#they apperantly ended up at my grandma's house while we stayed with her for a year or so
chaostified · 10 months
Some mf came in our room and stole my damn shoes and heels. Nothing else (nothing else we've noticed at least), just these two things.
Btw, my mum works at this hotel so she's a semi-permanent resident, which means that the cleaning staff, who are the only ones with access to all rooms aren't allowed in here.
Honestly, I'm not even mad, I'm just amused as to why did someone steal my shoes of all the damn things.
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knowledge-n-crap · 5 years
Story time! I Had THE WORST new years, so far. First off, I'm a mom. So I go to bed early with my kid... Well, My 1 year old literally threw up chunks at midnight in her sleep. Where was I? I went outside to give my husband a new years kiss (he was outside drinking with his brother in law). I was gone for 7 minutes. I come back up to cuddle her but I find my mother and grandmother cleaning her up cause they heard her cry and she had puke all over her hair and clothes. I felt horrible but shit happens yah know? So we bathed her. Shortly after that she pukes again. And agian. And again. My mother and g-ma went to bed around 12:35. So i stayed up alone till past 5 am taking care of my poor baby making sure she doesnt choke when she pukes 😭. And not only that. I also had stomach pain and nausea. So it had to be something we ate. We didnt eat a lot and we arnt sure what the hell made us so sick cause everyone ate the same thing and we were the only ones with upset stomachs. I would make sure she's sleeping and run to the restroom cause i had to take a dump but as soon as im about to let loose I hear her making noises again and she would be puking again. This went on for a few hours. Around 4 am, My husband comes into the room after leaving with his brother in law to a friends house down the road. He's a talkative drunk so I tried not to be upset that he was being so loud and could wake up the baby from her horrible night ( shes a light sleeper and he's just a loud mess that often wakes her in her sleep 😥).. So after 15 minutes he finally passes out. My kid continues to wake up puking a few more times. Forward to 8 am. My child has the shits now. I'm sleep deprived. So I end up letting my mom watch her so I can sleep a couple hours. Well. That didn't end up very well. I get up after an hour with a huge stomach pain, horrible nausea and run to the restroom. I have diarreah and end up puking in a bucket. Both at the same time or else I'll either shit myself or puke all over my floor... I end up super weak all day, horrible back and side pains, everything I drink I end up puking or shitting out. Literally. My poop aint poop. It came out as purely liquid. I was waaay past diarrhea.... You do not know how horrible it felt. My moms cooking made me want to puke even more cause she made Chile empanadas which give off strong fumes when they're being cooked. I had the chills constantly and sat next to the heater to feel warm. I couldnt lay down cause it felt like my organs were pouring out of me and giving me aches and pains. I couldn't stand cause i was weak and would need something to lean against. Oh yeah, and all the force from puking, made me get my period early. Yeah. Apperantly that can happen. Well, I learned after a while that there's something going around giving people horrible stomach aches and nausea, I wasnt the only one who had it. My cousin 7 hours away had it for 4 days. My aunt had it for a couple days too..knowing that makes me feel bad for them. I thank My mother and grandma for helping me relive the pain with Tylenol and a massage. I finally took a nap eating a saltine cracker that was still hanging from my mouth when I woke up and drinking distilled water.
I think I'm ready to go vegan now, I blame the ribs we ate.
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