thexabbyparable · 2 years
Thursday shows up at Xabby's office with her towel, notebook, and pen.
"Hello? I'm here to see Xabby. I was asked to come by this office upon receipt of her message, so here I am!"
It didn't take long for Xabby to open the door cause she was standing at the door all day. "Hello, Thursday! Come and take a seat at the computer chair."
Xabby led Thursday to the computer chairs that she lay out for her. Once she got herself seated, she gives some snacks as a welcome-to-the-office gift. "I recommend eating snacks to hold yourself over between meals, especially said meals that are taking longer to cook."
Once that's done, Xabby does take a small breath to talk about the topic that she was on. "So, about Kiel and Kokichi, around November, an update came out of nowhere for them and the rest of the corrupted employees. It puts them in a forced coma while the update does its thing. However, for some reason I doubt tech support will help, the update process is...extremely slow. Like, it won't move and no matter how hard you try, it won't budge."
Updates can be a pain in the ass, but an update like this is deadly. Xabby continues to speak. "But, if Kokichi was at the party in December, and Kokichi is also still in the mirror world office, something tells me that Kokichi is in danger of something and I don't what it is. I don't know much about Kiel's case, but the fact that I didn't know he can’t see his mother considering no matter how much he wants to find ways to....see her again permanently."
Xabby wonders to herself if her headcanon about Kiel before being in the office makes it a lot harsher in hindsight. Regardless, she decided to keep speaking. "So, yeah, that's all I know about that, but um, it seems that somehow Kiel contacted you. Is it okay if you explain it to me?"
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
"I heard that the office is close, which sucks cause I really want to visit that place and tell Kokichi about it... Ah, well, if one of you want, you can visit the office I'm located at and we could chill and annoy my narrator if you wish. ...Wait, can you go out of your office during lockdown orrr no?" @thexabbyparable
"We're sorry, but we won't be leaving the office for the time being. Under the circumstances, we don't know if we personally pose any sort of threat and we would rather be safe than sorry."
Thursday debates on what the rest of her returned message to Xabby should say. She should know about what happened to Kokichi, but... is that what Kokichi would want?
Then again, he did give her that note that he wanted to pass on to Xabby just before he walked into the electric barrier in the White Void™, effectively killing himself. Doesn't that mean that he would want to inform Xabby if anything were to happen to him...?
And doesn't Xabby have a right to know? Thursday would want her friends to know if something happened to her.
But then again... she wouldn't want them to know if knowing could potentially put them in danger, too.
...This is a difficult decision, one that Thursday doesn't take lightly.
"Concerning Kokichi... Xabby, we think there is something you ought to know, but we don't know how to say it. Can you promise not to visit our office? Do that, and we will tell you anything you want to know."
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thefcxswedding · 2 years
"Ah, hello? I came for the wedding. I also got an invitation for it as well." @thexabbyparable
This time the one to welcome the guest is a small fox standing on a table, the fox speaks directly into Xabby's mind like a Narrator would, however, the difference is the voice is a lot gentler.
"My apologies for intruding, welcome to the festivity. Our bride is by the lake entertaining her guest, if you have a gift leave it by the wooden box over there and to get to the lake take the stone path to your right. Lovely to see you here"
The Fox speaks, letting out a soft squeak afterward before sitting down, nodding in the direction of the box and then the stone path
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theredactedparable · 2 years
💐 + reverse @thexabbyparable
send 💐 to ask my muse out on a date
alternatively send 💐 + reverse for my muse to ask yours out on a date
"Oh shi- ...Um, hey Xabby... Do you want to...do you want to go out...somewhere. You know...like an DATE?!"
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skippedforward · 2 years
💀 for Xabby and my narrator @thexabbyparable
▶▶ suffocation.
▶▶ one of you will be allowed to live. granted, you let the other one die.
▶▶ it will be a trick. the surviving one will only have a few hours extra.
▶▶ and then they will also die.
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slideintothevoid · 2 years
"Xabby, for the last time, I'm not into that person! I don’t understand her methods of 'match making' ...Oh, hey director, do you want go on a date?" @thexabbyparable
The director quietly listens, they look slightly taken aback "A.. Date? Like the romantic bonding activity mortals do to express affection? I uh-" They instantly look flustered, to be fair that's not too bad of a sight. They have two fingers over their lips and a soft blush "I suppose there would be no harm.."
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thebionicnarrator · 2 years
@thexabbyparable (continued from here) “So, you can’t talk for some odd reason…”
Xabby was taping on her foot as she is thinking a way what causes him to be silent. However, she just sighs and decide to look around for other people that know what causes him to be unspeakable.
“I’m going to look around and ask people if they know what causes you to be..silent for whatever reason.”
The reason wasn’t odd, but quite usual, actually: his boss made him fall silent before. It just didn’t last as long as this time. Narrator could deal with twenty minutes without his own voice ...but a whole day? He doesn’t think he can make it- not all alone, not while his Stanley is gone.
“. . .” He keeps watching his screen, then does another tap on his microphone; to let the other know he hears her.
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clickonmedotexe · 2 years
Xabby finally has made to the wedding cause boredom can be a bitch. "Heehoo, Rex. I'm still working on my end of the prank, but I figure I need a break by telling you congratulation on your marriage." In case Rex can't tell, Xabby decided to attend his wedding during her break on creating a prank for Kokichi. @thexabbyparable
Oh right, it's the girl he kidnapped. He's surprised to see her here but pleased.
"Thank you, Xabby. Hey, how old are you- nevermind." He hands her a glass of champagne either way. "Don't drink the punch, its poisoned. But if Kokichi shows up, tell him the punch is delicious and he should take a big sip from it, alright? Other than that, enjoy the party."
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
Xabby grab the bucket, which she looks very disappointed with it.
"Oh, quit your whining, Xabby! You already let me went through an second round of the skip button, so your punishment is holding the bucket. ...Anyway, what's with this bucket?"
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
wowie well hello there madame. How do you do on this fine day, friend..? 🚪👁
Xabby doesn’t know how the fuck doors can talk, but eh, it could be worse.
"I'm doing fine! Say, why are you behind the door? You could just waltz right in and whisper beans behind the Narrator's back. Also, what's your name?"
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
"Ah, hello there! How are you?" She said as pointed her fingers at the anon, much to the narrator's confusion. "Xabby, what on earth are you pointing at? Is this the new thing nowadays?"
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
"Uhhhhhhhh- Oh I know! I'll just hack the pc and see what I'll get."
Cue Xabby doing so...even though it probably won't work.
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
Why does Kokichi call you babygirl?
Before Xabby could answer the question, the narrator came in. "NO! You're not supposed to say that in front of her! I don't want to invite ideas into her head. Xabby, go to the broom closet and sleep!"
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
To Xabby and the narrator
Your invited to my new house for my birthday party on the 6th of December (today) , sorry about the short notice I’ve had some stuff going on lately ^^’
Xabbu and the Narrator looks at the message they got. "A birthday party, huh? Sure thing, let's a go!"
"Wait a minute, Xabby," said the Narrator "Alice's new home is just asking you to join in and bring back whatever you got from Alice's house."
"Please, Narrator? I won't grab anything that may or may not screw you over."
After a few moment of silence, the Narrator just sighs. "Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on you."
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thexabbyparable · 2 years
no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand no you don't understand
The Narrator looks confused, Coda looks concerned, and Xabby is minding her own business.
"Okay, what the hell is this anon ask?" Ask the Narrator.
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