#these are all either students in British universities or alumni
murky-galaxy · 9 months
I've been watching a lot of University Challenge lately, and, as a Dracula Daily participant it's so weird to me to see 2 teams completely fail to identify the novel Dracula based on fairly basic descriptions of characters and plot (1 of them didn't get it even when the question included "gothic horror novel from the 1890s")
Like, these are students/alumni from British universities, surely one of them has read it at some point?
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spogwam · 5 months
Professional Development 2 - Master's Event in SkyBar
On the 29th of February I attended the Postgraduate Information Evening at the SkyBar in Edinburgh. To begin my research into the postgraduate Master’s degrees offered by Napier University I arrived at this event and chatted to all of the course leaders of each of the courses I was interested in. In terms of financing a Master’s degree, Napier is a good option as they offer a 20% discount for alumni, lowering the potential cost from £8300 to £6640. With a loan of up to £5000 coverable by SAAS, that would leave only £1640 to pay outright, which should be affordable should I get a job over the summer. Master’s degrees at other universities, I would need to secure financing from a charitable body or get funded by a grant.
For now, I will go through my options one by one for a Master’s degree as discussed with course leaders at this event. This is the Napier longlist, I will prioritise the most appropriate/interesting reviews, compiling them into a shortlist to go forward with.
MA Creative Writing
The course leader is David Bishop, an award-winning screenwriter and former editor of iconic British comic 2000AD. This was particularly exciting for me as I know a lot about 2000AD – my dad was a big fan in his University days and still has a collection of every issue released back in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to chat to him at the event as he was busy chatting to other budding writers, but I intend to get in touch with him to enquire further about this course and its suitability for me based on my skillset. I would say that my greatest creative skill is in writing; I never feel more alive than when I envelop myself in a world of my imagining, with characters and situations that I find profoundly emotive and resonant. This makes this course particularly suitable for me, especially as it offers screenwriting as a specialism. I definitely intend on writing short stories as well. I’d potentially adapt these into films later on, but I have so many ideas going I’d go mad if I didn’t get them down somewhere.
Modules include Creating Narrative, Creative and Editorial Development, Writing Narrative Positions, and Major Project. My major project would likely be a screenplay, however I don’t know much about what editing entails, or what narrative positions are, so it looks like there’d be lots to learn on this course. Entry requirements are a BA with Hons in Arts, Humanities, or Social Sciences at a 2:1 minimum. I believe this is the minimum grade I could achieve right now, so fingers crossed I will meet these requirements by the time of my application. If I had to point out some cons with this choice it would be the emphasis on writing novels and genre writing. Having said that, they seem very flexible when it comes to teaching screenwriters, and I myself believe there is much overlap when it comes to novel writing and screenwriting. One of my major criticisms of many student writers is they don’t like reading books, or writing stories outside of a screenplay format, despite it being extremely helpful to begin a narrative journey through learning fundamental basic writing skills. The screenplay almost writes itself when adapting from a written piece; I feel it gives you a creative momentum that is very helpful – this is a world you know. Regardless, I’m getting side-tracked, but this one is definitely up there in its alignment with my interests, and seems to present a natural progression for me from a Film degree.
MA Film
This course is the follow up to the BA in Film, continuing one’s progression within their chosen discipline, whether it be producing, directing, cinematography, editing, or location sound recording and sound design. Were I to undertake this degree, I’d likely choose either directing or producing as my specialism, as I particularly enjoy working with actors as a director, as well as the problem solving and business acumen involved in producing. A key takeaway from this degree is that it is missing writing as a taught specialism, an area I am likely more interested in than the formerly mentioned specialisms. With entry requirements of a BA at 2:2 or above, I would be accepted to this course at my current rate of progression. Modules of particular interest to me include Critical Film Study, Script Workshop, The Business of Screen Project Development, and Writing and Screen Project Development. These modules seem to contradict the previous lack of screenwriting as a chosen specialism, as they appear to teach it quite in depth in the two writing modules. This seems to be as a secondary specialism, however, and one would still have to choose one of the core five as their primary interest. The areas of this Film course that I have found particularly engaging have been in screenwriting and critical essays, such as my dissertation for example. The lack of screenwriting as a specialism makes this a less likely choice for me, as well as the 60% to 40% ratio of practical filmmaking to theoretical practice respectively is not my priority now. I will conduct more research into this course and expand on my thoughts later. The course leader I spoke to was friendly and encouraging however, and I would be happy to discuss this option further.
MSc Business Management
This would be something of a pivot from Film, but not as dramatic a shift as I initially believed. Having discussed this with the course leader, they are willing to accept entries from any BA course offered by Napier at 2:2 or above, making this quite a likely prospect. They have an extraordinarily high student satisfaction rate, at 94%, and have access to a huge amount of support from their business incubator, Bright Red Triangle, which has helped hundreds of businesses start up. Since I was young, I’ve had a keen interest in management and money, making and selling things to sell to family members often. My long term career plan is to start a production house focusing on fundamentally Scottish stories with a political edge, exposing economic disparity and inequality that is rife in many isolated communities. This course seems like it would help improve my business management skills to be able to make this dream a reality.
Guest speakers add value to this option, and it would help me to understand stories of real-world business success in Scotland. This degree would give me a skillset to work in a broad range of sectors, something not necessarily shared in other degrees. This is a great option that I’d like to consider, and I believe my bilingualism would give me an edge in terms of a business launch. For this option, I’d definitely need to polish up my Excel skills; as of now I am totally baffled when it comes to business related spreadsheets. The modules look very interesting and modern, constantly being updated with the times, and seem to align with my interests well. I also love working at Craiglockhart campus, making this course more suitable for me.
MSc Business Information Technology
I also spoke to the leader of this course at the event, but found little in common in terms of the required skillset of ideal students. Although it is business related, it is a wholeheartedly technical degree, delving much into cybersecurity, computer science, and information science – areas I am not familiar with. This seems like a great course with useful specificity for those with business and computer skills, but I’m far more the former than the latter, pushing this down the rankings for me.
MSc Human Resource Management
This one was also a bit of a reach in terms of my skillset, but was another course leader that I got chatting with. This would prepare a student for work in HR, a vital role in any successful business. However this is not something of interest to me, as relates to law, analytics, and other technical areas that are not in my interests. Certain modules are interesting to me however, such as Skills in People Management and People and Organisational Development. I could hopefully pick up skills in these areas elsewhere, as they seem to strictly cater to careers in HR. This is an unlikely one for me, but worth learning about nonetheless.
MSc Wildlife Biology and Conservation
This one is a wild card I’ll admit, but my hobby is researching potentially extinct fish and marine life, as well as deep sea creatures, ancient fish, sharks, and whales etc. That’s what I was thinking when I approached Pat White, the course leader, to discuss the course, which due to my lack of a degree in ecology or biology, would be ineligible for entry into. However, I managed to find some paid work with Pat over the summer, which is great – I think it will be a tutorial video for a new piece of cam trapping equipment accessible to the course. Every cloud has a silver lining.
MBA Strategic Project Management
This one is very interesting to me. A Master of Business Administration is one of the highest level qualifications you can get in this area. However, entry requirements dictate that you need to have had at least 2 years relevant work experience, which I believe would have to be in management. This is not unachievable, but requires perspective of a longer career timeline, e.g. by the time I’m 30 for example. This degree is not something I could enter into straight away, but is still worth considering for later on.
This particular degree encompasses marketing, as well as leadership and management skills, business strategy, and global economic issues. This degree prepares a student for a career as a senior project manager, which is specific and not necessarily in my interests. This degree is a bridge to a doctorate in Business, which although Dr Weir sounds good, I’m not sure I’m interested in undertaking such a high level of education. I’m going to keep this in mind but focus on more current possibilities for now.
MBA Business Leadership and Practice
This degree is similar to the previous one, but more appropriate for me in its specificity to budding managers and leaders rather than only in project management. This is preferable to me than the previous MBA, but unlike the previous course, does not present the entry requirements of having worked in the field before being accepted, only requiring a 2:2 in any discipline. This makes it much more achievable, and as a shorter term plan too, meaning I could apply for it over the summer for entry in September of this year. For these reasons, this is high up on my priority list.
As it stands, in no particular order, I am most interested in MA Creative Writing, MSc Business Management, and MBA Business Leadership and Practice were I to continue my education rather than moving into work right away. Even if I do start working, it is worth keeping these options in mind for future reference. I will expand on my Master’s course research in the following post, this time, looking at options with other universities.
In other news, I got a response from Lana Pheutan this morning which was very encouraging. We are currently setting up a meeting on zoom or in person to discuss career prospects within the Gaelic language TV and Film industry following my degree. I will continue updating my blog on these developments and my discussions with Lana.
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ahz-associates · 10 months
The Ultimate Guide to the University of Chester: Your Next Academic Home!
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Located in Chester, England, lies the renowned public research university, the University of Chester. It is the fifth-oldest university in England to have been founded. "He that teacheth, on teaching" is the university's motto. Thus, the knowledgeable tutors support the emerging talent by providing them with current research material and inspire them to become outstanding leaders in the future. Thus, the university's ultimate goal is to serve society and build a great community.
The University founded the UK's first teacher training college specifically for that purpose. The exceptional institute offers foundational, undergraduate, and graduate courses in an outstanding academic subject. Here, the institute is recognized for its cutting-edge academic research initiatives with the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Silver Award.
Despite the Christian beliefs that guided the university's founding, personnel and students of all faiths are today warmly welcomed. It belongs to some of the top industrial associations in the globe, including the Cathedrals Group, the North West Universities Association, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (AACSB).
Past Events
The UK's first teacher training college was founded by the University of Chester. The university's founding was accomplished in 1839 by Chester Diocesan Training College. Chester changed its status to associated college of the University of Liverpool in 1921. Chester's pupils may thus make use of Liverpool's resources. The institute is granted full university status in 2005 and is renamed the University of Chester.
Places and Accomplishments
97th in the Times University Guide 2023
74th in the Guardian University Guide 2023
In the second Research Excellence Framework (REF) in 2021, 51% of research at the University of Chester was rated as either world-leading or internationally excellent, up from 31% in the first REF in 2014.
Scholarships Abroad
an international student's scholarship to study in the University of Chester, awarded on the basis of excellence. The scholarship for both undergraduate and graduate education shows a notable decrease.
Other Scholarships and Discounts
International Alumni Scholarship
Masters Scholarships
Chevening Scholarship
DIKTI Scholarships
Goa Education Trust Scholarship
Snowdon Masters Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarship
Student Life
The Chester Students' Union (CSU) is sufficiently engaged to improve the educational environment. The students' voice is the one that puts the interests of the students first. Students can participate in a variety of clubs, athletics, and other activities there. Course-based societies include Disney, Quidditch, MMA, and mountaineering.
In the North West of England, University of Chester is the safest university located in a city. As a result, the city is well-known for both its modern and cultural histories. It is one of the top 10 cities in the UK and one of the eight renowned British Heritage cities in the globe. Visitors and international students alike can explore the cathedral, Chester Zoo, Cheshire Oaks, Eastgate Clock, Roman amphitheater, and historic Roman fortifications. Travel time between Manchester and Liverpool is less than one hour.
Housing: University of Chester housing offers on-campus amenities. International students are assured housing in University of Chester residence halls. They might also choose for contemporary purpose-built homes or Victorian homes that have been renovated. Students can also live in the UK at a reasonable cost. Modern amenities and facilities are completely furnished in both self-catered and semi-catered residences.
The specialist campuses situated in:
Apart from that, the University of Chester has a list of private sector properties situated near the Chester or Warrington campuses.
Move around
Parking zones are part of the university's sustainable travel options. Students can use bicycles, public transportation, or foot to get from one area to another. There are bike routes to the bright red fix stations along the Millennium Greenway cycle path. In the city, there are four Park and Ride parking lots.
Many people think of Chester as a welcoming, vibrant, and varied community. It is routinely rated as one of the best places to live in the UK and was chosen the second most student-friendly city in the country in 2019.
Chester is in a prime location since it is close to North Wales, which has some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the UK. Major cities like Manchester and Liverpool can be reached by train in less than an hour, and London can be reached in less than two hours.
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pettishrew · 5 years
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𝖖 𝖚 𝖔 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
i don’t feel very human anymore. —7:59 pm 4/28/15; l.m.
Where did you get those big eyes? My mother. And where did you get those lips? My mother. And the loneliness? My mother. And that broken heart? My mother. And the absence, where did you get that? My father. —Inheritance, Warsan Shire
“And I’m a master of speaking silently—all my life I’ve spoken silently and I’ve lived through entire tragedies in silence.”— The Meek One, Fyodor Dostoevsky
How do you move on? You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no turning back. —J.R.R. Tolkien
“There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests”
“Self-hatred is only ever a seed planted from outside in. But when you do that to a child, it becomes a weed so thick, and it grows so fast, the child doesn’t know any different. It becomes as natural as gravity.”— Hannah Gadsby, Nanette
You got to take a deep breath and give up. The system is rigged against you. Bo Burnham
𝖇 𝖆 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈
NAME: Peter Thomas Pettigrew NICKNAMES: Pete, Wormtail, or Wormy AGE: Twenty BIRTHDAY: August 22nd GENDER: Male PRONOUNS: He / Him
𝖋 𝖆 𝖒 𝖎 𝖑 𝖞
MOTHER: Enid Pettigrew. 47. Alive. FATHER: Sean Morivan. 52. Status Unknown. SIBLINGS: None
𝖕 𝖍 𝖞 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈 𝖆 𝖑 𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖊𝖘
FACE CLAIM: Alex Wolff BUILD: Moderately Overweight HAIR:  In need of a haircut. Curly and unkempt. HAIR COLOR: Brunette. In the summertime, it gets a golden, almost colorless hue. EYE COLOR: Brown SKIN COLOR: Light with olive undertones DOMINANT HAND: Right ANOMALIES: He has a birthmark on his left shoulder.  His skin freckles in the summer. He also has faint scars on the inside of both of his forearms. He also has a small tattoo on the outside of his right thigh. Peter got it on a dare and it looks like ( x ) SCENT:  He often smells like chocolate or peppermint. Mostly because those are the last things they would have eaten. ACCENT: British. More of the cockney nature than anything else. ALLERGIES: He is moderately allergic to dairy. Not enough to stop him of course, but enough to make him uncomfortable if he eats too much of it. DISORDERS: N / A FASHION: Peter wears whatever is comfortable and fits for the most part. He does tend to stick to neutral colors, like black, grey, and beige. He doesn’t like to draw attention to himself. NERVOUS TICS: He stutters when he’s nervous. He also rubs the back of his neck when he’s uncomfortable. QUIRKS: His quirks are identical to his nervous tics. One doesn’t often happen without the other.
𝖑 𝖎 𝖋 𝖊 𝖘 𝖙 𝖞 𝖑 𝖊
RESIDES: Plainview Point Apartments BORN: St. Mungo’s RAISED: A little outside of London PETS: A Tawny Owl named Eros
CAREER: Obliviator EXPERIENCE: 2+ years in the position EMPLOYER: The Ministry of Magic
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: The Order BELIEFS: Peter doesn’t believe strictly in anything. MISDEMEANORS: None FELONIES: None DRUGS: None SMOKES: Tobacco, and occasionally Marijuana ALCOHOL: Infrequently DIET: Poor
LANGUAGES: English, Welsh, and some Italian
PHOBIAS: Death or Serious Injury. HOBBIES: Reading and Baking. TRAITS: { + }: forgiving, analytical, easy-going, optimistic { - }: fearful, cunning, indecisive, meek
𝖋 𝖆 𝖛 𝖔 𝖗 𝖎 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
LOCATION: Anywhere that is small, where Peter feels like no one can get to him. SPORTS TEAM: Ireland GAME: Wizard’s Chess. MUSIC: He doesn’t care much for music. If he does listen to it it’s softer sounding music, that’s almost wistful. MOVIES: Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope 1980. Alien is a close second. FOOD: Anything sweet. Peter’s sweet tooth is insatiable. BEVERAGE: Pumpkin Juice or soda. COLOR: Pale Yellow
𝖒 𝖆 𝖌 𝖎 𝖈
ALUMNI HOUSE: Gryffindor WAND: UNICORN: Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard. Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing. FIR: My august grandfather, Gerbold Octavius Ollivander, always called wands of this wood ‘the survivor’s wand,’ because he had sold it to three wizards who subsequently passed through mortal peril unscathed. There is no doubt that this wood, coming as it does from the most resilient of trees, produces wands that demand staying power and strength of purpose in their true owners, and that they are poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive. Fir wands are particularly suited to Transfiguration, and favor owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanor. 9 1/2 Inches and unyielding. AMORTENTIA: Chocolate, Peppermint, Garlic, and Old Books. PATRONUS: He cannot produce one. BOGGART: Prior to the war it had been his mother dying. He truly doesn’t know what he would do without her. However, since the war has begun his Boggart is Lord Voldemort.
𝖈 𝖍 𝖆 𝖗 𝖆 𝖈 𝖙 𝖊 𝖗
INTPs are often thoroughly engaged in their own thoughts, and usually, appear to others to be offbeat and unconventional. The INTP’s mind is the most active place, and their inward orientation can mean that they neglect superficial things like home décor or appropriate clothing. They don’t tend to bother with small talk but can become downright passionate when talking about science, mathematics, computers, or the larger theoretical problems of the universe. Reality is often of only passing interest to the Architect, as they are more interested in the theory behind it all.INTPs are typically precise in their speech and communicate complex ideas with carefully chosen words. They insist on intellectual rigor in even the most casual of conversations, and will readily point out inconsistencies of thought or reasoning. Social niceties may fall by the wayside for an INTP who is more interested in analyzing logic, and they may offend others by smallmitting their dearly held values and beliefs to logical scrutiny. Trivia: - more likely than other types to study a foreign language  - most frequent type among college students committing alcohol and drug policy violations - have the lowest level of coping resources of all the types - one of the types least likely to believe in a spiritual power - highest of all types in career dissatisfaction in school have lower grades than would be -- predicted by aptitude scores - more likely than average to complete engineering programs - personal values include autonomy, freedom, and independence - Overrepresented among working MBA students - Commonly found in science and technical occupations - famous intps: albert einstein, abraham lincoln, marie curie, and charles darwin
MBTI ROLE:  The Architect or the Logician ENNEAGRAM: Type Five ENNEAGRAM ROLE:
The Observer: Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation. At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.
Melancholic. The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
Leo With the Sun approaching the end of Leo, August 22nd has its peak in creativity and our childish need to present our inner being and express ourselves. This is an emotional date when passions need to be calmed in order for us to swim out of them with a clear mind and a plan we can hold on to, so our dreams can be reached. Those born at this time are connected to others on a different level than the rest of Leo representatives and feel a constant need to set free from ego battles and follow their hearts.
Year of the Rat The Metal Rat are honest, frank, and optimistic, and will not get depressed no matter how terrible the situation is. They have a quick respond and strong environmental adaptability. They treat people kindly. But most of the people born in 1960 year of the Rat are self-centered. They always think of themselves first. They are impatient, suspicious and kind of vain.
Otter: Social, funny, and outgoing, those born under the sign of the Otter use their warmth and charm as their primary tool in navigating life. Like their animal namesake, members of this sign are clever, feisty, and gregarious. They usually spend a lot of time grooming themselves for their looks are of great importance to them. They are not terribly territorial either, preferring to sleep where their adventure takes them for the night. A nice home will eventually be required, but a young Otter can travel the world for years without getting too homesick. Otters like to be in charge. This way they can not only get what they want, but receive attention and respect while doing so. They can occasionally behave somewhat self-centered and egotistical, but are usually smart enough not to push their self-proclaimed authority too far. Otters want to be the best, and they understand that being the best takes work. As long as they get to do thing their own way, there is little they won’t undertake.Members of this sign have a sense of pride that only a few other signs can top. They absolutely hate looking unintentionally foolish (though they will act the part of the fool if it gets them a good laugh) and have little tolerance for those who don’t respect this important (if unspoken) rule. They like to be seen as evolved, wise, and powerful, which they often are, but this can sometimes cause them to hesitate trying new things. Above all things, Otters don’t like to live by other people’s rules. As long as they keep life in perspective this shouldn’t be a big problem, but out of perspective Otters risk becoming greedy and narrow-minded and there is always a chance that they will take what they want if nobody is willing to offer it up to them. Members of this sign can also be a bit judgmental of others, particularly those who are less successful than they are at that point in their lives. As they mature they tend to realize that everyone operates differently, and will slowly come to accept this, especially if they have a hard road to reaching their goals.
The Fool: The Fool, at its core, represents the unfettered soul. Free of experience and prejudice, they are also free of fear, and therefore come into new events without the trepidation often experienced by those that know what they might expect. This is both a benefit and a detriment to the Fool, their eyes are on the path ahead, or on the sky, but not at what is right in front of them. This can make the Fool easy to trick, to persuade, or to side-line. But they also do not know what others believe is ‘NOT’ possible, and this makes them capable of greatness, new ideas, and innovation. They do not know a thing cannot be done, so they merrily set about to do it anyway. Sometimes they succeed.
All the Other Reindeer, The Chessmaster, Cornered Rattlesnake, Dirty Coward, Fair Weather Friend,  and Opportunistic Bastard
- Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons - If It Kills Me by Jason Mraz - Sinner Man by Idris Elba - Creep by Radiohead - The Devil You Know by X Ambassadors
- Beer is the scum of all the alcoholic beverages. He think it tastes akin to piss and doesn’t understand why anyone would opt to drink it willingly. - Peter has never had a pet aside from the owl. And doesn’t understand the want to keep things in captivity for your own benefit. This principle extends to muggle zoos as well. - Chocolate frogs are the best candy that Honeydukes sells, this is not a matter of discussion that he is willing to hear. - Peter believes that if something is easier done through violence than diplomacy that in those instances the people should be empowered to pursue violence without diplomacy first. - Wool is a terrible fabric and he won’t wear it. It’s itchy. 
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ayonde · 5 years
First week in Williamsburg, VA  (Blog#4)
So finally, I decided to enroll at the MBA program at College of William & Mary at Williamsburg, Virginia in USA. I paid my deposit fees, and applied for student visa. I explored various flight options and found that British Airways had the most generous baggage allowance. 3 bags upto 23 Kgs (50 lbs) each are allowed for students as check-in luggage. Additionally, you can carry another bag of 23 Kg as cabin bag if you can lift it up to stow in the overhead bin.
While, I was making provisions to come to United States and learning how to cook, I contacted a lot of W&M Alumni/current students. Through LinkedIn I found few graduates of the MBA program living in New Delhi. My admission committee (AdCom) helped me connect with few more graduates as well as with incoming students. I organized a meet & greet, and learned a lot about life in America and Williamsburg in particular.
Networking: One keyword often mentioned by the grads was Networking. And it was an alien concept to me. So far I was operating in an environment where people ask question and you answer – or vice versa. For a job, you go through set pattern. Apply online, get invited for interview, answer the questions you are asked, clear the technical rounds, then talk salary in the HR round.
Networking was different. Make small talk about things, interests like sports or cars, find a commonality and leave an impression. It was like if you are 8 years old and your parents moved to another city. Now you have to change schools and make new friends. This was way outside of my comfort zone which was being direct. You want a job, you ask for it. You don’t talk fluff to pad time and then ask for a job, this was very close to being deceitful in our culture. But, I was told that the direct approach doesn’t work in the west.
Elevator Pitch: There was another concept of elevator pitch – which my W&M MBA’s career services people told me about. The situation is that you find yourself in an elevator with the CEO of your dream company, you have 60 seconds to introduce yourself in way that leaves a positive impact on the CEO’s memory. 60 seconds?!! I thought, I cannot even decide which pizza toppings I want in 60 seconds. And my fate could be decided in that time? Nevertheless, I started working on my elevator pitch. 60 seconds to include something unique about myself that would possible separately me from other applicants vying the same job.
Certifications: I started to do another self-assessment. I knew I did not have a stellar GMAT, and I wasn’t from a traditional business background or enrolling at Harvard. All my work experience to this point was technical engineering. I saw LinkedIn profile of students who had their undergrad in Finance with minor in accounting, then went to do CFA level 1, 2 and 3 before joining the MBA program specializing in Finance and graduating to become Director at a firm. Such candidates I thought would go on to become CEO or CFO by the time they hit 40. To be competitive and pad my resume, I needed certifications. I cannot appear to be just an engineer to the person reading my resume. In April of 2013 – 4 months before I was to leave for US, I enrolled in project management classes. The plan was to arm myself with Project Management Professional (PMP) and Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) certifications. The classes were on point but I couldn’t take the PMP exam. The project management course was taught on the newer version of book of knowledge that the examination centers at New Delhi had yet to update.
Since the India edition of the Green Belt book was much cheaper, I bought that book and started reading. But honestly, most of my time in India was spent with my wife, family & friends. Soon it was end of July and for the first time I was jobless. I was on a tight budget and had accounted for my monthly spending not to exceed $1000.
So finally 10th Aug came, and after a teary goodbye to wife and family, I boarded the BA flight. It was a long journey. 8 hours to London from New Delhi, layover of 3 hours. Then another 8 hours to NYC, take luggage to do immigration during the 5 hour layover, then another 2 hrs flight to Norfolk, VA and finally another hour in taxi cab to Williamsburg, VA. I was contemplating my decision to not enroll into other schools and borrowing all my parent’s life savings and investments to get my fancy MBA. Failure would be a bitter pill. Will I get a job? Will I adjust to US education system? Too many questions and self-doubt. It was too late as the plane was on the runway. Found some comfort watching movies during flight.
 Week 1: The first week at Williamsburg was as unique as it was challenging. Every student in our MBA cohort was put into a team of 5. I was in team 3. In my team there were two Americans – Chris was ex-army and wanted to get into healthcare, Chloe was a scholar who loved green energy. Frank was from Taiwan and was a Finance guru, Teru hailed from Tokyo, Japan and had several years of experience as marketing manager of Maserati.
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Week 1 was orientation, to foster team building we all were made to do several team based activities. My favourite was ropes course. They’ll present a challenge like as two teams of 5 to go across the rope tied between two trees, the catch is that if you touch the ground your team is out. It brought out lot of different leadership styles and taught us to trust one another. This week was also very tough physically and mentally. I was still suffering from jet lag, I did not have a phone with me, because I did not have any documentation needed to get a cell phone. No address proof, no bank account, no social security number.
I did not have a car to commute and had to rely on university line bus service known as green line. If the bus was late for whatever reason, meant that I was late for team meetings etc. In US, even if I was late by 2 mins it was looked down. In India people usually understand that one can be +/- 10~20 mins late due to traffic – not in US. 8 means 08:00 not 08:01 or 08:15 come what may.
One of the days, I couldn’t get up in time in the morning and was late for a team activity. I had no alarm clock and did not know where the nearest supermarket was or what it was called. Current students were either still concluding their internship or visiting family and had not yet returned to Williamsburg. Clearly, I had let my team down and I was disappointed. I felt miserable all around, the food consist of salads, sandwiches and pizza slices, which didn’t help either. I was home sick, I needed Indian food. On day 6, I went to an Indian restaurant to eat dinner with one of my Indian classmate. We ate till our hearts content, the bill? $100!! This further added to my misery. I couldn’t sustain the financial status quo, something had to change and soon.
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admissify-blog · 5 years
British Study Abroad Education System
United Kingdom is the second most famous study abroad destination after U.S.A among the international students who wish to study abroad. From its multicultural society till its important role in the monarchy, from higher-quality education till best teaching faculty, U.K is the best-chosen destination among foreigners for either a family vacation or higher education in the U.K. All those who are travelling to U.K or planning to study in U.K, this article will be a great help as the main purpose of this article is to guide you about the British Study Abroad Education System.
About U.K
Before planning to study in U.K one should have basic information about the country. It is important to know that the UK is situated in north-western Europe and has an area of 242,900. The capital of the United Kingdom is London. Major cities include- Manchester, Sheffield, Cardiff, London, Edinburg, Glasgow, Edinburg, Birmingham and New Castle. The travel distance between India and U.K is 9 hours by flight. Sterling pound is the currency of Britain.
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Programs in U.K
Following are the list of degrees and programs provided by every university of U.K which can be very informative for international students who wishes to study in U.K for higher education.
Bachelor’s degree- The duration of the Bachelor's degree in U.K is 3-5 years which will enable a student to specialize in a respective subject and also give the eligibility to apply for post-graduation in U.K.
Masters Degree- Students can either directly apply for a masters program or can apply after completing their graduation. The duration of the Masters Program is 1-2 years depending on the course which you choose.
Doctoral Program- Any student who wishes to continue their research under a particular subject can apply for the doctoral program. The duration of a Doctoral Program is 2-4 years. A master’s degree is usually a prerequisite for a doctorate program.
Foundation Program-This program in particular trains a student for their admission in the university. The duration of this program is 1-2 years. This course is majorly chosen by those students who want to apply for arts or engineering degree but does not belong from the same stream.
Diploma Programs in U.K
Vocational Education and Training (VET) - Short course which only focuses on a particular subject. It even includes work experience.
Higher National Diploma (HND) - Diploma of 1-2 years with a practical and professional approach in a specific field. After finishing the program, students can be transferred to a bachelor’s degree program straight away.
Students who are planning to study in U.K must be aware of the fact that the admission in the U.K begins in the month of September and January. Though some universities may accept late admission, it is advised to every student to apply as soon as possible so that they do not have to face any hurdle in their admission. Please note that Students registering for a degree program in Oxford, Cambridge, or medicine should apply before 15th October, the year before admission.
In the procedure of admission in U.K, not only academic performance but one’s SOP, LOR, Universities essays, C.V and English Proficiency marks also plays a very important role.
Students may also require taking a standardized test for some topics. Students who are applying in the U.K for medicine must register on the BMAT or UKCAT depending on the universities. Study Experience provides alternatives for those exams that are better prepared.
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Tuition fee
Although every university in the U.K has its respective tuition fee as per the courses, I am listing down the general tuition fee cost as per the degree.
Undergraduate program- The tuition fee can be between £5,000-£10,000 per year
Masters Program-The tuition fee can be between £5,000-£20,000 per year
Vocational Training Program- Much cheaper than any other program, costing £3,000 per year.
The Universities of United Kingdom also grants some of the globally recognized Scholarships to those students who aspire to go and study in the U.K. There is the number of UK Scholarships that Indian students can avail, considerably to lighten their financial burden.
Title Based Scholarship
Merit-Based Scholarship
Need-Based Scholarship
Demographic Based Scholarship
Course-Based Scholarship
To know more about the British Study Abroad Education System, get in touch with Admissify or Download the admissify app today and search over 100 U.K universities, chat to alumni counsellors and apply directly through admissify for top scholarship opportunities. Simplify with admissify. Admissify is a UK based company with multiple offices in India and having many top UK university alumni working for them in India and London. Being the market leader for admissions and accommodation in the UK makes them the favourite choice when applying for to study in the UK.
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sfsucw · 7 years
PRISM International Creative Nonfiction Contest
DEADLINE: July 15, 2017
FEE: $40
PRIZES: $1,500 grand prize, $600 runner-up, $400 2nd runner-up
SUBMISSIONS: Online through https://prisminternational.submittable.com/submit
The author’s name should not appear anywhere on the manuscript, the title or in the title that the file is saved under. Please do not include any personal information (name, address etc.) in the cover letter field.
Entries must be original, previously unpublished in print or online. PRISM will purchase First North American Serial Rights for all work accepted for publication.
Entries should be formatted with size 12pt serif font (Times New Roman, Garamond, Georgia) and regular margins. Prose must be double spaced.
Not open to students or faculty of the University of British Columbia’s Creative Writing Program (this includes the UBC Optional Residency MFA Program). This also includes incoming students that have accepted a place in UBC’s Creative Writing Program. In order to enter, UBC alumni cannot have taken a UBC Creative Writing Program course during the previous two years.
Winners of last year’s contest (grand prize, first runner-up, and second runner-up) must wait a year before entering the contest in the category for which they won, but are welcome to enter either of our other categories. Other writers who made the long list and/or the short list are still eligible to enter any category.
Entrants must submit their entry under their real name, although they may publish under a pseudonym if they wish. Contestants who do not submit under their real name may be subject to disqualification. No images or photos should be included.
MORE INFO: http://prismmagazine.ca/contests/
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chantelleloui8 · 8 years
solar task 2
Research into UCAS courses...
Derby university-  BA HONS in performing arts. • This university is based in derby and is close to the main city centre. • Entry requirements for this are 120 UCAS points, 5 GCSE’S at grade C and above.  You also have a interview. • the interview process; we will be invited for a practical audition, which is followed by a formal interview. • The course is for 3 years full time with a fee of £9,000 per year. • The modules you study include.. • Dance • Theatre • Music • Sound design • Film making • Performance In my time at the uni I can create work in a variety of spaces around the city aswell as having a chance to perform in derby theatre and for DEDA. This course is suitable for me because it offers the chance to work in areas like sound design and film making which are things I’ve never really done before so its defiantly a big step for me. It also allows me to explore dance further and my performance skills from college and really grow as a strong performer.   I am attracted to this course because I love performing infront of the public and especially in big theatres which is exactly what I can do,  it allows me to do pubic performances and work in a theatre such as derby which is something I’ve always wanted to do when I’ve been to see shows there. The course offers you a Erasmus plus programme which allows you to access exchange opportunities in Europe that will give you a variety of performance schools, experiences and techniques.
Royal central school of speech and drama university of London-  Acting (musical theatre) BA • This uni is based in the centre of London. • Entry requirements for this uni are 2 A levels at C grade, 3 GCSE’s at C grade and a selection from your audition. • Audition process – you need to prepare 2 memorised classical speeches and one contemporary speech along with one musical song which is 2 minute long and another of your choice. • You will take on a short morning talk, which has information on the structure of the day and what the course offers and covers. • You will then take part in a tour of the campus, a physical and vocal warm up followed by your  audition in front of the panel.  Once your audition is over you will be short listed and if your asked to stay for the afternoon you will perform your second monologue. • You will be asked in the afternoon to re perform all monologues or your second one, and to sing your songs.  Before if your successful being asked to attend a recall. •
This is a 3 year course which includes.. •
Year 1 • Classes and workshops in acting fundamentals, spoken/sung voice (including 1:1 weekly singing lessons), acting through song, actor movement, ballet, jazz, contemporary dance, clowning, text analysis (classical and modern), musical theatre repertoire, ensemble singing/aural training. Students undertake performance projects that include Chekhov/Dostoyevsky/Pinter scenes and Shakespeare comedy.
• Year 2 • Continuing practical training in all disciplines. Performance projects include Greek theatre (incorporating modern text), Brecht, contemporary American theatre, contemporary British scene study, comedy of manners, Shakespeare tragedy and a Sondheim musical. Students perform in the public production book musical alongside final year students.
• Year 3 • Focus is on professional development with public performances (plays, musicals, actor/musician shows), a West End industry showcase, acting for camera (including a professional showreel), radio training/microphone and audition technique workshops. Students perform in a wide variety of theatrical repertoires.
• This course is perfect for me because it includes all three art forms which is exactly what I want from uni, it gives me the chance to develop my performance skills and improve my dance skills much more too.  You perform a musical in your second year which interreges me so much as this is my passion. I’m attracted to this uni because its both challenging and exiting and that’s exactly what I need.
University of Chichester.. – BA hons in drama and theatre. Based in Chichester on the outskirts of London. Audition process-  you will be taught a short dance phrase in which you must then perform back, aswell as a musical theatre piece and tap.   You need to also perform two contrasting songs from musical theatre, and then perform a short improvisation piece. The course includes..
Year 1 Acting: This class develops the students acting effectiveness within a performing group, under the direction of specialist acting tutors. Classes support the development of confidence in ensemble performance, how to sustain energy through text and how to interpret and analyise the narrative whether spoken or sung, to give an honest and meaningful performance. Training includes performance techniques in a variety of acting contexts including immersive theatre, narrative analysis, dialect coaching, vocal projection, improvisation, script work, acting for screen, Shakespeare, metre and audition technique. Singing: In this module students assess their current repertoire, and begin an exploration of new work under the direction of individual vocal specialist teachers and in singing masterclass sessions. Each student has a teacher who will look after their technical voice development. Students will also have classes in vocal ensemble work and 1-2-1 repertoire. In addition there are a series of drop in repertoire sessions taking place throughout the week. Dance: In these classes students are taught by professional dancers and choreographers and receive training in Jazz, Contemporary, Ballet, and Tap, with daily technique and body conditioning sessions. The classes are streamed according to level, so students will be placed in a class that reflects their ability. One of the course aims is to enable students to develop technical and expressive skills in performance and be able to develop skills in conveying narrative and the meaning of text, through Dance. There are four contextual, theory-based modules over the first year worth 15 credits each. These include: • Introduction to Musical Theatre • Musical Grammar (in Semester 1 and 2) • Stage Management  
Year 2 Technical classes in acting, singing and dance continue as detailed in the first year of study. Students are now placed into two companies and over the course of the year will engage in a fully-staged Musical Theatre performance at The Alexandra Theatre, a professional 350-seater theatre venue in Bognor Regis, plus a Revue/Showcase-style work in the University’s own studio space, The Assembly Theatre. Students can also start to specialise in either Stage Management or Arts Management in addition to their performance and class-based training in acting, singing and dance. Students undertake additional practical tasks as part of the chosen specialism and opt for complementary contextual / theoretical modules to support that work. Professional mentoring is provided in these specialisms, which enhances the students’ training and support and provides quality assurance for the work that goes into the public domain. Contextual modules include: • Contemporary Musical Theatre • Musical Theatre Industry Or for Stage Management: • Props and Costume • Production and Stage Management Or for Arts Management : • Events Management • Marketing and Self-employment • Producing
Year 3 In the third year of study, students are placed in one of three companies: • Musical Theatre Tour • Musical Theatre Commission • Musical Theatre Festival Technical classes in acting, singing and dance continue with the addition of a weekly specialist workshop programme, including stage combat, audition technique, Musical Theatre libretti writing, visiting West End choreographers, voice technique, body percussion, puppetry, food and nutrition and a chance to meet and interview alumni who are thriving in the industry . The Stage and Arts Management routes continue into third year with affiliated contextual modules. Contextual Modules include: • Asian Musical Theatre and Performance Practice • Musical Theatre in the Community • Personal Study Or for Stage Management: • Managing Teams and Processes • Budgeting and Financial Planning Or for Arts Management: • Business Project • Fundraising in the Arts Students are also part of a Producing team, who meet weekly.
I’m interested in this uni because again it allows me to explore all three art forms and develop my dance skills further as this is my weakest. I can see that in your final year things get so exiting because you visit west end choreographers and I want that chance to really throw myself out their.
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ivedahelp · 4 years
Countries with the Best Education System in 2020
Countries with the Best Education System in 2020
We all are part of a free world with the free will of education as one of our basic rights. Education is one of the fundamental components of an ideal life. It is a symbolic representation of awareness in all forms and often works as an important measure of development and quality of life of a country. The economic status of a country can be enumerated by its education system and proclaim it either as an underdeveloped, developing or developed country. 
If you are planning on your further studies or looking for a guide to topmost international educational institutions, then read on. This blog comprises of a list of top 10 countries with the best education system in 2020 and which have been ranked based on certain parameters.
*First, let’s take a look at the country-wise education index featured in the human development report: 
The report was issued in 2016 and might have slight changes ever since.
1. The United States
The United States holds the topmost position for being the most chosen international study destination. Every year more than 10,00,000 students enrol for various study programs in the US alone.
Most preferable locations have been found out to be New York, California and Texas.
The country has great career opportunities for potential candidates and its international recruitment process receives overwhelming applications. This fact alone is proof of the country’s outstanding education system. The US universities offer a huge spectrum of education programs out of which most promising has been turned out to be Engineering, Computer Science, business management and so on.
2. The United Kingdom
The UK education system has been placed among the topmost list of countries with the best education ranking. The country has a lot to offer in terms of quality of life, career opportunities, education excellence, etc.
Premier educational institutions in the UK have earned global reputation and popularity based on their top rankings. The UK has spent 4.2% of its GDP on Education alone leading to promising achievements and academic excellence.
Worldwide known public figures who have set a name for them are esteemed graduates of the University of Oxford, based in the UK.
The UK universities are known to produce elite graduates with highest employability rate. The Global University Employability Ranking featured 10 UK Universities in their list since 2017.  
3. Canada
Canada is one of the ideal places for foreign education. The country has one of the most student-friendly application processes laced with student support, affordable study options and numerous post-study opportunities. Students after completion of their graduation from a Canadian University can easily apply for permanent residency. Many colleges in Canada provide work opportunities for students that enable them to earn work experience while studying. Since 2014, Canada has spent 6% of its GDP on education.
Most of the renowned Nobel prize winners have earned their degrees from Canadian Universities. 10 Nobel laureates and 7 Nobel prize winners are associated with the University of Toronto and the University of British Columbia respectively. 5 Canadian Prime Ministers happen to be graduates from the University of Toronto.  
4. France
France comes at 4th position after Canada for its remarkable education system. Every year, more than 1 million students get themselves registered for various programs offered at French universities. Out of these students, 20% of students are foreign applicants.
The educational programs are diverse and hold solid volume in terms of academic parameters. The universities in France offer over a 1000 technical and professional degree programs to international students.
France reflects quality in its higher education system and includes more than 3,000 public and private institutions.
5. Germany
For non-English speakers, Germany has been known to be the topmost preferable study destination. In the list of the world’s best Universities, Germany has 13 universities enlisted.
The elite college programs in Germany offers great scholarship schemes that are one of the major factors of worldwide student enrollment. Courses range from undergraduate to postgraduate courses offering over 100 subjects to opt from.
Being the origin of great discoveries and world-class innovations, Germany has earned a well-known reputation for itself.
6. Australia
The land of kangaroos is not only geographically blessed but is also home to the third-highest number of foreign students after the US and UK.
Ranked third in the higher education system ranking, Australia has one of the best-designed education systems in the world. In addition to it, 35 Australian universities have featured in the Times Higher Education’s 2018 “World University Rankings”. Australian National University is credited with having 6 faculty members and alumni as Nobel prize recipients.
Australia offers a multitude of career opportunities post education which is one of the major reasons for it being the topmost priority for international applicants.
7. Switzerland
The world-renowned education system of Switzerland is widely acclaimed for its high education standards, well designed academic methodologies and student-friendly curriculum structure.
The Universities of Switzerland offer top-notch education quality and diverse career opportunities for both Swiss and international students alike. There are special programs for international students provided by both central and private institutions with a wide range of subjects with best program features. The universities in Switzerland also consists of 10 local and 2 federal institutes of technology. Switzerland’s oldest institution, the University of Bern has been in operation since 1834 and is the third biggest university in Switzerland with over 18000 enrolled students.
8. Sweden
Despite comprising of a comparatively lesser population of 10 million people, Sweden has successfully secured its position as home to one of the world’s best universities. According to the World Population Review, Sweden’s top university, the Karolinska Institute, is ranked at 40 in the world.
Sweden’s educational bodies implement long term development programs which have a progressive and innovative approach to education. The country has been credited to affiliate various radical educational concepts that are very well reflected in its education system.
There are 14 universities, 17 public colleges and multiple independent educational institutions in Sweden out of which most frequently feature in the Times Higher Education World University rankings.
9. Japan
The most technologically advanced country, Japan also reflects a high pitch of supremacy in their education system.
The University of Tokyo ranks 23rd, Kyoto university ranks 35th and Tokyo Institute of Technology holds the position of 58 in the QS World’s University Rankings, 2019. These facts alone attribute to the level of achievement japan displays in the education field.
There are 99 national universities, 66 public universities, 457 private universities in Japan with a whopping number of over 2,000,000 students enrolled in various programs. It has over 500 colleges and universities offering a four-year program.
The educational institutions with a four-year course duration come under different categories. They range from national universities which are supported by the central government, then the government-supported public universities to state-funded or private institutions.
For international students, various Japanese universities offer scholarships and financial support. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) take care of financial needs of their students coming from different parts of the world.
10. South Korea
South Korea arguably holds the reputation of being the most educated country in the world on top of being a highly advanced high-tech nation. The country has been ranked at 22nd in the Ranking of National Higher Education Systems in 2018. The Seoul National University is ranked 36th in the QS World University Rankings in 2019. The prestigious university offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses for international students as well and has been gaining on the global education charts with the ambitious aim of crossing over 10,00,000 students. 
The South Korean government puts a massive emphasis on the education system which is conveyed through the highly impressive and extensive study programs. Graduates of top Korean universities dominate the elite government positions and business sectors. 
The world is filled with opportunities! When you take a positive leap over your boundaries you get to learn and absorb wisdom from every possible source out there. Getting a foreign degree will enable you to avail infinite life-changing benefits. Key is to gather a prior knowledge of the education system of the country you are interested in and make your own decisions. 
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SCO-9, First Floor, Sector-11, Panchkula, Haryana 134109
SCO -14 Kalgidhar Enclave, Zirakpur. 140604
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newstechreviews · 5 years
(LONDON) — Britain’s Prince Andrew faced further disgrace Tuesday as charitable partners and educational institutions began to distance themselves from him amid unfavorable fallout from an interview on his friendship with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Like most senior members of the royal family, Andrew is patron for charities and other civic endeavors, lending his name and the backing of the monarchy to the good works of all manner of institutions. But supporters of undertakings connected to Andrew are now reconsidering whether they want to be associated with him after his effort to draw a line under the Epstein scandal backfired so disastrously.
Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, granted a no-holds barred interview to BBC’s Newsnight program to end years of speculation about his friendship with the tainted financier, who died in prison last summer while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges. Andrew’s failure to show empathy for the young women exploited by Epstein earned him widespread derision — and made corporate backers and universities think twice about their ties to this senior member of the House of Windsor.
Standard Chartered bank, a backer of Andrew’s flagship entrepreneur project, Pitch@Palace, has decided not to renew its sponsorship for “commercial reasons.’’ Professional services provider KPMG won’t renew its support for the initiative either, Britain’s Press Association reported. Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca says it is reviewing its three-year partnership, which is due to expire at the end of the year.
The fallout has not been limited to corporations. Andrew is a patron for dozens of organizations, and a few of the more prominent groups have acknowledged they are considering whether they want that bond to continue. London Metropolitan University is reviewing Andrew’s role as patron, and students at the University of Huddersfield, where Andrew is chancellor, are objecting to being “represented by a man with ties to organized child sexual exploitation and assault.’’
“Prince Andrew’s association with a known paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein … combined with the allegations made by Virginia Giuffre that Prince Andrew sexually assaulted her make him an utterly unsuitable representative for us here at the University of Huddersfield,” according to a motion from a student panel. “We need to put survivors of sexual assault above royal connections and show students, alumni, and prospective students that this institution cares about their well-being, irrespective of the status of the alleged perpetrator.”
It is unclear what might happen at Huddersfield, as the situation is so unprecedented there is no formal process for what comes next.
“We are aware of the Students’ Union meeting last night and the motion it passed regarding the chancellor,’’ the university said in a statement. “We listen to our students’ views and concerns and we will now be consulting with them over the coming weeks.”
The 59-year-old prince categorically denied claims that he had sex with Giuffre, who says she was trafficked by Epstein and had sex with Andrew on three occasions, including twice when she was 17.
Epstein died Aug. 10 in a New York prison while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, robbing his alleged victims a chance for their day in court. His death has been ruled a suicide by the city’s medical examiner.
But in response to clinical questioning by the BBC’s Emily Maitlis, Andrew responded with detailed answers that seemed insensitive to a public accustomed to emotional responses — particularly in an era in which social media has made even the rich and the powerful seem more accessible.
Worse still, Andrew defended his previous friendship with the billionaire investor because of the contacts it provided when he was preparing for a role as Britain’s special trade representative. The damage to his image has prompted royal watchers to suggest Buckingham Palace will go into full damage control mode.
“I think he may eventually be forced to show how sorry he was that Epstein had many victims,’’ said Pauline Maclaran, author of “Royal Fever: The British Monarchy in Consumer Culture.” “There will be damage limitation.’’
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
November 19, 2019 at 10:15PM
(LONDON) — Britain’s Prince Andrew faced further disgrace Tuesday as charitable partners and educational institutions began to distance themselves from him amid unfavorable fallout from an interview on his friendship with sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
Like most senior members of the royal family, Andrew is patron for charities and other civic endeavors, lending his name and the backing of the monarchy to the good works of all manner of institutions. But supporters of undertakings connected to Andrew are now reconsidering whether they want to be associated with him after his effort to draw a line under the Epstein scandal backfired so disastrously.
Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II, granted a no-holds barred interview to BBC’s Newsnight program to end years of speculation about his friendship with the tainted financier, who died in prison last summer while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges. Andrew’s failure to show empathy for the young women exploited by Epstein earned him widespread derision — and made corporate backers and universities think twice about their ties to this senior member of the House of Windsor.
Standard Chartered bank, a backer of Andrew’s flagship entrepreneur project, Pitch@Palace, has decided not to renew its sponsorship for “commercial reasons.’’ Professional services provider KPMG won’t renew its support for the initiative either, Britain’s Press Association reported. Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca says it is reviewing its three-year partnership, which is due to expire at the end of the year.
The fallout has not been limited to corporations. Andrew is a patron for dozens of organizations, and a few of the more prominent groups have acknowledged they are considering whether they want that bond to continue. London Metropolitan University is reviewing Andrew’s role as patron, and students at the University of Huddersfield, where Andrew is chancellor, are objecting to being “represented by a man with ties to organized child sexual exploitation and assault.’’
“Prince Andrew’s association with a known paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein … combined with the allegations made by Virginia Giuffre that Prince Andrew sexually assaulted her make him an utterly unsuitable representative for us here at the University of Huddersfield,” according to a motion from a student panel. “We need to put survivors of sexual assault above royal connections and show students, alumni, and prospective students that this institution cares about their well-being, irrespective of the status of the alleged perpetrator.”
It is unclear what might happen at Huddersfield, as the situation is so unprecedented there is no formal process for what comes next.
“We are aware of the Students’ Union meeting last night and the motion it passed regarding the chancellor,’’ the university said in a statement. “We listen to our students’ views and concerns and we will now be consulting with them over the coming weeks.”
The 59-year-old prince categorically denied claims that he had sex with Giuffre, who says she was trafficked by Epstein and had sex with Andrew on three occasions, including twice when she was 17.
Epstein died Aug. 10 in a New York prison while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges, robbing his alleged victims a chance for their day in court. His death has been ruled a suicide by the city’s medical examiner.
But in response to clinical questioning by the BBC’s Emily Maitlis, Andrew responded with detailed answers that seemed insensitive to a public accustomed to emotional responses — particularly in an era in which social media has made even the rich and the powerful seem more accessible.
Worse still, Andrew defended his previous friendship with the billionaire investor because of the contacts it provided when he was preparing for a role as Britain’s special trade representative. The damage to his image has prompted royal watchers to suggest Buckingham Palace will go into full damage control mode.
“I think he may eventually be forced to show how sorry he was that Epstein had many victims,’’ said Pauline Maclaran, author of “Royal Fever: The British Monarchy in Consumer Culture.” “There will be damage limitation.’’
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orsng · 5 years
Hit-And-Run Driver Kills 3 Nigerian Students In Canada
Hit-And-Run Driver Kills 3 Nigerian Students In Canada
A statement from the university’s president, says all four people in the car were international students, either current or alumni.
Daniel Okocha , Oluwatosin Adeojo, Femi Adebowale
Three Nigerian students/graduates of the Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, have been killed in a car crash that occurred last week.
They are identified as Daniel Okocha , Oluwatosin…
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fontweight8-blog · 6 years
SAMBa students visit Paraguay to deliver training in data science
ITT8 in June 2018 opened with a celebration of SAMBa’s first completed PhD student, Marcus Kaiser, and also noted another first – a government minister here to present some problems for us to consider. This was José Molinas, Minister for Planning in the government of Paraguay, who had come to seek help with statistical modelling of survey data targeting extreme poverty in Paraguay. After a successful week of problem formulation at the ITT, it was agreed that a academics Julian Faraway and Karim Anaya-Izquierdo , along with students Kevin Olding, Teo Deveney, Malena Sabaté Landman and Marcus Kaiser would visit Asunción to continue this work and to help build statistical capacity within the Ministry.
Arriving in Paraguay the team were flattered and somewhat surprised to find they were VIPs in Asunción - met by hosts Rafa and Angie as they walked off the plane they were whisked to the hotel in the Presidential car.  Lunch in a local Paraguayan restaurant gave us a feel of what was to come in the rest of the week - a traditional lunch of steaks sandwiched by more steaks. The food split the group somewhat - Teo describing it as ‘the best meal of my life’, whilst South America was to be slightly less delicious for the vegan in the group, Marcus, who could only describe his diet there as ‘crackers’.
The workshop began in earnest on Monday with a meeting with the José, followed by introductions and a plan for the week.   There was time for a quick trip to the local shops to buy some souvenirs at lunch and the rest of the day was taken up with Julian and Karim delivering a workshop for delegates from three departments in the Ministry who learnt about reading and manipulating data, creating plots, and applying linear models, decisions trees and random forests amongst other things.
After the workshop, the students were given a tour of Asunción, and this also gave them a chance to get to know Laura Oporto better, a Paraguayan student who will be joining the SAMBa programme as part of cohort 5 this October. Laura joined the group for the whole week and got a taste of what is to come next year whilst also making valuable contributions to the week’s work herself, not least as one of a few in the group to speak both Spanish and English.
Part way through the workshop, the group split into two, with Karim, Malena and Kevin (who had concealed his knowledge of Spanish until this point) working with a Spanish speaking team to clean the two survey datasets and to create a common set of variables that could be used for model building and prediction.  Julian, Marcus and Teo continued the statistical teaching with some more advanced topics with the English-speaking group, including further statistical methods and a workshop on machine learning and image processing led by Teo and Marcus.
One lunchtime the team all became multi-millionaires (in Paraguayan Guarani at least) as they cashed the cheques to cover the cost of the hotel.   Phones and cameras were banned in the beautiful grand old bank this was collected at, so there is sadly no evidence of this moment. This was perhaps for the best though, as Julian discovered that knives were also banned as he tried to get past the armed security with his trusty penknife.  Anyway, the guards believed his story that it was just for opening difficult bottles of Baileys and so we were on our way.
The group was very well hosted in the evenings, including one that started with a bar crawl around some of the more picturesque parts of Asunción including one modelled on a ‘speakeasy’ from the prohibition era in the US. Unfortunately amidst the excitement of the week our hosts had forgotten to research a fact needed to get in, the answer the question ‘Who was the first presenter of the Oscars in 1929?’ Not to worry though, why travel with a Professor if not for moments like this, and Julian stepped in and confidently with the answer ‘James Cagney’ and the bouncer moved away from the door and let us pass.  The quiz buffs amongst you might know the answer is actually Douglas Fairbanks, so we can only assume he’d been tipped off either that Julian was an eminent Professor, or perhaps that he was still carrying his knife.
Wednesday was the 1st of August, when in Paraguay it is traditional to drink ‘carrulim’ in the morning, made of sugar cane, rum and lime to keep in good health and wealth through the winter months. Mostly the morning drinking didn’t hit productivity too badly, but we did suspect Karim had taken one too many sips when he started trying to crack the safe outside the workshop rooms.
The workshop also continued at pace and once the data cleaning was done Malena also translated the more advanced statistical topics into Spanish and delivered them to her half of the group.  In the evening the team met the British Ambassador to Paraguay for coffee and were also treated to a home cooked dinner at the Minister’s house, though nobody told Karim that he would have to do the cooking…
On the final day the groups came back together to apply what they had learned and competed to find the best fitting model for the data.   Very close to the end of the day, Rafa was in the lead, having fitted a model with the lowest RMSE for the test data, but Julian came through at the last minute with what can only be described as a very sneaky GAM to win his own prize.   Time for a few presentations and one final outing to some local bars before saying farewells and heading back home.
We would like to take the chance to thank everyone who made this trip possible.   Thank you in particular to José Molinas for the vision and inspiration to set the partnership in motion, to Rafa and Angie and everyone else in Paraguay who made us feel so welcome whilst we were there. Also to the Ministry of Planning and the British Embassy in Paraguay for their support of the project and to the University of Bath’s Alumni fund whose generous support allowed students from SAMBa to travel along with the academics to provide assistance.
Source: http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/samba/2018/09/27/samba-visits-paraguay-after-itt8/
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alannahjwn40-blog · 7 years
Reducing Management Costs.
All pupils from every citizenship are actually needed to prove their British foreign language competence. Our plans are made with the requirements from the working grownup in thoughts, therefore you could pursue your bachelor's level regardless of whether you're busy along with work and also loved ones commitments. Pupils will definitely be advised proactively to pursue their private interests in either battle and society, Realm, political lifestyle and/or gender.
Discover more Regarding Studio 115 Theatre This 108-seat theater lies on the first flooring of the Performing Crafts Building, simply west from the Campus Book store as well as multitudes pupil creations throughout the academic term. The College of Kentucky has actually accepted to come to be the initial public organization in the Republic to become a college partner in the I'm First! The structure showcases Arithmetic, English and writing labs along with 40 individual study areas. The James B. McMillan Building is the home of the University of Alabama Bunch and houses the National Alumni Organization's Crimson Phoning Center, the Psychological science Center as well as The Center for the Protection of Youth Behavior Troubles. The convenience of the building blocks of macromolecules (amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids and purine and pyrimidine manners) will certainly be contrasted with the substantial assortment and also versatility that is actually acquired along with the different macromolecules (healthy proteins, carbohydrates, lipids as well as nucleic acids). Our team provide pupils the independence to crucifix disciplines and also make their research studies around their strengths, targets, interests, as well as interests as well as our company advance their potential through offering a plethora of information-- off career counseling and honors plans, to creating seminars and chances to examine abroad-- to prepare all of them for success. Microevolution, populace genetics and also evaluation from the distribution of genetics within populations and also devices from gene flow, hereditary drift, collection as well as speciation. This covers a wide variety of conditions featuring haematological malignancies, infection along with blood-borne bloodsuckers that induce malaria, and also inappropriate clots tasks such as deep-seated blood vessel thrombosis.
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In addition, you are actually counted on certainly not merely to comprehend concepts yet are additionally to understand how you can utilize them. Establish a frequent dialog among the administration, advisers, personnel and pupils that makes a climate from common understanding and deals with opportunities for as well as obstacles to performance, scholarship and also innovative activity. The craft exhibit takes up the initial floor alongside the exhibit's office. Best scholastic artists with significant ambitions find a rich, assorted expertise through our Helen Hardin Honors Program We combine the most ideal from a small unsparing crafts institution along with the comprehensive opportunities of a huge, nationally acknowledged research study college.
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The module tracks historic as well as present growths in relationship making use of ADR, highlighting how government policy as well as courts look, more and more, to nod failing to utilize ADR. If you liked this information and you would certainly like to receive even more info regarding gekomanetboss.xyz kindly check out the webpage. Within two full weeks after the begin of the last semester pupils have to submit a final System Deal that restates the accepted academic targets (if important, showing any type of adjustments that have cultivated because admittance) and also pinpoints the Coordinated Study courses in fact completed. Preservation specialists are significantly involved in neighborhood revitalization, economic progression, and also culture tourism. When those accuseds are actually people of colour, deciphering minority mindsets is actually a centerpiece from the fair treatment procedure. They stayed there up until the building and construction from Smith Venue in 1911. By means of the Facility for Leadership & Company students may offer and place perceptions into proposition. The UW utilizes a numerical certifying system, from 0.0 to 4.0. For a much more in-depth illustration, simply find the Certifying Unit web page of the UW Trainee Resource. If a translation is certainly not given, a candidate may possess a translation done by undergraduate establishment, or through an official explainer. Our powerful links with universities in Europe and also beyond feature involvement in the Erasmus substitution programme, as well as we are actually an active participant from a variety of worldwide organisations consisting of Universitas 21, the Game from European Study Universities and also the Coimbra Team.
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dodgethenudge · 7 years
A Proposal for the Reform of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Offices of the Various Colleges and Universities
Historically, in common law countries, the function of equity was to limit the unintended consequences of a law. The British, until the Judicature Acts of the 1870’s, had two courts. A court of laws and a court of equity whose job was to make sure that the law didn’t punish people unfairly.  For example, a poor mother would be sentenced, by a court of law, to death, for the crime of stealing. However since she stole bread for her hungry child, the court of equity would find the law correct but reduce the sentence due to the mitigating circumstances.  After the 1870’s those two functions were combined and the modern idea of a compassionate, wise and thoughtful judge emerged. In modern universities the offices of inclusion, diversity and equity seek to temper the rules of the various departments which while arrived at appropriately and democratically might on occasion create an advantage for some or unduly punish others.
If we look to history for advice we would want to think of inclusion, diversity and equity as a judicial function rather than as an administrative one. From the earliest days of Judeo-Christian civilization the process of reconciling law and culture has been delegated by the executive to a separate and enlightened priesthood acting in a judicial capacity.  From the Sanhedrin to the Curia to the Law Lords we have always seen a role for an independent body to solve the large thorny social issues that impede progress and happiness. We suggest that for the diversity, equity and inclusion function in the university; instead of a self organizing and self regulating administrative office, an appointed and regulated judicial body would be perceived as fairer and more responsive by the members of the university. 
For example at a university you might have a body of nine members of an independent equity, inclusion and diversity council. Three appointed by the president, three by a vote of the faculty and three by a vote of the alumni. The appointments would be well paid, tenured and until death or retirement. The president might have the power to prorogue the council and force new elections and appointments by the various bodies or some other impeachment process would have to established in the event of chaos or criminality. The council would create an administrative process to hear bias and harassment complaints and establish a truth and reconciliation procedure so perceived offenders could apologize, suffer whatever punishment appropriate and move on and those who envision themselves slighted might feel that some justice had been done. Now any member of the institution could sue any other member in the council of diversity, equity and inclusion where the council would issue decisions taking into account the rules of the institution and the principles of diversity equity and inclusion as envisaged by the various members of the council.  From this process would arise a body of convention and law that respected both rules and culture that almost all members of the institution would feel reflected the values of the university.
Let's imagine how a suit against the Economics department for a lack of gender diversity might work. 
A female alumni might sue the department for lack of gender diversity. The complainant alumni would have to formulate a complaint, prove damages and demand a remedy.
The department would either negotiate a settlement and avoid the council or have a hearing where the council reviews the case and renders a decision. A settlement might include a commitment to promote one woman per year for 10 years with the right to skip 4 of those 10 years if no suitable candidate can be found or a council decision might mandate the immediate hiring of 3 women economists. The complainant would have to show that the health and mission of the institution was damaged by the lack of gender diversity. The council would be presented with evidence from eminent philosophers and learned scientists and would render a decision in the best interest of the health and mission of the institution.
Another example might be a libertarian student who sues the school of education for a lack of ideological diversity. The settlement might include mandatory training in viewpoint diversity and the immediate hiring of 5 liberty minded professors. The libertarian student would have to show how the lack of viewpoint diversity damaged the health and mission of the institution and how the remedy might reduce that damage. The hearing in front of the council might result in a different remedy altogether like the reduction of the size of the school of education since no conservatives could be found of sufficient quality to fill the positions.
Obviously in the event of a spurious or unsolvable issue the council may elect to not hear that complaint. For example we would not be able to resolve how the undead might be included in the life of the institution in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
The point would be to make the settlement a more predictable process for run of the mill disputes and leave the council to adjudicate on the more complicated and difficult questions.
This process removes the constant cultural and regulatory uncertainty and censorious atmosphere found in the institution today and give everyone a way forward that can be adjusted as circumstances demand. This process also created a body of revealed truth that serves as a basis for future discussion around diversity, equity and inclusion.
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barbaracherry-blog · 7 years
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We provide internet proximity discovering programs around an ever-expanding stable of disciplines. Our experts are going to deliver our trainees along with the structures for honest citizenship as well as solution to others, an appreciation for distinctions one of individuals, as well as a commitment to higher specifications of thought and communication. The Institution, the 1st primary school in the UK to be granted Educational institution Training camp condition by Division for Learning, has now opened its doors. Student conduct scenarios are actually explored through Perform Detectives then disclosed to either a Pupil Discipline Police officer or even the Pupil Technique Board for charges, if fines are to be administered. The UK International Facility (UKIC) leads internationalization initiatives at the Educational institution from Kentucky. Information picked up off The Educational institution of Alabama: an overview of the grounds by Robert Oliver Mellown (Tuscaloosa: Educational institution of Alabama Push, c1988), as well as the UA National Alumni Affiliation Internet site. This could consist of the lifestyle scientific researches (eg biomedical scientific research, biochemistry, anatomy, anatomy, healthcare scientific research) or even allied wellness occupations (eg drug store, audiology, nursing, midwifery, physical rehabilitation). ROTC trainees acquire classroom guideline within the building and rest in the Junior Cocktail lounge.
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