#these are all si mainstream πŸ’€πŸ’€ is this even going to help
drblogg Β· 2 years
Can you give book recsπŸ—πŸ—πŸ¨
hi! i haven't read anything good in sooo long but okay, I'll try
a little life (check trigger warnings) (hanya yanagihara)
simon snow series (rainbow rowell)
the secret history (donna tartt)
the carrying (ada limΓ³n)
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atsubaka Β· 3 years
haikyuu boys as kpop stans
w atsumu, osamu, suna, tsukishima, yamaguchi, bokuto, kuroo, akaashi, kageyama, hinata, tanaka, noya, oikawa, iwa & ushijima
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that "fake fan" who only joins in on the hype because it's trending. he'll only play the most mainstream of songs, and learn some iconic dance moves, but that's it. he'll claim to be a die hard fan of the group he's stanning, but when asked basic questions, man will slip up. "how many members are in BTS tsumu?" ... "six." "which memeber is this." "namkook" rip
the one exposing atsumu as a fake πŸ’€ suna's that really chill fan who likes listening to kpop from time to time, but isn't obsessed with it - or that's what people like to think. in reality, he acc has a fan account on twitter where he reposts pics of his favs including thirst tweets, and publicly showcase his undying love for his bias. only stans girl groups βœ‹and he's the also the dude that goes, "stan red velvet to get clear skin πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈβœ¨" type of stan.
the actual chill fan. he'd be super laid-back and prefers listening to older groups like big bang or soulful artists like taeyang and eric nam. osamu will be into kpop way before atsumu discovers it, and will tease his twin endlessly. "and ya said they were gay, tsumu." "did not!" "did too, but it doesn't matter, cuz yer just a fake anyway."
the "secret" fan. if a person casually asks him if he's into kpop, he'll flat out deny it 😐 that exact face sis he'll have his headphones on often, and nobody knows what the heck he's listening to. tsukki has notifs for when a new music video drops, and he'll listen to it as soon as he can but does it discreetly cuz he doesn't want to get teased by his teammates. will occasionally talk trash about kpop to keep up his rep πŸ’…
the exact opposite of tsukishima πŸ˜› doesn't have a problem with being open about his love for the kpop. he gets so hyper whenever his favorite groups's song starts playing and will even start dancing to the entire choreography. baby will make so many friends through this, and he encourages his friends to try and get into it. may or may not have converted kags into a fan in the process
the newbie who just recently got converted πŸ₯Ί so confused about who's who and will probably go, "they all look the same boke!" it's honestly really endearing because in between training, he'll watch those videos on youtube that go "a helpful guide to blackpink's rose" but he'll still be lost bc it's a crack video. just imagine him trying to learn the fan chants tho πŸ₯΄
that really sweet and welcoming stan who's really nice to new fans <3 whenever someone like suna bullies a newbie, yams will intervene πŸ™… also the type of stan to comment about the least popular members in a music video while everyone's attention is on a popular memeber. "jackson and bambam are amazing, but youngjae's vocals improved so much!" tries to avoid fan wars and is overall a really mature and good natured fan.
the thirsty fan who has a heck load of merch 🀑 posters everywhere in his room, t-shirts with his fav memeber's face on it, collects all the albums, postcards, and lightsticks. boy's broke, but does he care? nah. if someone dares insult their fav memeber, oh you met they're gonna throw hands. will spam comment on their fav's posts and share every promotion on their social media. the really obsessive fan whose life revolves solely on kpop and their bias ✊
U KNOW THAT ONE DUDE U SEE EVERYWHERE IN THE COMMENT SECTION? that's bokuto. he stans so many groups and his comments are always at the very top and are even verified 😭 very bubbly and always sets reminders on his story whenever a new album drops. he's so fricking adorable it's impossible to not like him <33
the creative fan who likes to fill his sketchbooks with beautiful artworks of kpop idols. people would love them so much, that they'd commission him to draw stuff for them. i also see akaashi as the type to write fanfiction like hear me out - he's obviously smart and probably good in english, so he'll be on platforms like tumblr writing angsty gut wrenching stories πŸ’” doesn't go on wattpad tho cuz he thinks the writing is cringy πŸ˜”βœ‹baby also has a cute crush on IU, and loves listening to her songs <3
oiks would slay the dances πŸ’―πŸ”₯ a literal dance machine, this one. not even a day after a song hits the charts, he already has the whole choreography memorized. posts vids of himself dancing and bro, it's no surprise that man's tiktok famous. he rlly got em' moves like jagger πŸ•Ί he'd hum songs randomly while he's doing something, driving iwa insane lol.
gets annoyed with oikawa's constant humming and stupid dances, so he decided to search up some songs to see what the hype is about. bad idea. iwa fell into the hole πŸ•³οΈ yup, that hole. much to his utter horror, he becomes soooo engrossed in kpop. secretly acknowledges that trashykawa had a point, but will never admit it out loud and will keep quiet about his new-found discovery cuz he doesn't want any of the seijoh four teasing him.
that really cute fanboy who spends his life's savings on albums and a meet a greet with his ultimate group. when he finally meets jenny from blackpink, he'll start rambling on and on about how much he loves her and his dorky self would actually make jenny laugh with his corny pick-up lines. probably gets dragged away by the security guard cuz he wouldn't move and the line was getting impatient πŸ’€
a sasaeng fan πŸ™ƒ jkjk lol toshi's too sweet for this kind of harassment.
taglist: @tetsuukuroo @amisuh @ebiharachan @kenmaslov3r
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