#theres kpop and ambient and prog-rock and new wave and rnb...yeah
michiruze · 5 months
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
I could've just posted 5 tracks from The Keir Dullea Experience™ but let's get more varied, showcasing how random my taste in music really is:
アラベスク by Lily Chou-Chou (from all about lily chou-chou 2001, my fav depressing movie of all time that i cannot recommend but the songs are BANGERS like if you stan bjork pls listen to the movie's soundtrack at least!!)
Song of the Whale Part One: From Dawn... by Tangerine Dream (beautiful masterpiece, 'nuff said)
Europa and the Pirate Twins by Thomas Dolby ('steampunk chuuni synthpop' is something i'd never expect to exist AT ALL but early-80s britain surprised me with this)
What Is A Life by Ai (from memories of matsuko 2006, an extremely ORIGINAL musical with BANGER numbers but i CANNOT recommend due to how DEPRESSING it is -- this is a musical number set in PRISON and it's a banger rnb track??? wig snatched)
미행 (그림자: Shadow) by f(x) (obligatory pick from The Keir Dullea Experience™ playlist, this ETHEREAL masterpiece is sophie ellis-bextor's BEST work and it's so mysterious and whimsical, just like mr dullea's career isnt it?)
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