#thesis meeting went well today and we decided to try to have a complete draft in like 5 weeks oh my god. HOW. but itll be nice to be done
vriendenboekjes · 4 months
i need a new hobby i need to feel something i need to see a friend i need to sleep
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Chapter Eighty-Seven: Blessing Upon Thee
A/N: Thank you for all your comments and likes! And I apologise for taking so long to update. With my thesis to write and research going on, I had barely had time to focus on anything else. Also, there’s a bit of NSFW in this chapter so be cautious. xx Bea
Disclaimer: see Prologue
With Trooping the Colour out the way, the Sussexes and their family, could focus on their main event for the Summer: Arthur’s christening. The date was set for the 23rd of June, at St George’s Chapel, where Harry had been baptised. Prince Seeiso of Lesotho, Princess Eugenie, the Marquess of Lorne, and Mary Collins would serve as godparents. The venue had been decorated with lilies and daisies, a choir would sing Be thou my vision and Bread of Heaven, the latter which was sung at Elle and Harry’s wedding. As per tradition, Arthur would wear the replica of the christening gown worn by all royal children since Queen Victoria’s, the same worn by his cousins George and Charlotte. The family and their guests, which were more or less than twenty, would stay at Windsor Castle for the ceremony and reception.
Elle’s parent’s were thrilled and made a point to contribute with the celebration, bringing a piece of their own tradition to the christening, which she and Harry were more than happy to oblige. First there was the silver coin that would be given to baby Arthur for luck, and a tiny red ribbon would be tied to his wrist to protect him against evil.
“ We have to make some Christening Pieces for the guests.", said Victoria. A Christening Piece was an old Scottish tradition to offer sweets, generally in the form of cake or biscuits, along with a bit of money, to the guests after the christening ceremony. Elle gladly delegated that task to her mother, her aunt Ava, and Valerie. Meanwhile, she and Harry would sign all the invitations and give them to Ronald in order to send them to the guests. The godparents were already alerted of the date, of course, but there were some other family members who needed to me reminded of it.
But before they could go to Windsor and have the beautiful service she had envisioned, Elle and Harry had a joint engagement on their hands. They would be travelling to Edinburgh, for her first visit to the Royal Botanic Garden. Since their wedding, she had tried her hardest to get involved as much as she could with her charities. But when Elle became pregnant and after Arthur’s birth, the pace of things had to be slowed down due to the baby. Entrusting Rupert and Victoria to care for their grandchild while they travelled, the couple took the Royal helicopter, flew by Hector’s familiar face to Edinburgh. This would be the first time both of them would be staying at Hollyhood Palace and also their first time away from Arthur since his birth.
“ I know it’s just for a day, but it’s so hard to leave him behind. He’s still so tiny.”, said Elle, holding back tears as they boarded the helicopter on Kensington Palace’s lawn.
Harry smiled at her and held her close to him, squeezing her tightly and nodded his head. “ I know, love. We’ve barely even left and I already can’t wait to come back to him., he told her as they sat side by side.
“ And Sir Lancelot.”, she added smiling. Chuckling, he agreed with her. “ Yes, and Sir Lancelot.” Soon, they were flying over London on their way to Scotland, leaving their most treasured possession behind.
Meanwhile, another meeting was set between the Queen, her Privy Council and the Prime Minister to discuss the order of Succession. Harry had yet to made aware of such changes into the line. But Elizabeth had planned a meeting with him and Eleanor for as soon as they have returned from Scotland. Things needed to be solved and they needed to be solved quickly.
“ Thank you all for coming to this extraordinary meeting today. The issue at hand is the removal of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and his heirs from the line of Succession of the United Kingdom. This issue has been previously discussed between all parties involved and has come to the attention of this Privy Council for approval and petition for effectiveness as soon as possible, per the Duke’s request.”, said the Prime Minister.
“ Thank you, Mr. Simmons.”, said the Queen. “ As you are all aware, my grandson, Prince William, has wished to leave the line of succession, something that hasn’t been done before. We, upon reflexion and much consideration, understand his reasons and have decided to grant that he wishes. And, although he, his wife and heirs shall still retain their titles and styles, they shall henceforth be removed from the succession of our United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and overseas territories. Therefore, the line will continue after the Prince of Wales, with his second heir Prince Henry, Duke of Sussex and his heirs.”, said the Queen, reading from the same a draft of the document who would be signed by all members of the Privy Council. And that, of course, included Harry. Until he returned, the final draft of the document would have to wait.
“ All those in agreement, say ‘aye’.”, said the Prime Minister. A resolute chorus of ‘I’s’ answered the question and the meeting was concluded. The only thing left to do to actually ratify the document was Harry’s consent and signature.
At the Royal Botanic Garden, Harry and Elle were met with great cheers from the crowd that was waiting for them. At the entrance, Elle was given a posy of thistles, Scotland’s national flower, by a very shy young boy. She knelled down close to him and smiled sweetly at him, whose cheeks turned a little red.
“ What’s your name, sweetie?”, she asked. Looking at his shoes, he quietly replied:
“ Jonathan.”. She smiled at him and thanked him by shaking his hand. She and Harry were led by a group of botanists and florists around the garden and were shown different flowers and native plants from Scotland and a few other places around the British isles, as well as some foreign ones.
“ And this, is the new variety of Mountain Avens which have been named the Eleanor in your honour, Your Royal Highness.”, said one of the botanists. Elle smiled and posed beside the white and yellow flower, taking her time to admire the different shades in its petals.
“ That about a flower named after me?”, joked Harry and the group laughed.
The took around half an hour to visit the entire garden, finally finishing at the entrance where Elle prepared to give a speech.
“ Thank you to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for having us here today. It’s a privilege to be able to witness the magnitude of the work done by all of you; from the gardeners to the botanists and scientists. My husband and I are thrilled to be see first hand how much effort and care is put into conservation and restoration of the natural floral of Scotland. A true gift not only to this nation but to the entire British Isles. Thank you.”, she said, finishing her speech. After the applauses and posed pictures, she unveiled a plaque in commemoration of their visit. Hand in hand, they waved their goodbyes to the public and made their way back to Hollyhood Palace.
With a free day to kill before they returned to Arthur, Lancelot and their lives in London, Harry and Elle explored a little of the surroundings. They actually took the time to go about the gardens and the ruins of the ancient chapel that once stood beside the palace. With Leo and Ingrid on their tails, they went about Edinburgh with little to no recognition, which was a breath of fresh air to them both. Once back in the castle, Elle drew herself a relaxing, lukewarm bath, dropped a bath bomb in it and set there, quietly enjoying the feeling of the water on her skin. As she started to doze off, she felt the water stir and was hastily awaken by Harry, who was splashing water everywhere trying to get into the tub as well.
“ Didn’t even bother to invite me, love? How rude…”, he said smirking, sitting close to her, their legs intertwined. Elle chuckled and leaned forward, kissing his cheek, gently caressing his face, soaping it with foamy water. She felt his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him and she let Harry guide her to his lap. His lips ferociously attacked her neck, making her moan as her fingers roamed across his hair, neck and back, leaving faint red lines. He then lowered one of his hands to her inner thigh and slowly traced patterned over her skin, inching closer and closer to her core, teasing her to no end. His fingers were firm and dextrous, knowing exactly how to please her. She moaned in his ear, throwing her head back as he continued to kiss her neck.
“ Good, love?”, he asked ruskily. Her reply was another moan, followed by a series of passionate kisses that left him out of breath. Harry’s movement’s became more urgent only to stop when she was so close to the edge. Elle let out a whimper of discontent which made him smirk and gently press himself further against her. She gasped as he filled her, completely taken by the waves of pleasure she was feeling.
Their movements alternated from fast to slow, loving and raw… a rhythm they had long developed. Their swear mixed with the water as they climaxed over and over again. They stayed in the tub until the water ran cold, tangled in each other’s arms. Having the luxury of being away from their newborn gave them time to actually enjoy each other’s company, a much needed rest from the parenting they were still getting used to.
They barely had time to touch base in London before they had to leave for Windsor. Arthur’s christening was a few days away and the final preparations were at full speed. Family and guests had arrived and where received by the Queen, Prince Philip and the royal couple in question. Seeiso and Mabereng were thrilled to get to see the new addition to the family.
“ Oh he’s so precious!”, said Mabereng, as Arthur was passed from his mother’s arms to her awaiting ones.
“ And look at that patch of ginger hair… it’s obviously your child, my friend.”, said Seeiso to Harry, who chuckled.
“ Hey! I’ll have you know that his particular shade of ginger comes from my head, thank you very much.”, said Elle, making the men laugh.
“ Fair enough, point taken dear Eleanor. By the way, how’s being a mother treating you?”, he asked her, sitting beside his wife and gently brushing Arthur’s head. He had fallen asleep on Mabereng’s arms and was cutely making faces as he dreamed. Smiling to her infant son, she said:
“ It’s no easy I’ll tell you that. But it’s been so good, so rewarding. When I get to hold him, having his skin on mine and he’s cosy and warm against me. Or when he gives me that toothless smile and I know he recognises who I am… it’s so pure. It’s much more love than I thought I’d be able to feel.”
“ That’s about right…”, said Mabereng in agreement.
“ And you my friend? Is fatherhood all you dreamed of?”, asked Seeiso to Harry. Looking at Elle, they shared a smile and he nodded his head.
“ That and so much more…”, he said. “Specially when you share it with the right person.”, he continued, taking Elle’s hand into his.
“ So, worth the wait I take it?”, asked Seeiso.
“ So worth it.”, Harry replied, planting a kiss on Elle’s cheek.
The press was invited inside the grounds of Windsor Castle as well as part of the public. The barrier surrounding the Chapel of St. George was full of people carrying cameras, signs, toys and flowers. The guests were the first to arrive: Richard and Mary with little Rose; Eugenie and Jack, Beatrice and Prince Andrew, Sarah Chatto, her husband and children; Seeiso and Mabereng, Elle’s cousin, Michael, the Marquess of Lorne, her aunt, uncle and cousin from Scotland; Valerie and Elle’s brother, James; her parent’s; Charles and Camilla; William, Kate and the children, and then Queen and Prince Philip.
Finally, Elle and Harry came out of the Castle, with her carrying baby Arthur, who was dressed in the iconic christening gown, in her arms while he supported her by the waist as they walked down the path to the church. Dressed in a … dress with a matching fascinator, they stopped at the side entrance and greeted Elizabeth and Philip first, proceeded by the Archbishop of Canterbury. As the senior royals took their place inside the chapel, Elle and Harry waited with the Dean of St. George’s Chapel to begin their procession, along with the godparents.
Much like they had done at Rose’s christening, they walked in first towards the altar, carrying baby Arthur, while the godparents followed behind them. Elle then passed the baby to Mary, while Eugenie held the towel to dry the baby’s head.
“ Your Majesty, Your Royals Highnesses, Your Graces, ladies and gentlemen… Parents and Godparents, the Church receives this child with much joy. Today we are trusting God for his growth in faith. Will you pray for him, draw him by your example into the community of faith and walk with him in the way of Christ?”, asked the Archbishop.
“ With the help of God, we will.”, they replied in unison. The Archbishop lit a large candle and the service proceeded with prayers and blessings. They all gathered around the baptism fountain Seeiso then poured the water into it. Much like in Charlotte’s christening, the objects and regalia used in the royal ceremony were taken from the Tower of London and carefully transported to Windsor. The water itself, also like in every royal christening, came from the River Jordan. Mary then leaned Arthur forward, so the Archbishop could then pour the water over his head. The baby fussed a little but was soon soothed by the warm water.
“ Arthur Frederick David James, I baptise you in the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”, he said. Eugenie then carefully dried Arthur’s head with the towel while he cuddled closer to Mary. It was then Michael’s turn to lit the christening candle; the flame itself coming from the larger one.
“… shine as a light in the world to the glory of God.”, said the Archbishop, and thus the ceremony was complete. There were a few readings and hymns were sung. Family members and guests smiled and cried of joy as baby Arthur let out a giggle as he was returned to his mother’s arms. The bells rang loudly outside and you could hear the cheer of the public as little by little the royals and guests exited the church. At the very end came Elle and Harry, who was now carrying baby Arthur in his arms. Both smiling from ear to ear. Photos were taken as they made the walk back to the Castle for much needed food and refreshments.
But before they could actually dig in the said goodies, photos would have to be taken. So the couple posed with their family first, then with the baby’s godparents and finally just them and Arthur. Mario Testino was hired to take the christening pictures and for the ones with just the little family, they took things outside. In the quadrant courtyard the couple sat together on a wooden bench beneath a majesty oak tree and things just went naturally from there. The smiles and looks, Arthur’s little hands reaching for his parent’s, Elle and Harry’s heads close to one another as they watched Arthur babble. Very sweet and touching moments that would be recorded on their mind and on paper forever.
Once back inside, as per tradition, a piece of their wedding cake which had been frozen, was served to the guests, along with cordials, and heavier drinks such as whisky and brandy. Arthur enjoyed being coddle up and spoiled by his godparents as well as all the other guests who wanted to hold him and gift him something. George and Charlotte kissed and caressed their baby cousin’s head but soon were too bored and decided to play around the room. Valerie, who had the turn of holding Arthur made silly faces which made him giggle in return.
“ That’s such a sweet sound… I can listen to it all day long.”, she said to the beaming parents.
“ So when it’s the next one?”, asked James, winking.
“ Slow down there, James. I’ve just had this one. Let’s revisit this chat in a few years ok?”, said Elle, shaking her head.
“ A few years? I don’t think Harry there will be able to wait that long.”, joked James, smirking at his brother-in-law.
“ I think he can. And he will.”, replied Elle, now also looking at her husband, raising one eyebrow.
“ Whatever you say, little sister. But we all know you’ll have another one soon enough. You both want it… and we everybody knows that.”, retorted James.
“ We’ll see about that.”, said Elle humphing. Valerie chuckled and agreed with James, while Harry shook his head and planted a kiss on her temple. He then noticed Charles coming in his direction with a serious look on his face.
“ Harry, Eleanor dear, may I talk to you for a moment?”, he asked in almost a whisper. The couple looked at each other and nodded their heads, quickly excusing themselves from their small group. No one seemed to bother or notice the look on Charles’ face.
Elle and Harry then followed Charles to the Green Drawing Room, where Elizabeth, William and Kate were waiting for them. The couple looked a little surprised and suspicious at the odd gathering.
“ What’s going on?”, asked Harry to no one in particular.
“ Please, take a seat.”, said the Queen and they both sat in the semi circle of armed chairs.
“ I asked Charles to call you here due to a matter of the utmost urgency. The matter itself had been already solved but I do need to clarify a few things with you both and… and prepare you for what’s to come.”, said Elizabeth.
“ Granny, you’re scaring us. Please, what’s happening?”, said Harry. Elizabeth dismissed his plea and looked to William and Charles.
“ A few months ago, your brother called me asking to meet. He told me he had a very important matter to discuss with me. And as it turns out, he did. Having talked to your father fist, William came to me with his mind made up, only looking for my consent.”, continued Elizabeth.
“ Consent to what?”, asked Harry, getting irritated.
“ Consent to drop out of the succession line.”, said William. There was a pause. The room fell silent and no one said a word for what looked like an eternity.
“ Are you fucking kidding me?!”, said Harry, half shouting. He was in awe, disbelief and irritation covered his features. Elle didn’t know what to say. She ran her hand on Harry’s back in an attempt to sooth him. She then looked to William and Kate, who had their head bowed down.
“ What do you mean you’re dropping out of the line of succession? You can’t simply fo that!”, shouted Harry, now standing up and making his way towards William, only to be held back by Elle.
“ Darling please. Calm yourself. I’m sure there’s a very good explanation to all of this.”, said Elle, as calmly as she could. Sighing, Harry gave his brother a hateful look and plopped on the chair once again.
“ When Eleanor was kidnapped, Kate was hit by a bullet in amidst the crossfire.”, said William. Harry and Elle both looked alarmed and turned their faces to Kate, who shook her head.
“ I’m fine. It was just a flesh wound. Nothing too serious. We didn’t want to tell anyone or make a huge deal about it but… let’s say that was the last straw in an already very full barn.”, said Kate.
“ It wasn’t the first time out lives have got in the way of someone we love. Catherine suffered for most of our relationship with harassment and then kidnap threats and death notes came to our office not only against us, but also against out children. I’ve decided… we decided we had had enough of it. I talked to Pa then I went to granny and explained the whole situation for her…”, said William.
“ So you’re just dumping this on my plate? That’s it?”, said Harry, very irritated.
“ Oh let’s face it! You’re much better suited for this than I could ever be!”, said William. “ You’re a natural. A born leader. Even mother knew that!”, he continued.
“ Don’t you dare bring mother into this.”, said Harry angrily.
“ But it’s true. Everyone knows it, Harry. You’re just like her. You have a way with people that I could never ever dream of having. And it’s all you. It’s almost instinctive to you.”, continued William.
“And are you both ok with this?”, he asked Elizabeth and Charles.
“ As much as it pains me to say it, I am.”, said Charles.
“Unbelievable!”, exclaimed Harry. “ Granny?”, he asked the older woman. She sighed and was about to speak when Harry said:
“ Oh for fucks sake!”
“ As I was going to say, after much consideration, I agreed to your brother’s wishes. He’ll live as a private person, like your cousins Zara and Peter and will relinquish his royal duties and income. He’ll retain his title and styles as will Catherine and the children. He’ll resume his work as a helicopter rescue pilot in Wales, where they will reside for the time being.”, said Elizabeth. Harry sighed deeply, running his hands over his face and hair. Elle kept on soothing him with circular motions on his back. She was nowhere near calm herself. Her heart was pounding and she could feel a headache coming and settling in.
“ I know this is all too much to listen and to consider but as soon as the document is signed, the line of succession will fall to you and your heirs, Harry. Much like it happened to me.”, said Elizabeth. “ I was never to be the monarch, yet here I am.”, she continued.
“ We’ll be with you every step of the way. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about statesmanship, government, religion, cerimonial duties… you’ll have time to get used to it.”, said Charles and Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement.
“ Well… the decision has already been made, hasn’t it?”, he asked his grandmother, who nodded her head again.
“ Then I guess there’s nothing I can do about it.”, he replied. “ Just know this… it’s very selfish what you’re doing, William. I never expected that from you. Right now I can’t even talk to you, or look at you.”, said Harry, standing up, taking Elle’s hand in his own.
“ I understand.”, replied William.
“ Now, if you excuse us, my wife and I have guest to entertain. We’re going out there and we’ll enjoy our son’s christening party.”, he finished, taking Elle along with him and going out of the room with a loud bang.
“ Well… that went better than I had expected…”, said William.
“ He looked very calm… all things considered.”, said Kate and they all nodded their heads in agreement.
“ And that, my dear, is the very reason why I think he’ll make into a fine monarch one day.”, said Elizabeth.
Harry walked fast almost pulling Elle along. He rushed along the corridors and went to the quadrangular courtyard. He let go of her hand hand and walked into the grass, pacing from side to side, hands ever so often running through his face and hair.
“ Darling? Harry… talk to me….”, pleaded Elle.
“ How can they do this to me, huh?! TO US!”, he shouted.
“ I can’t do this. I can’t be king! It was never meant to be me! William was supposed to be the one on the throne! The one with the responsibilities and duties… NOT ME! And Kate was meant to be the Queen like my great grandmother was. Not you, my love. Never you. I don’t want to put that responsibility over your shoulders, my love. I… I can’t…”, said Harry, crumbling to the ground, sobbing. Elle rushed to him and embraced him.
“ Shhhh… it’s going to be okay, darling. You’ll see.”, she said. “ We’ve faced do much together, this is just another challenged in our way. We can do this. So long as we stand by each other.”, she continued.
“ I don’t think I can do it. I saw what that kind of life did to my mother… it destroyed her. I don’t want to it to destroy me… even less to do that to you… and Arthur… our little boy… look how much is already being thrusted onto him. I can’t Elle… it’s too much.”, he said, still sobbing.
“ We work this out. We’ll find a way.”, she kept repeating it. Not only to Harry but also to herself. What are we gonna do now?, she thought.
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