#charlotte knack
knackfandomarchive · 19 days
I knew he was full of it!
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Charlotte needed more screen time oh my gosh. I'm not clever enough to fill the gaps in my fanfictions.
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bestbuybathroom · 5 months
How about, 003, Charlotte?
You may notice an agenda already [D;} can you believe there are only three women in the whole world? (Half-joke)
woaw........ thtree womaaon..........
How I feel about this character:
SHE NEEDED MORE SCREENTIME ISTG i get into it in another question but like AUUUGH they literally did NOTHING with her character and it pains me (also i really like her model in knack 1 lol)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
the doctor i guess??? they're canonically married does that count
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
her being a mother figure to knack and lucas is really cute and wonderful and brings me joy
My unpopular opinion about this character:
again idk if this is unpopular but i feel like she didn't serve much purpose in the first game other than an attempt at a plot twist that was poorly executed lol (still love her though)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
FOR THE LOVE OF GODDDDDDDD DO MORE WITH THE CONFLICT BETWEEN HUMANS AND GOBLINS. PLESASSE YOU HAVE THE PERFECT CHARACTER!!!!!!!! mark cerny when i fucking GET YOU (more serious answer: i wish the relationship between her and gundahar was explored more. in the first game it goes absolutely nowhere lorewise and it's completely forgotten in the second one like Come On Man its not that hard to write something at least halfway decent)
see above
My OT3:
also see above
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theonewhospeaksinweird · 10 months
💛💙Protected (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 3💛💙
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted) 
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal 
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Part 3, as promised!~ It all comes to the thrilling conclusion, and I FINALLY get to the scene that started this whole story.~ After about collectively 18.5 k words.~ All I can say in my defense is that...THIS MAN IS TOO FINE!~ If you don't want the ✨spicy✨ part of this story, that's totally fine.~ Just stop reading at the line of star squids.~ Enjoy, dearies.~
Minors, Do Not Interact, Please.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 <- - Part 3
Although I wished for it, the silence that abruptly replaced the sounds of destruction and fighting startled me, along with the suddenly very loud shouting of Pekoms in my ear. 
“Y/N! It’ll be okay-!” The pink clad mink cut himself off at the abrupt silence. Our heavy breaths were the only thing filling the new quiet. We both slowly detached from each other and looked around us to see the same semi-transparent white shield that I had created earlier. Its opaqueness varied in pulses, so I could see that everything around us had crumbled into rubble except the ground inside the bubble.
“What the fuck?” Pekoms mumbled out, looking around until his gaze fell back onto me who looked equally surprised. This sudden change shocked my panicked mind out of its frenzied state, allowing me to calm myself down. The calmer I became, the more I realized how drained I felt again and leaned against Pekoms once more.
“Is this yours, Y/N?” Looking up at my reflection in Pekoms’ black glasses, I gave a hesitant nod before responding.
“Y-Yeah, I guess it is. . . “ This new power still felt weird to me. More so the after effects of me being fatigued and suddenly so calm. It bothered me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was like the emotions just expelled from my body. Before our conversation could continue on, some movement caught the corner of my eye. A beat up, and barely moving Strawhat had crawled out of a large hole in the ground.
Once again, the bubble popped so suddenly when my heart jumped into my throat in dread. 
Where was Katakuri? 
With the barrier gone, the rubble around us sank into our little hole, but I ignored it and the weariness tugging at my bones, scrambling over the debris. Desperation clawed its way back into my heart and showed in my deep purple antennae as I crested the pile of rubble, searching for my husband. Tears burned my darting eyes, blurring my vision, until they fell onto the large body sprawled out beside the hole. Katakuri. No scarf in sight. My breath hitched, and the tears fell freely as I took in what that entailed. A part of me already knew what the outcome of this fight would be, but it still hurt to be right. This was the last thing I wanted to be right about.
I felt Pekoms come up beside me on the rubble, his reaction being the opposite of mine when he saw Strawhat alive. Before either of us could go to our respective fighters, the sound of those familiar spurs clanked twice through the air as Katakuri struggled to his feet in front of a crawling Strawhat. I was frozen to my spot, watching with bated breaths as he swayed on his feet. Blue light bathed either side of my face as my antennae drooped down.
"Kata. . . " I whispered out, thinking he was going to try and continue fighting. I wish I could grab the bracelet from my hair and know what was going through his heart and mind right now, but I was glued to my spot, unable to even get past the state he was in. There was blood dripping from multiple wounds, the largest being a hole in his side, fresh bruises littering his body, sure to be a nasty color tomorrow, and his entire body shaking with exhaustion.  
At the obstruction, the retreating captain stood up as well, readying himself for a fight that neither of them seemed to be in the shape to continue. Pekoms growled beside me, seemingly unhappy with the fact that Strawhat was still trying to fight with Katakuri.
"That damn brat doesn't know when to quit, huh? Tch, I figured as much." And with that, my travel companion parted from my side and away from the two fighters. I was about to get up myself, to try and convince my injured husband to stop. That dying for his mother's cause wouldn't change a thing. Maybe it was selfish of me to think so, but I just knew I couldn't live without him. I barely know how I lived before him. Before I could force myself to move, my husband's raspy question stopped me. 
"Are you gonna come back. . . to take down Big Mom one day?" 
Huh? Was he asking this boy to. . ?
"Of course I am! Cause I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"
Then, the most bizarre thing happened.
Katakuri smiled. He smiled at the thought of someone taking down his mother.
"You must be looking far into the future!" He exclaimed as he started swaying more on his feet. Looking like he was about to fall again is what finally spurred me to action. I didn't know what happened in that fight for him to be so open about his feelings with this enemy, but that hardly mattered now. I started sprinting across the ruined floor, tripping and falling over debris as Katakuri began falling. Onto his back, no less. He was on his stomach before.
I knew I couldn't catch him, but I'd been apart from him for too long, and he needed me just as much as I needed him right now. He landed with a resounding thud that hurt my heart. I could see Strawhat standing there in shock as I finally got to my husband's side. My knees cut on the broken floor at his sides, but I hardly cared as I frantically looked over my defeated husband.
"Katakuri! No no no, are you okay? Please don't die! I love you too much to let you die!" I wasn't sure what to do first, he was unresponsive. The first thing I could think of was to stop the bleeding from the big gash on his side. With nothing else to use, I took the skirt of my dress and pressed it into the wound. The fabric of my skirt was too sheer, though, and barely did anything to stop the flowing life force. As I thought about what to do instead, I could feel another person approaching. 
Strawhat Luffy. 
Meeting him face to face like this instead of through his Haki had a different effect. He didn't seem like a dangerous guy, in fact he seemed quite simple. Yet here Katakuri was, flat on his back after their battle. He had big, round black eyes that shone with determination –towards what, I didn't know just yet– and his mouth was set in a fine line. It unnerved me that I couldn’t take any emotions from his blank face. He was worse than when I first met Katakuri. Strawhat looked far more beat up than Katakuri, which I secretly relished, but was at least able to stumble his way towards us. I knew I stood no chance at fighting this guy if he wanted to finish off my husband, but I'd be damned if I didn't do anything.
"Go away! You won! Isn't that enough? He's already down, so just leave, go find your crew!" I splayed myself protectively in front of my husband. I wouldn't be much of a hindrance if this guy really wanted to get rid of me, though I could stall. If only for a few moments. He ignored me and got closer. I was shaking. Shaking in both anger and fear to make a deep magenta as he dared ignore me. When he was a few steps away, I covered half my arm in Haki –that was the most I could use even after 2 years of training– and threw a punch as hard as I could at him. Even in his weakened form, the infamous pirate caught my fist effortlessly. I strained against him, staring heatedly into his thoughtless eyes. 
With the contact, I searched his emotions and intent, if only to predict his line of thought, but what I found was nothing I expected. Through the pain and exhaustion were strong threads of respect and twinges of sorrow. They were towards Katakuri. That caught me off guard, and the loss of concentration made my Haki disappear. Strawhat didn't move against me as he stared blankly into my confused eyes.
"I'm not gonna hurt him." 
And for some reason, I believed him. I kept my eyes on him as I slowly took back my hand, my magenta lightening to a curious yellow. His grip wasn't very tight in the first place. He turned his attention to my still unconscious lover, and I watched as he stepped past me, took the black hat off of his namesake hat and put it over Katakuri's mouth. That surprised me even more. To think that Strawhat respected him enough to cover his biggest insecurity even after he won. Vice versa with Katakuri taking this fight so seriously that he exposed himself in full to this rambunctious teen.
The boy left after that, staggering his way aimlessly down a winding hall of the half destroyed Mirro-World. I'm sure Pekoms would find and help him. This was out of my hands now that Katakuri had been defeated. Returning my attention back to my lover, I let out a tired sigh. I'd never seen my husband look so beat up before. The thought of how much pain he must be in brought the tears back to my eyes. It was over now, his part was done, and everything was coming down. 
"Oh, Kata. Your mother doesn't deserve you." My quiet words came out watery as I pet his dirty magenta hair a little, wishing I could hold him more, but I didn't want to cause him anymore pain. I wouldn't even be able to get serious help for him until Brulee came back, which I'm sure will be a while since Pekoms needed her for Strawhat's escape. I hope she's alright. My hand moved from his head to the black hat Strawhat had put over his mouth, removing it so I could see his full face. He was still the most handsome man ever. With a sad smile, I bent over and kissed his forehead hoping he would feel the love in it even while he was asleep. 
Looking around, I saw my abandoned medical kit lying on the ground a bit of ways away slightly under some rubble. For hopefully one of the last times today, I made myself get up to retrieve it. My tears had slowed, but when I came back and began cleaning up my husband they streaked down my dirty face again. The warm rivulets of tears dripped from my chin and nose onto his chest as I leaned over him. Starting with his face, I used alcohol wipes to wipe away the dirt and gently clean his cuts. This medical kit only had basic things, so I used all the candy design bandages where I could, and the gauze on his big gash. After about half an hour of quietly working, my silent cries had been reduced to the occasional sniffle here and there. 
The appearance of Katakuri had improved, and everything was at least cleaned, though he looked a bit silly with all the cutesy bandages covering his face and torso. With a weary sigh, I turned my attention to the pile of dirty and bloodied wipes with a grimace. As I began stuffing them into the basically empty medical kit, a groan interrupted the deafening background noise of the Mirro-World. My attention immediately snapped to my husband whose face was contorting from peace to pain. His large hand came up to his dirty locks, grasping at his head as he let out another sound of pain. My breath caught in my throat at the sound.
"Kat. . . Katakuri. . !" My throat closed up before I could get anything else out, and let myself fall down onto his free arm. I could feel him freeze as I let out all my pent up emotions. Everything oozed out of me like a toxic slime with each shuddering sob. Pain. Sorrow. Fear. Relief. All the tension I was holding in my chest slowly drained out of me. I was weak in the presence of my protector.
“You’re okay! You’re alive! Everything was rumbling and falling apart, I saw you fall and he came over and I thought he was gonna. . . he was gonna-!” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. Not right now at least. Maybe never again. Wave after wave of tears fell in fat blobs down my face, and I couldn’t stop shaking as I held on tight to Katakuri’s arm. I could feel his regret, pain and shame mixing in with my turbulent emotions at the sight of me crying. My antennae settled into a deep cerulean blue that lit up my crying visage. It wasn’t long before I felt his free hand come to my back and rub it gently. That only encouraged my breakdown, enticing me to hug his arm in my hold tighter. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve put you through too much today. I’m sorry I couldn’t win. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough. I’m sorry-” 
“No! Be-Be quiet!!” I shook my head in a childish manner, not wanting to hear those remorseful words misplaced in his mouth. His voice was shaky and his chest shuddered with every regretful word he pushed out, seemingly on the edge of joining me in tears. Whether that was my doing or his own sorrow showing itself, I didn't know. The sound of him being so defeated brought back the anger I felt earlier towards Strawhat, but this time it was aimed towards the real culprit: Big Mom. 
None of this would’ve happened if she hadn’t taken that blonde cook. He obviously wanted nothing to do with Germa, not that I blame him for disassociating from those monsters. Yes, Katakuri would always protect his family because of his own sense of responsibility and love, but she created and invited this threat, just like every other danger, to the family. I knew he could feel my silent anger, but I didn't dare bring up that topic right now. For the moment being, I was just worried about my husband, and only him.
Lifting my head up, my mouth was downturned in a frown as I subdued my crying and swallowed my indignation to continue talking. I saw the suspected tears in Katakuri’s eyes as he moved his shiny gaze from the ruined ceiling to my indignant face. Oh, how I hated that self-loathing look in his beautiful red eyes.
“None of this is your fault. You did your best, I know you did, Katakuri. Why are you apologizing to me when you took on such a powerful opponent with everything you had? You were lying here in a bloody heap at the end of your battle, all because of that damn Strawhat boy. You are more than enough. More than your mom or I deserve. The only thing you should be apologizing for is making me think you died.” The last part of my rant was whispered quietly, the words being the biggest fear I’ve had all day. I swiped at my face, trying fruitlessly to wipe away some of the wetness coating it. His sharp toothed mouth hung open like a fish out of water. He had nothing to say to my rebuttal, but the swelling of tears slipping down his face said it all. 
The tight feeling of anger was washed away completely by that soft face. The face of a man who’s been given the grace he deserves. Seeing him crying made me smile. He would have never shown this type of emotion to anyone else in his family since he wanted to be seen as an immovable force that protects them, but now that image was shattered. And I'm starting to think it's a good thing he lost. I threw myself down onto his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. A watery laugh escaped me as I buried my face into his strong neck and his large arms enveloped me in their comforting embrace. Even though he lost, he was still my protector. In his arms was still the safest place I felt I could be.
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Muffled voices prodded at my subconscious. I couldn’t discern anything as I pressed my face closer to the warm, squishy thing I lay upon. One of the voices was deeper and closer than the others, the vibration of their words humming through my body. I tried to just ignore it and go back to sleep, but the longer the voices continued the more awake I became. And with my resurfacing consciousness came the pain of my body as I tried moving. The soreness everywhere and sharp pain on my knees made me grimace in regret.
“Shh. . . sleeping. . . don't wake. . .”
“. . . eeping? . . hard as a rock. . . she won’t wake. . .” 
The two other voices that weren't the soothing rumbling began to argue, and until I opened my eyes I wasn't sure where I was, or who was talking. The first thing I saw was pink. Bleariness had my mind as slow as a tortoise as I peeled my face away from the squishy pink thing. Pulling away further, I realized it was a person’s chest. My husband’s chest to be exact. Finally, everything came rushing back and anxiety shot through me like an archer’s arrow. Despite my sore body’s protests, I sat up and looked around wildly. 
I was in Katakuri and my’s room, lying in our bed. Katakuri sat propped up beside me with a lot of large pillows behind him and heavily bandaged. On either side of our bed was Cracker and Brulee, who was the source of the “hushed” bickering. Everyone froze when I popped up like a gopher. I probably looked like a mess right now, and acting so crazy definitely didn't help that rap. Brulee was the first to break the deafening silence. 
“Y/N-nii! You're okay! I was so worried that you weren't gonna wake up just like Katakuri-nii! It was horrible what you two went through! That damn Strawhat, I'll kill him myself!” The large, wispy woman had pounced on me when she started her blubbering, holding onto me tightly by my waist while crying into my stomach. Her tight embrace didn't do my aching body any favors, but the familiar touch made me relax. Her feelings of relief and joy gave me a small boost of energy.
“Sorry to worry you, Brulee. It's okay, I'm fine.” I wheezed out with strained breaths. 
“Get off of her, you witch! You’re really gonna kill her like that!” Cracker came to my rescue in his own little Cracker way. His instigation made the emotional woman let go of me and engage in yet another bickering match, but this one was full volume now that they didn't have to worry about waking me up. I rubbed at my tender muscles while letting out a few amused chuckles. With his siblings’ distraction, I had forgotten to address my husband beside me.
“I'm glad you're awake.” His baritone voice commented quietly. My heart leapt to my throat, and I couldn't turn around fast enough to fully focus on him. There he was, in all his handsome glory. The fact that I could see his whole face caught me off guard. I glanced from him to his two siblings with a silent question before scooting back to his bare side. I decided to voice my obvious question when he said nothing.
“Why aren't you wearing-?”
“I don't need it. At least not with them, and not right now. Mama has decided to continue pursuing Strawhat who is heading to Wano. Some of our siblings are going with her while the rest of us stay to recuperate and rebuild the kingdom.” Despite his serious words, there was a small smile on Katakuri’s face as he talked about his mother going to chase Strawhat Luffy. It made me think about the question he asked that boy. The connection made me giggle. 
Cracker and Brulee stopped their argument at my tinkle of laughter. I couldn't hold it in, and my giggles grew into a full on laughter. Katakuri smiled happily at my joy, soon joining me with a few low chuckles of his own that blossomed into one of his rare laughters as well. We couldn't see it, but Brulee was smiling fondly at our seemingly random laughter with Cracker looking bewildered between all three of us. 
“What the fuck are you both laughin-”
“Come on, let's go check on our other siblings, Cracker.” Brulee grabbed Cracker by a bandaged arm, eliciting a pained cry from him, and dragged him from his seat to our nearby full length mirror. With a hefty push from the tall woman, Cracker was sent into the Mirro-World. Before she went through herself, she spoke to us as we came down from our laughing high.
“You two should rest. I'll tell everyone to let you have your time alone today, wiwiwi.~” And with that, we were alone. I sat there catching my breath as the peace settled in our room. A deep breath quieted my emotions into content, and I could feel the same coming from my paramount husband. My arms snaked around as much of his chest as they could and gave him a tight squeeze which I was sure he barely felt. 
“I'm glad you're happy. Happier. Maybe now. . . you could be more yourself. No more hiding and putting up that omnipotent facade.” Hope for my lover’s possible boost in his self-image bloomed in my chest as I slowly tilted my head up to look at him. He wouldn't look me in the eye, and there was a solemn doubt in his eyes and heart. 
“Perhaps. Though, things of this matter are not so easily changed. Especially not in my family. You know this.” His comment procured a furrow on my brow. Not wanting him to fall off into a dark place again so quickly, I moved into his lap, straddling his waist as my small hands reached up to direct his face to mine. 
“What if you were the one to change that?” That simple question held a few different meanings. Meanings I'm sure the man before me could easily decipher after three years of marriage. He’d never admit it to anyone, but I felt it. I felt his relief when he lost. The joy when Strawhat said he’d come back. The buried hope that Big Mom would fall. Every burden he’s been caused was because of his mother, as is with his siblings. It was a sure bet that Katakuri would be voted the captain of the Big Mom Pirates if his mother fell. Then he could begin to heal his family and himself. 
Katakuri stayed quiet for a good few moments, but I didn't need a verbal answer. I knew the answer of his heart. With my hands on his jaw, and us finally being alone after such a long, draining battle, I couldn't help the beckoning I felt towards him. Even all bandaged up and bed ridden, Katakuri still had my heart and body in a hold. The pain of the cuts on my knees were no match for the yearning burning in me. With deliberate movements, it didn't take long for my lips to slowly mesh into his. The familiar feeling of his sharp teeth prodded at my chin and upper lip, but it just spurred me on. He tasted like donuts, as usual. 
Katakuri seemed to have no qualms with my choice of action since his large hands were soon encompassing my hips. Lithe fingertips danced from his jaw to the back of his neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps along the way. His semi upright position on the bed made it easier for me to lay upon him fully and deepen our sweet kiss. My heart raced faster, and I already knew my antennae were a deep rose pink as they lowered against my head. With flushed cheeks, I minimally pulled away to catch my breath. Upon opening my eyes, my lust filled ones were met with the love littered ones of my husband. The look he gave me, made me a bit shy for being so forthright with my desires. Though, the tent I felt against my butt suggested that it was not unwelcome. 
After a brief spell of bashfulness, I willed myself to continue. It was too late to stop, and I had done enough holding back during the day of the wedding. Not to mention the time I've been asleep. With that thought in mind, I crashed my eager mouth back into Katakuri’s, wrapping my arms around his muscled neck. I could feel him taking in a deep breath through nose but didn't pull away. In fact, he pulled me closer by my hips. Kata was as needy as I was, but still maintained his self-restrictions. His apprehensiveness to indulge himself in me had my clenching insides groaning in exasperation. It wasn't long before I was pushing myself back against his growing sex with apparent longing. 
Our passionate kiss devolved into one of sloppy desire until I wrenched my lips from his to latch onto his neck. With it being covered all the time, it was an easy weakness I could exploit. Just a soft faux bite right below his jaw had him squeezing my hips tighter. A restrained groan hummed against my mouth as Kata let out hot, heavy pants against my shoulder. I continued my soft bites into his warm skin. My teeth sunk into his flesh, tasting mochi, which showed that he allowed me to do this. The feeling of his large muscles straining against me as he still held himself back drew out soft whines from my throat. 
“Kata.~ Please, I need you so bad. I know you want to use me.” My usually modest voice rang with sultry desire as I whispered into my husband’s ear. My teasing yanked another seemingly pained groan from him, making him press his sharp nose to my shoulder. Those sharp teeth were just a hair away from my own neck. The thought of what he could do to me with them made me shiver.
“Don't do this to me, love. I can't. . . I might just. . .” He growled out his labored warning to me. Usually, I would back off and continue to set the pace, but today was different. Today, I wanted to press all the wrong buttons to get the “punishment” I've always been threatened with. For once I wanted my husband to be the one in pure sensual bliss. He deserved it after everything he’s been through. This was my gift to him. If he couldn't unapologetically be himself anywhere else in his life, I wanted him to be completely open with me. Verbally and physically.
Deciding upon this course of action put a tingle in my spine. I could finally do all the teasing I wanted and say all those things that drove him crazy. Katakuri had been preoccupying himself with kneading my bare thighs from under my nightgown and leaving soft kisses along my now exposed shoulder. Soft mumbles of praise from him to me sung into my ears, only making me more excited for what was to come. He was already teetering on a thin edge. 
I continued to roll my hips back and forth against his fully hard bulge. Slowly and deliberately. A soft whimper escaped me each time I rolled just right over my sensitive spot, clinging to him like he was my lifeline. 
“You can't leave me like this. I want it all, I know I can take it. Just fuck me all you want. It'd be so easy and feel so good.~” Yet another growl rumbled against my chest from his as I continued whispering dirty nothings in his ear. 
“Y/N. Stop. Please.” He used my full name. He was serious, but despite his firm tone, I could feel his raging lust banging on the grates of his body. Screaming from the sewers to let it come out to play to its heart content. I was dangling the key so carelessly above the ravenous hands stretching through the gaps. My own lust had already taken over my body. It was in control with the rest of my emotions tied up and left to watch with morbid curiosity how this would end. All I did was smile and run my hands down his chiseled chest. 
I didn't respond to his plea and demand, but instead continued my dangerous game. I detached myself from him and led my lips on a trail from his neck to his waist band. As I looked up at my needy lover, I could see the dangerous glint in his red eyes. Not the one he got when he was fighting, this was different. It felt more animalistic and unkempt. Something I hadn't felt in him before. It was like there was a whole new part of him that had been closed off, and I was the first to experience it this way. My butt swayed restlessly behind me, my lower stomach begging for relief of this infernal itch deep inside me. And there was only one way to get rid of it. Excitement overrode my momentary fear as I held his warning gaze while making quick work of his pants and boxers.
Finally, the thing I pined after stood before me, lighting my body abuzz and cheeks ablaze. Precum had darkened a wet spot on his boxers and showed no signs of stopping as his cock twitched and pulsed in my hands. A giggle bubbled out of me as I pressed my cheek to the shaft and kissed my way up to the soft, wet tip. I hummed in satisfaction when the soft pink head slid into my mouth, my tongue swirling around his sensitive glands. Just with this much, my mouth was half full, but I knew that other parts of me could handle him just fine. I felt like I could handle anything as long as it satisfied him. This progress had Katakuri moaning and gently holding my head. There was no push of his hands or buck of his hips, but I knew he wanted more. Well if he wanted more today, then he’d have to take more. I let go of my tight grip on his head with a pop, licking my lips as I swallowed his stringy fluids. 
“Doesn't my mouth feel good? You know what would feel even better than my little mouth?” I called out once again to Kata, bringing him out of his haze of pleasure. I continued to slowly pump his full length with both hands, but only rubbed his tip along my now wet cheek. 
“Ka-ta-kur-i.~ Why don't you wanna make your wife feel good?~ I'm begging you.~ I promise it will feel great for both of us.~ Please?~” A faux pout puffed my cheeks when he didn't respond, just letting out those deep, restraining growls and grunts. I knew it would take more than a little teasing to get him to let loose. I let go of his cock fully and sat up on my bandaged knees. The adrenaline pumping through my hot body nulled the pain from them as I took the straps of my nightgown and tugged them leisurely down my arms. The thin, flowy fabric of the gown already showed my perked up nipples through it, but I knew he liked seeing the real deal. The small straps fell off my fingers, but bunched up on my hips, unable to completely fall off without some assistance. 
I crawled back on top of my heavily breathing husband, his sharp eyes hooded with lust, hovering my gooey entrance over his weeping tip. The urge to slide down on it, and ride us both to completion was tempting, but kept my eyes on the prize. Or eyes on the punishment, more like. With us face to face again, I could feel the hot breaths emanating from his mouth and fanning against my face. He could feel my awaiting sex so close as well. Those dangerous eyes trailed from my exposed breasts to my still covered lower half leaving me feeling vulnerable under their piercing scrutiny. He was expecting me to continue my undressing and, subsequently, start riding him like usual. All I did was give him a smile.
“Need some help?” He asked lowly and gruffly. There was a gravel to his voice that brought back the urge once again. It was so close. No. I had a plan. I reserved the right to give my husband what he needs. Even if he doesn’t think he needs it. I gave a nod, unable to talk as his hot gaze stayed on my face. Wanting to ignore his commanding stare, I moved closer to his face. I knew something that he fell apart at. My damp lips pressed against the clammy skin of his cheek, adorning his scar with a kiss. I didn't stop at one, and softly placed a kiss all along his left cheek’s scar. The skin was smooth but raised, and I would imagine it was as sensitive as his neck. My assumption was proven right when he sucked in a sharp breath, held it, then let it out shakily. 
I could feel his hands squeeze at the damp skin on my thighs closest to my entrance before languidly sliding up to my silky gown. Suddenly, with what seemed like little to no effort, he grabbed both sides of my clothing and tore it in two along with my panties. The sound of the threads snapping so quickly had my breath catching in my throat. Pulling back from his cheek, his eyebrows were furrowed like he was angry, and he was. Angry at the built up sexual frustration and my teasing. Gradually, he sat up, making me quickly hug onto his neck and press my fully naked body to his chest. It didn't take long for our positions to be switched with me underneath Katakuri, and him huffing above me. His hands were quick to push down his pants more and tug them off of himself fully, but swiftly went back to caging me against the bed. 
“Do you need something, dear?~” I moved to an innocent facade, but I knew he saw right through me. I was excited and the way my legs wrapped around his waist and positioned his head at my awaiting entrance was proof of that. He didn't respond yet, and just moved his right arm above me to hold himself up as his left hand moved underneath my lower back to hold me tight. Not too tight to hurt me, but I couldn't hope to get out of his grip. Not that I wanted to.
“You want to take me whole? Want to make me feel good with your little needy hole? Is that what my pretty little wife wants?” Katakuri hardly ever talked dirty to me. Usually it was just praise and sweet talk as we took it slow, maybe the occasional innuendo. But this was him listening to my wants and his needs obliging. This new side of him had me half scared of the consequences and half begging for the pleasure. The duality wasn’t hard to choose between. He was standing on the wire, and all I had to do was blow him one way or another. This was probably my last chance to turn back.
“I need an answer, love. Tell me to stop.” His soft voice was begging me to tell him no. He was scared of hurting me still, even though he so clearly wanted to fuck me to his heart’s content. I had convinced a part of him to act on his wants for once. The sweet side of him that I was used to was barely holding back the ravenous animal that was clawing its way to the surface. All I could do was smile and put a hand to his clenched jaw as I raised my lips to his ear.
“Do what you want.~” A silent beat. Two. A deep, almost pained, groan erupted from my husband. Soon, my twitchy insides were being stretched to their limits. His impossibly hard cock was already halfway inside of me, bullying its way to my cervix. The suddenness knocked the breath out of me, but a gasping moan fell from my lips. I clenched hard around his member, telling him to continue. My efforts were met with a deeply pleasured moan from the giant man above me. Before now, Katakuri would have told me to stop here to keep me from hurting myself. That worry was nowhere to be seen now as his hips pulled back slowly only to snap forward once again, burying his cock deeper inside of me still. 
“Fuck! Oh my gosh, it's so good! Kata!” My words slurred together as the disarming pleasure rolled through my body like a riptide, sweeping my wits from under me. I never knew sex could feel this wild. My reactions to his movements reassured the part of him still worried about my well being, allowing him to more assuredly continue his pace. A steady rhythm was set, faster than one we’ve had before. His large hand encapsulating my waist moved me back and forth in sync with his hips. I felt like a ragdoll being used for his pleasure. Each deep pound felt like I was being split apart, but I could hardly keep up with every one as my head spun with pleasure. 
Katakuri was in no better state than I was, seemingly drunk on the bliss that fucking me like this brought. His face was buried in the pillow above my head, and I could hear him mumbling to himself. It was hard to pick up every word, but I could tell it was about how good he felt. The satisfaction of hearing him sound so lost in the pleasure only made every snap of his hips feel that much better. I explored his sweaty chest with my hands as my legs clung to his sides. One hand traveled up to his damp, magenta locks, raking their way up and down his scalp. This enticed him to lower his head from the pillow to my face and engage me in a sloppy yet passionate kiss.
I desperately sunk my fingers into his hair, holding him to me as we made out. I craved him, every last part of him I adored and I wanted all of him to be mine. Needy whines and whimpers of mine sounded into our kiss as I departed to talk. 
“Don't stop. Don't stop until you're satisfied. I love you so much, please, feel so good for me. You're so deep in me and I love it!~” The confident attitude I had earlier had dissipated in the face of Katakuri’s raw power, and now I just wanted to please my husband. His whole cock was almost fully sheathed inside of me every time his hips hit my thighs. My insides felt so gooey and stretched out already. I had already cum once, and everything was getting to be too much. We hadn’t gone this long before, and I wasn't used to the power of his full thrusts. 
Katakuri stared down at me, locked onto my blissed out face contorted erotically as I begged for him. That seemed to spur him up again, and I could feel a burst of love and sexual fervor rush from him to me. With renewed energy, he sat up on his knees, taking his member out of me. The emptiness I felt without him made me fuss and shake my hips in dissatisfaction. Without a word, I was flipped over onto my stomach and returned the fullness of my husband’s cock but from behind. His hot tip dragged along all the right places as he slid inside me again. Involuntarily, my eyes rolled back, and a loud groan escaped me. The same hand returned to its spot around my waist to hold me in place as Katakuri restarted his pace in this new position. 
This turn of events knocked the breath of me again, and I was left wheezing as he lay on top of me, pressing me into the bed with his hard chest at my back. Nails gripped the sheets, toes curled, but I couldn't let out a single word. I didn't have to because he began mumbling again, but this time in my ear so I could hear.
“I have such a beautiful wife. I'm so lucky to have you, I'm sorry I'm so selfish. It just feels so good, you feel so good. Thank you for letting me feel so good with you. I can't stop until I make you feel the best. I love you too, Y/N, I love you.” He continued to repeat snippets of that as he got sloppy with his thrusts. Despite the slower pace, each thrust slammed into my butt like a sledgehammer, bringing out my second orgasm. This one was more intense as tears sprouted to my eyes and my walls spasmed hard around his cock. The overstimulation left me a wreck as I blubbered out, “I'm cumming, cummin’, cumminggg!~” deliriously.
That was the last straw for Katakuri as he grunted loudly a few times before quickly pulling out and making a mess of my back with his own cum. Harsh breaths from both of us filled the muggy, sex smelling air of our room. It didn't take long for Katakuri to finish letting everything out, so soon he collapsed beside me on his back. We both took a good amount of time calming down from the heated sex we just had. I was fully satisfied, if not overly so, as I lay there covered in cum and with my orgasm leaking out of me. I could already feel my back hurting from the arch it was forced into by my lover's thrusts and weight, but none of that mattered. 
All that mattered was the dazed look of full satisfaction in Katakuri’s eyes as he came down from his high. He always held himself back when we had sex. This was the last wall he had up in front of me, that deep rooted fear of hurting me keeping him from entirely enjoying himself. I was grateful for the amount of vulnerability I was able to see from my paramount husband on a regular basis, but call me greedy because I wanted every last part of him on display for me. We were two very opposite people when it came to sharing our wants and needs, but as we’ve proved over the past three years, opposites attract.
“Can. . . we do that more?” Asked a meek Katakuri, his deep voice cutting through the silence. My face was buried in the mattress, but I turned it towards him with a lopsided smile. 
“I thought you'd never ask. Though, maybe next time we should use protection so you don't have to pull out.” I winked at him as his already red cheeks darkened. An embarrassed groan escaped him and he quickly got up to head to the bathroom. 
“I'm getting a towel for you and running a bath. Maybe once you're clean you'll stop instigating such dirty actions.” He grumbled, making me pout. I opened my mouth to retort, but he beat me to the punch.
“Don't say that unless you’re ready for the punishment.” 
Damn his future vision. With a huff, I stayed silent and just waited for my towel. For now. As I waited, my gaze drifted over to Katakuri’s nightstand. On it sat that dirty black hat that Strawhat put on his mouth after their battle. My eyes softened at the memento. I'd have to thank Strawhat one day for what he did for Katakuri. 
My antennae turned dusty pink.
And with that, This little unexpected mini series of my favorite mochi man ends.~ This won't be the last of him, but I have other wonderful characters that are calling my name.~ Thank you, dearies, and see you, hopefully, soon.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 <- - Part 3
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sukibenders · 5 months
Bridgerton when it sees two female characters being kind and friendly with one another: oh, how sweet. Okay now, to spice it up, let's just shoe in some needless drama and/or make one resent the other. It'll be great!
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chibifox2002 · 7 days
Knack au stuffs
The doodles are in story order after the top two design ones.
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psalm40speakstome · 8 months
Rebel Moon A Child Of Fire
I ship Sam and Aris so much and am pretty certain this will be a problem since I seem to sell my soul to zero content, never canonized or one of them dies ships.
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must4rds33d · 8 months
getting a dip pen is one of the best decisions of my life. now i can pretend to be a 19th century englishwoman who writes heartfelt letters to her married belgian professor
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difty-dift · 11 months
Name one scene, trope, or concept you'd really like to see in a hypothetical third game of KNACK.
Why not 3 for 3~?
Scene: I want a scene with Knack alone, contemplating his existence and purpose. We've gotten scenes of Knack on his own, even with perfect opportunities to have him think aloud to himself, but >:P nothing. I want him to think about himself, why he's doing the things he's doing, what he wants, what he's fighting for (in the context of the current narrative and overall trilogy as well). I just want more knacktent (Knack content)
Trope: I want Knack to have to team up with the enemy. I dunno if that trope has a snappy name or not lol. Either they need to get out of a mutually undesirable situation together, or it's a long form temporary truce. Knack fighting with goblins or else would be pretty fun to see and play through. Also he could use cool tech maybe~
Concept: okay this a just a real personal desire of mine but I really want to see some form of canonization for, don't know what to call them, the other Knack boys. Like Robo Knack and Player 2 blue Knack (I call him Knick :3c). I think it'd be pretty awesome if they could be implemented into the world in a organic way as well as have them be playable or something. I love Knack but I love having multiple playable characters too (even if they play the same). Hell I'd enjoy playing as Lucas too, hookshooting everywhere, maybe a stealth mission for him, a mech... I guess more playable characters is the concept hehe
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jamismejamiam · 1 year
My Charlotte design!! :^]] I might do small redesigns for most of the characters cause I just really like doing them
My main gripe with Charlotte's design in the first game is that she just looks a bit too put together😭 idk it's hard to believe she was living with goblins and probably sleeping in the forest yknow, I also wanted to make her look a bit more like a mechanic
I luv herr <3
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lovelyxhorrors · 2 years
A body drops once blood has stained the floors, another body drops when the blood stains the walls. A chuckle came from a youth with crimson eyes that glows in the dark. He sees a panicked man who witness the kill tries to aim his gun at him. But he didn’t get to blink as his world became upside down when the boy swung his machete, liberating the head from his shoulders. 
The teen chuckles and continues to hunt, hunting down a gang who claim that they’re the strongest on the block. Screams are heard, streetlights are turned off or rather fade away as the block was engulfed by a dome of darkness. Shots were fired but the screaming continues.
Soon the darkness retracts back to the boy self as he is surrounded by pile of dead clothed prey at his feed. Then he blinks as his red eyes glances at a direction. “Hm?” 
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Matt blinks. “Is someone here?” He asked, looking towards the alleyway
Matt Knack aka Killer Night finds @infinitexmuses​ ( Chara )
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jyoongim · 3 months
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🎻 ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯 ℜ𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔬🎻
Chapter One
The bitter cold of winter has finally given way to the refreshing warmth of spring. As the spring season rolls in, life and flowers are back in bloom. But that is not the only thing in bloom, no no no.
Many youth from prestigious families are in bloom as well. The refreshing air of spring has given way to the start of the biggest social event in the South.
The Marriage Market.
A time where once youthful elites, now must enter society and find a suitable match, whether that be for love or business, to secure high status.
Will this season’s market be successful? Will there be scandal? Will there be a love match made and a wedding this season?
Well, I guess that is something we should wait to see isn’t it my dear readers?
The gentle rocking of the carriage was luring you to sleep as you watched the scenery go by. The greenery and the smell of honeysuckles always had a special place in your heart. You always loved the country, preferring the quiet hum of the bayou over the hustle and bustle of the city, but you guessed you didn’t mind the jazz and festivities that lied in the city.
“Dearest?” The sound of your mother’s concerning tone made you turn your head, not knowing if she was referring to you or at one of your sisters. She was staring at you with a quirked brow.
Yep. Definitely you.
”did you hear me?”
you gave another look out the window, shaking your head “what did you say?” Your mother sucked her teeth “I asked if you were excited. Its your first season.” A soft smile appeared on your lips “hmm I don’t know yet. Maybe it’ll finally set in once I debut. I am excited to see my friends”
Your mother smiled “I heard Charlotte was debuting as well, oh I can’t wait to see how that girl has grown”
Your sisters were chatting  among themselves quietly. 
Your mother continued “We have much to prepare for dearest. This season I am hoping to have a wedding to plan by the end. Your brother wrote to me that he has found several prospects for you to look into” You rolled your eyes “Oh because he has such great taste in the marriage world. Mama please.” You laughed.
The carriage stopped and your mother stepped out. The servants bowed in greeting and began to gathering y’all things to bring into the estate.
Your sisters ran ahead inside to their rooms and you and your mother walked inside, your mother calling for your brother.
”Ah! Mother! Sister!” A voice called excitedly and your brother appeared smiling. He embraced your  mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek and you as well.
You figured they had business to discuss and left them be as you went to the balcony.
Many families were returning and you catch sight of Charlie. You waved once you caught her attention, sitting down watching the people.
Antony, Angel, hollered up at you when he jumped out of his car, making you laugh when his mother hit his shoulder to get inside the house.
You hoped to have a chance to speak with them while the events were happening.
The season.
You were the first daughter of the prestigious Biche family. One of the most influential and wealthy families to live in the South.
Your family made money by investing in sugarcane fields and horses.
You knew you were the potential prize to many of the men of the ton
”Why don’t you rest up dear? You have a busy day ahead of you” your mother chirped from the drawing room, unpacking a few knick knacks.
You nodded and headed upstairs to your room.
The servants already had your nightgown out and you changed and got into bed.
You read a little until the sky turned dark and laid there, staring up at the ceiling.
Tomorrow started the beginning of the season. You didn’t know what to expect, but you felt a little excited.
Will you meet the perfect gentleman? Would you be able to find a match? You hoped to marry for love, you didn’t need status or any material things. Just a nice man who loved you for you.
You remembered how your father was with your mother and you hoped to find those same qualities in a man.
After all…marriage was about love right? That’s what your mother always said.
@yourdoorisunlocked @certifiedcrybabyyy @aliyaharnold01 @alastor-simp @alastorsgirl48 @dickmastersworld @memoire-du-ciel @alastoralltruist @hazelfoureyes @kahlan170 @nkirukaj @voxsmalewife @theangeliclibrarian @purplecatsandhearts @amurtan @zombiesnips-blog @alastwhore666 @alastwhore666 @rulesareshadesofgrey @alastorsaries @alastors666creampie @thewinchestah @okay-babe @yunimimii @southern-bayou-beau @karolinda007-blog @justtnat @preciousbabypeter @vexendoe @evedenn @cxrsedwxrlds @cutiebimbo @orangethecarrotcoloredpaperred @sirens-and-moonflowers @alastorthirsty @siiv3r @theangeliclibrarian @nightshadelm @blubugg13 @smoky000 @boney-horse @sweet-radio @charlottemorningstarsdarling @im-so-tired52 @nyxenyo @cinnamon-galaxies @wisteria-seal @kaylopolis @prosciuttosblog @callmeoncette
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
do u have any random headcanons for any of the knack characters lol
I wrote down as many of my headcanons as I could remember (71). And then sorted out the ones for the characters (58 or so). I feel like I forgot some. Here is a not-exactly-random selection of ten fifteen:
The Doctor claims to have spent decades learning the secrets of the relics. But the sad truth is, Knack’s orb was shelved for a very long time; it reminded the Doctor of what he lost the day he found it.
Knack has an actual rectangular phone rather than a wristwatch. It’s funny to watch him eat it when he wants to put it away.
Baby Knack was born not knowing how to initiate sleep. So he wore himself out over the course of a couple days until he finally passed out during troubleshooting. I wanted the Doctor to do it, but Lucas figured it out first that the little thing wanted a hug.
Lucas (almost) never refers to Charlotte as “Mom,” because that title is Reserved. He does call her “Mother” (as in, one who mothers), especially when he’s doing a bit, and sometimes “Ma.”
I think Katrina would wear a fedora at least once.
When Lucas and Knack were younger, Lucas would often press his forehead to Knack’s forehead and scratch him behind the ears.
Knack had a phase where he jump-scared Lucas and even the Doctor at every opportunity.
Charlotte has a minor hobby collecting jewelry
Knack grows to refer to Charlotte as “Mom.” He was very excited to learn that having a mom was an option for him.
Any friends or lovers Charlotte made during her time among goblins were cut off from contact by Gundahar. This was shortly after he moved her to live in his castle.
Ryder tries to be a stoic kind of guy, but it’s easy to tell when he’s upset because his face reddens, especially around his eyes.
Charlotte picked up sewing and sometimes makes Knack and Lucas new outfits.
Somewhat early on, Lucas learns to interpret Knack when he’s little and talks to the Doctor for him.
Deflecting is Knack’s favorite move.
Lucas often spoke to Knack’s dormant orb. Not in the way that he expected a response, but more like how a doctor would explain what he’s doing to his patients.
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lvis44 · 1 year
Sweet Escape Pt.7 // LH44
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Lewis Hamilton x Y/N
Warnings: Swearing, Alcohol Consumption, Mentions of Abandonment, Secrecy, Angst, Not Edited
Word Count: 5.8k+
Summary: Paradise is supposed to be fun and relaxing... a Sweet Escape, but when unspoken feelings and jealousy rise to the surface, everything can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye.
Notes: The vote is incredibly close so I figured I would just go for it and split it up for you guys that voted for the 2 part split. The final part before the epilogue will be up in a few days, it's still a work in progress.
I am not a professional writer and all of this is a work of fiction and is strictly for fun. Enjoy! xxx
Previous Sections: Prologue - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six
“Hey.” Charlottes voice comes softly from behind you.
You’re sat out on the balcony attached to your room, grateful for the fresh air. You still haven’t left your room and the sun is beginning to set. Miles brought you a snack earlier in the day, still insisting that you eat but thankfully not pushing you on any details as to what happened with Lewis, he knows if you want to tell him you will, or Lewis already has and  he doesn’t want to make you upset.
“Hey.” You reply weakly, thoroughly drained from the last week, hell just the last few days.
She takes a seat next to you, placing a haphazardly prepared charcuterie board next to you, paired with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Charlotte has a knack for knowing what you need, and right now it’s some carbs and girl talk, even if that girl talk is a heart wrenching decision that has created world war three in your head.
“I figured you could use a little chat, you’ve been hold up in here for the entire day.” She says, a kind smile on her face as she uses the corkscrew to open the bottle of wine, not waiting for an answer.
All you can do is give her a grateful smile, not sure what to say as your brain continues to race.
“So, tell me everything that's going on in that mind of yours, nothing leaves this balcony.” She tells you, curling up in the lounge chair next to you as she pours the both of you a glass of wine.
“I don’t even know what’s going on to be completely honest.” You say, still keeping your gaze out over the ocean view.
“Well, how did your chat with Lewis go?” She prompts you.
“You haven’t talked to him?” You ask, finally looking over at her, rather surprised.
“No,” She shakes her head, “he talked to you, spent like four hours in his room, and then left. He still hasn’t come home.”
“Really?” You say, slightly shocked. You have never known him to disappear quite so frequently and it worries you that maybe he’s regretting your conversation from earlier, maybe he’s feeling like he shouldn't have been quite so honest.
“Well he said he was going to see Marina.” Charlotte says cautiously, still unsure of exactly what was talked about.
“Oh.” Is all you can say, still a million questions about what it is that is truly going on with them.
“I don’t know what you know exactly, but they’re truly just incredibly good friends.” Charlotte assures you.
“So you don’t know any of what Lewis said to me?” You ask, still unsure of the direction this conversation is going.
“Well if he was smart, he told you how he feels about you, but after the last week I think we can all confidently say that he’s not as smart as we would like to think he is.” She says, a sympathetic yet knowing look on her face.
“Charlotte,” You start, wanting to unload finally, she nods for you to continue, “he told me that he wants to do this with me. Like he wants me to be his girlfriend. He wants to try being in a relationship together.”
The second the words leave your mouth Charlotte has jumped up, her wine sloshing out of her cup, “Oh thank the good lord!” She exclaims.
You look at her, eyebrows high in the sky, not expecting that as a reaction.
“Sorry, sorry, not the time.” She says, settling back into her seat, aiming her attention back towards you, “Regardless of how happy I am that he finally got the balls to tell you, how do you feel?”
“So fucking confused.” You tell her honestly, shaking your head as you once again look out to the coast in front of you, just hoping to get lost in it, let the tide take your thoughts away with it.
“What’s wrong?” Charlotte questions, evidently more over the moon about his admission than you are.
“I just- it's everything I thought I wanted…” You trail off.
“Yeah? And?” Charlotte pushes you.
“Char, what if it doesn’t work out?” You ask her, finally looking at her with a sorrowful gaze.
“Oh hun, you know, no matter what, you’re stuck with all of us for life.” She says, reaching out to squeeze your arm.
“No offense but it’s not particularly you and Miles that I’m worried about. By the way Miles told me he almost punched Lewis last night?” You tell her, realizing you don’t have the full story about what really went down.
“Oh my god, yeah, so I told Miles a much less graphic version of what you told me about your… encounter with Lewis, and I told him a little bit about how you felt about it and, oh my god, Miles saw fucking red,” She pauses, stopping herself from laughing, “I’m sorry, it’s not funny, and it wasn’t in the moment but, my god, if you could have seen their faces. Lewis was so unsuspecting. Miles and I had been out on the back deck, he was so confused about everything and then when I filled him in he just sprung into action. Lewis was off in the kitchen brooding with a glass of whiskey or something and all the sudden Miles came hurdling through the doors, all muttering under his breath about how Lewis was a ‘piece of shit’ and ‘he was gonna find out what the fuck happens when you fuck with Y/N’, Lewis literally never saw it coming. Miles had him pinned up against the fridge before I could get him to calm down, I think the adrenaline and testosterone were running a bit too high.”
“Jesus Christ, he didn’t tell me all that.” You mutter.
“Anyway, what is it that you’re worried about, you’ve got us for life hun.” Charlotte says, finally coming back to the original conversation at hand.
“It’s not you guys I’m worried about, I feel pretty confident after the last few days that I’m never going to lose you guys,” You sigh, not wanting to speak what feels inevitable into existence, “I’m worried that I’m going to give into Lewis, have a few good months, and then lose him… for good.”
Charlotte stays quiet for a moment, letting your words sink in.
“First of all, just know, whatever you decide, you’ve got at the very, very least Miles and I behind you, we’ve got your back. Whether that’s helping you figure out a different path of friendship with Lewis, not having Lewis around, or keeping him in check in your newfound relationship.” Charlotte pauses for a moment, almost as if she’s contemplating if she should say the next bit, “But I also want you to know, from someone who has been incredibly close with Lewis for about a decade, I’ve only seen him feel this way about one other person, and to be completely honest, even though it didn’t work out, they’re still on good terms. Y/N… Miles and I have tried endless times to get him to try and meet someone… We’ve set him up on blind dates, tried to scout people out at clubs, fuck, we’ve introduced him to random friends of ours.” She pauses again, noticing the questioning look on your face, “No, that’s not why I introduced you guys, absolutely not. I like you too much to put you in that position.”
“Then why are you rooting for it now?” You ask, calling out the contradiction.
“Because, when I initially introduced you guys, I just wanted you to be friends, even just get along at the very least. Everything that he feels for you has come from his own experiences with you, it’s not contrived. It’s been a decade since I saw him have a true, human, emotional, romantic connection with someone. It may not seem like it, but him even admitting it to you is a big step on his part.” Charlotte explains, her words sounding beyond sincere, you can tell she’s hoping that you’re fully taking them in.
“How did the last time end?” You ask, unsure of yourself, not knowing if it’s really appropriate to be asking her something so personal about Lewis, especially because he’s never mentioned it himself.
“They dated off and on for a few years, they really liked each other but they wanted incredibly different things in life…” She shrugs before continuing, “We could all tell he had liked her more than anything we’d ever seen from him, but it was kinda toxic, they would break up, not speak, and then two months later she would be at a ‘family’ dinner or trip. We liked her, they supported each other but they were on massively different timelines and he wasn’t ready for what she wanted. It took him a long time to get over it, he would talk about her all the time, lurk on her social media, and then all the sudden he just hardened. He announced to not only us, but the whole fucking world, that he was swearing off true relationships and commitment to focus on his career. He hasn’t shown any attachment to anyone since then.”
“So why the fuck did that suddenly change?” You ask, not necessarily to Charlotte but more to the universe, hoping for some sort of guiding light, maybe even a shooting star,
“If it did, I would say it’s because it’s really true. He’s talked before about how he may have liked some hookup more than another one, but he’s never dwelled on it, much less told the girl.” Charlotte answers
“Then why the hell did he tell me? Why not just let it pass like all the others?” You ask, rather exasperated.
“Did you ask him that?” Charlotte replies, a knowing smirk on her face.
“Yes.” You mutter
“And what did he say?” Her voice holds a knowing tone, waiting for a response she already knows the answer to.
“He said he tried.” You say under your breath, like a kid trying not to admit that they’re in the wrong.
“Y/N, if Lewis tried and failed, that means it’s bigger than his abilities, and we both know his abilities reach far beyond the average human. I’m pretty sure I know when it all shifted for him, even if he doesn’t, and if it’s been as long as I think it has, he has no power on getting rid of those feelings, he would have by now if he really wanted to.” Charlotte says softly, almost as if she’s trying to break the news to you.
“When do you think it shifted?” You ask, ignoring everything else she just said, focusing in on the part you're most curious about.
Charlotte pauses for a moment, taking a sip of her wine
“Do you remember the first Grand Prix you came to?” She asks
You nod, it being ingrained in your memory for the rest of your life.
“You guys had known each other for only a little while at that point, I know you guys talked and kept in touch, but it was the first time you’d seen each other in a bit,” Charlotte paused as you took a large swig of your wine, if she was right his feeling had been around even longer than he had cared to admit, much more than sometime in the last year, “he won that race and the second he saw you his face lit up, he looked happier to see you than he was that he was on the podium. He looked at you like you were the best trophy in the world. I don’t know if you noticed, but ever since that night, he has kept you by his side as much as possible, he became more protective of you than even Miles, and that’s saying a lot. Y/N that’s when the heavy flirting started. Everything shifted that day, I don’t think he even really realizes that that's when it happened.”
You take in what she’s saying, thinking back to that day, something you think about frequently without the thought of Lewis’ feelings for you
“Holy shit! Lewis! Congratulations!” You say to him as he wraps his arms around you.
“Thank you darling,” He chuckles slightly, “M’sorry, I’m kinda disgusting right now.”
“I don’t care, that was amazing! Thank you so much for having me!” You exclaim, amazed that you got to see your racing idol complete such an amazing run.
“Absolutely anytime, you’re always welcome in this garage,” He says, still grasping you tightly, “Want you here more often, so glad you came.”
The second he lets you go you can’t help but notice that you were the first person he greeted. Now moving his way over toward your other friends that you had come with.
“Amazing drive, bruv.” Miles pats him on the back, evidently proud of his best friend.
“Well apparently I have a new good luck charm.” Lewis states to the garage, pulling you under his sweaty, champagne soaked arm. He’s beaming as he looks down at you and you can’t find a care in the world to pull away from him.
If you’re his new good luck charm, so be it.
“So what the hell do I do Char’?” You ask, letting out a defeated sigh.
“Well, what do you want to do?” She asks, not giving you the advice you so desperately seeked.
“I don’t know.” You groan, your head turning once again to the coast in front of you
“What do you have to lose?” Charlotte shrugs, as if it's the easiest question in the world.
“Lewis… I have Lewis to lose.” You sigh, not wanting to even think of the possibility.
“Okay, I wasn’t there for the conversation, but do you feel like he’s serious? Do you feel like he’s truly all in this with you?” Charlotte asks, genuinely prying
“I want to believe him,” You say, shoulders drooping, “but I know him, I’ve seen how he operates. Maybe he wants this right now but what if he gets bored?”
“Understandable, but in his defense, I’ve never seen him operate quite like this.” Charlotte reasons.
“What, you’ve never seen him fuck up quite this badly and then drop an emotional nuclear bomb?” You almost want to laugh as the words leave your mouth.
“Well, no, I haven’t seen this,” Charlotte chuckles, “but I’ve also never seen him actually tell someone he likes them, or that he wants more than a casual fuck.”
You don’t respond, just continue to stare out at the beautiful coastline in front of you. You and Charlotte sit in silence for a while, she seems to understand that you’re processing a lot.
“Hun, if you need to talk, you know where I am. Maybe a bad choice but I’ll leave the bottle of wine with you.” She laughs towards the end of her sentence.
“Thank you.” Is all you can say
“My advice? Just give it a chance, you may be pleasantly surprised.” That’s the last thing she says before she makes her way off you balcony and out of your room
You once again don't know what time it is as you lay staring at your ceiling, a whole new battle to fight with your emotions. It’s not until a soft knock pulls you out of your thoughts do you even really know where you are.
“Hey,” Lewis has poked his head around your door, evidently fully dressed and showered, “can I take you somewhere in like an hour?”
You want to say no, you feel like it's a horrible idea, yet you find yourself nodding your head and getting yourself up to shower.
It’s not long before you find yourself in the passenger seat of his car. He still hasn’t turned on the ignition, as if he’s waiting for something.
“So, where are we supposed to be going?” You ask, trying to get any information out of him.
He pauses, staring at the steering wheel, “About seven years ago my cousin met this woman, they dated for less than a year and then they found out she was pregnant.” He stops, evidently gathering himself before continuing.
You just stare at him, unsure where this story could be going.
“They got married while she was still about six or seven months pregnant, he stuck around for the pregnancy, but it became pretty clear, pretty quickly he didn’t actually want to be a dad. He was around for maybe five months of his son's life. My cousin ended up completely leaving them, no divorce, no money, just left them in the middle of the night, he fell off the face of the earth. No one has seen or heard from him since. He was never a great guy, but she was always an amazing woman. We hoped maybe she had helped him clean up, get his life in order, she obviously hadn't been able to, not that it was her job to. He always hated me because I refused to give him money, the few times I did it all went to stupid scams or he gambled it away, so I stopped.” Lewis pauses, still staring at the steering wheel of his car, “A lot of my family immediately cut ties with her, they thought the baby was a bastard from the beginning and I guess they couldn’t look past that. She lived far away from them and I guess they felt she was just a loss cause, she was a single mother working in a bar. The few people that tried to stay in touch with her eventually failed, they just gave up, they wrote my cousin off so they wrote her off too. I was the only one that continued to check on her. She and I had always had a good bond, but it got even closer when my cousin left her, he left her with nothing. Since he left her I have tried to do my best to make sure she has everything she could possibly need, a safe car, make sure Leon, her son, is in a safe school, make sure she can pay rent, get groceries, anything she needs, I’ve done as much as possible to take care of them. I send her money every month, my family doesn't know, only Charlotte, and now you. Her son, Leon, he knows me as Uncle Lew, I’m really the only bit of a father figure he has around. I just want to make sure they’re always okay, I love them, and my family left them in shambles.”
You don’t know quite how to respond to the story, you can only assume this is who he was talking about with Charlotte the other night. It doesn’t take long for him to confirm your suspicions.
“I want you to meet Marina, the only person as important in my life as you are.” He finally looks at you, staring for a long moment before taking a deep breath.
“Okay.” You say just above a whisper as you lean over and squeeze his arm. You can see in his eye’s how much the story pains him and it makes your heart ache, not only for him but for Marina and her little boy.
The drive doesn’t take very long, maybe fifteen minutes. He stays quiet the entire time, occasionally glancing over to you in the passenger seat. The silence isn’t uncomfortable but it’s definitely weighted, carrying a million emotions that much to your surprise you are perfectly content with sitting in, almost needing it to process what is going through your mind. The house he pulls up in front of is small but in an endearing way. You can tell it’s well taken care of, the front yard nicely manicured with beautiful gardens surrounding the house. There’s a small front porch and the house doesn’t look like it could be more than two bedrooms large.
“Them being here is why I like this island so much,” Lewis finally breaks the silence as he stops the car, “I offered to help her move to the states or to the UK but she was quite intent on Leon growing up here. I rarely get to see them, so when I have time off I like to come here, spend time with Leon.”
“That’s lovely Lewis.” You say reaching out to place your hand over his on top of the stick shift.
He looks nervous, and you can understand why, he’s putting a lot of trust in you. He smiles at you warmly before moving to step out of the car. By the time you have unbuckled he has already made his way around the car, opening your door for you, a common occurrence with him. You take his outstretched hand, helping you out of the low car. He doesn’t move to pull away, keeping a firm grip on your hand, and you let him, hoping to ground him in some way. You walk hand in hand towards the porch as the front door swings open.
“Ah my dear!” The woman who is now on the porch exclaims. You recognize her as the bartender Lewis was talking with the other night, Marina.
Before Lewis can even respond a young boy is running out of the door behind her, yelling as he does, “Uncle Lew, Uncle Lew!”
This is when Lewis finally disconnects your hands, leaning down to the boy who has just about crashed into him, to wrap him in a hug.
“Hey buddy.” Lewis has a large smile on his face as he laughs at the boy's enthusiasm.
You watch on, unsure of what to do, but enjoying seeing Lewis like this. You have seen him interact with children before, his nieces and nephews, little fans, but there seems to be a certain fondness for this little boy. As he straightens up, the little boy just barely removing himself from Lewis, he looks toward you, beckoning for you to come closer to him. He places his large hand on your back, you can feel the warmth of it through your shirt.
“Marina, I would like to introduce you to the woman I was telling you about the other night,” He smiles at Marina before looking back toward you, a warm fond look to his eyes, “this is Y/N.”
“Oh hello my dear, I’ve heard so much about you, it’s so nice to meet you.” Marina greets you excitedly, pulling you into an unexpected hug.
“Y/N, this is Marina.” Lewis chuckles from beside you, well aware you weren’t anticipating such enthusiasm.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” You smile as you pull away.
You look toward Lewis to see him squatting down next to the little boy.
“Hey buddy, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” His voice is soft and sweet, making your heart melt, “can you say hi to my friend Y/N?”
“Hi Y/N.” The little boy says shyly, almost trying to hide behind Lewis.
Lewis looks up to you, a smile on his face, “Y/N, this is my buddy Leon.”
You squat down to match the boy's height the same way Lewis has, extending your hand out to the boy, “Hi Leon, it’s very lovely to meet you.”
“It’s okay.” Lewis whispers softly to Leon, rubbing his back, as he looks timidly at your hand.
Very carefully he reaches out and just barely grabs your hand, you shake it gently with a smile before letting go, that seeming like more than enough for the shy kid.
“Come inside, I have drinks and snacks.” Marina says, ushering everyone into her home.
The home is just as sweet on the inside as it is on the outside, the living room feels homey with a brightly patterned couch and a small coffee table, toys scattered everywhere. Just behind the living room is a small kitchen, a round table in the middle of it. Marina directs you into the kitchen, you and Lewis both taking a seat where she has all sorts of snacks and a pitcher of lemonade laid out. It doesn’t take long before Leon has run up next to Lewis, a toy in his hand. Lewis pushes his chair away from the table just enough so he can pick Leon up and place him in his lap, playfully groaning as he does so.
“You’re getting big lil man,” He laughs before flexing his arm up next to him, “big and strong.”
“Just like Uncle Lew!” Leon says excitedly, bouncing in Lewis’ lap.
Lewis laughs, tickling the kid's sides, making the boy squeal in laughter. Marina is sitting across from you, looking on at the scene with fond eyes, evidently pleased to see her little boy so happy. Lewis quickly becomes engrossed in conversation with Leon, listening intently as the boy shows him all the things he can do with his superhero action figure.
You turn towards Marina, “He seems like a really sweet kid.”
“He is, he’s pretty shy but he’s very excitable too.” She chuckles, giving you a warm smile.
You notice Leon getting down from Lewis’ lap, attempting to pull him towards the living room.
“Hang on buddy, I’m gonna stay here with your Mom and Y/N for a little bit, we can play afterwards.” Lewis tries to explain.
Leon evidently doesn’t appreciate that answer and you can’t help but feel for the kid. Everyone wants Lewis’ attention, you get it. You look toward Lewis, mouthing “It's okay.” leaving the decision up to him. He gives you a look of “you sure?”, leaving you to nod before he follows after the little boy who is very pleased with his win. You and Marina watch as Lewis settles on the floor with the little boy who is taking out little F1 model cars, something you’re almost positive Lewis gifted to him.
“You seem really good for him, you know?” Marina says, snapping you out of your admiration of the man.
“Pardon?” You can’t help but be a little confused.
“He talks about you quite a bit, whether he realizes it or not. I’ve been wondering when I would get to meet you.” She smiles.
You’re still a bit confused, surprised he’s mentioned you so much.
“It wasn’t until this past week that I really realized how serious it was, but he’s very fond of you.” She continues.
“Oh, we aren’t together.” You clarify. Yet, you think to yourself
“I know, it doesn't mean he can’t still love you. He’s a good man, you’d be lucky to have him.” Marina says.
Your stomach flips at the mention of him loving you. You love him too, you always have, but you wonder if she means in a different way.
“He is an incredible man.” You agree, leaving it at that.
“C’mere.” Lewis calls over to you, beckoning his head for you to come sit with them.
Marina nods towards you, telling you to head over to the boys.
“You know who else could name all the parts of the car?” Lewis asks Leon, who looks almost amazed that there might be someone other than Lewis who could do it, “This lady right here.” He points his thumb towards you as you sit down next to him.
“Well I wouldn’t go that far.” You laugh, amused by his over confidence in you.
“Oh I bet you could get pretty close darling.” Lewis smirks at you, almost daring you.
Within seconds Leon is handing you a small Mercedes replica, urging you to do it. You go through as many parts as possible, pointing them out to the little boy, Lewis correcting your terminology here and there. It seems that that is all it takes for Leon to decide that you’re okay. Almost immediately you’re being handed toys and instructed on how to play with them, Leons attention is mainly on you now, Lewis watching you two with a content smile. You see him and Marina exchange a look of absolute happiness, both enjoying how comfortable the little boy is. The three of you play for over an hour before Lewis is glancing at his watch, realizing how much time has passed. 
He leans it toward you, his voice quiet, “We should probably head out soon, I got signed up for dinner duty and I want to get at least a run in beforehand.”
“Okay, whatever works for you.” You smile, your voice just as quiet.
You play with Leon for a little while longer before Lewis is announcing that you two need to head out. You can tell Leon is disappointed but Lewis calms him, telling him he’ll see him again before he leaves the island. Leon seems content with that, ignoring the two of you as you make your way to say your farewells to Marina. She gives Lewis a tight hug, whispering something to him as she does. You see him nod with a smile, glancing at you, making you shift on your feet. She comes over to you next.
“It was so so nice to finally meet you, I hope I see you again soon.” She says, pulling you into your own tight hug. This time you’re expecting it, being able to reciprocate it much better.
“It was lovely to meet you as well, I agree I hope to see you again.” You say, meaning it very much, she seems like a lovely woman, you wouldn't expect anything less if Lewis cares so deeply for her.
As she walks you to the door, you stop and wave down at Leon where he’s playing, “It was nice to meet you Leon, have fun with your toys!”
“Bye bye.” He says, waving at you, the action making all three of you chuckle.
Once you say your final goodbyes you make your way back to Lewis’ car, him opening your door for you once again. Once he’s seated in the driver's seat he takes a moment, looking over at you with such a fondness you feel like you could explode.
“Thank you for doing that with me.” He says, his voice incredibly sincere.
“Of course, they were lovely,” You start, offering him a warm smile, “thank you for trusting me with them.”
“Always, I trust you more than anything.” He says, licking his lips before letting out a deep breath. Something he seems to be doing a lot recently, you worry he’s getting too tense, too much inside his head.
The drive back home is quiet once again, that is until Lewis speaks up.
“Marina really liked you by the way.” He tells you, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye as he shifts gears.
“I barely spoke to her,” You laugh, “but I’m glad, she seems like a wonderful woman. I liked her too.”
“She’s a good judge of character, she saw how you were with Leon and I think that’s more than enough for her. Or I guess really how Leon was with you, he’s not usually that comfortable with new people.” He explains.
“Well maybe he just trusts Uncle Lews judgment.” You say, lightly teasing him.
Lewis just laughs, shrugging, “Smart boy, what can I say?”
You once again fall into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence uninterrupted for what feels like the first time your entire vacation. When you arrive home, Charlotte is in the kitchen, doing dishes. Lewis comes up behind you, his hand on your back.
“I’m gonna go get a run in and then I’ll be back to start dinner.” He says softly in your ear before making his way down to his room, seemingly trying to avoid Charlotte for some reason.
When she turns to you and sees that he’s already disappeared she laughs, shaking her head.
“I think he’s avoiding me.” She shrugs, not explaining why, you don’t pry knowing that she’s also keeping your secrets.
You just laugh, grabbing yourself a glass of water.
“So where did you two go off to?” She asks, raising a brow at you.
“Um,” You start, not sure if he would want her to explicitly know, “we went to visit a friend of his.”
“Holy shit.” Charlotte whisper shouts, looking over her shoulder briefly, “He introduced you to Marina?”
You just nod, trying to contain your smile.
“Y/N, I’ve only met her by accident, none of our friends even know she exists and he brought you to meet her?” Charlotte looks baffled and excited all at once. 
“Yeah, he asked me this morning, he told me the story,” You pause for a moment, taking in just how big of a deal this is, “I got to meet Leon.”
“Oh my god, isn’t he adorable? Lewis shows me photos sometimes and my god that kid is cute.” She gets slightly sidetracked, gushing over the child.
“He’s so sweet.” You tell her.
“But holy crap, he told you the story and everything?” Charlotte seems impressed that Lewis opened up so much.
You nod, not even really sure what to say. Before you can think of how to respond Lewis reappears in the kitchen, shirtless with a pair of running shorts on. By the look on his face he can tell that you told Charlotte and that he doesn’t plan on sticking around for a game of twenty questions.
“I’m off.” He simply says, putting up a peace sign before jogging to the door.
Charlotte stares at his back, her eyebrows raised high, before turning back to you.
“He evidently trusts you Y/N.” She says, surprisingly leaving it at that, changing the subject as she moves on to fill you in on how Daniel almost got stuck in a tree while trying to take a picture while the two of you were away.
You stay and chat with her for a while as you help her clean up the kitchen. You end up deciding to go take a shower before dinner, getting into more comfortable clothes. As you stand under the stream of water you think back to the conversation you had overheard with Charlotte and Lewis. You remember Lewis saying that he hadn’t told Marina that he was coming to the island because he knew he wouldn’t be able to see her with Talia around. That he didn’t want to introduce Leon to someone like that that wouldn’t be around. It makes your heart clench, him introducing you to them has solidified many things. Not only does it show how much he trusts you, but that regardless of what you choose with him, you’re going to be in his life for some time to come. Enough time that he felt comfortable introducing you to the little boy that he protects with everything in him. In that moment, staring at the tiled wall ahead of you, you decide. You can’t risk losing Lewis.
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💜Protection (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 1💜
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted) 
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal 
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I'm sorry to anyone who has tried to request a story from me since I started writing here, but I was going through some things with school, graduating, and getting my life ready for adulting.~ I also got married, and am moving with my husband!~ And now I'm back with a self-indulgent story for my favorite character from One Piece, Charlotte Katakuri!~ Enjoy!~
Part 1 - -> Part 2 - -> Part 3
Nervousness seeped into my bones as I tried to calm myself. Gardening the castle grounds wasn't necessary, but I had nothing else to do with my anxious hands, so I tended to the house and my personal garden with them. I had already tried to sit down and read a book in our room, but seeing the bed reminded me of the moment I shared with my husband this morning. For once, that was what I was trying to distract myself from right now, and my husband was the source of my mounting anxieties.
"Why do you have to go today?" This variation of my needlessly repetitive daily question slipped from my lips as I breathed in his sweet scent. One I felt the need to ask every morning as if he would choose to stay in bed with me all day rather than do his job. Sometimes I, selfishly, wish he would stay, but I'd never make him choose. The devotion to his family that he shows every moment of the day is one of the many things that made me fall in love with him, after all. Even if it's clear that this duty takes a hefty toll on his body and mind, I still support him in every endeavor he chooses.
His morning voice rumbled more than usual, and it made me press further into his warm, enveloping skin under the covers as we whispered sleepily to each other. The bliss of our intimacy alone had me never wanting to leave my paramount husband's side. His arms were so immense and encompassing, and I was so small and protected. Never fearing anything but the absence of my husband. A deep sigh from him lifted me up and down on his chest as he came to a clearer consciousness.
"It's my duty, love, you know that." His beautiful incisors gently grazed my head as he spoke, entertaining my usual silly question of worry. Butterflies still tickled my stomach at the endearment he addressed me as, even after three years of marriage. Those flutters overwhelmed me with a wave of adoration for my giant lover. Of course, I believed in my husband's strength, I've seen what he is capable of firsthand multiple times.
If this were almost any other pirate crew member his mother was executing, I wouldn't be worried, but this was one of the worst generation's crew members, Black Leg Sanji of the Strawhat Pirates, so I couldn't help but fret a little. There wasn’t anyone on the Grand Line that had not heard of this infamous crew that had done the impossible over and over. And that was all before they disappeared for two years, presumed to be disbanded after a disheartening defeat at both Sabaody and Marineford. Who knew how much stronger they were after all this time. All of that didn’t even include the superhuman abilities of Germa 66 that were sure to turn on us the moment the betrayal registered.
Letting out a small hum, I attempted to dispel the worry from my thoughts so I could relish the last half hour I had with my husband for this morning before he went off to put himself in harm's way. For his family. For me. My droopy eyes opened slowly to see the hidden beauty of my husband that only I was allowed to gaze upon. From his beautiful, pearly teeth to his peaceful face that also only seemed to be reserved for my presence. The sharp, masculine lines of his face seemed softened, especially his arched eyebrows that were always furrowed when he was around anyone. Anyone except me, that is. My significantly smaller thumb brushed along his rough scar, making him shudder as he too opened his worn eyes filled with adoration the same as mine. Our equally sleepy eyes met as I continued to caress his momentary tenseness and my worry away.
I gave him a soft smile as I leaned in closer to nom his nose playfully, my lips covering my teeth. Technically, I could bite it off, but he currently seemed to be too sleepy to regrow it. A smile of his own upturned the corners of his mouth, making me undeniably happy and let slip a few giggles. Even though I've seen it multiple times before, it still makes me giddy to know that I make him smile. My tittering was joined by his rumble of a chuckle as we cuddled impossibly closer, his strong arms enveloping my person tighter than before. A comfortable silence cocooned us as we soaked in each other's care.
It was only about us right now.
Mirth had me smiling to myself as I absentmindedly caressed sugary dirt off of a fully grown candy corn on the cob, just like I had his cheek. A gentle but chilling breeze brought me back to the present, and my smile fell away as I automatically looked towards the nearby main island of Whole Cake. My soft blue antennas and small white wings swayed in the wind as I sighed and stood up to head inside with my now full basket of candy veggies.
Looking up at the pink cotton candy clouds I've grown used to, they were a far cry from the white and pristine ones I grew up on. As a fallen Skypeian, it was still odd for me to be looking up at the clouds rather than being in them. My abnormal antennas gifted me abilities similar to that of a Devil Fruit power, though the sea does not scorn me for mine. With the power to read and gently influence people's emotions, as well as view their memories when I touch them, it was hard to live blissfully unaware of things when they affected someone's emotions. When my emotions rise, so does the sensitivity of my gift, therefore, when going out in public, I wear silk gloves. Katakuri does a lot with helping me manage my emotions in public, but it's nice to have a backup aid. If only he were here now.
By the time I was done cleaning the candy veggies and storing them, my worries had soared to new heights, and I couldn't stand it anymore. Even though it was senseless, I rushed to our room, and quickly put on a yellow tulle, knee length dress while pocketing my white silk gloves before leaving through the back door. The front and sides were guarded by Cracker's biscuit soldiers that he offered for extra protection this morning. Upon opening the door, I was immediately met with the hollow, smiling faces of about ten homies which made me shudder. Not because I was scared of them, but because I knew what kept them alive.
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After marrying Katakuri, I eventually confronted him with my experiences of seeing human memories when touching Homies around the kingdom, and he reluctantly explained. The truth drew me into a mournful stupor, heartbroken for all of the stolen life forces constrained to these obedient slaves. This depth of my sorrow had me distancing myself in a separate room for a week until I calmed down. Any person that came near me was overwhelmed with sobs as I was, except Katakuri whose eyes only watered. Katakuri sent away his Homies for me to feel comfortable, and brought in human staff to replace them, but I still avoid Homies as much as I can when we go to other islands.
"Hello, Miss Y/N! Where are you rushing off to in a hurry? Katakuri-Sama appointed us to join you if you decided to leave the grounds!" Spoke one cheerfully. These weren't like normal Homies, as they were made out of Katakuri's mochi, yet the familiar material did nothing to quell my uneasiness. The sentiment he put forth in this change touched me nonetheless since I knew he only wanted to protect me.
I tried not to look into any of their soulless eyes, which made it slightly easier when I quickly reached my bare hands forward to tap two of the Homies and activate their locked away memories. With this trick I learned from Pudding, I made quick work of the rest of them, stunning them into a melancholic stupor as I ran past and into the tree line before one of the biscuit guards could come. A shudder wracked my body as I tried to shake away the memories of those stolen lives plaguing my thoughts now. I ignored it, like Katakuri taught me, and focused on my end goal.
It was a short jog to the edge of the juice sea ebbing on the cake donut shore where my own personal boat sat anchored. With it being relatively small, the force of me hopping onto it jolted it forward a little, and I raised the anchor before starting the engine. My hands twisted on the tiller, (Tiller: The steering stick on an outboard motor engine) making the engine roar up louder as I steered towards the mistily hidden island of Whole Cake. As I flew across the violet juice, my left hand fingered the ever-present mochi bead bracelet around my right wrist that I had forgotten in my emotional frenzy.
"Do you have to go?" The first time I'd ever asked that silly question. My quiet voice matched the dewy expression I wore as I watched my handsomely half naked husband brush his teeth in the bathroom a few feet away. Those entrancing magenta eyes, normally sharp but now softened and puttying even further as they meet mine, traced my partially covered body before sighing and spitting. My antennae matched the striking pink of his eyes.
He finished his bathroom routine before lumbering over to me and taking a knee to nuzzle his face into mine. I gladly welcomed the unabashed affection, softly kissing his parted lips in return. He hadn't even begun to be this close until a year into our marriage which was two months ago, so I welcomed it all. My hands traced the defined yet soft muscles along his chest as I tried to memorize every dip and line his body made in response to years of rigorous training. A shiver slips down my spine as his large teeth gently graze my soft lips engaging his in a deeper kiss. The kiss ends just as I was starting to tug him back into the bed by his neck, his large hands stopping his descent by holding onto the edge of the bed. With a pout, I stubbornly hung onto his neck as he sat back up until one of his large hands gently tried to tug me away.
When I did finally relent, I could see my red-faced husband bashfully averting his eyes, causing me to giggle and lie back down a little more satisfied than before. He used one hand to cover as much of his face as possible, and the other he outstretched towards me. I sat up again to look at his bare hand, about to place my own in it until little balls of mochi started to float up into the air. About twenty of them were created before they spun around and arranged into a bracelet. The newly formed piece of pristine white jewelry fell back into his large hand soundlessly.
I was already in awe of the delicate display of his powers, but upon realizing that the creation was for me, I was hesitant to take it. Stealing a glance up at him, he motioned to the bracelet with his eyes while still sporting a red, yet now uncovered, face. With his extra prompting, I gingerly took the bracelet. The instant I did, I felt an overwhelming wave of love tainted with anxiousness flood my body, making my wings flutter and antennas glow a deep reddish pink. The inevitable smile creeps onto my face, exploding into a wide grin and an unstoppable flurry of giggles. At hearing my unadulterated laughter, Katakuri starts to chuckle with me and leans in to nuzzle his nose against my neck.
"Now you'll always have a piece of me with you, and I'll always feel your heartbeat to know you are well. Perhaps this will bring both of us some peace of mind." He rumbled in my ear before slowly pulling away. This time I don't try to pull him back, but still begrudgingly watch him stand up to his full height. While maintaining eye contact, I put on the bracelet and rub it against my cheek. A thrum of arousal rings from it into my warm cheek, which blossoms a devious smile on my face as my antennae's red overtakes the pink.
"I think this'll do a few more things than that.~"
A particularly rough wave jolts me to the floor of my white boat, making the engine idle and the boat cruise without my steadying hand. Through my wall of worries, I hadn't focused on the bracelet, the window into my partner's soul. Wanting the bracelets to be a two-way street of emotional clarity, I had Katakuri make himself another and infused it with my powers so he could feel my emotions too. Now crouched down in the bottom of the boat, I clutched the bracelet to my chest and breathed in a few calming breaths. Bump. A dash of anxiety, always present despite his cool exterior. Bump Bump. Swirls of skepticism, he's people watching. Ba Dump Dum. My cheeks heat up as the dominating warmth of love spreads through me. Love was the best emotion to feel from him. I used his calm emotions to steady my own but felt bad that he's had to deal with all of my topsy turvy ones, as usual. He and I were complete opposites.
Now with more peace, I returned to the tiller and, with a softer twist, continued my trek towards Whole Cake. The closer I got, the stronger myriad of emotions I could sense from my bracelet. Nervousness is stronger, tense pulses of exploration followed by a ripple of anger. He's using his Observation Haki and what he sees is not good. At this revelation, the moment my boat hits the shore of Whole Cake, I'm up and running towards the looming chateau that stands in the middle of the city.
I can hear a faint rumbling, even from the edge of the city, which makes my stomach turn in an ocean of my worst fears. I can see a giant wedding cake up at the very top where Big Mom always has her tea parties, and it seemed like it was . . . crumbling? Running all the way from the shore to the center of town, I joined the townspeople in staring up at the top of the chateau in horror. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as feelings of annoyance edging on ire came from Katakuri.
If what I think is happening, is happening, then all the townspeople will soon be in danger. Mama has been raving about that wedding cake ever since she decided to "marry off" Pudding, and it's been in production for weeks now. If Mama doesn't eat that cake, she's going to have hunger pains and won't stop until a new one is remade. Which means I have my work cut out for me. Despite this acceptance of my duties for today, that didn't get rid of the fearful lilac filing my antennae. The townspeople started to murmur nervously to themselves about what was happening, and finally noticed I was among them.
"Lady Y/N! Do you know what is happening?"
"Miss Y/N, please tell us what is happening at Miss Pudding's wedding!" These first outcries were followed by a cacophony of worried voices that flooded my ears. After a few moments of trying to get my bearings, the yelling became too much. The mixture of my heightening panic, the thrum of my husband's own elevated emotions and the frenzy of the growing crowd exhausted me. The clear lilac muddied into brown.
"I. . ." A pulse of simmering anger from my bracelet makes me gasp before I could give the citizens a proper answer. The continual rumbling of the cake chateau made me uneasy, and I'd rather be safe than sorry about the townspeople's safety. Pushing out of the crowd, I ran over to a Homie guard.
"Miss Y/N, is something-?" Before he could finish, I cut him off with a frantic answer.
"We need to evacuate the city, Mama's cake is falling and Katakuri is fighting someone, that can only mean that the Strawhats are up there! It'll only be a matter of time before Mama starts her hunger pain, even if the Strawhats are defeated. We can't let the citizens get in the way. Tell everyone to evacuate as soon as possible!" The guard nodded obediently and ran off to spread the news. I was running in the opposite direction, back towards the chateau, yelling for people to evacuate, and trying to ignore the emotions flooding my senses as my husband expressed his rising anger and frustration.
I knew he should've stayed at home in bed with me this morning.
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It didn't take long for the townspeople to catch wind of the evacuation warning, and soon the usually bustling capital of Totto Land was desolate. Everyone knew the dangerous nature of Mama's hunger pain rampages, and that drove them to leave as soon as possible. Before I could think of what to do next, a surprising yet fleeting emotion dripped icily into my veins from my husband: fear. It was fleeting, but I've never seen or felt my husband fear anything or anyone, though I didn't have to wait long for the cause of it.
A large explosion sounded off at the base of the whole cake chateau, washing a wave of heat and debris over me as I crouched down and covered my head with my hands. Light purple lit up my face as I pushed my antennae down against my head as well. My heart pounded out of my chest as I stayed down until the wind died. A horrible groaning and cracking noise resounded around me from the chateau, urging me to look up at the damage done.
The entire chateau was falling towards me.
An undeniable fear of my own clawed out of my chest as I stood up and started to sprint away from the falling structure. My lungs struggled to keep up with my frantic breaths as I focused on staying upright and dodging continuously falling debris. As I ran, I tried to look back towards the top of the crashing structure to see if I could spot anyone, but after almost getting crushed and tripping a few times, I decided to focus on my escape first. Despite my best efforts and no matter how hard I ran, the shadow of the chateau never seemed to leave my figure. Hopelessness dragged down my tiring body, painting my antennae a dreary gray.
'I'm not going to make it. Why did I come here? I should've just stayed at home like Katakuri told me to, Katakuri is always right! Stupid, stupid! Now he'll blame himself if I die here! He'll work himself even harder!' Tears began to waver my sight, and stream down my sweaty, dirty cheeks as I kept pushing my legs harder and harder. I could hear the crashing of larger debris behind me, and even though it scared me, I started to slow down until I dropped to my knees. Each breath seemed like it wasn't enough, especially as I kept crying under the looming shadow of the chateau.
Trembling on the ground, I threw my head back to stare up at my inevitable fate, only to face a large chunk of sponge cake falling towards me. Everything seemed to slow down as my wonderful life in the past three years with Katakuri flashed through my mind. I didn't want to die. Didn't want to leave him.
"If you ever need me, just call out my name, and I'll come to you no matter where I am. I will always protect you." Katakuri's promise from all those years ago resounded in my mind.
Clenching my eyes, I let out the loudest yell I could muster.
I felt a surprising surge of energy burst through my tired body as I screamed out and waited to either be swept off my feet by my husband or crushed. All I felt was an even greater fatigue. What a pitiful way to die on the Grand Line. 'I'm sorry, Katakuri.' After a few hard beats of my heart pounding against my ribcage, and neither of those things happening, I cracked my eyes open to look at what had happened. It took me a moment to comprehend what I was seeing through bleary eyes, but even when I wiped them what I saw confused me.
The first thing I noticed was white. At a glance, I thought it was the familiar mochi of my husband who came to save me, but realized this was definitely different once my mind cleared. A buzzing bubble surrounded me like a shield, and it was deathly quiet. 'Did someone else make this, or. . . is this me. . ?' Nothing was heard other than my labored breaths. I saw the large piece of sponge cake that had been hurtling towards me moments ago nearby on the ground in smaller pieces. The second thing I noticed was that the entire cake chateau had been turned into real sponge cake, and heavy cream was spilling its way towards me. Not a moment after this fearful realization did my bubble shatter.
All the sound that had been blocked out by it came rushing back all at once. The gushing of heavy cream, settling of debris, groaning from the buildings that were supporting the now sponge cake chateau, and a few pained groans from nearby. Despite all the noise, there was one noise that made my breath hitch as I turned towards it.
The sound of spurs.
I saw my mountain of a husband, Katakuri, running towards me rapidly with Daifuku and Oven close behind.
"Y/N!" He yelled as he got to me, my arms already raised and ready for him to pick me up, which is exactly what he did. Faint yellow relief filled me.
"Katakuri! I'm sorry I left the house, I should have stayed home, but I was worried, and I felt your emotions and, and-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before I was breaking down into tears as all the stuff that had happened so quickly washed over me. Everything was a mess, I was a mess, and I almost died. He held me so close and tight in his large, strong arms, pressing my body into his heaving chest, and head into his scarf. My hands slipped under his scarf so I could wrap my arms around his bare neck and ground myself in his contact. I could feel the fast thumping of his heartbeat against my own pounding chest as he tried to futilely hide the fact that he was shaken up.
No doubt when he heard me scream his name a few moments ago, he looked into the future and saw me about to be crushed by a cake. We both just relished each other's safety for a few moments, his mouth nuzzling its way to my cheek in his scarf. The shakiness of his breath made me whimper and cry a little more. We stayed like this before he gently tugged me away from his comforting body after we had mostly calmed down. His crimson eyes were imperceptibly watery as they searched my face and body for any injuries. Normally furrowed eyebrows were upturned in worry.
"Why are you-? No, first, are you okay? I didn't think I was going to make it in time. I saw the cake, and then a flash of white, I thought-" He abruptly stopped that line of thinking along with his fast breaths that were edging on hyperventilating. He quieted and focused on catching his breath as he studied me. I couldn't look him in the eye for long as guilt wracked my body for making my husband feel so worried about me. A few sniffles are all that sounded from me as I let him cycle through his emotions to calm down. Katakuri saw my reluctance to look at him straight, sighed, and brought me back towards him. My forehead touched his as one of his gloved hands lifted to my chin and redirected my averted gaze up to his worried pools of magenta. There was no anger, just concern and fear, even though he had every right to feel angry with me. This softness was something I only saw when we were alone, and it just broke me again. Tears quickly filled my eyes as I nodded in response to his second question.
"I-I'm fine. I don't know what happened with the- the cake and the forcefield. I'm sorry I left the house, but I was just so worried about you, and I couldn't help myself! And when I got on the island, I heard Mama screaming and you felt angry, and then the cake fell, and I evacuated everyone, but then the chateau fell and-" It was a wonder if he could understand my blubbering as I gestured wildly around us to the mess everywhere, but he let me go on until I ran out of breath. He just stood there, listening, and rubbing his thumb along my cheek to wipe away the tears.
"Anything else, love?"
A blush warmed my cheeks at his soft tone and pet name, but nodded, nonetheless. It wasn't a condescending question, he just wanted to make sure I was getting everything out. Despite causing trouble because I disobeyed him, he still wanted to make sure I was well. Another rumbling hum resonated in his broad chest as he studied my tear-stained face, dirtied yellow dress and flushed face. This softened his gaze even further as he felt regret at my sullied state.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner. I don't know what I would do without you, Y/N, and I would rather not think about it. Although you did disobey me and slipped past the many Homies I had stationed around our home to try to prevent this very event from happening," I winced guiltily under his momentarily scolding gaze, "I am, nonetheless, happy that you came, and are safe. Your kindness knows no bounds, and I feel unworthy of such a display of love, yet I humbly accept it." His last sentence was quieter than the rest of his gentle scolding, still aware of his brothers nearby helping the rest of his siblings up from the rubble.
A wobbly smile tugged at my lips as new tears stung my eyes and I nodded. The warmth of our shared love for each other in this mess transitioned my relieved yellow to a lovingly deep pink.
"You're the one who's kindness is endless. I didn't listen to you about staying home and caused you extra stress. You should be furious with me, but you just care about me being safe. I have no one to blame for my state except myself, Kata, and you know it. None of this is your fault. And of course, you're worthy of my love, we've been over this, silly. You deserve the world, especially with everything you do for your family, and for me. I would do anything to ensure your safety, just as you do for us." I wanted to give him a kiss on the lips, but we were in public, so I just settled for giving him a lingering kiss between his eyebrows. He seemed to relax a little at this gesture, taking my return compliment well. Before either of us could say anything more, a shrill and angered voice called out for my darling love.
"Big brother Katakuri! What are we going to do about this mess, and all the traitors and intruders?! We have no time to just stand around!" It was Mont d'Or screaming and being followed by what looked like a giant chicken man in a familiar pink suit, Brulee, Compote and a few other higher ranking Charlotte siblings. Katakuri's tender face of worry hardened back to his serious one, which saddened me that our moment was already over. Duty calls, though, and I was used to it by now.
Katakuri made no move to put me down yet, so I just let out a soft sigh and leaned into his scarf to rest for a little. He finally turned around to face his oncoming siblings, and a few were surprised to see me in his hold. The first person to speak up about it was Brulee who walked forward with concern written all over her long face.
"Y/N-nii! What are you doing here? You look a mess, are you okay?" Everyone expressed different levels of concern over my state, but before I could say anything for myself, Katakuri spoke up for me.
"She was worried about Pudding's wedding, so she came to make sure everything was fine, but got a little caught up in some of the chateau's destruction. She's fine now." Katakuri's firm voice left no more room for questions, so everyone accepted this answer. I didn't look at anyone in particular, opting to just stay snuggled in the soft fabric of my husband's scarf.
Everyone started to talk about the attacks on the chateau, but I was only partially listening. I was staring absently at the ground, in thought, when a long pink and black, twisted lollipop invaded my vision. I perked up a little at the offering, looking past it to a smiling Perospero who gave me a little wink when my gaze fully met his. With a little giggle, I took the treat and began to suck on it as I settled back against Katakuri. He didn't say anything about it, but I could feel his cheeks shift under his scarf in a smile which had me glancing up at him with a small smile of my own.
Once again, our moment was broken by someone yelling, but this time it was Daifuku directing troops. From what I had heard snippets of, the explosion on the chateau was still unknown, the bird man was somehow Tamago based on how he was talking, Strawhat Luffy and his allies had caused a lot of damage, Jinbei announced his resignation to join the Strawhats and Capone Bege had betrayed us to help the Strawhats assassinate Big Mom. The last piece of information was a disappointment but not a surprise. Katakuri had always had his suspicions on Bege's loyalty. Jinbei, though, was more saddening.
Ever since Whitebeard died, he was quick to ally with Big Mom to protect Fishman Island from pirates. He only visited the chateau when Big Mom called him, and rarely came to Komugi Island unless it had something to do with Katakuri. Nevertheless, the times he accepted my invitation to tea when he was around, he was kind, respectful and a joyful company to have. He didn't disclose any sensitive information outside of personal information, but I'm sure he was being reasonably cautious since I was married to Katakuri. One might think he was just nice to me because of my relations to one of Big Mom's highest-ranking members, but I like to think he genuinely enjoyed our time together as I did.
"Brulee, come with me. I'm going after Strawhat." Katakuri demanded, and as Brulee agreed and started to rant about what they put her through, I could feel Katakuri's anger rising high as he listened to his sister. The development made me a little nervous because the higher strung his emotions were in a fight, the more likely he was to slip up.
"I will personally make sure he is stopped. Not only has he destroyed our kingdom, put the family in imminent danger and tried to assassinate Mama, but", his grip tightened on me, "he almost caused serious harm to my wife. I must stop him here before he becomes a bigger threat to Mama later on." His protectiveness over everyone, especially me, had me blushing as butterflies tickled my stomach. Though, the thought of him getting hurt on our behalf churned my stomach over the butterflies.
This pirate had managed this much damage, even if he did have some powerful allies to aid him. Either he was as strong as his bounty suggested, or this was all pure luck. Even if Strawhat Luffy lived up to his current bounty, it was still only half of Katakuri's which totaled in at a billion berries. I had done enough doubting of him today, so I tried to quell the growing uneasiness that colored my antennae a lime green.
Just as Katakuri prepared to put me down to leave with Brulee, a loud rumbling and sounds of massive destruction caught everyone's attention. Soon thereafter, Smoothie was running towards us, urging us to do the same. If she was this frantic, that could only mean one thing: Mama's hunger pains had started.
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Wah!~ Okay, sooo this turned into something WAY longer than I expected it to be, so I split it up!~ The scene I started this story in mind with can be reached in two parts.~ The second part is mostly done already, but now I kind of want to have another part for just pure fluff and maybe a little somethingggggg, I don't know!~ I'll decide when I get the planned parts out and see how they do and how I feel, I suppose.~ Take care, dearies!~
Part 1 - -> Part 2 - -> Part 3
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holderofdoves · 5 months
Adam Morningstar
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Meet one of Hell’s first arrivals, Adam Morningstar!
Inspiration struck with the simple question; “what if Adam had gone with Lucifer instead of Lilith?” And first on the chopping block for this AU of course would have to be Adam himself. A bigshot in Hell, the king inspired people with his music to build and rebel against the angelic genocide when possible. Husband of Lucifer and father of Charlotte Morningstar, the rocker is a goofball with a knack for jokes that land him in trouble. He likes to mock Heaven every chance he gets with a huge middle finger, between sporting golds and purples, his crown being modeled after a halo with the very fruit Lucifer gifted to humanity, and his battle axe sporting an exorcist design at the blade. He’s lived in the Pride ring for several millennium for a reason- guitar solo, fuck yeah!
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chibifox2002 · 8 months
So you did Kirby crew as dog, but what about the rock squad?
What type of dogs they will be?
Okay! *claps hands* So here's what I think the squad (plus some others) would be as dogs!
Knack- Grey Wolf (still has his colors)
Lucas- German Shepherd
Ryder- German Shepherd (with more "blonde" fur coloration)
Penny- Wolfdog/Akita mix
Ava- Puli
Doctor Vargas- Irish Wolfhound
Charlotte- (Yellow) Labor Retriever
Katrina- Doberman
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