fox-from-malta · 2 years
Rambling about an AU/Re-imagining of a show I like. [pt.1 - characters]
[DISCLAIMER : I do NOT own these characters or anything, this just me being a fan, and what I would have changed to maybe make the show a bit more interesting xD but this is coming from someone who likes the show, so it's not intended as hate!]
Everyone has that one show/movie that nobody else in the world seems to like... but themselves xD Mine is 'The Skinner Boys'... I never read the book series, cause I don't understand italien [cry] but I did watch the animated show... a lot xD (I was introduced to it on german tv so, explains why it's not that talked of lmao) I mean, it's not a show to brag about, but I loved the general concept of it! Hence why this rambling post xD (I do wanna draw these concepts someday, but for now just text post)
Re-imagining of the Characters
Tara: ~ I'd make her the main character, because she's more interesting than the boys imo lmao xD
She's still the mysterious 15 year old cousin, but I'd make her a bit more mysterious than canon.
She's not that familiar with 'modern' teen life, so that would be more apparent in her character.
She's still Asian, and I'd make her mission outfit reflect that a bit more cultural wise. While her casual is just casual lol.
She can still have uncontrollable visions, that she cannot explain. ~ Basically I won't change much about her character, only make her a tad bit different personality wise haha, and the reason behind her magic will change, but won't spoil much in case I do draw and then can get into more detail later.
What I would add to her, is her staff from the pilot intro, because that's just so fking cool.
He's the comedic relief, and hates it.
Youngest brother still, and often treated as a child even though he's 10.
He and Tara are often teamed up together, which he doesn't like much at first but then starts to grow a sisterly relationship with her.
His pet Mongoose, Neville, is still there as he's the animal lover, but his main purpose is just as being his pet lol not like, as important as he is in the show at times. ~ also he'd be a ferret not a mongoose in my re-imagining. since that's a more common pet lol
The genius of the family, still always creating inventions around the house - but this time, for a cause as well, as I was thinking I'd make him physically disabled so there's a reason why he creates and such.
He's the oldest, being 17.
Doesn't get humor, but he's funnier than Tara.
Him and Henry hang out the most together, as Henry always asks him to create fashion related inventions for him.
The flamboyant brother, 14 year old.
He's the fashion and artistic one.
I'd make him aroace.
I like his character in the show, being like uncaring at times but in reality he cares a lot and would do anything for his family, so that stays in his character.
He gives Tara the fashion and trend updates to help her fit in better.
Grandpa Augustus Skinner:
He's the mysterious grandpa, who lets his grandchildren solves his mysteries after his passing still. BUT
he's not magic, I hated the reveal that he also had some magic in the series, so that goes.
He does never meet Tara like canon, but then meets her in a time travel adventure.
He isn't as kindhearted as he seems to be in canon, like in my re-imagining, I'd make him kind yes, but there would be people the cousins would meet that reveal he wasn't always wise or as kind as they like to remember him.
He stays the same lmao, I like him xD
Obsidian Stone:
He's not the main villain.
He's still the former student turned baddie, that has his own henchmen, but I'd make him work for the overall villain of the show, and that's like a reveal later on in the series.
Other Villains:
Most of the henchmen of the show I'd keep the same, some were very interesting, and work as the silly henchmen in my re-imagining as well.
Julia Skinner:
The mum also stays the same, like she knows of the adventuring her father did, but didn't involve herself. Then does so when she's needed.
I'd make her Tara's GF, because I headcanon Tara as Sapphic >:)
She'd also then get herself involved in the missions after she discovers the Skinner's secrets.
Selena's sister Becky, I'd make her more adventurous, rebellious and outgoing. and she has the rivalry friendship with Edward xD
That's it for my rambling. And sorry for it being uninteresting xD as nobody cares about this show but me haha.
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