wellntruly · 2 years
theseformerthings replied to your reblog:
@wellntruly that’s my world, yep. Beautiful boys every Christmas Eve! https://ibb.co/2qkTkmW Welcome!
Jody look we have found one other person who knows that the film Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence exists
Feel I should mention for the court though that my personal number one hottie here is definitely the titular Lawrence. Sorry to all these icy angular rock stars (2), but I simply must live my truth (doctor role stand-ins)
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wellntruly · 2 years
theseformerthings replied to your posts - (combining for dash efficiency)
Awww, Harold & Maude! Speaking of adorable ‘70s oddcouples and John Cassavettes, have you seen Minnie and Moskowitz? Or Hal Ashby’s Being There? Peter Sellers. ❤️ Douglas Sirk, ohh. Have you seen Written on the Wind yet? Ps: Robert Stack is -such- a poor little meow meow in it.
Sadly nope, nope, and nope! That was my first Sirk, and I have seen nothing by either Cassavettes or Ashby -- Hot '70s Summer was notable for many things but the main one was probably that I was finally deliberately watching any film at all from the 1970s, a decade I had previous avoided on the grounds of brown.
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wellntruly · 2 years
theseformerthings replied to your post "Oh yay! But also, I am so sorry!"
I did see your tags about needing to step away sometime after I stumbled upon your blog (last-last year, I think?). No worries at all about following me back - I totally understand. Thanks so much for being so considerate about that. I’ve been thinking of creating a blog separate from BB, anyway (as I’ve intentionally pigeonholed myself into this one). I’ll raise my hand and identify myself if I do!
Please do! And know that it's not that simply seeing an image of Babylon Berlin sends me into the doldrums, thank god, no, but writing about it would take a little more dedicated like, oomph, at this stage, for the mind-grappling, or spontaneously getting enough natural momentum from somewhere some day to clear that first crest. Or whatever sort of metaphor I have going on here. So no the reason I can't follow you back is I'd paged over to your blog and immediately was whispering in surprise, Season 4 is out?? So I just can't spoil myself!
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wellntruly · 2 years
theseformerthings replied to your post "Would you like to know one of my silly little resolutions?"
Capital idea! PS: Tonight, I will be watching The Long Goodbye (Criterion Channel added it yesterday) because of your blogging - danke!
Hot '70s Suuummer! It is a state of mind. I truly cannot wait for my next miniseries '70s Ampersands, in which I watch Harold & Maude, Mikey & Nicky, and McCabe & Mrs. Miller. Oh and I gotta post my LIST, year-end!
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wellntruly · 2 years
Hello! I just made an account specifically to ask where the rest of your Babylon Berlin recaps are! They have been my lifeline watching this show for the first time on my own! 😂 I feel like I’m reading my own brain it’s incredible! Although you know much more about German expressionism etc than I do (which is little to nothing but that will change bc I have a library and a half saved on Wikipedia right now!)
Oh yay!
But also, I am so sorry!
I need to figure out how to convey this information more reliably, because this keeps happening and every time I’m like, oh noo. Could you please let me know how are you getting to my Babylon Berlin posts? Because I had thought anyone reading /chrono through my Babylon Berlin Blogging tag would just in natural progression see what happened, but you are certainly not, as you will see, the first person who has not. But it was Covid and I was having a very hard time.
May 1, 2020, someone asked when I was going to keep writing, and then again just a week later someone else asked, aannd then this was actually when I finally turned off anon on my inbox, because, and I’ve never mentioned this before because it feels very, you know, There Are Real Problems, but at the time this really sent me into a pit of mud: I then got another anonymous ask to my responses that I'd tried so hard to make as fun and breezy yet clear about my struggling as I could, while feeling very exposed and tender and distressed about it because I loved that show and the lockdown depression was taking it from me, that was like, inconsiderate of you to ask me to be considerate of you feeling bad when I feel bad too, except meaner, I specifically remember the message literally concluded with "whatever, have a nice life," and I was like, Wow. And somehow it felt even more demoralizing and unfair that I was having to deal with these sort of asks when before this, those S3 recaps had been so much quieter than my earlier Babylon Berlin writing, those posts were only getting all of 12 notes on average, and not even from these people, because I knew all 12 of them!
Not anonymously anymore, but I've then continued over the last couple years to keep intermittently getting innocently well-meaning questions from people still apparently not seeing the posts in my tag, and to confess, most of those asks I've just quietly deleted in despair, though occasionally I'll work up enough false optimism to make vague cheery promises, like most recently in April 2022. But the sorry fact is, I haven't been able to go back and finish writing about Season 3 because, and this depresses me so much, but whenever I think about picking back up again this show I love so deeply, I still recall all the guilt and sadness and resentment around when I had to stop writing about it partway into the third season, and I just feel, rather low again.
Sorry that this answer is so sad! :( Please try not to feel bad for asking, I've kept my own counsel on much of this specifically to avoid that, but this approach does not seem to be working, because people keep asking and my heart just keeps dropping.
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