#theres loads of issues w this one but i like the colours and overall feel and im glad other ppl like the crossover
b6d11f · 3 years
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and everything you thought you knew will fall apart
but you'll be all right
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k0kichiimagines · 4 years
fluff alphabet: Shuichi Saihara X reader
[template by wonderwxlls]
[feel free to request any character with any letters or all!]
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Shuichi really likes your hands, he loves holding them, kissing them, having them run up chest. He also has a thing for thighs / chests.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
He does! when you guys have been together for a bit he wouldnt mind having some, he'd be pretty nervous but very good with helping and caring for them. He also is the kind of person that somehow also gets babies to stop crying? how???
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He love love loves spooning!! big or little either works for him, also the honeymoon hug / sweethearts cradle. he loves being able to see your face
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
okay no he plans so hard, he remembers everything you like and he really wants honest feedback. despite being more introvert he doesnt mind loud(?) kinda dates,, just not too often. he loves simple ones, picnics, cafes, reading (!!pls read w him hed loved it)
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
"you are my love"
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
slowly, he'd start to feel his heart flutter and butterflies etc,, hes no fool he'd know instantly..only issue is how to tell you
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
yes. very gentle, he'd never be rough (i see you kinky little shits, he would be sometimes during sex but only after asking you 11037 times if youre okay w it)
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
LOVES IT, its something so small that keeps him connected to you, fully holding or just the fingers,, he'd randomly bring your hands together and kiss yours.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
this literally depends on your personality, he thinks ure pretty tho
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
sometimes,, hes very insecure and struggles w depression and especially if hes just dealt w infidelity cases he might get a bit jealous,,
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
hmm~ well if youre more confident youd probably do the first, buut you never know even if u are he might go first ! overall his kisses are very gentle, even when theyre more passionate theres this softness behind it.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
if its you: his whole face would heat up and hed have the literal biggest smile on his smile 🥺 he'd stutter a bit before he'd say it back!! and kiss u (look he'd be a bit emotional)
if its him: itd take a lot of courage and he'd try to meet your gaze as he says it, holding your hands in his. when you tell him you love him too he smiles brightly and kisses u, while blushing ofc
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
small moments, coming home and seeing you there or waiting for you to come through the door, seeing you half asleep, saying up late and laughing over something stupid. the man is head over heels in love w you
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
hmm i feel like he'd love to! but to him gifts loose a bit of their meaning if you give them a lot, he'd randomly give you some though and theyre always very though out. also flowers. he gets you loads. (pls buy him some back)
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
whatever your favourite colour is! and colours you wear a lot
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
' my/love, honey, sweatheart, dear' 100%, if you use any others on him he'll probably pick them up
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
well novels
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
reading by the fire ! bonus points if its with you, he'd love to read to you with your head in his lap (or the other way around)
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
look this man just drowns himself in work, or locks himself in his room and doesnt eat or do anything for days its not healthy youre going to need to give him a hand
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
books, cases, random things hes done an in-depth study on at 3 am,, he loves listening to you talk about anything even if he doesnt know what it is,, he'll try his best to remember it all
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
reading, watching a few old movies,
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
look hes insecure. but he'd come to you with a bright smile if he solves a tough case !
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
proposes in private, in public makes no sense to him and makes him uncomfy, plus he doesnt want to say yes because everyones watching. hed make you a nice meal take you out, when you guys get back he'd be very clingy and nervous but then softly ask if you want to marry him, he had a whole speech but forgot it
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
line without a hook
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
a cat try and change my mind
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