#they all look so inconsistent its kinda funny LMFAO
khai-pandius · 8 months
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some oc refs, in which may or may not be outdated today and needs to be updated lol
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mariproducer · 2 years
Venting about s5 bible stuff under the cut it’s gonna be disjointed I just need to let out my thoughts
absolutely no mention of chat blanc in the bible besides it being placed in the special akumatization section... ofc the bible is simply an outline so there’s a chance it could be brought up (e.g. in evolution we had no indication that young! alix was going to be forced to remain in the burrow until monarch was defeated) but i have no clue which episode it could be brought up in. and the fact that the bible has no indication of an identity reveal and the discussion of cb ... kinda needs one to begin with since it involves identities... who fuckin knows
so far there has been a contradiction with the bible where nathalie shit talks gabriel for his stupidity even though the bible says she has her own ulterior motives buttt then again this is mlb king of inconsistency soooo whos to say this mindset will stick (or the bible is to a T with the plot)
also ^ no mention of sentimonster shenanigans which is uh. hm. ok then? on one hand, it makes me feel like all this sentimonster teasing was a fuckin joke or smth, on the other hand this means the sentimonster stuff was likely squeezed in at the last minute if theres no proper mention of adrien OR felix possibly being sentimonsters (or maybe i misread? idk i looked at every instance of felix on the doc and found nothing)
speaking of felix... mostly nothing on him... which is frankly disappointing, as someone who’s always excited to see him on screen. i mean thanks for the confirmation that he’ll transform with the peacock miraculous and make one sentimonster? oh and he has a different last name ... erm ok then... he’s hardly present ANYWHERE on the script and its making me ☹️ bc he was the most interesting character we’ve gotten (Cuz he had motivations and acted out on his own volition) and boom nothing of note...
i don’t wanna hope bc i hate having expectations especially when they’re likely to be let down but grrrr i just want more felix damnit...
worried for the possible chance of ppl ripping into kagami again. the plotlines lined up for her in s5 just reek of “we need to make a character ooc to fit a specific plotline we want” and its just UGHHH kagami doesn’t deserve this! at all! i need to get her out of this show NOW
im sick and tired of andre the ice cream man and im even more sick and tired that most mar!chat episodes have to do with this guy! (and no weredad is NOT any better) like fuck this guy i hope his business goes under 
tbh the lila shit and the “adrien never finds out his dad is hawkmoth” shit deserves its own goddamn post because what. the. actual. FUCK.
im still in tears (in a funny yet sad way) that they literally could not feasibly write off luk@nette in canon bc they had to ship luka off to another country for the rest of the season like LMFAO??? but also I HATE YOU?? i knew that they had him learn their identities to screw him over one way or another 
the reverse LS stuff is stupid bc why the hell does adrien suddenly develop feelings for marinette like seriously WHERE THE HELL DID IT COME FROM look i get why lb -> cn even if its so hamfisted i could at least see the logic here but ADRIEN -> MARINETTE??? adr!enette HARDLY got any screentime last season and when they did it was the bare minimum and hardly compared to their scenes in prior seasons so like wtf
why the fuck is there a miracle box in antarctica WHO PLACED IT THERE LOL
Ok m done for now let’s talk about positive things bc there are some things I’m looking forward to!
Alya as Scarabella FOR THREE EPISODES! sure the premise of two of those episodes sucks balls but im happy to see scarabella in action again
im actually excited for one episode: Determination! The akumatized villain takes us back to the wax museum but this time it seems like she’ll bring to life wax statues of all the heroes so idk maybe im excited for big fights. 
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sparklingpax · 3 years
Hmmmm... Starscream, and Leonardo!
Hi!!! Yes!! I can definitely do these two <3 And aaaa sorry I left this tab open and forgot about it >///<
Starscream (I'm assuming from TFP?)
First impression: (Given that I was like, 5 or 6 when I saw TFP, cut me a little slack on the simplicity of this jdsjsdsdj) "The King of being Sly" and also "sharp claws, sharp claws, so COOL!! OWO" Interestingly enough, I had no particular feelings for him as in 'hating' or 'liking' his character, I just liked his claws and the Way he moved and talked :3 So.....well, I guess contradicting myself two seconds ago that would classify as: I liked him when I saw him, and also acknowledged fully that he was So Evil but that was ok >:)
Impression now: PRETTY MUCH THE SAME AS BEFORE EXCEPT NOW I LOVE HIM AS ONE OF MY FAVORITES OF THE SHOW AJSDJSDKFSj Starscream hhh 💖 Also I still adore his claws and figure <3
Favorite moment: Oof, there are many to choose from....
Every time he used his claw fingers as weapons of some kind
Every single time he did that epic thing where he jumped off a surface and near the ground, transformed, and bolted straight back up into the sky, leaving a clean, perfect trail of smoke...AHHHH
The Entirety of the episode "Thirst" because Starscream (and KO) and their dynamic was just *chef's kiss* 💝
Idea for a story: I know these have been written before but like. Any kind of scenario where Starscream gets to enjoy some recreational activity, maybe where he just goes on a nice, long flight on a clear, sunny day--maybe even goes to another country...just flies around in peace, stops and sits on a rock somewhere and watches a city of people down below, contemplating life.........sure, he reminds himself how easy it would be to go down there and destroy everything because he is more powerful than those puny humans could ever be!! And yet.....he just sits there and watches those people walk around and live their lives, intrigued for even just a little--after all, Lord Megatron didn't give him orders to destroy that city, now did he?
........SORRY ITS CHEESY, maybe even slightly ooc, but jsJSDH o///o I want Scream to be happy :3
Unpopular opinion: Probably not unpopular, but I've seen some people say that Starscream's character was inconsistent and written badly,,,,and I,,,,,disagree so fully with that???
But that's kind of it, and I don't think that many people think that, so.....I'll leave it at that--
Favorite relationship: Hmm......Starscream and Knockout dont come for me please I said this already but they have the perfect dynamic AA
Favorite headcanon: As you can tell by my story idea, that Starscream has recreational activities he tries to do when he can, and that they include Just Flying Around in Peace amongst other things (idk where I saw that one but I did see it somewhere and I love it ok--)
In conclusion, Starscream q///q 🥺💗💖💕✨
Leonardo (TMNT 2012)
First impression: OK so my first episode of TMNT 2012 was actually the last five minutes of "The Enemy of My Enemy" because I was just flipping through channels (and I was a third grader :D). I got that bit where he and Mikey were talking and Mikey was like "It's like when I found out that Leprechauns aren't real," to which Leo just stares at him and says, "You didn't know they're not real?!" (as Raph and Donnie sign frantically for him not to say that) and instantly, Mikey looks horrified: "LEPRECHAUNS AREN'T REAL???"
You might be asking why this is at all significant for my first impression of him....well I decided right then and there that Leo was a Dork and I liked him a lot.
To this day, I can't make sense of this or why that one scene there made me think that, but well, I can't figure myself out anyway lmfao--
So long story short: I liked Leo on sight, and maybe three or four episodes later, I cemented that opinion for sure in my mind, and also found him highkey attractive o///o 💙 In fact, he was my favorite for a short period of time ^w^
Impression now: LEO MY BELOVED 🥺🥰💕
He's officially my second favorite now!! I stil think he's adorable, but like adorkable kind of cute ;w; BUT I also see him as a great leader, a good character with meaningful development. He remained attractive to me and I've always thought he was cool.
Also he was and still is the definition to me of That Friend everyone calls responsible who Is Kind Of but sometimes you find that friend trying to eat three hotdogs at once and reconsider that and I Know this makes no sense but I stand with this idea lmfao
Favorite moment: BATTLE WITH SHREDDER IN TE SEASON 2 FINALE (which had a sad ending and it makes me sad every time I watch it but also GO LEO GO, SHOW THEM WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF)
-"Imagine if they knew who they were working for!!" *proceeds to Kraang Impression accurately* "..." and then he just laughs nervously and they return to planning an infiltration to TCRI
-and many other because there are 6 seasons and I'm forgetting a lot of moments I'll be sad later I didn't remember at first--
Idea for a story: Hmmm.......Leo attending a Comic Convention and disguising himself as a human, because that would be funny but also lowkey cute >w< And!! It would be just him....idk, but it feels like something fun and that would result in him being a Happy Turtle~
Unpopular opinion: Um...........I didn't love those outfits/battle armor/whatever those were that he (or the other turtles tbh) had for both the forest thing in season 3 and then the black ones they had for the end of season 5; like it was only in a few scenes and it wasn't awful by any means but.....eh......
Favorite relationship: His dynamic with Master Splinter as the eldest and most responsible son, and then the dynamics with his brothers, especially with Raph because they fought a lot, but by the end of the series, they kind of saw eye to eye most of the time....that was just so well-written imo, I enjoyed it :D
Favorite headcanon: Ok, at the moment I can't recall one I've seen, so I'll just tell you one of mine: Leo actually likes onsies (those pj things) and owns a few because they're comfy and kinda cute :D but he's kind of embarrassed of this because he just knows his brothers will never let him hear the end of it if they were to find out, especially Raph--
Thanks so much for the ask!! :)
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