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if you’ve been around @streetlight-spam or i’s tumblrs, you might have seen a lot of art for something called the theseus. confused about the characters or plot? fear no longer!
the plot
Two staff members on the passenger ship Theseus- dock hand Ambrose and apprentice surgeon Jordie- discover one horrifying night that they are thrust into a world neither were prepared for. After a horrible storm that leaves all other passengers devoured by the waves and the Theseus sunk, Ambrose and Jordie are forced through a transformation by the Sink, the great unknown eldritch entity that lies beneath and in the waves. They become avatars/hosts of this entity, and are cursed to sail the Theseus for centuries, unchanging and growing ever hungry.
the characters
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(artwork courtesy of @streetlight-halo)
Ambrose Celestine- late twenties, deep red hair. Uses he/she pronouns, for what is gender to an eldritch sea captain?
History- grew up in a small, secluded village with his single mother. When she was around 20 his mother got sick, and progressively got worse until he was forced to travel to the city in hopes of finding the medicine she needed. This is how he ends up boarding the Theseus, as a dock hand travelling to find a medicine that could help her mother.
Deluded, cocky, and quick-witted, Ambrose is someone you don’t want to be on the bad side of. After the Sink and his consequential death and rebirth, Ambrose has taken full advantage of his new existence, delighting in his loss of humanity and responsibility. She has visions and hallucinations of the entity that took them over, but sees it more as a conversationalist than a dire warning.
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(artwork courtesy of op)
Jordie Lovelock- late twenties, dark brown hair. uses all pronouns.
History-Jordie grew up in a smaller family in the city, always knowing that in whatever form it took, they wanted to help people. That opportunity finally came when, at a young age, they began study as a surgeon to a well-known doctor in the city. As they got older, this apprenticeship took them to the Theseus, where they would be all but a practicing doctor. However, fate had different things in mind for them.
Jordie is horrified by this transformation from human to… well, not. Killing makes them sick, a forever reminder that they can’t help people, only bring them fear and harm. Jordie is quiet, stubborn, and in a constant state of calculated impulse.
Barnacle- the ship’s cat, found in the wreckage after the Sink. Orange, small, and a complete bed menace.
@thesillys Motivations for #thesillysmasterocpost: Both of these characters have extremely different motives, and yet need to work together and trust one another in order to survive. They are both sopping wet beasts, and miserable to a fault. They are completely eligible for the sillies.
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searabbitz · 2 years
My Entry for the Silly’s Showdown!!!
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Now for some info about my boy!
Name: Xylo
19 | He/Him | 5'2''
General Info:
Xylo is a very confident and curious young man, always ready for an adventure or any challenge in his way
Even in battles he remains relaxed and light hearted, often making little jokes or teasing his opponents
He’s not all jokes luckily, he can be serious when the time calls for it
He inherited his staff from his late grandparents who raised him
They were also the ones who taught him to fight, he’s not sure why they insisted on him learning to fight from a young age however.
Weapons and Powers Info:
Xylo’s staff is basically “magic” it can shrink and also extend up to 10ft. It can also split into two swords!
Xylo has a teleporting ability! Although he can only teleport short distances(a couple yards) quickly, he’s able to teleport up to 15-20 miles! The larger the distance the more energy and concentration it takes for him to teleport.
The max is 20 miles away, with long distances when he ports where he was going hes exhausted and drained both mentally and physically. If he attempts to exceed the 20 mile cap let’s just say he may not make it to his destination alive🤷
Motives In Joining the Showdown:
He’s always out to improve his skills and spar with other people, what better way to do that than a tournament!
And one with a sick prize as well!
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qiekz · 1 year
uhhmhmmmm uhhm silly showdown oc post :3 yayyay
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his name is Emo Dog and hes uhhhh hes emo and he uses he/him and uhhmhmmmm he has no family backstory he literally just popped out of the void his ass wasnt even born. his parents didnt even show up to his birth :((( . anyway uhmhmhmhmmmm actually i havent thought of a backstory for him yet. so im making this up rn. anyway he lives in a sad small tiny ass apartment with one sad mattress and a laptop and hes a starving artist.
hes my main rn. hes so sillay.
he wants to be in it bc he killed one person in the sparkledog hunger games and his bloodlust still remains :3 also hes silly
his toyhou.se profile:
:3 @thesillys (btw just letting u know my blog contains eyestrain n flashing lights, the latter is tagged)
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footlongdingledong · 1 year
submission thang for @thesillys oc tournament thing don’t look if u don’t care aboud that. warning 4 minor described gore n child death they’ve fucked up big time
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after 5 minutes of decided I have decided to nominate this floral moth of fucker to enter the tournabournament and also probably get it’s ass kicked Yippeeeee here’s the Reference image (very nice)
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their name is chéru they use it/they and theyve killed like 3 different gods
family and background uh they don’t really Have any family but they did adopt a few dead kids which is cool .As for background uh they’re like??God. kind of. Like a parallel forest universe god that it linked up to earth bc funny
BACKSTORY AND current life holy shit strap in gamers. so yeah as I mentioned its god it runs a parallel universe that it lets people from ours visit to hang out Adn the only reason it’s allowed to do this is bc they promised that nobody would get badly injured or die there and Uh yeah fast forward 3 days later some kid eats some of the flowers and gets their organs dissolved and dies (yikes). So the like parallel universe fuckin grim reaper comes to take em away and cherus like No Fuck You I Said That Nobody Dies Here So Nobodys Gonna Die Here and just traps em in the fucking voi d to keep this one kid alive. also they fuckign decapitate this other guy who was sent to get the kid killed too so that’s pretty yikes. This all happens within thte same week. fuckton of other stuff happens but that’s the Basic Gist
motivations to be a part of this well uh holy Fuck do they wish this kid wasn’t dead and do they wish they didn’t send god to eeby deeby (they could’ve avoided doing that very easily) so yeah just. Go back to before that happened maybe
so yeah uh. This is my guy send em to the polls. Kick it’s ass. Wahoo
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Name: Luna Nightness
Pronouns: She/her/it
Family background: The Nightness Family
Backstory: She is shadow witch who used to live in the bolising but leaves for 3 years and just move back because her mom and dad got a business option.
Current Life: Her current life is back in the bolising alley her home is near by a town call Call, she go to hexadside and her two friends the first one is a old friend/a friend she knew befour she moves and the other is new friends their name are Ivy and Elizabeth.
Power: Bard,Healing, Oracle magic, turn invisible and have a shadow form.
Bard: instruments magic and sound/music
Oracle: Able to call ghost/spirits, tell the future, mind base magic, and can use magic through oracles.
Healing: You can heal wound, curing ailments, and sometimes injuries.
Shadow form: This form turn her in to someone shadow or turn her into a ghost like being it she black and have a purple eye and maybe mouth.
Example: (concept art)
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Weapons: Her staff and her mini sword
Her Staff
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Her sword
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Motivation: To make friends , to be sucess, and to do whatever she think is for the greatest good or for the better
That all I have to say for right now but just befour you go here some fun fact.
Ps: I meant to post this on Lightermagicwofld but I accents put it on the wrong profic hope it ok just letting you know.
Species: Shadow Witch
Fear: Of false, something horrible happened to her and the people she love, and to some bugs.
Personality: Nice, childish, determined, Creative
Adventurous, curious, socially or a least try, proud full, easy going, annoying a little easily, etc.
Strength: Suoer Strength
Sexuality: Polysexual
Favorite Music: Pop,lofi,Rock, Hip pop, and anime music
Favorite theme: Lunar,space, and anime theme.
Note orignal was supposed to post on my art account @lightermagicwofld .
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kosmic-autokrat · 1 year
submission for @thesillys
hiii im kano, and this is my submission for the Silly Showdown!
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this is eirlys bedewyr eibelseid, my fe3h oc! (she/her)
her family life is pretty horrible- her dad does not care about what her mom does. which is.. basically use eirlys as a way to get the life she wanted. live vicariously through her. post timeskip, she runs away and basically lives in the woods and pulls a robin hood!
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updated timeskip design above! she's canonically a gremory but honestly she could make a decent mortal savant too.
at garreg mach, she's very very very shy and avoids people (does NOT want to be hurt) but eventually opens up to the rest of the class (blue lions). it takes a while, and she's working through it, but she's getting there.
she's here because she wants, despite growing up like that. to live, to be free, to choose something for herself, and the magic she wields is a tool to... well. cut her own path.
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garlic-the-gnome · 2 years
Here's my never posted online before OC Eggy!
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They're an unknown entity with a love for limbo! They are completely nakey except for their kick ass shoes!!!
If they aren't breaking it down on the dance floor you can find them working the floor at their local shoe shop.
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Eggy believes that they can defeat any opponent with their sick dance moves and their affinity for green beans :0
Here's a GIF I made of them awhile ago!
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carvingcrow · 1 year
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The Obelisk-
Height: 7”2
Weight: 221 lb
Family: Has 7 older brothers, the Monoliths, and a crawl mother
Background: The obelisk is a growing monolith, a marching beast of flesh. All it wants to do is to do what it’s 7 brethren can’t, unleash the singularity. It’s plan to do this is simple, find someone who can. It found success when it simply found a flyer on the ground. As they picked it up, he red that a train could take him to anywhere and anyone. They quickly took the opportunity to go to the direction the flyer says. Even if it’s a trap, they could take ‘em, was what they were thinking as they marched away.
Abilities: Emp blasts (Though it is still a growing ability due to the Obelisk’s age), It’s body (Specifically it’s dozens of meat arms, used in sucking meat off bone), and Intelligence (It’s mind is that of an adult mimic, smart enough to use it’s height, objects around it, and surroundings to it’s advantage. It’s also semi-literate)
Weaknesses: Speed, Social ability, and skin (Unlike most other Vita Carnis, it’s skin is a brighter red, leaving it open to actual weapon attacks)
Reason for joining: Wants to win the ticket, ride to the singularity, and awaken it.
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akittyscomet · 1 year
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This is Skylar! The most broken upset thing i've ever conjured out of my brain hole.
Making this post because of that oc thing.
So, to explain their backstory, They used to be a scientist, fascinated by the concept of creating life. They tried and tried to create a living, breathing, sentient being without the need for sexual intercourse or birthing. Eventually, after a really they succeeded. well, mostly. The being was weird and strange in behavior and looks, obviously not anywhere close to human. Skylar was intrigued by this, unwittingly conducting inhumane tests on the creature, not wrapping their head around the fact that this creature is sentient, and has feelings. Eventually, the creature got so fed up and upset with skylar hurting it, that it escaped its containment one day, while Skylar was away, found a lighter, and burnt down Skylars whole house, with their family inside of it. Skylar came back from the grocery store just in time to hear his family scream out in pain, their flesh burning to a crisp. Skylar got so upset at the creature that they sent it to The Void™(plot point i will Not get into. basically its a purgatory where time passes slower and theres nothing but darkness.), but in their blind rage, they got sent to the void instead. They stayed there for thousands of years, (about one year in real time), not able to do anything, stuck. Eventually they found their way out, a changed person.
Currently they are living in the back room of a bar, not doing the best, 20 years later, still contemplating everything that happened.
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thesillys · 1 year
Have a cool OC? Wanna kill it?
Well, come on down to our OC competition, The Sillys' Showdown! An opportunity to send your silly OC to an unknown battlefield with other OCs while you watch and eat free cake! Yes, cake! We offer free cake if you enter your OC!
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As you can see here, our members really like the cake we offer. You can have a slice for free while you chat with other submitters and watch the story of the Sillys Showdown unfold! Why does your OC want to enter, you may ask? Well, the winner receives a ticket on a space train that takes them wherever their heart desires. To a long-lost relative, a nostalgic place, or even a place they don't know that contains something they lost! Anywhere! If your OC would be interested in this, you should submit them. Heres how!: 1.Go on this google form, asking about yourself, your art, and your blog. (Optional, but would love to get to know you!) 2.Create a masterpost explaining everything and anything important about your OC. You can ramble about anything, though it should include: 1- an image of your OC 2- their name and pronouns 3- family background if any 4- backstory and current life 5- their motivation(s) to be part of this 3.Tag #thesillysmasterocpost and tag us! 4.We'll message you on whether or not your OC got in a day before the list goes up.
More information about the competition is on this post, though I recommend you to talk to us through our discord server for more and better info, as well as access to more free cake! Thank you for reading! -Frisk(they/them)
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thesillys · 2 years
The Sillys' Showdown OCT!
Hey, Tumblr artists! As you can see, this is a Law of Talos / Endzone / Castle of Nations fan account! We would like to make an OC competition with similar aspects to these competitions, otherwise known as an OCT! Your OC shall be battling it out with others on a random planet, in a random setting, to receive the final glorious prize of a train ticket that takes them to wherever, whoever, or whatever they'd like! Your Oc could visit their dead relatives, go back to a nolgastic place, find something they've lost, or wherever else they'd like to go! Rules for your OCs: -No NSFW topics (anything gor3y, s3xual, etc) . If you're not sure if something about your OC is too NSFW, check up with us! Our messages and asks are open. -Can any OC you'd like! It can be a fandom OC or your own OC or whatever, though we'd prefer completely new faces and will choose originals over fanons. -Only one OC submission per user! How to Submit: 1.Go on this google form, asking about yourself, your art, and your blog. (Optional, but would love to get to know you!) 2.Create a masterpost explaining everything and anything important about your OC. You can ramble about anything, though it should include: 1- an image of your OC 2- their name and pronouns 3- family background if any 4- backstory and current life 5- their motivation(s) to be part of this 3.Tag #thesillysmasterocpost and tag us! 4.We'll message you on whether or not your OC got in a day before the list goes up. This competition will rely heavily on propaganda, as probably nobody knows much about your OC (or at least not as much as a character from popular media). When the official post goes up, we shall reveal the official prompt for the tournament. This is inspired by Law of Talos, Endzone, and Castle of Nations, right? We shall set up a setting and the characters have to battle it out in this setting, with certain goals, materials, and obstacles. Your propaganda shall: 1.Say why your OC should win. 2.Explain in detail what they would do during the battle and how they would win. 3.List everything they'll use during the battle, including items from the setting as well as personal belongings. 4.Include a comic strip (or strips if you'd like) of this said battle. You will have at most a week for you and your competitor to complete your propaganda. You will send it in our ask box, as well as post the comic with simply an ID separately on your blog, tagging #sillyshowdowncrazycomic. A day after everyone is finished with their propaganda, we shall post the asks, and a day after the polls, including shortened versions of the propaganda. You can make more propaganda if you'd like for any OC after the polls are up. They will be up for a week. Amount of people on the bracket will be determined based off of submissions, though we're leaning on doing only 16 to not burn out the artists. Last day to submit shall also be determined based of of submissions. Any Tumblr artist is allowed to partake in this showdown! Anyone that can do it can join. We'd like a mix of popular artists, so we can get more people to be interested and therefor more votes, and smaller artists, so they can get clout for their amazing art and OCs! This post was made by Frisk(they/them). My posts are tagged with #friskychicken. My partner on this account is August(any pronouns). Their tag is #thegaymonthaugust. Everything about this showdown shall be tagged with #thesillysscaryshowdown. Comment if we need to add anything or change anything! <3
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