#these are surprisingly fun to do. i was worried id be unsure how to answer but i like thinking about how i view these characters
bestbuybathroom · 5 months
How about, 003, Charlotte?
You may notice an agenda already [D;} can you believe there are only three women in the whole world? (Half-joke)
woaw........ thtree womaaon..........
How I feel about this character:
SHE NEEDED MORE SCREENTIME ISTG i get into it in another question but like AUUUGH they literally did NOTHING with her character and it pains me (also i really like her model in knack 1 lol)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
the doctor i guess??? they're canonically married does that count
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
her being a mother figure to knack and lucas is really cute and wonderful and brings me joy
My unpopular opinion about this character:
again idk if this is unpopular but i feel like she didn't serve much purpose in the first game other than an attempt at a plot twist that was poorly executed lol (still love her though)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
FOR THE LOVE OF GODDDDDDDD DO MORE WITH THE CONFLICT BETWEEN HUMANS AND GOBLINS. PLESASSE YOU HAVE THE PERFECT CHARACTER!!!!!!!! mark cerny when i fucking GET YOU (more serious answer: i wish the relationship between her and gundahar was explored more. in the first game it goes absolutely nowhere lorewise and it's completely forgotten in the second one like Come On Man its not that hard to write something at least halfway decent)
see above
My OT3:
also see above
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miridiums-writing · 4 years
Steve x timetraveling!reader
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Summary : Reader accidently somehow gets sent back in time and meets Steve
Warnings; swearing violence, reader being a cocky dickhead and a bit tsundere, I may or may not have envisioned reader as this grunge person with tattoos that looked scary and intimidating so I apologise if that doesn’t fit you aesthetic. Also if a peanut allergy, now you don’t. magic.
Shit, shit, shit was the only thing going around your head when you realized what had happened. You had previously sat at home half-way through getting ready for the day, your outfit only half finished, though thankfully you were wearing enough to cover everything. You looked relatively ok, maybe just a little shocked. You could hear the sound of a fist hitting something soft, in your curiosity you go to check it out. As you rounded the corner you saw quite a big guy beating up this smaller guy, who seemed to be protecting himself with what looked like a trashcan crouched down behind it, like a turtle. If you weren’t so worried at what the bigger guy could do to the smaller guy you would have laughed at the sight. You walk up to the larger male, a smirk setting into your features as you tap his shoulder. Once he had fully turned you punched him straight in the face. The man looked shocked at you as he held onto his nose, you then pulled on his ear and dragged him away until he pulled away and ran. You watched him run, tail between his legs, fully aware of the other guy staring at you in awe.
“You ok?” you ask still not turning to the guy yet, feeling maybe an air of mystery wouldn’t hurt anyone. “Yes, thank you, but I had it covered” At his claim you turned to him a laugh bubbling up before you could stop it “Sure seemed like it” he seemed to freeze at the sight of you, like he was shocked at what he saw. “Never seen anyone pretty before?” You said smirking down at him. At his lack of response, you sighed, giving him a hand to help him up. He took your hand, brushing off the invisible dust when he was on his feet once more. “Steve, Steve Rogers” he said extending his hand towards you, a small shy smile gracing his face. Slightly dumbfounded you shake his hand “Y/N” you said, trying to take his hand gently in yours, making sure not to squeeze his fragile hand too hard. “So.” Steve said, rubbing the back of his head unsure of where to go with this. “I’m new round here, think you can show me round shorty” You said, smirking once again as he looked at you in distaste of the nickname. “Drop the shorty and I will” He said, gaining a little confidence.
“deal,” he relaxes at that, seemingly glad he would no longer be called ‘shorty’ “Mouse” He deflates once more realizing he had walked right into it. He starts to lead you out of the alleyway towards a rather busy street, instantly you took up residence at his right, keeping him on the inside of the pavement away from the cars. It was almost instinct. As he was walking, he had gained a lot more confidence around you, starting to point out each alleyway, explaining how he had been beaten up in each. Being the cheeky way you are at the next alleyway you pointed to it “I beat up a misogynistic dickhead in that alleyway” pointing to the next you claimed you “Beat up a racist in the alleyway” as you both walked along it started to become a game between the two of you. Steve wasn’t as on edge as he had been to begin with around you now, starting to go with the flow, even ignoring when you called him cheeky nicknames.
The sun was setting when you realized how long you had spent with Steve, time seemingly flying by. Steve was a breath of fresh air from your usual day of ‘Alpha males’ with toxic masculinity. He questioned at one point as to why you insisted you stayed on the outside you tried to just move on, not wanting to admit that you liked him and didn’t want him to be hurt. Steve looked a little sad noticing the time and knowing you would both need to part soon. “Hey Stark, has that thing on tonight right? You going?” you ask, having earlier noticed multiple posters hanging around for that evening. “Yeah, me and Bucky are going why?”.
“Don’t go with Bucky” you said, not looking at his face, worried for his reaction
“Why, I don’t understand”
“I’m trying to ask you out just say yes” you said, now stopping and turning to him. Steve grinned at your outburst. “Sure, id like that”. Steve started leading you towards the event now, a smile that seemed permanent now.
The festival was crowded, putting you on edge, people were bustling around you both, meaning almost three times you had lost Steve. You almost wanted to hold onto Steve’s hand, but decided against it, not sire if it would make him uncomfortable. As you and Steve stood side by side waiting for the show to begin. Steve had bought a small bag of peanuts and was starting to chow down on them, periodically tipping the bag towards you and sharing them with you as you waited. You and Steve were making small talk about how many people were around when a hand clapped against Steve’s back. You instantly turned to smack them across the face for being rude when Steve held your hand back. “It’s fine, that’s Bucky” Allowing Steve to lower your hand you don’t fully relax, keeping your eye on Bucky not trusting him.
Both Steve and Bucky started joking at each other back and forth while you stood off to the side, with no intention of joining in. You stared ahead trying to ignore the looks both men gave you every so often, Bucky gave you confused, untrusting glances, like he didn’t trust your motives. Steve just kept looking at you, like he expected to leave if he didn’t look. When Bucky finally left Steve turned to you a bit shocked at how you had stayed. He honestly thought you would have left with Bucky rather than stay with him, it made him feel less insecure. Though for obvious reasons and his overwhelming anxiety taking over he kept that to himself rather than bring it up.
You both spent the rest of the night together, laughing and joking. Enjoying each-others presence and not worrying about things. You even pushed back thought of how you would get back to your own time, relaxing in Steve’s presence and letting your worries go for now. Though when the night came to a close you offered to walk Steve home, though he objected multiple times you finally convinced him, making sure he got home safely. Once you both arrived at his door, he turned to you, the small shy smile appearing again. “thankyou for today it was fun”
“we are doing it tomorrow” you said, turning away before Steve could see how flustered he got you. Once you turned the corner your body seemed to tingle, a feeling you faintly remember feeling sometime this morning before you collapsed.
You walked along, full glam, unbothered by the stares sent your way. You were used to it by now, knowing the way you liked dressing was slightly abnormal for most people. The only thing that threw you off balance was a rather tall man running past you, casually shouting “On your left as he went” instantly you recognized the voice and excitement bubbled in your stomach. “I honestly imagined the next time we met you would say something like ‘I got beat up in an alley again’ not ‘on your left’ how boring shorty” instantly he stopped, turning to you shock clearly shown on his face.
“Y/N? I thought you were dead, you didn’t turn up” he jogged back to you, taking your hands in his now much larger ones. He carried himself with more confidence was the first thing you noticed besides his growth spurt. “Sorry, I didn’t think through what I was saying, plus how do you casually put into conversation that your from the future, a bit hard” he nods in understanding the grin never leaving his face, he seemed giddy to see you, though for him it had been many years since you had spoken last. “what about you, I can’t call you shorty anymore. Finally gone through puberty then?” you asked, your smirk etching its way onto your face. Steve started to roar with laughter, attempting to catch his breath after a minute, tears streaming down his face. “Surprisingly enough I haven’t heard that one before, does this mean I can finally get my date?” he asked, hope filling his eyes as he looked down at you. You grinned up at him, the height difference was odd, but you knew who he was underneath it all, just a small boy from Brooklyn. “Yes, I will take you on that date, been beaten up in any alleyways recently?” You question, you both had started walking now, not quickly, just a slow wander through the park, your hands never leaving each other’s. “No, I’ve been beating up others. Well, now that I’ve gone through puberty think I can now walk on the outside?” you consider that for a moment, thinking back to the multiple times you had moved him to the inside and walked on the outside. A cheeky smile adorned your face as you answered. “Hell no”
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twiceblackvelvet · 5 years
hello sweetheart,, idk if the requests are open, n sorry for bothering id they arent ! in case they are, can i, please, get a blackvelvet version of the type of mother/wife they would be ?? thanks, have a good day !!
A/N; thank you for the request(s). i’ve split this one up since one post for all of that content would be way too long so this is just red velvet as mothers. blackpink as mothers is here. blackpink as wives is here. red velvet as wives is here. enjoy!
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kind of reserved parenting style
irene won’t be overly affectionate nor will she be distant
she’ll simply like to offer praise and encouragement instead
likes to think she’s a cool mom but she isn’t at all
instead, the things she believes are current trends will likely have been dead for years which can be embarrassing 
can be fairly strict in regards to education and setting goals
as she wants her child to have the best opportunities possible
but will also acknowledge that education sometimes is not for everyone
thus if they have a dream they wish to follow, she’ll turn into the child’s number one fan 
very reassuring and likes to have trust within her household
and to let her child know they can approach her with any issues they may have
elegant milf vibes
she will definitely annoy the other parents with how perfect she seems
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comforting and caring
seulgi will be kind of laidback in her parenting style
not wanting to interfere too much and will love to see independence within her child
she’s also a massive empath thus she’ll want to listen to any and all worries
and will feel personally hurt herself if they’re ever in a bad place
somehow just knows when to say or do the right things to reassure them
and will be full of useful advice for any situation
closer to a best friend rather than a mother
considered a cool parent by a lot of the child’s friends
and they will be jealous of her for being so lenient with everything
but also because she’s just kind-natured and full of adoration
will definitely encourage creativity over the regular methods of education
and wants her child to know they can be whoever they want to be
believes her child’s life is their own to make rather than hers to mold
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funny bordering on embarrassing
wendy will actively try her hardest to be a cool mom
but instead, she’s a little cringy
however, she’ll create a very fun home environment where a sense of humor is encouraged
she also values hard work and a positive mindset in regards to education
thus there will be many study sessions where she’ll be in tutor mode and very helpful
when she knows her child is worn out though
she’ll answer a simple question with the most outrageous answer possible to break the serious atmosphere
likes to have family talks at least once a week where she just checks in
asks about any issues or worries
and reminds her child that they are her number one priority in the world
no matter what will be endlessly supportive
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extremely embarrassing and overbearing
joy will not know what boundaries are in regards to her child
will try her very best to play the role of a best friend instead of mother
but will fail when she’s constantly almost fangirling over her child
even for the more unimportant things possible such as an award for attendance
which she herself guarantees but acts like it’s the nobel peace prize
no baby picture will be safe, they will all be shown to everyone who enters her home
quite lenient in all areas except she demands respect at all time
and will find it quite upsetting if ever it isn’t given to her
encourages an honest household and will offer her support at any time it is needed
will not care if the issue is big or small
she’ll want to know about it and help with fixing the problem
a lot to deal with but her heart is in the right place
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surprisingly quite a natural mother
there will be a few early struggles where she’s unsure if what she’s doing is right
but she’ll quickly learn methods that work for her and everything just slots into place
can be a little strict and stubborn at times
but it’s only because she doesn’t wish to create an environment where her child runs circles around her
the type to have a chores chart that she takes very seriously
not really the type you’d go to for advice but rather someone you can get an honest opinion from
and she will not hold back at all
almost too caring and supportive
but it’s just how she shows her child that she’s willing to do and give anything for them
she’ll probably befriend all of her child’s friends just to keep up to date on the latest things going on
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