#michi talks about music
michiruze · 2 months
gonna do a stupid fun little post where i post two songs that have nothing to do with eachother but sounds similar to me
Tatsuya Kato - Rhythm of port town (2013) (from Free!)
sounds like.....
SNSD - Baby Baby (2011)
there's gonna be more of stuff like this ohhh just watch out
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royall-ass · 1 month
Heh…. take a bunch of my npmd headcanons :3 idk how in character these are, but i tried
michie is in this, so if you don’t like that, uh…… this might not be the post for you
ALSO!!! Rory is @blue-razzslushie2’s oc!!! go check out their rp blog for them :3
One time Richie was talking about an anime, and Ruth made a joke about yaoi. Afterwards, when her and Grace were alone, Grace asked her what yaoi was. Ruth explained it, and the next day, Grace confronted Richie and asked if he needed to see her pastor.
Ruth and Richie have Warrior Cats fursonas. They’ve drawn the rest of the group as cats together.
During Halloween, the students were allowed to come to school in their costumes. Steph dressed as princess Leia. Pete couldn’t look her in the eye the entire day.
Richie doesn’t just like anime, no, he’s convinced himself the characters are real. He has an Eren Yeager poster in his room, and Ruth came over one time and accidentally threw her sock at it. Richie cried the rest of the hangout because he was scared she hurt him.
Richie also uses a lot of Japanese in his vocabulary. Ruth and Rory call him an Otaku for it.
Max has a grandma with Alzheimer’s that he takes care of. He cares about her a lot. When she died, he was the nicest he’d ever been to the nerds for a week. He was too distraught to be a dickhead. (got this idea based on a fic!!)
One time Richie insulted true crime and mystery novels, and Rory made a youtube channel similar to Cinema Sins and posted ten videos in one day about all the anime’s Richie liked and how they sucked.
Richie unironically came to school in a maid dress and cat ears in the eighth grade for Halloween. Max called him pussy for a week.
When Rory eventually tells the nerds about the Lords in Black, Richie and Ruth immediately start making fanart of what they could possibly look like. A lot of them were Tumblr sexymen-esque.
Ruth tried getting the school to do Death Note the musical just so Richie would do theater with her and her anxiety wouldn’t get so bad. It did not work.
Richie LOVESSS Vocaloid.
Whenever Ruth says something horny, Grace slips the number and address of her church into her locker or on a detention note.
When Max is nice to the nerds again, he starts joining their D&D sessions. He says he only does it because Steph goes despite how nerdy it is, but he always sits directly next to Richie when the other DMs and he tries interacting with his characters as much as possible..
i’ll post more eventually
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tachimichishrine · 11 months
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"mornings and marriage"
tachihara michizou x fem! reader
warnings: nsfw ; morning sex it's literally just morning sex with slight fluff afterwards followed by more sex ; hard tachi soft tachi hard tachi to sum ; short n vanilla but uhhh no buts i have no excuse ; intended lowercase ; cursing ; unedited af
gentle rays of sun snuck their way into your bedroom. a soft glow of pink as the sun rose signaled that the day had only just begun, and the musical chirping outside your window provided further proof of the time.
you had a bit of trouble hearing the birds' call though, as it was muffled out by the sound of skin slapping skin and heavy breathing.
"mmmn... michi, if you want teruko to stop... haaah... demanding piggyback rides, you should just tell... nng... her."
your boyfriend was the one who asked to sleep with his dick still in you, and you told him that he was the one who was going to have the deal with the repercussions in the event that you did some kind of weird movement in your sleep and it popped right off, or some other dramatic outcome. however, the real consequence just turned out that he went to sleep and woke up hard and ready to fuck you; you told him that he would have to put in the work this morning because you were still exhausted from last night.
he was so good at taking commands; of course he was, he was a hunting dog after all. you worked in one of the ability research labs that took down information about the super soldiers' conditions in order to optimize their performance, and you'd made the first move by asking him if you could get some measurements down there. in his flustered daze of a response where he almost seemed angry out of embarrassment, you specified that you would need to measure it with your lips after you took him out to dinner. you had no idea how you got him to accept that first date.
a few years later, he grinded his hips into yours lazily. he didn't even bother to prop himself up on his forearms, just letting his weight rest on you and messily burying himself in between your legs while he told you about his day. it was actually what happened yesterday, but as soon as he had gotten home you barely let him get a word in before pulling him into bed.
"yeah, it doesn't work that way," he huffed out, chuckling a little bit when your thighs tensed and you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him in better.
your fingers slid from the mattress up to his shoulders and held him tightly when you inadvertently clenched and he groaned. "you'll never... aahhh~ know until you try. I had a coworker who pissed me off-f ah! fuck, fuck, do that again... the coworker was an asshole to everyone so I got him transferred to another division.. nng, fuck, oh god you feel so fucking good, michi..."
your voice was shaking from pleasure, and soon enough he picked up the pace in order to finish inside of you. even through the cum leaking out of your pussy, he pulled out and filled you back up with his fingers in order to not leave you high and dry. one order from your lips telling him to clean up his mess and he buried his face in between your thighs, sucking his own cum back down along with the taste of you.
"you know," you managed between heavy breaths, his teeth grazing your throbbing clit, "there's somethin' I've been mea-ahh!... meaning to ask you, and I want to ask it now. you don't need to respond, just keeping sucking on me like that, baby."
to readjust the angle, he grabbed your thigh and brought it over his shoulder to make it easier to jut his tongue in and out of your pussy. he had no idea what you wanted to talk about, but you told him just to listen and keeping eating you out, and he was more than happy to oblige.
"so, I was at the store the other day, and... hahhh... mnnnf... they had a discount for soldiers and veterans, and their families, and I was- I wa-..." you took a short break to catch your breath and flatten your feet on the bed to rut your hips upwards and chase after the addicting sensation. "I was thinking about whether you would be eligible, since you're... you know... but it got me thinking about how I wouldn't get the discount since... nnng... we're not married. and I don't really care but if we got married I'd have to meet your family... and I was just... hah, all this to ask... mmmn... if I could meet your parents."
as soon as those last words slipped out of your mouth, his mouth slipped out of you. he looked up at you with his face flushed from eating you out so hard, but even the dripping liquid around his lips wasn't enough to hide the irritated look on his face. you motioned for him to slide back up, and you kissed the mess on his face away before he could say a thing. his dick was hard enough from having heard your moans, and you slid it back in between your legs once you flipped him onto his back.
"what is it?" you humped him slowly so that he could answer, but he shook his head slowly.
"when I marry you, I don't want my parents there."
it was your turn for shock; you stopped rocking into him just to process his words.
"when? michi baby, did... did I just accidentally propose to you, and you accidentally said yes?"
he snickered, teeth flashing in his smile. "yeah, I guess so. that's hella romantic of us."
rolling off of him to lay down on your side, you giggled as he shifted himself to do the same. "sorry darling, that wasn't my goal. I was just... thinking." you took his hand and played with his fingers, nails dancing especially on his ring finger. "it's been so long since we've been together and I've never met your family."
"they're pieces of shit," he seemed to be trying to push the thought away and focus on the happier thing that you said. "you serious about the marriage thing?"
"I'm serious about you," you shrugged, "and I wanted to know what you thought about it. hell, I don't even know if it's an option given what you do."
which was a thought you couldn't get out of your mind. he would leave for months on end, unable to call you because it might blow his cover during his spy missions. you had no clue what he was infiltrating or just how dangerous it was, but with time he'd get more freedom among the ranks and have just enough time to send you pictures of himself from a burner phone, which he'd toss away as soon as you responded with your very own.
you didn't care that the relationship was like that; you were incredibly busy with your research, and everything felt comfortably low maintenance. he'd surprise you sometimes by coming home for one night and letting you make him pay for leaving for so long.
fingers danced around the outlines of his features and thumb rubbed softly against his lips while he tried to speak. he let out a content sigh and held your fingers next to his mouth to plant a soft kiss onto your knuckles. "don't worry about that. babe, you think too much, if you wanna get married I'll do it. I don't give a damn about all the other things if it makes you happy."
now you were the one smiling dumbly at him, loving it when he was soft with you. "in that case, yeah, I think I would like that." you used your available hand to wrap around his waist and pull him close, hoping to kiss him again but he was still peppering your fingers with his lips and had a grin on his face.
"I guess all I gotta do is ask you to marry me, then," he murmured, golden eyes looking up at you and lips curling upwards. you wanted to tell him again how beautiful he was but something poked your shoulder.
a wire - maybe a piece of jewelry you hadn't touched in ages - floated in between both of your faces, meticulously contorting until it was wrapped around itself in circles that would just about fit your fingers. he held the hand he'd been kissing up, and spread out your fingers for it to lower itself onto your fingertip. "[_____], will you make me the luckiest man alive and be mine?"
he already knew the answer, so the makeshift ring slid down your ring finger and you brought your hand up to his cheek while you kissed him slowly.
"I'll get you something proper once I have the time," he murmured, but you just shook your head.
"if you think I'm getting rid of this, you're the craziest man alive." you pulled him back in, and he chuckled when your bodies rolled over under the sheets. it wasn't a grand proposal, hell it was barely a coherent one, but neither of you minded the complete lack of formalities. it felt right, laying down on top of him with a ring on your finger that was dragging all over his skin.
your hand had wrapped around his erection, and you pumped him up slowly with the metal grazing his sensitive skin with every stroke. he grunted, pulling you back on top of him so that you were sitting on his lap while you fucked him on your hand.
"are you sure about the parents thing, though?" you inquired further, throbbing in your core subdued as you just grinded yourself on his thighs and watched him close his eyes at your actions. "I know you don't have the best relationship with them, but... I don't know. would be nice if I didn't feel like we were eloping or somethin'."
his lips parted to respond, but you barely realized just how merciless your pace was. you felt his muscles tense up when you took notice of his state and slowed down, the look he shot you telling you that he was begging for you to keep going, not stop. in the mornings, you didn't feel the need to tease or edge him until he was a crying mess; you just wanted him to feel good.
"yeah, I'm... fuck, fuuuuck... ah, fuck, [_____]... [_____]..." he came undone faster than you thought he would, finishing to the sound of his own voice whimpering out your name. his body spasmed and he went limp, so you decided just to let him stay flaccid and hold him gently when he continued his response. "I'm sure. those fuckers don't deserve to meet you, and I ain't even talked to them in years."
"mmmn," you hummed in acknowledgment, not wanting to push him any further given that he'd already told you about how awful they made him feel particularly after his brother's death. the question seemed to stir some bad memories, so you wiped your hand on his abdomen to keep it the least sticky possible and run it through his hair. "okay, I won't mention it again. to be honest, I think I would've ended up getting too mad at them for treating you like that. you know you're amazing, right? fuck, even if I wasn't crazy for you it'd take a real shithead not to see how strong and beautiful you are."
he couldn't handle compliments, and you knew it. he just bit the inside of his cheek while his face turned a different shade of pink and you giggled at him being so flustered over something so trivial. you smiled into his lips again, lazily kissing his breaths and murmuring sweet nothings until he seemed unable to handle it and just kissed you harder to get you to shut up. you just kept thinking about how adorable it was that he was threading his fingers through your hair just to pull you closer so that he didn't have to deal with your teasing.
you whispered his name, getting him to let go of your head so you could litter his face with butterfly kisses that migrated from his jawline to his ear to his neck. you painted him with your teeth, hickeys writing verses of your love all over him even when you bit too hard into his collarbone and pierced layers of skin. you mumbled a soft apology while he inhaled sharply from the sting, but you both knew he wasn't complaining. your thumb drew circles into his stomach while you held him, shifting down to his chest and marking him there, too.
"hey, [_____]?" he whispered, the room only echoing his gentle voice and the birds' song from outside. "training starts in half an hour, I gotta head out soon."
you frowned against his skin; you hated it when he left, but there was nothing you could do to keep him with you any longer than he already has. you repositioned yourself again on top of him, nodding solemnly while you placed a chaste kiss on the tip of his nose. "mkay, I'll finish up then let you go. I wouldn't want my fiancé to be late now, would I?"
the world felt foreign, but welcome. he thought about it a lot when you fucked yourself on him for the countless time this morning, leaning down so you could kiss him while thrusting your hips onto him. his hands were on your waist, but you pulled them off to place them on either side of his head and intertwine your fingers, hand pressing into his own as you kept grinding slow enough to trick your mind into thinking this moment was going to last forever. the bed creaked slowly under the sound of your dragged out moans and his shameless whimpers which morphed to and from deep groans.
tachihara considered just not showing up today and spending it with you, but he knew you wouldn't let him do something stupid for no reason. he wondered whether there was a way for him to get enough of a break in his schedule to throw you the wedding you deserved, but he told you his thoughts as you buttoned up and fixed his uniform for him, and you said that all you needed was him and some ridiculously large cake.
your lips lingered together for a bit too long at the entrance to your apartment, and you had him pulled in by the waist tight enough to have him pick up again on his earlier thought to just stay. he walked out the doorway, glancing back to see you checking out his ass with a playful smirk. he rolled his eyes when you giggled, and walked away but not before seeing you wave goodbye to him.
he'd never felt happier seeing that ring on the hand you waved.
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anotherdragon · 9 months
I remember a post I saw back when the digital ticket came out (or I think it was back then?) which talked about how lautski in abstinence camp and in nerdy prudes were so different because of the fact that they met in completely different situations. In abstinence camp, they were both the odd ones out. it seemed like they were the only ones sent there for reform, while everyone else was just? there for the fun of it? they were the only ones who could understand each other, and were on equal ground. Steph wasn't "The Mayors Daughter" she was just a horny teenage girl. and Pete wasn't "Micro Peter" he was just a horny teenage boy.
Meanwhile, in Nerdy Prudes, its...a bit more complicated than that. Steph is popular. Pete is a loser. Steph is the mayor's daughter, she has power, and pete...doesn't. Neither of them are as free to be themselves as they were in abstinence camp, Stephanie has a reputation to uphold, and Pete needs to worry about being bullied. Different situation, different dynamic. (This is also brought up in If I Loved You. Steph says she would never go for a 'geek', she accuses him of using her to move up and gain status. Pete calls her a 'mean girl', which is the trope Steph represents [kind of. for the sake of this post we're going to pretend its that simple])
This is also something ive noticed in a lot of Michie fics? in canon, at least specifically in npmd, it would be pretty fucked up. pretty much anyone can admit that. Though something that I've seen happen a lot is the shifting of their dynamic. Max is no longer "The Bully" and Richie is no longer "The Victim". They are both put in a situation where they are on somewhat equal ground, and their dynamic changes because of that. I guess thats part of what interests me about both of them, not even as a ship but as indivisual characters.
What else is there to Max other than being the bully, the villain. He isnt alive long enough for any sort of depth to be given to him, and seeing what happens whenever any characters (not including miss holloway) dies and comes back to life, there is a sold chance that his ghost is a 'corrupted' version of him. His ghost fully plays into the role he was given, The Jock, The Bad Guy. One of his lines in npmd (the song) is "The jock you demonized" and thats what happened to him. After he dies, he isn't a person anymore, he is a caricature. What all of the characters are forced to become, The Mean Girl, The Nerd, The Horny Teen, The Victim, The Evangelical. And after his death. he fully embraces it. We dont get to see whatever depth he might have had to him, as we got to see with all the other characters as they became more fleshed out.
And Richie, bless his soul, never got to be more than the victim. He existed solely to die. The first scene in the musical, the first thing that we saw of him was his death. He was doomed from the beginning to always be the first out. He was never meant to live past the first act. His purpose in npmd was to die, so he never got to be more. But what would he be in another story? One where things were nicer, one where he wasnt forced into a role, one where he could just be himself?
What would any of them be?
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kokusfluffyhair · 2 years
Travelling with Michikatsu
Michikatsu Tsugikuni x GN! Reader
Modern setting!
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Michikatsu doesn't like to travel
He gets very annoyed having to sit on a train for hours (and I think he's scared of flying)
He gets stressed while packing and getting to your destinations, but he tries to hide it
Michikatsu needs to stay stoic in front of others, but you can see right through him
You do your best to comfort him while not making it obvious that you can tell he's unhappy
He know that you know but don't rub it in his face
You cuddle to him and hold his hand on the train. It makes him smile
You offer him one of your earpods and you listen to music together
Michikatsu rests his head against yours and holds your hand tighter
He starts daydreaming with the music
When you get to your destination, he makes sure you both get off the train safely
He probably yawns once you're in the fresh air
He'll carry all the bags the two of you took and it's really too much for one person, so you have to argue with him a bit to let you take your backpack
Michikatsu is a stubborn gentleman, but you like him for it
You check into your Airbnb or hotel together and the first thing you want is to get food
You get dinner and walk around the city. You make Michikatsu get in some selfies with you. He's adorable and very happy. He likes taking pictures with you but he wants you to keep them private
He will be your photographer if you want a photoshoot. Doing that makes him laugh
When you get back to your lodging, Michikatsu makes a bath for you both (your lodging has a big bathtub you can go in together)
He puts Rose petals and a bath bomb in the water and lights some candles
You get in together and relax together. Michikatsu is very affectionate because he's feeling romantic
Actually this is what he was daydreaming about when listening to music on the train
You are hugging and kissing in that bath until the water gets too cool
When you get out, you dry off and put on matching bathrobes
You find something to watch on TV while Michikatsu makes some tea
When you cuddle on the bed to watch TV together and rest, everything is perfrct until Yoriichi calls
Michikatsu is annoyed for his romantic evening to be interrupted so he's kind of rude when he answers Yoriichi
Poor Yoriichi just wanted to check in and make sure you two were doing fine, so you take the phone and talk to him a bit while Michikatsu waits with his arms crossed over his chest
The call doesn't take long so you're back giving your undivided attention to your lover before you know it
You were expecting things to get a little... Spicier... But Michikatsu just wants to cuddle and he falls asleep pretty fast
The trip tired him out a lot and the bath was so relaxing to his muscles
You keep watching TV while Michikatsu sleeps with his head on your chest
When you're tired and decide to go to sleep yourself, you shut off the TV and wrap Michikatsu in your arms
"Good night, Michi. I love you," you say and plant a soft kiss to his forehead before you close your eyes
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
Hello, Can i request rottmnt platonic hc of mom reader (she's co-parenting with splinter and they're relationship is platonic) and enjoys spending time with her teenager turtle kids?
Like she likes to talk about science stuff with Donnie, she praises leo and boost his confident, she sewing for raph teddy bears and cook with mikey.
But i guess her only down part is whenever she gets kidnap by anybody she immediately pull out her album and show her kids's pictures to other villains, mostly big mama, that's why the kids try to save her faster before their secrets are exposed 😂😂
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RotTMNT + fem!reader
Warnings: platonic fluff, movie stuff mentioned, vague mentions of nightmares and injuries
A/N: Could you imagine if they had a mom? Donnie and Mikey are 100% a mama's boys and you can't tell me different. Each parent gets a twin (me and my twin are much the same)
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Nicknames: DeeDee, Donato (the real name of the artist), Galileo, Aristotle, Archimedes, and much more.
You once called him Grimace when he was upset and he never forgave you
You are the only one allowed to hang out around Donnie's lab
You are the only one who listened to his info dumps
If the others actually listened, they might find it interesting
You might not understand all of what he's talking about, but seeing your son so passionate makes you so happy
You are the one he goes to when he has a nightmare
Donnie enjoys you singing him to sleep, its peaceful
It reminds him of when things weren't off the rails
He installed multiple trackers on you because last time you were kidnapped you showed Hypno pictures of the Turtle Tots
It made Hypno a little nicer, but there were some embarrassing memories
He once threatened to destroy your camera because of you showing the album to anyone near
Nicknames: Len, Lenny, Blue Belle, Cookie Monster, Ace, etc.
You are his biggest supporter
He goes to you when he needs help, when he's not feeling his best
When he was younger, he often bunked with you and Donnie
He just didn't like being away from his twin
He didn't come to you often when he was little
In fact, he doesn't go to you very often as a teen
Opting for Splinter
But you can't be everyone's favorite, you knew that Leo needs Splinter like Donnie needs you.
Leo isn't embarrassed by the pictures in the album, in fact he looks at it quite often
Nicknames: Lino, Angi, Michi, Goldie, Firecracker, Giorgione, Caravaggio, etc.
Cooking with Mikey was always a blast
He was energetic, but serious
Music would be playing while you 2 worked
You could also be found painting with Mikey
Whether it was on the walls of the skate rink or if it was on canvases in his room
Mikey always comes to you for advice
Splinter and his brothers have a tendency to underestimate and protect him, but he knows you won't
You were the person he ran to about his hands after he saved Leo
He cried, but you showed him how strong he was
How even with shaky hands, art can still be made
Why would he be embarrassed by the album? He helped make it
Nicknames: Rafa, Alfie, Ray, R.J., Bubs, Cuddles, etc.
You and Raph grew apart as he got older, but you still make him sweaters and outfits for his bears
He loves you, he just feels like being 17, he needs to stop relying on you and Splints
When he was younger, he would watch you make him teddy bears
You'd let him name them, write their names down on a heart shaped piece of fabric and place it inside (like Build-A-Bear)
He still had those bears
Although he didn't sleep with them in fear of destroying them,
They sit nicely on the shelf across from his bed
So they watch over him
Absolutely goes nuts when you get kidnapped, knowing you're probably showing whoever it is baby photos of him
He was a cute kid, but not everyone needs to see that!
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rz-jocelyn · 6 months
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[TRANSLATION] Instagram: March 27, 2024
SATO RYUJI @ryuji_japan
This is actually a video of Sato Ryuji's IG Live. Please find the full video at Ryuji's Instagram: HERE
Actor with 4.5D eyebrows [1]
[1] This caption is related to the content of the video where Ryuji talks about how he maintains his eyebrows.
Ryuji then jokingly requested for fans to change his Wikipedia page to reflect this and to trend it on Twitter. Needless to say, the fans responded to this request xD
Ryuji also Tweeted about the phrase trending on Twitter: HERE
[2] Ryuji started the IG Live because he is currently not in Tokyo (for work purposes), and so was alone in his hotel room and wanted some company.
Due to the relaxed nature of the live, he opened up quite a bit and talked quite seriously about various things, including about his perspective on how he creates his portrayal of Kashuu Kiyomitsu.
But, this goes against his policy of not revealing the work he puts in behind the scenes (because he believes that, as an actor, he's an "entertainer" who should make fans happy, so he doesn't believe in burdening fans with the processes and troubles that go on behind the scenes).
Therefore, he was quite embarrassed at how much he revealed during this live, and initially didn't want to leave an archive of it. However, in response to fan request, he has decided to leave it up for one day. Thank you, Ryuji ♥
[3] Some snippets from the live.
Ryuji loves kids, and spends a lot of his time playing with the child actors in the "Musical Touken Ranbu". One of the child actors, Katou Gaku, gave him the nickname "Sleeping Monster" because, coincidentally, Ryuji keeps having work on the day before it's Gaku-kun's day to perform in the "Musical Touken Ranbu ~Michi no Oku Hitotsu Hachisu~", so whenever Gaku-kun sees Ryuji, Ryuji is napping. LOL!
"I'm not married~"
Ryuji's response to fans asking about his rings, clarifying that the ring he's wearing on his fourth finger is his right hand and not his left, so it's not a wedding ring.
"Truly, thank you very much for accompanying me [for this IG Live]. I had a really fun time. Let's work hard together from tomorrow onward too!"
Ryuji's closing for the live.
Ryuji is honestly so precious ♥ He spent a lot of time reading out fan comments, and apologising multiple times for those he missed.
During the IG Live, a couple of his friends dropped by, including Ohno Ryota, Torigoe Yuki, Nakao Masaki, Hideyoshi Kan, Konishi Eito and Takahashi Kensuke.
He had a really cute exchange with Tori, who Ryuji asked to come to Osaka. To which, Tori replied, "I'll go". RyuuPii!
He also had a really cute exchange with Kensuke because Kensuke was supposed to have a live stream right after Ryuji's, and Ryuji was like, "Don't you have your own live stream to prepare for??" (Little signs that Ryuji pays pretty close attention to his friends' schedules ♥)
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moonmoonthecrabking · 3 months
No, I'm fine to hear about your true thoughts on Michie. If you wanna talk about them, that is.
also the fun thing is i have no idea who this is so. Fascinating
i don't find their dynamic particularly sexually or romantically charged in the musical, personally. i get that sometimes bullying in media can be homoerotic, but i think that max's bullying (and murdering) of richie doesn't really have that aspect to it compared to kyle or even pete. it doesn't even seem connected to the social order, like even if his motive were different, but it doesn't seem personal based on who he is, just that he's an easy target.
when i see things about them, they have a very easy reconciliation, which i don't think is realistic for their dynamic. i think, if they were able to get together, it would be an incredibly long slow burn of healing and waiting. i understand they could have a toxic sexual relationship but i personally don't see that layer of chemistry except for about ten seconds in the song nerdy prudes must die. even then, it doesn't seem like "loathing+" (a la wicked) it just feels like "loathing". richie isn't whimpering because he's turned on he's whimpering because he's about to die.
there's also the typical fandomification (In My Limited Opinion) of "muscular top bisexual man (with a soft side) x submissive nerdy gay man" when richie, in particular, is an annoying piece of shit (and i love that for him). i think that can get erased. but also, full disclosure, i'm not good at writing richie.
i've also found, in some of the michie fics i've read to try to give them a shot and everything, Some (key word some, absolutely not everyone and almost certainly a minority) writers portray female characters in an overly negative light. this leads me to have negative associations with the ship as a whole, while, admittedly, probably inaccurate. for example, grace and richie are canonically friends (workin' boys), ruth and richie both find humour in dirty jokes and flirting etc, and pete is the one who gets uncomfortable.
so, yeah, i know i made a couple posts on it when the musical first released on youtube, but i'm not a really big fan of the ship. i also want to say that people can and should ship whatever they want, and just because i see a ship in a certain way doesn't mean i am the authority on everything. i have my reasons for disliking it, but also people hate my favourite ship because they believe both parties are too evil or irredeemable or simply dislikeable to be with the other. do whatever you want, and don't worry about what i think. but also i will say, i still don't like when the rare shipper is weird about women. please don't be weird about women gang
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never-seen-again · 11 months
Apologies but I'm being very gay right now. I've read like, half the michie fanfic on AO3 (it's like, eleven of the forty seven, so closer to a fifth [not accounting for background Michie in other fics though, so who knows]).
I'm going to talk about some of those fics, so if you either don't care or don't want to be spoiled for them I'm going to put in a break thingy. Never done that before so sorry if I fuck it up.
So, most of these are what I'd consider to be fix-it fics, like, max doesn't die in the Waylon place. Typically because Richie instinctively grabs max. Some have Richie have an instance of hysterical strength ("See it Fall, Child of War" by jayren404) or blame it on adrenaline ("Nerdy Prudes Are Cool" by InPrisonForSparkling), another has Richie buy precious few seconds enough for the other nerdy prudes to help pull max up ("Won't you pray for me?" By Whowillprayforyou).
All three are great, love 'em. However another work by Whowillprayforyou grabbed me and shook me like a ragdoll: "The Consequence of what you've done"
Here Richie gets bathroom murdered by max, rises as a ghost just like max, and gets a bit mindfucked about the whole 'none of my friends noticed or really cared I died for longer than the conversation they learned about it. And it sorta implies that Richie helps kill Ruth. The drama. The action. The bloodshed.
Anyway, got me thinking about ghost Michie. And like, the absolute clusterfuck of Richie trying to save max, but getting dragged down with him. High stress for the living as now there's two deaths to deal with, but also now max isn't dealing with undeath alone.
I like the dynamics this brings about too. You get Richie who still is wondering why he tried to save max, but now with the guilt of failing to, and also burdening his friends with his death. Max might not even flip on the nerdy prudes in death, since one of them died right along with him, grieving right along side Max for the two weeks leading up to where he hit his breaking point originally. Max might end up struggling with no longer holding power over Richie, since as ghosts they've been somewhat equalized, even if he was going to lessen his hold on the nerds anyway. (Richie totally gets a hang of the ghostly powers first, max learns how to effect the living world first though). Max might finally open up about things alluded to in the musical.
Anyway to get back on track. I think I'm going to write Michie fanfiction. Have I written fanfiction before? no. Am I good at writing dialogue? also no. Is it going to be so very gay? yes.
(also, honorable fanfic mention to "Nerdy Prudes...Can Thrive?" By CloakedApprentice, peter grabs max in this one, having been right next to him, and it's just really cute)
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michiruze · 5 months
tagged by @filmnoiress....yet another post exposing my weird music taste:
6 songs on repeat:
tripleS - Generation (from the official playlist for The Keir Dullea Experience™)
GAC (Gamaliél Audrey Cantika) - REALLY REALLY WANT (from the official playlist for The Keir Dullea Experience™)
Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
Shunji Iwai - Wo Ai Ni Arabesque (go watch Hana and Alice (2004) now!!)
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Souvenir (back in my college years I used to listen to this song whenever I had night classes)
Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (Live) (my sad cowgirl jam)
no pressure tagging: @tatanukichi @timesnewnoir @natelotl @rozarens @bobisusu @bluecubics @tolands-husband and those who wants to join in ^^
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im-not-a-l0ser · 9 months
Okay, I want to talk about the Trans Richie headcannon. I'm not going to say anything bad about it, this is just some ideas and opinions about it, regarding it as canon.
I like the idea that if Richie and/or Trevor were trans, they'd be given an alliterative name set originally. Like Richie and Rachel, Trevor and Tracey, or Samantha and Sabrina; something like that. And then when one or both changed their names, they were so relieved that their names didn't start with the same letter anymore. Maybe they even hated it so much that they'd like... go by Chel, CeCe, Sam and Rina. Shit like that, that'd be so funny.
I would really like to see a show about how they grew up. As much as I don't know how to feel about a cis person playing a trans character, I also wouldn't want Richie played by anyone else— *the idea of Jae Hughes as Richie* Okay, that'd actually be pretty sick, and you could have both Trevor and Richie on stage without Jon having to do a bunch of quick changes, or prerecordings, and you could even have them on stage at the same time, but YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYING! Anyway, I think it'd be really neat to have a song of Richie post-transition and Richie pre-transition singing about how they feel out of place, or how they have this secret that they have to keep, pre-trans not being out at all, and post-trans having transitioned in stealth mode. It'd be cook to see 'her' looking in a mirror or something, seeing post-trans Richie there because that's what they want to be. Some fuckin' reflection from Mulan shit, y'know?
Maybe it's just that I want to see Her as a musical, maybe that's my problem... I mean, now I'm thinking about it, and I'm right. I want that so fucking bad. Like, just imagine that for me, will you? I keep specifically imagining a scene of Jeri and Jerry berating 'her' for being too masculine as a song— I'm sorry, I'm being such a dork.
If Jon Matteson did a stream where he read trans richie headcannons and fics, I would fucking cry, especially if Her was included, since I'm very proud of it thus far.
I need like... a 5+1 fic of Richie coming out to people, I'd love that.
I forgot any other thing I wanted to say, just give me a second.
Oh, okay, here we go. I like to think that Richie is a cosplayer (my sister disagrees with me, so I know that some people don't agree) but I like to think that him cosplaying masc characters is one of the things that helped him realise his identity. This has nothing to do with the fact that after I started cosplaying TSS I got more masc and embraced that side of me, I don't know what you're talking about.
I wonder what Jon Matteson (and Will Branner, and everyone else) thinks about Childhood Friend Michie, not even them together romantically. Bc like, I fully understand not understanding that ship; I don't fully understand it myself, despite literally shipping it. But them as childhood friends? It almost makes too much sense, whether or not Max knows Richie is trans. Either way, you can make it make sense in some regard. I particularly like how @24-guy handled it in their trans richie story, but I won't spoil that for you (that's also their user name on ao3)
I think that's all I got for now, maybe I'll make a part two when I'm on a proper dose of adderall that actually does anything for me.
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theaddictedwatcher · 2 months
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Hello everyone!
Today I am delighted to present you the series you were able to choose thanks to the survey done on my Instagram (@theaddictedwatcherreviews) last Saturday and that is ... Oh no, I'm not going to tell you just like that! It's a series created by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Johnny Capps and Julian Murphy (yes, that's a lot of people!) in 2008 for the BBC. Need more clues? It's a medieval fantasy series that revisits a great myth. Do you have it yet? Yes, of course, I'm going to tell you about the Merlin series!
To begin with, I'll give you a short synopsis: In medieval times, in the Kingdom of Albion, King Uther Pendragon has banned the practice of magic. Merlin, a young magician sent to the castle to be educated by Gaius, must hide his extraordinary powers in this age of terror against magicians and sorcerers. Propelled as Arthur's valet -the son of the monarch Uther Pendragon and future sovereign- following a fortuitous combination of circumstances, Merlin has sworn to protect his lord Arthur at the request of Kilgharrah -the dragon secretly imprisoned beneath the castle of the monarch Uther Pendragon. And a short technical presentation : Created by : Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Johnny Capps and Julian Murphy. Music by : Rob Lane, Rohan Stevenson, James Gosling and Michal Pavlicek. Main cast: Colin Morgan, Bradley James, Angel Coulby, Katie McGrath, Richard Wilson, Anthony Stewart Head, John Hurt.
Merlin is a freely-adaptated story of the Arthurian legend that largely rewrites its roots. Over the course of 5 seasons and its 65 episodes, the creators and screenwriters have attempted to modernise the themes of the original legend, including the following examples from the first episode:
Uther Pendragon -played by Anthony Stewart Head- governs the kingdom of Camelot which, in the legend, does not exist under his reign.
Merlin -played by Colin Morgan- and Arthur -played by Bradley James- are approximately the same age, which is not the case in the Arthurian legend.
Morgana -played by Katie McGrath- is the ward of King Uther and Arthur's adopted sister.
Guinevere -played by Angel Coulby- is the mixed-race daughter of a black smith and works in the castle as Morgana's lady-in-waiting instead of being the daughter of the King of Carmelides -a clan federated by Arthur- in the legend.
And there are other alterations that I'll leave you to discover as the series progresses (although I'll talk about some of them below but I'll warn you when I will)!
I realise that, for people familiar with the legend, this can be very confusing and even unpleasant. But, if you manage to put aside your pre-watching knowledge of the subject and give the series a chance, I think you might just enjoy it all the same.
The main cast of the series - although different from what you might expect - has been meticulously chosen. The characters may differ in character from those in the legend, but there's no denying the acting ability of the cast. Some of them were well known before the series, such as Anthony Stewart Head -notably known for his roles in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series, in the film The Iron Lady alongside Meryl Streep and more recently in the TV show Bridgerton -, John Hurt -notably known for his role in the Harry Potter saga, in the film V for Vendetta and more recently in the Doctor Who series- and Katie McGrath -notably known for the King Arthur: The Legend of Excalibur movie, the Tudors series and, more recently, the Supergirl series which I'll talk about in a later article. However, the revelations that turned out to be Bradley James and Colin Morgan are not to be outdone either. As for the guest actors and actresses, many of them are well known to the British public, and some even to international audiences. Indeed, actors such as Asa Butterfield (Sex Education), Tom Hopper (Umbrella Academy), Tom Ellis (Lucifer) and Warwick Davis (Harry Potter, Willow, Leprechaun, Star Wars) have enjoyed successful careers since Merlin went on air (and some even before that) and are recognized as major talents internationally. Whether they are recurring, main or guest actors, the unity formed by their complicity both on and off stage helps to make this cast a family with its affections, tensions, passions and losses. The relationship between Merlin and Arthur, despite their complicated beginnings and the fact that their social positions put them on different levels of equality, is a brotherly one. Merlin, on his mission to protect the future King Arthur, will do everything in his power to learn how to live at court and make himself useful to Arthur, who, for his part, will come to recognise Merlin's usefulness at his side and will develop a great affection for him, albeit tinged with teasing. Even during their quarrels, the bond that unites them always leads them back to each other, and to me, this is a fine illustration of a brotherly friendship. The bond between Merlin and Gaius is also important and touching, because, in the series, Merlin was raised by a single mother and Gaius acts as a father figure to him. Indeed, Gaius protects and educates him as best he can. In the end, a real bond and understanding develops between the old man and his apprentice, and I think it's important to show that a parental figure is not necessarily linked to a blood relative.
However, there was one aspect of the actors' performance that I didn't like, but I think that has more to do with the artistic direction than the acting ability of the actors: I'm talking about the fight choreography. I'm aware that sword fighting or even hand-to-hand combat isn't easy, but that's precisely where I think they should have been better choreographed to make the various battles that take place throughout the series more believable. Indeed, when we talk about the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, these epic stories are often punctuated by numerous battles. It was only natural, then, that when I watched the series I expected big, strong, rhythmic and carefully choreographed battles. Unfortunately, in my opinion, most of the fights, especially the sword fights, failed to live up to these expectations…
I'd also like to say a few words about the different filming locations. Pierrefonds Castle in the Oise region in France, near Compiègne, was one of the locations used for the Camelot Castle set. This 14th-century fortress is open to visitors and many of the sets for the series can be seen there.
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The series was also filmed at Goodrich Castle in Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire, on Penshurst Place in Kent in England and in Wales. The fact that the majority of the sets are real means that the use of special effects - especially green screens - has limited, as the series ages, the diminution the quality of the images.
Speaking of the quality of the images, I'd like to talk very briefly about the special effects used on the series. As a fantasy series, Merlin necessarily uses special effects to symbolise the magic and mythical creatures that inhabit the kingdom of Albion. The computer-generated images were produced by the British team The Mill, whose credits include the special effects for Gladiator and Doctor Who. However, the quality of the effects varies depending on what is being represented. As long as the effects remain minimalist, such as smoke or a change in the colour of a character's eyes, they have aged well and remain effective in their own right. But as soon as they are more important, such as a fall caused by magic, a physical transformation or the animation of a dragon (this is not a spoiler, the word dragon appears literally in the name Pendragon), the effects have generally aged rather badly, look a little crude and, let's be honest, quite ugly…
On the other hand, one of the aspects of the series that I liked the most was the work that went into the characters' costumes. From what I've been able to see and learn in the course of my research, the costumes chosen for the characters by the series' costume designer, Charlotte Morris, are fairly faithful to the armour and court dress worn in the period that the series aims to reflect. One detail, however, bothers me personally in this temporal cohesion, and that's the cut of Merlin's brown jacket. I find that this jacket, which appears to be made of nubuck, seems too modern, too recent to blend in with the atmosphere that was intended to be created.
Let's take a look at the changes that have been made to the Arthurian legend! BEWARE OF SPOILERS IN THIS PARAGRAPH! In the series, Merlin -who in the legend is a druid and in the series a magician- is Arthur's valet, to whom he hides his magical powers while using them to save his master without his knowledge. He is the son of a single-mother and farmer called Hunith and his father is unknown. It was Hunith who sent Merlin to her friend Gaius, a physician in Camelot's court and a former magician. In the legend, Merlin's parentage differs radically from one version to another. Speaking of the origins of the legend, an anecdotal but noteworthy fact is that even Geoffrey of Monmouth appears in the series as a court genealogist. The real Geoffrey of Monmouth (1095-1155) did exist, and he is known to have been the first to write a very extensive version of the Arthurian legend that served as a model for all later Arthurian stories. Finally, in the most remarkable changes, Morgana, who is Arthur's adulterous sister and Morgause's consanguineous sister in the legend, is in the series Morgause's adulterous younger sister and Arthur's consanguineous older sister. END OF SPOIL. All these changes have enabled Merlin's authors to modernise the various themes and make the series more accessible to a wider audience. They also took this opportunity to slip in a few nods to the British literature to which the Arthurian legend belongs.
Finally, as usual, I'd like to end with the series' soundtrack. It was created by Rob Lane, Rohan Stevenson, James Gosling and Michal Pavlicek and for me it's one of the series soundtracks that best fits the genre of this one. Unfortunately, the link I've provided is missing a lot of tracks, but there are enough for you to get a good idea.
That's it for this article on the BBC series Merlin (2008). I hope that if you were reluctant to watch it, I've been able to help you in your choice. And for those of you who have seen it, let me know what you think and whether you agree with me.
Don’t forget to keep an eye every Saturday on my Instagram account (@theaddictedwatcherreviews) if you want to be able to choose the subject of the next article!
Until our next adventures, I wish you a great weekend and a wonderful week ahead,
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suedeuxnim · 5 months
I got tagged in the 10 song by both @vinelark and @burins and I'll be so honest with you: I've been listening to Utada Hikaru on repeat lately, so you're going to get MOSTLY that. But they're the fucking best musician of all time so you're welcome. This is also a plea for everyone to go watch/listen to Nijikan Dake no Vacance. One Last Kiss by Utada Hikaru - super dreamy song, I love the weird reverby piano in this and also they are SO cute in this music video. Literally always forget this was an Eva Rebuild theme but this and Sakura Nagashi are top tier bops by them so why am I surprised. Sakura Drops by Utada Hikaru - An oldie! Their new album is a best hits album and it quickly reminded me that Sakura Drops was the first non-kingdom hearts related music I heard from them and that I became obsessed with it immediately. Very fond of this one. Michi by Utada Hikaru - another one off the Science Fiction compilation album but I just love the weird beats and vocalizations that Utada does - don't know if that's the correct term but their oh oh oh's will get me like no one else and get stuck in my head lmao. Traveling by Utada Hikaru - another old one, this is face paced and I always bop around to it. Also the music video is SO like 00's Britney Spears coded, like just insane cgi weird outfits and choppy editing in the most fun way. Nijikan Dake no Vacance by Utada Hikaru ft Sheena Ringo - my god. This music video literally made me go "wait..... is Utada Hikaru GAY?" They are in fact bisexual and nb, though they hadn't come out as nb at the very least yet. But its a song about neglecting their daily wifely duties to take a secret 2 hour vacation with their secret girlfriend. Sheena Ringo has such a good counterpoint voice to Utada in this, just this scratchy low lounge-y voice and it makes me insane. The music video is also wildly sensual and beautiful. Ore no Kanojo by Utada Hikaru - low slinky voice in this one that only got better once I read the lyrics, its one of the rare sort of downbeat slow songs that I like listening to but Utada always manages to do this for me. About a girlfriend talking about her role in a relationship and inviting her partner to know her more deeply and intimately than the surface.
Idol by Yoasobi - This song made me watch the first episode of Oshi no Ko and some crimes can never be forgiven. But Yoasobi knows how to put together a banger, even a super eclectic one like this. And the animation for the video is just gorgeous too. Hana ni Natte from The Apothecary Diaries - I gotta be so honest I barely remember how the beginning of the song goes but the second it goes HANA NI NAAAAATTEEEEE and goes off I start singing along so, good anime op.
Sleep Walking Orchestra by Bump of Chicken - Bump of Chicken I love you my beloved, And unexpected but fun opening to Dungeon Meshi, I love how folksy it is and the lyrics go along with the show perfectly too.
I'm a Girl Like You from Barbie in Princess and the Pauper - Look I dont know what to tell you, I'm on a girly 00's media kick and this song is a banger AND opens with a girl being like "well at least you're not an indentured servant" to royalty before bursting into song to tell her that they're totally alike because she wants to stop being served hand and foot so she can go read in her personal library. The vibes in this movie are hysterical but the songs are iconic. I don't have 10 people to tag so if you see this and wanna do it you're it!
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putschki1969 · 1 year
I am afraid that my question could be a little negative one.
I want to ask your opinion about Wakana’s high note.
Listening to her performances of “Yakusoku no Yoake” on “Wakana Calassic 2022” and “Wakana Winter Special live 2019”, I hear her high note in the beginning of the song “まだ暗い空から( mada kurai sora kara)~” really grating though it is so sorry.
Not only it sounds grating or too shrill but I feel that her high note has something wrong, and it is disappointing that the problem seems not to be temporary thing.
I know some people says her high note is grating or shrill from when she started her solo career.
I guess this is due to her Kalafina era where she had been burdened with successive use of high note and it had worn out her throat. If it was correct, I could not say how disappointing this is.
How do you feel when listening to the part?
Thank you for reading this, and I would be happy if you tell me your opinion about the issue.
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Hello there!
Don't worry, you phrased your question in a perfectly respectful manner, nothing bad about that at all. I apologise though for taking so long to reply. I wanted to do this justice.
Melody/composition-wise, "Yakusoku no Yoake" is actually one of my favourite tracks from Wakana's debut album (the Celtic vibes are just so gorgeous) but I agree that it is a very demanding song that is unfortunately not very flattering for her voice. There are certain parts that are either too high or too fast-paced for her so she often sounds out of breath or strained during these sections. Her breathing is pretty loud and noticeable so people who are not into that should give this song a pass. While you could argue that her non-existent breathing technique is almost part of her charm and trademark style, it's one of those times where it bothers me quite a bit. It truly baffles me that none of her mentors, producers, teachers or instructors have ever pointed out those issues (and possible solutions) to Wakana during the 20+ years of her singing activities.
I find it very interesting that you chose the very first part of the song as the one that sounds most grating to your ears => “まだ暗い空から (mada kurai sora kara)~”
In my opinion, the intro is one of the better parts with Wakana managing to have moderate control of her voice. Not always of course but I think she sounds decent during most live performances. Ultra high of course but not unpleasant to my ears yet. The chorus is where she struggles most if you ask me (probably due to the higher tempo). The "hikatta" for example in the first line of the chorus, "あの向こうで光った", is a little too shrill for me. And then it just builds up for the remainder of the chorus, I really struggle listening to the following section: [...] 行ければいい | [...] ikereba ii 明日へ進む道に | Ashita e susumu michi ni 飛び込んで [...]| Tobikonde yukou [...]
I thought I'd include her three officially released live performances in this post to give everyone an idea what we are talking about. It's the first time I am inserting audio with the new Tumblr format so we'll see how it goes. Please note that I have no music education to speak of so everything you read below is based on my personal feelings regarding the individual performances.
Wakana Live Tour 2019 ~VOICE~
During her early stages of performing this song live, she seemed a bit rushed? I guess she was trying to emulate the original sound of the studio version but I prefer it when she takes her time (especially during the intro). I am glad they slowed down the tempo for some of the later performances. However, I thought the performance was actually quite good. Yes, she doesn't sound 100% comfortable in the higher registers but I can honestly still enjoy it. It's not damaging my eardrums or anything. And for the most part her singing comes across as more or less effortless, not too flimsy or strained, yes, it's unnecessarily breathy but it sounds relatively stable to me
Wakana Winter Special Live 2019 ~瞬き~
This is probably my favourite live version of "Yakusoku no Yoake". The reduced tempo seems to allow her to polish a couple of those super high notes. It's still far from being perfect but it feels like she is not constantly in need of catching her breath.
Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~
Maybe the weakest performance. Her voice is pretty shaky and thin, I'm sure some of that can be chalked up to nervousness but a lot of it might be due to a bad technique.
As I've mentioned in my review post for "Sono Saki e", Wakana keeps talking about all the vocal lessons she's taking but they don't seem to be doing her any good, if anything I would say they are actually making things worse for her. I have never been one of the people who have complained about Wakana's voice essentially deteriorating ever since 2012, I acknowledge of course that certain changes have taken place but overall, she has continued to sound good to me, sometimes more so than other times. There are more than enough occasions where she can access facets of her voice that are reminiscent of the "old-Wakana", with her singing sounding strong, rich and emotional. This indicates to me that the potential is still there, buried somewhere deep inside her but for whatever reason, Wakana doesn't always rely on those skills. It could be a conscious choice to spare her voice or maybe she just doesn't receive enough professional guidance...? There's no doubt in my mind that Kalafina's brutal schedule has taken a major toll on her throughout the years but unlike many other fans, I don't think she is a lost cause with irreversibly damaged vocals...
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dxsole · 29 days
1 , 2 , 20 and 14 !
🫂 OOC ASKS | Not Accepting
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ONE. Which muse is the easiest to write?
Didi. No contest. It's not so much because she's my oldest muse (Jasper came right after her and to this day I find some difficulty writing him!) but because in some weird way, Didi and I have a lot of overlap in initial approach to things. I, am normal though, and would not actually act on many of the initial reactions I would have because I have self control. Didi, on the other hand, has zero self control. Didi is very much my lizard brain so it's just a matter of following what my first thought is and just...max out the dial.
TWO. Which muse is most likely to go to jail?
Many of my muses deserve to be caught for their crimes, however, only a few of them have actually ever been to jail and may go again because of their nature. Firstly is Dude, who is specifically a convenience store robber and repeat offender. He's even gone back to steal from previous places he's hit and is relatively well known throughout his area. He gets picked up a lot. Buck is also one who will most likely end up back in jail as he refuses to stop conning and while he's a relatively good conman, anything can happen on a job. Sometimes he's recognized from past cons, his fake identity is put into question, or someone is just a little too savvy to fall for a con. Viola is currently incarcerated, but in a state-run psychiatric hospital. Were she ever to be released into the public, even after rehabilitation, she would most likely end up right back; Viola's PTSD and very naive view on society and human connection has actually made it very unlikely for her to be able to integrate safely with the public. She'd be set off too easily. Anton is also going to jail in his canon. He's very aware of the fact that he cannot continue killing undetected forever— that being said, it's also in his canon to escape. So there's that. All other muses with highly illegal tendencies are either too smart to get caught (Deacon, Missy, Esme, The Columbary, and 85), their crimes are completely unknown/unlinked to law enforcement (Yasmin, Sister Sable, Philo, Mikail, The Peck siblings, Roy De Winter, and The Delvecchio Twins), are too rich and/or influential to make a move on (Lawrence), or would never allow themselves to be captured without doing something drastic (Truman, Lyssa, Angus, and Corbin).
FOURTEEN. What sort of YouTube channel would your muses have?
Out of all my muses that would actually take the time to make and create content for a YouTube channel, here are the stats: Whip - Book reviews to market his true crime book store. He's long-winded, not especially flashy, but his regular customers are big fans. Vicente - A lot of celebrity stuff. He's a well know model and new time music producer, so there's a breadth of genres touched upon, such as behind the scenes shorts at the recording studio, promotional clips of concerts of artists he's helped produce, sneak peaks of modeling shoots he's working on, a lot of Q&A's, work out videos, etc. He has tons of followers. Sister Sable - She's now a famous musician so obviously there are her songs, music videos, promotional videos for merchandise, a few videos of her announcing upcoming shows and projects, etc. Also has tons of followers, many strange and obsessive. Philo - Literally him talking about anything and everything, tends to lean towards reviews for tools, rants about movies, similar to his video diary but obviously not focused on him. They're almost always shot from his phone. Yes, he's still in the mask. He has about ten followers that he cherishes. Michi - Short paint process videos, her talking about upcoming shows and projects, astral projection how-to's, random, homemade music videos, choreography for her interpretive dance numbers, a few actually professional interviews she's done for local publications. Has a good amount of followers but as she'll tell you, the numbers don't matter to her. Harrison - He doesn't have a lot of videos nor a lot of followers but his students convinced him to do it. It's mainly cooking and baking videos, seeing as he makes them mostly because his students asked him to prove that he was really the one making all the treats he brought in. Hank - Gaming videos. Lots of them. He's got a great setup and a pretty good personality for it, he can be charismatic behind the screen. Tries not to curse because his mom watches the videos sometimes.
TWENTY. Which muse would investigate the scary noises? which one would hide?
Investigators: Zeynep, Willoughby, Whip, Wendi, Walter, Thoth, Rusty, Philo, Norm, Malachi, Lochlan, Kidd, Beau, Roy, Deacon, Grus, Apus, Calisto, Anton, and Jasper. Hiders: Viola, Truman, The Spot, Sister Sable, Father Simon, Michi, Lyssa, Levi, Jessamine, Gideon, Evgeni, Dude, Donny, Cam, Buck, and 85. Those who are vacating the vicinity immediately: Yasmin, Vicente, Shuff, Setau, Opaline, Mikail, Knox, Irena, Hank, Freida, Pris, Corbin, Cygnus, Aquila, Cesaré, Barnaby, and Lázaro. Those telling the noise to fuck off: Waylon, Sloan, Reaper, Penjani, Nadia, Missy, Mara, Leslie, Lawrence, Harrison, Esme, Rico, Renata, Pavo, Corvus, Chet, Beatrix, and Didi. The cause of the scary noise: Victor, Ozzie, Iona, Gyles, Ayumu, and Angus. The one guy who did not hear the scary noise and also the only one who can defeat it: Hugo :3
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alligaytorswamp · 1 year
Bursting into the room: Please tell me about your idol OCs!! What music do they do? What fashion styles? Who are your favorites? Do they have any fun interactions? Do you have more art of them?
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AHSJKDHASD idk how to talk about them !! in a normal way !! so ahhhh let me just try giving basic info about each group or smth
edit: this is so fucking LONG LMAOOO.... here is a link to all their TH (andromeda isn't done sorry), if u wish to skip my mad man blabbing altogether B)
my first idol ocs group, naturally was a llsif fan group love them with my entire heart despite the fact that i make content with them like once ten years, they live in my head all the damn time there are 9 of them, canonically they are the only ones who have the privilege of being "very fucking popular and successful" went from being school idols (SparkleS) with pretty typical cute/energetic concept, then debuted fr (Andromeda) and now their concept is more mature/elegant/cool
uhhh they are just wonderful girls who are all best friends and they are very cute and different and silleyyyyy and i am a horrible father bc i didn't make their TH profiles yet (THERE IS 9 OF THEM IT'S SO HARD) so here is their tag instead... ignore very old art tho 😔 also i have spotify playlist with songs i imagine they either would have or would cover - here
(also in my mind their concept/main vibe of their music kind of ever-changing, to me, they can do whatever they want at this point bc they are just so popular lol + they have units and such and i can get away with it) (they are overpowered yes yes)
5 members here,, they are my girl boy group or boy girl group <3 don't know how to explain it's just they are bg but the music inspo/concept is strictly what my fav girl groups i listen to got going on
total boys next door, just chill sweet guys, good vibes only fun fact all got like trauma/issues (tm) because i am certified sad boys maker, but they are all doing well and go to therapy LMAO
like Andromeda they all met in high school and started idol club together, but unlike the girlies they didn't mean to be proper idols, sorta got scouted later on anyways they are also besties, very tight-knit (trauma bonded?) and i also love them dearly they got their TH profiles, with bits of main lore and some info on their friendships - here their spotify playlist - eek
GRIMM parade
ah my funny crazy little theatre kids and vocaloid stans literally a combo of 3 quirky bitches who really love acting and dark dramatic stories
i think the most basic way to describe their vibes would be like Halloween + fairy tales? They are very extra and have like odd ways of speaking/interacting with people, but it's their charm (as per usual, very much full of brain issues, bc i gotta make my boys even a little sad)
their TH - here their spotify - here (way less songs bc it's stupidly hard to find smth i like for them)
literally fresh out of the oven i have nothing for themm asjkdhakdsda i gotta share tho: they are a co-ed group, and from what i have seen in life most groups give rap parts to men, but here it's boys being vocalists and girls being rappers(+vocalists), and idk how to explain but it is very fun to me, girls got all the swaggg
also a fun fact: one dude (michi) is hisoka's (andromeda) younger brother and one girlie (olly) is elijah's (pothos) younger sister
now that i mentioned them, even tho this is just about my idols i have to talk about everybody even a little pothos is a dance crew, so they are 4 dudes who make choreographies and despite my pattern of making best friends, these 4 are NOT asdjkhakjdhaskl, more like it’s 3 dudes who are friends with elijah but aren't close amongst each other
their TH - here
anison singers
just these two random soloists, with their own quirks they are dating LOL their TH - here
Urban Legends
my rock band heheeee they are just cool and awesome girlies, who make music about scary myths and folk stories their TH - here
re: fashion styles it either matches their concept, or if we are talking individually - it depends on each ocs LMAO re: my favorites andromeda are the blueprint, so they receive special treatment, but currently i am also crazy about Ishin-Denshin AND dince cheer4U are newborns i am focusing on establishing their personalities lol
re: do they have any fun interactions?
ok so idol groups all know each other for sure, pothos prolly interacted with them as well, but way less and more formal, soloists and urband legends def had only minor interactions IF they had those.
generally speaking, everyone in the company treat Andromeda like seniors/girlbosses (because they are) while cheer4U are now the youngest and newest group they are kinda babies to everyone Andromeda doesn't have very close relations to anyone (being popular doesn't help here), but they are considered like a proper sister group to Ishin-Denshin, due to some matching concept elements and being the 'foundation' of the company Andromeda and Ishin-Denshin def had their little collabs, specifically vocal-based, since both group got mad vocalists also important to point out that Ishin-Denshin are huge fans of Andromeda, like every single one of them loves them, they def have been following Andromeda since their school idol days and they are still not over the fact that they ended up in the same company
Ishin-Denshin and GRIMM parade are a bit closer, i think because they are the same age, and because Ryunosuke insisted they should be rivals LOL it didn't happen tho, because Ishin-Denshin are just sweeties, and were like "no thank you <3", so Ryunosuke settled on Ishin-Denshin being their supporters or smth anyways, they def hang out somewhat regularly, ofc each of GRIMM parade members is close to different Ishin-Denshin members i think main proper friendships i have are: Ryunosuke and Tadao (leaders and basically dads of their group... lowkey considering making them a couple ahaha...) Shouhei and Nobu+Kyo, Shouhei and Nobu are just besties who hang out a bunch, but two of them with Kyo had like a whole event of helping Shouhei deal with a nasty break up he had (Nobu had a shitty relationship too, while Kyo.. well... it's in his TH profile B) the point is Kyo and Nobu just helped Shouhei process things) Rokuro and Kyo - just hype boys who hype together
here is a fun meme you should laugh it's very funny (i have no one to share this with)
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i don't think i have any other ~full group~ relations so here's random canon connections i remember tsubaki (urban legends) is a fangirl of andromeda and specifically their triplers unit, def stans hana, mieko and shiori ryunosuke (grimm parade) and kaede (urban legends) totally get along due to their 'dramatic freak' agenda, witnessing them talking to each other has to be an Experience, because they 100% use most extra phrases and words LMAO elijah (pothos) is a huge fanboy of grimm parade and ryunosuke specifically kyo (ishindenshin), rokuro (grimm parade) and elijah (pothos) are also like 3 energetic funky boys who love dancing kyo, tadao (ishindenshin), axe, elijah (pothos), michi (cheer4U), hana (andromeda) and shinobu (urban legends) all love working out so i imagine they end up together in the gym every now and then also totally exlusive info, but im gonna couple up ichigo (cheer4U) and kyo (ishindenshin), as well as michi (cheer4U) and shouhei (grimm parade) B)
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