#thescentoflavender translations
laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] Mystery box "Deep in His Memory" Lucien’s part Translation (Part 1-4)
No spoiler alert this time because this content isn’t exactly a spoiler. This storyline is a part of Mystery Box merch, so it’s content that’s only available in CN and has zero chance to get officially translated. Before reading it’s advised to read @/thescentoflavender post that introduces the Mystery Box first!
For this translation, I arrange things a little bit differently so y’all can enjoy choosing and getting bad endings just like in the DLC. Happy readings!
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Translation under the cut~
Navigation: Part 1-4 (you’re here!) | Part 5 | Part 6-9 | Part 10 
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It was another normal day on work, until MC found a strange black letter on her desk. She was confused because it’s not a work-related letter, and the letter was suspicious because there’s no clear sender and yet it was adressed to her.
MC: Could it be some kind of threatening letter...
After a moment's hesitation, I opened the envelope carefully.
A piece of same-colored paper lay quietly among them. I shook it gently and unfolded it.
A mess of information spreads out and fills my entire field of vision.
《 Contents of the first letter 》
You will surely see
I always see the revelation of the old prophecy that eventually you will succeed in your goals. For this reason I have decided that you should stop all needless activities in your life and focus on the path of your destiny. It won't take long to see the true destiny, and the future will surely confirm the prophecy.
As long as you arrive at the place I have arranged, the true meaning of fate will tell you what to choose now. Once you see an obstacle, you must resolutely drop everything that is a stumbling block. This is the most important decision and will directly affect the final success or failure. If you can't even figure it out in your heart, what about the new world? What you need to remember is that according to the prophecy, the light will eventually see...
What does the content of this letter even mean?
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【What a strange letter... The title seems to prompt me to connect the "you will see" in the letter in a certain order, so that I can get other information, right?】
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Answer: EVOL
The moment I uttered the word, I frowned and subconsciously bit my lower lip.
Who the hell sent this letter and what was his purpose? Why is EVOL mentioned?
I looked at the paper in my hand, trying to find clues from my memory.
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【Curl up the letter, something new seems to come to light】
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I looked closely at the shapes I had rolled up in my hand, trying to see if there was any other information.
Suddenly, there was a "bang" at the door, I panicked, my hands shook and I rushed towards the source of the sound.
MC: What's going on? What's happening?
Kiki: Boss, why are you still here? The trailer demo was almost too late!
Kiki was panicked and walked up with a thick pile of documents in her hands.
MC: That's right, the trailer!
The first thing I had to do when I arrived at the office was the trailer, but I was delayed by this mysterious file on my desk.
I was busy all day, only ate a few quick bites of lunch, and finally got a breather when I was about to get off work.
MC: Phew....
I rubbed my somewhat sore neck, looked out the window at the dimly lit sky, and sighed softly.
Now there should not be anything else, I have to hurry back to study that envelope.
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I took out my phone to confirm the time, only to find that it had been muted by me at some point, with countless missed calls and new text messages taking over the screen.
MC: Missed the calls for a whole day, I must have made him worry...
Looking at the missed calls in my phone, I decided to call that person back first.
[Lucien - 1]
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The beeps on the phone sounded extremely long, and just when I thought the call would not be picked up, the waiting beep stopped.
MC: Lucien... it's me. Sorry, I've been busy with work today and accidentally muted my phone, so I didn't hear your call.
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Lucien: That's okay, I thought you'd be busy too. I'm not interrupting your work, am I?
MC: No- not at all!
I scrambled to explain, but heard a soft chuckle coming from the receiver.
Lucien: Are you off from work now?
MC: Well, I’m almost done...
I casually glanced out the window, dusk gradually stained the sky, and before I knew it, the day was almost over.
Lucien: However, have you forgotten what you promised me?
MC: Eh? What promise?
I was stunned, and my brain was briefly shut down.
What did I promise to Lucien? What is it... It seems that there is such a thing, but I have been so busy these days that I can't remember it at all.
Lucien: Looks like you really forgot about it.
Lucien's voice sounded a little low, which made me feel even more guilty. I struggled to think.
MC: I, let's see, don't remind me yet, I'm sure I can remember! There is indeed something...
Lucien: Okay, I won't talk about it.
The soft laughter fell on my ears, I don’t know if it is because of the embarrassment but for some reason, I always feel that the tips of my ears are a little hot.
I tried to remember, and finally found a little fragment in the corner of my memory.
MC: Isn't there something going on at Loveland University...?
Lucien didn't answer my question right away and just laughed. He didn't speak until I couldn't help urging him again.
Lucien: It's the anniversary of Loveland University. I have a lecture tonight.
MC: Ah! Yes, that’s it!
Lucien: But unfortunately, that's not the point.
MC: Huh?
Lucien: The point is, you promised me to come to the lecture and invited me to watch a movie together afterward. Now, do you remember?”
MC: Ah... sorry...
With Lucien's voice, my previous memories resurfaced a little bit.
I hurriedly grabbed my phone and talked as I ran towards the exit.
MC: I'll be right there now, there’s still time before the lecture starts, right?
Probably because of the jog, my voice unconsciously carried a slight gasp, and there was another chuckle from the other end of the phone.
Lucien: Yes, I'll wait for you.
[Lucien - 2]
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Half an hour later, I finally arrived at the entrance of Loveland University, and although the lecture had not started yet, it was close to starting.
There were security guards at the entrance of the school that check the documents, probably to control the number of people.
MC: If I do the registration now, I'll be too late...
After a moment of hesitation, I fished out Lucien's ID from my bag.
Before, because of filming shows, Lucien lent his ID to me, I was going to bring it back to him today, but did not expect to need to borrow it again...
I hung the ID around my neck, turning the side with Lucien's picture on it inward, and tried to muddle my way into the school.
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MC: Phew...
After walking into the school with trepidation, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.
MC: It’s because I'm in a hurry...I'm really sorry!
In my heart, I silently apologized to the security guards at the door and prepared to rush to the lecture hall where Lucien was.
The lecture of this Loveland University celebration event is very special, so the location is also set in a lecture hall that I have never been to before.
I was already unfamiliar with the way to the university, and now I was even more confused when I had to rush to an unfamiliar place.
I asked a few students around for directions, but none of them were quite sure exactly where the lecture hall was located either.
As the time for the lecture got closer and closer, I became a bit impatient.
I was jogging blindly around the campus based on a vague perception when my eyes suddenly noticed the ID that was shaking as I ran.
Oh yes, there is a map on top of the ID!
I picked up the ID card on my chest and studied the simple map of Loveland University, and sure enough, the location of the lecture hall was also marked on it.
From where I am now, to get to the lecture hall, the nearest route should be...
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【 Every time you go to an intersection, you must judge the direction】
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Answer:  up, right, left, left, and right.
MC: This route should be the closest one.
After determining the nearest route, I jogged all the way to the lecture hall.
When I walked into the lecture hall through the back door, the lecture was about to start and the host was introducing Lucien to the audience.
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MC: Luckily I made it in time and wasn't late...
Today's lecture was so unusually popular that there weren't even many places to sit, so I had to walk to the back corner of the lecture hall.
After choosing a good position to stand, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and Lucien's voice echoed at that moment.
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Lucien: Please welcome to today's lecture...
I looked up at the person in front of the podium, and my heart suddenly fluttered.
Lucien was also raising his eyes, looking in the direction I was, bending his eyes and curling his lips.
That look was like saying, "I knew you were coming."
Although he quickly averted his eyes after just a glance, my heart couldn't help but pound, and my cheeks burned unconsciously.
The content of the lecture was related to Lucien's expertise. Although it was complex scientific content, he explained the in-depth and simple language, and it could even be said to be full of fun.
Most of the people there were laymen like me, but we all listened with great interest and the atmosphere was quite cordial.
It's been a long time since I listened to Lucien's lectures, so I couldn't help but sneak out my phone and take a few snaps as a memento.
The one-hour lecture ended without me realizing it, and after the crowd slowly dispersed, there were only two people left in the large lecture hall.
I stepped forward and walked to Lucien's side.
MC: As expected of Professor Lucien, today’s lecture was also a success.
Lucien put away the information in his hand, his eyes swept over the phone in my hand.
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Lucien: Did you just take pictures?
I was stunned for a moment and subconsciously hid my phone behind me, feeling a little embarrassed.
MC: That... because I haven't seen you lecture for a while, I always thought it should be filmed.
Lucien didn't speak, he just smiled, but I felt even shyer.
MC: You are the main character of today's lecture, it's normal to get on camera.
I looked up at Lucien again and met with a pair of gentle eyes.
Lucien: In that case, shouldn't you pay me some "shooting fees”?
MC: Huh, what kind of “fee”?
Lucien: For example, go to see a long-promised movie with me.
I blushed a little and was about to nod my head in response, but Lucien's phone suddenly vibrated.
I waited quietly beside him for him to finish answering the phone,, only to find that his expression became a little serious.
MC: What’s wrong?
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Lucien: It was a call from the dean, he said that a child was sick and wanted me to go visit.
MC: Why are they sick? Is it serious? Should we take them to the hospital? Let's rush over now, shall we?
Facing my barrage of questions, Lucien smiled and paused, as if he didn't know which one to answer first.
Lucien: It’s not serious, it’s just a fever.
MC: Oh, it’s good that it’s not something serious...
Feeling relieved, I dropped my tone.
MC: Then let's go to the orphanage first... about the movie, let's put it to tomorrow, is that okay?
Lucien looked at me with eyes full of tenderness, and the corners of his mouth raised a beautiful curve.
Lucien: Okay.
[Lucien - 3]
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When I arrived at the orphanage, it was late and the other children had gone to bed first, leaving only the dean who had been taking care of the little girl with a cold and fever.
Dean: Sorry to make you guys run at this late hour, but this kid keeps clamoring to see Professor Lucien... saying that she won't behave and take her medicine
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Lucien: Let me handle it.
Lucien approached the crying little girl, stroking her head with his broad palm and whispering something in her ear.
Before long, like incredible magic, the girl really stopped crying.
I looked at Lucien in front of me and marveled that there was really nothing he couldn't do.
Lucien: So take the medicine obediently and listen to the dean, okay?
Little girl: Mmm! I’ll be good.
Lucien: Then we will make an appointment, when you are better, sister MC and I will come back to see you.
I helped hand over the water and medicine, and after the little girl took the medicine, I took a candy out of my pocket and put it in her hand.
MC: This way your mouth won't be bitter.
Little girl: Thank you, sister MC!
After that we stayed at the orphanage for a while, waiting for the little girl to fall asleep and the fever to go away before we were ready to leave.
MC: Lucien... I'm still curious, what did you say to the little girl, and how did she stop crying right away?"
Lucien turned his face to me, and his eyes flashed with a hint of affection.
Lucien: Do you want me to say it to you too?
His warm breath was right next to my ear, causing the tips of my ears to burn, and I took a step back to push him away a little.
MC: N-no, there’s no need... let’s go back quickly.
MC: Oh, I suddenly remembered that I left my bag in the classroom...
Lucien: Don't worry, I'll accompany you to get it.
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The bag was sitting alone on my desk, and I could see it as soon as I walked into the classroom.
I walked over quickly, and the moment I picked up the bag, I found that the bag had been opened at some point.
In the bag, there is also something that was not there before.
It was a black letter.
I snapped back to my senses, realizing that the black envelope in front of me was very similar to the one I received in the office during the day.
MC: ...Who did it?
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Lucien: MC, are you okay?
MC: I... don’t know who put this letter in my bag.
Not knowing how to explain it, despite some hesitation, I was driven by instinct to open the envelope first, and there was a folded letter inside.
The contents of the letter are the same as the previous letter, but they are all broken words, and there is a sign-like symbol in the lower right corner.
An S with an upturned end, which is the logo of BLACK SWAN.
I felt chill and fine beads of sweat oozing from my back, but I forced myself to calm down, trying to find other clues in the letter.
Lucien: If you don’t mind, can you show it to me?
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【Lucien picked up the letter and looked at it, pointing his finger at the strange pattern that looked like DNA. What does he mean?】
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Answer:  觉醒 (Awakening)
MC: Awakening...
Thinking back to the "EVOL" and "Evolution" written in the last envelope, my inner turmoil was like a tidal wave that swept over me.
Lucien: Let’s just get out from here.
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It's a letter from BLACK SWAN.
Thinking about it, a wave of unease rose in my heart. I looked at Lucien, feeling hesitant, but decided to tell him about the letter I received during the day.
After briefly telling him about the discovery of the letter and its content, Lucien did not speak, just lowered his eyes and seemed to be lost in thought.
After a while, Lucien looked up at me, his voice a little lower than before.
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Lucien: Don't think too much for now. I'll investigate this matter, so don't worry.
Lucien: You must be tired today. I'll take you back home, you rest early okay?
I nodded and smiled cheerfully.
MC: Now that you mention it, I do feel really sleepy...
When we got home, Lucien didn't intend to go upstairs with me.
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Lucien: Sorry, there are still some things in the lab that need to be taken care of, so you can go home first.
MC: This late? Is it too much work?
Lucien: Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.
His eyes seem to have deep colors that can’t be dissolved. I can’t bring myself to ask, his recent experiments are very busy, there must be a lot of things to deal with.
Lucien: Just go upstairs and get a good night's sleep.
I nodded, waved at Lucien in the night, turned, and walked home.
[Lucien - 4]
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Maybe it's because I'm too busy with work today, and there are too many things happening, drowsiness keeps blurring my consciousness.
I frowned at the letter on the table, but still found no more clues.
MC: Forget it, let's go to sleep first...
I simply took a shower and got into bed.
Perhaps because I was too tired, sleepiness swarmed over me the moment I touch the soft bed.
My consciousness is drifting away...
Milky white mist drifted through the air like gentle waves, tapping on my cheeks.
I stood in the middle of the fog, there was nothing around me, I don't know why, but a very clear idea came to my mind.
-This must be a dream.
I came back to my senses and took a step forward, the fog also dissipated. At the same time, a low male voice suddenly sounded.
??: Queen
My body froze in place, and my brain finally connected everything, I recalled the black envelope, and my back was tense.
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->Go along with what he said
->Ask him back
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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Not so subtle after all, Motonari.
Motonari: So, aren’t you going to do a thing or two to reward me for my efforts? 
[MC]: Reward you... Ah, I know, I’ll bring you some tea.
Motonari: Wait, wait.
[MC]: Eh? Is massaging your shoulders better? Or are you hungry? Shall I make you something to eat? 
Motonari: You’re not a servant or a slave.
Motonari: Isn’t there a more suitable activity for lovers?
[MC]: Uh, then... Do you want to join me for a cup of sake?
Motonari: No.
[MC]: Why don’t we go for a walk and take advantage of the night scenery?
Motonari: Are you serious?
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acrispyapple · 5 years
@thescentoflavender did this translation for me because i can’t chinese. thank you for taking time out of your schedule to do it! ♡
please do not screenshot, copy/paste, repost this translation. ☆
MLQC: Ling Xiao (Shaw) PV & Profile ✧
Youthful and arrogant, he has a wicked tongue and teases the MC mercilessly. Yet, after which, he will always involuntarily be concerned for her. When everyone else had forgotten about the MC and she had nowhere to go, he let her stay in his studio. He also investigates the “Eternal Winter” incident with the MC. An Evolver in the high-risk lightning department, he has used his evol several times to rescue the MC when she’s in danger. He has also expressed the slightest dissatisfaction and jealousy using thunder. He has personally admitted that he makes it rain when he is happy, and causes thunder and lightning when he is unhappy.
“记住,我叫凌肖。” "Remember, my name is Ling Xiao."
Chinese name: 凌肖 / Ling Xiao
Age: 20 years old
Height: 182cm
Evol: Thunder and Lightning Control
C.V: 赵路 / Zhao Lu
Identity: Graduate student, Department of Archaeology, Loveland University
Appearance: Blue-purple hair, Amber Eyes, Punk Style Clothes
Likes: Bass, Punk Music, Longboard
Symbol: Longboard, Roseleaf Bramble
Special hobby: Mix Coca-Cola with Pepsi
Personality: Free-spirited and arrogant. Possesses a venomous tongue but is actually rather softhearted.
Nickname: Pikachu, Didi (cute way of saying younger brother in Mandarin), Ling Spring Thunder (凌春雷)
Birthday: June 21
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cheri-translates · 3 years
Hello Cheri. I hope you're doing well. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I'm really sorry to bother you with this ask. I was wondering, do you know if anyone has translated Victor's official art book? I found a small part of it being translated, but couldn't find the entire translation.
Thanks a lot in advance! \(^o^)/
Mini-house: here
Outfits: here
Letter: here
From my understanding, @thescentoflavender is translating other parts of Victor’s official art book, so just keep an eye out for it! (´꒳`)♡
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here’s a list i recommend for more mlqc goodness! as a fair warning, if you’re just starting this game, there are definitely spoilers abound in these blogs, so just keep that in mind. if you’re one who doesn’t care (like i am), click, click, click! this is a really long list “[^_^]
discord servers: (just click for the invite link)
black swan collective
mr love: queen’s choice
mrlove - subreddit
chipupuni - (last update feb2021) they have such cute art!!
shofyeizartzy - (last update jan2021) does edits; takes requests
fanfic/headcanons: (be sure to read their fics and rec one!)
emilyplaysotome - their queen’s choice series? hot as hell and well worth the read
milki-mlqc - (last update mar2021)
mlqcanonymous - (last update oct2020) headcanons i really like, especially the endearing one, and the almost domestic bliss ones
mlqcconfessions - (last update dec2020)
otonymous - the lingerie one?? good golly
starrygalaxy04 - also writes for bnha/mha
vexillumalbum - (last update mar2021)
virsamin - i hope they continue their high school au, looks like it’ll be fun.
voltagesmutter - their writing is so hot holy shit. binge read near everything because i needed more
acrispyapple - one-stop shop for everything!
all-things-mlqc - (last update feb2021) has more posts about the anime; has a masterpost with links to the anime and pv videos
alliexlucien - lucien bias, but shows love to all of them
autumn-gingko-leaves - (last update jan2021) features other otome games like ikemen sengoku and loveunholyc
cjinjinx - has some other anime, like jujutsu kaisen and kimetsu no yaiba
cyberfxck - (last update apr2021) this user has a shaw bias
daily-mlqc - (last update dec2020) has more posts about the anime
leeyuunmi - (last updated mar2021)
lilith-sp - (last update mar2021)
mlqcscreaming - (last update mar2021) takes writing requests!
rumorsandsecrets - focused on the rumors&secrets obtained by karma
soileh-edts - icons!
the boys:
gavin: crazykittenzzzz
victor: victorxproducer
mr. love queen’s choice subreddit - i definitely recommend this subreddit! super organized and has relevant info about current/past events, redeem codes, and other info about the game. spoilers for anything above ch18 are marked.
cheri-translates - a lovely person who does us all a great service and translates from chinese!! amazing translations, honestly <3
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lys-lilac · 3 years
MLQC: Hotter than Hot PV
Kiro/ Zhou Qiluo
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 Lucien/ Xu Mo
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Gavin/ Bai Qi
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Victor/ Li Zeyan
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[Thanks to @thescentoflavender​​ for the translations and @acrispyapple​ for the full clarity PV!]
Watch the full PV here-
1. With translations
2. Full clarity
I noticed a thing... All the boys are smiling in the first picture and are serious in the second one, but Lucien is smiling IN BOTH! 
Although I was a little sad that Shaw is not here, at least his ELECTRIC GUITAR tunes is added!! Satisfied. 
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
Hey, do you know if there is a place where I can read all the spoilers, deleted things, explanations etc regarding MLQC? I just finished ch 24 but I have so many questions and I want to be spoiled!!
i don’t know of a place where everything is laid out neatly, but you can check the translation wiki on reddit and @cheri-translates for resources!
@thescentoflavender also does full route translations, so you might find what you want there too.
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janumun · 4 years
sorry i just got back into this fandom can someone pls explain why mc is radiating queen vibes 😍
Hey Anon! Isn't she just gorgeous? Those screens of the MC are from the newest Love and Producer Season 2 CN PV if I remember correctly. I don't follow spoilers for the CN version of the game so I can't answer any specific questions in regards to why she looks this different. However I do know of a few blogs who are perhaps better equipped to answer your CN version-related queries should you feel comfortable in directing your questions their way:
@sharinluna provides superb analyses for the game and their answers to questions are enlightening and helpful.
@cheri-translates kindly and very generously translates future CN dates.
@thescentoflavender has guides up, also interesting and I love checking through their blog every now and then for new content.
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dead-senpaii · 5 years
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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In which Kichō confesses.
Kichō: [MC].
In a gentle voice, Kichō called me. Then he picked up my hand.
Gracefully, he bent down and brought his lips close to the back of my hand.
Before his lips could touch it, however, Motonari slung an arm around my shoulders and pulled me away.
Motonari: I really cannot afford to let my guard down around you. Have you not given up on this fellow yet?
Kichō: Is there any need for me to give up on her?
Motonari: It’s plain that you were using her to distance yourself from Yoshiaki. 
Kichō: I have always upheld the belief that war and love should be viewed separately. 
(Is it just me, or have I just been on the receiving end of the most subtle of confessions?) 
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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The CP I ship: Part 2
[MC]: Kichō, what became of the war after I fell into the sea?
Kichō: I did not stay till the end either, but it appeared that things were looking up for the Oda-Mouri forces.
Kichō: After that, in order for me to disengage from the fight, I intentionally got wounded and fell into the sea.
Kichō: By the time I pulled you onto the boat I had prepared beforehand and brought you to this island, it was already noon. 
(Injured? Oh...!)
It was hard to see his wound clearly in the dim light, but I could make out the splash of crimson across the white cloth on Kicho’s right shoulder. 
Kichō: I’ve already bound up the wound. Besides, the way the other party fired at me allowed me to get away relatively unscathed.
Kichō: Motonari is not only proficient at strategising, he is also a crack shot.  
[MC]: Oh? Was Motonari the one who shot at you?
Kichō: That is right. He understood my plan based merely on the circumstances and avoided my vitals when firing at me.
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
Tears of Themis: 1st Anniversary Messages
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All in all, a rather disappointing celebration for the game’s first anniversary. I think this game has so much more potential than what Mihoyo is doing with it, but after a month’s long of fighting, I guess there’s nothing more that we as players can do. 
In the spirit of the first anniversary, I will only say:
Lu Jinghe: Encounter
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Jiejie, do you remember what day it is today? 
It’s been a year since we first met, so happy first anniversary! I’m honoured to celebrate this occasion with you. 
-Lu Jinghe
--- Mo Yi: A Day to Remember
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[MC], happy anniversary. Thank you for allowing me to experience the headiness of falling in love at first sight. 
Next year, I look forward to celebrating this day—the day we became lovers—with you, very much. 
-Mo Yi
--- Zuo Ran: Working Partners
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[MC], how time slips away. We’ve been partners at work for a year now, but I have admired you for a much longer time than this.
That I can now spend the rest of my days by your side, whether as a partner at work or soulmate, is the highlight of my life.
-Zuo Ran
--- Xia Yan: Reunion
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[MC], happy reunion anniversary! Thank you for calling out to me on the street that day, my dearest girlfriend.
I hope we will be able to walk through life together, for every day from now on. 
-Xia Yan
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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I decided to skip over the more, uh, intimate scenes—got to save something for the route’s actual release in EN, right? 
As compensation, have some ear nibbles from Motonari.
[MC]: Next time do wake me up. I want to help too!
Motonari: Big talk from a fellow sleeping so soundly.
[MC]: But I want to see what you look like when you’re cooking...
Motonari: There isn’t much point in knowing that, is there.
[MC]: That’s not true at all! Because you’re still hiding many things from me up till now, I want to know more about you. 
[MC]: Besides... Isn’t this what lovers supposedly do?
Motonari: Your brain really is stuffed with all kinds of fluffy ideas.
Gently, he nibbled on my ear. A searing heat radiated outward from the point of his touch.
[MC]: What, what are you doing...
Motonari: I’m merely loving my woman.
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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That Motonari stood up for MC’s freedom of thought rather touched me. [MC] didn’t take umbrage at Kichō’s words—but Motonari got offended on her behalf. 
[MC]: Why can’t I say aloud any of the modern terminology...
Kichō: It’s probably because Motonari and I have derailed events from their original course. 
Kichō: If we prevent the unification of Japan from occurring, the world [MC] knows will one day disappear.
Motonari: In other words, so long as we do not stop this war, [MC] will never recover from this ailment afflicting her. 
Kichō: Presumably so.
Kichō: If that ghastly future disappears, [MC]’s suffering will one day come to an end.
Motonari: Hey, hey, hey. Stop spouting nonsense.
Motonari: You want her to stand by and watch as her home vanishes?
Motonari: Imposing your own beliefs on her—that makes you happy?
Motonari: To those who cannot feel pain, calling on others to endure it is but empty rhetoric.    
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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When it’s your route, Kichō, I’ll be there😌 you need only say the word.
Pulling away to create some distance between himself and Motonari, Kichō reached a hand out to me.
Motonari: What do you mean by this, Kichō.
Kichō: If you stay on this island, you will be engulfed in the flames of war. [MC], leave with me.
Motonari: You’re saying she’ll die? What utter nonsense. 
Kichō: Sometimes, forging ahead with nothing but mere optimism brings you nowhere.
[MC]: Kichō... You said once that life is precious, didn’t you.
[MC]: If you truly believe that, if not for me alone, then for everyone here—stop the attack. 
[MC]: Please. I beg you. 
After a short silence, Kichō lowered the hand he had reached out to me slowly.
Kichō: When your heart wavers, come to me. I will not harm you. 
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thescentoflavender · 3 years
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I don’t care if anyone says otherwise, I’m calling this a date. 
I can just about imagine a blush on Motonari’s cheeks as he’s saying the last line...
For a moment, Motonari seemed to hesitate as he turned around to look at me...
Motonari: There’s a way to enjoy the night on this ship. 
Motonari: If you’re interested in learning it, then follow me.
[scene dissolves]
Motonari bent down and offered me his hand.
[MC]: Am I allowed to touch you?
Motonari: What do you mean.
[MC]: You mentioned once that you couldn’t eat anything prepared by others, didn’t you.
[MC]: And you wear gloves to prevent touching or being touched by others. That’s all because you’ll feel uncomfortable, right?
[MC]: I don’t want you to force yourself to do things you don’t want. So I think it’s better if I were to just find something to step on and climb up. 
Motonari: If it’s you... Then it’s fine. 
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