theridge-rp · 4 years
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With our plot drop posted and our locations page up, The Ridge is officially open for play! Please tag any open starters with #TheRidgeStarter and let the chaos ensue!
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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And ... the Main Page is officially open ! Our first batch of bios will be released on Monday, 04.05.2020, but feel free to take a look around before then and check out all the information, lore and character teasers. We’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have while we’re completing our bios, so don’t be shy !
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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We hope the current residents of The Ridge will be delighted to hear that the Admin team have decided to join the fray. Tomorrow, we will select characters and create blogs, with a view to fully open The Ridge for play in the evening.  The characters we select will be taken up on a temporary basis and will remain open for application. Along with this, we will be releasing our highly anticipated list of locations.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Evening Residents,
We hope everyone is staying safe and coping as best they can during this unprecedented time. We are excited with all the applications we have so far and just wanted to thank you all and share in our excitement as this lovely roleplay continues to grow. 
As always, if you need anything at all, you are more than welcome in our PMs.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Members, please follow Rhaeda Alroot and welcome Admin Dark to The Ridge.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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The Admins have selected their characters. Admin Light will be playing the part of Calliel Lightfeather. Whilst Admin Dark assumes the role of Rhaeda Alroot. Again, these roles will remain open for application, should any prospective players like to take them off our hands.
We are in the process of creating our blogs, as well as adding some finishing touches to our locations list and opening prompt. These prompts will be posted at 6PM BST Tomorrow, May 30th. At which point, the roleplay will be officially open! Follows for Calliel and Rhaeda will be posted, as well as the locations list in the hours leading up to opening.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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The Ridge May 23rd 2020
For centuries The Ridge has been a sanctuary to lost people and things. Those whose worlds rejected them, cast them out with nothing to bind them to the soil of their home realm. Those who turned their back on the lives gifted to them by the universe, who sought more than the mundane existence that their homes offered.
The one responsible for the sanctity of this place between places was Olinir Telemnar. Regent to the Elves who first settled in The Ridge. He welcomed the Angels and Demons as they fled the destruction of their home world and brokered peace in the town. 
Shortly after, wanderers began to arrive from all corners of existence. Each of them were welcomed and found a life and place better than that which they left. As more refugees arrived, it became clear that for the sake of everyone’s safety and sanity the residents of The Ridge would have to adapt to a more human-oriented way of living. With the help of human residents, the knowledge of the Elves and The Ridge’s own tendency to model itself after the human world, it was a feat easily achieved.
New humans were allowed to induce themselves into town life as they pleased and newcomers of other races were welcomed by their own kind and instructed in the ways of subtlety. Now, only the oldest of residents are aware of one and other, whilst the rest live among friends and strangers of unknown nature. 
With only a letter to his sister left behind, Olinir Telemnar has now disappeared. No trace, no reason, no instruction to those closest to him or the people of The Ridge. The man responsible for maintaining peace and civility between the faction leaders has vanished and the seat at the head of the table now beckons who lust for power.
Word has spread of the leaders disappearance, down through the hierarchy of the factions and to the few common folk who know of The Ridge’s precarious state of peace. Those not privy to the towns multiracial nature hear whispers of the name and now get the uneasy sense that something is not right. The winds have changed and the air is thick with tension. Something threatens to ruin the homes that so many have come to cherish and even those who don’t realise it, are gearing up for the fight.
[The above plot drop is to provide some clarity to the plot page and circumstances hinted in several bios and lore pages. We trust that most players will be able to deduce the specific circumstance and reaction of their characters. However, if any of you have questions, feel free to ask. Once we have enough players and the roleplay opens, we will release a post providing prompts for each of you as a starting point and opening task.]
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Five! An excellent take on Galorfril. We loved your understanding of our vision for him.  Please follow the steps on the acceptance checklist and welcome to The Ridge!
O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R -
Name/Alias: Five
Age: 26
Preferred Pronouns: They/Them
Timezone: BST
Triggers: N/A
How did you find us: I’m friends with one of the admins, though they’ve told me that won’t grant me any favour in my application :)
Please describe your activity: I’m working from home every weekday whilst lockdown is on so about a 7 out of 10 right now. I’ll go back to working long days when it’s over but only 4 days out of 7
Anything else you need us to know: Nope. Just that this RP looks fab!
D E T A I L S -
Character: Galorfril Unembor
What drew you to this character: I’m not entirely sure really. Something about playing an Elf, such a high fantasy character in what seems to be a rather modernised setting seems really intriguing. I feel like Galorfril is quite knowledgeable in more than one sense of the word. His loyalty to the Telemnars is interesting and I really want to see if I can do such an upstanding guy justice.
Faceclaims ( Please list at least two ): Aaron Tveit or James Norton. I feel like the two of them have such a dignity to their facers, strong and proud but at the same time very gentle. (I know theyve both played not so gentle characters before but for me it’s a very prominent characteristic of them both) I think their faces would do really well in a meeting of faction leaders, if you know what I mean?
I N C H A R A C T E R -
Please list at least two headcanons for your character:
1. I think Galorfril is a born leader. Though he hasn’t ever entertained the idea because he’s always been so devoted to serving a leader, that’s exactly what makes him a good at the job. I think he would have always been present with Olinir at meetings and such and was probably a great advisor the Regent and through experience always knows the best thing to advise. 2. As much as he loved Olinir and had faith in him, he’s been quite quick to accept his disappearance as final. He continues to try and maintain an Elven presence with the other factions and tries to be a voice for what Olinir represented/would have wanted. But he’ll continue to try and urge Isilwen to take Olinir’s place as Regent and leader of the Ridge 3. He’s far more integrated than any of the other elves. Although traditional and loyal to his people, he always followed his leaders example in moving with the times. As The Ridge evolved and more races and cultures became part of it, he made sure to keep up to date and so isn’t as stiff as some of his bookworm brethren. but still quite stiff. 4. He hates nicknames. Gally and Galor are the most common. Thankfully none of the other Elves seem to refer to him as such, except Emmy who seems to contend with him on most modern. But the other residents of The Ridge are very fond of abbreviations and it really gets on his nerves.
Please include a list of potential plots for your character:
1. On my headcanon, i think it would be interesting to see Gally’s reaction if any other faction leaders or Elves were to suggest that he become the leader. He knows that he doesn’t have enough pull in The Ridge to become all out leader, but he seems to already be the defacto respresentative for the Elves whether hea meant to become so or not. I think he’d have a real struggle between his loyalty for the Telemnar way and the peace that Olinir had brokered. 2. His connection with morah shpws very limited information, but that means more wiggle room. I think his curiosity for the Djinn could be very dangerous, especially if it lead him as far as Hiba. I’d very much like to see him trying to work his way in with the Djinn. 3. Again, on the subject of his connections. I’m really excited to explore this whole thing with Dax. I’m assuming it'as something about magical Elf senses and that there is something special about Dax/ Are there any other humans that have a similar enticing aura about them? I know the connection says Gally doesn’t bother himself with new people normally but he must make it his business to be as fmailiar as possible with as many people as he can? At least if they are people of interest. I really want to explore that aspect of Gally’s role as a diplomat and where it takes him with people like Dax. 4. Kind of running with the theme of Gally being an integrated, modern day Elf and diplomat, I think on the whole and in general, his desire to keep peace and keep acquainted with The Ridge’s biggest players will help for some good plotting. Especially when it comes to an Elf-centric view on things. Maybe he’ll be able to adapt to a new way of living? Or maybe his loyalty to what Olinir believed in will get in the way. Who knows.
Please include an in-character sample. This can be as long as you’d like with a minimum of 400 words:
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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After a rocky start in terms of activity, then a week or two of no activity at all. The admins have come to the conclusion that in the competitive culture that it group RPs, only one in a hundred make it off the ground. Unfortunately, The Ridge seems to be one of the other ninety-nine. A great shame, when we think about the vast amounts of work that went into it.
Thank you to those who did join us and who tried to make something wonderful. The gates of The Ridge are now closed. We wont be taking down the page. Should the inspiration and enthusiasm to give it another go strike us, we will be back.
Thank you, and good day.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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The following member(s) have not posted in 5+ days and will need to resume activity by 15.06.2020, or contact the main blog for a hiatus, to ensure that their role does not get reopened:
Lacey Williams
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Hello, Residents ! Please unfollow Salix Willowbark. We wish Izzy all the best in the future. 
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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The following member(s) have not posted in 5+ days and will need to resume activity by 06.06.2020, or contact the main blog for a hiatus, to ensure that their role does not get reopened:
Salix Willowbark
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Members, please follow Lacey Williams and welcome Sam to the roleplay !
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Sam! We were both blown away by the headcanons for Lacey and the entire application was absolute perfection. Please follow the steps on the acceptance checklist and welcome to The Ridge!
-O U T  O F  C H A R A C T E R -
Name/Alias: Sam.
Age: 25.
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her.
Timezone: EST.
Triggers: Miscarriage, Loss of child.
How did you find us: I search the tags almost every day
Please describe your activity:7-8/10. Right now I am working from home so I can easily access the dashboard. When the pandemic is over, and I return to the office, my activity will likely dip to a 6-7/10.
Anything else you need us to know:  
D E T A I L S -
Character: Lacey Williams.
What drew you to this character: Lacey and I are both dealing with recent loss in our personal lives. Honestly, that is the first thing that drew me to her. I believe we share a lot of the same feelings. I would love to channel those feelings and process them through writing. I am also intrigued by the concept of a shifter. Seems like that would be great fun to write! Lastly, based on her combo personality+bio, there is a lot of room for plotting and development. Lacey seems like an easy character to incorporate in others’ stories. I would love to see her in action as someone’s close friend and confidant.
Faceclaims: Emmy Rossum / Ellen Page
I N  C H A R A C T E R -
Please list at least two headcanons for your character:
1. Lacey is obsessed with dreaming, and often uses medication to induce deeper sleep. She keeps a meticulous dream journal in which she tracks recurring themes, metaphors and details. Her parents appear in her dreams all the time, which usually leaves her feeling upset and desperate in the morning. Lacey believes that her dreams are messages from God.
2. She has a roommate named Trisha. Trisha is a forty-something (human) drunk with a heart of gold. Lacey shares a house with her. She has become Lacey’s most recent “project”: She spends too much time trying to fix Trisha and her problems, but it’s like reasoning with a toddler.
3. In the same vein as HC #2, Lacey has a habit of losing herself in other people. She often projects on others and fixates on “helping” them, not realizing that this is a coping mechanism. She hasn’t truly faced her demons – namely the loss of her parents – and avoids doing so by worrying about others. This is her form of self-harm.
4. Of all her forms, Lacey’s favorite is a bluebird. It’s her favorite escape from human life. She has her own nest in the town square, where she goes to ponder quietly. Often, after shifting back into a human, her wings remain and she must conceal them.
Please include a list of potential plots for your character:
1. I would love to see Lacey’s dissent into madness. From reading her bio, it sounds like she has responded to her parents’ deaths with a hunger for information and knowledge. Perhaps she skipped several steps in the grieving process; too afraid to face her truth. I think this will come back to haunt her. Eventually, her obsession with sleeping will jeopardize her psyche. I want to say that I would be very tasteful in handling this plot because, if she is abusing sleep aids, it could be triggering. But, as a writer, working in the context of her dreams sounds like fun. I could really play with form and metaphor while expanding on Lacey’s deep ache for relief. This plot could take off with Adil (or another close friend) realizing that Lacey seems different, and starting to worry about her.
2. Lacey is very distraught about the recent disappearance of Olinir. As a child, she was taught to love and respect him as her leader. When he vanished, it felt too similar to the loss of her parents. She can hardly stand it. Her need to know what happened is eating her alive. This can weave with Plot #1. I want Lacey to go crazy trying to find answers about Olinir, and I want her to work with other characters on this.
3. In general, I want to form as many connections as possible, and so does Lacey. I believe that her character traits make her a natural conversationalist. She can make friends easily and she maintains connection faithfully. I love plotting with other writers, and I especially love writing “slow-burn” friendships and relationships.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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+1 - Lacey Williams
Exploring for and wide, Lacey Williams has wandered into our inbox! Many thanks to the applicant. All applications will be processed within 24 hours of receiving them.
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theridge-rp · 4 years
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Residents please follow Calliel Lightfeather! Admin Light has joined the roleplay
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