#these two are really cool btw...love them fore ever
snickeringdragon · 5 months
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drawing some of my silly ocs... ^_^
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seansilv25 · 9 months
Another 6 months and the end of a year, it's time fore the 2023 Audio-Visual Media Tier List finale!
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Smartphone Abridged: My god that was perfect. Too bas SWE went through hell to make it
Don't Worry, Be Fluffy: Fluffy's back, and fluffier than ever!
Subspace Fandub: Somehow, I feel like I'm not supposed to be here
Once Upon a Studio: Look, I don't care what your views on the company are, that shit was cute ok?
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2: You guys know that meme of the horse drawing segmented off by drawing quality? Yeah, imagine the roster as the poorly-drawn part and you have my thoughts on the game
Steamboat Silly: The short was great, but it's kind of crazy to think Mickey is technically public domain now. Can't wait for the inevitable "Steamboat Killie" horror flick
Haunted Mansion (2023): Normally I'm not that big a fan of the Haunted Mansion because I'm a pussy but that was really good
Scooby-Doo in Springtrapped: Cute short, and it's crazy how that was all 3D animation and not puppetry
8-Bit Christmas: A surprise watch to be sure, but a welcome one
Casino Royale: My first real 007 experience. If I were to describe it, I'd say it was... shaken and not stirred
Halloween: Man this was so much better than Friday the 13th
TMNT Mutant Mayhem: Pretty neat. I never thought I'd hear Fabulous Secret Powers in a major motion picture
Abridgimon the Movie: That was pretty funny. PUT IT ON A SHIRT!
Straight Out of Nowhere: It's cute seeing Scooby and Courage interact (Thank fuck neither of them had to kill each other in DB)
FNAF Movie: I still can't believe it's finally here. Talk about development hell
Gen V: Pretty good like the main show, but a lot of the more "degenerate" aspects felt more there just for shock value
FGO First Order: My first dip into the Fate series and now I'm hanging onto a thread for dear life help
FGO Absolute Demonic Front: Like First Order but just so... SO much longer
Transformers the Movie: Neat and has a cool soundtrack. I mean, Dare to be Stupid over a junkyard chase? Bruh (Galactus still chumps Unicron BTW)
Castlevania Nocturne: Cool and all, but next time could we not skip Simon please?
Fate Apocrypha: Like the other two, but a little shorter and more "eh" (Also with 10% more femboy)
Friday the 13th: Wait, so these movies didn't start with the hockey mask Jason we all know and love? ...What?
Secret Invasion: It was fine. 'Nuff said
As is usual, you can find the other half of my thoughts on the rest of my page (Might have to dig a bit tho) but other than that, I hope whoever shall read this has a good new year! Let's see if we can at all dig our way back up out of whatever we've gotten ourselves into.
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
intrigue—chapter 1017 spoilers
Okay, we all know the most important frame of the whole chapter is the one below.
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Oda’s really kinda giving everyone a little bit of time in the sun or submersible. Though I’m not sure who the guy on the right is (like, I don’t have a nickname for him). But Ikkaku and Jean Bart have been featuring quite prominently in the few frames afforded the Hearts (and we’ve been seeing a fair-ish bit of Bepo and co in the fighting as well).
I was hoping to see how they actually rescued him, cos subs can do repairs and all underwater, but it’s quite a process from what I’ve read, I think. Plus, it would really depend on how far below you were. 
Guessing Luff hadn’t  sunk that deep, BUT that’s where Ikkaku shifts into Narwhal form, cos those whales can really dive! Fingers crossed there’s anime filler. What’s Luff got in his hand, btw? If anything.
I’m gonna pop in the link to my meta about the Polar Tang and this arc, because I think it’s relevant. 
And next. Shinobu might not like sharp things, but she’s got no fear of heights. Maybe sharp things deflate mature things? I wonder what the story is, considering she was pretty adept at sharp things in the flashback.
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It’s understandable that heights freak Momo out. He’s been dangled over them at high stress moments a number of times. And he’s still only eight. The mourning is understandable. I’d imagine he’d be super-conflicted over Kanjuro too, considering the time he, Kin’emon and Kanjuro had spent together.
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Then, things aren’t going quite right for CP0, and the reveal that Who’s-Who is ex-CP9, and CP0 must have known if Jinbe/Jinbei knows, is really interesting. As is the shout out to Rob Lucci. We last saw him at the Reverie. I can imagine the predictions and theories are going wild.
But before we get to Who’s-Who, let’s check out these two:
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Queen in Cyborg form. The fic of Queen, Franky and Kid hanging out needs to be written. Kid’s not cyborg, but he does have a cool arm. AND what is MADS. MADS became SADS? Ah, Sanji, what secrets are you holding up your non-electronic sleeve?
It doesn’t seem to pop up on the wiki, but I didn’t pay really close attention to Germa, so if anyone has the info, drop a reply and let me know please. It might be a translation thing, as these are scans, but I’m assuming it was an acronym in Roman letters.
Don’t get MAD, get SAD, and then you SMILE, or something like that? Anyhoo.
Was there ever anyone more Little Mermaid than Zoro, and I mean the Hans Christen Andersen version, not Disney?
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But First! Chopper as Baby Gramps! Like, is the corny speech pattern part of that? I’m figuring so.
Second, there’s Zoro walking and each step feeling like knives (glass I thought), so long as he can shed his mer-tail, walk on two legs, and be in the presence of his prince (who doesn’t love him). I mean, that’s the Little Mermaid. 
God that was a sad story. I just reread the wiki, and she lost her voice following her desire to be with the prince (part of a sea-witch potion), and the prince also never realised that it was her who saved him when he fell from his ship, but he was in love with whoever he thought had. I guess mermaids of this era might not have been able to write. But anyway, Zoro’s role, like Christ on the cross it seems (fitting that he’s still in crucifixion pose), is to take on the pain of others. Except, unlike Christ (but like the Little Mermaid), they never know it. Of course, lots of philosophies have similar stories, ideas and models but, just as Oda has designated it so that Law gets beaten up and chained on a fairly regular basis (second being Sanji, perhaps), Zoro just takes on the pain of others as if it was a very requirement of his very Bushido nature. Heh.
Little Mermaid from the wiki: 
she will obtain a soul only if she wins the love of the prince and marries him, for then a part of his soul will flow into her. Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries someone else, the Little Mermaid will die with a broken heart and dissolve into sea foam upon the waves.
LawLu shippers, you can’t do that to Zoro. Anyway, the mermaid does die, by suicide once the prince marries someone else (she had the option to murder him to keep her life), but kinda becomes an ethereal spirit, and Zoro’s gonna have a better life than that, and has had so far, I think. Maybe. 
The Little Mermaid dances because she’s good, the prince likes it, but he doesn’t realise it’s like stepping on knives for her with every step. Literally. That sea witch and her potion, man.
Back to Zoro, I’m guessing his actions fit into  the “Heroic Courage” aspect of the eight virtues of Bushido (just relying on Wikipedia here). And Zoro’s right. At this point, if he could not fight, his particular role and purpose and perception of self would need some serious reassessment.
But we’re in for some angst, and angst fics once the battle is over, for sure. Considering the encounter with the bible-wielding Bartholomew Kuma almost killed him, and that it was only through taking on Luffy’s pain at that time that Luffy could continue. So. Broship and all to the fore. I’ve got a feeling his missing eye, or the story behind it, is gonna have a role to play soonish.
Tama’s way of fighting also needs a special Bao Huang broadcast just here. Heroism comes in all shapes. Look at how many people she’s manipulating. King, or queen, and definitely awesome.
And, finally—
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Who’s-Who is ex-CP9 and it seems he was imprisoned due to not properly guarding the gomu gomu no mi. Shanks and co had that, so yeah, full circles and new things to ponder.
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I watched this years SDCC panel. I learned nothing new about s14. 
Let’s jump into it; this are just going to be my opinions on the panel btw, I’ll do a separate post about some of the sdcc interviews later once I get the chance to watch them. So if there’s anything “big” that was discussed at the panel but is not mentioned here (ie. Sam’s leadership role) it’s most likely cause I already know it was discussed with more info in an interview.
Before the panel there was a teaser clip of s14 that I have not come across, if you know where I can see it let me know, and there was also a montage before the panel and that I did see.
It was actually pretty well done, they managed to make s13 look good...with the exception of the Dean/Lucifer fight scene but there’s no saving that scene. The song they used is beautiful, I loved it. 
And I really liked the...I have no idea what exactly it’s called I guess it can be considered a poster that they showed at the end, I find it pretty, and I love how Sam looks in it with the scruff:  
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(this should have been the poster for s14 lbr) 
It almost makes you think s14 is going to be good don’t it? 
The panel itself, just like last year barely had any information relevant to the upcoming season. I will be fair and say if you don’t watch regular j2 con panels and follow the fandom then perhaps the little information given will be new for you but for someone like me, who does watch the regular con panels and follows along, the information given is not anything I didn’t already know.
I believe I had commented this before, but I was really hoping that SDCC would give me some sort of information of s14 that would make me excited and look forward to it, and I still have to check out the interviews so maybe I’ll find something there, but this panel did the opposite, I want to watch s14 even less. Dabb, Singer and BuckLemming sound like they have no clue where they’re going this season; I actually still don’t know why BuckLemming were at the panel when they contributed so little, and Dabb even looked as if he didn’t want to be there, which I completely understand because I didn’t want him there either. 
Speaking off, I hate the way Dabb and BuckLemming answer questions, they answer without answering in the most annoying way.
Like near the beginning of the panel Dabb was asked what it’s like crafting the show, balancing what Dean is as a character vs. what he becomes possessed by Michael and his answer is: “I think when he was possessed by Michael he is Michael. Dean is there and he’s aware of what’s going on but he’s not really coming to the fore so Dean’s Michael”
That to me is not an answer to the question he was given, and it’s a repeat of what Jensen said as an answer to a previous question: that Dean is riding shotgun, Michael’s driving the car. 
(I did like Richards follow up question, and I feel like he pointed something out Dabb might not have realized: “But in terms of the rhythm and like the word choices when you guys are working with the writers and developing that character there’s obviously- Michael’s gonna have a different entire pattern of speech and word choice than Dean I would assume; so that goes into a struggle does any of Dean ever seep out? is there ever a mix of the two in this creation?”)
BuckLemming [and Dabb-Singer] were asked: what’s michael’s plan? what’s his agenda? 
Buckner tried to pass the question on to Lemming then Lemming passed the question back on to Buckner and I’m gonna rough summarize his reply and leave a timestamp if you want to listen to the whole thing cause he gave a long-ish answer and I am not going to listen to it 20x just to transcript it:
That Michael’s agenda was in a long list of do not reveals. That we saw what he did to his world and that he’s curious as to what humans want and that we’re going to see him recruiting people for his team and that it’s going to unfold very quickly in the first few episodes.  TIMESTAMP
You really gotta listen to it to understand why I say this man sounds as if he has no clue what Michael’s agenda is; and I’m calling bs on that being on a ‘do not reveal’ list cause these questions are pre-approved. And he pretty much revealed what Michael’s plan was going to be anyways: Apocalypse!world 2.0. 
The panel was asked about the longevity of the show: about what they think it is that makes the recipe still work, still stay fresh (they’re re-doing a storyline from s5, oh yeah they’re real “fresh”), and still engaging fans.
Lemming’s answer:
“we bring everybody to the brink of something, we push all our characters to where they think they can’t go any further and somehow on the other side of that they are redeemed. i think there’s a lot about redemption and loyalty. Whenever you see loyalty you see betrayal, so this are sort of time honored themes that we play with in the bodies of real likable and available characters that everybody loves.”
Lady what the fuck are you talking about? Since when is this show about redemption? If anything the whole betrayal schtick is one of the most tiring things of this show, also ‘whenever you see loyalty you see betrayal’ what kind of bs...
And ‘likable and available characters that everybody loves’? I can think of a good number of characters from this show that I don’t love. 
By the way Buckner’s answer to this question was also 🙄.  TIMESTAMP
I did like Alex's and Jensen's answer to this question.
On a more positive note cause I don’t hate everybody’s ways of answering questions, y’all already know I absolutely love the way j2 do it and yes j2 were wonderful but I actually want to talk about, Alex! I am liking this kid more and more, and I really liked the answer he gave when asked about how his characters relationship with Sam and Dean will change now that Castiel will (supposedly) be taking on a more parental role in the absence of Dean:
“Well what’s really cool about this show is you know I guess kinda like Scooby-Doo is you can break up the relationships and you guys can kinda like have different people go on a journey so you know investigate this part of the...you know the mansion- I don’t know. But for me and Cas it’s very cool that we get to have this kinda sustained celestial bond, but I think the ultimate thing is getting Dean back, that’s I think everyone’s kinda drive and motivation we wanna get him back into the fold.”
That is such a professional way to say Jack wants his other dad back 😂 
But really I did like how he answered the question and I like the way the question was worded too:
“Your relationship with Sam and Dean last year was very much-they were very much paternal figures to you since you sorta come into the world. Castiel  seems to be falling into that role a little bit as the season begins here, especially in the absence of Dean so where do you see your relationship going with Sam and Dean now? How does the Cas parental role change your relationship with Sam and eventually Dean?”
There was talk of the 300th episode, Singer is set to direct it, Jared said Jensen wants the 300th episode to feature the boys in togas, which would be a hell of fun to see but that’s all the info that was given. It seems Dabb is going to be the one writing it, which god help us; I will say I was not amused by Singer saying Dabb has a plan but he hasn’t told him what it is yet cause I don’t trust that man and I already think there’s a severe communication problem in that writing room. 
Random thoughts:
Jared saying Jensen’s Michael performance gave him chills ❤️
Jensen’s coat flip 😂
I hope the writers don’t ruin Sam and Jack’s relationship simply to squeeze in Castiel 
"the show hasn't lost its energy, it hasn't lost its steam, it hasn't lost it's unique energy that attracts the fans" - Richard before asking about the show’s longevity.  I disagree with this opinion. 
Dabb has got to let WS go. You tried, you failed, let it go!
Overall, I found the panel boring and kinda forgettable, it wasn’t even funny like last years was; if you’re looking for s14 information, you can find it summarized online and there’s more info in the interviews. I don’t think you’re gonna lose much if you skip on this panel, but I also don’t think you’re gonna lose much if you do watch it.
Supernatural 2018 SDCC Panel
Supernatural Montage 
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sad3girl · 5 years
Ok, so this is literally straight off of like a rom com or a fanfic I swear, bear with me because when I tell a story I really tell it but read it it’s worth it, and it is a 100% a real story somehow. Okay, so I work at Turkey’s Embassy in my home country as basically the secretary / translator because she can’t speak Spanish that well but she is great in English so I translate for her whenever she can’t get the words right. 
So she called a press conference to speak about the Turkish Operation in Syria yesterday, I was in a horrible mood already and then I was in an even worse mood because I would have to deal with the reporters. And it only got worse because the internet company fucked up the wiring and I was basically the whole afternoon bitching to them on the phone for them to fix it. 
So, press conference time comes, and I’m still fighting on the phone, and the reporters start to get to the office so like the smart little bean I am I decide to take my phone fight outside to you know end it already because I had work to do. And I’m fighting out in the hallway and the most beautiful specimen comes in dressed all cool and with some dope ass glasses, like literally my first thought is he looks exactly like Darren Criss in American Crime Story, and I’m fighting like a maniac but he’s gorgeous and I have to go on secretary mode and I could feel my whole face change into a genuine real smile. My bitch ass is like “hiii :D” exactly like that and he is like “hey *cool guy emoji*” and I just go like “can i offer you anything to drink?” and he is like “Just a water please” and first my mind goes “fukc fuck fuck he’s spanish he’s from spain he’s fucking foreing and has an accent” but outside I go like “do reporters not like coffee or something?” because everyone else also asked for water, and immediately regret it because i’m a fucking secretary i cant speak to people like that but he just laughs and goes like “no i like it but i just had one sorry” and im like in love but like I have to finish my phone call so I just go “oK i’ll bring it for you” and go into the kitchen continuing my phone call.
I finally finish screaming at people over the phone and i bring in the waters for everyone. For context, the conference was held at an oval table, i was sitting diagonally from him, next to the Ambassador. We’re all discussing Turkey and the Ambassador and stuff waiting for some more people, and I sit texting the electricist for him to come in the morning to help me with the internet guys and cute guy (btw the only one younger that 40 in this room, let alone the only 20 something year old) is looking at me and I know he was looking at me because then he moved to look at the Ambassador and fUcK i wanted to fuck him so bad. 
And it’s weird for me because I don’t like just anyone, and I never feel connections like that. Ever. But I just met the guy and there is something that is drawing me to him, and he is asking the Ambassador all these questions and he is so smart and his accent is so hot and Im doing my best not to lose it.
The conference starts and it ends, and I can clearly tell he is very against the operation still because of the questions, which I love because so smart and skeptical and just my type. And he seems so passionate and fuck, passion is so fucking attractive.
So the questions end and the Ambassador says goodbye and I have to ask for all of their contact info for the future and to ask for the pictures, and the articles once they’re done. Obviously everyone is like yeah yeah and they give it to me, but not him no no. He goes “well that depends are you going to call me or text me” and hes all like smug but not but like yes but no? and i go “huh what?” for a sec and he goes “i’ll just give you my two numbers they are” and he said them right. 
And like, I’m already in love with this guy, he could tell me die and I’d ask how do you want me to die baby. 
They leave and im in a great mood already bc i got to see a cute guy (bear in my for the past two months my job has literally taken over my life i barely ever go out and i dont talk to any guys anymore bc im exhausted and i didn’t like them that much) and somehow said cute guy actually made me excited to be alive again(?). So im already content, but I have to go pee because I had been drinking water and so I go out and into the hallway where tbe bathroom is and he is leaning AGainSt the wAlL and im like ok ok ok be cool dont be a stalker so I just smile and go to look at my phone while I wait for the guy in the bathroom to come out but cute guy starts talking to me he goes “how long have you been working here?” and my dumb ass goes “a long time” and then i realize what i said and i start to correct my slef “well not really just two months bla bla” and i start rambling and he is smiling and asking me questions and answering mine and we had the loveliest talk for like 5 minutes maybe and for one in my life small talk was so easy and fun and i wanted to keep on talking to him but then the photographer from his agency came out from the bathroom and he said goodbye and they both left.
This morning I texted all the reporters that came to the press conference to ask for pictures etcetera and to give them my contact info because yesterday I only got theirs (most of them had cards except for cute guy and one of the photographers) and well when I texted cute guy we sort of started talking (?) and he is so funny and also i might have cyber stalked him and he is super into indigenous people’s rights like he is obviously VERY passionate about it and he writes about i juestices like that a lot and like bitch all my life the only type of charity i’ve done i work with indigenous groups because my mom and grandpa are all about helping them without changing their customs just making life better for them with food and helping build hoyses and making celebrations for the kids and like I might be crazy and just super lonely but I genuinely think that the reason I feel so connected to him might be that i dunno we are like meant to be or something and thats hard to write bc i don’t believe in that but i honestly dont know how to feel, like im still excited about life and haven’t even gotten too tired or bored to respond and i haven’t wanted to quit all day (usually i want to quit like 8 times a day) and it’s just weird i dunno but we’ll see what happens i’ll keep you guys posted.
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