#theres so many horror youtubers who fall into this shit
quasieli · 10 months
Anyone have any good horror youtubers who critically talk about horror media and use at least 2 brain cells when talking about harmful tropes in horror? I just started watching a new channel that seemed interesting but then one of the video shifted to "disabled bodies scary" and "addicts scary". It's esp pissing me off cause they even address that people have mentioned that, big shocker, disabled people are people and that their bodies aren't a horror to marvel at or be repulsed by. And then they just ignored that. I'd like to watch someone who knows what they're talking about with horror media and can approach it in constructive ways. Any type of horror content is fine, I'm open to exploring more genres and sub-genres.
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crazy-talk · 5 years
As promised, here’s a little large compilation sort of thing of little moments and memories from SBFP that you folks have submitted. I really appreciate everything that you’ve all submitted, it’s pretty clear that SBFP helped and entertained a whole lot of people - in equal amounts.
Here’s some SBFP moments:
Grand Wizard Wakka
The Shitstorm VII Woolie haunting plan
“What a mysterious game.”
“Wait, what’s my objectives?” “You don’t haaave any objectives!”
Qui Gon Chi
“Whah happuh?” “das whah happuh!”
“No, shut up though.”
The Baby
“Shut the fuck up about Face/Off!”
The Sadness Trilogy
Pat thinking he’s dying because he sat on a chocolate bar
Kenpachi Ramasama
“Whut deh fuhk? Is he using duh bät room?”
Mr. Shakedown/Kenny/Quint/Eric Sparrow
“Love is just chemicals.”
Pat eating candy alone in a closet
Matt throwing the fire axe
“Oh no, I make’da bad game!”
“Hey, is that the script?”
“It’s fine.”
The RE2 valve noise
Woolie’s atomic purple Gameboy
“Eyy, what’s goin’ on, man? You ready to play?”
And some SBFP memories. Some of these may be a bit emotionally heavy so feel free to skip this part:
the sbfp lp of yakuza 0 got me and my best friend into the yakuza series. we watched it together and we still laugh about matt falling to pieces over "never-before-seen results" - Anon
the best friends have had such an influence on my speech patterns that i've infected people who've never watched them before. half of my friend group says super big [x] and porked up now - Anon
SBFP introduced me to so many games that ended up becoming personal favorites of mine, like Deadly Premonition and the Silent Hill series. Their videos became a way for me to spend time with some of my own best friends as well! -  captainofthestars
theres one particular moment that will always resonate with me - in their devil may cry lets play, i cant remember if it was 1 or 3, they talk about someone in the comments who mentioned that they had to beat devil may cry with items due to having a physical disability of some kind, i cant remember which. they talked about how it was awesome that he managed to even beat the game like that, and, personally, as someone who struggles with motorskills issues this made me very happy, as a devil may cry fan. theres a lot of other great moments from the tbfp, both funny and genuine that made me happy, but this one in particular stuck with me a lot. -  krillfingers
I'll never stop making "pull out king" jokes thanks to sbfp - venerabledreadnought
I remember the first Shitstorm that made me actually have to get up and sit in a brightly lit room with other people in it, Anatomy. It's become a Halloween tradition to watch it every year since, though watching a whole bunch of Shitstorm also became one. As someone who started watching at their second machinma ep, it's not a lie to say that they made up the entirety of my teenage years. I will miss the channel dearly, but I look forward to the future. -  duke-nitro
My friends and I have been watching The Zaibatsu for so long that we have accidentally adopted a bunch of their phrases like going “yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah” or saying someone “go down.” Also, despite us not knowing each other when we became fans, we all somehow began with their Man vs Wild let’s play and I even made friends with one of them because I quoted something from it at work. Favorite moment probably has to be the entire Omikron playthrough, I can’t pick a single moment. It was a beautiful trainwreck start to finish and I still put on the playlist from time to time while I’m doing other things. I swear I could gently fall asleep to the sounds of Pat screaming about the shooter segments. shogun-ceanataur
Persona 4 and Kenpachi Ramasama were my favourite. I found the name itself hilarious, but how they kept on referring to him as the full name in different little bits and tones never failed to make me laugh. That “See you later, fuckers!” part from when you see Yosuke was also hilarious. I’m not sure if that video is the oeigin, but it’s why I’ve integrated that phrase into my everyday life. Goddamn what a fun, memorable episode. - whatthehellisthisevenfor
tbfp got me through being homeless in my car twice. every time that I wanted to give up, to just stop trying, i'd turn on whatever new video they had out and it brightened up my life. my mom, who was with me, came to love them to, she used to wait to hear them to relax. i have so many memories of that time, and i don't fully relax or even eat on long days until I've turned their videos on. my favorite quote is still "mistakes into miracles". its a rly motivating quote imo. -  c0l0c4k3s
I always loved the Silent Hill 2 LP. I never played it when it came out - all I knew was that it was a horror game, and I hated horror at the time. But when the LP came around, I knew a bit more about the game and I was intrigued. Seeing the game, meeting the characters, hearing Pat disect the story and themes for Matt, I loved it all. I was fascinated, and still am. I will still watch the LP every few months, and I call SH2 one of my favorite games, even though I still haven’t played it.Thanks, SBFP, for all the great moments and the great memories. I wish you all well. - iamthewanderingbard
The best friends are what got me so invested in the Dark souls games, and what motivated me to get through DS2. Even if I say 'You see what i mean' unironically a lot, and go 'You. Did it.' -  awkwardmuses
I got into Super Best Friends from a post on the Twin Perfect forum, that linked to the Silent Hill Downpour lp, and never looked back. Their let's plays brought me so much joy back when I wasn't in the best living or health situation, and continue to do so. My favourite let's plays have to be Eternal Darkness and the Shitstorms; I always go back to those when depression hits, or for any reasons. I'll miss them together, but I'll always have those delicious delicious memories. -  mrjaffesxeldritchtwin
The Best Friends Play are the reason I end so many sentences with "though". I first found them when a friend recommended the Best Sisters Play MLP animations, and I've loved them ever since. I know it's used as a joke, but I really believe they've earned the title of HYPEST GAMEPLAY ON YOUTUBE. I love all of their David Cage playthroughs, and I adore how many plot-points they guess during Beyond: Two Souls. I love how, when they play a game they really love, they show so much knowledge and care. -  mads-in-zero
It was incredibly amusing and oddly touching that the Zaibatsu created this hate circle of David Cage and his godawful games. Even before Detroit’s release, the best friends AND the fanbase were ready to hate it because as a collective, we just latched onto that one thing to hate/make fun of. And we go all out on it together like some fucked up family, and I love it. -  missinghmmingbird
I can’t help but shrug off every minor inconvenience and major issue in my life with “it’s fine” thanks to Gun Jumper Liam. Thanks to Matt and Woolie supporting Skullgirls like no one else on the internet, I really got into it and fighting games as a whole. I’m not good at them, but oh boy do I love them.And if it wasn’t for Pat, I don’t think I’d ever have touched a Yakuza or Persona game.These guys affected my life more than any other individual or group on the internet ever really has. -  dklordg
The first Best Friends video I ever watched was Portal 2. That short LP had me in stitches. I'd never laughed so hard. I've been a huge fan since then. These guys where the ones that introduced me to LPs and made me realize that you can have fun watching other people bumble through games. TheSw1tcher has been one of my favorite channels on YouTube since I began watching. It gave me something to look forward to. I got through high school, and essentially grew up, watching these videos. There are so many catchphrases and memes I will never forget and will always make me smile. I absolutely say stuff like “whah happun?” and “shit-kids” all the time. The Deadly Premonition and Detroit: Become Human playthroughs are wonderful gems in my eyes. It’s amazing how a group of guys can get so many people to collectively love and bash certain games. We’re all on the same page, having a blast like a huge group of friends at a slumber party. Matt, Pat, Woolie, Liam, Billy, and everyone who involved themselves with the Super Best Friends are the absolute best. They gave me a chance to relax and laugh along with some familiar voices. Although it's sad they are going their separate ways, I totally respect that fact. They have my love and support. I wish them nothing but success and happiness moving forward. I'll be watching! And a note to my fellow fans: This has been a wild ride. I'm glad I got to enjoy it with you. You are all fantastic people. -  fablesamongus
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riverroan · 6 years
Girlsies hcs i can think of and worked on at 11-12 AM last night
fun fact before we start: Kathrine (Joesph’s daughter) actually died in 1884. Who knew?
Kathrine Pulitzer
Her favorite show is The End of the Fxxxing World
“I’m so gay for alyssa like wtf?”
“We know kath”
She and Spot are saltmates
“Hey, madison? Who sings that song?”
“Bruno Mars”
“Please let him sing it”
Legit when he’s doing hw
“Kath, stfu. I’m trying to think”
“Yeah i know i can see steam”
After Spot finally gets a bf
“I mean at least i can get someone but yeah, me too”
Jack and Kathrine have dated before
She was confused
He was helping
Chaotic Good™
She fucking loves her siblings and they all accept her
“What a lovely day to be-”
All six of them say it at once
Her mom’s chill with it
Dad not so much
He doesn’t shame her
But he isn’t gonna try and force her to be straight cause honey he knows she’s deep into the gay hell hole
She wears buns constantly
Also when she doesn’t wear makeup she looks like a goddess
“Wow you should stop wearing makeup more often. I may actually go straight for once”
“Fuck off spot”
Whenever she and sarah finally get together
“well my saltmate and my best friend are together who would’ve figured.”
“Spot leave my lesbian ass alone you gay irish boy”
Kathrine is very loveable and anyone who says otherwise gets beat by the guys
Doesn’t matter how they get beaten
Just know these boys cherish their girls to death
Even if they’ve known them for an hour
“Wow ily to death tf”
Specs and Kathrine and the bestest friends ever okay
They have a treat yo self day
Whether it’s small or big
They will legit have a blast
Specs came out to her as pan after watching Deadpool
“Wow can you believe me a Deadpool have something in common?”
“Being pan”
When she figured out she was the first person he came out to she felt amazing
She went home and told her mom everything about it
Her mom was pumped up for her daughter
Specs and Kathrine went to homecoming as friends together and left with their own dates
Specs and romeo
Kathrine and some chick named caitlin
Kathlin didn’t last too long
Turns out caitlin was moving
Theyre still great friends
Specs told her about his crush on romeo
“He’s just so sweet and funny and ughhhhhhhh”
“I feel ya babe”
Then at homecoming they hooked up
Still together to this day
Kath loves their relationship
She calls them goals
Then in eleventh she got with Sarah
Theyre actually the oldest of the group
Her favorite artist is Dua Lipa
She’s a queen
Why else?
Shes in debate team
Also the school news
She wishes they had a newspaper but they wanted to be more “Advanced”
Also she knows whether she’ll win an arguement
She can just tell by the way the other person holds themselves
If she knows she lost she’ll nod her head respectfully and go on
She doesn’t let that get to her though
Her favorite subject is ela
Only really big musical she likes is DEH she hates the others
“Why watch some musical of the Heathers when there’s the original movie right here?”
Sarah Jacobs
Her fave subject is math
“Why are gays supposed to hate math?”
She and spot are besties
“I wish stars were out in the day too”
“You’re doing a lousy job as a lesbian if you don’t know girls already exist”
“Are you sure you’re gay?”
These two dated
It was because spot was confused
“Well this was fun, but i like guys more you’re the best love youuuuu”
She also dated jack
“Isn’t that awkward? Dating one brother then six months later go out with the other?”
“Jack you dumb fuck, haven’t you learned she has no shame don’t question my lesbian best friend and her logic”
She’s not too sure what she’s into honestly
Like holy shit guys are caring and their hands feel great
But like,,, girls are amazing
Spot just calls her a lesbo as a joke
Her fave youtuber is Macdoesit
“We worship queens in this household”
The jacobs’ already knew their first two kids were gay
They don’t care how any turn out as long as they finish school and live happy, healthy lives
They don’t have the time of day to tell them they’ll “go to hell” for being in love with whoever they want since they should be happy
That’s all that matters
“Hey mom, dad, i think i’m bi”
“Cool when you gonna bring a boy or girl over so we can meet them?”
Also after Sarah and Jack broke up Jack started dating Davey after dating another dude after Sarah (it was like two years later)
“isNt tHAt AwkWARd?? dAtiNg ONe sIBlinG tHEn Two YEars lATer Go oUT wITh tHe oTHer????”
Sarah knows the whole Bee Movie
She also has a shirt of the script
Doesn’t actually like musicals
“They just aren’t for me”
Prefers movies
True Neutral™
don’t get me wrong though
she worships Rent
“I thought you didn’t like musicals”
“leave me alone, Mimi’s coming”
allergic to animal fur actually
so she went all kim possible
“I have a hairless mole-rat”
“Be nice to Rufus”
Chowder is her childhood
so is kim possible tbh
She’s Medda’s only daughter
Everyone will fight for this kid
She’s actually younger than everyone else
She’s tough for an eighth grader
“Smalls calm tf down”
Favorite color is mint green
“It’s just so pleasing to the eye”
“So are boys”
“Race i didn’t ask for your commentary”
She wants to be in band but like,,, she only wants to play drums
Not the other percussion instruments
“Who wants to play those other lame instruments when there’s the drums?”
She listens very well actually
Also she remembers too many small details
“No one knows my middle name”
“It’s Aaron, what you talking about????”
She’s smart mouthed Delanceys’ a lot
They don’t do shit cause 1. That’s a kid and 2. That’s a girl
Their parents taught them better
Her favorite movie is shrek
“Smalls, please, it’s four. I need sl e ep”
Chaotic Neutral™
She’s attacked someone with a broom before
It was Jack
He jump scared her while she was sweeping the kitchen
Spot couldn’t breathe while medda and crutchie laughed along and checked if he was okay
Smalls laugh is a snort
“Who sounds like a pig?”
“Don’t call my sister a pig tf dude”
She’s not allowed to be around coffee
It doesn’t do anything really
She’ll throw the cup with the coffee still in to attack people if she’s angry enough though
I said she was chaotic neutral but i’m making her ass sound evil
She shares a room with crutchie
They have bunk beds
She’s top bunk
She hates that bunk but she understands why he’s bottom
She’s actually the youngest Medda ever adopted
When she adopted jack he was 15
Crutchie: 13
Spot: 16
Smalls: 10
She’s 13 now
She goes to her family for different things
Stories: Medda
Nightmare: Jack
Can’t sleep: Spot
Just wants cuddles: Crutchie
Theres different reasons behind these
For Medda she tells her stories about her exprience in theatre and Smalls finds them really nice since Medda’s voice is really soothing and she ususally falls asleep listening to her voice
When she was freaked out over a horror movie he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close and well she found it really nice, eventually falling asleep since it was warm there and she was freezing and she relaxed a lot too
When she first moved in she couldn’t sleep that night and went downstairs to get water and then Spot came down cause he couldn’t sleep either (it was 3 am) and he helped her reach a glass and he just let her crash with him for the night (she fell asleep quick)
When Smalls felt sick one night she went down and cuddled with Crutchie since she couldn’t sleep and she ended up falling asleep quickly like that
When her brothers friends spend the night she always tries to avoid the mess
But fails
One of her brothers will always drag her in
When she goes off to college she goes to NYU for nursing
she’s confused too
“Okay so... guys are cute but like wow girls are too”
“We finally have someone attracted to girls”
“Mama’s a lesbian what are you talking about?”
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Answer all the questions
1. Favourite colour.Purple and green2. Number of people you’ve slept with.43. Cake or ice cream?Cake4. If you were a superhero what would your power be?Ability to control probabilities!5. Ever been in a fist fight?Yeah...6. Do you live in the country or the city?Country7. Biggest kink?I don’t even know... I still gotta figure out what it is8. Favourite video-game?Destiny (And soon D2)9. Words you live by?Fall down seven, stand up eight10. Best book you’ve ever read?Harry Potter series11. Favourite film?The Fifth Element12. Horror or romance?Both!13. Biggest fear?Being the failure everyone expects me to be14. Best memory?The nights with my best friend that start out with “What the fuck are we doing tonight?”15. Worst memory?Don’t wanna know... trust me...16. Where are you from?Tampa, Fl17. Ever done anal?Nope18. Would you prefer to be Mary Berry’s grandchild or Paul Hollywood’s bitch?Uhhhhhh?19. Favourite outfit?My khaki colored joggers and long black shirt with my beanie!20. Snapchat or Instagram?Both!21. If you could freeze time what would you do?Travel and not lose any time!22. Best LUSH product in your opinion?Various bath bombs!23. Should people wear red shirts or brown pants in your presence?Is this a Deadpool reference? Red Shirts24. Favourite television character?Jon Snow25. Do you have a nemesis?Yeah... money26. Are you a hard-worker?Of course!27. What’s the best holiday you’ve ever been on?Every Halloween is the best time of the year!28. What’s your dream?To have my family not worry about money... I grew up constantly under the threat of losing my house and living on the streets so I don’t want my loved ones to have to worry like that!29. Where do you see your life ending up?Traveling the world!30. Describe your last sexual encounter. I took my friend a graduation gift and we hung out and at the end of the night she goes "I’m horny... fuck me?” after making sure she was sure we fucked!31. Cake by the ocean or sex on the beach?Sex on the beach!32. Ever done drugs?Nope33. Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings?HP!34. Are you a jock or a nerd?Nerd for sure!35. On a scale of 8 to 34.7, how gay are you?21ish36. Do you live for Tumblr discourse or hate it?Tumblr discourse?37. Favourite trashy television show?Big Brother... thats about the trashiest I watch and its not even trashy...38. Last time you watched porn?Right now39. Do you have a recurring sexual fantasy?Glory hole40. Weirdest dream you ever had?I was in a wasteland but I was king of that wasteland... I don’t even remember the details... 41. Ever had mental health issues?Yup!42. What’s the answer to the question you wish someone would ask you?Of course43. Do you wish people paid more attention to you?Depends on what aspect... like my YouTube channel? Fuck yeah I want more attention on there but in real life... I’m alright where I am44. Do you have anyone who you’d happily slap right across their chops?YES!45. Dog person or cat person?Dog but my cat is cute and gives kisses sooooo46. Sneakers or heels?Sneakers... easy!47. Favourite cocktail?My buddy is a bartender and keeps coming up with crazy shit so whatever he's making!48. Day or night?Night49. Pokémon or Digimon?Pokemon!50. How big is your dick?7.5in long... I’ve been told large if that means anything51. Favourite musical?All of a sudden every musical has disappeared from my memory52. Favourite song? “Middle Fingers” by Missio53. Are you secretly a goblin/alien/android?Yes54. Why are you like this? Because the culmination of my life until this point has influenced and affected my perception of reality55. What’s your guilty pleasure?Naps56. What would you say if I said ‘I love you’?Who are you, anon? I’ll tell you then! ;D57. What’s the story behind your URL? dance-to-this-beat called me it and I changed my name to it!58. Tell me something that worries you.America59. What have you been worrying about today?Whether I’m getting sunburnt or not...60. I’m only sending you these questions because I have a crush on you and I’m too tragic to actually just say it. Anon... are you sure you read through all of these before asking me?61. Hot dogs or burgers?Burgers62. Nintendo or the other trash-consoles?All of them!63. Which fandom ruined a show that you used to like?I don’t care about fandoms when it comes to me shows!64. What do you wish you could tell your best friend?I tell my best friend everything!65. Tell us a deep dark secret. Uhhhh... I don’t have secrets... ask me anything and I’ll tell you!66. Are you curious about having a man in leather spank your botty 'til it’s all red?Not at all67. Favourite Tumblr couple?Uhhh I don’t know...68. Do you have any dietary quirks?No fast food, I stay away from dairy, I don’t eat meat (for the most part) until dinner time... 69. Do you want to have someone pleasure your genitals orally while you do the same to theirs?Fuck yeah! 70. How old are you?2471. Which Buzzfeed listicle sums up your existence?I’m not going looking for a Buzzfeed article just to answer this hahaa72. Do you have any pets? 2 pups, 3 cats, and a dozen chickens!73. What colour underwear are you wearing?Red74. Boxers or briefs?Briefs75. Fuck me, Ray Bradbury?No76. Which television show do you want to last forever?Steven Universe77. In a zombie apocalypse how long would you last?Until someone decides to betray me78. Do you have good internet connection or do you want to punch your router every ten minutes?Both79. Would you find it somewhat saucy if I sent bawdy nudes in your direction?I would think thats fucking hot and appreciate each and every one I received individually!80. Which country has the best flag?Pirates... come on Jolly Roger81. Do you consider yourself *iconic*?Never82. Most overrated food?None!83. Most overrated film?I havent even seen many films lately...84. Most overrated television show?I don’t watch much tv outside my shows so I don’t know...85. Most overrated type of cheese?SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH CHEESE IS AMAZING86. Which brand would you never shop at?I ain’t about brands anyways... if theres a shirt I like I’ll buy it87. Wisdom, courage, or power?Wisdom88. Would you prefer to travel in time and stay in the same spot, or travel in space with time elapsing as normal?Travel in space and time elapses normally!89. What’s the best birthday present you ever got?The money90. What present do you wish someone would give you?Sex91. Do you have an ex? Why did you break up?I have six exes and various reasons91. Why does 91 appear on this list twice now?Just so you can ask this question92. Spare a thought for the humble creator of this list, it’s difficult to think of this many questions. Don’t put two question 91s93. Do you prefer anons or non-anons?I love all my asks! IF I ONLY HAD ANY94. Who do you wish you could have sex with more than any other?I ain’t even gonna answer this one... she might see it and that might be bad95. What is your spirit animal? Bear96. Do you have one word that you really love the sound of?Spiffy97. Do you still have any of your stuffed toys from when you were a kid?I cuddle up to a stuffed animal every night... come on haha98. What makes you super nostalgic?Old school cartoons!99. Give me an answer to a random one of these questions. (But don’t make it a shit answer like 'yes’. Don’t be an asshole.)HARRY POTTER!100. What’s your favourite cocktail?You mean the same question from question 41?101. Sonic screwdriver or Ron’s shit broken wand from the second Potter book?Sonic screwdriver... I want a wand more but still...102. Laptop or PC?PC by far!103. What’s the sexiest accent in your opinion?Give me any accent and I’ll fall in love104. Would you let Donald Trump tickle your nipples for an hour for £6,000,000?WHY WOULD’NT I?105. You should check out a great little British website called Pretty52. I smell advertising...106. If you could dye your hair any colour, what colour would you change to?Blue107. What would you change about your body if you could?My sinus problem108. Do you prefer to be hot or cold?Cold109. What’s your favourite way to orgasm?I just love to have orgasms...110. Are you a mermaid or a unicorn?Unicorn111. What’s the name of your favourite pet when you were a kid?George112. What was your favourite class at school?Math113. Are you superstitious? Very!114. What do you think happens when we die?Afterlife in heaven or hell115. Pie or pi?PIE116. Your followers a question.Proper grammar please?117. Lick my genitalia. I would love to if you have a pussy118. What’s your favourite number?42119. Do you ever look up at the stars and feel small?Not really120. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?Eh121. Tell me about a quirky personality trait. I’m way too honest122. What was your favourite story when you were younger?Harry Potter hahaha123. Are you old before your time or young at heart?Young at heart124. Why do you do the things you do? Please. Tell me.Because they make sense to me125. I hope you enjoyed these questions.I did!126. Which Tumblr blog would you recommend to all your fans?psychxtic-hearts
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