thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
These Lips Are Sealed
Marvel & Supernatural Bingo and SPN Quote Bingo
Cursed Square
Sam Winchester x Fem!reader
Characters Mentioned: Castiel,OFCS
Tags: @thisismysecrethappyplace & @spnquotebingo
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Y/n doesn't remember when she got this velvet ribbon tied around her neck and she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to take it off. She only wished to find a skilled enough witch to break her curse or hell the one who started it all.
Three hundred and twenty years walking the earth no bonded by iron shackles or chains,but one dainty feather light object that adored her neck that weighed so much yet so little. She was a doomed soul and was plagued to carry the burden of another til she decided enough is enough and undid the tight ribbon like many did before her which would only pass it to another.
Y/n has seen wars that tore families apart and illnesses that wiped out whole population and here she was at a bar with a single pool table and only a few booths. The place was far from packed looked more deserted than anything. Sipping her beer she looked down at the bar top. About a hundred years into her immoral prison she started hunting which became her job hunting the monsters that she related too.
Many have wondered why she wore the soiling red ribbon around her neck and they have asked millions of questions,but her answer stayed the same. "These lips are sealed." She's never stayed around hunters long they tend to sniff out something supernatural. The sound of the bar doors opening caused her to shift he gaze from the bar napkin with water mark ring to the entrance. Three men walked in two of them in plaid while the shortest of the trio wore a trench coat.
The moment her [E/c] eyes landed on them she knew exactly who they were. She knew a Winchester when she saw one she hunted along side many Winchester's before them. They walked over to a booth and were quickly served drinks as they chatted most likely about the witch in town.
Y/n couldn't look away from the tall brunette. He was quite handsome,but that thought left her mind as soon as it came. She threw back what was left in her bottle and got up calmly walked to their table. "Can I help you,sweetheart?" The blonde said giving her a smirk. "I came here to just say. Your not needed in town I can handle the witchy bitch causing trouble." She said which left the brothers slack jawed in awe. A sweet smile spread on her face the angel shook the oldest out of his shock and she reached over towards the youngest pushing his jaw up. "Wouldn't want you to catch flies,darlin'." She said giggling as she stood up straight ready to leave. "Enjoy your drinks,boys." She waved as she left them their.
Sam turned to Cas who just sat there looking at them. "Do you know who that is?" He asked. He couldn't get her out of his mind. She wore a black leather jacket with a black undershirt and dark blue Jean's. The one thing that stood out about her was the ruby red ribbon wrapped around her neck. "Sammy's got a crush!~" Dean said in a sing song voice teasing his brother.The angel had his brows frowned. "I don't know who she was,but she didn't seem completely human." He said causing the brothers to tense up. What was she? "She's nothing supernatural as far as I could tell,but she does have a cursed object on her." This relaxed his nerves a bit.
"Maybe that's why she's here. Probably tracked down the witch that cursed her." Dean said sipping his beer as we sat there. "Should we help her?" Sam asked as he plays with the bottle in his hand. He wanted to help,but he didn't know how normally killing the witch or salt and burning the object can reverse the spell,but he had no idea what was the root of it. "I believe that would be the right thing." Cas said from his spot next to Dean.
~Time Skip~
It was a trap. The moment they thought they cornered the witch she reversed the roles. Cas was pushed out of the house with angel banishing symbol she made with her blood on the walls,Dean was pinned to the ground by a shelf that toppled over trying to reach ruby’s blade, and Sam was being pushed back. His insides felt like the were set on fire as the witch got closer that he had to scream in agony. “Can’t believe I’ll be the one to kill a Winchester this time for good.” She said with a giggle that seemed to deafen Sam’s hearing before the grin on her face fell. “Well sorry to tell ya this,but not all dreams come true.” A voice said behind the supernatural being as her hold on him weakened when she fell to the floor ruby's knife in her back. “So they weren’t kidding when they said this thing could kill anything.” Y/n hummed as she took the knife out of the witches back wiping it off on the corpse clothes.
A loud thud was heard as her head snapped to the side as her eyes roll in the back of her skull. She fell unconscious backwards into Deans arms after he dropped the large book that most likely knocked her out. “What the hell!?!?!” Sam shouted as he stood up from his position on the ground. “What we don’t know what cursed her and what it is.” He defended himself. “I agree with Dean. I couldn’t tell if she was what she is completely just that there is some human in her just not enough for her to not be a threat.” Sam understood. He didn’t like it, but he understood what they were getting at. He had no idea why he cared so much about her,but there was something that wanted him to look after her,to protect her, to love her.
Y/n’s eyes fluttered open she was in a concert walled room in the center of a demon trap surrounded by salt. She lifted her gaze and saw the Winchesters and their angel stood in front of her looking right back. “Well hello again boys.” She said to them,but she kept her eyes on Sam and smiled. “Didn’t know saving you would get me here...no foreplay just straight to the nitty gritty. I’m intrigued.” Laughter rung throughout the room at the tall mans flushed face. “Woah,Sammy you found yourself a keeper.” Dean snorted.
She shifted in the chair. “So,why am I here?” She asked. Y/n obviously was stripped of her weapons along with her leather jacket,but thankfully they left her ribbon alone. “You’re cursed with something.” Castial said and this made the woman tied in the chair giggle. “I know I’m cursed known ever since I was around eighteen.” She said simply. Sam was shocked. “Y-you knew. Why didn’t do anything about it?” He said as he stepped closer. “I couldn’t had no idea what to do and if I asked for help I would have been killed.” Y/n said with a sigh.
“What’s the cursed object you have?” Dean asked for his position leaning against the wall. “These lips are sealed.” She said with a blank expression before her calming smile reappeared.”Can’t ask direct questions. This thing won’t allow it.” Y/n said as she shifted her bruised wrist. “Alright then. Is something currently on you cursed?” She nodded her head. “Would we be able to get rid of it?” She shrugged generally having no idea if the burden can be lifted. “Do you know what spirit is connected to you” She nodded again.”What about my attire stands out?” She hinted at feeling the ribbon tingle a bit in warning.Dean looked her up and down,but nothing caught his eye. Sam noticed immediately the only color on her besides her lipstick was the blood red ribbon wrapped tightly around her neck. “The ribbon. Do you know the lore behind it?” Sam asked. Y/n nodded and cleared her throat. 
“'In 1500′s two sisters both witches,Elizabeth and Clementine, were the the most beautiful in their village the oldest, Elizabeth, was the more flirtatious of them and held eyes for the handsomest man in town, but he didn’t like her. He liked her sister though. He confessed his love for Clem and a wedding day was set this put her sister in a jealous rage. She went to the towns people and said Clem was a witch that would turn against them all after she was wed.' Jealousy turned to hatred and hatred leads to mistakes. " She paused in telling the story to say the last bit.
Y/n uncomfortably stretched her neck hissing silently. She's never spoke about her curse so openly and the object wasn't sure if it was a direct answer so it was giving her a warning,but she kept on. "'They barged into the family’s home and took her out of her bed that she shared with her fiance to the center of the town to be exacted. As she was placed in the geateen she screamed cursing that everyone and their children til the end of their filthy bloodlines that they would face the same fate she will. Clem looked her sister in the eye smiled and said 'Your first.' as the blade came down a silk ribbon appeared on all the females in the town just like her own. Many were confused and pulled them killing the person who had the ribbon.” Y/n shifted a bit. “That’s the story...I should know I’ve seen it happen to my mom and grandmother first hand. I’m third generation of the curse the last living person with it.” 
Sam looked at her in shock she’s been on this earth staying alive just so the curse didn't move on to anyone that shared her blood even distinctly. "So can I be untied?" She asked. Sam went over to her and undid the ropes as she stood up to full height. "Is there anyway we could help?" He asked her wanting to help her get rid of this burden. "There is one way."
The four of them left the dungeon and went to the library. "We need to find the original. Her ribbon is the base of the curse so with it gone a ripple effect will get rid of the others." Y/n explained as she opened up books. "The trick is her remains were never burnt and theirs no burial plot for a convicted witch." She said with a sigh as she rubbed her forehead.
"So we go to Salem, Organ and if Cas can since the power of your ribbon it should be strong enough for him to pinpoint a grave to dig." Sam explained looking up at her with a small smile which she returned. "Let's get to it." She clapped her hands together.
Time Skip~
The group of four walked into the clearing in the forest where the which was supposedly buried. Y/n scratched her neck for what felt like the millionth time since the stepped foot in Salem. "This must be it." She said as blood started to drip below the cut of the ribbon. The brothers eyes widen in shock as they started digging around since it seemed they were running out of time. As they dug Cas kept healing her neck,but the blood kept flowing despite his attempts to stop it. Y/n leaned against a tree dizzy as she tried to keep consciousness.
Bones were dug up and that's when the youngest Winchester used his hands to uncover them and there he saw it the perfectly in condition silk ribbon around a headless skeletons neck. Dean started the salting,but before he could do the burning Sam delicately pulled the ribbon undoing it before crawling out of the grave to let it burn.
They set it aflame and watched as the flames became a mesmerizing purple before it was put out completely. Sam turned around and ran over to the women he grew found of within moments after meeting her. She was blinking slowly trying to stay awake her head lulled to the side. "Pull...the...ribbon." Her distant voice said. He reached up and shakily undid it and just like that the bleeding stopped. The seemingly fresh cut sailed itself making it seem there was never one there.
"Thank you." She said as she lost consciousness. Sam shouted as the three men scrabbled to gather things as he carried her bridle style as Cas teleported them to the bunker. He walked to his bedroom and gently layed her on the bed as he left to get a wash cloth to clean the blood. The warm cloth wiped away the dried blood away as he sat next to he was so captivated by her beautiful features he didn't notice her waking up.
Y/n felt pressure on her neck as she opened her eyes. She was looking up at him as he looked down at her lost in a daze. "So...You're not gonna and kill me,are you?" She asked shacking him from his thoughts. Sam's eyes widened in shock. "No." He said as he removed his hand from her neck placing the wash cloth on the dresser. "Cause that would be awkward. Especially after this." She said with a smile causing him to frown. "After wha–" He was cut off by her pushing herself up to met his lips. Pulling away both of them grinning as they looked at each other. "We can't tell Dean. I won't be able to handle the teasing." Sam said as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. "These lips are sealed."
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A/n: Second story posted to day. Woah look at me being productive and shit! Again as I said before. Happy Pride!!!🏳️‍🌈 And stay safe out there. 😷 🤢😷 & ✊🏼B✊🏽L✊🏾M✊🏿
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