed us examples of final projects from last semester and i noticed that some of them were done traditionally or in programs that were obviously not illustrator so i asked him about it & he said it doesn’t have to be done in illustrator/animate as long as it’s 90 seconds long so Guess What i think i’m just gonna make it somewhere else lmaooo i mean i feel like it’s a missed opportunity bc i have these programs at my disposal & im not even using them but god amn. god fuckign damn
im thinking of animating it in flipnote bc that’s what i’ve been using & im pretty familiar with it by now but im not sure because there are some important things im not sure i’ll be able to accomplish with it like backgrounds (which are another requirement for the assignment) and i don’t want to back myself into a corner, especially with how little time i have to do it, so idk for sure. my other idea was to use clip studio paint but i have the pro version which only lets u use 24 frames per animation which totals out to a whopping 2 seconds so idk if i want to have to deal with that bullshit either. right now im considering making the rough animation in flipnote so i can figure out the timing & shit and then slapping it into clip studio to finalize everything (or technically i could even do that in photoshop, since im more familiar w/ it & can probably work faster there- from photoshop it’d be a matter of copying the finished frames into clip studio to export into 2-second clips & then compile those in movie maker & then bam finished animation)
so!!! it’s a lot of shit im dealing with in this class & im just like. if im doing it this way then why do i even need to show up for class. what am i even in this class for im just basically making an animation on my own time with my own resources using none of the techniques taught in the class. im only doing this animation because it’s an assignment for the class im not gaining anything from. it just seems so pointless & the only thing getting me through it is the thought that i could possibly put this in a portfolio somewhere down the line, and for that i’d want it to look nice and not rushed so im thinking that for the sake of finishing the assignment i might just use my rough animation so that i can spend more time on the “nice” version afterward
aaaanyway it’s um Late for me & i went on about this for too long but i needed to get it off my chest tbh, i’ve been thinking abt making this post for like 2 weeks so there u go. i didn’t even talk about my painting troubles good lord. if you’ve been wondering why i havent been online as much lately This is why. also bc im a huge loser and 100% of my free time has been going into watching anime bye
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shekillsher · 5 years
Run Your Own Organisation By Marketing Wholesale Baby Clothing On EBay
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In order to speak about love and also still build a socially acceptable metropolitan identity, artists tend to apply one of the 5 successful love narrative forms. Nobody understands circumstances like that, people cant offer with it, so they 'll discuss it forever. The female trying to market me their most recent phone set described a tv advert. She kept me speaking for about 10 mins during which time she referred me to this certain TV advert a more 4 times, and each time I assured her I had actually not seen it because I don't enjoy tv. Weaving can be chosen up throughout the adverts and also functioned at for 5 or 10 mins at a time. New threads as well as elegant pattern designs make weaving enjoyable as well as fast, and I can weaved even if I am viewing TELEVISION, albeit an uncommon occurence for me personally! With the net, also if you stay in an area that is little, you aren't restricted to your regional area, and also can locate people not simply around the UK, but throughout the globe as well! After that enhance with infant pictures and such, then take it to your local copy shop, like Kinkos, and also have them publish the web page on pastel tinted paper. In some cases weve come across local street fairs or windsurfing events or a model train gallery. Weve spoke about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst but a lot of the moment those are rare scenarios. The endometriomas, if they persist, and also theres constant bleeding in the abdomen and the ovary that can trigger attachments. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the 2nd kind of functional cyst goes on to establish as the baby is growing. Most of these, the larger blood materials, the larger blood vessels on cysts are typically the corpus luteum cyst. The majority of ovary cysts in and of themselves are not going to be creating an issue. Yet, the essential point here, is that cysts themselves, in and also of themselves are not going to be a trouble or harmful problem. The nature of the celebration is most likely mosting likely to tend in the direction of the feminine side; if the coordinators of the event have a stipulation for this, then welcoming males would certainly be great. Without a doubt, there are numerous males as well as ladies that are making good cash making use of the net business course. In this song, the poet uses the affective story to acknowledge that some guys "dont be comin right ", however that he has a different assumption of females than these various other males. Supposed to assist with the discomfort, meant to aid me keep In this song, Guru makes use of the different story to share his view of what love need to be. It is vital for the garments to be completely dry prior to they are done away with or put on by a youngster, as well as hanging the clothing on kids clothing wall mounts will certainly aid keep their form. Nonetheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for dry goods and also 1983 for carbonated drinks.
free baby stuff expecting mother
People utilized to exchange items as well as services for other goods as well as solutions prior to money was developed, and some people still barter today to stay clear of utilizing cash (mostly for tax factors I am informed). A few other fantastic solutions are a diaper solution for cloth diapering mommies, or also a diaper distribution solution for disposables, and also pay for the very first 2 weeks or a month well worth of diapering products. Even the colors made use of in the textile must be natural and also non-toxic. You might be at first attracted by all the eye memorable shades as well as the fanciness of the clothing, but if your child is not going to like it, it is mosting likely to spoil. Pyjamas and also bodysuits for little child women been available in all various colors and also styles, and are produced all sorts of weather. One or two pieces would do - a pair of babies suits, a set of t shirts, a pair of pyjamas. At the same time, you can put a Tee shirts over their pyjamas. They will certainly safeguard and also insure any kind of money you put right into an interest-bearing account as well as pay you perhaps 3% yearly passion on your down payment. They understand that if you're pleased with your sample, greater than likely you be become a routine consumer and invest loan with them. There are really a lot of free offers offered; you just require to recognize exactly how to look for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see list listed below for some examples) and also uncover what brand names include it. Next off, you will certainly arrive at your search result page; this is a listing of all products that meet your search standards. Allow us take a peek right into what makes these standards a need to for those moms and dads buying baby garments. Additionally, let your initial couple of road experiences educate you what you need to have along. There are countless very first time mothers available that have a great deal of info to show you as well as they do not desire you to be without the details. They wish to have outfits with breathable fabric and also simple on the body. Is this what we have concerned, - everybody in our area enjoys the exact same adverts, the very same programmes, the exact same newspaper article every single day or evening? Keep in mind: After trying solitary foods, great mixes are potatoes and carrots or carrots as well as peas. And not just will I review it for him, Ill make it seem like the Elvis of foods, because Im already quite certain that Sickness like a hamdog. He likewise describes his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", utilizing the imperial characterization so usual in spiritual love stories. If you're actually strapped for cash money, then you can most likely make do with utilizing your bed as a changing table, however if you can, this is something I extremely advise. Its better to feed child first point in the morning, after that permit some play or rest time in between before offering infant a bath. At a "Pamper Event," a concept increasingly preferred for moms who currently have several kids and for that reason the majority of right stuff they really need, they might take house spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bath. A wonderful bath-themed present basket would contain some hypo-allergenic bathroom items, like infant baths, talcum powder, towels, and bathroom toys.
The significant plus is that many, if not all of these totally free products, are supplied right to the mommy's residence. And, with that, lets solve down to the nitty abrasive. Do you have the software you require to start? Eventually you are mosting likely to intend to transfer your baby, so you will need to acquire something. Unless you're intending to hang on to them for your following baby, they're simply gathering dust. With a couple of easy skills, an useful collection of "stuff, " and also simply a little bit of planning as well as preparation, youll get on your way! There is an area for TV in our lives as well as it seeks all the fastest method of taking in information from worldwide. Taking courses abroad Here, the poet makes use of the spiritual narrative to define the time, area as well as emotions that his love was founded on, speaking of them as if they were in some way meant to take place. Perhaps she thought that was her location in the world and also no-one could fault her if she did her tasks to the utmost of her capability. I once had a neighbor who informed the globe as well as it's mommy she thought sanitation was beside Godliness as well as invested all the time daily cleaning her residence. It is thought that from this you truly have the choice to look into every little thing prior to you also need to get something. Tight neck lines would certainly problem you and also also the positioning of buttons at odd positions would certainly create you issues, so check these beforehand. At the exact same time the buttons and also various other aspects in the style must be thoroughly stitched. However Betty had the cash money each time I mosted likely to prison This song further illustrates using contrasting narratives to share love. This instance better shows making use of initial language in conversational narratives. The poet feels it is unacceptable for any individual to "call you out your name ", or simply put, utilize demeaning language towards his love. Many of the baby shower ideas will work for any location, indoors or out. Do you desire your baby to look cute or awesome with child garments however you don't have ideas on where to look for them? Cost is a major thing you would certainly want to take into consideration when purchasing infant clothing. It's easy, look at an infant garments shop. Clothing treatment plays a huge role in your baby's security. Thus, it is always recommended that you maintain the safety and security as well as comfort consider mind even when you are buying event outfits for your kid. Also when you have purchased a lacy blouse for your tiny girl, if you finish up getting a dimension that occurs to be a little larger than her actual size, she will be comfortable in it. And also, moms and dads will certainly be likely to maintain purchasing garments to stay on par with the changes in the child's growth - dimension, weight, size, and also shape. Thus, buying garments that are somewhat bigger than the actual size of your babys body gifts will be good as it makes certain maximum comfort for the youngster.
Nevertheless, these immunization procedures will only make their systems solid however it doesn't offer an assurance that germs can't penetrate their method. So why did she act this way? The same thing can be real with, certainly with tube maternities, thats why those two can be confused. Yes it is real that infant garments do not last long with youngsters expanding as fast as they do, but caring for a children clothing is still just as, otherwise more, important. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which's real This flow is special due to the fact that it utilizes both the metaphoric and different narrative strategies. The presentation of Hip-Hop enjoy stories is a really uphill struggle. And that leads us to one of the most preferred metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Babies will like this meal. Thick as well as fluffy clothing will certainly maintain the infant warm from head to toe. Here is a list of preferred things that has been researched with a few of the largest online merchants of baby products. Below are several of the standard points you'll desire to have. Do you wish to provide a present to a brand-new mother without spending a whole lot of cash? They utilize it when washing to get rid of smells, soften the textiles, and also give your baby as well as kid apparel a fresh and extra natural scent. When you are considering your kids comfort, its not only about the layout of the apparel youre buying it will certainly likewise be an issue of exactly how the thing rests on your children body. Consider just how much you have into the product. The following time you are re-assembling your package, make sure to include that thing. I prefer to hang around with my household as well as friends, talking on the phone, choosing lengthy strolls or dancing the evening away. With all that having actually been stated, Ive discovered a brand-new food that I understand I'm mosting likely to enjoy. Quickly you'll discover that having just a few wonderful outfits ends up being unwise. I had an excellent cost-free site a couple of years ago I saw on a daily basis. Use your Roadway Adventure logbook to record everybodies remarks concerning the day. This will certainly serve no excellent as getting child items indiscriminately will not just be waste of cash but additionally waste of time and also power which you can put for some useful use. If passing by automobile you should constantly make use of a child seat as well as comply with the supplier's guidelines for suitable. If your trip restriction is no even more than a one-hour cars and truck ride one way, then look for areas of passion within regarding 40 miles of house. Which is not an issue because just like kidneys, simply like testis, females with one ovary can have equally as many infants as a female with two ovaries as well as two tubes. Obviously it is a 2x matrix, meaning those first 2 individuals you got to sign up with are on your initial level. You should constantly have 2 pairs during the night time, because you never know when a baby is mosting likely to spit up or have a diaper leak that can require a complete garment change.
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christenpressing · 7 years
91 Question Tag
thanks to @vanillabeanniall and @selkatha for tagging me :)
 1. Drink: Water

2. Phone call: my friend Sarah who happens to call me randomly like everyday
3. Text message: my sister- “yep” in response to my mom asking if we were okay
4. Song I listened to: Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony (always a bop)
5. Time you cried: last monday 
 6. Dated someone twice: kind of?
7. Been cheated on: i mean not technically but my ex did flirt with someone else while we were together
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: i just don’t like spin the bottle
9. Lost someone special: yeahhh
10. Been depressed: ohhhhh boyyyyyyyy
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
 12. pastel pink
13. lavender
14. darker shades of red
 15. Made new friends: oh for sure. they’re super great and nice and i love and support them
16. Fallen out of love: never love
17. Laughed until you cried: one time in history class and bunch of my friends and i just watched a bunch of marching band fails and i died
18. Found out someone was talking about you: hahahaha yes
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah, a couple people

20. Found out who your true friends were: i believe so
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? nope
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? a lot
23. Do you have any pets? three golden retriever rescues (comet, cinnamon, london) & four horses (scooter, eli, benny, calvin) & two betta fish (circe, rhea)
24. Do you want to change your name? i dont think so
25. What did you do on your last birthday? i went to this really nice italian restaurant with my family cause my grandma’s birthday is like right after mine so we did a combined thing
26. What time did you wake up? 10:30 which is like the first time i’ve gotten to sleep in this summer
27. What were you doing at midnight? watching phineas and ferb
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to go to north carolina to see my girlfriend and for my best friend to come home
29. When was the last time you saw your mother? yesterday

30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? i wish my girlfriend could live in my town
31. What are you listening to right now? my fan
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yep
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? my mother trying to dictate my own relationship????
34. Most visited site: tumblr lmao
 35. Elementary: okay heres the thing i went to a private school for a long time and skipped 3rd grade BUT THEN when i transferred to public school i had to do 4th grade over again so i was with people my age again BUT THE JOKES ON THEM cause i knew everything and i was the smartest kid in the class
36. Middle: 6th grade was a nightmare i try to forget about but we did a 180 in 7th grade and i was popular (probably cause of my track career which lasted all of one year) and then 8th grade was a mess and i thought i was bi but i was actually gay so theres that
37. High: so far so good except for some drama last year but thats over with and im ready to embrace the junior year death this year (bonus: im playing soccer this year and im so out of shape lmao)
38. College: i really want to go to school up in the portland area but who knows??? major in english/education so i can be an english&creative writing teacher who also writes on their own time on the side
ME – 
 39. Hair color: brownnn but i have natural highlights so thats neat
40. Long or short hair? its long rn but imma cut it soon
41. Do you have a crush on someone? my girlfriend i guess?
42. What do you like about yourself? i ride horses really well and i never give up on things and im passionate at what i do
43. Piercings? just my ears
44. Blood type: who tf knows
45. Nickname: jules is a common one

46. Relationship status: taken by the greatest girl ever
47. Zodiac sign: capricorn
48. Pronouns: she/her
49. Favorite TV show(s): phineas and ferb, supergirl, pretty little liars (rip), girl meets world, miraculous ladybug (oops), b99
50. Tattoos: not yet but one day!!
51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? right 
 52. Surgery: i had one on my pelvis in 2013? i think
53. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i mean i’ve been around horses my whole life but didn’t start seriously riding till after i started soccer
55. Vacation: god idk i don’t even remember the first time i was on a plane. maybe disney world?
56. Pair of trainers: i dont know????
 57. Eating: nothing

58. Drinking: nothing

59. I’m about to: finish these questions
60. Listening to: my fan
 61. Waiting for: my girlfriend and i to be in the same area for once
62. Want: a successful career and a wonderful wife and daughter

63. Married: oh for sure
64. Career: teacher
 65. Hugs or kisses? depends on my mood
66. Lips or eyes? i think you can tell a lot about someone from their eyes
67. Shorter or taller? taller cause it makes me feel more safe i think
68. Older or younger? probably older but i’m good with both
69. Nice arms or nice stomach? both are wonderful
70. Sensitive or loud? i cannot STAND loud people

71. Hook-up or relationship? relationship definitely
72. Troublemaker or hesitant? hesitant i am literally the most timid person on earth
73. Kissed a stranger? nope

74. Drank hard liquor? nope

75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? i dont have either

76. Turned someone down? okay okay okay sooooo i may or may not have initially turned down my current girlfriend but i quickly changed my mind and now here we are
77. Sex on first date? depends how well you know the person
78. Broken someone’s heart? i wouldn’t say thattt but you’d have to ask my girlfriend
79. Had your heart broken? no thank god
80. Been arrested? i am a child of god
81. Cried when someone died? when i was at nationals in 2014 a horse got so freaked out when they were putting roses (the prize for winning) on him that he reared up and flipped over himself with the rider still on him (somehow she managed not to get crushed) but the horse snapped his neck once he hit the ground and died instantly and it was so awful to see and i cried for at least an hour and im still scarred
82. Fallen for a friend? a couple times
 83. Yourself? not reallyyy
84. Miracles? listen a couple happened to me last week 
85. Love at first sight? i dont think so
86. Santa Claus? no

87. Kiss on first date? oh yes
88. Angels? nah
 89. Current best friend’s name: vasi
90. Eye color: brown

91. Favorite movie: aladdin, jurassic world, the lego batman movie, beauty and the beast
i tag @kellexohara @spnife @atypicaltomato cause you guys are nerds
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growingrootsinco · 5 years
My Timeline
This exercise is designed to help pick the patterns in my behavior. Along the way I'm sure I will find other uses for it. First, a few reminders. DO NOT go back and edit. DO NOT beat around the bush. Accuracy is key.
Working retail. In a relationship that is mind numbing. Brand new at this and dont have much to report. Not even sure what to write here.
Fighting feelings of guilt. He's finally been put behind bars. I think I may need counseling.
Feeling guilty. Wanna kill myself.
Fired from job. On unemployment. Still in BS relationship. Not sure this timeline is panning out to be what I thought it would.
New a new start. Signed up for college classes. Dental Assisting. Not something I would have thought I would choose. Worth a try.
School is turning out to be fun. Trouble paying but dad is helping. Gave me a car to get into San Antonio. I can feel the stress subsiding. Step grandfather passed. No emotion for someone who was such a prick towards the end of his life.
Christmas was a disaster. So many snobby family members.
Ok. I think I'm getting this timeline thing. Hard to not go back and change it though.
Enjoying school. Especially clinicals. Will start my hours soon the graduate.
Relationship is okay now that he stays gone all week. I think I hate him.
Hours in my clinicals are rough with no pay. Got a job at a little cafe about 20 hours a week. Love my boss and his wife.
Clinicals FINALLY done. Job searching time.
OMFG clinical hours do not count as experience therefore no experience equals no job. wtf.
FML still no fucking chances anywhere. Suicidal thoughts.
Mom flipped the fuck out as usual. Took the boyfriends side because she was wrong. Would have rather him have gone. Getting tired of both of them anyway.
Time to hold it down on my own. His health is bad. Which makes me feel bad for wanting him gone. I think I have checked out emotionally. Or never checked in.
Finally got my foot in the door at an office. Found someone I can learn everything from. She's awesome. The doctor is a douche but I can deal. Besides what man isnt a douche?
Theres something wrong with this office. So many people being secretive and my office manager is a total bitch. A "mean girl".
Gotta stop reading over this everytime I come in here. I want to change it!
Ok my 6 months is up for experience, time to look for another office. My mentor flaked and left. On my own.
Put in 2 week notice only to have my pay raised and promoted to office manager. Do I really want to sit behind a desk instead of working on patients?
Still in dead end relationship. Still hate him. Suicidal thoughts.
I think I'm getting this timeline down. Starting to see my patterns already. Even if I dont write them in here. How to fix them?
Easy holidays without family. Spent them with friends in Bastrop. Relief!
Still working in the same office for more pay. Found out why everyone is so secretive. Doctor is a mess. In debt up to his eyeballs, no longer getting paid on time, misappropriated funds on a regular basis, has no business sense what so ever, deals with shady people, I doubt his abilities due to MANY pissed off patients, holy shit, the list goes on. Back to the drawing board for a new job.
2 surgeries almost back to back. I'm falling apart. Suicidal thoughts.
Well fuck. Jobs are everywhere but pay is a bitch. Nothing matches it. Cant quit here if I cant sustain my living situation.
BS relationship has finally taken its toll. Verdict is in. I hate his guts. Tired of doing everything myself. Spends all his time on the computer chating with girls. What do I care? Maybe one of them will take him in. Why do I want to strangle him in his sleep?
Got a new house but still not happy.
Tried out a new office but it's not the same. I think I got use to the chaos. Alot of blood sweat and tears have gone into that office. Went back.
Doctor has hired an overpriced nanny. This bitch is gonna drive me to drinking. I've been replaced. Good thing or bad thing?
Starting to understand my emotions. Realizing my family is the root of my issues in life. Now I'm becoming content with no contact. Just have to figure out this BS relationship.
On my birthday, I think I found my SM. Talking on a regular basis. And finally figured out what to do about BS relationship.
Missed a bunch of time on this so I'm writing it in 2019 and trying to write as I would have in that time and frame of mind. Using things from other posts to help write this.
New home again but cant afford it without help. Took on roommate. She's awesome.
Hanging with Boozefighters next door is a really good time.
Fired from job for insubordination. What a bitch!
Depression setting in. I want out of this town. Suicidal thoughts.
Dad is helping me move back to hometown and can already tell I was right about my family. My daughter is pissed!
Trying to find comfort in family but wanting more than anything for SM to give in.
First job back in retail because dental pay is BS.
Things with SM are rocky. A couple of jail stays and lots of drinking. Having trouble keeping my head on straight and leaning back on emotions instead of thinking logical.
SM busted! Now what? Something always sets me back. Wtf? What is so wrong with my choices in life?
Got a place together. More drinking...... and some fighting......... and court........
Realized I went off the reservation due to my feelings for him. Haven't thought logical in some time.
These feelings have to be real. Cant fight them. But emotions are unreliable.
More turmoil with family. Trying to reconcile with mother. Didnt got well. Fuck it!
Lost car at Christmas and finding it hard to hold onto my job. Feeling depressed again. Suicidal thoughts.
Only thing I'm sure of are my feelings for SM. He's got me and now I'm scared of what I may do for him.
Job is suffering so transfer and begin walking to work.
Realizing the hold SM has on me and it's dangerous. Is it healthy to be this attached? Should I distance myself? HELL NO
Bought a new car. But now I need a new job and SM is leaving me to serve time.
Moved in with grandmother when SM goes into serve time. I'm slipping again. More depression and anxieties are back.
New job is overnights and not sleeping like I need to. I want him home! Job isnt going well from depression and 2 hospital visits for sleep deprivation and malnutrition. Job is too demanding and anger creeping up.
Transfer to different department hoping it helps but instead get hours cut.
Weekend drives to unit for visits that never seem to last long enough. Cant touch him like I need to, like i want to.
Dont want to do a fucking thing if he cant be with me. Cancelled on so many things with friends. Is this what my life has come to?
Searching for a new job. Wtf is wrong with this town. Part time only and everyone is short staffed.
Cant pay bills at my grandmothers. 500 dollar electric bill. Fuck this!
I'm cracking..... had an emotional breakdown and unsure of how to hold myself together.
Hanging with people I know I shouldnt and offered a chance at Colorado. Do I take it?
Got another part time overnight. What the hell am I doing killing myself like this? Fuck this town and fuck this whole goddamn state!
Took the Colorado offer but I know he will have issues with it. How to handle it? It's where he wants to be but doubt we would make it there by his hand.
Packed up, missed a visit. He's going to go ape shit! Daughter is more excited then I am because I cried all the way here. Why does it feel wrong at the same time?
Well I was right. He went ape shit.
Colorado is a culture shock but I can feel myself calming. Driving the amish all over is peaceful and informative. But hurting for money. Place we are staying in is run down and not fit for habiting.
SM sent a letter. If I dont go back, its over. I guess it's over. I dont have the money to go back. Hold onto hope that he will be here when he gets out anyway.
Got a job with the county that's going well. I now understand what I have to do to complete my main goal. (Main goal is in another post.)
Opened the guitar up to stare at it and cry all day. Wth............
Christmas was rough. Still on the fence about my decision to come here even though most of the time I'm at peace with the views here.
Person I came with is expressing feelings towards me. Not feeling it.
Working 2 part time jobs so I can stop driving the amish but tired of the travel with one job.
Got a place in Romeo. Its decent but I've been ripped off. This asshole needs to be shot. Speaking of being shot. I'm being threatened and I have 2 gunshots in my house.
Rightful owner let me buy it from her. Ok I can do this. Now to do something about the asshole who ripped me off. The fucker lives right across the street.
Against my better judgement J moves in. I think I need protection. Bought a gun. Bad idea. J is a felon. He's not here alot but appearance is what matters. Wtf. I guess I'm back to using people again.
Turns out we make a good team. Accomplishing quite a bit to achieve my main goal. I still dont feel like he does but I'm getting shit done.
Bought a trailer house, 2 parcels of land, a boat, 2 cars and a camper trailer. Way to go!!!
What the hell did I just do? I just made things way more complicated and started something I have no intentions of finishing. Heart breaking again.
Fighting, fighting, fighting. I finally understand how SM felt about me in the beginning. Suicidal thoughts.
My daughter is settling in nicely. Started a three some relationship and taking after my mother. Lol Now she's met a guy and starting to find herself.
My daughter turned 18! Holy shit I'm old............
SM is in a halfway house......... he didnt sound happy and I think my heart is breaking again. J is flipping out on me again over SM. Pressure is on. Dont slip again. Stay focused.
Yay! for phone time! Again confirming my emotions are real this time.
My daughter graduated. Yup, I'm still old. And getting older by the minute.
Went to Midland to clear up the storage unit. Fuck! It's all gone. Destroyed! All his stuff is gone. I've gotta replace it all.
Ok home ownership sucks! Everything breaks and has to be fixed........ twice!
Cleared my head. For once........
Divorce is final. 16 years and now back in contact with my son. Feeling complete.
Job is going great.
In negotiations on another home and a restaurant.
Joined 2 community boards and Search & Rescue.
Talk therapy helped me come to a conclusion. Time to let go of SM.
Married J. Did I do whats best for my future?
This time around, marriage has proved to be easier than the first. Im all in but fearful of not knowing what the future holds.
Fill in above the notes as you go. Remember. Dont edit or erase. Dont fucking touch it other than adding. Calling yourself out only works when the truth is written down. Yes they will change consistently. Find your patterns. Truth means sensitive information so dont let anyone read it unless you are ready for anger. If you happen to mentor someone in the future, that might not be a good idea! And pay attention during depression spells. Ever emotion counts.
Had the best holidays ever. Real trees are a mess though.
Finally got full time with benefits at the County
Set up my retirement and 401. This is what I have wanted my entire life. And life insurance!
Pandemic approaching.
Lockdown! Sent home for 2 months with pay.
Took up arts and crafts and gardening to pass the time.
Stimulus check. Bought my daughter a car.
Lots of facetime with my son!
Back to work. So many restrictions.
COVID cases are declining.
County in trouble financially. How much longer will I have a job?
Paid of the house! After a court battle from attempting to rip us off. Again........
Gained another family member.
Going back on lockdown with pay again.
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themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
How Journaling Practices Have Helped My Financial Situation
Ive mentioned often on The Simple Dollar how journaling is a daily practice for me and has been off and on (but mostly on) since middle school in various forms. At times, its taken the form of simply cataloguing my day; at other times, Ive written in response to various prompts; today, its completely different (and Ill write about that in a bit). In any case, writing in my journal simply put, getting thoughts out of my head down on paper is something that is a daily part of my life. Why have I kept up with it for so long? How has it helped me in any way thats made it worth the time investment? And what does that practice look like? Thats what I want to share today. Lets start with the why. The Benefits of Journaling, Financial and Otherwise I keep up with a daily journaling practice for a lot of reasons. First of all, it feels like a mental relief to do it because it quiets the monologue in my head. Along with meditation, its one of the two most effective routine things Ive found in my life for getting the constantly chattering voice in my head to quiet down a little. That voice is constantly going over things I need to do, things Im thinking about or worried about, my upcoming plans, some problem Im interested in, and all kinds of other stray thoughts. That constant stream of thought is distracting. I find that dumping some of that stream of thought down on paper quiets that distracting voice pretty well, at least for a while. Ive found that one big burst of writing in my journal at the start of the day coupled with having a pocket notebook on me at all times to jot down other stray thoughts throughout the day keeps that voice a lot quieter and a lot less distracting. Second, I use it to work through challenging problems in my life that Im not quite sure how to solve. When I observe something I dont like in my life, my mind often worries on that problem without ever really coming to a good conclusion on it. Ill think about that problem over and over, but at best my idle thoughts will come up with really half-baked solutions. When I sit down and journal and dump that problem out on paper, I find that I almost always work toward an actual good solution to the problem (or problems) in my head. By writing out the problem as I see it, I usually get some better insight into whats really going on, and then as I write down that insight, more pop up, and eventually I lead myself to the real source of the problem and perhaps a start down the path to a good solution. This applies very well to personal finance. For example, it was writing in my journal that really helped me piece together that something was wrong with my financial life and gradually led me to the decision to make some major changes. It has helped me figure out what things in my life were frivolous expenses and which ones were not. It has helped me to identify situations where I was spending money nonsensically as an emotional response to some other situation in my life. Third, its helped me to understand complex ideas by taking a bunch of swirling bits and pieces Ive learned recently and didnt fully understand and combine them into something meaningful and comprehensible and useful. Many of my journal entries have originated from my thinking about something I read recently or experienced recently that I didnt quite understand, and by simply spelling it all out piece by piece, the idea came together for me. I used to do this a lot when I was in college, but I still do it quite frequently when Im reading something or when Ive had a difficult interaction with someone. For example, it was this practice that really helped me to understand investing and how index funds work and helped me decide that I should put as much of our investment money as possible into index funds. The ideas made sense on their own, but it was assembling the ideas and relating them to our own situation, which I did over a bunch of journaling sessions, that locked our retirement planning into place. I did the same thing when we were shopping for a home. Many of my entries during the months in which we were house shopping were oriented around figuring out how the house buying process worked, how mortgages worked, and so on. This actually leads well into my next point. Journaling has helped me come to a firm conclusion when there were a lot of options on the table. Often, decision making comes down to being able to filter through a lot of options, figure out which elements matter the most, and choose from those options based on that. Journaling has helped me with every piece of that process for many different major decisions in my life. As I noted earlier, journaling was essential in our home buying process. I wrote down extensive thoughts on each home we visited, the relative merits and drawbacks of each, and what each would look like financially. My journaling process helped Sarah and I choose a home that we could afford that met our needs, a home we still live in. Its helped me decide between investment options. Its helped me make career choices when I had several options on the table at a few points in my life. Simply writing through each of the options, figuring out what was good and bad about each one, and then coming to a clear decision not only helped me make a great decision at each of those crossroads, it also helped clear my head of constant worrying and constant thoughts on the subject. So, how exactly do I do this? What does my journaling practice look like? My Own Journaling Practice Ive used a number of practices over the years, but the one Ive used for the last few years, with a few tweaks, has been a small variation on the three morning pages journaling practice first popularized by Julia Cameron. In Camerons original practice, she simply suggested that a person sit down with a blank journal and start writing, filling up three pages in a journal with their writing before stopping for the day. Write about whatevers on your mind if its on your mind, just write it down, no matter how inane or pointless it seems. It gets that thought out of your head and makes space for whatevers next. Some days, everything is inane, and thats fine. Other days, youre working through some very difficult things, and thats fine, too. The goal is to empty that junk out of your head so you can get clean start to your day. I tried doing this exact thing for a while, but I ran into a number of small problems with it. The biggest one was that my handwriting is small and the pages in my journal are big. I tend to journal by writing in block capital letters it just feels the most comfortable to me and the writing is pretty small. Most of my journals are either full size pages or close to it. Thus, it can take a long time to simply fill up a page with words, even if Im writing as fast as I can. So, I modified the practice to what I call 45 morning minutes. I just set a timer for 45 minutes, sit down with my journal, open to the next blank page (or partial page), and start writing. When the timer goes off, I keep going until theres a clear break in thought and then I write a big double line across the page indicating the end of the day, and Im done. Journaling with a strict time limit keeps it within a reasonable time frame for me and makes it easy to schedule. Obviously, I do this in the morning, usually before anyone else is awake. I find that doing this early in the day is really effective at quieting down that internal monologue that distracts me with chatter and ideas throughout the day. Id rather have it quiet in the mornings and afternoons so that I can get focused work done. So, thats another big part of the equation for me: journaling in the morning quiets my internal monologue so that I can focus better during the work day. After I finish, I usually read back through my entry over the course of a few minutes, mostly to extract things that I need to get done in the near future. Are there any actionable items that I thought about or generated during that journaling? If so, I move them to my to-do list manager or to my calendar so I can find them later on in the day when Im actually doing stuff. Again, another key point: journaling often generates specific actions I need to work on or things I need to take care of, so I transfer those out to a to-do list. After that, I just close my journal and go about my day. There are a few obvious questions that come about from that description, so let me address them right now. I read old entries, but nothing older than a few months. After four or five months, the old entries start to read like they were written by another person living another life. Its familiar in the way that a distant memory is familiar, but it doesnt feel like me any more. When journal entries reach that point, then there isnt really any value to them any more, at least not for me. The method of journaling I use is not really a record of what I did each day, so once the entries arent fresh, I dont find any personal value in them. Ive changed enough as a person that the situations and solutions I wrote about in old journals no longer apply specifically to new situations. I havent actively read journal entries more than a few months old in a long time, and every time I happen to see one, I really dont care to read it. There are a few reasons for this, but most of it boils down to the fact that my journals reflect my active thinking at that moment, but when that moment fades away, theres not much value there. Its not a record of my life, but an outpouring of my current thought. There are some specific reasons, too. I am often deeply critical of myself, something that doesnt need to be re-read and dwelled upon. I sometimes tear myself to shreds when Im writing a journal entry. Im extremely critical of my flaws and mistakes, and while that can be good in the moment when Im assessing a situation or setting out a goal, it doesnt do me any good to read it later or for someone else to read it. I am sometimes honestly critical of my children in a way that I wouldnt want them to read; I do this not to be cruel, but to figure out how to be a good parent to them. It does not make me a good parent to pretend that my children are perfect and flawless. Rather, one of the best things I can do as a parent is to honestly assess their good features and their flaws and take those into account when I figure out how to communicate well with them and guide them toward good decision making practices, life ambitions, and things of that nature. For example, I might write down that one of my children is extremely conscientious of others but is sometimes excessively boastful, or I might write that another child is richly thoughtful but very quick to frustration and anger. (Obviously, these arent actual observations and are quite sanitized to boot, just examples so you understand what I mean.) Those arent thoughts that I want them to read, or anyone else to read. The same is true for my wife and my role as a husband and, occasionally, some of my friends and my role as their friend. I do similar evaluations of my wife at times. In what ways is she amazing? In what ways can I complement her with my strengths? In what ways does she complement my own weaknesses? How can I help out in areas where shes not as strong? Im sure shes glad that I think about such things and consider how to be a better husband, but I dont think even she would want to actually read such thoughts. The same thing is true if I assess a friend, particularly if theyre asking me for some life advice. I want to give the best advice I can to them, and that sometimes means being critical, and sometimes those words find their way into my journals. Thus, I dont save old journals, at least not anything older than my most recent one. I keep my current journal and my previous one in a secure place where they cant easily be found. My current journal is easy for me to grab in the mornings, but its not in a place where it would likely be found. When my current journal is full, I destroy the previous journal after I read through it again. For a while, I was keeping digital copies of my old journals, but I found that I was never looking at them, didnt really want to ever look at them, and didnt want anyone else to find them, so I stopped doing this. The downside to others finding those thoughts was worth more than the upside of any potential limited use I might have for them in the future. The policy of destroying the journals and keeping the current one secure lets me be more unguarded with my journaling. Given that I know my journals wont be around for posterity, I feel more comfortable just letting my thoughts fly on the page. I dont worry about who might read them or how they might appear for posterity. At worst, the most recent journal or two might be found, and that doesnt worry me too much. I usually start off each journal with a note saying that this is a collection of my unguarded thoughts as I worked through personal decisions and I would appreciate that the journal would be destroyed upon discovery if I were to pass. I vastly prefer handwritten journaling, but I may switch to using a stylus and writing on a table in the future as those technologies improve; writing by hand provides a clarity of thought that typing doesnt quite provide for me. For me, typing is conducive to rapidly recording ideas, but the process doesnt allow me any space to think about them. If I want to explore my thoughts, consider things, and actually remember them, I write things out by hand. This is true for journaling, but its also true for taking notes at meetings, taking notes when Im reading, taking notes during a lecture, and so on. I write all of those notes by hand and, if theres potential value that I might get out of them later, I convert them to digital format. I feel like taking notes with an Apple Pencil on an iPad is 90% of the way to where I want a stylus to be, but its not all the way there yet. When its perfect, writing thoughts down on a tablet using a stylus will be the best way to journal and take notes because it offers the advantages of both writing by hand and digital notes, but for now, its not quite there yet, and given a choice between the two, the thoughtfulness and retention of writing by hand outweighs typing out journal entries for me. I use Leuchtturm 1917 journals and either Uniball Signo 207, Pilot G2, or Pilot Juice pens. The journal isnt a requirement Ive used all kinds of different things over the years but I really like the size and the binding and paper quality of that specific journal. One of those usually lasts about two and a half months for my journaling purposes. As for the pens, I really only have three requirements for a pen: it needs to write when I want it without a lot of futzing around, it needs to have a thin line and not bleed all over the page or make a mess, and it needs to not leak in my pocket. The pens listed up there pass those tests with flying colors. I can get weeks and weeks out of writing with just one of them and it costs less than a dollar, which is good enough for me. Id rather spend $0.75 on a pen that will write for weeks without fail and not make a mess or leak than a $0.25 pen or a freebie that will need a bunch of waving around or tinkering when I want it to write, leave a ton of messy ink on the page, and inevitably leave a big blotch of ink on the paper or in my pocket. Final Thoughts Spending some time each day journaling simply writing my thoughts down on paper not only helps me piece through the problems in my life and ideas in my head, it also helps clear my mind and make it easier to focus on the tasks of the day because it quiets the voice in my head that would otherwise keep running through those problems and ideas. It has helped me not only figure out a bunch of financial and professional problems, its also helped keep my mind focused when actually doing work to earn an income. I find that my 45 morning minutes practice works extremely well for me, but there are many practices out there that range from simply listing the events of the day, writing what youre grateful for, brainstorming, and many other things. I highly recommend trying several practices until you find one that works well for you and then stick with it for a while. You might just find that it becomes an essential part of your life toolbox. Good luck! https://www.thesimpledollar.com/how-journaling-practices-have-helped-my-financial-situation/
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auburnfamilynews · 6 years
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The Tigers will host five more top targets this weekend in an effort to close out the 2019 cycle strong.
It’s plenty busy on the recruiting trail right now. Auburn coaches are traveling all over the country (more on that later) visiting not only their top targets in the 2019 class but future classes as well. Offers are flying out daily to top level 2020, 2021 and yes even the occasional 2022 prospects. This is typically one of the busiest times of the recruiting cycle as coaching staffs attempt to put the final touches on their signing class and start building momentum for next year.
Official Visitors
Like last weekend, Auburn is expecting five official visitors on campus over the next couple of days. Unlike last weekend, I think there’s a VERY good chance the Tigers add a commitment by Monday. Here’s a look at who is expected on campus later this evening.
4* ATH John Rhys Plumlee | 6’1” | 185 lbs | Hattiesburg, MS | UGA Commit
This was the big surprise of the week. The longtime Dawg commit may have lost his place in that class when UGA pulled off a late flip of former Ohio State QB commit Dwan Mathis during the early signing period. There’s been rumors in recent weeks that Plumlee is being asked to blueshirt (explanation of a blueshirt) which may have put the talented athlete back on the market.
Interestingly, Plumlee prefers to play QB in college and that’s where Auburn is reportedly recruiting him to play. Now could this be a Jason Smith like situation where Auburn allows him a shot at QB before convincing him to slide elsewhere? We will see but it could also mean the staff expects some attrition at the QB position this spring especially when you consider the attempts to evaluate graduate transfer options.
As for Plumlee’s talents, he’s a big time athlete. He could play QB, WR or DB at the next level and is also a terrific baseball player. Plumlee is very quick, able to change directions at a moments notice and has outstanding top end speed that makes him a threat to score anytime he touches the ball. He’s got some Manziel to his game at the QB position in that he’s at his best in the midst of chaos. With a quick trigger and quick feet, he can get himself out of trouble in a hurry and be an all around headache for defenses. Plumlee would definitely give Auburn a dual threat option at QB. Given the signing of Nix though I expect Plumlee’s future at Auburn would be either at slot WR or safety. Ole Miss and Mississippi State are thought to be the teams to watch heading into this weekend. It will be interesting to see if the Tigers can make a strong late push for another elite Mississippi prospect.
3* DT LeDarrius Cox | 6’5” | 300 lbs | Mobile, AL | Tennessee Commit
For months now the thought has been that Cox would eventually land in Auburn’s class. Despite being committed to Tennessee, he’s 100% predicted to the Tigers via 247’s Crystal Ball feature. But as this recruitment has gone on the likelihood of that flip seems to have gone down. Publicly, Cox continues to say all the right things as a committed prospect but he’s set to make two huge visits in the coming weekend. This week its Auburn, next week its Ole Miss. If either of those programs plan on making a big move, now is the time.
Would Auburn take both Cox and 4* DL Charles Moore if they wanted on board? No idea outside of Moore 100% has a spot. VERY interested to see what news comes out on this young man after his visit this weekend.
3* OT Ira Henry | 6’5” | 320 lbs | St. Louis, MO
I’ve been waiting for some new OT names to pop up and yesterday one finally did. Henry has become one of the most sought after prospects on the trail late this cycle with Florida, Florida State and now Auburn hard after his signature. Henry took an official visit to the Gators this past weekend but its the Noles to keep an eye on. They have plenty of playing time to sell and Henry has considered FSU is “dream offer”.
Henry’s senior tape is not available but what you see on his junior film is a guy that can move despite his size and someone with A LOT of power in his punch. At times he can be a little overly reliant on the fact he’s just bigger and stronger than his opponent but I love how light on his feet he is at 320 lbs and his ability to finish. The Tigers need help at the OT spot for 2020 and beyond. Henry would sure help in that regard.
3* LB Christopher Russell | 6’1” | 228 lbs | Dyersburg, TN
Once a Memphis commit, Russell has become one of the top targets for a number of SEC programs. He’s already officially visited Texas A&M, will be on the Plains this weekend and has visits still scheduled for Arkansas and Tennessee later this month. The Hogs were thought to be the leaders in this race at one point but now it’s the Vols who have picked up the intensity after losing JUCO LB commit Lakia Henry.
Russell is a thumper and a clear MLB at the next level. While he doesn’t necessarily face the strongest of competition, he dominates like he should at that level. I have some questions about his speed but there’s no denying that inside the box he’s a force to be reckoned with. Auburn has made him a clear priority in recent weeks and will attempt to make a major move in his recruitment this weekend.
2* ATH Kameron Brown | 6’0” | 222 lbs | Buford, GA
I will be stunned if Brown is not on Auburn’s commit list by Monday morning. The younger brother of super star defensive tackle Derrick Brown, Kameron has spent most of his recruitment trying to convince schools to take a chance on him despite his size and slow 40 time. He finished second in the state of Georgia in tackles in 2018 with 205 and does carry two offers from strong FCS programs UT Chattanooga and Furman. But no FBS schools had come calling just yet.
Until now....
The Tigers offered Brown on January 8th just a few days before his older brother announced that he was returning to school. Interestingly, Auburn is reportedly recruiting him as an athlete. While he might get a shot at linebacker, his future might actually be at the 3-back (H-Back) position. If that’s the case, the future of that position continues to be confusing considering all the different type of athletes the Tigers have signed in recent seasons. That aside, Auburn would be getting a talented young man with a serious chip on his shoulder ready to prove his worth if he were to commit this weekend. Everyone that has spent time with the young man only have really positive things to say about his effort, attitude and leadership.
Curious Case of Dylan Jordan
One target that will not be on campus this weekend is 3* LB Dylan Jordan out of Pittsburg, KS. He recently became a top target for the Tigers and as late as Wednesday evening was expected to visit the Plains this weekend. But yesterday he surprised everyone by announcing he will instead take an official visit to TCU.
So it’s official, this weekend I’ll be taking an OV in Fort Worth pic.twitter.com/Ygp631MMu2
— DJ3️⃣ (@thedylanjordan_) January 17, 2019
Now the Horned Frogs were the originally scheduled destination before Auburn began their push but Jordan told numerous Auburn reporters he was going to the Plains instead. But the TCU staff visited him on Wednesday and apparently convinced him to go back to his original plans. Jordan has stated he wants to commit on January 28th in the past so the Tigers will need to scramble to get him on campus if they want to make a serious move in his recruitment. As of today, TCU and Utah appear to be the top schools to watch. But don’t expect Travis Williams to go down without a fight in this battle.
Interesting Early 2020 Note
Watching offers roll in over the past week for future classes, something interesting caught my eye. Auburn had offered two OTs from the state of Arizona. After some digging I found something interesting.
Interesting note on 2020 recruiting Auburn has already offered 5 players from Arizona in next year's class Auburn offered a total of 4 players in the 2013-2019 classes combined from Arizona Why the change? Dillingham grew up/coached in Arizona
— AUNerd (@AUSportsNerd) January 18, 2019
For those unfortunate folks who have Twitter blocked at their workplace, Auburn has offered 5 players in the 2020 class from the state of Arizona. They offered a total of 4 from 2013-2019 per 247’s “Offers” feature. The link? Auburn’s new offensive coordinator and QB coach Kenny Dillingham.
Auburn’s newest staff addition grew up in the state of Arizona, coached high school football there AND landed his first collegiate gig as a grad assistant for Mike Norvell at Arizona State. Pretty clear he has some connections in the area. In the 2019 class, we’ve seen the clear effect Marcus Woodson’s addition to the staff has had on the trail. All of a sudden Mississippi is a place Auburn can recruit again. Might Dillingham open up some options further west?
Maybe.... Arizona is a bit of a different beast than Mississippi but it’s still something interesting to monitor as we head into a new recruiting cycle. Whether anything materializes in these recruitments is still to be seen and I sure as heck ain’t expecting Auburn to open up a pipeline to the Copper State but I also wouldn’t be shocked if there’s someone a little further west is listed on Auburn’s signee list in 2020.
Tim Horton Impact
Earlier this week, DesertWeagle made the accurate observation in the comment section that we really haven’t talked much about the Tim Horton news on this site. Honestly, I haven’t had much of an opinion on it because I want to see how it plays out. Is he going to take Patrick Suddes old role and become the big picture/right hand man guy for Gus? Or is this Scott Fountain 2.0 and he pops up somewhere else as an on field coach. Neither move would surprise me and until Gus brings in a new RB coach it’s hard to really speculate on the impact moving forward.
However, I will say that Horton doesn’t get as much respect as he should as a recruiter. It’s not as simple as position coach gets all the guys for his position. Often times, it’s the area recruiter that lays the groundwork for top targets. Horton is a very big reason why Auburn has found success in the Tampa and Birmingham areas under Gus Malzahn. His biggest pull was obviously Kerryon Johnson but he played an important role for guys like Austin Troxell and Nate-Craig Myers as well. His biggest impact in the 2019 class was his work on recently tabbed 4* RB DJ Williams who might end up making Horton look REALLY good in a few years.
But I also understand the move. Horton is a solid, not elite recruiter and the RB coach spot is a place where you can find one of those. You see what someone like Dell McGee is doing at Georgia and it’s hard not to feel like the Tigers could get more from that position on the staff. It will be VERY interesting to see who Gus brings in to replace Horton. He will inherit a talented RB room and replace some big shoes when it at least comes to pedigree in producing elite backs in this league.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/1/18/18187784/2019-auburn-football-recruiting-another-busy-weekend-ahead-john-rhys-plumlee-kameron-brown
0 notes
arkingarts · 6 years
Updating... ... ...
It’s the end of another week and nearly the end of the first week in April! 
I feel like I’m so behind now, all of my goal dates are rushing up to meet me. I was hoping to reach my body goal by May 14th and I now have just over a month to get there. 
As for my costumes Mer-May will be my time to work on my Ariel costume but for budget reasons I might not actually have the finances to invest in making a new tail this summer. It’s not too expensive but since I’m so behind on all my other projects this one might end up biting the dust. 
As for my other costumes I actually have been productive in them, just not in the ways I thought I would. All of my embroidery for Joffrey is done, update pics coming soon I promise! I’ve also worked on producing the belt for that costume, the crown, and accessories. The crown is turning into quite the project piece requiring a lot of time and effort to sand down and make just right. I still need to make the scarlet undershirt and the laced faux leather pants for this costume which will find multiple use in two other costumes I have in the wings. 
Aegon Targaryen has been a slow going project despite being the first costume I produced. Missing from this piece yet is the embroidery designs that mirror Joffrey. I have this idea in my mind that the Lannisters emulate and heighten what the Targaryen dynasty did, a little obsession and jealousy fueling their style so imagine my Aegon will more subdued in design. Truly Aegon should look a bit more medieval compared if we’re talking costume periods but as it is I’m not making any big changes in my plans yet. Still the leather pants will be used again for this costume, and I have yet to produce the circlet and cape that will go hand in hand with this piece. I also need some pins and brooch accessories to finish it off. 
I’ve also finished a lot of my Harry Potter costume which means I’m just the robes away from finishing the look. Currently I have the glasses, wig (needs to be styled), wand, and some various accessories (golden snitch/potion bottles/broom). I like to think of the snitch as my sneak peak to a future Quidditch Seeker Harry costume in the far flung future. 
Lastly in my spare moments I’ve maintained some progress on Robin and Link. Link is by far the most intensive, requiring a near overhaul of the look but I’ve also been happy to discover that a lot of what I’m making transfers to three different costumes. First off my Twilight Princess Link needs braies yet, an undershirt, chainmail, and some belt accessories. Theres still the option for a new tunic but I’ve yet to delve into that. From there the braies will be used yet again in conjunction with my Wind Waker Link costume which will be making a reprise this summer for a photoshoot. This costume requires just a few things to complete it after that, and wouldn’t you know I just finished making a Wind Waker so it’s nearly done! Lastly Breath of the Wild Link actually wears trousers rather than braies, but the wig and props used in the others would transfer nicely to produce a third outfit. 
So my to do list over the next week is - - -
Finish the damn braies!!!!
Cut Potters Robes
Stitch the embroidery onto the doublet
Take photos. 
0 notes
Car insurance rate question?
"Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does a california speeding ticket and no insurance will cost?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
Can I call an auto adjuster for a quote and then not use them?
Car value (Kelley Blue Book) about $4200-4500 (just bought it a couple of months ago for $5K). Older car, low low mileage. Seriously excellent condition, fancy wheels, no similar cars close to the low mileage anywhere near $5K within a 200 mile radius. Body work $5K est from body shop. Do I bother calling insurance company to send an adjuster out, or should I just fix it myself and save the insurance cost hit because they will total it anyway? If an adjuster gives an estimate am I then bound by their decision, which seems as if it will be to total the car? If they look at it will they raise my insurance even if I fix it myself? I am not sure what to do!""
my sister is REALLY sick. she has a really bad cold and cough and not getting better! she doesn't have insurance or money to pay for a dr.'s visit. would anyone be able to help me help her find somewhere she can go to get checked? i live in orange county, california.""
Can I switch to another insurance company?
I currently have a life insurance, but I want to switch my life insurance to another insurance company. Can another insurance company finish all the process for me? Or I need to tell the insurance company that I am currently with that I want to leave. Thank you.""
Car insurance advice?
how much money will it cost to insure a 1.4 - 1.6 litre car? I'm 17 and this will be my first car. thanks
Does it cost more to get insurance for a motorcycle?
Will the price be even higher if its a new driver on a motorcycle?
Does anyone have health insuance?
I need help! I need health insurance and unable to get it due to my chron's diease. I live in Califorina and no one will help me because my husband and I make too much money (yeah right) I need some help on what to do please anyone
Do I need to change car insurance?
Right now Im going to school in tampa while my home town is about 2.5/3 hours away. Im currently residing in the dorms on campus but next semester (january) I was going to move into an apartment. I know Ill have to change my drivers license but will I have to change my car insurance policy too? I know one of my classmates did and it went up considerably because of the move to tampa.
How much is it for car insurance for a 16 yrs old in long island ny?
i am gonna be driving a ford station wagon 1989 escort
Would you accept a job working as an Insurance Call Center Agent?
The job entails helping senior citizens all over the country obtain affordable insurance solutions that cover their final expenses and medical bills. The work hours are Monday  ...show more
Why do people with bad credit have to pay more for car insurance?
I think insurance rates should be based on driving record. I know someone will say because of stastics I don't buy it, I think it is discrimination.""
Do I need a valid driver's license to have auto insurance?
I got pulled over by a cop the other day, and he asked for DL and insurance. I lost my DL along with my wallet months ago and I haven't had the time to go to DMV and re-take the test. Anyway, I showed my Texas ID and insurance and he said without a DL your insurance is not valid. They're pretty much just eating your money. So he gave me 3 citations: No DL, speeding, and no insurance. The ticket said if I had insurance at the time I got pulled over to show it to the payment window and it will be dismissed. I wanna know if I should do that or is the cop right and I'm completely done?!! Any good answers would help. BTW this was in LaPorte, Texas.""
Whats the average price of car insurance in manitoba?
thinking about moving, and would like to research and compare""
Unfair car insurance?
My car was very old but in excellent working order. It has been written off in an accident that was not my fault. The insurance company will only pay me what it's worth, about 150. To get a reasonable second hand replacement will cost much more than this, and I cannot afford it. So I now have no car and cannot afford a replacement. Over the last few years I've paid thousands for insurance. Can the company do this, i.e not pay for an equivalent replacement, but pay what they think it's worth.""
Can health insurance coverage be dropped for a single department in a company? (Pennsylvania)?
I currently live in PA and my employer has said they will drop health insurance for my department, but not another department in the same company. I did some research online to see if this is possible or not. I originally started this job with guaranteed benefits and now they are being taken away. I was reading somewhere online (unsure of credibility, website is as follows:http://employee-benefits.lawyers.com/Employee-Benefits/Employer-Workplace-Benefits-FAQs.html) that a company cannot take away a certain departments health benefits and retain another departments. Below is the Q&A question from the stated website above: Q: Is my employer required to provide health benefits? A: Employers are generally not required to provide any health benefits. Only the state of Hawaii requires employers in the private sector to cover employees who work over 20 hours per week. Union contracts may include provisions for insurance as part of the agreement. However, health care and other benefits such as life or disability insurance are generally offered by employer as a means of attracting and keeping their workforce. If an employer does provide health coverage, federal law requires the employer to provide Consolidated Omnibus Reconciliation Act (COBRA) to an employee who loses her job for any reason outside of gross misconduct the opportunity to maintain coverage up to 18 months at her own expense. This applies to companies with 20 or more employees. Some states also have laws with similar protections for employees who work for companies with less than 20 employees. Generally, it's not illegal to provide health benefits only to some classes of employees (for example, only to full-time employees but not to part-time employees). But once the eligible classes are established, an employer cannot withhold insurance from some members of the class while offering it to others. The employer can require employees to follow the rules of the plan, which may require an employee to fulfill a waiting period or wait for an open enrollment period before joining. An employer can usually change, or even eliminate, a health plan, but must follow the rules and guidelines of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). I understand they cannot choose and select who receives and who does not (I interpreted this as discriminating between employees). I do not know health legislature very well, and if anyone could provide some information it would be very appreciated. As for me, I am going to try and find more information out about this. Thank you.""
Liability car insurance?
I need to know some good places to get liability car insurance for a good price
Boss mustang & insurance?
here's the thing. im 16 and live in VA. im saving up to get my dream car, a 1971 boss mustang. ive had my permit and hopefully about to get my license next month. everything would be perfect if it wasn't for the insurance price. are there any discounts that are available that would help out a lot? and does it cost anything if i just get my license and for now not drive? if so around how much? thanks a bunch in advance""
""I'm 15, pregnant, and have NO insurance?""
I don't qualify for medicare. My parents make to much, can anyone give me any ideas of what I can do for insurance? Please, No hateful comments. I'm really being serious here.""
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old boy with just 1 month of obtaining a full uk driving?
license my budget for the car is 500-2000 for my first car im going to be looking at getting insured under a parents name with over 20 years of driving experience but they dont want to put no claims down on my insurance so i will be a additional driver. Please give me a big list of cars you suggest within my budget to purchase a car for 500-2000 pounds as i dont have a car yet and need a cheap one for a run around and i need cheap insurance. the insurance has to cost 2500 maximum for the cars you suggest
Is there a car insurance company which specialises in please answer?
stupid question at this moment in time i think with car insurance company's not insuring young drivers but is there a company which specialises in insuring young drivers on nice cars or just specialises in insuring nice cars thanks ??
NJ private health insurance.Which health insurance company is best?
My spouse has health insurance.To add me on would cost over $900 monthly.Which health insurance company gives the lowest cost coverage in new jersey? I am self-employed .We have no children.We are in our 50's.
Is there a cheap auto insurance i can get while i have my learners permit?
Its like you have to have insurance to buy a car, but you have to have the car to take the drivers test. So im really confused, and i need to know if theres protection for me while i have my learners permit?""
About how much do you think insurance would be for a teen for state farm?
the car would be anywhere between from 1997 and 2002. I'm 16, a girl, had drivers ed, and have grades that qualify for the good grade discount, and am going to get my license soon. im looking at cars and want to know how much it would cost for insurance...do you have any idea how much it would cost?""
Can I drive a car and get it insured in my parents name?
I'm thinking of buying a car as soon as I pass my driving test next month and I heard that car insurance for a 20 year old is really expensive so I was wondering if I was able to ...show more
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
What is the cheapest car insurance in queens ny?
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
I've been taken off my parent's car insurance policy. What do I do now?
I am 17 and I recently got into a serious car accident where my car was totaled. I got kicked out of my parent's car insurance policy because of this. My parents said that no insurance company is going to sell to me because I was in a serious accident while I was a minor. What should I do if I want to drive again? I can't drive a car without insurance.
What is the cheapest car for car insurance?
I'm looking at buying a car, but I want one with really cheap insurance. I'm 17 so I know it will be pricey, but what is the best car that will keep my insurance low?""
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
How do I get health insurance if im 17 and not living in the same state as my parents?
Im a 17 year old male and im moving from Georgia to California. I need health insurance and im trying to figure out if I can stay on my parents health insurance until im 21 or do I have to get something else? please help
Car insurance?
My husband and I are planning on getting a new car and we're looking through auto-trader.com and finding a lot of good cars but is there a website you can go to to calculate how much the insurance of each car to help us narrow our decision down?
How much should i get for insurance repairs?
I have a 98 pontiac grand prix gtp and it was keyed all over every part of the car. The side mirror was broke off. The key marks are all the way down to primer. My deductable is 200. How much should i expect to get to cover the damages?
How much on average would car insurance in Calgary be for a minor?
(Never been in an accident, never received a ticket of any kind.)""
Can parents get sued if I drive a car without insurance?
My mom tried to tell me that if I drive without insurance they would be sued because I live with them. I am 19 so I am a legal adult. The car is also in my name only. I think she was just talking out her *** personally, but now I am curious if that is even possible. Whatsoever.""
Bmw insurance?
im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?""
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
Which insurance companies will let me drive other cars whilst fully comp at 21?
""I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
State farm car insurance question?
My bf was in an accident recently where he was rear ended at a stop light. The other driver was ticketed and no one is contesting the fact that the other driver is at fault. My bf decided to go through the other driver's insurance (state farm) rather than his own so that he wouldn't have to pay a deductible. He needs about $600 worth of body work done. After going through all the hoops, he was told to take the car to a local body shop & that he would be approved for a rental car while it was being repaired. Today, he took the car to the shop, but they told him they won't take it until March 21st (about 3 weeks from now). Until then, they expect him to drive his DAMAGED car. He drives long distances pretty frequently (usually visits me an hour and a half away every week or two) and neither of us are comfortable with the idea of him getting on the interstate in a damaged car. What recourse does he have in this situation? It seems pretty unfair that the accident was someone else's fault entirely and he is going to be stuck waiting almost a month to be put whole again :( I suggested that he call state farm and let them know that he's not satisfied with their solution, but he doesn't think it will get him anywhere. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Thoughts in general?""
Help with car insurance?
If my friend financed the car I wanted for me would he have to be the policy holder of the insurance and list me as the main driver. If so, would the monthly payment be based off of me only and not my friend right? Or would he have to also pay for insurance ?""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
""Car Insurance, including APR?""
So, im looking for car insurance and I found the cheapest one for me. 'A deposit of 70.00 payable by credit or debit card followed by 10 monthly instalments by Direct Debit of 55.90. Total payable is 629.00 including APR of 29.6%.' What does it mean including APR of 29.6% That I will have to pay an extra 29.6%. Its my 3rd year driving and I've never seen this before.""
How can i get health insurance?
I'm no longer on my father's insurance plan which he gets from his job. I'm not working right now and I'm not in school either. I'm going to have to go to the dentist soon for a check up, to get a chipped tooth fixed and maybe to get invisaline. I also have to go to an opthomalagist because i'm considering contacts again, either contacts or prescription sunglasses. And I'm gonna have to go to the doctor at some point. I know all of that will cost a hell of a lot of money without insurance. I can't afford to pay for that. Is there a way I can pay for insurance that will cover dental, eye doctors and a regular physician without having a job with insurance benefits? How much would I be expected to pay? Is it monthly? Would there be a copay? Thanks for any help you can give me.""
Can you buy multiple life insurance policies?
If one had a whole life insurance policy valued at $1M, and through a life settlement company sold it for $455K; could you essentially use those same funds to purchase another life insurance such as a universal life insurance policy for $1M?""
Cheapest Car Insurance in the UK ?
WHere can i find the cheapest car insurance in the UK for a 25 yr Old lad, with Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI LX yr 2002/02. Living in the Coventry Area""
How much do you pay for car insurance ? meow!?
tell me what type of car you drive its engine what type of fuel it burns size your age country male or female and what type of licence you have....full licence or provisional licence meow! thank you in advance for your time meow! meow!!
Paying a full year of homeowners insurance up front out of pocket?
I'm closing next week on my first house and the mortgage guy just informed me that i have to pre pay a full yr of homeowner insurance up front out of pocket. Others are telling me that this is usually included in the closing costs. In my case the owners are paying all closing costs. This was never disclosed to me and now I have to come up with an additional $1,000 that could have went towards new appliances that the home needs. Anyone else have any idea if I can include in the closing costs?""
In case of an accident where someone in a motorcycle is badly hurt will liability insurance cover?
Say there is an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. The person in the motorcycle is badly injured how much will liability insurance cover? The insurance would be from the person responsalbe for the accident this case the person in the car. Would there be a big difference if you have full cover isurance?
Is their insurance for pregnant women?
Hi, I am about 30 weeks pregnant and very scared. I do not have ins at this time. I had a ppo a few months ago that did not cover anything! My bf (ridiculous we were not married) of 11 years just walked out on me and the kids for his selfish reasons. So he is no help besides paying the mortgage. Im not trying to get free insurance, I just need some help on what affordable insurance there are if any that will pick me up. I pay for my visits but im running low on cash. I am on bed rest for incompetent cervix and I am losing it trying to figure ways. I return to work 6 weeks after I have the little one but for now I have no job! Im at lost. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I can pay monthly's but I know that delivery bill is gonna kick me in the butt. I just want to have a little security...""
Cheap auto insurance in maryland ?
i bough a 1993 honda civic and i need insurance before i can go pick it up which is gonna be on sat wats the lowest rate im 19 with a full dl never been stopped or gotten a ticket im looking only for liability not full covered
Cheapest full coverage car insurance for an 18 year old?
i'm eighteen years old and im about to get my first car. i think im going to work all summer and just save up so by the end of the summer ill either have enough to fully buy a car or have enough to make payments. my mom said i have to get full coverage insurance. what is the cheapest insurance i can get. and what is a quote?
Where can I find cheap car insurance for my BMW 7 Series car?
Hi. I just bought a BMW 135i Convertible. Where can I find cheap car insurance for this car? I've checked the major ones like Geico but the quotes they list out are pretty expensive in my opinion.
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
What would I pay for car insurance?
I was thinking of buying a car. How much would I pay for insurance each year? I'm 22, male, white, currently no driver's license, expired G2, never been in an accident. Born and living in Ontario. The car would be a clunker; $900 for an old Oldsmobile. Originally painted blue.""
What is the average price of teen insurance?
What is the average price of teen insurance?
Financing a new car and with no insurance?
could I finance a new car then have it sit in my drive way with no plates or registration to avoid paying for insurance ontill I pay the car off
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
What do i do with the car insurance?
if my car insurance expires pretty soon but im leaving to mexico for a while do i still need to have the car insured even if its jus going to be parked?? or do i still need to have it insured?
How much does it cost to put myself on car insurance ?
I'm an 18 year old male. I drive a red 2009 jetta sport. How much do I have to pay to put myself on the the car insurance. And how much will I pay monthly ? Oh an btw. I just got the car yesterday and I'm trying to get State Farm. Thank you!
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
Life/health insurance questions?
Can self injurers be denied life insurance/health insurance or have increased rates because of it?
I need cheap car insurance in New York City?
I need cheap (FULL) coverage for a financed vehicle in the NEw York Area...I've tried the popular sites...any leads?
How Much is Insurance/Tax For Fiat Cinquecento?
hello , I am pondering around for a first car and i have come across a nice little beginners one , I am not driving yet , but i do plan on getting this fiat , i was just wondering how much is tax for the car (Per year) and how much would it cost to insure a beginner in Ireland , thanks for any help!""
Does anyone know where I can find auto insurance to cover car parts?
I need new tires and brakes, and rather than paying for them I want to get insurance so all I'll have to pay is the deductible. Please help. Thanks.""
Think of buying a catagory D car which is an insurance write off?
I have just been to view a 2005 Nissan Micra with 13100 on the clock the car had a crush which damage the tail gate and the bumper both have been replaced to a high standard. The car would be worth 5000 but is selling for 2200. Everything seems good at 1st glance but i am concerned about insurance and weather or not it's a good ideal to take the gamble. The seller showd me the before and after pictures of the car and it seemed to fit wot he was saying. He also has a valied MOT which is a month old I don't plan on selling the car if i buy it. How much damage can a knock do to the front of the vehicle or any of the important parts? Please can someone advise wot the best thing would be to do?
Paying my car insurance off early?
I have the cash to do so. And i only owe about 200 cause i already paid 2 months off early. But im jw when the next bill will be so i dont have to worry about. If it helps any i have the general car insurance they are local so idk if itll help lol
Is it legal to have two health insurances?
I am currently under my parents' insurance, however nobody accepts it where I am staying for the summer. At the end of august, I am going to be going back to college and they have a student heallth insurance that is accepted anywhere in the world. I want to get this insurance and stay on my parents' insurance because my parents' insurance has more benefits and I have a condition with my teeth that is very expensive to treat and my parents' insurance covers it completely. I doubt my schools insurance would do that. I just want to be able to be treated while I am in school where the area doesn't accept my current insurance. Is it legal for me to have my student insurance as well as my parents' insurance?""
What type of term life insurance to get?
I am a 23 year old male that has type II diabetes. I have around $40,000 worth of debt from student loans, and I'm going to be getting married in a year. My parents currently ...show more""
How to become a GEICO auto insurance agent in california?
i've been doin alot of research to find this info but they all just have the positive characterisitics of the job. they all just say y i shud become one, not how i cud become one. all i want to know is HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE AND HOW MUCH DOES IT COST to become a GEICO auto insurance agent in california. and where shud i go to learn how? if there's a site that lists all the requirements and such, plz send me the link! of not, that's ok""
Approximate Car Insurance Cost for 2005 Audi A4 Sedan for 16 Year Old Male in New York?
I want to buy a 2005 Audi A4 but was wondering about how much the insurance would cost? I am 16 years old and a male, living in New York. Thanks.""
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
What Insurance is the cheapest for teenagers in texas?
What's the best site for Cheap Car Insurance?
Besides progressive and esurance... Anyone know of a better site or sites regarding Cheap Car Insurance Online? I just got my first car, it's got a salvage title so I'm choosing a one-way liability. I'm still in H.S. with a part time job, so it would really help if you guys can help point me in the right direction to a site that's cheap and affordable on a minimum wage budget. Thanks ya.""
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
Cheap Health Insurance In New York State for single adult?
Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income?
Were can you get cheap car insurance?
i am 17 years old. i have ford kA and i am trying to look for cheap insurance cn any one help? xx
Does it cost money on my dad's insurance just getting a driver's license?
Best health insurance to take?
i want to take the best health insurance suggest me
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
Health insurance for families of disabled vets?
I am a 50% disabled Vet living near Dallas, Tx. I have been unable to find a job that offers health insurance, as of yet. I know I can go to the VA for free, whenever I need to. I need to find some sort of insurance for my wife. We are planning children, but I don't want to pay all of those doctor bills out of pocket. My wife is self employed, so there's no way of her getting it through work. Does anyone know of a Veterans group health insurance plan or anything like that? I have searched all over the internet with little success. T Thanks for any info.""
Where can I get babysitting insurance in the UK?
I have scoured the internet but keep being told they won't give me babysitting insurance unless I am a registered childminder. Help please?
How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?
I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.
What is the best company to buy term life insurance?
I'm trying to find a company to purchase term life insurance. I want a good brand and not some scam. Thanks to anyone that replies.
Where can i buy salvaged/broken cars or trucks from insurance companies for cheap?
i am thinking to start a business of exporting cars to third world countries. i see potential but i am looking for cheap and nice cars. i already have a mechanic, already have agents and know how to ship. i am thinking i should find potential markets here that i can buy for cheap. my main target is older semi trucks and some models of sedans here. any help ?""
Do i need insurance to hire 16yr old to work on my farm?
My son wants to work on a horse farm, we have been asked to sign a release by his employer , saying he will not be held responsible if anything happens to him under his employment.. is this legal?""
""What can i do? i am a 20yr old male, living in southern california with no job or insurance?""
i went to the hospital a couple days ago for chest pain, ended up being fine. i got the bill today for 15,000 dollars. like i said i have no insurance or job and currently living with a friend. i do side jobs to pay a little rent and for food. do i qualify for medi cal or CSM? i move from friend to friends house. parents live back in Illinois i have only a brother that lives out here. is their anything i can do to get this bill to go away? i also have no car or own anything of significant value.. no bank accounts.""
""What would car insurance cost for a 21 year old female in Tampa, FL?""
I'm planning on buying a Scion FRS and I'm just trying to make an estimate of what my car insurance is going to cost. I plan on getting full coverage. I'd like an estimate of what I'm going to be paying, also it would be nice if I knew what the best car insurance companies to go with are. It's difficult for me to get a quote online because the FRS isn't registered with any insurance companies yet.""
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
How does auto insurance work? is it cheaper if a buy new car or an old one?
What is a cheap auto insurance for a 20yr old male student?
What is a cheap auto insurance company for a college student 20yr old male, good grades""
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old female in south carolina?
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old female in south carolina?
Affordable car insurance/ college student. please answer =]?
hey everyone! i am looking for some car insurance! like... the most affordable i can find... for a 98 nissan. i am 18 years old, no accidents or tickets. and im a broke college student soooooo the cheaper the better, and just liability is fine. any suggestions? good/bad experiences? thank you!!""
Is Van insurance cheaper than car insurance Eg A fiesta car or van same spec?
Is Van insurance cheaper than car insurance Eg A fiesta car or van same spec?
I need to know about car insurance plz!!?
Recently my car was involved in a wreck but it was the others party fault in which they admitted to... My question is if I wasn't present when my car was wrecked such that it happened while someone else was driving my car, will his insurance still face responsibility of his actions for my car?""
Need help buying and insuring a motorcycle.?
I am trying to buy and insure a motorcycle without my parents knowing. I am 21 years old and have moved out of my parents house. I have my own car and my own job, but my car is still insured through my parents' insurance. Is there any way I can start my own insurance plan, without my parents knowing, to get motorcycle insurance? Or would motorcycle insurance have to be tied back to the same insurance that covers my car (through my parents). What kind of monthly rates would that cost me? (I'm a 21 year old male living in Nebraska) Any and all help and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
Any one know about car insurance for teenage driver in north carolina?
so im going to be driving soon and i will need to get insured. does anyone know how much this will cost if i live in north carolina? by the way, i dont know what car im getting...im looking. ;] so it would be helpful if you could give me a range for different types of cars. oh yeah, and sources would be nice. =] thanks a bunch!""
What would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance?
what would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance ? and there was no help from god?
Do you have good Car Insurance Rates?
I was just wondering if anyone out there had advice for some good car insurance rates or coverage? I found this guy who talked about car insurance coverage that was based on your driving behavior... unfortunately I don't live in the area... http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you have any suggestions for a car insurance company that has good rates?
What is the approx cost of car insurance ( group 18) for a teen driver? UK?
What is the approx cost of car insurance ( group 18) for a teen driver? UK?
Insurance payments on a car?
Okay so to start off i am 16 as of today. I will get my permit today and in one year I will turn 17. I will then have my license. So when I turn 17 i will be able to buy my own car with a $5000 down payment with the choice of a car. But here is where I am stuck. I do not know too much on information on car insurance. I know that I will be under my parents policy from here until I am 17. Lets say that there is 5 of us under this car insurance, no one has a separate policy, all under one umbrella. What happens when I buy a car, I get insured with a new car, my own car, and still under the policy things with my family. How much is it going to be per month? Can you average it? Here is a list of cars I will choose from, and if you can, provide estimated prices per month I will have to pay. - (2008-2010) BMW 3 Series Sedan (No mods or extra horsepower, plain performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda RX-8 Coupe (same, no mods or any fancy performance stuff) - (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or MazdaSpeed3 (sedan) - (2008-2011) Volkswagen Jetta (sedan) - (2008-2011) Subaru Impreza (hatchback) Also I am an A-B student with an above 3.5 GPA Also I will take a drivers ed course at school""
Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?
Where can I purchase an affordable individual health insurance policy?
OMG my insurance is over 3 grand and that was the cheapest?
has anyone got a dd or driving with no license or insurance and then got a license ??? who did you insure with? i cant pay them prices!!!!hellllp.........
How much is Motorcycle insurance for a 16-17 year old?
I talked to geico and they told me that it would cost about $800 a year for insurance for only 1000 miles. Is this the case for most insurances? I have good grades and i am required to take a safety course before i get my motorcycle permit (i dont know if these will give me discounts though). I drive a 2006 Kawasaki klr 650. Thanks
Cheapest insurance company for a young driver without the blackbox?
i want to get a car but i dont want to pay 3grand with the black box. any other cheap insurance companies which insure young drivers with pass plus. thank you
Car insurance rate question?
If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?
0 notes
themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
How Journaling Practices Have Helped My Financial Situation
Ive mentioned often on The Simple Dollar how journaling is a daily practice for me and has been off and on (but mostly on) since middle school in various forms. At times, its taken the form of simply cataloguing my day; at other times, Ive written in response to various prompts; today, its completely different (and Ill write about that in a bit). In any case, writing in my journal simply put, getting thoughts out of my head down on paper is something that is a daily part of my life. Why have I kept up with it for so long? How has it helped me in any way thats made it worth the time investment? And what does that practice look like? Thats what I want to share today. Lets start with the why. The Benefits of Journaling, Financial and Otherwise I keep up with a daily journaling practice for a lot of reasons. First of all, it feels like a mental relief to do it because it quiets the monologue in my head. Along with meditation, its one of the two most effective routine things Ive found in my life for getting the constantly chattering voice in my head to quiet down a little. That voice is constantly going over things I need to do, things Im thinking about or worried about, my upcoming plans, some problem Im interested in, and all kinds of other stray thoughts. That constant stream of thought is distracting. I find that dumping some of that stream of thought down on paper quiets that distracting voice pretty well, at least for a while. Ive found that one big burst of writing in my journal at the start of the day coupled with having a pocket notebook on me at all times to jot down other stray thoughts throughout the day keeps that voice a lot quieter and a lot less distracting. Second, I use it to work through challenging problems in my life that Im not quite sure how to solve. When I observe something I dont like in my life, my mind often worries on that problem without ever really coming to a good conclusion on it. Ill think about that problem over and over, but at best my idle thoughts will come up with really half-baked solutions. When I sit down and journal and dump that problem out on paper, I find that I almost always work toward an actual good solution to the problem (or problems) in my head. By writing out the problem as I see it, I usually get some better insight into whats really going on, and then as I write down that insight, more pop up, and eventually I lead myself to the real source of the problem and perhaps a start down the path to a good solution. This applies very well to personal finance. For example, it was writing in my journal that really helped me piece together that something was wrong with my financial life and gradually led me to the decision to make some major changes. It has helped me figure out what things in my life were frivolous expenses and which ones were not. It has helped me to identify situations where I was spending money nonsensically as an emotional response to some other situation in my life. Third, its helped me to understand complex ideas by taking a bunch of swirling bits and pieces Ive learned recently and didnt fully understand and combine them into something meaningful and comprehensible and useful. Many of my journal entries have originated from my thinking about something I read recently or experienced recently that I didnt quite understand, and by simply spelling it all out piece by piece, the idea came together for me. I used to do this a lot when I was in college, but I still do it quite frequently when Im reading something or when Ive had a difficult interaction with someone. For example, it was this practice that really helped me to understand investing and how index funds work and helped me decide that I should put as much of our investment money as possible into index funds. The ideas made sense on their own, but it was assembling the ideas and relating them to our own situation, which I did over a bunch of journaling sessions, that locked our retirement planning into place. I did the same thing when we were shopping for a home. Many of my entries during the months in which we were house shopping were oriented around figuring out how the house buying process worked, how mortgages worked, and so on. This actually leads well into my next point. Journaling has helped me come to a firm conclusion when there were a lot of options on the table. Often, decision making comes down to being able to filter through a lot of options, figure out which elements matter the most, and choose from those options based on that. Journaling has helped me with every piece of that process for many different major decisions in my life. As I noted earlier, journaling was essential in our home buying process. I wrote down extensive thoughts on each home we visited, the relative merits and drawbacks of each, and what each would look like financially. My journaling process helped Sarah and I choose a home that we could afford that met our needs, a home we still live in. Its helped me decide between investment options. Its helped me make career choices when I had several options on the table at a few points in my life. Simply writing through each of the options, figuring out what was good and bad about each one, and then coming to a clear decision not only helped me make a great decision at each of those crossroads, it also helped clear my head of constant worrying and constant thoughts on the subject. So, how exactly do I do this? What does my journaling practice look like? My Own Journaling Practice Ive used a number of practices over the years, but the one Ive used for the last few years, with a few tweaks, has been a small variation on the three morning pages journaling practice first popularized by Julia Cameron. In Camerons original practice, she simply suggested that a person sit down with a blank journal and start writing, filling up three pages in a journal with their writing before stopping for the day. Write about whatevers on your mind if its on your mind, just write it down, no matter how inane or pointless it seems. It gets that thought out of your head and makes space for whatevers next. Some days, everything is inane, and thats fine. Other days, youre working through some very difficult things, and thats fine, too. The goal is to empty that junk out of your head so you can get clean start to your day. I tried doing this exact thing for a while, but I ran into a number of small problems with it. The biggest one was that my handwriting is small and the pages in my journal are big. I tend to journal by writing in block capital letters it just feels the most comfortable to me and the writing is pretty small. Most of my journals are either full size pages or close to it. Thus, it can take a long time to simply fill up a page with words, even if Im writing as fast as I can. So, I modified the practice to what I call 45 morning minutes. I just set a timer for 45 minutes, sit down with my journal, open to the next blank page (or partial page), and start writing. When the timer goes off, I keep going until theres a clear break in thought and then I write a big double line across the page indicating the end of the day, and Im done. Journaling with a strict time limit keeps it within a reasonable time frame for me and makes it easy to schedule. Obviously, I do this in the morning, usually before anyone else is awake. I find that doing this early in the day is really effective at quieting down that internal monologue that distracts me with chatter and ideas throughout the day. Id rather have it quiet in the mornings and afternoons so that I can get focused work done. So, thats another big part of the equation for me: journaling in the morning quiets my internal monologue so that I can focus better during the work day. After I finish, I usually read back through my entry over the course of a few minutes, mostly to extract things that I need to get done in the near future. Are there any actionable items that I thought about or generated during that journaling? If so, I move them to my to-do list manager or to my calendar so I can find them later on in the day when Im actually doing stuff. Again, another key point: journaling often generates specific actions I need to work on or things I need to take care of, so I transfer those out to a to-do list. After that, I just close my journal and go about my day. There are a few obvious questions that come about from that description, so let me address them right now. I read old entries, but nothing older than a few months. After four or five months, the old entries start to read like they were written by another person living another life. Its familiar in the way that a distant memory is familiar, but it doesnt feel like me any more. When journal entries reach that point, then there isnt really any value to them any more, at least not for me. The method of journaling I use is not really a record of what I did each day, so once the entries arent fresh, I dont find any personal value in them. Ive changed enough as a person that the situations and solutions I wrote about in old journals no longer apply specifically to new situations. I havent actively read journal entries more than a few months old in a long time, and every time I happen to see one, I really dont care to read it. There are a few reasons for this, but most of it boils down to the fact that my journals reflect my active thinking at that moment, but when that moment fades away, theres not much value there. Its not a record of my life, but an outpouring of my current thought. There are some specific reasons, too. I am often deeply critical of myself, something that doesnt need to be re-read and dwelled upon. I sometimes tear myself to shreds when Im writing a journal entry. Im extremely critical of my flaws and mistakes, and while that can be good in the moment when Im assessing a situation or setting out a goal, it doesnt do me any good to read it later or for someone else to read it. I am sometimes honestly critical of my children in a way that I wouldnt want them to read; I do this not to be cruel, but to figure out how to be a good parent to them. It does not make me a good parent to pretend that my children are perfect and flawless. Rather, one of the best things I can do as a parent is to honestly assess their good features and their flaws and take those into account when I figure out how to communicate well with them and guide them toward good decision making practices, life ambitions, and things of that nature. For example, I might write down that one of my children is extremely conscientious of others but is sometimes excessively boastful, or I might write that another child is richly thoughtful but very quick to frustration and anger. (Obviously, these arent actual observations and are quite sanitized to boot, just examples so you understand what I mean.) Those arent thoughts that I want them to read, or anyone else to read. The same is true for my wife and my role as a husband and, occasionally, some of my friends and my role as their friend. I do similar evaluations of my wife at times. In what ways is she amazing? In what ways can I complement her with my strengths? In what ways does she complement my own weaknesses? How can I help out in areas where shes not as strong? Im sure shes glad that I think about such things and consider how to be a better husband, but I dont think even she would want to actually read such thoughts. The same thing is true if I assess a friend, particularly if theyre asking me for some life advice. I want to give the best advice I can to them, and that sometimes means being critical, and sometimes those words find their way into my journals. Thus, I dont save old journals, at least not anything older than my most recent one. I keep my current journal and my previous one in a secure place where they cant easily be found. My current journal is easy for me to grab in the mornings, but its not in a place where it would likely be found. When my current journal is full, I destroy the previous journal after I read through it again. For a while, I was keeping digital copies of my old journals, but I found that I was never looking at them, didnt really want to ever look at them, and didnt want anyone else to find them, so I stopped doing this. The downside to others finding those thoughts was worth more than the upside of any potential limited use I might have for them in the future. The policy of destroying the journals and keeping the current one secure lets me be more unguarded with my journaling. Given that I know my journals wont be around for posterity, I feel more comfortable just letting my thoughts fly on the page. I dont worry about who might read them or how they might appear for posterity. At worst, the most recent journal or two might be found, and that doesnt worry me too much. I usually start off each journal with a note saying that this is a collection of my unguarded thoughts as I worked through personal decisions and I would appreciate that the journal would be destroyed upon discovery if I were to pass. I vastly prefer handwritten journaling, but I may switch to using a stylus and writing on a table in the future as those technologies improve; writing by hand provides a clarity of thought that typing doesnt quite provide for me. For me, typing is conducive to rapidly recording ideas, but the process doesnt allow me any space to think about them. If I want to explore my thoughts, consider things, and actually remember them, I write things out by hand. This is true for journaling, but its also true for taking notes at meetings, taking notes when Im reading, taking notes during a lecture, and so on. I write all of those notes by hand and, if theres potential value that I might get out of them later, I convert them to digital format. I feel like taking notes with an Apple Pencil on an iPad is 90% of the way to where I want a stylus to be, but its not all the way there yet. When its perfect, writing thoughts down on a tablet using a stylus will be the best way to journal and take notes because it offers the advantages of both writing by hand and digital notes, but for now, its not quite there yet, and given a choice between the two, the thoughtfulness and retention of writing by hand outweighs typing out journal entries for me. I use Leuchtturm 1917 journals and either Uniball Signo 207, Pilot G2, or Pilot Juice pens. The journal isnt a requirement Ive used all kinds of different things over the years but I really like the size and the binding and paper quality of that specific journal. One of those usually lasts about two and a half months for my journaling purposes. As for the pens, I really only have three requirements for a pen: it needs to write when I want it without a lot of futzing around, it needs to have a thin line and not bleed all over the page or make a mess, and it needs to not leak in my pocket. The pens listed up there pass those tests with flying colors. I can get weeks and weeks out of writing with just one of them and it costs less than a dollar, which is good enough for me. Id rather spend $0.75 on a pen that will write for weeks without fail and not make a mess or leak than a $0.25 pen or a freebie that will need a bunch of waving around or tinkering when I want it to write, leave a ton of messy ink on the page, and inevitably leave a big blotch of ink on the paper or in my pocket. Final Thoughts Spending some time each day journaling simply writing my thoughts down on paper not only helps me piece through the problems in my life and ideas in my head, it also helps clear my mind and make it easier to focus on the tasks of the day because it quiets the voice in my head that would otherwise keep running through those problems and ideas. It has helped me not only figure out a bunch of financial and professional problems, its also helped keep my mind focused when actually doing work to earn an income. I find that my 45 morning minutes practice works extremely well for me, but there are many practices out there that range from simply listing the events of the day, writing what youre grateful for, brainstorming, and many other things. I highly recommend trying several practices until you find one that works well for you and then stick with it for a while. You might just find that it becomes an essential part of your life toolbox. Good luck! https://www.thesimpledollar.com/how-journaling-practices-have-helped-my-financial-situation/
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