#these are soooo interesting bc there's little bits of info in here to make it a whole lot more textured
yrsonpurpose · 4 months
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red, white & royal blue script easter eggs
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nerice · 2 years
coming in with some fresh ocs now that I can look at your site! 🕰️for garvith, 🤕 for shina, 💀 for noah
aaaaaa hello yes!! new oc info coming up i definitely drifted a little in these replies since i wna do justice introducing these guys to you :D!! as always u have impeccable skill in choosing ask game questions<3
🕰️ has there been an event that happened in your OCs past that affects their future or one that they think about still? is this a bad event or a good one? what are a few of their childhood memories they can recall?
extremely :D! abt this one bc it is so so vital to his existence!!! garvith is infact the other half of reina's soul (as in, resulting from the very soul split that broke the entire verse) the original ruler they were split her soul resulting in reina (who retained the original's name and appearance) and garvith, who took the form of a giant white feathered serpent, who didn't take a proper name until a bit later due to nerice getting nuked as consequence n there not having been a lot of time for identity-finding during that mess. immediate post-split reina/garvith is vry fun because they're essentially identical persons(serpents) who share a consciousness soup until they diverge into vastly different personalities over the following centuries of war :3!!! as such garvith's 'childhood memories' are exactly the same as reina's bc they were the same being up to the soul split, which definitely wins out on Important Event He Keeps Thinking About That Shaped His Future like. i do have to stress it's not that garvith is a split-off part of reina but that both reina&garvith as they exist now are divergent paths of the singular true ruler they were before the split!! i love going on endless meta on which aspects of og!reina each of them retained/are expressions of, it's soooo interesting!!!! but a ramble for a different time bc length! :D
plugging the reina/garvith aes tag here tho it's one of my favs <3
🤕 what is the worst injury your OC has ever suffered? do they have any scars or lasting physical reminders of it? do they get sick often or have any lasting medical conditions?
ohboy!!! shina is the lifesong user of lhnh generation making her everyone's favourite field medic (evil) the drawback being that to heal someone she essentially transfers their injuries to herself >:3 she's racked up an impressive scar count that easily beats out gray's habitual mutilation games to the point where there's not many places on her body that are unscarred. her worst scar(s) are the result of trying to save as many people as possible in the aftermath of one of azra's surprise attacks until the lifesong shut down on her (yay for parasitic power that wants to keep its host alive) & to her credit, with experience she learns to mitigate the damage she incurs by diverting e.g. one large injury in many smaller, less severe ones, so long as the total life force given balances out it works! descendant resilience keeps her from suffering too hard a long-term damage (everything heals eventually) also just general unrelated but vital fun fact im tacking on at the end: she absolutely fucking hates descendants and her war duty and while she will not let anyone die she is also always a second away from murdering people in cold blood, has stopped hearts in sincere threat, and despises reina with a passion. shina's only buddy is a guy by the name of irias who also keeps a pet blood demon which further dampens how much dmg she has to take for her job where she can just infuse its generated blood with her life force to heal people and then pass the fuck out. she's a lot
💀 has your OC ever lost anyone to death? multiple people? people close to them? how does the loss make them feel?
FUNNILY ENOUGH noah has never lost anyone to death (not on main anyway. avery dies a couple times, but that's Complicated lol) HOWEVER noah is notoriously unlucky in just. getting fucking betrayed to the point of the other person being dead to him/having to kill them which is just. extremely tragic how it keeps happening im laughing (crying) rn fucking f. heres an abridged list:
damia whom he technically betrays first when he allies with reina and leaves damia stuck at the bottom of the ocean. they have a cute deathmatch abt it in dream game
maheloas switches to azra's side and noah spends much of the rest of the war hunting him down/keeping him in check during battles
garvith, who ultimately flees the war during a critical encounter with azra (which also almost kills reina. oops) & that fucks noah up even more since he n garvith were kind of an item (in their own dragon/serpent way. advanced qpr)
noah's entire fucking drama revolves around a self-sustaining cycle of toxic loyalty and betrayal (where his own betrayal of damia is at the core) and he copes with what he did thru his unwavering loyalty to reina to his own and everyone else's detriment h.
these were very fun so if anyone wants to send me more!! pls!!!! (oc page linked in description etc) uwwwwwu
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startwithbrooklyn · 3 years
THE GREAT ND REWATCH OF 2021 / SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2019 // the bonny scot
posting this a day later than normal because this is one of the rare episodes that shows a passage of time from one day to the next yayy love that for them
-wonder what filming these beginning sexy scenes is like for them in real life
-sooooo can lucy see nancys sexy dream? is she judging? does this mean she likes nancy with owen or nick more? or is she trying to tell nancy that her sex dreams are irrelevant to the mystery at hand and she needs to focus?
-seeing people in the ✨prison chair✨: gomber, carson, karen (voting for josh s3 just saying)
-completely ignores carson's question about herself typical nance
-"or maybe i did stumble across a knife" its like hes trying to make the case against him look plausible while attempting to maintain innocence. this is a slippery slope for carson to try and encourage her to keep her pacified + hide the truth while also trying to keep her from getting involved bc hudsons
-"genetics gets you in the door" aaaaand then she walks in to everetts office to meet him and crashes their family dinner
-ok who tf is dawn and why is she in charge here
-this guidance counselor of nicks is my favorite person
-"i admire your allergy to pleasantries" bess and nancy both have reveals to big families but nancy does not have the graceful, accepting reveal to her rich family like bess does at this lunch. nancys reveal is messy, cold, bloodstained and sticky-fingered, not nice in any way whatsoever. and this little chat with everett (bit of a parallel to lucy's) just highlights how nancy is always bad at bargaining with her grandparents*- always trying to fight on their level but giving up her equal hand bc she doesnt know how to hide it when they bring up something she doesnt know. like confronting celia at the masque: she was so confident with her theory and what she knew, but then we got a "what does that mean?" like. the instant you say that, you lose. and she walked right into the "yes i do have someone, hes in jail" 🤦🏼‍♀️ even in the car with ryan at the end of s1, he literally just fucking leaves her there. like 🤷🏼‍♀️ what did u think was gonna happen sis?? for all she can predict how past things lead to present circumstances shes fucking awful at seeing the direct future *(grandparents except for patrice bc her dementia makes her inaccessable)
-lmaooooo this awko ass portrait...i get the empty space is for nance but who on earth thought this was a good pic??
-"will u help the claw for me?" george struggles financially to keep her livelihood while nancy is somehow shown as being taken care of even when her parent is incarcerated; both nancy and george live in single parent homes now with mention of both medical debt and george being breadwinner yet nancy has no struggles while george does. (i wonder if ryan had been able to help george here how the story would have changed)
-"when it comes to following people around without their knowledge or consent i am somewhat of a repeat offender" 😂😂😂
-"he wasnt endgame after all" BESS lmaoooo
-"...okay." lmaoooo i fuckin love owen
-i was hoping the girls' faces would be more shocked like with a glance to owen but they just....werent
-"we're the good guys" <---- this statement is soooo interesting in terms of how they structure the show and how the characters see themselves (its an interesting contrast with the more definitive good vs evil with things that are both clearly good and clearly evil but theres also a lot of moral grey area here, the show is kinda swamped in it. are nancy and crew the good guys? are they the bad guys in someone else's story? concerns.)
-"i'd call it more than just stuff" like why did u concede that??? and then the shit about oof that didnt sound like a compliment lmaoooooo why does she suck at arguing?? she and owen wouldnt work long term bc theyre so similar (as mentioned later on)
-i LOVE george slowly falling in love with nick here- hence how upset she gets when nick bails on her for nancy later (which is totally justified!!!)
-i am LIVING for the little nod this driver guy gives bess when she turns back around all nervous 😂
-"i do like buying things" i would so say that too tbh
-"you'd have plenty to talk about" LMFAOOOOOOO SHE KNOWS "marvins dont marry drivers" so diana is totally fine with the gay its just the poor she has a problem with 😂💙fuckin love that
-love how nancy just casually ruins everything for nick/george lmaooo
-"i have seen you at your best, nancy, and there is nothing like it." 🥴😳 i love this still-in-love look nancy gives him thats so strong he had to change the subject
-so is haunting time 11 pm? from that clock of bashiir's?
-how do NO neighbors notice this fucking water and shit
-these are TOTALLY AWFUL fake screams from the bonny scot crew 😭
-"i know well enough not to get involved when he's in play" both carson and ryan avoid engaging with everett even though nancy is willing to do so armed with less info and more balls/ but "could i trust him" and ryan says yes lmaooooo NO honey + that makes ryan 0/2 for helping the girls when they ask this ep
-"find a project of your own" and he does, with his youth center 🙏🏻💙 what s2 foreshadowing!
-"god i wish i still drank" 😂😂😂
-"she is darling." 💙👌🏻
-okay wtf is mirror bay??
-i really wonder about the extent of celia x sebastians relationship here. did she truly care about him or was it just secret and exciting sex? also would love more hints of diana vs celia moments like these. celia doesnt even look upset. i mean shes had time to deal but like wtf. and who exactly is sebastian to diana? not her husband? like damn what if he was. somehow i doubt she'd talk about him diddling celia if diana was disrespected also
-i wonder if celia being so invested in dna testing nancy was bc everrett dna tested ryan to make sure he was his bc of sebastian / other men (which would be totally valid on his part!! but wouldnt it be funny as fuck if ryan wasnt his 😂)
-what a neat hiding place in this frame lmaooo who put that in for them tho? like how do u go about ordering that
-"you certainly are your fathers daughter" this quote is doubly ironic and foreshadowy bc theyre referencing carson here as being a useful hudson attaché but nancy is playing everett just like ryan played celia about putting his house up (but TRIPLY ironic bc carson pulls off the long con of hiding nancy from the hudsons right under their noses this whole time!) the one time nancy is successful against them
-that bess/lisbeth look while lisbeth does something badass (+diana reassessing now that lisbeth has been revealed to be useful)
-"almost as fun as a real fight" why do i believe him? lmaoooo a bit weird that he would enjoy a fight w a partner, but i also think this is an acknowledgement of nancy being an "opponent" who exists at his level. but i also love the "let me take you out" as a direct mirror of her relationship with nick, where she avoids the public acknowledgment/"going out" but prefers the more subtle/hidden arrangements of staying in. but as shown with later eps, owen is way more capable of meeting nancy where shes at, which is so important to her + the only way of getting close to nancy. (the only foil is ace who somehow is able to do both)
-"not always about a guy" <---- this could have been such a powerful statement if the show had thought having nancy end up alone/choose herself instead of pitting her between love interests (nick, owen, gil, even potentially ace, in only 2 seasons) was a more worthy stance to take ; as an aro/ace person i cant tell you how much i would kill to see just one female protag choose herself over a man. and its more realistic to end up alone than have a happy ending anyway, for all that these shows try to be as "real" and gritty grimdark as possible
-"is that what you want?" this is an interesting question to his mother- like maybe he senses her unhappiness? combined with his issues with his father- still trying to look out for his mom? either way it's sweet. (it could also potentially work as foreshadowing of something happening to her, but i think that was played with but then diverted when it was revealed who really killed her) "i think its time i steer this ship" still kind of patriarchal tho. i get that its him coming into his own as a dad technically but still. i also like how he calls her "mother" and not mom
-love that old white people thumbs up at george asking about his clams 👍🏻
-okay fuck dawn tho lmfaoooo
-"stressful dinner huh?" 😂 i fucking love lisbeth so much why didnt they bring her back (wouldnt it be Fucking Hilarious if they brought lisbeth back to bounce bess on her expired visa since the marvins kicked her out and didnt fix it lmaoooooo)
-BESS IS A TOP lmaooooooo i fuckin knew it
-nick says "you can pay me back" wonder if thats gonna come back in s3 considering their "marital problems" (also, those bonds are sosus lmfaoooo if any single person cashing those was looked at sideways they'd confess in 2 seconds that some random guy is handing out bearer bonds they dont even make anymore with absolutely zero proof as to how he got them)
-"you wanna finish what you started?" 👀 (dont mind if i do)
-"i need my dad back" parallels s2 when she asks him to come home
-parent politics: "you are taking your life in your hands / no, i'm putting it in yours" vs "i know well enough not to get involved when hes in play" both carson and ryan try to dissuade nancy from pursuing her pulling this con on everett but go about it different ways: carson is wildly concerned with nancys physical wellbeing but ryan appears to be leaning more towards weighing the odds for her/ like a "you cant win so cut your losses/dont try" scenario which interestingly might have more weight with nancy; its easy for her to brush aside carson's worrying like second nature but nancy has been established to be a determined winner, and ryan speaks to her here like shes a beginners luck prodigy at a blackjack table by encouraging her to keep her record clean by not dealing in this next round. of course she herself admits shes incapable of not dealing in ie "you know me better than that" but i have lots more thoughts on how effective ryans approaches to nancy can be sometimes (saving for the reveal ep 🙏🏻)
-wonder what all carson knows about the hudsons? + that look on his face when he hangs up... wonder if he was just lying to her about knowing anything or just ashamed at having to admit bad things hes done for them
-love nick & bashiir waiting together 🙏🏻💙+ nicks very strong and pointed "good night" as a means of ending his convo w nancy on his terms (gotta reinforce those boundaries man!)
and lastly
-celia + that gossip girl moment when she just throws the whole phone away 😂(wonder if she was just talking to "gus" or whoever that guy was. keep forgetting the bobbseys' dad is in prison too, wonder if he'll feature in s3)
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kewltie · 4 years
Omg please need to know more of the re kasumi au. Like any difference with her and OG kasumi, any young memories of her time with izuku. Also at least a hint of izuku pov or reasoning of him leaving her. I love your works! Making me crave for more even for a bit of info
hi anon!!!!
awe thank you!!!! the good news that i did a rambled on this on my twitter acc when the idea started to take root that explained and go in depth on izuku’s side of the story and all the detailed that i passed over: here 
to sum it up more succinctly ‘cuz it’s a long ramble :P, izuku had to make a super hard decision where he couldn’t take care of her anymore (he had her super young, then he moved away for his own safety w/ inko, then inko died and he was left alone in the world HE HIMSELF WHO IS ALSO STILL A KID HAS TO RAISE ANOTHER KID….  it’s hard). so he gave her to the bakugou whether it was a good decision or not remains unseen and depends on how you look at it. but he never ever stop loving her, he keeps details account of her in the news (kasumi by this point is the darling of hero community as she is the most precious princess of /that/ ground zero so her pictures and news about her are everywhere also bc she loves the spotlight so lol :P) and he never stop missing his little girl even when they’re thousands of miles apart.  
he’d given her up after her first bday so kasumi only has a vague memory of him, no idea what he looks like but she remember his scent well enough that she feels warm inside so she’s clearly LOVED by her papa. that’s why she doesn’t fully resent izuku bc even if she couldn’t remember things that well, she could recall the feelings that izuku invoke in her so she’s remembers izuku v v fondly.
this kasumi i think is more well adjusted then OG kasumi bc she grew up with a LOT OF SUPPORT and a big family of her grandparents, her daddy, and his friends and collegues and there’s an entire world who who knows her name and wants her attention. she is soooo dearly love that i dont think kasumi ever felt like she’s lacking of anything and she also ridiculously spoiled bc well her family is fucking rich and she’s the only child they have. so yea, she has a pretty stable childhood but her only point of contention is that she is quirkless,,, which is something she inherited from izuku and she feels like she got to be THE BEST at everything so ppl dont look down on her esp knowing who and how great katsuki is and she admires her daddy so, so much that she doesn’t want to disappiont him. she also doesn’t have much of a problem w/ like ppl teasing her about having only one parent bc lol katsuki is notorious for being super overprotective and overbearing about his daughter that he’s like equal to THREE PARENTs and kasumi w/o izuku there to control her, is more prone to acting out and getting violence. Also she swears, sometimes but not that much. OG kasumi would NEVER EVER SWEAR bc she’s a lady and her papa taught her better than that, she would only get violent if need be but she wouldnt choose it as a first option. so there are various differences bc of how they are raised… OG kasumi deff has more baggage (working class parent who single handedly raise her so she got everything to prove that SHE IS OK and that she doesn’t need kasuki in their life) while re:kasumi is more stable but she also feels a sense of inferiority bc she’s quirkless but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to become a hero just like katsuki and that she doesn’t need her missing papa but sometimes, sometimes she wonder if he’s out there and if he miss her too SOBS. 
… i said this is a quick write up but this is also long urgh but i hope i explain somethings for you!!! thank you so, so much for taking an interest :DD!!
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moon-star-elf · 6 years
why I fucking love Aaravos besides the fact he’s Hot:
he’s just a great narratively-assembled dude
someone else mentioned aaravos was compelling bc we got to see him from viren’s POV, and im here to EXPAND THAT.  I’m serious this dude has literally everything to be an amazing compelling villain character that will keep me glued to the screen because he’s interesting from a narrative standpoint heres my essay about why we all luv him:
his intriguing, slow burn introduction in season 2
Really well built-up suspense and lore. It’s not like “oh suddenly he’s there and he’s the Big Bad”. even in some of season 1, the show was feeding bits of info about the lore behind the mirror every time it makes an appearance. it gets us CURIOUS. like i felt the suspense of the mirror finally showing something, suspense of hearing him speak, the suspense of seeing him in action. Like I’m always on the edge of my seat when he’s on screen im just so intrigued 
the amount of lore, foreshadowing and just Plain Interesting Stuff built up around him prior to his official season 2 appearance 
From the narration to "what the fuck is up with the mirror” to SEEING HIM. its like the perfect amount of foreshadowing, they hyped up this boi well. The fact that he LITERALLY NARRATES the beginning of the first episode and his voice is the first voice you hear in the series. It like??? Adds to the godliness of the character. and HANDS are in the intro unraveling the burning map of Xadia. AND Runaan saying “you’ve found something worse than death”, that is juicy built-up. its things like this that make you wanna rewatch the show and catch certain clues
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HIS FUCKING THEME SONg. Hats off to Frederik Wiedmann (the show’s composer)
the music playing whenever the mirror appears is. its just so good ajsdadasdsadsadsa gives me chills.  Another thing i noticed was that the music kept getting more and more dramatic as, like it was being built up we got to know more and more about him. i expressed to a lot of friends that a great way to make a character more memorable is give them a specific leitmotif/them. you hear it play and you’re like “oh shit it’s mirror time”
I have no doubt he’ll be even more interesting in season 3
While we still have little canon knowledge about Aaravos, he’s definitely supposed to be a very complex character, more than just The Big Bad. Look at this FUCKING interview:
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Just .... his sheer lurking presence across season 2: 
Cartoons introducing a “bigger bad” has always been something I was interested in and something I wanted to see done well. Some cartoons that air on TV channels are designed to be more episodic, not that that’s a bad thing, but often i find that due to that nature, the big bad narrative is picked up and dropped a lot between episodes, thus losing some of that rolling suspense
However, since Netflix shows are allowed to be more serialized,  I have no doubt that this suspense will feel more continuous and well-paced. I mean LOOK, the mirror Aaravos is trapped in has made an appearance in every season 2 episode (with exception to ep 5 since that’s when viren goes and asks for a human alliance). Basically what im saying is that you get a sense that his presence strongly lingers and it’s only getter bigger. You FEEL his SIGNIFICANCE to the story in your BONES. You get a sense he is like a ticking time bomb for Rayla, Callum, and Ezran, and that is the shit i live for
Even him being hot was intentionally done by the whole crew. The dude is 6’6. Every aarahoe is valid. proof:
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I can ramble all day about this unique character design and his animation movements but people have already done that soooo ill just talk about this  
the subtle, beautiful twinkling animation of the stars on aaravos’ skin
I’m still not quite sure how they did the subtle animation twinkling on his skin, you can tell it’s like, “wrapped” around his 3d model because of the topology. But I think they overlaid animation on top of his 3d model which I don’t know how that’s possible but either way that amount of attention and detail so something worth stanning. He’s just so mystic and alive and it’s such a unique usage of 2d and 3d animation, it’s like he has a whole universe inside him
So yeah the fact that he's everyone′s sexual awakening just a great bonus. Truth is he’s compelling as a character, concept wise and execution wise, and he is the product of a great voice actor, composer, writers, and character designers 
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guardiandae · 5 years
Meta/Commentary Part 1: A Little ‘XO’ Wouldn’t Go Amiss
(Spoilers below)
Wade finally learned his roomie's real name on day two, when the proposed nickname of 'Priscilla' was rejected via stabbing.
"Y'know- I usually know a guy's name before I let him penetrate me," Wade joked, gritting through the pain.
"My name is Nathan Summers. You can call me Nate. Or you can shut your whore mouth."
I’m gonna say this right now so when I finally finish the sequel of this fic, nobody can cry foul or anything or pretend that I didn’t plan everything all along from the very start of this journey: There’s a reason why Nate stabbed Wade and it’s not just to be an edgelord. This fic starts written in Wade’s POV and then switches to Nate’s, and there is so much more info revealed from Nate’s perspective that changes how interactions are colored. In the sequel, it’s not written in that style but eventually you will understand Nate’s POV and be able to look back on this (and other moments) and be like, Ah. I spent a few months just agonizing over this fic planning. The levels of depth going on here, you don’t know.
Also it’s hilarious because, the movie never really establishes Cable’s real name so hi, it’s Nathan Summers. Scott Summers’ (Cyclops)’s son, but like... older than him because future and time traveling hijinks or whatever. This is only important because like, daddy issues.
technically they were even sleeping together, even if Nate slept in the only bedroom because he'd called dibs and Wade slept on the couch in a pile of fast food wrappers.
Living with Nate was weird after living with Vanessa for so long. No more kisses -- not like he wanted any.
Usually when Wade got home, Nate was never there.  Hours later when Nate did come back, he'd just go to bed. Other times, Wade was hired for jobs that took days of travel to complete. There was little interaction between them and they barely saw each other, so Wade took to leaving little notes behind.
[Went to get milk. And also to put a cap in someone's ass. He's a bad guy though, so don't worry. I'll be home late. xoxo] [Forgot the milk. Also didn't cap the guy so I didn't get paid. Can you pick some up while you're out? xoxo]
So much info in one little spot. Nate only sees them as roommates, as a living arrangement and tenuous partnership to serve as an end to both of their needs. Nate has a place to live, and his only responsibility, as we learn in his POV, is to pay the rent on Wade’s behalf, with Wade’s money, because Wade is a disaster and his memory is getting worse. Not only is Wade just an annoying person who can’t take anything seriously, in his incorrect opinion, but there’s that level of guilt for feeling like a freeloader when Nate is the kind of person who’s had to fight just to survive his entire life. Wade’s little notes are so sweet, but to Nate, 1. weird 2. is this a joke? 3. stop reminding me of how much you care and meanwhile i can barely bring myself to write a note back, aaaaaa
I need to remember to revive the note-leaving between them in the sequel. It’s too cute, I can’t stand it.
Mercenary jobs had become harder to come by, and then work dried up. It was almost like nobody wanted to pay a guy to kill people anymore. As if there could ever be a shortage of people in the world who needed to die. But when one door closes, another opens -- everywhere he went, he suddenly saw slews of missing persons flyers. Wade had never noticed how many there were before, but he took it as a sign. He'd always wanted to try his hand at being a P.I. and Wade hadn't realized that the market was booming with families desperate to find loved ones. He offered his services as a private dick to several different people, but every single case was unsolvable. It was like they'd just vanished into thin air, but he knew that wasn't possible. It was frustrating to realize he was such a lousy dick.
Spoilers, but this is when the Thanos snap happens, and Wade is completely oblivious. Could someone who can be so devastatingly observant really be so obtuse? Or is his mind just protecting itself from such an incomprehensible reality that everyone else is suddenly saddled with? These are things Nate wonders later as well. Even I don’t know for sure. (I haven’t watched End Game and there’s still more plotline to tackle during the Snap, don’t @ me about how Marvel did it, I don’t know and I don’t care, I have my own plans)  (By the way, characters will either be snapped or inexplicably alive, and that’s not a plot hole, that’s the joke. Welcome to Marvel, the writers never fucking make sense and I don’t have to either, YEET)
[Someone tried to sell a metal arm on the black market????!! It better be Bucky's and not yours. Not like I care.] [It was Bucky's.]
Rip Buckkyyyyyy lmaooo
But also, cryyyy because Nate is busy trying to help deal with absolute fucking chaos and he didn’t really stop to consider whether Wade would be wondering what happened to him. Ow. Yeah, I think Wade definitely subconsciously registered what happened and is in total denial of reality. It’s better that way. Nobody fucking tell him.
There was nothing that he hated more than being ignored. Might as well just talk to himself. Which he did a lot of lately.
All of the warmth left his body at once, leaving him a little breathless and dizzy. He was vaguely aware of Nate looking at him, but it was less of a 'you're home' and more of a ' why are you here?'
This whole area of the fic hurts so good because I’m gay and I love drama.
Wade coming home, literally bleeding to death on the inside and in shock because, once again, everything went to shit for him, story of his life. And he sees Nate just there, dressed down, relaxed, and has this little flash of domestic happiness because he so desperately wishes that the domestic happiness was real and that Nate actually was waiting for him and happy to see him come home, and the hard snap back to reality where Nate doesn’t even like him is soooo fucking painful lol end me. And on top of that, he misread Nate’s concern as hate/disgust for him bc that’s what he’s used to, and then he passes out on the floor and wakes up with Nate over him because I’m gay and I love drama!!!!
"Wade, you died for a second," Nate told him. Wade couldn't quite tell if Nate was concerned for him or just annoyed. "I had to pull a piece of metal pipe from your chest. Can you tell me what happened?"
"I got a… pipe in my chest," Wade said, pausing for breath. His lungs felt wet and heavy. He should've left the pipe in.
"Very illuminating," Nate deadpanned, letting go. "Anything else I should know?"
This moment where Nate is so very fucking concerned for Wade, but then Wade cracks a weak joke, because that’s how he copes, and Nate is like, wow, fuck it, so much for being worried about you.
These thoughts didn't feel like his own, even though they had his voice. His mind was always scattered, full of thoughts that flowed nonstop like a babbling brook. Sometimes it took a lot of conscious effort to reign himself in and make sense of his own head. But these just popped out of nowhere, in bold print, in boxes that were separate from everything else.
"Am I going nuts?" he wondered aloud, whispering to himself, because honestly, he was a little afraid of his own head right now.
(A little late to be asking that.)
And this is when the ‘boxes’ manifest for Wade. But in this fic, the voices that manifest in his head are his own intrusive, negative thoughts. The depression, the loneliness, the self-hatred, the belief and fear that Nate hates him too.
I’m gonna recap vs a full copy and paste because the next bit is long:
-Wade is coughing up blood clots from his lungs in the morning, or trying to. -Nate is disgusted but also sympathetic and offers to help Wade out. -A really layered conversation occurs.
“Maybe if I drown myself in the bathtub, the blood clots will rinse out. What d'you think?"
Wade’s exhausted. Joking, but also dead serious. Nate is concerned about Wade making such a dark joke, but he also can tell that Wade really is struggling.
“I’ll help you.”
“Really?” Wade is relieved Nate wants to help him, at first, but then remembers he just said he wanted to drown himself in a bathtub, and becomes disheartened again because he remembers Nate doesn’t like him. “Oh. Yeah.”
From Wade’s point of view: Nate just offered to help Wade kill himself, because of course someone would get a kick out of drowning him, he’s annoying, yadda yadda.
From Nate’s point of view: Wade isn’t okay and he offered to help him with his problem, because he sounds desperate and Nate doesn’t think that jokes will help Wade with his mental state, nor will the drowning actually do anything to solve the problem (the blood clots festering in his lungs).
"I bet you'd love to hold me down and watch me struggle," he said, still thinking about the drowning idea. Then, in a flirtatious tone, "I'll make it good for you, baby. Just promise me we'll do it face to face."
From Wade’s POV: He’s making a joke about Nate drowning him, but also making a sex joke to make it funny, to mock Nate if he really does want to drown Wade, so maybe he wouldn’t do it, or maybe it’d be weird and interesting.
From Nate’s POV: Wade is flirting with him, and his humor and still really dark and Nate really shouldn’t laugh at it or encourage that kind of thing.
From Wade’s POV, seeing Nate trying not smile: ah holy fuck he really wants to drown me.
"I don't want to watch you struggle," Nate said. If he did, he'd just leave Wade alone to keep coughing up blood.
"Ah. Consensual," Wade nodded. "Okay, well, I'd be open to some over-the-clothes stuff, and whatever happens while I'm still dead doesn't count."
Nate couldn't help but laugh. "I don't think we're having the same conversation."
Wade is continuing the joke, because from his POV he’s like, whelp, this might as well be what happens.
But they really aren’t having the same conversation. There’s more like, four different conversations happening at once. Wade’s very sincere idea of drowning himself as a solution to his problems, and Wade joking about Nate drowning him as a sexual innuendo.  Nate interpreting Wade’s dark humor as a shitty attempt at flirting that he neither wants to encourage nor outright shoot down, and Nate offering to give Wade a better solution to fix his actual problem.
And Nate’s solution is to use his telekinesis to just... remove all the shit from Wade’s lungs. But he didn’t communicate that idea with Wade before just doing it, even if he did ask permission, so that’s pretty shitty and hence why we had to add the ‘Nonconsensual Telekinetic Heimlich Maneuver’ tag. smh
"That was dubious at best and now we have to add a warning in the tags," Wade sighed. "Non-consensual telekinetic Heimlich maneuver…. This is problematic now. People aren't gonna click on this."
This is a good spot to stop for now and continue in another post.
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pentopello · 5 years
Hiyaa!! How is my favorite author doing??? Hope everything's running smoothly in your life at the moment. Ummm.... is it weird that i kept requesting specific prompts to be written by you??? It's just that you have an amazing penmanship and you captured the characters pretty good as well, soooo if you don't mind, would it be possible if you can elaborate further on this specific prompt i have in mind, so in regarding to Joel, do you think both Allen and Michael have the same kind of parenting?
I’m sorry I took so long to reply to this! I got busy with homework/school and I’m still reeling (in a good way!) from the words “favorite author” being used in relation to me bc holy shit
I love answering these questions, and I definitely don’t see it as weird! If anything, I’m the weird one rambling on like I do haha :) But I like the mix of light analysis and creativity.
Ok! Parenting:
From what we’ve seen from Allen in the show, he’s got a bit of a traditional parenting vibe to him. He comes across more like the kind of parent that wants his kids to learn things for themselves, and he’s probably pretty immune to puppy-dog-eyes?
The show itself makes it seem like he’s not...super involved, but he is aware of what’s going on in his son’s life, and he does make some degree of effort to know what Joel’s interested in. I wish we got to see more of this particular dynamic, so I kinda have to extrapolate.
I personally feel that Allen shows love by sharing the things that are important to him. That’s why he brings the telescope home and tries to get Joel interested in the stars. That’s why he knows some stuff about Joel’s superheroes.
Allen is the dad-joke dad.
We haven’t gotten too much info on Michael or his childhood (though fingers crossed for next season!), so I’m gonna focus hard on how he shows affection (and probably some things that I’ve subconsciously decided on my own lmao) and go from there.
Michael strikes me more as the friend type of parent. He wants to be liked by (his?) kids, and he’s more willing to compromise with them when he probably shouldn’t. (like: “here, have a cookie, but don’t tell anyone”) He’d probably end up trying a little too hard (as opposed to Allen, who would like Joel to think he’s cool, but he’s willing to mark it up as a loss)
He’s also probably the parent that’s more verbally and physically affectionate. (Noogies, rough-housing, a little bit of “sports dad” if that’s...a thing)
I should probably take Michael’s background with psychology into account, but I don’t know what the field was like in the 1950s. Though Michael would definitely try to take some of the things he’s learned into account. I’m kind of leaning toward the idea that he worries whether or not he’s doing parenting right.
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littlecafe · 5 years
cover: fireflies - owl city names and links to their audition videos: kevin oh (vocalist), lee jonghoon (bass), kang kyungyun (drums), the group was put together by the chosen front man kevin oh
+ other info and my thoughts on the show in a read more 
sooooo obsessed with this show, superband ;_; for easy comparison, it’s basically like produce 101 but in the end they make a band so if you really like bands/instruments etc you’d love the show, everyone is so so SO talented that i really wish they wouldn’t eliminate anyone and everyone can just make music together....
those auditioning span quite a few genres and instruments so it’s super interesting, and because they’re musicians/artists quite a few performed their own songs so you get to hear a lot of original songs as well as covers 
some came by themselves bc they want to work in a group or get to know others who make music while some auditioned with their already established group or a partner (though sadly quite a few groups got broken up like the judges only picked one or two from some bands to move on...)
so a lot of them don’t really know each other other than like “omg i’ve seen his videos on youtube” / “i’ve seen him on (blank) before” or stuff like that so it’s interesting to see how they view each other, the type of concepts they come up with, who they end up working with and just a little insight on how they make music
judge panel consists of:
yoon sang
joe hahn (from linkin park asjdskf i have no idea how they got him to come on the show but yes)
yoon jong shin
kim jongwan (from nell)
suhyun (from akmu)
there’s only been 3 episodes so far (it airs on fridays i think), 2 have been just purely audition videos and the 3rd one was half auditions and half moving into the next round
basically after everyone auditions, the panel of judges pick who they want to move on and from there they also pick front mans (aka the leaders for the next round), each front man gets to form their group themselves like in this case kevin oh picked the other two to join him
from there, i /think/ it’s artistic freedom (i don’t understand korean well so i’m sorry if i’m misleading but i think it’s freedom since a group performed an original song not a cover so sajkhsfdf) they can perform whatever they want and they put together a stage and go up against another team which i still have no idea how they match the teams up btw and this annoys me lol i need to know the process sakjsdf hopefully they show it a bit more in the next ep
anyways they perform and the judges pick who they like better and the winning team moves on, the losing team gets eliminated (which is so sad like how can they eliminate a whole team omg that’s literally like half the people already gone in just the first round ;;__;;)
only one team is known to have been eliminated so far since ep 3 was still half auditions so we didn’t see many teams yet from the next round but that eliminated team already had some of my favs and i am HURT but i can’t even be mad bc the other team was soooo good also like i hate this lmaoooo
i don’t want to spoil anything if anyone cares to watch so i tried to be descriptive without actually giving too many details, the talent is seriously so good ugh like even if you don’t watch you should still check out the performances (auditions and groups) from jtbc’s channel
the only problem is the only website (that i know of) that you can watch it from is kinda.....sketchy askjsdfsdf i mean like it just has a lot of ads everywhere so pls get adblock if u want to watch LOL i don’t get any pop ups just the ads embedded into the website won’t be erased but it doesn’t annoy u while ur watching
i’m too scared to link bc tumblr is so strict on random things now so just google marutv, the first link should be the website and just paste 슈퍼밴드 into the search and the episodes will come up ^^
message me if u still need help!! i really wish ondemandkorea or some place would upload the show but i haven’t found any place other than here :///
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EPISODE 3: We’re in the Upside-Down but I’m happy to be Here - Jinx
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ok soooo I did not stick to my own plan but it's fine we're gonna be ok Ep 3: I Will Not Beg You to Play Well https://voca.ro/198BUGITWV41
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I will die for jinx and jones
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I was gonna record another video, but I currently look like a greasy sewer rat and Jarod has been asking me to make a confessional, so I decided to just write out my thoughts.  I think Jarod wants me to dive more into my thoughts regarding pirate’s counsel, so I will start with that.   From my experience, first boots are almost always the easy vote. It’s hard to really build enough trust with people to truly convince them to keep the more unknown person over a person they have SOME level of trust with. When it came to my crew, I was the obvious first vote out. This became especially abundantly clear when I heard that Roxy had already announced to the blue crew that I was fucked.  I already had the idol so I knew I had a safety net in place, but who wants to use their idol on the first vote??? I immediately tried bonding with people - especially those that I had some level of connection to. My first person I tried to connect with was Autumn.  We had a mutual with Jinx, so I thought we could potentially connect and work together. I know that everyone is connected to Jinx though, so I wasn’t sure how strong that mutual was.  We had a call, which I thought went really well. We bonded over law, and she seemed keen on working together. Besides Autumn, I didn’t feel like I was successfully making connections. I felt like I needed to make a change and that’s when I decided chaos is a ladder. I took a new approach from trying to have light hearted good conversations, to messaging everyone more aggressively about why Roxy said I was fucked. This is when I really started to bond with Cindi.  She didn’t know Roxy has said that, and felt a bit excluded from her trio and the crew I think. We really bonded and she shared that she had an extra vote and an idol, and I shared I had an idol. When I realized that the others were not going to be willing to flip, I realized I would need to use the idol, and I needed to figure out the best person to cut moving forward and how to do damage control for post tribal. I was worried about all the AllStar players, so knew that Caeb would be safe and I would take out one of them. I still hoped I could work with autumn in the future, and obviously loved Cindi, so I knew it was between Eve or Andrew. After learning about connections, I felt that Eve was the most connected, from Allstars and playing with Caeb, so I felt if they left, I would have the best chance of integrating myself. I also spoke the least with Eve, so it was a win win for me. Cindi also agreed, which was really important to me.  Andrew was feeding Cindi info and could prove an asset.  I did feel it was really important that everyone knew Eve was my target.  I made sure to campaign all day so people felt I was nervous and wouldn’t have an advantage, so the plan would work.  I also wanted people to not feel too betrayed after tribal, since they all knew I was pushing Eve. The next thing we needed to decide was whether or not Cindi voted with me or not. I didn’t care, since I was playing the idol. In the end, Cindi opted to vote against me to try to keep the relationship with Andrew. I think they still think im on an island by myself, when Cindi and I are extremely tight now. Moving forward, I honestly don’t know if I’ve gained much more social capital on my crew. I think im ~okay~ with everyone, but I think im still at the bottom. But, I have an extra vote that Cindi gave me, so I have some level of security going forward. I really hope our two trios work together going forward. Luckily I’m good at challenges.  We have won the past two challenges so have some level of safety.  My goal for the rest of the game is for my trio and Cindi’s trio to make merge, and then we can really do some damage.  I know Kai and Bohdi also have bonded well.  Hopefully we just keep winning and I get a good swap scenario. I’m guessing we swap to two tribes at 14.  I still feel like an underdog, but with a certain level of tenacity, anything is possible.
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My tribe is going to its first tribal and I am terrified. I have no clue what to expect or how this will go. I trust in jinx and henry that the vote is on Pippa, its sad but I need to stay. My two trio members are not going to perish in vain so I will slay anyone who stands in my way. 
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Thankfully we're safe but you still gotta worry about your trio members ur never free from the anxiety
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Hello, this is a mandatory confessional. Im currently getting my tarot for the game being read by Jinx and whew its a lot for me right now. Im really intruiged by all this and i feel like its so deep and impactful but right now im feeling a tad overwhelmed. Right now all signs are pointing to me to me breaking the chains of my past and make top 9, but also maybe get out immidiatly at 9. According to the cards the biggest obstacle in my path to success is me and im gonna really take that to heart this game
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Sappho going to council… DISGUSTING!! Basically I’m the vote but Andrew got a power to let me leave council and be safe ❤️ So I shall be using that !! Jinx and I had a good talk and I’m hoping we are okay bc I genuinely wanna work with them. BUTTT jinx is a legend I am constantly weary of. So I shall see y’all in round 4 but will I survive past that?? I smell a swap 
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It was pretty gutting seeing Kai able to go to the bay instead of Jordan, who actually campaigned to keep her. Hell, I thought I also had a decent relationship with her after encouraging her to attempt the puzzle. Hopefully Kai actually found a disadvantage like he said, but there’s no way to tell because it “won’t be revealed until its applicable.” Never in my LIFE have I seen a disadvantage worded like that. Something to keep an eye on. Coulee was unfortunately voted out by our team last round and I think it was a squandered opportunity to take out a power player. With one of the most egregious mistakes I have ever seen in an ORG, Coulee being voted out makes sense in terms of keeping the team strong. I really think there’s other reasons though. Bodhi and Mo shutting down the chance to take out someone as skilled at the game as Kai is a little concerning. I have to assume that Mo and Bodhi are at least closer to Kai than they are to Jordan and I. Bodhi specifically I’m skeptical of after they told me there were no other names tossed around…when Jordan definitely had a convo with him about voting Kai. I really trusted Bodhi before this but now I have to be cautious around them to. Also, I had a short conversation with Mo about potentially switching the vote up. I didn’t outright say it, just hinted at it by saying “maybe we should stick to how el farto voted.” I was hoping that reminding them that Caeleb has technically already voted against 101 would get them to consider switching their vote but they didn’t bite. Maybe I should have done more here, but I would be risking myself becoming the next target on this team. I’m thrilled we won the letter number challenge because things aren’t looking good for me on my team. Joyita going to council would have meant Jordan or I probably going home. Unfortunately though, we found out pippa is getting votes which isn’t much better! We do have our safety without power advantage, so Pippa isn’t actually going home, but we did have to figure out who we’re telling. Jordan was nice enough to tip me off about her getting votes after I asked, so I decided to tell him about Pippa’s power. I think him telling Jinx this information would allow them to stay in control of the vote and further solidifies our two trios working together. Though in the moment on call with Jordan, I’m not sure I was delivering it with the most conviction. I’ve never been in a situation quite like this before and I think he noticed I was wavering about telling him or not. Is he gonna put it together that I found this item under his nose and didn’t tell him, or is he even going to care. IDK!! My wheels were turning and though I was a little clumsy with my words, I told him about the advantage so he could tip off Jinx. I followed it up with reassuring him that it was in our best interests for our two teams to work together and that he was my number one. I’m definitely going to have to do some damage control because he’s going to realize I held back information from him, but I think I was still able to get across that keeping him and his trio safe are my top priority. Can’t wait to see how that goes :’)
Also this game makes me tire. Or maybe I need to eat more vegetables. Who knows.
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I’ve been looking for my cat so I can’t like do a conf love you hosts 
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So me jinx and Jabari are going strong! Just talked to jinx today I feel so tight with her we’re like inseparable. I’m sitting between three trios: Kai Sarah me Bodhi Cindi me Jinx Jabari me All of whom I don’t want to betray sooo it’s gonna be tough. I’ll probably end up being loyal to Kai and Sarah, as both the other duos want to work with my trio. So yeah! We originally wanted Roxy out for this tribal and she had told me she was coming after Sarah and Bodhi to my face and I was like 😳 girl you know I’m working with them at least lie. But uhm it’s become abundantly clear that Pippa is not pulling her weight in challenges so that was the move. However right before tribal we caught wind of Pippa advantage where she could leave tribal and be safe, but lose her vote. We decide to pivot the vote to Jones: and she goes home. However jinx told Roxy to vote for me 🙄 whatever. Uhm I’m not mad but it’s still like something to think about. But yeah! So Jones goes home, and I move on to the next cycle :>
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lxttlechaos-blog · 7 years
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hello my lovelys !! lemme tell ya’ll am i excited™ to be here. it’s been aprox 5934002380 years since i did a roleplay like this so forgive my rustiness !! oh, the name is rachel, i’m twenty and from the gmt+1 timezone but tbh i’m almost a l w a y s around because ?? life?? don’t know her. anyway, you know the drill, below the cut will be some info about this trashbag, delaney.
— ♦ [ NINA DOBREV, C5, CISFEMALE ] it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s DELANEY REINHART, the TWENTY-TWO year old, who works as a STRIPPER, that is known for being AUDACIOUS & FIERY. secretly, they’re actually a VILLAIN, named CHAOS, who has the ability of  PYROKINESIS & EXPLOSION INDUCEMENT. hopefully this new world won’t overwhelm them.
believe it or not i’m only now noticing i made her negative trait ‘fiery’ when she has the pyrokinesis ability...... rachel... gurl...
so ima try make this shit short and sweet but it’s highly unlikely because ya girl got a tenancy to ramble like no tomorrow i’m so sorry pls don’t hate me
anyWay, so delaney or ‘laney’ didn’t start off an only child ~ dun dun dun ~
basically, she had a twin brother who she highkey thought the world of ?? like the two were very much inseparable and just, cute as hell
the twins were born to ... loving parents? i guess? their papa was a scientist (one who had an obsession with primaries i will add) like, he lowkey worked in a lab where they were testing and trying methods of creating primaries; something they all thought of themselves as doing for good, wanting to create heroes, or even a mutant army to keep the world for harm. 
but like.. they had also hired peeps to try and track down primaries? and to try to kill them or just capture them so they could test on them and try to figure out how they worked, how they could recreate them. 
so they just convinced themselves they were the good guys to basically help them sleep at night when they were doing a bad thing really. 
delaney and her lil twin brother practically grew up in the labs, laney taking a lot more interest in her fathers workings than her brother did. 
fast forward quite a few years, basically to the twins being practically teenagers now? daddy-o needed some guinea pigs for his experiments and i mean..... what better people to use than ur kids amiright? 
laney’s brother was not at all happy with this he didn’t want to do it at all, meanwhile laney did? her father having filled her head with words of encouragement on how she was going to make the world a better place, how she’d change everything, she’d be a hero, and all that good shit until he persuaded her- which with her twin brother being so attached to her and not wanting her to go through it alone, he volunteered too.
legit she went through hell for months okay like??? she was like thirteen at the time and went through h e l l with her father n other scientists testing on her.
but it worked !!!!! which is how she got her powers listed above. 
so pops was fken over the moon??? bc not only laney had powers but so did her brother? (tho his were considerably weaker) 
from then on her time was spent being daddy’s little solider, her days spent learning how to control herself, her abilities, what this meant for her. her father setting her challenges, forcing her to fight against the primaries his lab had captured. as if his obsession wasn’t excessive before, with his own little fighting machine by his side it just got worse. he became greedy, anything he wanted done she would do for him; to the point that he even convinced her to set one of his colleges on fire who had disagreed with him over something so petty and small. 
ya’ll like laney was loving this too? she was so strong and felt really superior and just ?? yes
bUUut. that didn’t last very long, because mr.reinhart decided to do something entirely unforgivable, pinning his children against one another- fully acknowledging that his sons powers were weaker than his daughters, which is what ended in an inevitable death of one of the siblings.
it’s only tHEN, did delaney realize what she had done, what her father had pushed her to doing; she had followed his orders to the point she murdered her own brother, and that was the turning point for her. 
basicallyyyyyyyyy, fast forward to now, she moved away from home legit straight after that all went down, but considering she was only turning eighteen at the time of her runaway things were rly rough for awhile, with a lack of money n whatnot she was practically homeless for several months.  
she’s still lowkey broke to this day, living in some shitty little apartment that she can just about cover the rent of, working her nights as a stripper at some seedy little club and even offering to go home with some of the males for a little extra cash. 
basically she’s a mess and so is this intro i’M SOrRy. 
okay so, this was a mess?? v sorry. but maybe plot with me anyway?? i’m a total plot whore like i don’t think i’ve ever turned down any plot at all no matter how crazy it might seem okAy so throw anything @ me. but anyway, laney still has that whole loyal side to her? like, she still has a little bit of that solider inside of her and if she finds someone who she deems herself loyal to it can be easy for her to slip back into that mindset. she can kinda be very reckless? and hot-headed like.... girl loses her temper rly easy which isn’t good considering her fire/explosion abilities like.... just don’t get her too mad okay bc she will likely explode something. she still struggles controlling her emotions and not allowing them to control her abilities at times so.
but anyway, as i said !! pls plot with me, i’m super up for legit ANythiNG SOoOo. 
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode #3: “New Tribe New Tribulations.” - Ben
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That joint tribal went almost perfectly besides the fact that a dean voted for me for whatever freakkkkiing reason, but I really came out of that tribal with close allys in Johnney and Chloe from the other tribes so I really think that is dope I would type more but I’m shot
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wow ladies so im sitting on the toilet rn and i am fucking shaking in my boots. do u know how worried i am rn. im so worried. johnny said at the joint tribal that we were SOMEHOW not a part of that the 13 of them had already gotten to know each other and meet each other and everything that hit me rly hard bc like.... shit. shit shit fuck. fuck fuck shit. fuck. they’re friends already and more likely than not lono is gonna get picked off one by one at the tribe swap or whatever im literally so scared
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Omg omg omg I just went to like my first ever live tribal and it was soooo exciting omg omg omg. I really loved having the chance to sort of better connect with these people and have a moment with them that you wouldn't otherwise have really. And, I survived so that's a massive plus as well!! Eek I'm just so excited right now to be playing this season and everyone on the other tribes seem so active and happy and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them more throughout the season. It sucks I had to lose Dean but we all have to make sacrifices somewhere.
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Just got on new tribes and I’m pleased. I think I should be able to make some strong connections here. Elmo’s on my tribe and that really helps. Also talking to Joey and he seems pretty cool. Hopefully we do a good enough job on whatever song we choose so none of us have to go home. Hopefully Johnny, Justin, and Taylor are alright. I still kinda don’t know what I’m doing or where I am. Didn’t realize until half way through the last round that all 3 tribes were at the combined tribal. I thought there were 10 of us and that it could be a split vote. True flop? Yes. Maybe I’ll decide to get it together.
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After a really crazy tribal council, we swapped and to be honest I don’t feel as bad about this as I probably should. I feel like during the joint tribal I bonded well enough with Chloe, Thomas and Taylor where I think that if we go to a tribal I have enough bonds started that will keep me safe at least for another round and on top of that we also got Cullen on our tribe which is honestly the best case scenario because that could honestly be a free round!
Trust Rankings (Early AF) 1. Chloe 2. Thomas 3. Taylor 4. Randy Who’s Cullen?
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Well I knew I was going to be talking about the swap eventually. Cullan just got evacuated which is sad and I hope he is doing okay. I'm glad I swapped with Chloe and I feel Adam and Taylor are staring to see me and Chloe as a duo, which can be either good or bad. Randy I need to talk to more. Taylor and Adam both said they would be a number to me and Chloe if we need them, but I hope to hold that off for a little while.I just want to win this next challenge and avoid tribal :)
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WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DOES THOMAS THINK HE IS DOING RIGHT NOW?   Taylor has messaged me saying last night they spoke to Thomas about maybe us 3 working together and that Taylor thought maybe Thomas should message me first about it. But here I am with Taylor messaging me about it and no word at all from Thomas. I've given Thomas a chance to bring it up, I've been sat talking to him about how he's now finished school so he has more time to play orgs. This could so easily lead into a conversation about how Taylor messaged him. But instead he's just said "Im gonna go get a slurpee" well while you're out go find someone else to work with you because you're gonna need all the help you can get because I'm fucking coming for your bitchass now and I'm not gonna stop until it's red raw from taking all these hits from me.
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New Tribe New Tribulations. I stayed with Elmo which is good, and I have been chatting up the rest of the tribe. Jared seems nice and I've floated the idea of working with him at a potential tribal. I've talked less with Lily, but she seems nice. People I've talked the least with are Ian and Joey. Joey never responded to my messages, and Ian I just don't talk to lol. I'm pretty confident ian would stick with me and elmo and I think we could successfully target Joey, especially if we hold the milo 3 over their heads and threatened rocks.
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So, my premonition was most indeed correct. We ended up swapping from 4 tribes to 3 tribes. Not that that’s a totally bad thing. I mean, looking at OG tribes on Haumea 2.0, I’m in a 3-2-1 majority. And we had a music video challenge. My tribe lip synced to I Write Sins Not Tragedies. The question is, will we be pouring the champagne in victory? Or will the goddamn door be closed on one of us at tribal council?
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whew. sorry i haven’t made a confessional yet i’ve been busy. but now i feel like i’m gonna leave out important info so let’s hope i don’t. we swapped tribes and that was... a bummer. i had my 3 person alliance over on my other tribe and i had elmo! i miss elmo so much and just hope we meet again soon. i don’t really loooove my new tribe.. i like justin of course and i think i’ve been hitting it off with johnny. and strayed talking to anbel a bit. tried to talk to bodhi and asya but nothing really clicked. here’s something interesting.. justin told me he went idol searching and he looked where i looked round one and where i found the idol. he told me that a power was there but it’s now gone and he told me that johnny told him he looked there but said he just drowned in the vortex and didn’t say anything about a power being there. so i think johnny just messed up his words but now justin thinks johnny has a power and i’m just letting him think that and throwing scenarios out there and i can let johnny take the blame hehe. i also went idol aka advantage searching somewhere and i got somewhere asking if i’d be willing to give up 2 votes. i thought about how during the joint tribal a vote was missing so i assumed whatever power is there, somebody has it. so i said nope bye i want my votes! i told justin about this so i can kinda pin asya having this power since she was at the joint tribal and she’s on my tribe now so it could be a good excuse to vote her off if we ever go to tribal and i can be safe another round.
so now justin thinks johnny has the idol or some kind of power even though it’s really me who has it. and thinks asya has whatever power she got for giving up 2 votes. idek if asya is the one who got that power but i needed someone to pin it out so we have an excuse to vote her out and i can stay safe.
i also wanna apologize for whatever spelling mistakes i make and if i literally don’t make any sense at all. it’s so hard to type up exactly what i’m feeling and put it into words kdkdkdkd.
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Trust List:
1. Joey 2. Anabel 3. Elmo 4. Ben 5. Bodhi 6. Lily 7. Randy 8. Ian
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so we swapped which is great! the initial numbers are 3-2-1 and im in the 3 so that's great! however ian isnt the most socially active player so i think he could easily be the target of the 2 and the 1 and i dont think either ben or myself would want to pull a rock for him right now
i think i will hint him to get close to like lily or someone so in case we ended up losing a challenge she'd want to target joey instead of him. thats the goal. i dont want to lose ian bc basically if lily sides with joey in that situation, jared will be the decider and while i do trust jared, i think it gives him too much power yanno and it might be enticing for him to stick to his OG tribe ally rather than two ppl he met at the swap
im not sure how that will go but i hope well hehe! ALSO I FOUND AN IDOL, ZACK'S INFORMATION PULLED THROUGH!!! i havent told anyone yet, in fact host made a mistake in the beginnin sayin that it was already found and then said like 1h later, oh u actually have an idol and that got me SHOOK TO MY CORE! the awk thing is that i told ben already that i didnt find it so hdiasfahsdif! i just hope that when / if i tell him, he wont be too upset with me bc i right now i consider us p close!
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It’s hot as hell where I am right now. Better to be sweating over the heat than sweating over tribal, I guess.
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I got tribe swapped fucked and im annoyed.
So i got put on a tribe full of STINKY stinky players. And the challenge is a lipsync so im like "submit the lipsyncs ASAP" and theyre practically more than useless and do nothing. So we submitted practically nothing because theyre so fucking bad at time management. And now we're at tribal.
Nobody talking to me about the vote, so I'm going home. I'll try and pull a stunt but idk. Wish me luck
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Milu 2.0...hmmm... Where do I begin? 🤔 So my feelings on the tribe are mixed. Adam, Tom and Chloe were all part of the previous joint tribal so I had already had conversations with all of them. It made it easier to socialize when the swap actually did happen. Tom seems like a cool cat, and I had approached him with the idea of him, Chloe and I grouping up. Chloe seemed more than okay with it, but Tom never talked to Chloe about it like he said he would. That raised some red flags for me and Chloe. Adam and Randy I didn't feel as comfortable to begin with, but in the past day or two Adam has really came around and proposed we work together. Thus CAT was born. It's maybe not something long term but I think I could have great allies in Chloe and Adam individually. Tonight's vote is probably the most uncomfortable yet. Nothing feels solid, everything feels very much in the air, even if I have a majority alliance. This game is a rollercoaster and tonight I'm teetering on the edge and I have that sinking feeling in my gut. All I can do is put blind faith in my people and hope for the best.
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Milu 2.0...hmmm... Where do I begin? 🤔 So my feelings on the tribe are mixed. Adam, Tom and Chloe were all part of the previous joint tribal so I had already had conversations with all of them. It made it easier to socialize when the swap actually did happen. Tom seems like a cool cat, and I had approached him with the idea of him, Chloe and I grouping up. Chloe seemed more than okay with it, but Tom never talked to Chloe about it like he said he would. That raised some red flags for me and Chloe. Adam and Randy I didn't feel as comfortable to begin with, but in the past day or two Adam has really came around and proposed we work together. Thus CAT was born. It's maybe not something long term but I think I could have great allies in Chloe and Adam individually. Tonight's vote is probably the most uncomfortable yet. Nothing feels solid, everything feels very much in the air, even if I have a majority alliance. This game is a rollercoaster and tonight I'm teetering on the edge and I have that sinking feeling in my gut. All I can do is put blind faith in my people and hope for the best.
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This confessional is for the Third cycle where the end result was 4-1 (Randy, Tom) Loosing this challenge as honestly a rally hard pill to swallow I was absolutely pissed if we’re being honest, pissed at the fact that the final product was my video that as supposed to get snipped and trimmed because I didn’t know legit anything about that song or even lii syncing. I think me competing and being the one that submitted helped me when it was time to vote somebody out because I was told by basically everyone that sending me home would have been a silly decision. I honestly think my only option was too got out Randy because I think I’m solid with everybody else individually where I was trying to force something with Randy. If we lose again things will honestly go from 0 to 100 real fast as I don’t think anybody knows if Tom and Chloe are actually tight or what the deal is there but that will one hunger percent come in to place. All in all very successful round for me in my opinion. I think I need to be careful not to build this huge target on my back but I’m staying focused and just plowing through
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I’m doing wonderful! As far as this game is concerned, Jared and I are tighter than Ralphie May’s(RIP) pants. We know what each other is doing, and we communicate CONSTANTLY. Ian is tricky to get. He just says “Oh, okay” to everything, its as if he’s building up a wall to prevent me from having a social game, it’s highkey INFURIATING. I LOVE LILY, she’s an actual angel, and she’s a good player. I like Elmo alot, he’s definitely at a disadvantage due to his timezone. As far as everyone else, I’m getting closer to Asya as we’ve put our “beef” aside and we realized we’re friendly. Johnny and I have known each other for 3 years, he was the first person I knew in this community, he was the first person who hosted me and got me into this community, he’s going to always be like a brother to me.
Cullan is removed from the game. Randy is voted out 4-1.
0 notes
survivorindia · 7 years
I was summoned by the voices in my head- Episode 2
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lol I'm probably going bye bye
So we managed to come up with a plan, Karen Kendall Alex and I will vote Ashley and it's only because I said she was contemplating self voting and I counted that as "I heard her name" SJAHFDHOFAOPUDJ like ugh it sucks but somebody needs to go tonight so =/
Well I just heard from Kendall that everybody is voting me out but honestly Im not mad at all. I almost quit this game twice so this will be just as good hahahahaha
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So here we are again.. my tribe is heading to tribal for the second time in a row & right now I pretty much feel like a sitting duck. Lexi & I were the only two people really competing in the challenge & that pisses me off.. so I approached her with a deal that since the two of us were the only ones who tried, let's not vote for each other & she agreed.. so now the question is who DO we vote for? Of course I'm pushing for Casey, but both Lexi & Ruben are very good at not directly answering my questions of "who do YOU wanna vote for?" Like they always find ways to just kinda circle around the question & so finally I got tired of the shit & I said straight up to Lexi that Casey hasn't been pulling her weight & I want her gone next.. last tribal I noticed how paranoid & scared Lexi was getting because of the rumors & so this time I decided to play that to my advantage. I told her that basically the entire returnee villains tribe is still spreading the rumors & targeting the both of them. I told her that even though I don't believe the rumors, that won't stop the returnees from eventually targeting the two of them.. so I said that me, her, Ruben, and Dom need to just stick together & vote out the weakest tonight.. I'm hoping that the thought of the entire returnee villains tribe targeting her, will be enough to convince Lexi to vote my way tonight.
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I'm shook! Steven got rocked out WHEW Honslee Im kinda sad bc I wanted to work with Steven later on, now I gotta talk to more of the newbie heroes and see who I can potentially trust 👀.
Ok so I was talking lexi and I'm yellin bc she's v pissed @ her tribe like she doesn't want her tribe winning anything at all skdndondk N U T! I'm here for it honslee! I want the other heroes tribe to self destruct ! Hopefully I can get something to lexi out tho bc I want her to stay long enough to wreak havoc on that tribe honestly truly 
Ok so last night my alliance had a call to discuss who we should vote out and we came to the consensus that ace will be getting elimed, anyway so gav said that he was gonna talk to Ashley about the vote or whatever so fast forward to this morning I have a nice talk with miss Ashley about making amends after Sweden and i think we're on good terms now. So we discuss who to vote and she said that gav told her to vote ace and that Kendall is spearheading the anti ace campaign and honslee? It threw me off a little bc who throws their alliance member under the bus like that, like BINCH! Just say that that's what majority seems like and be done with it, she doesn't need any reasons. Ok so a little later I talk to ace and tell him that the vote is Ashley and that I have Kendall and Kendall has Alex so he made a chat with me and Kendall and I told him that we didn't need Alex in the chat bc we'd have majority after this, i also did it so Alex wouldn't get sus of me and Kendall soooo anyway! As of rn ace has majority vote and I think I'm in a good spot overall????
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Oh my god... I was considering Steven to be someone who would be a driving factor of this season and it's just weird to think of him snuffed so quickly. I never would've thought this tribe would actually go to rocks and now it's like the rubble after the nuclear blast, it's time to repair and renew. We need to become strong again or else we'll fail miserably. On the bright side, that rock draw worked out amazingly well for me. Liam's survived and he's pretty much indebted to me so I got him as a free number for me :~) and Whitney was loyal to Liam and I so it looks like we hold the majority down 'ere. Not to mention that my relationships with the returnees aren't half bad - I've only spoken to two of 'em, but still. Alex Crooks and I are cool - he's the first guy I ever ruined my game for :') So that's a swell flashback I suppose. And then there's Gavin. I can't say he's the most trustworthy from what I've seen and heard in the ol' wiki community, but if he's selling me some deals I ain't gonna pass on 'em. And he did try to spill some tribe tea so hopefully h'ain't lying. (Linus, that reference was for you! It was all for you!)
I did NOT let that other Lexi leave WHEW. That challenge flew by REAAAAAL quick and thank goodness we won! Now let's just hope my boys on the Heroes returnees ain't screwed 'ere. But it looks like Dom's getting a strike for not adding any of us nice guys, so I bet he's getting the boot. Ruben and Casey did also disappear during the challenge so it could be them if they're basing this off of challenge performance here :v
That feel when you've been working on a terrible project I seriously regret making since it hurts my eyes all day so you haven't talked to anyone :v Thank goodness there's no Tribal and I'm on a boring tribe!
And by boring I don't mean the people are boring, they're kinda lit, we just are hella quiet.
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Oh my god I literally went to rocks our first tribal I'm beyond shocked I made it out alive. Steven was taken out which was okay but Lexi would have been better for sure. But guess what we won this challenge so no voting for us I'm so happy we kicked ass 
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Okay FUCK YES DAHLING WE JUST WON IMMUNITY. So all day I've been bonding with Jordan Pines and like FUCK I actually really like Jordan. So I told him that I would have his back if we went to tribal, and he literally shut down my talk with "let's not talk stratagey now I just wanna get to know you more" which honestly, who wouldn't be scared by that, like FUCK. Anyways, I talked to Jordan and got to know him more, I just hope he considers me as someone he wants to keep around. Now, on the other hand I have my ally Sarah who I trust, you all pretty much know this by now. So Sarah told me that she needs to call me tonight because she has some info, which is terrifiying, but i'm glad she trusts me as much as I trust her, it feels good. Now ANYWAY Jordan came up with this brilliant plan for immunity and it WORKED. This witch ain't gonna be fourth boot this time around, IT'S GAME TIME BITCH HAHA!
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Ruben and I got close. We are voting Monte out tonight because Lexi/Casey have beef from a prior game. That way we are swing votes and we decide what happens.
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Whew this round has been exciting. Idol hunting is going decently me and Dom are working well together but unless he's lied neither of us got anything yet. I sort of took control of the tribe on this challenge being like heres what we need to do and heres how we need to do it. It was definitely a high risk, high reward scenario but it paid off. We won the challenge in an impressive 2 seconds and like I think i got the credit for that win. I am just really talking to people, keeping myself known in the chats as like a fun member of the tribe. Idk if its paying off but as of now I think I am in good standing with the tribe. We are probably swapping soon so I am just trying to work that tribe unity as long as I can hoping that however a swap goes we can work as a 6 and not a divisive unit. I think i'm doing good right now but time will tell.
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Things are going pretty great right now honestly. I started out a little shaky and nervous but it seems like Monte and Casey both want each other gone now and both Lexi/Dom pulled me into a 3 person alliance. I think if I ride with those two I could find myself in a really good position long term. Both seem to consider me a potential final 2 and that's the best situation to be in on a small tribe. I think Monte should be going home unless there is a blindside coming up on me rip. For now I want to make sure Monte goes home so that everybody remaining on this tribe trust me 1000%. Also I have NO problem going to tribal more lol. Hero Lexi could be in trouble on her tribe with the whole rock draw thing going down and since that situation I feel like I'm in a more solid position to throw comps if I have to in order to keep her safe. Although I didn't have to do much this challenge to throw it considering Monte and Casey made it fucking easy for me by not showing up lmao. Good shit though
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Okay, just for the record, that was BEAUTIFUL. Steven who was setting up my vote was rocked out, and now Miss Negative (Lexi) is a sitting duck, she knows it's 3 vs 2. Bitches, don't fuck with me next time.
Regan is pressing a gun to my head right now send help
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What do I wake up to? Johnny messaging me that the tribe is going to "R O C K S..." and I'M HYPE! It's so early and already players are being messy as heck. Anyway, I'm glad Steven was taken out because from what I could tell, he seemed to be a schemer with real game know-how. Here's to hoping we don't need to go to tribal in the premerge!
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I've been sick the past two days. I feel like it's hurting my social game a bit when I come online to see 100 messages or so. I don't want to be left out of the loop but it is worrisome. From what I gathered, Ace/Ashley are trying to get myself/Gavin to work with them. While on the flip side, Kendall/Karen are trying to get myself/Gavin to work with them. It's an interesting position for us two to be in. Gavin is my number one at this point, and I have zero doubt that we'll make the right move in the end. The problem is, is that Gavin/Myself have differing opinions on who to work with. I love Kendall/Karen, Gavin loves Ace/Ashley. I want to vote out Ace, and if I can't convince Kendall/Karen to vote out Ace then I will end up voting out Karen or Kendall. Because I can do that. I have that power to do this with Gavin, and that's what I'll do.
I always find myself having to reassure Gavin a ton. He's paranoid about the power duo of Kendall/Karen, but we're all literally fine. He's worried about being a fourth wheel and that I find understandable. But his worries make less sense when I'm more with him than I am with Kendall/Karen. I have his back 100%, but having to constantly assure him that him and I are golden, it's a bit tough and a tad sketchy.
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Welp it turns out I remind Gavin of his ex girlfriend... not sure how to feel about that :P.
I feel shitty Oh so shitty I feel so shitty and hitty and gay And I pity Any person who feels in anyway~ Thank you thank you, you are all too kind! Well, not you on the left, or you in the front row or you reading this line. That's right you smug bastard I know what you did last summer! ... where was I going? Oh right we have tribal! Karen wants to vote Ace out and last night, in my sleep induced haze, I agreed with her but now that I am more lucid, I realize that this is a terrible idea. Ace is someone who I would always have in my back pocket. You could say they are my.... Ace in the hole. Fuck you I thought it was funny. Besides, I'm being to worry a bit about Karen. She's intelligent and calculating, for the time being this is good and it'll be in my best interest to keep her. But at some point, I'm going to have to get rid of her and I'll need some support. I don't know Ashley and I barely know Gavin. The only person I am solidly aligned with is Alex. And while Karen did call Ashley a bitch in Sweden, that doesn't mean that that bridge is completely gone. She could very well have her in her back pocket. Still, I will try not to do anything impulsive. The last few times I tried to save someone, I ended up fucking up real badly. Like to a comical degree kind of fuck up. I won't go out of my way to save them but I'll be damned if I don't at least advocate on their behalf.
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I'm so sad :( I need to find the idol and try very hard in challenges or else I'll be the next person to leave
I am so glad we won immunity. It for sure would have been me or Lexi next if we had gone to tribal. It looks like Johnny and Whitney aren't too upset that I didn't vote with them but I can't take my chances. I had been searching for the idol for a while with no luck so I asked Lexi to help me find it. She found it within a few hours lol. We didn't find the idol but we found the idol grid. It's relieving to know it couldn't have been found right away. This gives me and her time to find it. Hopefully we'll get it before anyone else and we'll be set for the rest of the time on this tribe. I doubt anyone else on our tribe has found the idol page or would suspect that we found it. I'm thinking long term so the game plan would be using the idol on lexi and getting rid of Liam. If we happen to go to a tribal council after that we could try to get Whitney or Johnny to flip to our side. Even if they don't want to we can always force a tie so Lexi and I still have a strong chance of succeeding. We just have to find that idol!
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So i was very pissed steven got rocked out. Liam deserved to go. He did nothing for the challenge. I think whitney had a pre existing relationship with liam. I got called out for ruben being my boyfriend and thats why they wanted me out but oh well. Him and Robin went to rocks for me and i was grateful. I don't like Whitney at all. She doesnt even give me a chance and i think i know why. But whatever i could care less about her lol. Johnny stopped talking to me so he must be scared or something if he wont even talk to me. Liam is useless to me. Like why is he even here lol. I'm only still helping my tribe win because of robin. I could care less about the other 3. I got the idol board and we all know i need a idol more then anyone.
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survivorwesteros · 8 years
Episode 8: Operation: If You Fuck With Me you're Dead - Nic
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steffen, darian, yall really fucked me up. i am so mad right now. to be fucked over like this i know i considered voting out steffen earlier but i felt bad and went back on it but i feel so fucking mad and lied to and its stupid.
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ok so first you know we take off on our dragons cause you know DRAGONS FROM AN AUCTION, while at the fantastic meal place, I snag a vote stealer, cause lets face it, Id rather have control of that rather than anyone else so we get back to camp and Jordan wins immunity in basically a second, so yay another Jordan winning streak, but then we have a lot of down time until the vote, and right as Im ready to go to bed, Darian and Ashley message me saying we need to talk and I’m like, wtf I do now I was basically feeling like I just had a ice cream truck fall on me from the sky turns out I wooed them over to trusting me, and they revealed that Lily wanted my head, which shocked me cause I thought we were good, but in retrospect, I did vote her out before so not a suprise but turns out she had leaked her hit list to Darian and Ashley, going from me to brian to nic, with Andrew somewhere in there and you know while I was freaking out, Ashley and Darian were like wtf we do, so then we sorta came up with a vote split plan, and lets just say it revealed a lot it was super complicated but involved me lying to Nic, which we were kinda on even terms but like, when Darian was going over the plan with him, Nic wanted me out so at that point I knew I couldn’t trust him, following such theres been doubt put in my mind that Drew is in my best intentions and in fact was going to vote me out if not for his self vote, I mean it took a hell of a lot of prying to get him to admit that Lily was targeting me so whether he really wants to play with me is a question at this point But while we were gathering votes I discovered some real interesting information 
1. Jordan isn’t to be trusted in this game with me anymore, he went around trying to get me to vote Andrew and everyone else to vote me, and Brian was already hectic and scared so instead of telling him all the info about how Jordan told me Andrew, I played off that paranoia and bonded with Brian against Lily 
2. Luke, literally my secret spy to get me tea I love him, he basically came clean with all the Jordan tea of targeting me and it just was amazing 
3. Andrew I feel is closer to me than ever because I was there with him for a hard time, and I leaked info to him about Lily targeting him, and Jordan telling me to vote him out 
Basically I feel in an ok spot, the only people I have to be iffy about at this point is Nic, Drew and Jordan, and if I can somehow go about Jordan leaving soon, that’d be great but we managed to have everything work out I got a feel for the tribe dynamics And Lily got voted out after coming for me
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anyway for darian and Steffen to use my vote like that and be straight up liars is so ugly I hate men 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 jk my new closest ally Jordan is a man 
why does everyone think I'm dumb is it because I act dumb all the time ?? probably
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OKAY SO THIS IS A RANT FOR MY CONFESSIONAL SO DARIAN THINKS HES REAL SLICK BUT I SEE RIGHT THROUGH HIM He told me lily was out for me so obviously I vote along with him, but the way he told me about it was sus I’m usually good at sniffing out a rat but there was little I could do ABOUT it and it would be dumb to make waves about it now, but I see him. There’s no way he did;t know the votes would be split like that, I think there is a group making puppets out of some of us and I need to figure out who exactly is in that group. I know its Darian and Ashley probably Pines too, makybe not. I also just realized I was accidentally interrogating Darian so I’m gonna chill for a little bit But I see him -.- also fucking LOL at Jordan trying to tell me he was the one vote for Steffen when we already know it was Lily hahaha
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Well, I'm pretty sure I just shook this entire game up and I have NO IDEA what's going to happen next... I definitely need to win immunity next week or I'm probs screwed 😂 Getting lily out but I voted drew and he's not too happy about it.  He says we are good but... we aren't.. I know it... I really don't think we are good at all Maybe I'm wrong.. idk😭😭😭 I'm so confused
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So that tribal was just quite interesting. I mean Darian and I completely got shit done. But now Darian is most likely going to be a target cuz I kinda made him do all my dirty work.... God I am like an awful person (cwl) Well I mean Darian is the one who went to Nic and Brain and suggested our plan, Steffen went to Andrew... I kinda just sat back and watched everything happen, so hopefully no one will completely know I had a semi huge impact on that tribal.
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BYE DARIAN IS A LITTLE SHIT HUH This messy Aeolian gameplay whew
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So alot has happened & I'm just gonna use the opportunity to write about it.
Soooo last tribal, I was told me, steffen, darian, brian, ashley would all be voting Drew. However, it turns out they were lying to me. 
Darian? Dead to me. Steffen? Dead to me. I have to admit being lied to and being taken advantage of hurt. But in the end it only showed me the light. I love cutting people out ! Who knew 
I love burning bridges and then using the leftover pieces to build new ones. Cause now, the plan is for me, Jordan (my closest ally), Drew (the person i voted for who i am now voting with), Brian (the person who ive barely spoken to), and Luke (icon) to all vote together and take out one of the Terrivle Trio, aka D*rian/S******/Ashley. 
Also apparently Drew has an idol!! Which is iconic. He could be lying to me but idc bc if he is.. whats new lol If this plan works out I will give every person who voted with me 100 dollars. 
If it doesn't work out I just have more excuses to be mad at the people who betrayed me. 
Also.. me being able to freely express my opinions because I don't give a fuck what happens? a concept. If I get voted out it's no big deal cause I have actual friends in Wonderland. Anyway.... bye guys I'm sure I'll have another one of these as things progress. ALSO SHOUTOUT TO JC......... thanks for that letter. You winning Panem and me winning Westeros... its a prophecy
right now im gonna go to steffen and darian and act sorry. will they buy it...... probably not. they're smarter than that! apparently.
So.. tribal is approaching. I have to admit, with everything that has been planned, I will be a bit disappointed to go home. 
Everything is working so far. We have the majority alliance and Steffen/Darian probably have no idea it's Ashley tonight. In fact, Steffen even thinks I've been rallying against Darian. 
I don't wanna get to confident. But I hope this game turns around
Who knew this was gonna be a tie vote! Who knew Brian was gonna change his vote. 
Every moment in this game is an opportunity tho. Even though I've already sent my vote in for Ashley, I'll still use this to chance to make a deal with Darian and let him campaign to me. And with this tied vote, I can still kinda make Steffen think I voted Darian. Which is what he though before tribal. Hopefully this puts me in a good position 
I'm using this to mend bonds with Steffen/Darian, while maintaining my bonds with the others. Minus Andrew idek him 
(i feel like i already sent a confessional about this oh well) 
Anyway now that I actually have something to lose.. I have to be careful of what I say 
How did I go from on the bottom basically asking to be voted out to being in this good position........ I scream
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So that tribal was interesting. Darian and I are now kinda against each other and he is very certain it will be unanimous that I am leaving. Which makes me want to punch sense into him because literally anyone can lie through text.
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Anyway. my strategy rn is called "Operation: If You Fuck With Me you're Dead" and if that isnt a good episode title idk what is @hosts. 
Ashley? check. 
Darian and Steffen? we'll see i have tons of abi gifs ready
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me before F9 tribal:
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me @ Ashley and Darian after F9 tribal: 
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me @ Nic and Brian after F9 tribal: 
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me shopping for a new alliance: 
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me as the Ashley votes came rolling in: 
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Ashley and Darian as the votes came rolling in: 
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me @ Ashley when she tried to apologize: 
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me @ Ashley's begging: 
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me when she tried to give me her turkey leg: 
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me realizing there are still five more weeks of this game: 
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WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED I'm soooo in the dark it's not even funny My own best friend who just performed the best show yet with me LIED TO MY FACE 😭😭😭😭
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[2016-12-03, 9:15:21 PM] Darian Goggin: I [2016-12-03, 9:15:24 PM] Darian Goggin: Am shook [2016-12-03, 9:15:29 PM] Darian Goggin: What just happened [2016-12-03, 9:18:28 PM] Jordan Pines: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ why am i the worst
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Dear damn diary 
well thanks to myanmar for screwing up my sleep cycle it seems Ive been out of the voting cycle due to trying to catch up on sleep, so basically its become a Nic and Darian fight, and if I could look at myself at the beginning of the season, I’d pat myself on the back and say, Raven Symone would be proud of you CAUSE YOU CALLED IT.  So while he did save me last round, Im not saving him if Im in minority, its just stupid at this point, so Im at least going to give him the dignity of giving him a heads up, cause he deserves it at this point, but I knew Id probably not go to the end with him, guess I was right, so gotta go with the flow today cause I am too sick to put in effort here
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