#pickled blubbering
cherpbooboo · 1 year
Look uncrustables are trash anyway so eat all of them but, ur totally one of the popular kids Zari.
I like them straight out the freezer. When they’re at their crunchiest.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
He’s in the middle of the checkout line when the phone in his pocket buzzes. He ignores it at first, but a glance towards the fifteen year old employee lazily scanning the items of the first of five in line, him being the sixth, tells him it won’t be any time soon before he’s there. He checks his phone, eyes widening when he sees, “SOS” written across the screen. And from Price’s wife no doubt. Three jars of pickles shatter on the floor along with a bag of chips and a pack of ground beef, and he sprints for the exit, car keys already in his hand as he prays nothing is wrong with her.
It’s about twenty minutes before he gets to Price’s flat and pulls into the driveway, already scanning for any signs of struggle or attack. There are none visible so far and he grabs the glock he has in the glove compartment for emergencies before he gets out and runs for the door, banging on it. Footsteps sound behind it followed by a baby’s cry and the door pulls open to reveal Price’s dearest wife, disheveled in dirty clothes and tangled hair (he’s like eighty-seven percent sure there’s baby vomit in it), with swelling tears in her own eyes as she holds a screaming eighteen-month-old.
She takes one look at him before breaking down much like her son, blubbering loudly, “I can’t get JJ to stop crying, Simon.” Tears are streaming down her face as she cries, “I’ve tried everything to get him to stop. I’ve tried feeding, burping, napping, changing his diaper, everything. He just won’t stop.” She reaches out with her free hand to him. “Simon, please, I can’t stop him from crying. Help me.”
SOS, indeed, he thinks and immediately puts the safety on his gun, putting it on the side table as he steps inside, takes the baby, and closes the door behind him. JJ stops crying as soon as Simon starts hushing him and muttering, “Giving your mum trouble, ay? What are we gonna do about you, Banshee?”
JJ’s cries subside as he coos at the masked man and she starts crying harder. “How’d you do that?” she bawls. “Oh God, I’m a horrible mum. I can’t stop him from crying ever. Only Jonathan can. He never cries when Jonathan is here. Only when I’m with him.” she’s almost inconsolable, rubbing harshly at her eyes as she blubbers, “He hates me. My babe hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Simon sighs and gently takes her in his free arm, putting his chin on her head to calm her more; he rubs her back. “It’s okay, mum” he murmurs. “Newborns aren’t easy. Gotta take it in stride.” He looks at her. “Why didn’t you call Price?”
“Because he’s so busy,” she cries into his black sweatshirt. “He’s so good with him when he’s home and I know when he goes into work, he’s busy and I don’t wanna disturb him.”
“He’s JJ’s dad. Besides, don’t lump the old man in with other men. He’s a good one.” Simon pulls back, free hand wiping her tears. “I’ve gotta treat you like Soap, don’t I?” she only looks at him as his fingers brush her under eyes. “Go eat and shower. I’ll take care of JJ for you.”
She quietly nods, lips pulled in a upside down “U” before she leaves, disappearing into the kitchen. He starts bouncing JJ lightly, talking to him. “Bub, you gotta stop being a banshee to your mum. You’re gonna drive her crazy. And if you drive her crazy, your dad is gonna go crazy and then I’m gonna go crazy.” JJ just laughs and tugs at the strings of his sweatshirt before seeing if they’re edible.
Simon walks to the kitchen and watches as she stands in front of the refrigerator and shoves food into her mouth. He almost laughs, almost, as the memory of a drunk Soap shoving roast beef out of the pack and into his mouth comes to mind. Still though, he watches as she eats until she’s no longer hungry, then bypasses him and goes to her bedroom. The shower starts after a while. It’s almost two hours before she comes out and peeks her head from the doorway.
Simon is there with JJ, playing with a stuffed action figure Gaz had gotten him when he was born, making up stories about himself taking out enemies. JJ is enjoying it, giggling along and she smiles sadly before closing the door.
Price gets home around seven-thirty and when he sees Ghost’s car in his drive, he’s confused and a little concerned as he walks through the front door. Setting his things down, he walks around the corner into the den and Simon is there on his couch watching some show about ancient warriors and weapons, JJ drooling onto his sweatshirt.
“Simon?” he calls, and the man lifts the remote in a greeting. “Where’s—”
“Bed. Asleep,” he interrupts. “Been asleep since two.”
Price walks into the bedroom and sees her curled up on his side of the bed, clutching his pillow; he smiles at the sight and closes the door, walking back into the den. “How long have you been here, Simon?”
“Since eleven-forty-five.” He rubs JJ’s back. “Little guy’s been driving her crazy. Crying on her.”
“Shite,” Price curses. “She kept saying everything was fine.”
“Oh no, she’s lying. Thinks she’s a bad mum ‘cause he cries so much with her.” He looks over. “I think he just likes us soldiers, yeah?”
The old man sits beside down on the floor and gently runs a hand through the brown hair on his son’s head. “Yeah, never cries when I take him in.”
“You want me to take him for a few days so she can rest?” Simon offers. “Me and the Banshee will have a good time.”
“I don’t think she’d mind that. Well, she might. She’s awfully protective of the lad.”
“Of course. It’s her babe.” Simon inhales and exhales. “Give me a blanket, yeah? May as well stay the night.” Price nods and rises, handing him a blanket before reaching for JJ and Simon swats at him. “Hands off my godson.”
“He’s my kid,” Price argues and Simon glares at him.
“And I’m holding him. Try tomorrow if you can pry him from me.”
Price rolls his eyes but raises his hands in defeat, content to kiss JJ’s head and, “I love you, son,” before he squeezes Simon’s arm and disappears into the bedroom to cuddle his wife and sleep peacefully.
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joelsbeard · 3 months
pre-outbreak!joel when you're pregnant ❤️
part 2
part 3
If you read my hc's on what pre-outbreak!joel would be like when you're on your period, imagine that x10 when you're pregnant with his babies 🥺 (<- sarah and ellie!!!)
He is the sweetest man that will put up with all of your random mood swings and cravings. I imagine sarah to be the more chill baby with less pregnancy symptoms, whereas ellie is a little more chaotic and gives you a harder time lol. However, when you're pregnant with sarah you get worse morning sickness unfortunately lol, and like the angel he is joel always gets up and holds your hair and rubs your back when you're throwing up. You tell him he doesn't need to and partially bc you don't want him seeing you like that, but he just comforts you and says he wants to help 🥺.
You get mood swings with both pregnancies, one moment youre fine and the next you're gagging and getting nauseous at the smell of him making scrambled eggs for you, other times you snap at him for the most random things like the way he chews or brushes his teeth, one time you almost lose it bc you can't stand the way he's even breathing. Poor joel lol sometimes he gets a little irritated with your extreme mood swings but he knows its all because you're growing his babies ❤️ and the least he could do is try not to make you feel bad lol
Sometimes after acting our bc of your mood swings you start crying afterwards bc you feel bad for raising your voice at joel 🥺 and you know he's doing his best not to piss you off or make you any more upset since its bad for the baby, and he always pulls you in for a hug or a cuddle and reassures you that its okay and that he knows your mood swings are out of your control. One time he looked slightly irritated/hurt and may have raised his voice a little at you after you bugged/yelled at him that you didn't want his help bc you were feeling suffocated by him and you start sobbing and you ask him "are you mad at me? 🥺 I'm sorryyyy 😭" and then he feels a little bad, but not as much as you do for yelling at your man when all he's doing is trying to help 😭 you end up laying on the couch all squished together trying to comfort each other LMAO
On several occasions you wake him up at random times (you try not to bc of his work schedule, however his hours at some point aren't as crazy bc you also have some savings to help out, and you were working up until your maternity leave) for your random pregnancy cravings, pizza, McDonald's, ice cream, pickle ice cream sandwiches, cheetos and sour cream, and other random things (one time you even start craving detergent, though of course you don't eat it) and he always goes to the store to get you some. One time you asked him for a pizza with a cheese stuffed crust and he brings you thin crust pizza, and when you open the box you were so excited for the cheese filled crust that when you saw it was the wrong order you burst into tears. Joel 's like"oh noo, baby whats wrong?I thought you wanted pizza?" and you're like "😖😭 babeee i wanted the one with the cheese stuffed crust!!" and then he's like 🙄 (internally) "Its fine i can go back for another one" and you say "noo I don't want it!!" then he's like "but I thought you didn't want this pizza either" and you're like "I don't! 😖😖😖" And you turn into a blubbering mess lol and he grabs you by your waist and pulls you in close and he puts his forehead against your temple and presses a bunch of kisses there to calm you down lol. Poor joel is having a hard time keeping up with all your cravings and mood swings.
You buy some maternity clothes to go out but tbh you mostly just steal even more of his clothes (if possible). He always walks into the house from work seeing you swimming in one of his shirts and if its cold you're also wearing his sweatpants (rolled a million times so that they stay up on you lol) and more often than not you'll be sitting on the couch eating ice cream. He thinks you're so adorable and hot in his clothes, and when your belly gets big enough you use it as a table lol.
He loves seeing you grow his babies, it makes him wanna get you pregnant again even tho you're already pregnant lmao.
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focsle · 1 year
what's the best way to serve whale?
am hungee
Can’t attest—I have not eaten whale.
Muktuk is a traditional Inuit food. It’s skin and blubber usually from bowheads (but also beluga and narwhal) that’s diced small and often eaten raw. It can also be prepared in other ways like frying or pickling. Very high in Vitamin D & C.
Turning to my 19th c. American whalers, it being my schtick and all, they tended to not be particularly interested in eating whale. Nor were whales hunted for meat. But sometimes the odd recipe comes out here and there. John Martin, whaler on the Lucy Ann, 1840s talked about ‘roasting the top of a whale’s head’ that they were otherwise processing.
“The top of a right whale’s head is covered with barnacles & small crabs. When roasted they are good eating. They also take part of his lip and render it out in the hot oil. When eaten with pepper & vinegar it tastes very much like soused tripe.”
Mary Lawrence, whaling wife on the Addison, 1850s also mentioned eating whale up North:
“We have been eating bowhead meat for several days, made with pork into sausage cakes, also fried, and it is really good eating, far before salt pork in my estimation.”
J.E. Haviland, greenhand on the Baltic 1850s shared a similar recipe for porpoise, which is similar enough.
“We had it for Breakfast this morning. The way it is prepared at sea is to take + hash it up very fine seasoned with sage pepper + salt and then made in small balls + fried or baked in pork + I can say from experience it is proper good.”
William Tripp, boatsteerer on the John R. Manta, 1920s,
“The meat was cooked as steaks, while some was ground and made into 'whalemeat balls.' It was eaten by all hands and much relished as the first frest meat since leaving port."
John Ross Browne, writer on an unnamed whaler in the 1840s, talked about snacks whilst trying out. In addition to frying saltwater-soaked sea biscuits and celebratory donuts in the whale oil, sometimes whalers would eat the leftover ‘cracklings’, i.e. crispy bits of whale skin left over after the process, as well as:
“Sometimes, when on friendly terms with the steward, they make fritters of the brains of the whale mixed with flour, and cook them in the oil. These are considered a most sumptuous delicacy. Certain portions of the whale's flesh are also eaten with relish, though, to my thinking, not a very great luxury, being coarse and strong. Mixed with potatoes, however, like " porpoise balls," they answer very well for variety. A good appetite makes almost any kind of food palatable. I have eaten whale-flesh at sea with as much relish as I ever ate roast-beef ashore.”
Not everyone’s into it, though. When John Langdon and other crew members aboard the St. Peter, 1840s, came to air grievances about the captain expecting them to be content with eating spoiled beef, the captain,
“rowse[d] up a little telling us how he had lived on whale and blackfish meat for a time on the Nor’west; but this would not go down with us and we demanded state’s allowance. He saw we were in good earnest so after while concluded to give us good beef.”
And lastly, from Moby-Dick, Stubb’s preferred method of cooking whale steak which he berated the cook with:
“Hold the steak in one hand, and show a live coal to it with the other; that done, dish it; d’ye hear?”
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loominggaia · 5 months
What are the grossest or most controversial dishes each of the Great Kingdoms has?
This is difficult to answer because there are usually many different cultures operating within each Great Kingdom, and each culture has different cuisine. Also, many of these dishes are shared between multiple kingdoms and cultures.
For example, the nasty troll cuisine I talked about in another post is not specific to any one kingdom, but can be found in several of them.
That said, I can talk about some controversial foods that are most commonly eaten in different kingdoms (though they may not be exclusive to them or even originate from them).
Folkvar: Brodfesk - also called "cheese 'n chovies", it's raw fish slathered in blue cheese on a piece of bread. Many Folkvarans also eat raw blubber, especially from marine animals.
Matuzu: Sugar-coated locusts and other insects. Setsiki brain soup. Matuzans eat a lot of animal brains and livers in general, sometimes raw. In some Matuzan cultures, men eat the genitals of powerful animals because they believe it increases their sexual prowess.
Lamai: Gruju - a drink made from blended maggots. The Lamaish eat a lot of reptiles and amphibians, such as snakes, turtles, lizards, and frogs. They also eat a lot of wild fungus, some of which has psychedelic effects.
Yerim-Mor: There aren't many offensive dishes in Morite culture. The nasty part is how they're prepared. Because this kingdom is so poor, sanitation usually takes a back seat, so food is washed in unclean water, left unrefrigerated, and cut with dirty utensils. Most Morites have adapted to all this bacteria, but it makes foreigners sick.
Zareen: Just about everything on the traditional Zareenite menu is loaded with questionable chemicals, harmful fillers, heavy metals, and god-knows-what-else. While everything is prepared in sanitized factory settings, the ingredients are so over-processed that you're basically eating plastic. There are Zareenite dishes that cannot legally be called "food", and are instead labeled "edible products".
Evangeline: Bloodbread - This dish originated from underfed slaves in Kelvingyard. These slaves make a crude flour from dried weeds, dirt, and blood, which they baked into a bread-like biscuit in the sun. The blood was usually from vermin like rats or insect, but sometimes it is harvested from their fellow slaves who were too weak to defend themselves. Needless to say, this stuff is hella nasty and only eaten in life-or-death scenarios.
Mogdir: If eating bugs and bug byproducts sounds gross to you, you will not like Mogdiri cuisine because it's very bug-based. One of the most popular foods is a cheese made from fermented caterpillar silk. They also eat raw grubs and giant roasted caterpillars.
Etios: Minotaur breast milk is a popular beverage for all ages in Etios Nation. Many Etiosi also eat animal marrow straight from the bone, then dry the bones in the sun for a few weeks before grinding it into bonemeal. This bonemeal is used in cooking other things.
Seelie: Speaking of bonemeal, the ancient Seelie were known to grind up the bones of their enemies and use that bonemeal to bake cookies. Cannibalism in general was pretty hot in this kingdom for a very long time. It's illegal today, but it's still happening in some dark pockets of Seelie society.
Unseelie: Where to start? Basically everything on the Unseelie menu is weird and nasty. Stray dog meat, roasted vermin, blood wine, pickled squid...just take your pick.
Damijana: Has the same problem as Zareenite cuisine, where most food available is overly-processed into what is basically plastic with vitamins sprayed onto it after the fact. By far the nastiest thing though, is a dish called "gutter roast". The poorest Damijani catch wild rats in the city and roast them. Though this is one of the least-processed dishes in Damijana, these rats are often riddled with disease, their guts are full of trash, and there is weird chemicals in their blood from the polluted environment.
Aquaria: Aquarians will see the grossest, slimiest, most alien-looking marine critter wriggling across the sea floor and think to themselves, "Mmm, looks like dinner! :D"
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simple-seranade · 2 years
Ethubs or Wesper?
who’s the cuddler: Bdubs, 100%. He will just curl up in Etho’s lap.
who makes the bed: Bdubs, being ready for bed at night is important!
who wakes up first: Yet again, Bdubs. He runs like clockwork (hah)
who has the weird taste in music: Etho. That man listens to the weirdest jams you’ll have ever heard
who is more protective: Etho. Do Not Hurt Bdubs unless you want death. Bdubs is also protective but doesn’t have as much bite to match his bark
who sings in the shower: Bdubs, right at the top of his lungs. Etho can still manage to sleep through it.
who cries during movies: Bdubs, he will be a blubbering mess on Etho’s shoulder
who spends the most while out shopping: Etho. Have you seen this man spend? His spending habits are ludicrous
who kisses more roughly: Bdubs, surprisingly. feral little gremlin man.
who is more dominate: Bdubs is the “he asked for no pickles!” Etho may seem intimidating but if you talk to him for more than five seconds you get that notion dispelled fairly quickly
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 8/10, cute and i need to consume more content for it to really rocket it up-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wesper!
who’s the cuddler: They’re both cuddlebugs, but Wylan more so. Touch Starvation babyyyy
who makes the bed: They both forget, but Wylan does when he remembers
who wakes up first: Wylan, but not by much.
who has the weird taste in music: Wylan. Jesper listens to basic pop tunes, meanwhile Wylan has a fondness for odd indie bops
who is more protective: Jesper, but they both trust the other to handle themself. Both of them have more than enough capability to be terrifying
who sings in the shower: Jesper, Wylan will hum along as he works
who cries during movies: Jesper. He acts all tough but he will sob
who spends the most while out shopping: They both can be a bit spendy depending on what they’re buying, but usually Jesper.
who kisses more roughly: Wylan, Jesper tends to let him control what kind of kiss it is
who is more dominate: Jesper says “he asked for no pickles” but then Wylan has to go and let them know that Jesper also asked for none
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 10/10, my favorite six of crows ship i think!
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silversupremacy · 2 years
Small tutorial on how you design your critters?? You're a inspiration to me I must learn- And, if you want, tutorial on how you draw limbs?
God ok so that's sooo broad that I'm gonna try to sum it up but if you have additional questions feel free to ask I love answering stuff!
So first tutorial on limbs I did in the past here!
This is specifically furry hind legs. And additionally here's my tutorial on paws
If you want a more detailed tutorial, or an arm/front leg tutorial, or specific materials/more species let me know!
OK AN D now how I design object-creatures
I'm assuming you meant object creatures and not just all my creatures, cause I design a lot of little guys.
So I usually have four-ish things I go for in a design depending on the chara-
First is just taking x thing from the object they are and just accenting it. For example, Pepper's tail and ears are Peppercorn plant.
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And OJ has that straw tail
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So these features aren't really there because they're based on an animal. They're just there cause "orange juice drink, oh maybe they would have a straw tail"
Two, using canon in my design, either through the character's personality, or something taken from the canon.
For example, Baseball in s2 has to tape his pickaxe to his leg to use it. So logically, he wouldn't have little hands to hold the pickaxe with, so that's why I went with hooves! Then from there, I had the idea that he could use his tail to deliver powerful kicks with his legs by leaning back on it (like a kangaroo)
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Another example is Fan, he's shown to be able to glide in canon so a lot of people go with bird vibes for him!
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Though alternatively, you could also be inspired by the Gliding Snake, the Draco Lizards, or Sugar Gliders! There's a whole bunch of gliding creatures.
And more of a personality thing would be how I give Nickel a little spade tail cause he's a little rat bastard (affectionate). He also has nimble little rat hands cause he's more crafty and sneaky.
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Third thing, Including Spec Bio stuff and just neat concepts
This is kinda crossed with the "what would fit this object" thing. But notice that I gave Apple an apple blossom tail. Well then, I developed this idea that maybe the flower would release scents to convey how she feels. Like she might subconsciously release a scent her partner (cough cough marshmallow) finds pleasant in order to relax them. I got this idea from the theory that cats communicate a lot through scent, and it's kinda theorized that cats might release a scent around their human that makes them wanna be friends (with mixed results).
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And here for example, Lifering is basically made for ocean life. The idea is that he has a heavy layer of blubber in the winter to keep him warm, and the only difference people would notice is that his 'nose' hole would be smaller. He also has ears that he can use to communicate using them as 'flags' and a tail that he can use to light up in morse code. So basically he's perfect for ocean rescue.
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Fourth thing, it just looks cool so why not do it. Clover didn't have a ton of traits go into her design beyond the Clover Flower tail, but she's just kinda nice to look at. Ultimately 99% of her body shape is just cause it's a good design.
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And additionally, a lot of my creatures are made from just my vague and rough knowledge of creatures. I have just read a lot of animal facts in my life and kinda just recall a lot of what I've read and seen.
So just having wide knowledge of animals on earth helps a lot! Another part of me making an object-creature is just going "what animal do they remind me of"
Oh and a misc note abt my creatures, I have very few rules but one of them I try to keep to is that they have three toes and four fingers (three fingers one thumb). Some leg only objects have four toes technically (three fingers one thumb) But the idea is connected to how animal life on earth is built roughly the same. Like how bats have five fingers, they just stretched out looong into wings. And cats have five fingers on their front paws but only four on their back, But there's evidence of ancestors having those five toes Im p sure.
It's a similar thing abt how we can find specific bones in birds similar to our own arm and leg bones. Just considering what the path of evolution of these objects is neat.
But since objects reproduce via. magic exclusively in my verse, I kinda just do whatever! It's the reason why traits kinda got jumbled up (ex. mammal with reptile traits) cause the use of magic kinda just scrambled things.
Uhm hope this helps??? let me know if you have more questions ig????
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greatbigbellies · 1 year
What should I order at mcpreggo if I want a belly that sticks out a good 18 feet in front of me but is still spherical and stretch mark free, plenty of fluid for the babies to swim around in, a nice layer of blubber for insulation, breasts the size of an octomom’s belly, thick thighs and wide hips unable to fit through doors without the belly, active babies the size of toddlers, uncontrollable cravings and high sex drive, and I want the pregnancy to last as long as possible? Also, how many babies would I be able to fit in a belly that size?
I hope you're hungry and have a good credit score. Let's make a list.
-Let's just start you right out of the gate with about 3 family feasts. If you want that kind of hyperpregnant you need a fully loaded womb.
-Sprinkle in about 4-5 fish filet sandwiches to really accentuate the polyhydramnios and give you a ton of fluid. You will audibly slosh when you walk.
-For your thickening needs, I'd advise one of each of our shakes, large size, just to start, and throw in another as you see fit. That'll up your fat basically everywhere, widen hips, increase sex drive, and ramp up bust size.
-Spicy chicken nuggets increase activity pretty quickly and with 22-25 babies in there, it wont take much to make the whole belly writhe. I'd say start with 12 and add as you need em.
-Regular chicken nuggets increase weight and size of babies, so make it two dozen of those!
-For cravings, it's all about the pickle chips. Gorge yourself on them. As many as you can fit in your cramped, overfilled stomach.
-Almost done, have a few sundaes to clear up those stretchmarks. They work pretty fast and taste real nice!
-Finally, mozz sticks. Any time you're hungry, eat the mozzarella sticks. You can effectively keep eating them to extend your pregnancy indefinitely, as long as your appetite can keep up.
Now, assuming you're up for the challenge, I'll let the cooks know that we're staying late tonight.
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goodpupsinc · 1 year
More Twisted Wonderland OC stuff because I have autism and hyperfixate on my characters
Don't read below the cut if that isn't your cup of tea
☆Fóvos(Fóv) Timeo☆
•Pónos is technically an NPC I made for him oopsie
•He's incredibly asocial to the point that he uploads online and never talks to anyone. Ever. He's the type to be your friend on discord and then go offline or DND forever
•He loves sweet things! Almond cookies are his favorite
•He lives with his father and grandmother and has 2 older brothers(24 and 19 respectively)
•(In our world terms)He's half pakistani/half british(on his mother's side) but because of how he was raised he knows bare minimum about his father's culture and asking his grandmother(who isn't the most talkative and only knows a bit of English) is a dead end
•Back to the Twisted Wonderland, his grandmother is from the Scalding sands and moved to the Queendom in her youth. Her son and grandkids have only been raised(in turn) knowing the Queendoms culture firsthand
• His father is a very busy man who works long days. Fóv was basically raised by his brothers
•His species is classified as "imp"! He's good with extreme temperatures aswell as having a tail(or wings, but his variant has a tail-)
☆Rí Mallaichte☆
•Rí is a cursed beastman! What the curse entails is complex and paradoxical but he is, in essence, unable to die
•He has done terrible things during his long immortal past that he(luckily) never has to discuss.
•He's the last of his clan, aswell as of his time.(for clarity, Lilia is older and therefore from a different time)
☆Blanche Lock☆
•Despite his past as a warrior, he's developed quiet a laissez-faire attitude. Though he's very willing to play guard-dog when needed.
•An absolute menace to beastmen. He has no fear of animals or beastmen.
•This is mostly due to both his mothers being bear beastmen. They're nice, so therefore all animals and beastmen are yeah?
•Despite his scrawny stature he can more than hold his own in a fight(lots of hair pulling and biting)
•He loves bears! If scary, why friendshaped?
☆Oggy Bogh☆
•Entomology enthusiast
•He's a super senior, at first getting held back so he wouldn't have to go home as quickly, but eventually he just stopped caring in classes.
•Has an incredibly strained relationship with his parents, though he will go back to see his younger siblings, Zap(13), Creak(10) and Boo(6)
•He isn't a big fan of games, but he is a big fan of winning. It's a real pickle.
☆Arvik Byrd☆
•Very stoic and not that talkative-
•Wonderful singing voice, terrible stage fright.
•Arvik has a fear of large flighted birds. If it can fly it shouldn't be the size of your cat.
•He overheats very easily due to being from the Frigid Northern sea, aswell as having blubber meant to store heat- it doesn't add together well on land
☆Delona Quinkana☆
•His family is fabulously wealthy, though Delona has no idea how they got it and rarely spends money
•The pocketwatch he carries around has been in his family for 6 generations! It's always 3 hours behind.
•He's accidentally become a bit of a kleptomaniac because of his signature spell needing a physical aspect.
•Him, Arvik and Kahle Gadus(my partner's oc) are in a poly relationship!
•Speaking of Kahle, they've been friends since childhood! He's the only person Kahle can track consistently..because he accidentally ate his prosthetic once when they were kids don't worry about it
•Like a crocodile he has insane lower jaw strength
•He can also jump 4 feet(roughly), he is not part of the Basketball club
•He's also pretty fast from running away from his responsibilities
•No lastname, there aren't enough Asterion's to mistake him for
•He/They pronouns mostly, but gender is a construct
•Astarion is just a little baby, he's only 205
•(in game mechanics) his void magic is white!
•He's about 17 hands high(5'7")
•He's in Track and Field club! He'd be in Equestrian but the concept of riding horses just...felt weird to him. He'd gladly care for them but-
•Showers before heading back to Pomefiore, he'd hate to be walking around all sweaty and gross while sporting his dorm's colors, what would that say about Pomefiore?
•Can't touch iron, much like traditional fae it burns him
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aesopsbaby · 2 years
Riley X Merikh sounds so sweet!!
Got any relationship headcannons? Ya know, since Lo's writing more of his God tier Fanfics?
I definitely have some to serve up! >:]]
Riley Whyte belongs to @feelin-lo !
Riley x Merikh: Relationship headcanons
Riley being a tad bit clingy whenever he wants attention, subtly dropping hints to Merikh such as; Walking close to his side and taking short glances to Merikh's hand while hovering his own slightly above.
Merikh somehow always knows when Riley needs attention -also how much he needs- and will always provide him with such.
Merikh taking the time to remember the little details in Riley's features. He enjoys watching Riley's face light up when he's excited about something,,,etc etc.
Bro the both of the them is literally the embodiment of "Excuse me, he asked for no pickles." And I'm living for it
Merikh can't handle his alcohol well. Literally. He's a very...talkative drunk. He'll start blubbering nonsense and complimenting Riley on how pretty he looks. While Riley-which I'm assuming he can handle his alcohol,,,maybe,,?-just has to put up with him while blushing like crazy--
-Or the alternate, and the both of them are just really affectionate with each other heheheheh
Merikh enjoys giving palm kisses to Riley!
Riley shows that he is flustered in gestures like breaking eye contact and a tense voice while Merikh is the one that is a little more bold with his actions. (Trust me. Merikh is not confident at all and deep down he's a flustered mess >:]] he just likes to be a gentlemen!!)
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ittuatuq · 2 years
Inuktitut in Ittuatuq
This is a short glossary of the Inuktitut words (typically North Qikiqaaluk dialect) that may pop up in Ittuatuq, including some of the names of characters in the series.
This is to be updated as new words become relevant, new characters are made, etc etc. (Last update: june 25, 2023)
angakkuq (ᐊᖓᒃᑯᖅ) - a spiritual mediator and healer in Inuit society. (dual: angakkuuk, plural: angakkuit)
anirniq (ᐊᓂᕐᓂᖅ) - breath, soul; “the breath of life”
sila (ᓯᓚ) - the one thing everything in life holds; the energy that makes up souls and everything else
ijiraq (ᐃᔨᕋᖅ) - a shapeshifting spirit with solid red eyes. when you look away from an ijiraq, you forget about their entire existence, until you see it again. (dual: ijiraak, plural: ijirait)
kakiniit (ᑲᑭᓃᑦ) - traditional tattoos on any part of the body
tunniit (ᑐᓐᓃᑦ) - traditional tattoos on the face
tuurngaq (ᑑᕐᖓᖅ) - an auxiliary spirit without a typical physical body that angakkuit have to aid them in their work. these spirits grant angakkuit with superhuman abilities, such as enhanced speed and strength. (dual: tuurngaak, plural: tuurngait)
pana (ᐸᓇ) - a snow knife, used as both a weapon and a tool to construct snow houses. can be made from bone, horn, and/or metal.
piksiksialuk (ᐱᒃᓯᒃᓯᐊᓗᒃ) - a large bow used for hunting
qulliq (ᖁᓪᓕᖅ) - a lamp made out of soapstone, lit with seal or whale oil
sakku (ᓴᒃᑯ) - a toggling harpoon; a harpoon with a two-part point, allowing a better puncture on the skin/blubber of the animal
ulu (ᐅᓗ) - an all-purpose knife used by Inuit women, used for things spanning from animal skinning, cooking, to trimming blocks of snow
aalu (ᐋᓗ) - dip made from certain parts of caribou or seal, chopped into small pieces then blended into fat and blood
aqpik (ᐊᖅᐱᒃ) - cloudberry, a reddish-orange berry
bannock - frybread found throughout all parts of North American indigenous cultures. there are many ways it can be made depending on the location and the culture, and so bannock is incredibly diverse yet universal in North American indigenous groups
igunaq (ᐃᒍᓇᖅ) - fermented meat, typically walrus but can also be other marine animals
maktaaq (ᒪᒃᑖᖅ) - skin and blubber of a whale (bowhead, beluga, or narwhal). can be eaten raw, frozen, cooked, or pickled
mikku (ᒥᒃᑯ) - dried caribou
siriaktaq (ᓯᕆᐊᒃᑕᖅ) - large arctic char gutted and hung upside down to dry on its own
Ittuatuq (ᐃᑦᑐᐊᑐᖅ) - derived from the verb “ittuaq-“, meaning to watch from a hidden place
Ijialuk (ᐃᔨᐊᓗᒃ) - iji meaning eye, the suffix -aluk denoting something grand or impressive.
amaruq (ᐊᒪᕈᖅ) - arctic wolf
aqiggiq (ᐊᕿᒡᒋᖅ) - ptarmigan
iqaluk (ᐃᖃᓗᒃ) - fish, typically arctic char
kajuqtuq (ᑲᔪᖅᑐᖅ) - red fox
nanuk (ᓇᓄᒃ) - polar bear
nattiq (ᓇᑦᑎᖅ) - ringed seal
qairulik (ᙯᕈᓕᒃ) - harp seal
qimmiq (ᕿᒻᒥᖅ) - dog, typically the Canadian Qimmiq
tiriganiaq (ᑎᕆᒐᓂᐊᖅ) - arctic fox
tuktu (ᑐᒃᑐ) - caribou
airaq (ᐁᕋᖅ) - yellow oxytrope flower
igsivalitaq (ᐃᒡᓯᕙᓕᑕᖅ) - the frostbitten
kitaani (ᑭᑖᓂ) - the open sea
kukik (ᑯᑭᒃ) - claw / nail
mikaq (ᒥᑲᖅ) - bite
paliq (ᐸᓕᖅ) - to die out (flame)
piqati (ᐱᖃᑎ) - friend/partner
tasiraq (ᑕᓯᕋᖅ) - pond
tigliktaujuq (ᑎᒡᓕᒃᑕᐅᔪᖅ) - something that is stolen
tuugaaq (ᑑᒑᖅ) - ivory
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lafflanes · 2 years
i decided to write down all the names on the name generator in Toontown Rewritten for convenience sake (since the TTR wiki doesnt seem to have it, and TTR has more names in the name generator than TTO did), and i thought itd be useful for other people as well!!
the list is under the cut, theres a looooot of names so i just grouped them by letter
please let me know if i left out or misspelled anything!
Title: Aunt Baron, Big Cap'n, Captain, Chef, Chief, Coach, Colonel, Cool, Count, Crazy Daring, Deputy, Dippy, Doctor, Dr., Duke Fancy, Fat Good ol', Grand ol', Granny, Grumpy Judge King Lady, Little, Loopy, Loud, Lucky Madame, Master, Miss, Mister, Mr., Mrs. Noisy Prince, Princess, Prof. Queen Sergeant, Sheriff, Silly, Sir, Skinny, Super Ugly Weird
First: Abigail, Albert, Alice, Alvin, Angel, April, Arnold, Astrid, Astro, Aurora B.D., Banjo, Barbara, Barney, Bart, Batty, Beany, Beatrix, Bebop, Becky, Bella, Bentley, Beppo, Bert, Billy, Bingo, Binky, Biscuit, Bizzy, Blinky, Bob, Bonbon, Bongo, Bonkers, Bonnie, Bonzo, Boo Boo, Boots, Bouncey, Bridget, Bruce, Bubbles, Bud, Buford, Bumpy, Bunky, Buster, Butch, Buzz C.J., C.W., Candy, Carol, Casper, Cecil, Chester, Chewy, Chip, Chipper, Chirpy, Chunky, Claire, Clancy, Clara, Clarence, Cliff, Clover, Clyde, Coconut, Comet, Cookie, Corky, Corny, Cranky, Crazy, Cricket, Crumbly, Cuckoo, Cuddles, Curly, Curt Daffodil, Daffy, Daphne, Darla, Dave, Davey, David, Dee Dee, Dinky, Dizzy, Domino, Dot, Dottie, Drippy, Droopy, Duchess, Dudley, Duke, Dusty, Dynamite Elmer, Ernie Fancy, Fangs, Felix, Finn, Fireball, Flapjack, Flappy, Fleabag, Flint, Flip, Flora, Fluffy, Freckles, Fritz, Frizzy, Funky, Furball Gale, Garfield, Gary, Giggles, Ginger, Graham, Grouchy, Gulliver, Gus, Gwen Hans, Harry, Harvey, Hazel, Hector, Holly, Hoppy, Huddles, Huey J.C., J.J., Jack, Jackie, Jacques, Jade, Jake, Jay, Jazzy, Jellyroll, Jenny, Jester, Jimmy, Johnny, Jonah, Joyce Kiki, Kippy, Kit, Knuckles Ladybug, Lancelot, Leo, Leonardo, Leroy, Lily, Lionel, Lloyd, Lollipop, Loony, Loopy, Louie, Lucky, Lucy, Lulu Mabel, Mac, Maggie, Marigold, Mary, Max, Maxie, Maxwell, Melody, Midge, Midnight, Mildew, Miles, Milton, Mitzi, Mo Mo, Moe, Molly, Monty, Murky Nathan, Ned, Nelly, Nutmeg, Nutty Octavia, Olaf, Olive, Olivia, Orville, Oscar, Oswald, Ozzie P.J., Pancake, Patsy, Patty, Peaches, Peanut, Pearl, Pebbles, Penelope, Penny, Pepper, Peppy, Petunia, Phil, Pickles, Pierre, Pinky, Pippy, Poe, Popcorn, Poppy, Presto, Punchy Rainbow, Raven, Reggie, Rhubarb, Ricky, Robin, Rocco, Rodney, Roger, Rollie, Romeo, Rory, Roscoe, Rose, Rosey, Rosie, Rover, Roxy, Ruby, Rusty Sadie, Sally, Salty, Sammie, Sandy, Sassy, Scooter, Skids, Skip, Skipper, Skippy, Slippy, Slumpy, Smirky, Smudge, Snappy, Sneezy, Sniffy, Snuffy, Soupy, Spiffy, Spike, Spotty, Spunky, Squeaky, Star, Stinky, Stripey, Stubby, Sunny, Sunshine, Susan, Sylvia Taffy, Tammy, Teddy, Tegan, Tex, Tom, Tricky, Trixie, Truffles, Tubby, Tutu, Twister Ursula Valentine, Velma, Veronica, Vicky, Violet, von Wacko, Wacky, Waldo, Wally, Wendy, Wesley, Whiskers, Whitney, Wilbur, William, Willow, Winnie Yappy, Yippie Z.Z., Zach, Zachary, Zany, Ziggy, Zilly, Zippety, Zippy, Zoinks, Zowie
Last (first part): Bagel, Banana, Barnacle, Bean, Beanie, Biggen, Bizzen, Blubber, Boingen, Bumber, Bumble, Bumpen Cheezy, Crinkle, Crumble, Crunchen, Crunchy, Cuddle Dandy, Dizzen, Dizzy, Doggen, Dyno Electro Feather, Fiddle, Fizzle, Flippen, Flipper, Flower, Fluffen, Frazzle, Frinkel, Fumble, Funny, Fuzzy Giggle, Glitter, Google, Grumble, Gumdrop Honey, Huckle, Hula Jabber, Jeeper, Jelly, Jiffy, Jiggle, Jingle, Jinx, Jumble Kooky Laffen, Lemon, Loopen Mac, Mc, Mega, Mizzen Nickel Octo Paddle, Pale, Pedal, Pepper, Petal, Pickle, Pillow, Pinker, Poodle, Poppen, Precious, Pumpkin, Purple Razzle, Rhino, Riddle, Robo, Rocken, Ruffle Slimey, Smarty, Snaggle, Sniffle, Snorkel, Sour, Spackle, Sparkle, Squiggle, Super, Swinkle Thunder, Tinker, Toppen, Tricky, Tweedle, Twiddle, Twinkle Wacky, Weasel, Whisker, Whistle, Wild, Witty, Wonder, Wrinkle Ziller, Zippen, Zooble
Last (second part): batch, bee, beep, berry, blabber, bocker, boing, boom, bop, bounce, bouncer, brains, bubble, bumble, bump, bumper, burger, butter chomp, corn, crash, crumbs, crump, crunch dazzle, doodle, dorf face, fidget, fink, fish, flap, flapper, flinger, flip, flipper, fluff, fuddy, fussen gabber, gadget, gloop, glop, glow, goober, goose, grin, grooven, grump hoffer, hopper jinks klunk, knees loop, loose marble, mash, masher, melon, mew, monkey, mooch, muddle, muffin, mush nerd, noodle, nose, nugget paws, phew, phooey, pocket, poof, pop, pounce, pow, pretzel quack roni scooter, screech, smirk, snooker, snoop, snout, socks, son, song, sparkles, speed, spinner, splat, sprinkles, sprocket, squeak, sticks, stink, swirl tail, teeth, thud, toes, ton, toon, tooth, twist whatsit, whip, whirl, wicket, wig, wiggle, wire, woof zaner, zap, zapper, zilla, zoom, zoop
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Heres what my fiancee and I ate today (we both got our own stuff no sharing 😏 we split it all pretty evenly)
4 sausage burritos
4 sausage mcmuffins
4 hashbrowns
3 large Hi-Cs and 1 Large Coke
2 Large Caramel Frappes
2 ft long subway subs
Italian cheese bread with rotisserie chicken extra provolone lettuce pickles onions extra garlic aioli
4 chalupas
2 burritos
4 tacos
2 nacho fries
3 large baja blast fountain drinks
2 packs of cinnabon delights
2 1lbs burritos (with pork, chicken, steak, spanish rice & refried beans, topped with queso grilled shrimp, pineapple and chorizo)
4 large baskets of chips
2 cups of salsa
2 cups of queso
2 sides of rice
2 sides of beans
6 corona extra
1 friend ice cream sundae with hot fudge and a fried toritlla bowl (serves 4-6)
A F ton of candy
Today was amazing we literally smoked weed and stuffed our faces all day, cuddles scary movies sex its perfection. Shes so swollen that she said she felt like a whale. Also told me if this is what being pregnant feels like then she needs to be fat and pregnant all the time. Shes too nervous about it being so new to this community that she doesnt want to post rn but she said she’d think about it in the future, meanwhile she keeps hinting to me hints and one liners that feeders would keel over for and also is wanting a mistress or other woman for the both of us so Im lowkey hoping that she ends up loving this cause I would explode if I saw another cute girl feeding her (skinny or bbw or ssbbw we like alot of different body types). Lastly she had to take her bra off in the car on the way home cause her stomach was so bloated and her boobs have grew quite a bit recently, she had to pull her yoga pants down to let her fupa and belly plop into her lap I almost came in my pants just watching. Meanwhile I feel like a blimp, just like her I cant stop burping and farting and waddling. What really suprises me is that even though were super stuffed our belly buttons haven’t popped out, her and my navel are so deep you can tell were become lard filled blubber balls
I know this is alot but Im just so excited about how this Halloween went and how our journey is going 😊
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rantsintechnicolor · 2 years
I’m sad today; the dead whale and pie
I am sad today for many reasons. Those two barrels don’t taste very good. I still haven’t taken the donations to the Hospice thrift shop. I forgot to get that order together. I had my first mammogram today (which was fine, nice lady touching my breasts to arrange me on the machine, so what’s not to like? Lol. squish). Things just aren’t working today: the drip tray is not draining, the trunk line for CO2 is not connected so I have to go again to exchange tanks, but I haven’t time today. The people that say they are interested in using our pressed fruit aren’t returning my messages and the pulp is just rotting out there and I don’t have time to take it to the field to compost it today. And there is more fruit to press. And this time last year Hal was still my friend, though I found out I would not be his lover. And the other person I thought would be my lover, well…
I’m definitely going to knock off early from work. But what can I do to cheer myself up? There was one day around 2008 when W’s dad was asking her to co-sign a loan, an enormous loan, the kind of loan that fucks up the rest of her ones if goes into default. He wouldn’t tell her what it was for, didn’t have a good reason for why he needed it. Just told her she wouldn’t understand, which is absolutely not true as W is one of the most savvy in market and economics I’ve ever met. So she told him no. As it turned out, this was the beginning of a federal investigation into her dad’s business dealings which would eventually end with him in federal prison for fraud. We would learn that he lost his retirement, his wife’s retirement, his son’s mother in law’s retirement, and the life savings of countless others. W’s parents lost their big, beautiful house in the hills of Orange County, the one W grew up in. It was sold to pay court costs and probably satisfy some of the claimants that brought the suit. The only thing they had left to survive on was their pensions, luckily enough to live on. Still, it was a very depressing time.
My work as an environmental biologist for state parks was going great at the time, though it would take its turn. In fact, a whale had just washed up on the shore. That doesn’t happen every day. There’s nothing like a dead whale to cheer up your glum spouse when her dad has gotten himself into a pickle of a ponsi scheme, right?
Nothing like it, indeed. 
The sun was approaching the horizon and the sky was changing color. The marine layer several miles offshore glowed golden. The blustery day was easing into a breezy evening as we traipsed down the boardwalk through the dune lake and coastal dune plant communities. Not everything was blooming but there were some lovely colorful flowers, sun cups and dune poppies and sea rocket, purple and yellow and orange. We caught sight of the least tern fledglings on the bridge over the lake where they were learning to fish, and those goofy fuzzy clumsy doofuses with their colorful leg bands were adorable. We saw a few rabbits and I pointed out raccoon, coyote, and owl tracks. As we crested the last dune to the beach, there it was, a juvenile humpback whale, still rolling in the surf due to the steepness of the beach and a berm of deposited sand. It kept rolling it back into the water, and the tidal motions kept trying to push it back up the berm. Its gray hide was scraped pink and gashed in places, presumably polished off by sand and torn by whatever rocks it had met. It’s slack jaw opening and closing as the water rushed in and around its enormous, baleened mandible, which seemed out of proportion for the size of the animal, as if it hadn’t grown into it yet. A few gulls tried to perch on the carcass, but it was an unsteady surface and they quickly abandoned it. And it did smell strongly, the ranicid blubber and putrescent muscle mixing with the smell of the shoreline and rotting kelp that also washed up on the beach. (The following day, one of our crew would brave the surf to get a chain around the tail which would be attached to the largest tractor at the park. The operator, big old crotchety Ted (retired, this was his fun retirement job), would haul it up to a level spot out of the surf, under which he would later dig its resting place. But before that, biologists from a series of curious natural history museums and colleges would descend upon it with their whaling gear (really, it’s the best stuff for the necropsy of a whale) and take samples and measurements. I have a photo of a woman proudly, smugly holding an eyeball that was bigger than her fist. When they were done, Ted would dig that grave next to the whale, shove it in, and and push sand to cover it up, like he did with all the large dead elephant seals and sea lions (there is a mass grave of them out there in the dunes somewhere; what will anthropologists think when they find it).)
While not the most uplifting sight, it certainly did break up the monotony, it certainly was a temporary distraction, and the physical activity was probably good for us. So. Yeah. Nothing cheers a person up more than sunset with a dead whale… But there is no dead whale for me to walk to today. So I guess I’ll make a pie.
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janumun · 4 years
Not sure if you go out dancing or drink, but I’m obsessed with the idea of the demon brothers taking MC out dancing at a nightclub. Loud techno blasting out of the stereos, MC tipsy from the drinks. The brothers taking turns dancing with her as they shield her from other demons. Just a hot, sweaty, pressing of bodies gyrating to the music.
The brothers are already one, big protective circle of guardian boyfriends in my books, Nonny 😆🙌. There needs to be perfect order and a set hierarchy, even while visiting a club with all seven of the brothers 🤣
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Lucifer's the protective older (mom friend) friend who convinces you to cut back on those drinks. "You're not allowed more than two—" Lucifer please.
Mammon's the one you need to look out for as he goes slinking through that throng of bodies, filching wallets and cash off of unsuspecting folks that lasts until Lucifer catches him and collars him to their table.
Levi is either absent or was forced to be here. He's the one you'd find rocking on his heels, huddled within some corner, headphones blaring on to provide relief from this normie trauma. It's not working, help him! 😩
Satan straight up refused to visit said club with his brothers in tow. The man is secretive and likes to keep his... nightly dealings strictly under wraps and would never risk running into certain "questionable contacts" on Lucifer's watch.
Asmodeus is right in his element! He's the one most eager to press his body against yours as you spin across the dance floor: just two (well, you're the only one flushed and inebriated) happy drunks. Also the 'bathroom friend' who sits by your side, holding wipes up to your face as you hurl the contents of your stomach... that particularly strong drink you swiped while Lucifer's attentions were elsewhere, not having taken well to your digestive system. (Don't tell me I'm the only one who had these bad days?! 🤣)
Beel... needs to stop slurping down whatever eatable comes his way. Someone also needs to prevent the babe from being tempted away by some debauched demon looking to sleep with this 'big, beefy hunk'. Luring him in by promises of monster cheese burgers.
Belphegor does not want to be here either. He's slumped across the bar, bored eyes following your movements across the floor. Absently swatting away advances from interested demons and the like and that's where you shall find him for the entirety of the night. Unless... he catches a demon trying to put the moves on you. Belphie is out of his seat then, making a bee-line towards where he sees that bastard slinking closer towards you. Wrenching him off of you by the shoulder as he inserts himself in between the two of you. Glaring daggers at the offensive insect.
This party is one Lucifer away from explosion and thankfully, the oldest brother is stepping in between before things get ugly. Party's over, you all. Get your asses back home now. 😆
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capaciousllextremis · 3 years
tag drop
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