kiillerqueen · 1 year
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❝ So what did my brother offer your father in order for this arranged marriage ? ❞ Amelia can't believe that her brother would be pulling such a power card on her , but at the same time what did she expect? Declan had already tried to ruin her relationship with Mason once and failed , so of course he'd go the one route that guaranteed the two couldn't be together. ❝ I want to make one thing clear I never would have asked for such a thing. ❞ Closed Starter || @thewcllingtons
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decadentias · 1 year
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"HAVING YOU AS A TEACHER might actually be a win for me. I have faith in you.” Despite everything that went down, Grace trusted Che a lot. Aside from her son and her sister, she had him. She wasn’t inexperienced with gambling. She had been the arm candy for the men she escorted at casinos back then. It was more of a job than entertainment. Things were different now. She was genuinely enjoying her time here with him. Making petty bets and watching the result unfold for laughs. “Hm, I see.” She turned to him, listening to him intently. The information about his work life slightly slipping through. Just a smidge that wouldn’t jeopardize her. She knew that it was the less she knew, the better situation. She was safe as long as she didn’t know anything. However, she couldn’t help her curiosity. She had questions, and sometimes, she wondered about it. “Really? I don’t think anything could surprise me anymore.” She had been through a lot. She dealt with a criminal and played spy. She discovered her family’s origins and met her long-lost twin sister. Feeling his hand on her waist, she leaned into him. She enjoyed his touchiness and their closeness. Ironically, she didn’t usually enjoy intimacy, but it was different with Che. He wasn’t like the men she encountered. She loved what they were developing. She met his lips for a quick kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. The sweet confession from him that followed prompted her to smile wider than before. One that almost reached her ears. “I didn’t know you were a romantic,” she teased. She leaned to press another lingering kiss on his lips. “You really got me all excited.”
continued from here // @thewcllingtons
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evocatiive · 1 year
@thewcllingtons / from Jason to Saoirse
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"So I know you mentioned not being from the city, and that your parents were Irish, but you never mentioned where you're from. Do your parents run a farm out in the country or something?" Anyone else would mistake his questions as idle chatter, yet his questions are purposeful as he's bent underneath the sink trying to fix the pipes. He's earnest in his efforts but he is admittedly going to take his time in the task so that he can pull more information from Saoirse. Find out how much she knows about her mother and her operation.
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inkshadow · 2 years
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      ❝ just means we’re extra comfortable, does it not? ❞ she didn’t even bother throwing him any sort of glance upon uttering the words, her eyes loosely trained on the fabric as she smoothed her hand over it. they were both successful at this point and well enough into adulthood where their savings racked up significantly. not that mattered much since cordelia never intended on having wyatt pay for a single penny of it in the first place. ❝ you aren’t doing anything, i am. ❞ he had a point but she wasn’t about to budge just yet, turning on her heel to properly face him with arms now crossed over her chest. ❝ spending this much on sheets won’t stop me from doing those very same things. do you mean to tell me that if i just bought these without your permission and fit them over our mattress, you’d refuse to sleep on the bed with me? ❞ 
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crownedhopelesss · 2 years
@thewcllingtons / valentine's day starter.
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THIS WAS UNUSUAL FOR catie. she hasn't been with, let alone slept with, someone in so long. ever since her divorce, she's isolated herself from romance and instead had a hard-core relationship with work and her family's legacy. but, something came over her last night; maybe it was the fact that it was the day before valentine's day but she was regretting it fully now. now today it WAS valentine's day and this man was still in her house; the day she needed to distract herself the most. she headed for the kitchen but noticed footsteps following her from behind. she sighed deeply to herself before beginning to make coffee; for one. ❛ look, last night was ---- good and all, but i have a lot to do today. and i honestly fuckin' hate this holiday so spare yourself. ❜
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sugarsmint · 2 years
❛ ❀。   𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿     ›       ❪    @thewcllingtons​   ❫    .  
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    ୭     ・゚      ◦      ♡  ❛  why  would  they  do  something  like  that  ?  ❜  a  question  that  seems  to  sympathized  but  was  asked  to  obtain  more  information  .  hands  comfort  the  other’s  to  complete  award  -  winning  performance  .  years  of  being  forced  to  act  in  front  of  the  camera  finally  pays  off  for  own  gain  .   ❛  are  you  planning  to  retaliate  ?  ❜  innocently  asks  as  she  fixes  them  a  drink  .     
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silvrmoon · 1 year
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" i want to start a family with you, you make me want to become a father again." / @thewcllingtons ♥
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daringsunflowers · 2 years
@thewcllingtons cont from here in beta.
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amelia had felt like her whole life was falling apart. she had big ideas and dreams for herself growing up for her current age. she had wanted that loving marriage and wanted a big family and she had none of that to show. her marriage was literally falling apart. her husband was serving her divorce papers and here she was refusing to sign. mia wasn't sure if there was anything left to fix and even if there was was it even worth fixing? did the two still love one another. she had liked to think she did, no she knew she did.. but was love enough to stay with someone you have drifted so far from? "okay maverick." her voice was low though, she had felt like she had no fight left in her. what was the point anymore she had asked her. two years was a long time for someone to change and she had felt like such a stranger to her husband. "okay.." she had murmured once more. "if this is what you want then just give me the pen and i'll sign." she told him as she held her hand out though she had avoided eye contact with him. "no need for you to go over the list of problems that we have or had if this is what you want. i get it, i wasnt there for you, i made you feel a certain way-" she paused. "please just give me the pen and i'll sign and be out of your hair."
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aeternuswords · 5 months
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): Verity, always. The rest are plot dependent.
RP PET PEEVES: That it's 2024 and loving on female muses needs to be a rule.
FLUFF, ANGST, or SMUT: All of it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I am honestly not picky. Whatever to move the plot forward.
TIME TO WRITE: It can be anything from immediately to a few days or weeks. I am very busy rl.
Tagged by: @goodvibesandsunglasses
Tagging: @decadentias @lostxones @kiillerqueen @thewcllingtons
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ofmusingsxandmayhem · 2 years
Cont. from @thewcllingtons​​ || Mason & Charlotte (x) 
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Charlotte’s shoulders dropped slightly as she watched him, as she listened to the response that her query got. The reality was, despite both being skilled killers, they were from two vastly different worlds. He was from this life through and through, he belonged there and he knew little else. Charlotte on the other hand, well... She hadn’t been there always. She had grown up as a normal girl, had the dreams normal girls had. She never expected her life to turn out the way it did, nor did she expect to have such a natural talent for taking life. Their experiences meant that she could never fully understand how he would feel about their attempts to live a regular life without death. 
Hearing the vulnerability in his voice as he admitted how he felt about it hurt, and she reached out to cup Mason’s chin in her hands. “Listen to me... It’s ok. To go from what you are used to... to this? It’s a big change. But do you think maybe this was all a mistake? Giving it all up?” She missed it too, and frankly she would give up this new facade of a life if it was what Mason wanted. 
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caeruleums · 2 years
   closed starter for @thewcllingtons​ ( for liking this post! )
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          it wasn’t like she really understood what sunglasses were supposed to do. in fact, she could easily stare at the sun and not blink. but the one time she did that, she got weird looks. so, she had been wearing sunglasses for about four days straight... inside and out. “i can’t take them off. the sun hurts my eyes,” she explained, feeling like it was normal. but they had been sitting inside for the last hour. “i’m surprised you’re not wearing any.” 
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kiillerqueen · 1 year
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❝ You know you kind of suck at being a friend latey ❞ It isn't like Amelia has room to be speaking since she herself had been giving most of her time to either Mason , or planning how to ruin her father's wedding and try to get rid of her ex boyfriend all at the same time. She felt like she was dealing with all of it by herself because her best friend was busy with her own boyfriend. ❝ You know sometimes I regret even introducing the two of you. Lincoln is stealing my best friend when she is needed the most ... ❞ Of course she about to have one of her brat moments in a room full of people. Closed Starter || @thewcllingtons
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decadentias · 1 year
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TEMPEST DIDN’T ASK FOR MUCH. She didn’t need a grand gesture to prove he loved her. He had shown many times how much she meant to her. As high-maintenance as she seemed, she appreciated all his efforts. He was more than she could ever ask for. He and their children brought her happiness. “Even if you disappoint me now, it’ll be fine. You can make it up to me the next time. There will be more Christmas and holidays for us to come.” Her statement held hope for the future. She wasn’t a hopeful person. She feared the future but had faith in a future with Ash. He was the one for her. He was it. He was her endgame. “This better be worth it,” she threatened jokingly. She chuckled. The gift she received was more than worth it. It exceeded her expectations. "I’m gonna admit defeat and say you outsmarted me,” she quipped, watching him get down on his knee. Tears welled at the corner of her eyes. Immense joy filled her chest as she listened to his declaration. Her heart warmed up at his words. He was worth the wait. He was worth it. “And you–—you are the greatest thing I never knew I needed.” She lent him the box and held out her hand. “Yes. Yes, I’ll be your wife someday.” She nodded eagerly, her eyes lighting up and her lips curling into a smile. She loved him a lot. She couldn’t wait to have his children and be his wife. This was the most excited than she had ever been her whole life. She had never been sure of anything more than this. 
continued from here // @thewcllingtons
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evocatiive · 2 years
@thewcllingtons​​ liked this for a starter (2/2) / based off this 
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She deserves an Oscar for this performance. Pretending to be attracted to a man is easily the hardest thing Mari has ever tried to do convincingly, but after coaxing him to down an entire bottle of champagne, Mari has done her part of the heist. She waits patiently on the couch, trying not to be nauseous as she crosses her legs and shows off a little skin with the slit of her dress. The man is flushed and clearly enamored with her as he leans close and plays with her hair. She anxiously awaits the ring from her phone that signifies that her partner in crime had managed to break into the vault and steal the goods. When the man asked what could be taking her ‘friend’ so long in the bathroom, Mari diverts his attention, cupping his face and giving him a saccharine smile. “Don’t worry about her. I like that we are getting so much alone time...” 
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tulipencire · 3 years
closed starter for @thewcllingtons​
“You could do better,” Charlotte said as she ran a finger on the nightstand. Fingers coming together, there was a small film of dust and grease on them, the woman’s lips pursing for half a second. It was always like that, meeting in some cheap motel, beds too uncomfortable to sleep in, a constant reminder of their agreement. It was physical and nothing else. Still, places like this one were getting old. “There’s a world of other motel rooms, better ones, between this and your place or mine.” Not that she would take him to her place, the security was too tight for a visitor to be ignored, the perks, or in her case nightmares, of being the daughter of a well-known mobster. Charlotte rarely invited people over that weren’t close to her and never those who shared her bed. Business and personal life were kept wide apart. “You’ve been busy.” The words were said as her eyes trailed over Rhys’ body, noting not only the time apart, which had seemed longer than usual, and the faint injuries that weren’t there the last time. His body was one she knew well, too well. “Did you want to wine and dine me first? I saw something that look like stale food in the dispenser near the laundry room.”
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crownedhopelesss · 2 years
@thewcllingtons / speed date starter.
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MAX HAD NEVER SEEN himself doing speed dating before but his sister was pretty adamant about him trying it, at least once. it was no secret that max was lonely; in and out of rehab like it was an exclusive club he went to frequently and relapsing like he wasn't even trying to quit. but, he was trying !! it was just... really difficult and he always found some reason to justify letting painkillers back in his life. that's why quinn wanted him to try speed dating. she thought, maybe a nice girl will get him to turn himself around, but max wasn't convinced that would work. he was willing to try, though; he was willing to try anything to kick this. when the buzzer went off to change tables, max was relieved. the woman he was speaking with was dull as a table lamp and he couldn't take another conversation about scrap-booking any longer. he got up quickly from his seat and went to the table on his left. sitting down, almost tripping himself, he chuckled nervously with an embarrassing shade of red painting his cheeks. ❛ sorry, i was just kinda counting on the seconds for the buzzer to go off. i couldn't with that lady anymore ❜ he laughed. he straightens himself and extends a hand to shake hers, ❛ um, i'm max ❜ he introduced himself then looked down at his name tag, cheeks still red. ❛ but, i guess you can kinda see that already. ❜
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