#theres a reason he never gets much of a redesign lol hes perfect
cryptidjeepers · 1 year
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my redesign of Shaggy for my university au! He’s a 21 year old student at the Coolsville College studying culinary arts! He met his best friend, Daphne, on campus. They both share bff necklaces <3 Daphne’s the one that ends up introducing him to Velma and Fred (students at the Coolsville University, where Daphne also works).
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pwnyta · 2 years
(Same redesign anon) YES! Lemon looks so lanky and that doesn't do him any justice, I really like him but I wish he stand a bit straight y'know? Whipped cream looks good tho I think the way he stands fits his design and personality. As for the Dino...idk but he looks like a mess to me :( his hair and pants and the way he stands...idk. he's a great character but my god pls give him a nice standing rig.
Also im quite surprised that YOU LIKE PEACH OMGGGG! She is my absolute favorite character and it saddens me that nobody talks abt how cute she is! She reminds me of pucca as well and that reason made me just love her 1000 times more.
Also thank you for loving cotton candy and rye. My respect for you just 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Quite surprised that you like pomegranate. I thought you would hate her bc of what she did to DC (I would never forgive her just bc of that)
I didn't expect you to hate avocados design tho. Is it bc of her face? It's a bit silly yes but it fits her :(
I also agree abt earl grey,eclair and rogueforts design. to me it feels like they made 1 main design and split that into 3 lol they looks so similar
Also I agree everything you said about cocoa bc YES! She has such an adorable and design and for what. being a coca addict? She keeps saying cocoa on all of her lines like...girl I get It you have an addiction lol.dunno how mint choco stands her
ALSO IT FEELS SO GOOD THAT I FOUND SOMEONE WHO HATES ICE JUGGLER , STRAWBERRY CREPE AND ROCKSTAR AS WELL OMG I NEVER FELST SO UNDERSTOOD. when I saw ice juggler it was basically hate at first sight.i thought I would like him through his story but no. He's was an asshole to banana! Annoying ass ability. Garbage ass personality. And ugly ass design.just GTFO my eyesight! Same with SC as well bc HOW CAN U BE AN ASSHOLE TO SOMEBODY LIKE STRAWBERRY! She is an angel who's trying her best D':<no nope no no no no! jail!
Yeah I guess Dinos standing sprite looks pretty awkward, I see what youre saying and maybe his overall design would work better if his pants were torn at the bottom similarlly to Werewolf since hes this little wild man... but they kinda explained away his neatness by giving him an older sister who makes his clothes LOL.
I love Peach! I love a Journey to the West reference and shes clearly Momo(Peach) and Sun Woo Kong which is super cute! Also the way she runs is so funny, her attack animations are great... theres also a loading screen where she says 'I can do this with my eyes closed!' but right before the screen changes she peaks one eye open and its just so fucking cute.
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and god that costume...
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Her beach costume is great too but LOOK AT THAT (Plums matching costumes are also perfect). So fucking good. Peach is a wacky cheeky little monkey and I adore her.
CC is baby and Rye is just cool. Its hard not to like her.
I have a love-hate relationship with Pomegranate, I spent so much time before Kingdom, loving her and then that scene where its shown that she is the one who manipulates Dark Choco just... but shes so gorgeous- the bitch and her loyalty to DE is also something I like... but she does this to my boy.... UGH.... Look I love her but if she died I wouldnt be mad about it (unless it was a lame death). Thats the vibe with her. I love her.... but also I hate her.
Its everything BUT her base, like her body/face are fine theres a lot of character there... its her outfit... or something IDK I LIKE Avocado I just never liked her design. Even alt reality Avo had a slightly better design even though it sorta saps out Avos personality. Avo also has a slide ability... which I hate so much although hers is a bit more fun than most.
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Yeah I mean technically they dont look bad but the fact the three are so similar makes them stand out less and Roguefort is always gonna be the best of the three because they were first.
Mint Choco used to be in my top favs because I liked his vibe and his backstory that he was a street performer that made it. It was interesting but now hes mostly just Cocoas boyfriend... so I like him less because of it.
LMAO YEAH I remember when Juggler was first shown and everyone thought hed be like a precious shy baby but then he just turned out to be a fucking dick which was funny... but not likable.
Crepes design I actually kind of like but again with the shitty personality and nobody fucks with my baby girl.
Similarly Rockstar... except his design is trash but also hes a dick to DJ... and I wont tolerate DJ slander.
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