#they all have full-fledged lives in my head 😄
mosneakers · 6 months
Thus begs the question. What happened to Mortimer, Cassandra and Alexander? We know what happened to Bella, sadly.
Hi nonny! This is such a great question! Sorry it took me a bit to get to this, when I saw this ask, I immediately jumped into game because I wanted to supply you with some screens 😁
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Because it's kind of a ✨canon event✨Mortimer did go onto remarry Dina Caliente. Cassandra and Alexander were very much against this, speculating that she only married him for his money. Mortimer eventually passed, but luckily for the Goths, most of his fortune and the Goth mansion remained in the family, being passed down to Cassandra.
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Although Cassandra really struggled with the disappearance of her mother, she can safely say she has found peace many years later. She was a writer for a while, and wrote a successful book titled "Where's Bella?" but was forced into retirement when she suffered from excruciating migraines whenever she attempted to write about Bella. Cassandra found a deep and profound love with long-time admirer and close friend, Darren Dreamer. She fell in love with him around the time Bella went missing, and married soon after. She was his muse, and he has been her rock throughout the difficult times. They are happily growing old together in the Goth mansion. 🥺💗
Little bonus fact: Cassandra and Birdie Sparrow have put aside their differences regarding a certain shared former lover, and have recently become great friends. This is coming up in the story fairly soon!
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Although Darren was already a father to Dirk Dreamer, he and Cassandra had a son of their own, giving Dirk a younger brother, Mortar (short for Mortimer) Dreamer. (Quite possibly the cutest sim ever! 😩) Mortar lives next door to his older brother Dirk, and is about Brick's age now. He met Brick back when Brick was briefly living in Del Sol Valley. Mortar and Brick tried to start a micro-home-development business together, which they called "Brick and Mortar Building Developments" Brick wasn't able to maintain his position due to anger issues, so Mortar now runs it on his own, making a decent living.
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Mortar has a cute little family of his own, as well. He met a beautiful sim, Kit Augustine, a model and aspiring fashion designer from Champs Les Sims. They have a son together, little Montjoy.
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As for Alexander, finding peace like his sister after the disappearance of Bella, hasn't been quite as easy. He has struggled with demons for many years trying to make sense of everything, and unfortunately still does to this day. He has turned his dark thoughts and struggles into a successful writing career, continuing what his sister couldn't, and is now a best-selling author. He married childhood bff Lucy Burb, now Lucy Goth, who has become a very successful actress in Del Sol Valley. Lucy and Alexander have two daughters, Scarlett and little Esmeralda.
Tried to keep this as short as possible, but I really love questions like this! Sometimes it's easy to forget the universe still grows around the Darlings, so it's good to ask because not every character can be covered in the story 🥰
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