malfaith · 1 year
@thestrongestmagic / Narcissa
After the war, Lucius's hair grew out several more inches. In Azkaban, there was no way to cut his hair, and after, he wasn't paying much attention to it. At the end of the war, he found he rather liked the effect. Now that Draco is growing his hair out a little, it makes it easier to tell them apart.
The only issue is that if he doesn't cast a spell or use a potion or tie it up, it goes everywhere. Today, he finds fingers in his hair before he can make the decision himself. His wife's face peeks over his shoulder. He summons a ribbon and passes it to her over his shoulder: red. These days, there's not so many places to go, but that won't stop him from dressing well.
"Do you think this compliments my new cloak?" He regards himself in the mirror, tilting his head ever so slightly so he can see whether his tattoo is visible over the collar of his robes.
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crucioslut · 10 months
I was going through some archive on this blog pre pandemic and I just have to say we had some incredible threads and hilariously amusing times. I miss you all who have fallen off 🖤 I miss you a lot. And I hope you're thriving
@thestrongestmagic @veritasxrum @doggedfather @tmvoldemort @pureblooded @repudiated-heir
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“ hey… i know it’s really late, but i didn’t know who else to call… “ (from Dora at thestrongestmagic for Sev please)
for your muse to show up at my muses doorstep one night during a thunderstorm, shivering, bleeding & soaking wet. @thestrongestmagic
Severus had been calling it a night when the banging came. He cursed whoever was standing on the other side of the door. Until he opened it and found Nymphadora.
"What happened? Why are you out here in this weather?" He did grab her though, not roughly, just enough to pull her inside. He had everything to patch her up. Though he wondered why she wouldn't have chosen St. Mungo's. "I'm not exactly known for my bedside manner."
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doggedfather · 2 years
“ … why does this card say ‘ happy 3rd birthday ‘? “ (from Dora at thestrongestmagic)
"Listen, I have limited capabilities when I'm a wanted criminal. A large dog can only get so far into a store until the muggles freak out and chase you." Sirius shrugged. Had he snuck out to get Tonks a card? Yes he did. Padfoot went into a store, but he had to grab the first card he could find when he started being chased by people with brooms. Oh well.
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magiaesabiduria · 3 years
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@thestrongestmagic​ said: “ i didn’t know where else to go. “ (for Sev from Lyra at thestrongestmagic) 
sacred romantic moments meme
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To say he was surprised to have anyone knock on his door was an understatement. But the fact that it was Lyra that had stopped by made it even more unbelievable. Severus only managed to keep his features from betraying him due to the years of practice with keeping all his thoughts and emotions concealed. He stared at her, gaze slowly sliding over her face before meeting her eyes once she spoke. He thought it was preposterous that she would claim to be there out of some form of necessity as if he was anyone that could help her stop feeling whatever ache she was undoubtedly feeling now. It was all over her face and Severus idly wondered if anyone else would be able to read as much with no difficulty. 
Of course, Severus didn’t say any of that. Instead, he watched her some more as he stepped back and opened the door to his home wider -- which for him was just as intimate as actually offering her a glimpse into his mind. “I shall prepare us some tea; you still take it the same, I presume?” 
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mesmusae · 3 years
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@thestrongestmagic​ continued from X
Severus had never been good with emotions. His own remained bottled until he couldn’t anymore and they bubbled and boiled out in rage and temper. He rarely cried, and often didn’t know what to do when others were crying.
He’d arrived for the dinner he’d been invited to, still surprised that anyone would willingly associate with him. Still, he’d heard the crying and Andromeda had informed him lightly of what had gone down. So he’d gone upstairs. Even as Dora made the snide remark, he came to sit next to her, leaning back against the wall. He chose to stare up at the ceiling, not sure if he could look at the tears in her eyes and not want to hunt down his long time rival. 
“Take it from me, you’re better off not trying to stay together,” he said flatly. “It would be awful for Teddy. I don’t know why people think it’s a good idea to stay together for their children but it’s truly a horrid thing to put your child through.” It likely seemed callous, perhaps to anyone. But to him it was memory and truth. And truth was the best comfort he could offer her. “For what it’s worth, I think he’s the imbecile. Though I have always thought that. So I might be biased.”
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pctioneer · 2 years
 @thestrongestmagic​ [Minerva] liked THIS for a starter.
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IT WAS LATE -- && being out in the hallways at this hour still felt against the rules. Whenever he heard footsteps behind him, he looked around paranoid. It wasn’t like anyone could tell him off for being out of bed at this hour. The worst they could do was give him a dissaproving glare -- which he was used to at this point. Their approval meant nothing to him (or so he told himself). But sleep didn’t come easy to him -- even now, months after it had all gone down.  
When a set of footsteps falls in line with him, he hardly responds. With some luck, they’d just mind their own business. 
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flxwinghair · 3 years
@thestrongestmagic ;; for Christina Malfoy
All it took-- 
A little detail was leaked out during dinner that evening. 
Stauros had looked a bit uncomfortable, as he studied his daughter. Lucius’s mother coughed a bit on her food, though excused herself and swallowed down the rest. Abraxas had lifted his eyebrows, flickering his eyes coldly but with a twinge of concern within them, towards Christina to see how she would take the news. Lucius briefly had froze knowing what he had said, now seeming to pick up his pace to eat his dinner. Awkwardness lingered above the Family, as the young platinum blonde wanted to crawl into a hole-- 
I should have known better. 
He caught his Father’s eyes which didn’t betray anything, at least not yet. He was sure he’d get a beating later for hinting at such dangerous information, knowing her past with the Dark Lord. 
He was about done, and his eyes darted towards upstairs.
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progenyofprongs · 3 years
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@thestrongestmagic​ asked :     "Hunny, you can't leave the house wearing that." (from Molly)
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             "Why? What's wrong with it?" Amelia did a double take down at her outfit. She knitted her dark eyebrows together as she tried to work out what was wrong with it. Jeans? Check. Long sleeved top? Check. Jumper? No: she didn’t bring one with her when taken to Grimmauld Place ... What was she meant to do? Pack herself a bag of clothes while the order was busy fighting off all the deatheaters who raided her house and killed her adoptive family? "It's all I have." Amelia simply said, voice a bit hesitant. She shy-fully avoided Molly's gaze as she tugged at her sleeves a bit further down, "I’ll be fine, Mrs Weasley. It's not even that cold out."
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heckcduparchived · 3 years
@thestrongestmagic continued from here
Andromeda paused in her staring up at the stars and looked down at her wrist where Cissa held her a little to tightly. She didn’t pull away though. She let her sister hold her there as if it would make a difference. Slowly she looked up at her a sad smile on her lips. “If love had reason would you love who you do?” She asked curiously. 
Andromeda loved her family. She loved her sisters more than anything... but the path that they were on was a dark path and one that Andromeda was tired of being on. She was tired of the darkness. Tired of being the way that she was. She was just tired... and the only time she didn’t feel that way was when she saw the light. The light that she was only able to see when she was with him. ‘
“I love him.” 
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serpent-tongued-lie · 3 years
A Deadly Harmony
@thestrongestmagic, continued from here: X
His beauty was even more ethereal as he was enveloped by the gentle rays of the spring sun, and when he turned to face his most devoted, the hint of a smile graced his handsome features. "You have performed exceptionally well today, Bella," he murmured. "Hence I believe you have earned a reward. Choose wisely."
Bella thought for a moment that she must be dreaming. He was more beautiful than he had ever been before and when he praised her, she felt her heart swelling in her chest. She had been recognised for her talents by others but it meant something completely different when it came from him. She smiled up at him and took a step closer, closing the distance between them. This had to be a dream, her mind observed and yet at the same time her heart sang that it couldn’t be, that it was real.
She must have performed very well if he was giving her a reward and, more importantly, letting her chose it. She didn’t even need to think about it, not for one second. Bella knew exactly what she wanted from him and it was something she had wanted since first she had laid eyes on him.
“A kiss. I would drown our enemies in blood if it would make me worthy of your kiss.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes dark with a sharp glint in them, the wild curls framing her face in a manner that was beautiful and yet she was as a knife; beautiful and dangerous to most anyone but not him, not to him but rather for him.
 Tom allowed the corners of his lips to curl up in a knowing smile, for despite Bella’s sharp intellect and prodigious power, she was rather predictable especially when her infatuation for him was being brought to the surface of her mind.
“How sentimental you are,” he observed, his amusement apparent in his voice and his melodious chuckle. “However, I did promise you a reward of your choice, and a reward of your choice is what you shall have.”
He did not clarify that he considered himself above debasing himself merely for the sake of nurturing the loyalty an individual held for him or for inspiring it within them in the first place when he closed the final distance between them and bestowed a kiss on her lips that was both firm and tender, a paradox reflecting the thoughts and sentiments he had yet to unravel with his razor-sharp mind without allowing for his control to be questioned.
It occurred to him then that the unison, the natural harmony between a weapon and its wielder might just be different from the weakness of a mind ruled by emotions and base desires, and that, if he could confirm his theory, it was something that he ought to encourage rather than reject.
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corda-comminuta · 4 years
An Unexpected Future
Druella noticed that something was off about her second-eldest daughter’s demeanor the very moment she was forced to announce to her that Lucius Malfoy was to be her fiancé, and knowing that the Malfoy heir was far from compatible with Andromeda, there was a heaviness in her chest that made it difficult for her to breathe.
She did not act on the guilt that was gnawing at her very soul until Cygnus was fast asleep, until she had confirmed that he would remain asleep due to the Sleeping Potion she had slipped into his wine that night.
Only then did she leave their shared bed, light a candle, and start walking towards Andromeda’s bedroom, her steps silent as those of a ghost. 
Her heart was clamoring in her chest as she raised her fist and softly knocked on the door, to the point she was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, for as much as she had reason to be confident in her skills as a Potioneer, years had passed since she had last dared to act on her affection for her daughters in a manner that was noticeable to them, knowing that wearing a mask of cold indifference was the only way she could prevent the monster she had been married to from further mistreating them.
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heartscfvalor · 3 years
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@thestrongestmagic​:  ❝ If you never put her down you’ll spoil her. ❞ (for Draco from Lyra)
It was his favorite time of day, being home, and holding his daughter close to his chest. Emelia was so small, but she was growing bigger every day, and she was reaching the stage where she was going to learn how to walk soon enough, so was it so selfish that Draco wanted to hold her as much as possible? Cuddling her and smelling her fresh baby shampoo in her hair and wishing that the time could stop so she could stay little forever?
Lyra’s words had him glancing up, and he smirked at her. “But if I put her down I’ll cry.”
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
The racoon just looking up still holding the floor mat and tried to run away with it, like an actual racoon and not some student losing a bet  and stealing from McGonagall.
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aurorborne-moved · 4 years
Wow I already love them so much so I’m going to continue this post as a thread with @thestrongestmagic // Nymphadora Tonks
Okay, okay he could admit it. The wound was rather nasty and he definitely needed more medical attention than he could provide himself, but he simply didn’t want to worry his companion. There was an unrelenting gash on his farm. No matter how tight his tourniquet was, the injury still urged to bleed and he found himself light headed; maybe she had good reason to be concerned.
However, this wasn’t the first injury he had before and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Despite his injuries his heart couldn’t help but swell with pride, they had been working together so long, she knew when Alastor was at his limits. That was something admirable in a partner and it only reassured him that he had made the right decision of mentoring her.
“Fine, I’ll go to the hospital wing,if it’ll satisfy you” he grunted out as he gave his head a small shake. “Don’t think I can apparate on out of here myself,” he admitted to her with a defeated sigh. “I guess you’re going to have to drag me on out of here yourself,” he said with a wry laugh.
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magiaesabiduria · 3 years
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them. (thestrongestmagic if you don't mind cause that's the only place we currently rp)
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.
send  “  cherry  ”  if  the  emoji  is  not  visible  for  you.
I've only written with your Lyra so far but !!! spectacular. I love the exploration we're doing with them and getting to work on the very real and at times messy phase of tra.ma that is the healing portion. As soon as we started plotting I got excited for getting to know your OC and adding more specific details to the relationship we had already discussed between her and Sev. I think Lyra is a complex character and I'm looking forward to learning more about her and getting to (hopefully) write with some of your other muses later on as well! I love the attention to detail with her emotions and the way you describe her micro-expressions.
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