girllookingoutwindow · 2 months
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herushingu · 10 months
Good evening, Hellsing 🛡️
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No matter what you think youre going through, someone always has your back. Sometimes, more than one 'someone.' 🩸
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paperlovesadness · 1 year
Miles posting a clip of my very favorite Bowie song has got me feeling things
I'm not even gonna mention how he chose the piece that said: /Smiling and waving and looking so fine. Don't think you knew you were in my song/ because maybe making these connections everywhere is slightly psychotic
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aghhtdraws · 4 months
Are you still in the jade armor fandom? :0/gen
Hello! Sorry for replying to this so late!
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Basically, the "fandom" as such or fanbase has been so small online, that to me I was not sure it existed even xD But yes! I am still a Jade fan :D Jade Armor is the best cartoon! It's not even that old to me, I just started watching it in the spring of 2023, when it started airing here again. So I've been a fan for just a year or so since march!
I'm curious where this question comes from!
Would be nice if there were more fans online, but honestly, I have always thought that maybe that's a monkey's paw wish - and that really, it's a bit nice exchange of fate in a way - that it seems that while the online fandom is small, perhaps the show has many offline fans, people actually watching it across multiple channels! (since it's available both on big channels like RTL, but also online in their online versions, maybe it just has many viewers from there)
and it's a fun show with a very cool style and premise, so I'm happy if it has fans at all, whether I actually see them online or not. So I haven't been very active in fandom spaces myself, mostly posting fanart online, because I just don't have time + energy as much for some fandom stuff anymore I guess xD
bc there's so few fancontent online, I really appreciate that the official jade armor insta has so much info and posts about it.
I've seen a lot of shows go under after it's been decided they're not profitable, or similarly, many fandoms sorta dwindle and become smaller after the show has been cancelled, so... it's nice to know that, if a 2nd season really has been put into production (as we've seen announced online), that the shareholders behind the show are willing to fund the studio to make another season. I'm really curious to see where they could be going with the story and characters, since the world and relationships they've shown feel really well-built, like they're real and there's history there. So I'm just happy to see if it will really be aired and that the team has put as much care and effort in as in the first season. I really like the show!
I might put up more fanart, since I've been doing sketches recently, but have been thinking of posting more fanfic too. The show should have at least one fanfic on AO3 (by me), but havent had time to finish more. I'm curious to see more but not really as sad about it since the fandom itself is still very new!
One thing I'd maybe like to personally change is like, make a small wikipedia for it? not on the current main fanwiki site, but just a small one for reference? and another thing is... the tvtropes page? TVtropes in general has so much misinfo sometimes since no one is obligated to keep refs and it's based on "fandom memory" haha... but it's so weird to me how much of the text there is ppl comparing Jade Armor to Miraculous, even tho they are such different shows after the first glance xD Seriously! you can make normal comparisons without letting ppl know how much you hate the other show xD
it's a similar situation to earlier fanbases like ppl comparing Winx vs WITCH, Jake Long vs Juniper Lee, The Book of Life vs Coco... it's as if online cartoon fans apparently just have nothing better to do than make their shows fight xD
lol sorry for the wall of text i've just been thinking abt this show a lot already and this is my way of answering your question I guess xD
Fingers crossed that the show has a build-up of fans, both offline and online!
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drawnaghht · 1 year
Yuichi Usagi - what's in a name?
I read "Senso" over the end of March and the last week and reviewed a bunch of interviews again and man i dunno how to post abt it but it seems that Yuichi Usagi is actually intentional as naming? And yes, Yuichi can be a last name also, but is still mainly read as a first name.
Like specifically it seems that it’s a reference to the ending of “Usagi Yojimbo: Senso” in a similar way to how the rest of the show is also intentionally an homage to that story as it’s main source of inspiration.
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“Yuichi” commonly has the meaning "heroic first (son)" (雄一) and in the japanese subtitles, Yuichi is spelled as both 雄一 and ユウイチ - Yūichi. So let's take the japanese subtitling as additional canon as that’s how the character’s introduce themselves. (I'll link this Japanese-Names website as an online source for now since I'm not fluent in it myself.) The subtitles are based on the english dub of course, but it seems the japanese dub is similar on the name introductions for the most part (not a native speaker myself so I can only guess).
Spoilers for Senso if you haven't read it. I recommend you do, if really nothing else. It’s a really nice mashup of sci fi in Usagi Yojimbo, in a very “War of the Worlds” type clash. I really loved the foreword comic and the illustrations before the story. It's a really good story. Here’s a nice spoilerless review of it.
So from interviews we know that the Samurai Rabbit crew was inspired by and drew influences from six-issue book Usagi Yojimbo: Senso - you can see it in how the Makkine were designed and episode references (S2, ep 9 "Eggs!" - the falling martian ships are called eggs in “Senso”) and mainly the story outline of aliens invading edo-period japan.
So why give Yuichi Usagi a first name as a last name?
We see this backstory in "Willow Branch" in season 2.
The sword was lost. That is a storyline they included to make an interesting story out of it but to also connect the show and og comic in a different way. A "passing of the torch" in some sense, but also literally what the comic tells us about og Usagi and his swords. In Senso: "They are my soul. Pass them down to your firstborn… then to his [...] then down the line…” And in the show we see that Willow Branch is found and recovered by Yuichi and the sword accepts him as the next in line. The firstborn son.
So from this we can make the fan-theory that perhaps in the show canon, Miyamoto Usagi’s family maybe named their next firstborn in line Yuichi, to honor their forebear Miyamoto Usagi's last wish, again if we're going by the thought that this was inspired by "Senso". (Jotaro being his last surviving member in this verse possibly, we don't know here bc it's intentionally left vague to not spoil series-only viewers + keep the mystery open for anyone who decides to read the comic after the series for the first time). It could even be a possibility that they just kept that as a surname for sentimental reasons, because the family had women as first-born children for so long (if we assume based on Usagi's auntie and missing parents), but they wanted to keep that memory going for as long as possible, since the sword was lost shortly after Miyamoto saved Edo from Kagehito’s plan a 1000 years before Yuichi’s time. But that’s already just speculation from me as a fan of the cartoon.
And before die-hard comic readers swoop in, yes, in Senso the swords are not lost, but again, it’s an alternative universe story situation for the people making the show, and I find what they did was interesting.
The comic’s ending is tied into the world of “Space Usagi” as well, without spoiling it too much, which is a storyline Stan did in a space opera setting. The connection between being inspired by Senso which is tied to this story may also be why so many interviews and articles call Usagi Chronicles as inspired by Space Usagi directly, since both are spin-offs that take place in a distant future.
Or you know, it could also just be that they wanted an easy-sounding name for their main character to call that wasn't only Usagi, since they have two in the series: their own and the original.
But all in all, whether the name comes as a reference to the original comic, or from simple use of a common name, it can’t be ignored that this is just how the show calls it’s main character.
But you can still call him Yuichi, as that is what both the crew (his creators) and Stan Sakai call him when talking of both tbe Usagis. (Or, in the case of Stan, "my Usagi" and "Their/Samurai Rabbit/the show's Usagi") It could be that out of respect for the work the crew put into his series, Stan didn’t suggest more naming conventions for the character because he already liked the work and story the crew did. It could be that they put a pin in it at first and then got used to it as pre-production continued. Could even just be that he loled it right away. But I don’t find it that useful to speculate on that as much, because the cartoon we have is already made and finished how it is and well, we don’t know the exact authorial reasonings from the show crew side much, so Yuichi Usagi it is.
Though also, the way that his names are used in the show (Auntie mainly calls him Usagi and family usually adress via 1st name, Yuichi is never used mich beyond introductions) and how it's used in the interviews when talking about Miyamoto Usagi as well, it feels like they meant to give him two first names, and couldn’t decide on a surname-sounding last name so, Yuichi Usagi was left in the final script. But that's just my guess as a fan and viewer again.
Maybe other fans have had similar or better discussions about it? It would be interesting to know if the show has more japanese fans and how they find this, for example. What they think about how the show introduces him as Surname-Given Name, but then every other character switches to just calling him Usagi right away. In japan, people usually use last name+ honorifics when they have just met. But both Usagi's new friends and Usagi himself switch to first-name basis after their first day meeting each other and going through a few fights. Is it just because the show has a mostly western audience(my assumption), and we're meant to use his given name as an audience to be more familiar with him... or is it only because he's a rabbit and some of the characters (like Lord Kogane) don't really care more? Perhaps a 1000 years into the future, they've partially lost the use of some traditions?
In any case, it doesn’t feel like the show made that big of a faux pas naming Yuichi the way they did. Ould be that my guess is wrong and it wasn't as deliberate a reference to Senso. It seems a much higher possibility that they thought of that, thought it sounded nice and then kept it because it was an easy way to call him differently from comics-Usagi during production itself, but still getting to call him Usagi in the show-proper.
This is just me basing this on official interviews and the Senso book, but this just seems more likely than them picking a random name with no meaning to it. Of course, I could also be wrong, but based on interviews along, the showrunners and creative team seem so genuine in wanting to give the comic a good show that it doesn't make sense that they wouldn't research it. Or at the very least, ask about it from Stan himself or even just get a note from him about it, since he reviewed everything else. Candie and Doug (showrunners) even mention (in Comic Book Couple's Counceling podcast interview) how they really wanted to go deeper with research this time and art director Khang Le mentioned how they took a lot of cues from modern japan as well, from their research trips there.
I know this probably won't put any future discussions/rambling about this to rest among other fans, but well, just some thoughts on this. While I think it's probably kind of silly of me to be writing long essays abt a cartoon show I like, I do think it sort of warrants more discussion abt how we talk about characters and how we refer to them. For another show i'm a fan of for example, the character has an official name and a nickname, but the show itself consistently only used the nickname to let the reader be familiar with her. While characters like teachers and enemies might refer to them with their given name, even her full name, their family and friends mainly use the easier nickname. But it seemed that the reverse happened with that show's fandom, as the more unique given name became more used than the nickname the show itself gave us. And this was sorta the same thoughtprocess I had here with Usagi Chronicles.
Anyway, this has been a post x3 I meant to make this shorter and just about Senso, but I sorta started rambling more after the auntie and generations of female Usagi descendants theory x3
edit 5.05: fixed some grammar and sentence logic mistakes! added clarifications where ref was missing (CCBC podcast)
edit 13.06: I looked up the spellings for Yuichi as a last name and while it's similar, based on how it's written in the show, this supports my previous reading still. It still seems like it's meant more as a title almost, the same way naming would have been in old norse for example "Ivan's son" would become "Ivanson" or in english-language names, "Miller's son" would become "Millerson" (patronymic). So again, maybe Yuichi is meant as "first son" as the first name, but Usagi is his namesake because the family still wanted to honor their common ancestor, Miyamoto Usagi. That's the possible in-world reasoning, but with how much this crew put into the show, I wouldn't be surprised that they thought the same thing, that it's a nice way to reference the book Senso they were insired by, but also Miyamoto Usagi the character, who they were inspired by.
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aaghht · 2 years
minor spoilers for the usagi chronicles series but just wanna try and figure out a timeline here, so...
Miyamoto Usagi is established as a "distant ancestor" of Usagi
Yuichi Usagi lives in a futuristic Edo inspired era/re-imagining of the comic world
Neo Edo exists about 1000 yrs into the future? (i think the show itself doesn't establish this as strictly, so i think might have gotten this from some NYCC livestream or something) Edit (24.10): Actually, the show establishes this a few times, but it's a bit vague/always the same:
One of the dog police guarding Usagi in ep 2 tells him the story of Miyamoto Usagi and how he was a big traitor, starting with:
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In the first ep, it's established that a 1000 years ago, something happened with the main villain Kagehito, to make him hate Miyamoto Usagi - for sealing him in the Ki-Stone for a thousand years.
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The same episode, Karasu-Tengu also mistakes Usagi for Miyamoto, and says a similar line about the Ki-Stone:
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Then the season end establishes that this sealing of Yokai and Kagehito by Miyamoto Usagi was to hold off an invasion from another dimension/space a 1000 years ago.
Another little factoid to build on: in the 1st ep, when meeting Usagi, Gen says it's the first time he's seen a rabbit in the city;
(edit end)
Auntie mentions in the 1st ep that her and Usagi's great-grandfather made her sword, Edgewing, together "back when I was your age." - so I assumed here first that Miyamoto is the great-grandfather Auntie means here. (edit: again, how old is Auntie if she's had her sword for that long???)
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so when in season 2, Usagi and crew save Neo Edo and then visit the temple again, they see Miyamoto Usagi reflected from the Ki-Stone, he calls Usagi his grandson. I checked this in translations and the subtitles too and there's no mistaking his words there.
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so I'm just wondering... What is the timeline here?? how many generations have passed between Miyamoto's time and Usagi's time?
Also, since they have different last names (Miyamoto and Yuichi) and Yuichi is his grandson, I guess I can only assume that Miyamoto Usagi had at least two daughters: Auntie and Yuichi's mom.
edit 2 (Oct 24): The 2nd season establishes that at some point, Miyamoto sent his sword, Willow Branchs away for safekeeping with a servant. The sword is lost in a war those same "1000 years ago"so at what point did Miyamoto Usagi of this series die? How old is Auntie? What's the life-span of rabbits that there are so few of them that a bounty hunter like Gen (who we will assume, travels or at least sees people a lot), would be surprised to see a rabbit in the city?
This begs another question.... if we assume their lifespans are actually quite long.... How many rabbits are left?
a 1000 years is definitely enough time for a heroic character like Miyamoto to be rumored into a villain, but even a 100 years is enough for that sometimes, so is it really a 1000 years?
Yokai are mythical beings so they can basically exist and remember a time like that easily enough, but since they've been locked away for a whole 10 centuries... (edit end)
sdfsdfsdfs i would just like to know more plz
seriously, this show is so fun but i know almost nothing abt the og comic series except maybe stuff I once read on fan wikis, so I guess I'll have to introduce myself to the series proper one day. I believe the series is a bit more removed from the series in that it exists in the comic world but in a further away sci-fi future, so it isn't too bad that it's left vague in the Netflix series.
but I'm still just wondering??? so Yuichi Usagi is a grandson???
Gen, Kitsune and Chizu are also either distant descendats/direct re-interpretations and unique takes on the side-characters of the og comic series, so very non-seriously I'm just wondering here how the family trees look like lol
edit 3 (Oct 24th): so with all this in mind..... is Auntie Miyamoto's daughter and then, Usagi's own mom, his youngest daughter? How old did the other characters from the og Usagi's time live? How many generations have passed for their families? Gen has a family tree, but both Chizu and Kitsune are orphans - how old aaahhh so many questions (edit end)
also listening to an interview with both Stan Sakai and art director Khang Le on this podcast and it all just sounds so inspiring to me but I just thought I'd make this post to think about what the timeline/relation might be. I also think it might not be that important since the show itself seems to be spiritually faithful as a spinoff to the comic, but still, got a bit curious haha!
edit 4 (Oct 24th): also, from that same interview, I remember they mentioned that Neo Edo as a futuristic city (a 1000 years from the Edo-era of the Usagi Yojimbo series) has flying cars. There are talking appliances (not Yokai-posessed), vending machines (a staple of modern japanese cities?) and futuristic games, like TRON-esque car racing games, but interestingly, no phones. So the crew put a bit of thought into that - what would a futuristic world without phones look like?
signed - Aghht, 19th October, 2022 (might add more as I remember)
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icharchivist · 1 year
90% of the time people that complain about "belial apologists" are lucilius apologists who are just mad that people like belial no matter how they talk about him so they do not have a leg to stand on lmao
But that's even more of the irony, i'm the first person who, despite being extremely harsh on Lucilius for how he treated Belial, also goes out of my way to explain Lucilius's attitude and how i still understand him and stuff!!!
It's just so wild to me, i spent my time overexplaining myself and actively talking about why my favs are fucked up and do bad actions and just discuss also that it comes from A Place and it's interesting to see how things eventually got this way, and seeing stuff being said here out of context is. wild! esp assuming that we're saying he's a uwu goodie bc we said hey maybe he had the odds stacked against him yaknow
anyway yeah i def need to ignore that but this is just leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I guess it's the thing with fucked up characters, the moment you say you understand where they're coming from people believe you believe they're good people, as if it would be any interesting to think that.
*rubs temples* i just am mad also i saw it before sleep because it means that against my better logic my brain is going to make me feel bad all night and i hate that. Geez.
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caniusmcmaine · 3 months
WeeklyPic - Wochenbild 27/2024
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estrellka-chipsa · 1 year
Mermaids for Download I
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Download: Patreon | Boosty
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autodi · 2 years
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Hi! I urgently open a commission Similar style 100$ more information about commissions here: http://autodi.art/#modal payment via Boosty or Fantalks
Deviantart ★ Twitter ★  Boosty(analogue patreon)
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alarrytale · 1 year
(a rant about nicks sexuality) k the whole "is Nick is Nick not" is giving me a headache. I've been wanting to talk about his sexuality for a while but it seems like no one wants to dive into it out of respect for him stating he identifies as straight in the variety interview or "he already said he's straight and an ally stop making ppl gay for your own fantasy" so here's a little rant hope you don't mind haha
from my point of view as a bi man he's sexuality is just clear as day. this beautiful man is Not straight lol. ive seen his early interviews and he was just as mature and well spoken as he is now. i have yet to see any 20 yo straight man as thoughtful, mature and well informed on LGBTQ/gender issues as him. in an early interview he said he was too sensitive for the school system and suffered from anxiety and depression from an early age. throughout the whole interview he was so mature with his words but he'd throw some sentences here and there about wanting to "have a beautiful gf haha" which feels very out of context and forced, seems to me he was overcompensating. plus he said his type was Angelina Jolie(very typical answer for closeted men to give when asked about these type of questions.taylor answered angelina in his pre-rwrb interviews as well) and his buddy austin is just as gay if not gayer than him. those are dead giveaways. idk why people even question that this guy would be not on the spectrum lol
Hello, anon!
You can rant all you want, i don't mind. From my limited time following him and his fans, what i see is a man with a lot of queer fans (disproportionate compared to other fandoms of other straight men), due to his many queer roles. They are young though, and are 'puriteens'. They want to be respectful, but at the same time it's very obvious that very few of them buys that he's straight. At least it's like that among those fans i follow. He's inviting and affirming the fantalk too by the way he acts (babygirl likes and the fact that the people around him call him cupcake, bambi and babygirl) so it appears to me that he doesn’t mind the way people see him and the speculation.
Speculation is welcome on this blog at least! Like i've said many times now, i still haven't formed an opinion that i feel confident about. There are several flashing neon lights for me, but there are also still arguments the other way. So i'm still not ruling out that he's straight. Very unusual if that's actually the case...
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hallyuhagdom · 1 year
OMEGA X - FanTalk interviews
Please support these boys in the comments and by watching and sharing their content, they truly deserve the world after all they've been through! For X and Omega X 화이팅!
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herushingu · 10 months
Good evening, Hellsing 🛡️
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You dont usually need all the same tools as everyone else. It might mean more work here or there, but it just comes down to getting creative, but its never completely impossible. 🩸
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phantomrin · 2 years
So I set up a page/blog/acc-t (whatever you prefer to call it :P) on Fantalks. If you'd like to support my artistic activity and make a donation - with or without a question (you can ask those there) - you're welcome:
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drawnaghht · 1 year
realized yesterday, the anniversary of the Rise of the TMNT movie that the turtles are basically the same age as the comic itself in the movie~
think about it - when the movie was made, it would have been around 2019-2020-2021 (cuz according to tweets and interviews, the movie went into production around the same time as s2 was being made in 2019 - which makes sense if it came out in 2022) and the original TMNT comic is going to be 40 next year. SO, future Leo being 38 makes absolute sense from that perspective haha ^^
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aaghht · 2 years
random Usagi Chronicles tid-bits (I'll add more as i remember):
as mentioned in my previous timeline post, Neo Edo is a futuristic Edo-inspired city, powered by a mythical/sciency Ki-Stone
the city lights seem to kep on at all times (purple/purplish, like the Ki-Stone)
there are flying cars, refridgerators with AI, vending machines
hover cars, TRON-esque racing games, robots for different tasks
cameras, modern surgery....
no phones (sdfsdfsd sorry i just thought that was funny)
I'm guessing they just don't need phones cuz everyone lives in the city (and we haven't seen any other cities yet)
Usagi's the first rabbit Gen has seen in the city
Usagi and Kiyoko have the same bday (in the first ep)
Usagi states he is almost 16 in the opening scene of the show (and that's why he should be allowed to the city)
Usagi is 16 and definitely acts like a teen seeing a city for the first time
he sees a newsbotto and says "I've heard of these before"
Usagi plays in an arcade for the first time
Spot has never seen bubbles before that ep in s2 where Usagi buys him a bubble-blower
Usagi has a very low attention span (getting distracted by anything new, i.e. streets, games, food, signs)
Even though it's modern, the show still bases itself in many traditional japanese elements
i.e. - kimono and other similar clothes are worn left over right side
traditional japanese games are still popular in Neo Edo
edo-style japanese buildings still exist, even with modern additives
the show has a nice subtle message about letting nature rest from the city (turning off the lights eg light pollution)
Kitzune and Chizu are both orphans
apparently, so is Toshiko sort of (Gen's twin? sibling) who left for a life in the circus and other things before re-uniting with Gen during the 3rd ep of season 1
Gen and Toshiko separated as children after their parents and family were chased out of town due to fear
You can see Gen and Toshiko playing with a Gen and Tomoe Ame figures in their flashback in s1, the characters who Gen and Chizu are based from og Yojimbo series.
Gen is a germaphobe;
He spends a lot of time at the hospital, for stuff where he's just worried about something and thinks he has a symptom for;
at the same time, it seems he is just as much there to see the the Shiba-inu doctors, who raised him after his family fell apart (s1 e6)
Gen is also arachnophobic (he seems to be scared of most bugs, but is maybe semi-okay with crickets(s2 e5))
Kitsune grew up in the streets (I assume) while Chizu grew up in the Neko Ninja crew, a childhood without friends or any normalcy
farm boy Usagi absolutely hates farming
Tetsujin and Lady Fuwa used to date (for Fuwa, mostly to get the Ki-Stone scroll, which Tetsujin planted only because he knew - so neither was really dating for real?)
Usagi is pretty skilled with a sword, but sort of like an unrefined gem bc of his brashness and dis-respect.
Karasu-Tengu said the yo-yo is the only interesting thing about him but he's not very good with it yet
(edit nov 22) Auntie trained Usagi "for years" in the sword and other stuff
Auntie is a war veteran as seen by multiple elements in the show hinting at it - her ear and leg prosthetics, her experience with the sword (training Usagi enough that he has some raw skill), her words at Usagi ("the greatest master needs their sword the least"), her fight with Lady Fuwa
(OG post continued from Oct 25th)
Usagi is a nerd for Yokai and all things samurai and that's one reason he's still pretty good at fighting+knows enough info to help the team
that's all for now but sdfsdf hope to add more as I remember stuff
edit for nov 22nd (og post from Oct 25th):
On rewatch I also noticed that Chizu's left ear with the tear in it looks a bit like it could be from ear rings being torn out. I noticed this based on art director Khang Le's concept art, where Chizu has a white streak in her hair and also earrings) this could be anything though, as this is a common injury on real-life cats and she also has it in her first flashback scene (s1 e4)
Usagi is actually pretty good at noticing small details/bigger picture stuff, also at fight coordination. I noticed the first time but even moreso on rewatches:
1st ep he notices a small crevice/hole in the mogura tunnel's ceiling where he jammed his sword to create a small tunnel slide to escape the mogura gang
for the s1 finale, he has trained more with Karasu-Tengu, but when fighting in the dark with the Bat Crew later on, he followed Chikabuma's instructions on fight moves flawlessly, based on nothing more than the latter quickly throwing out what to do in an exact way
he seems to come up with battle-saving plans a lot, and doesn't even boost his ego with that knowledge
Usagi is probably really proficient at picking up other weapons too! He briefly fights and doesn't actually take that much time to take a liking to his yoyo. On that note....
Usagi's yoyo has saved him/been useful on more than one occasion, not just as a weapon
he can block attacks via the chain/string of the yoyo
it can sense Yokai
when Usagi used it to spiderman out of a fight, then to stop a warbotto from rampaging by tripping it via the chain
saved Kagehito from disappearing by putting him back in the Ki-Stone to recuperate
I'm sure I'm forgetting something else here
when Usagi and Kagehito went into a coma and almost got stuck in the prison orb at the tail end of s2
it's gotten broken once (the string/chain was broken at the end of s1) and Usagi is heartbroken over it (+ disappointed at himself)
Gave Usagi the access to the Ki-Stone's extra power boost, letting Usagi ascend the heavens and transform into a giant samurai-armored spirit-version of himself (think, like the susanoo avatar in Naruto, or like a spirit-mech)
the Ki-Stone can repair and give out new Kaikishi weapons
at the start of s2, it chooses Gen, Kitsune and Chizu as it's new Kaikishi warriors (closing the door on a comically sad-about-it Usagi, who still wanted a 2nd sword)
we haven't seen yet what the other Kaikishi weapons special abilities are (Usagi's yoyo is so far the only one able to capture and control/move the various Yokai in the series)
all of the mystic weapons can still interact with ghosts/apparitions, so that's probably why the team is careful not to hit Tetsujin with them while fights happen in the temple
possibly the secondary abilities are the secondary weapon transformations and abilities they show in some of the new episodes:
Kitsune can summon her tessen at will, not having to carry them
Gen change the size and form of his war clubs by merging them into one big kanabo
Chizu's bow is collapsible and she can shoot fire arrows and homing arrows with them (it seems she can materialize whatever arrow she needs at a moment)
The Ki-Stone couldn't have held in the Yokai for more than it did, so it was actually good that Usagi accidentally released all the Yokai (s2 e7, "Willow Branch", stated by O-Dokuro)
little visual references like this (prob not og Kitsune?)
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Kitsune's little sister Kiyoko is not so little in this animated adaptation (in the comics she is a smaller fox, in this series she is a big robot)
Gen's sister Toshiko doesn't like visiting the hospital, but does like hiding out at the arcade toilets for some reason
it's unknown what happened to the criminal that Gen was bounty-hunting in the first episode, but in a later s1 episode, he is seen laughing and clapping with the rest of the crowd, but is then approached menacingly by the Shiba-Inu doctors (this is bothering me to no end bc I can't seem to get the inside joke, that might be a cultural difference? I guess we'll never know)
For an apparition on "another plane of existence" (we know you're a ghost Tetsujin), Tetsujin is pretty good at building all sorts of mechanical stuff
Tetsuji also made the prosthetic horn gen receives in ep 4 and we can assume that builds the rest of his horns too.
I'll post more as I rewatch the series :D (end edit 22.11.2022)
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