#they are also represented as kids with complimentary colors !
amoritasart · 8 months
My favorite visual design aspect of the Wittebane brothers is that they look NOTHING alike. They don’t share eye nor hair color, they don’t share face shape, their eyebrows are different, they don’t even share the same nose.
This is very interesting to me because almost every other character that has relatives shares at ALOT of aspects with their bio families, that it’s unmistakable that they’re related. Eda and Lilith are both super pale, tall, slender, and have the same face shape, Amity looks EXACTLY like her mom and her siblings all share the same eye color and nose. Luz is basically just a teen Camila, and even half brothers like Steve and Matt have the same eyebrows.
And you know, that was something deliberate. In a live action setting you can’t always control exactly how your actors will look, but in a cartoon these characters were made to be so different. And their story is so vague that for all we know “brothers” is what they called each other because they had no one else, for all we know they were both abandoned orphans who found a home in each other . And his attachment to Caleb grew due to being the only person who ever showed interest in his well being.
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necromatador · 7 months
Let's learn some about Kol!
♦️: Are there any motifs you associate with them? What do those motifs represent thematically?
I mean he was literally inspired by the Retired Gunfighter trope, specifically a character in a show I was watching called The Deputy, where the titular character was a deputy marshal who was usually a general store owner and reluctant to be the deputy at all but who was skilled with guns and their maintenance. I associate him with softer, low-saturated colors because he tries to not stand out when he's not "in-character" as Famous Outlaw Kid Hickory. I associate him with double pistols and trick-shots and fancy gun twirling. I associate him with scorpions, the sudden strike but generally harmless if unprovoked. I dunno questions like these are weird for me because stuff like 'themes' and 'motifs' are so vague and nebulous and I always feel like I'm doing it wrong lmao like my Literature teacher would be disappointed in me or something.
📖: Describe your ideal character arc for them. How do you envision them changing by the end of the story?
Ideally Kol's character arc will end with him "clearing" his name, getting revenge on those who fucked up his retirement plans, and retiring from crime. Or at least gun-running. I cannot promise he will retire from action or adventure though. Right now he's kind of tired of the way things are, and feels like he's done so much bad that he just kind of wanted to resign himself to a normal everyday life 1) to stop feeling like he was constantly at risk of dying and 2) so that he can 'make amends' for his past by not continuing to hurt people. I hope by the end of the campaign he'll have realized that 1) he has to actively work to make amends for his past and 2) maybe settling down fully isn't exactly for him but now he knows where to aim his intentions.
🤝: How do they express platonic affection? When does an acquaintance become a friend for them?
Kol expresses platonic affection with good-natured rough-housing and stuff like affectionate shoulder-punches and slightly-too-hard back pats. He also tends to be complimentary to people he likes, sprinkling praise on them to show he cares. An acquaintance becomes a friend either just from sheer length of time with enough positive interaction, or as the party will no doubt find out, by showing even slightly that they care at all about him. He is...still pretty desperate for affection of any kind even if he does generally try and hide it by being either casual/flippant or professionally polite depending on the circumstance.
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rakhigiftstore · 4 months
Top Rakhi Picks: Best Sellers to Gift Your Sibling in Australia
Raksha Bandhan, a festival celebrating the bond between siblings, holds immense significance in Indian culture. One of the central aspects of this occasion is the exchange of rakhi, a symbolic thread that represents the bond of protection and love between brothers and sisters. If you’re in Australia and looking for the perfect Rakhi Best Seller to gift your sibling, fret not! We’ve curated a list of the top rakhi picks that are best sellers and sure to bring joy to your loved ones Down Under.
Traditional Rakhi: For those who appreciate the timeless charm of tradition, a classic rakhi adorned with intricate patterns and embellishments is an ideal choice. Traditional rakhis typically feature auspicious symbols like Om, Swastika, or Lord Ganesha, symbolizing blessings and good fortune. Opt for a traditional rakhi crafted from vibrant threads and embellished with beads and stones for an authentic touch.
Designer Rakhi: If you want to add a touch of glamour to your sibling’s wrist, consider a designer rakhi. These rakhis are crafted by skilled artisans and often feature contemporary designs, making them a stylish accessory. From elegant pearl rakhis to trendy metallic designs, there’s a designer rakhi to suit every taste. Choose a rakhi that reflects your sibling’s personality and style to make the occasion truly memorable.
Personalized Rakhi: Make this Raksha Bandhan extra special by gifting your sibling a personalized rakhi. You can opt for a custom-made rakhi with your sibling’s name or initials engraved on it, adding a personal touch to the festivities. Alternatively, you can choose a photo rakhi featuring a cherished memory of you and your sibling, creating a heartfelt memento that will be treasured for years to come.
Kids’ Rakhi: For younger siblings or nieces and nephews, consider a fun and colorful kids’ rakhi. These rakhis are specially designed to appeal to children, featuring cartoon characters, superheroes, or cute animal motifs. Choose a kids’ rakhi that matches your little one’s interests and watch their face light up with joy when they receive their special gift.
Rakhi Gift Sets: If you’re looking for a complete Raksha Bandhan gift solution, opt for a rakhi gift set. These sets typically include a rakhi along with complimentary items such as sweets, chocolates, or dry fruits, making them a convenient and thoughtful choice. You can also find gift sets that include additional items like greeting cards or personalized messages, allowing you to express your love and affection in a heartfelt way.
With these top Rakhi picks, you can make this Raksha Bandhan a memorable and joyous occasion for your sibling in Australia. Whether you prefer a traditional rakhi, a designer masterpiece, or a personalized creation, there’s a perfect option waiting to be discovered. So, go ahead and choose the ideal Rakhi Best Seller to Australia to celebrate the special bond you share with your sibling, no matter the distance.
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bidonica · 2 years
It might be that I was sniffing at many of GoT’s writing and design choices since day 1, but I didn’t expect to be so onboard with HotD’s approach to the material, including catering exactly to me by representing an iconographically rich world, so here we are with
Art in Westeros - HotD edition
MaesterMerry on twitter did a breakdown of the spicy wall paintings in the Red Keep, I suggest you go read it and then come back here!
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Most if not all of these appear to be wall paintings rather than tapestries, and seem to sit into a shallow niche/framing in the wall, which makes me think they were designed as part of the keep since its building (so most likely Maegor’s idea, which lines up with a certain way to interpret Targaryen-ness; more on this later). Probably a callback to Valyrian art as it seems to be, stylistically, a mashup of the Pompeii erotic wall paintings and the more abstract, stylized imagery of Roman mosaics.
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But where’s *current* Targaryen art? We might get an inkling in the latest episode, 1x03, “First of his Name”, at the big hunt for Aegon’s name day.
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there’s a big painting behind Viserys’ throne at the hunt which seems to also be depicting a hunting party. The female character in the fg is blonde and wearing red, and there’s a bigger, probably male figure in black next to her. I’m thinking they might be Jaehaerys and Alysanne, wearing complimentary Targaryen colors. The style and palette made me think of Paolo Uccello’s Hunt in the Forest (1470), books of hours, and International Gothic style in general.
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Adding to MaesterMerry’s thread about the erotic art in the Red Keep, I think the hunting scene here is an indicator of the transition from the Targaryen identity as “pagan” and foreign, rooted in what would look like ungodly practices to Westerosi eyes, to an outwardly more genteel court culture, integrated with the existing practices of the realm. That’s another reason I think the painting is from J&A’s reign - it’s the kind of art I’d expect from a king called The Conciliator.
And it's a bit of a theme in this episode where Otto explains the significance of the white hart to Viserys, which from a Doylist perspective happens because the audience needs the explainer, but from a Watsonian one, it’s interesting that Viserys needs the lecture. It shows that the Targaryens are to an extent still transitioning into Westerosi culture and traditions, and it’s interesting that the orgy paintings are conspicuously missing from GoT (and asoiaf) canon, meaning they are going to be covered or destroyed at some point.
Then, the obvious detail: they’re also hunting (normal, not white) deer in the painting. Also are those blonde kids walking behind “Alysanne” simple squires or some of J&A’s children? Is Viserys’ dad in this?
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This painting resonates with the themes of the episode, and it’s particularly poignant if it indeed represents Jaehaerys and Alysanne, since Jaehaerys passed the crown directly onto Viserys, who has always struggled to bear it and find purpose in his role as king. He performs what is expected of him as the Old King’s successor; inheriting a relatively flourishing, peaceful kingdom, all that’s left is the pageantry of a ceremonial hunt. Even the deer in the painting is running off the side of the frame, the symbolic essence of kingship eluding Viserys, but also not really being the point of the scene, just like nobody pays attention to him while the party goes on in the royal tent.
More art in westeros
More art in HotD
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shoofworldwide · 3 years
Another fun Deltarune theory: seven chapters, seven SOULs, and each SOUL has a different effect - except two of them.
In Undertale, the Cyan and Orange SOULs didn't have any special effects in battle for the player like every other one did. They showed up as attacks by other monsters and were complimentary, in that one of them you had to move through and the other you had to stay still as it passed you.
In Deltarune, we as the player are represented by the color Red; Kris, notably, is represented by themselves as Cyan.
This, to me, implies that whoever is represented by Orange later on will play an important role. My thought is that it's gonna be Jockington.
Here's what we know about Jockington:
He has no counterpart in Undertale (that we're aware of right now)
He is widely adored throughout the town for just being a Cool Guy, including by Catti, who seems to be on some level friends with Kris as the two have dabbled in the occult in the past
Susie doesn't care for him
He has a room in Queen's Castle in the Dark World - this room is later revealed to be Spamton's old room
The Dark World clearly has some link to fantasy - Jockington, being widely adored by a lot of people in town, would most likely be the subject of some people's fantasies, which would potentially mean he could also exist as a darkner. Additionally, Jockington having no Undertale counterpart is similar to Berdly, Noelle, and Susie (aside from vague mentions of "Rudy's youngest daughter" in side material and "Suzy" by Clam Girl) who obviously became major players in the early chapters. This most likely means Jockington will be important to some degree in later chapters as well - and since Susie and Noelle are also represented by SOUL colors (I personally think Berdly's gonna be repped by Green later if he's continuously important but that's conjecture).
Jockington is also Kris' opposite, to a degree. He's popular, sociable, and well-liked. Kris isn't disliked per se, but Kris is definitely a weird kid. No close friends until Susie, antisocial and introverted, and given a bit of a wide berth. His current color scheme doesn't denote an association to orange, but there's always a chance it can change when he enters the dark world/if he has a darkner form as well.
Catti having a room in the mansion can be explained away for now as her potentially dabbling in the occult. One of Kris' popup ads also had something about summoning demons, which the two could have done together (hence Kris having been to the darkworld prior) and Asriel having a room is obviously weird, but understandable due to how important he is to the plot. Aside from the idea that the Jockington that owns the room is a "fake", there should be no reason whatsoever that Jockington has a room in the mansion - he's done nothing so far for the story, has little to no interaction with Kris, and any time he's mentioned it's played for laughs.
Additionally, Susie has made a point to state that she's not fond of his followers and dislikes him to a degree, and actively messes (at least) with people around him. While it's safe to assume Susie doesn't like most people in the class, it's interesting that she actually has a stated opinion on him, when she doesn't for really anyone else (save for I think Berdly but, evidentally, there was a reason for it).
I also think it's interesting that Catty has a younger sister of the same name with a slightly different spelling! Reminds me of Susie/Suzy. But that's a different post.
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Ok, this is not directly cherub related, but I the inspiration is Clair.
All of pairs of class have opposite colors. It’s never a perfect song yang, but the inspiration is here. Like... light orange with void dark blue ? Sure, I can see that. Hope yellow with rage purple makes sense in universe, because it’s basically the same duality as the clock heroic/just. Breath blue with blood brownish red makes sense, and same with doom dark green/grey and life light green/ beige
So my question is : Why the fuck is time red ? Thematically speaking, it should be white.
Huh, I never realized the colors were sorta complimentary. But if I had to guess... Hussie didn’t plan on introducing the Trolls initially. It’s entirely possible he Designed the Beta Kid Aspect symbols without thinking on the rest. And when he expanded the cast and designed the other Aspects, he intentionally made them somewhat fitting, but Space and Time were an already drawn duality, so he didn’t change it? A possibility.
Otherwise it CAN be thematic. Consider, that while the Space Color is black and white, Green is heavily associated with it just as well. And similarly, Clockwork Majyyks are often represented by flashing rainbow signs. So what do you have with Space and Time? A Black/White symbol with Green Powers, and a Red Symbol with Rainbow Powers. And isn’t that also perfectly complimentary?
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taalvistahotel · 4 years
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photo from google
Taal Vista Hotel is a place that will leave you floating in nostalgia with treasured past times and countless generations. Away from the ordinary city life, our cozy rooms and excellent service will bring people closer together.
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From the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), take either the Santa Rosa Exit, or exit to Eton Greenfield. Drive straight to Tagaytay via the Aguinaldo Highway. Travel time is approximately 1.5 hours from Manila
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photos from google
Taal Vista Hotel stands out above the rest among other properties in Tagaytay. Hotel facilities include a large outdoor swimming pool hidden from view to provide privacy. To help you give an energy boost or complete your fitness regimen, there’s an onsite gym. Looking for some entertainment? Tagaytay Hotel Vista has its own kid’s corner and games room. For complete relaxation, Asmara spa offers rejuvenating body treatments. Before leaving Tagaytay, check the hotel Cake Shop or Kultura Butik for some souvenirs. Taal Vista Hotel has hotel facilities other Tagaytay properties don’t have.
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For a taste of sweetness and delightful snacks, stop by the hotel’s pastry shop. From Pan de Coco to Ensaymadas and other tasteful desserts, you can also try our famous Mallari Lambanog coffee as one of our specialty drinks.
Operating hours:
Daily (10:00 AM to 8:00 PM)
Happy place your kids will love - with colorful toys, mini ball pit and slide plus kiddie art activities.
Operating hours:
Temporarily Closed
Relieve tension and stress with our rejuvenating spa packages that will leave you fresh and revitalized. Receive a complimentary tea when you avail one of our spa treatments.
Operating hours:
Friday-Sunday 2:00PM - 11PM
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A variety of exercise equipment is available for complimentary use.
Operating hours:
Daily (6:00 AM to 10:00 PM)
Take a dip or swim some laps in our pool located in the Mountain Wings of Taal Vista Hotel in Tagaytay City. Nothing feels better than a cool morning or afternoon swim.
Operating hours:
Daily (7:00 AM to 6:00 PM)
Bring a bit of Tagaytay to your loved ones back home by stopping by the Kultura Butik shop for some unique Filipino souvenirs that represent your travels and your stay in Taal Vista Hotel.
Operating hours:
Daily (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM)
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photo from pinterest
Reasons Why This Iconic Tagaytay Landmark Hotel is Worth Visiting
1. It’s ideal for a romantic getaway.
You can never go wrong with spending the night at one of the Windy Ridge’s best hotels. The Superior Mountain Wing Room’s classy and elegant interiors will instantly welcome you. A comfy king-sized bed, a daybed to lounge around in, cable TV and Wi-Fi access to keep you connected, and all other premium necessities are there for an ultra-comfortable stay.
2. There’s room for the whole family.
On the other hand, the 2-BR Taal Suite promises a homey sanctuary perfect for the entire family. Your spacious home for the night is well-equipped with modern comforts like 2 king beds fitted with plush sheets, cable TV, Wi-Fi, and other amenities you need for a restful slumber.
3. A feast here is one for all the senses.
A buffet at Taal Vist Hotel's Veranda is the culinary experience you wouldn’t want to miss out on! Truly a feast for the senses, it serves you with unlimited eats to sate cravings you didn’t even know you had, while letting you take advantage of the beauty of a panoramic Taal Lake and Volcano view.
4. Catch-ups are made a little more special.
Great conversations are made better with great drinks and delicious meals. It's even more special when you have a gorgeous view of Taal as your backdrop. Whether you’re sipping on an expertly mixed cocktail at the Tudor-style Lobby Lounge or snacking on freshly baked treats from The Cakeshop, Taal Vista Hotel is a fine place to unwind with good company.
5. The food is local and fresh.
Breathtaking views of landscaped gardens coupled with delicious farm-to-table food make for a refreshingly delicious meal. Located on a quiet side of Taal Vista Hotel, this charming garden-inspired restaurant with floor-to-ceiling glass windows boasts a magnificent 180-degree view.
6. Great memories are made here.
Savor a special moment with family and friends amidst Tagaytay's cool and crisp breeze. Situated on the Windy Ridge, this Tudor Mansion-style hotel is the right balance of elegance and warmth—an ideal and timeless choice whatever the occasion.
You can visit this link to check their room rates:
☎️Telephone No.:
+63 (2) 7917 8225
+63 (46) 413 1000
📱Mobile No.:
+63 (917) 809 1254
(For Room Reservations)
📠Fax No.:
+63 (46) 413 1225
Everything that is written here is for educational purposes only.
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benjimatorarts · 6 years
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Looking at the lego designs of the glory days, they’re not really the best costumes designs. At least for my own opinion and others’. Some of them look either boring, ugly looking, didn’t really match their personalities/powers, and/or look too similar to another super. So I decided to do my own little lineup work with not only redesign their colors and suits but also measure up their heights.
We have from left to right: (1947, 15-16 before the present time)
Mr. Incredible, Elasticgirl, Gazerbeam, Psychwave, Thunderhead, Gamma Jack, Blazestorm, Frozone
Some notes about their designs that nobody asked/cared/agree.
Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Gazerbeam, Thunderhead, Frozone: I didn’t really change much or none at all. I made the main base for Gazerbeam a darker purple/blue color. Gave Thunderhead a more blue sky color blue, matching his lighter mood than gloomy colors. More appealing for kids’ eyes and made his cape a more round shape. (Giving each cape more different traits than the same basic cape shape)
Psychwave: I just find her design too bland looking, though I kept the color purple for representation (wisdom, knowledge, mind). And gave her a complementary color scheme. Green really helps her logo stand out than black. Also, her frame is petite because according to her stats, she very much lacks strength, agility, and indestructible. So I made her a small woman. But she makes up with her pretty scary mind controlling. Don’t be her enemy….
Gamma Jack: Blue cannot be his color! Sure is a complementary color to his blog hair and is a popular color (Dark blue gives off a more calm aurora). But there are already at least 5 supers that are blue (especially males). I had to make him stand out with red.  Dark Red representing power, energy, danger, and war. He’s still appealing to people though (he has the same scheme as MCDONALDS and another fast food restaurant. (Look it up.) And from looking too similar with the Incredibles Family designs, I made his design with yellow stripes and dark red base. (Dark Red has darker themes/meanings)
Blazestorm: I really like the bold bright blue colors, especially how the compliment her skin tone. But I thought the blue look too similar to Frozone’s color scheme. So I gave her a warmer color of blue with some purple and keeping it bright looking too. The yellow really helps her logo stand out (thank you complimentary scheme). Warmer Blue vs Frzone’s cold blues. Finally, I made her more bustier build than the generic female superhero model. Local girls can look up to her and see themselves in her. Her frame is based off my friends.
I’m not completely happy with these designs, might change them again in the future. But it really helped out my figure drawing for my Figure unit in my art class. Finally, I’m practicing color theory! 8 supers down, the other half to go! OOOOF! This is the rough draft piece (that’s why the no hair, face, and masks), solely to focus on character frame and color design before the faces and hair.
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fairyscript · 6 years
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I posted this on the designated W Club forum last night with the following disclaimer. “And if it gets deleted for some reason or the narrative gets high-jacked, I’ll just move this to another platform because it’s important to me and I am not going to stop talking about it.” I proceeded to have a pleasant and open dialogue with the other members, who were supportive and receptive to hearing from my perspective which I appreciate. The thread was promptly deleted by the admins this morning, so I will be reposting it here, per my disclaimer...
An Open Letter To Jessy Ayala (Regarding The Black Dolls He Designs)
Let me preface this by saying that I am a huge fan of Jessy Ayala. His creations are the reason I started collecting IT dolls. They’re what drew me in, they’re what keep me here. Every time he wows me with another breathtaking girl to add to my collection I lather him with genuine and, I feel, much deserved praise. He creates the kind of dolls that I have always wanted in all my years of doll-collection, since I was a little kid even. That being said, that doesn’t make him exempt from valid criticism of his design process.
Going into collecting FR/Nu.Face dolls in the winter of 2016 with the “Reckless” collection as my introduction I immediately noticed something...off. Nadja. Stunning, beautiful, breathtaking doll. The most gorgeous Black doll that I’d ever seen. Her skin tone, her soft delicate makeup that perfectly complimented said skin tone (something I’d rarely seen on a Black doll, and had never seen on a doll that dark) her cloud of beautiful curls, her...blue eyes? Okay, an interesting choice but it worked for her, still stunning. But then her outfit. More than a little risqué, which in and of itself is not a problem at all. It became a problem when I saw the other dolls in the collection, and it rubbed me the wrong way that of all of them the Black girl was dressed the skimpiest. Like, to a ridiculous degree. Verging on a “blaxploitation/caricature” aesthetic when everyone else in the collection is “Clueless/Scream Queens”. And it kept rubbing me the wrong way, so much so that I couldn’t keep the doll because of the way she was making me feel (also that horrendous hip joint). I didn’t have anything else to dress her in at the time, and anyways the fact that I felt like I even had to (when none of the other dolls needed it)... it’s not a good feeling. But I chalked it up to some unfortunate choices made on the designer’s part, and hoped that, moving forward, things would improve...
Enter 2017, and the reveal of the La Femme and Heirloom collections. Miss Jordan Duval is...something. That hair color...was a choice. I didn’t dwell on it too much, and moved right along to Adele. Beautiful face, not quite my taste with all of the red, but I can appreciate a beauty when I see one. Anyways, I wasn’t collecting FR yet, the Nu.Face collection was what I was looking forward to, hoping there would be another incarnation of Nadja that I could add to my collection to replace “I Slay”. But no. Once again, a collection filled with other gorgeous dolls, with rich luxurious fashions, beautiful complimentary makeup, and you know, just naturally occurring hair colors. And then, Nadja. Again. Again no clothes, but at least this time she had company. But where Ayumi got softness and femininity and warmth, Nadja got bright purple lips and silver hair. And my immediate reaction was disappointment and frustration that once again the Black girl in the group was turned into this. This other, sticking out of the collection like a sore thumb. I sat back and fumed while everyone else just gushed over her, and hoped again, that the next time would be better.
The Fairytale Convention rolls around, more beautiful dolls in beautiful clothes, and looky, another Nadja. A gorgeous, amazing, breathtaking, darn near perfect (blue eyes... again) doll...but it’s a one of a kind. Okay. But then there’s a gift for everyone in attendance. This one has a drop dead gorgeous face, flawless makeup, beautiful brown eyes...and a head full of blond hair. Of course, the reasoning is that she’s “Sleeping Beauty” (à la Disney) so it checks out but... still. She didn’t have to be blond. It didn’t have to be that texture. Again, I couldn’t keep her because of that incongruous hair, and the nagging negative associations that came with it. I hoped that these themed dolls from the convention would be the most we’d see of Black dolls with blonde/white hair. But nope, here comes another in the “Faces of Adele” gift set, and another with “Dollface” Adele. Maybe Jessy just did it because he likes the look and didn’t know about the connotations attached to it. All the history that comes with that particular hair and skin combo, or the constant “underdressing” with Nadja. The over sexualization of Black women and girls that is added onto what already comes with just being female. The societal pressure, to the degree that is specifically directed at Black women, to conform to unnatural European beauty standards (lighter eyes, straighter lighter hair), and how that image ingrained itself in our media and our culture and what a hurtful reminder it is to see it everywhere. The mentality of all of it being the only way Black women are even allowed to be perceived as beautiful, when they’re altered, when they’re made into something that they can’t just be. And if that was the case, I can understand it, but also in this day and age you don’t really get to just be ignorant of what the art you make means anymore. If you look at Jessy’s other dolls, they could be real women, that is to say their hair and skin and eye color combinations can and do occur in nature, relatively often. But the Black dolls are disproportionately affected by these choices that have a lot of ingrained prejudice behind them. Are they pretty on a surface level? Yes. But there is meaning behind this. There is meaning behind how we are perceived and how people outside of our identity choose to portray us in their art forms. 
Which leads me to this year’s dolls. I again, noticed immediately that this collection, beautifully melanin rich as it was, had a very niche aesthetic. It felt very risky and experimental, which again is not a bad thing at all. What I don’t like is that these are the sculpts he chose to experiment on. The Black sculpts that people had been asking to see more of? He brings them back with grey eyes and blue lips, and fashion that has a relatively limited appeal. And now they languish with dealers and are leftover from the lottery, and there are people thinking that it’s the sculpts themselves that are the problem when no, they’re not. Jessy knowns very well how to make beautiful dolls with broad appeal no matter the sculpt. He could have made dolls with these sculpts that would have sold out immediately, and played around with other characters that could afford a little lull in sales. But to put all the risk on these sculpts, while simultaneously putting out a collection of beautiful white and brown dolls, and cranking out more for the convention and the Club dolls with not another black doll to be seen? That says a lot to me. Oh my mistake, one other Black doll. With pin straight hair and, again, blue eyes. 
All I’m saying, all I’m asking for, is that some more thought, sensitivity and respect be put into the Black dolls in FR/Nu.Face going forward, the same amount afforded to all of the other dolls. And it’s not a lot to ask for. Or, it shouldn’t be. 
I know they’re “just dolls”, just like movies are “just movies”, books are “just books”, shows are “just shows”...you see where I’m going with this. It still matters. I just needed to say this, and I hope that he sees this, hears it, takes it in. He’s the best, but things can be so much better...
The discussion on the forum yielded some more important points, and I’d like to make clear that is in no way meant to detract from the variety and versatility that is Black beauty. Just the opposite. I want, so badly, to see that represented in Jessy’s dolls, as it hasn’t been up to this point. The wide range of skin tones, and hairstyles and aesthetics that our beauty encompasses. Not the one or two notes that he just keeps hitting over and over and over... There is so much more variety than what he shows and continues to show. And I won’t be complacent about it, and think “at least it’s something/it’s better than nothing”. It’s been long enough, it’s time to stop accepting and start improving. 
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tsgfortworth · 5 years
The Scout Guide Fort Worth | Volume 6 Launch Party
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Orange you glad #ScoutIsOut!? We are over the moon to present this year’s edition of The Scout Guide Fort Worth | Volume 6 - your guide to the best of local in Fort Worth, TX!  We are working hard to get copies out all over the city!  in the meantime, please browse the online edition HERE.
A special thank you (and shout out) to Rebecca Atkinson of Beckley Design Studio for inspiring the orange and lavender cover color combination. The colors work; and it’s a fresh approach that adds some brightness to the cover combinations we have done in previous editions.  
The launch party celebration was an evening to remember at a stunning private home, remodeled by an original #scouted member, NH Southern Development.  We are excited to share all the details about the event with these beautiful images captured by Jen Morley Photography.  
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Below is a list of our #local partners that helped make the evening so special for everyone:
Catering and cocktails by Righteous Foods
Floral by Floralee by Katy Lee
Invitation Design by Wabash Road
Calligraphy by Sara Roush of Scripts by Sara
Live music by Magnolia Entertainment Co.
Cheese/Charcuterie Display by My Sweet Roots
Local Artist, Donna Walker.  Represented at Bee Street Gallery.
Editor make-up by Ashley McNabb Artistry.
Wabash Road set the tone with a fresh yet neutral design that didn’t give away the cover color combination.  
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Guests were welcomed with festive spirits by Righteous Foods.  Signature cocktails included Himalayan Sea Salt Margarita and a Blueberry Collins.
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The menu included a delicious (and impressive) mix of passed hors d’oeuvres, clothes pins station (pictured above), cheese, nuts, and charcuterie, followed by sweet treats all by Righteous Foods! 
Roasted cauliflower mac & cheese with toasted peanuts cleverly served in to-go boxes with chopsticks, 
Wild mushroom croquettes, 
Bison, yogurt and feta sandwiches with pistachios
Salmon pastami, gruyere, and lemon preserves.  
Cheese cloth pins included manchego and serrano; dates and goat cheese
Desserts included:
Churros, Tea de Chocolate
Chai Butterscotch with raspberry beet puree
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My Sweet Roots also prepared this cheese/charcuterie board that was a huge crowd pleaser.  
Party goers included special friends of The Scout Guide Fort Worth, Volume 6 Members, and family.  
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Left to right:  Debbie Horton, Whitney Tevis and Sarah Winn of The Organized Nest.  Kyle and Meg Minter, of Studio of MoveMINT.
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Left to right:  Whitney Will, Mackenzie Wiatrek, and Cassidy Bates of Gus Bates Insurance & Investments.
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Left to right:  Hillary Cornell of Pure Barre, Lindsay Jones of The PlaySpace, Sarah Cornett of The Pilates Concept and Katey McFarlan of Chronicles of Frivolity.  Kelley Roberts of Beckley Design Studio, Leigh Brown Editor/Owner of TSG Fort Worth, Leigh Bornitz, Kristin McGuire and Rebecca Atkinson of Beckley Design Studio.
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Left to right:  Michelle Marlow, Children’s Book Author, Leigh Brown Editor of TSG Fort Worth, and Lauren Matthews.  Lexi Aitken, Hannah Womack, and Jessica McIntyre of Jessica McIntyre Interiors.
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Left to right: Claudia Sheddy of My Sweet Roots.  Ryan McNabb with wife Ashley McNabb of Ashley McNabb Artistry.
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Left to right:  Official Photographer of TSG Fort Worth, Jason Kindig of Jason Kindig Photography with Editor, Leigh Brown. Mary Lipscomb, Melanie Pate and Madolin Rosenthal.
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Left to right:  Kori Green and Allison Monroe of Kori Green Designs with Emily Lee of The Bow Next Door.  Kathryn Bruse, Marcia Knutson and Paige Casey of Lila + Hayes.
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Left to right:  Natalie Crumley and Allen Crumley of Lands & Dwellings.  Ginna Wilbanks, Editor of TSG Dallas, Leigh Brown Editor of TSG Fort Worth, and Leighann Kalman Editor of TSG Austin.
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Left to right:  Brittany Voxland and Jessica Breslin of Shop Birdie and B Kids, Haddy Manuel of Rattikin Title.  Linda Motley of PS The Letter with husband David Motley.  
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Left to right Burt Ladner Real Estate agents with Owner Suzanne Burt.  Wynn Brown and wife, Leigh Brown of TSG Fort Worth.
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Left to right:  Callie Clarke and Kingsleigh Kramer of Fort Worth Sitters.  Anna Crelia of LOOT Rentals with Leigh Brown of TSG Fort Worth.
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Cannon Camp, Lisa Camp, Merrill Rhynsburger, Lauren Von Kerens of Babies on the Boulevard with husband Andrew Von Kerens, and Blayne Rhynsburger.
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Left to right:  Braden Johnson and Taylor Christopher of J. Caldwell Custom Pools, Alyson Johnson of Esther Penn, Madelyn Walker of Esther Penn, Zach Nichols, and Lisa Hoberg of You Are Here.
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Left to right:  Clint Cockerell with wife, Lauren Cockerell of Kwedar PR, Nicole Ellis of Branding by Nicole with husband Cliff Ellis.  Lauren and Nicole are Fort Worth Creative.
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Guitarist, Brendan Gilman, of Magnolia Entertainment Co. entertained guests with his lovely melodies in the carport area.
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Each spread in the Volume 6 edition was presented on a boxwood gallery wall for viewing at the event.
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A book bar was available with complimentary copies of The Scout Guide from some of our favorite cities across the country for guests to collect.  
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Local Artist, Donna Walker, created a custom piece of artwork, entitled “Fort Worth Scene”, to be featured behind the directory page in The Scout Guide Volume 6.  The actual piece will be available in the silent auction at The Jewel Charity Ball on February 29, 2020.
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Every TSG Volume 6 member (along with the homeowners) left with a personalized copy of the edition, calligraphy by Sara Roush of Scripts by Sara.
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Michigan lawmakers are fighting to eliminate gender-specified toys in kid’s meals.
The resolution was introduced in the Michigan House Wednesday urging food establishments to stop offering “girl” or “boy” toys in their kid’s meals, according to KWCH.
State representatives supporting the resolution reportedly want the establishments to instead offer customers a choice of toy, such as a Transformers toy or a My Little Pony toy.
The resolution argues that, despite recent studies citing harmful effects of these actions, many establishments still offer gender-classified complimentary toys.
The resolution reads in part,
“Food establishments often offer a toy with their meals marketed to young children, and in some cases the customer is asked if they prefer a ‘girl toy’ or a ‘boy toy.’ Often, the designated ‘boy toys’ are action figures or building toys, typically, in primary colors, whereas ‘girl toys’ are often stuffed animals and are usually in a pastel color scheme. This is a significant issue as billions of these meals are sold every year and this practice can influence and limit children’s imaginations and interests by promoting some toys as only suitable for girls and others only for boys. While some food establishments claim to have abandoned this practice, many stores in Michigan continue to offer gender-classified options to customers.”
The resolution also cites a 2015 study arguing that boys are “more  likely to play with toys that develop spatial intelligence and reasoning than girls” and that these skills are important for all children to excel academically and professionally.
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travel-rdm · 2 years
Things To Do in San Francisco
San Francisco, formally the City and County of San Francisco, is a cultural, commercial, and financial hub in California, United States. The city may just be 7 miles long, but it's jam-packed with activities that will appeal to outdoorsy types, foodies, and curious wanderers of all kinds. The Golden Gate Bridge is a must-see, and a tour of the infamous and now-closed federal prison on Alcatraz Island should also be on your itinerary. Active types and nature lovers will find enough to enjoy about San Francisco, whether it's climbing to the summit of Twin Peaks or strolling around Golden Gate Park.
Here are some of the activities and Top Tourist Spots for visitors while in San Francisco.
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge's vaulting orange arches set against the rugged San Francisco Bay landscape have made it one of the West Coast's most enduring emblems and the city's most famous tourist attraction. You can find many vantage points to capture the bridge in all its majestic glory. If you have time on your hands make sure to tour the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz, a small rocky island in the center of San Francisco Bay, is most known as a former federal prison that imprisoned some of society's most notorious criminals, including Prohibition-era crime boss Al Capone. A tour of Alcatraz is a must-see attraction. Visitors may get a close look at the cells where the inmates were confined, and an audio tour with voiced commentary by former inmates and prison guards makes the experience even more enjoyable and educational. Furthermore, the view of San Francisco Bay and the city from The Rock is breathtaking and makes the tour worth it. Most Alcatraz tour tickets come with complimentary ferry ride tickets and you can even opt for an evening tour of the island prison.
Ride a Cable Car
You've probably seen on television, a movie, a postcard, or on pieces of San Francisco memorabilia featuring the city's famous cable car, so you should tick it off your bucket list and hop on board the car to take a tour of the city in the last of its kind cable car system in the US. More than nine million visitors ride the cable cars each year, and they have a great time speeding up and down San Francisco's lively streets.
Explore the Castro
The Castro is not only the heart of the city's LGBTQ+ community, but it's also often regarded as the gay capital of the globe. The Castro neighborhood is laid-back, entertaining, and above all colorful with a friendly population, ample amenities, and remarkable beauty with the area lined with charming Victorian homes. Another neighborhood jewel and listed city landmark is the iconic Castro Theatre. The area is also known for its vibrant food and dining options plus a thriving nightlife scene.
California Academy of Sciences
There's plenty to see at the California Academy of Sciences, including an aquarium, a planetarium, a natural history museum, and even a rainforest. The perfect day-out option for the entire family, and the science, nature, or history nuts. It's got something for everyone, from adults to kids alike. The Morrison Planetarium is known for its 75-foot-diameter screen, which screens daily "Tour of the Universe" shows, the Steinhart Aquarium houses about 40,000 animals representing more than 900 different species, and the Osher Rainforest houses 1,600 animals.  Dinosaur fossils, an interactive science exhibit, and a unique earthquake simulator may all be found at the Kimball Natural History Museum.
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fun-travel-more · 3 years
Things To Do in San Francisco
San Francisco, formally the City and County of San Francisco, is a cultural, commercial, and financial hub in California, United States. The city may just be 7 miles long, but it's jam-packed with activities that will appeal to outdoorsy types, foodies, and curious wanderers of all kinds. The Golden Gate Bridge is a must-see, and a tour of the infamous and now-closed federal prison on Alcatraz Island should also be on your itinerary. Active types and nature lovers will find enough to enjoy about San Francisco, whether it's climbing to the summit of Twin Peaks or strolling around Golden Gate Park.
Here are some of the activities and top tourist spots for visitors while in San Francisco
The Golden Gate Bridge
The Golden Gate Bridge's vaulting orange arches set against the rugged San Francisco Bay landscape have made it one of the West Coast's most enduring emblems and the city's most famous tourist attraction. You can find many vantage points to capture the bridge in all its majestic glory. If you have time on your hands make sure to tour the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Alcatraz Island
Alcatraz, a small rocky island in the center of San Francisco Bay, is most known as a former federal prison that imprisoned some of society's most notorious criminals, including Prohibition-era crime boss Al Capone. A tour of Alcatraz is a must-see attraction. Visitors may get a close look at the cells where the inmates were confined, and an audio tour with voiced commentary by former inmates and prison guards makes the experience even more enjoyable and educational. Furthermore, the view of San Francisco Bay and the city from The Rock is breathtaking and makes the tour worth it. Most Alcatraz tour tickets come with complimentary ferry ride tickets and you can even opt for an evening tour of the island prison.
Ride a Cable Car
You've probably seen on television, a movie, a postcard, or on pieces of San Francisco memorabilia featuring the city's famous cable car, so you should tick it off your bucket list and hop on board the car to take a tour of the city in the last of its kind cable car system in the US. More than nine million visitors ride the cable cars each year, and they have a great time speeding up and down San Francisco's lively streets.
Explore the Castro
The Castro is not only the heart of the city's LGBTQ+ community, but it's also often regarded as the gay capital of the globe. The Castro neighborhood is laid-back, entertaining, and above all colorful with a friendly population, ample amenities, and remarkable beauty with the area lined with charming Victorian homes. Another neighborhood jewel and listed city landmark is the iconic Castro Theatre. The area is also known for its vibrant food and dining options plus a thriving nightlife scene.
California Academy of Sciences
There's plenty to see at the California Academy of Sciences, including an aquarium, a planetarium, a natural history museum, and even a rainforest. The perfect day-out option for the entire family, and the science, nature, or history nuts. It's got something for everyone, from adults to kids alike. The Morrison Planetarium is known for its 75-foot-diameter screen, which screens daily "Tour of the Universe" shows, the Steinhart Aquarium houses about 40,000 animals representing more than 900 different species, and the Osher Rainforest houses 1,600 animals.  Dinosaur fossils, an interactive science exhibit, and a unique earthquake simulator may all be found at the Kimball Natural History Museum.
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Ding Dong
Amy Dunne is one of my all-time favorite characters in cinema. She is effortlessly terrifying in a tragically beautiful sense. An overwhelming force of nature, focused on a singular purpose; The Utter destruction of the man who betrayed her. Until she changes her mind. Gone Girl was an amazing, amazing, film and the backbone of it’s Amazing Amy is the absolutely villain performance by Rosamund Pike. This chick is incredible at her job but this role really made me pay attention to her craft and, to this day, i believe she was robbed of her Oscar for that role. Look, i love Julianne Moore but f*ck all of that. Pike was robbed. Now, lately, there’s been buzz of another, Amy Dunne, level performance from Rose in this Netflix flick, I Care A Lot. Obviously, i had to see for my self if this sh*t stand’s up to the hype.
The Great
This film feels a lot like Promising Young Woman. I love that kind of energy. Everything is so kinetic, so organic. It’s weird to describe but there is an undercurrent of raw, near-visceral, force about this flick. It’s that flirty intensity that grips you and keeps you invested from scene to scene.
This film is beautifully. The way it’s shot is so pleasing to the eye. It’s borderline Wes Anderson-esuqe with all of the color and symmetry but still it’s own thing. Like, the shot composition is all very meticulous and i kind of love it. Absolutely outstanding scene composition. Brilliantly complimentary music. impeccable shot choice. Jonathan Blakeson directed his ass off. He put together one hell of a technical masterpiece.
Dude also wrote one hell of a film. That’s right, Blakeson pulls double duty on this thing by being both director and writer. No way to f*ck up the vision if you have complete control over it like that. Cats sh*t on the auteur director but, it’s like, why? How? Films are art and the director, the creator, is the artist. Of course they should be able to bring their vision to life. It’s dope seeing Blakeson finally getting the shine he deserves. Dude is the writer/director of The Disappearance of Alice Creed, another excellent film that went under the radar. That was the flick which turned me on to Gemma Arterton and I’ll thank him for that fr the rest of my life
Seriously, this f*cking music kills. It’s kind of an aggressive, New Wave, Eighties Synthfunk, tenor to it and i f*cking love all of it. I’m a sucker for that sound, always have been, and can’t get enough of it’s current revival. Bless the kids and their Retrowave movement and bless Marc Canham for adding it to this film. Like, this is some Tangerine Dream/The Keep levels of dope.
This cast is very small, very tight, so there’s no room for your performance to hide. Everyone is excellent in their respective roles, even the smaller parts. Dianne Wiest as  Jennifer Peterson, the catalyst for this film’s conflict. Nicholas Logan as Alexi Ignatyev, a cowardly good and taxi driver for the film’s antagonist who I'll get to in a second. Damian Young as a crooked doc and silent accomplice to ALL of Marla’s shenanigans. Chris Messina, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Macon Blair, and Alicia Witt; All in smaller roles but still powerful and relevant to this plot. There is no dead-weight in these performances at all. That said, the three principals are absolutely amazing.
Of tops, this is a f*cking clinic put on by Rosamund Pike. Her Marla Grayson is every bit the straight up, stone cold killer, that her Amy Dunne was. I cannot stress that enough. Pike has a way of exuding this quiet malice in these types of roles and it rings through in this particular performance something fierce. Marla is the WORST kind of person and Rosamund just f*cking effortlessly, nonchalantly, b ring that cold, cruel, energy to life. Marla isn’t Amy but she’s kind of a saccharine sweet, pastel pastiche, version of her and if Pike doesn’t get a proper Oscar for this performance, this go around, there is absolutely no justice in the world.
Eiza Gonzalez is getting dumb work lately and I'm here for all of that. She’s been gaining momentum in Hollywoodland since her scene stealing turn as Darling in Baby Driver. She’s found her way into Alita: Battle Angel, Hobbs and Shaw, and just recently, Godzilla vs. Kong. Her role as Fran in this film, is definitely a departure from those other roles, and it allows Eiza to really show her skills. This is the best i have ever seen Gonzalez and it makes me yearn for more of her, in tighter roles, like this one. 
Peter Dinklage is always excellent in anything he decides to attempt, outside of Destiny, so, obviously, his Roman Lunyov was spot on. I bought into his weirdly uber-gangster persona without pause. No need to suspend my disbelief, it just felt real. Dude sells this character without even trying. That level of ability is rare, especially taking into account his versatility overall. It’s been a while since I've seen Peter in something as good as this and I'm glad he as able to shake that disgusting Thrones finale aftertaste. It’s great to see him back in his fine form.
The level of diversity in this is very interesting. Female lead, in a lesbian relationship with a Latina women, whose principal antagonist is a dwarf? Black Judge, Female doctor, and an elderly plot catalyst. That’s all the identity boxes checked. Knowing what i know about Hollywood, you have to check those boxes in order for studios to even look at your script nowadays. OscarsSoWhite really f*cked up those egocentric, performative liberals, in the movies. The thing is, though, while this movie definitely exudes “GHURRRL POWER”, a lot like the previously referenced Promising Young Woman, it doesn’t thump you over the head with it. This sh*t is nuanced, organic, and never intrusive. This is how yow represent. This is how you instill identity politics into your films without being so goddamn hostile about it.
The Verdict
This movie is f*cking amazing, man. It’s so well written, it needs to be, because these performances are the best I've seen all year. So far. Seriously, these characters are all the worst but, at the same time, so goddamn real. They feel legitimate, so much so, i forgot i was watching a film. I was that deep into this narrative, it’s really that immersive. Rosamund Pike comes through and just destroys this screenplay, embodying Marla, while Eiza Gonzales and Peter Dinklage deliver just a strong supporting duties. Jonathan Blakeson really put together one hell of a film and considering he wrote the damn thing, too, a lot of the credit has to go to him for that. I mean, aside from the laughably strong performances, this flick is gorgeous, has brilliant dialogue, an organic score, and some of the best cinematography I've seen all year. I Care A Lot definitely lives up to all this hype and then some. If you have Netlfix, this thing is worth the watch. If you don’t definitely fly that Jolly Roger for this one. I can’t sing it’s praises enough.
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backfencemagazine · 4 years
Celebrate Lunar New Year at Disney California Adventure
Ring in the Year of the Pig with Lunar New Year celebrations at Disney California Adventure park, now through February 17, 2019. With fun-filled activities, multicultural performances, beautiful décor, and delicious cuisine, Lunar New Year welcomes guests of all ages to commemorate traditions with beloved Disney characters, and welcome another year of good fortune.
We followed along with four Disney moms as they experienced Lunar New Year at Disney California Adventure with their families. Keep scrolling to see their favorite highlights, and all the fun that can be enjoyed at the Lunar New Year celebrations at Disney California Adventure.
“This was our first Lunar New Year experience at Disney California Adventure and it did not disappoint! Being part Chinese, it was wonderful to see so much of my heritage represented at the park. What was even more special was to be able to share in these festivities with my son. Seeing the fusion of Disney with all the familiar traditions, food, and fun that I’ve grown up with was truly something magical!” – Jennifer Poblete-Boonsom
Lucky Wishing Wall
Make a wish and dare to dream big during the Year of the Pig! Guests of all ages are welcomed to add their own special message of hope, health and happiness for the upcoming year.
“Our family loved the Lucky Wishing Wall. This was special to us since we truly believe in the power of dreams and wishes coming true, so getting to write down our hopes for the new Lunar Year (on Mickey wish paper, too!) was the sweetest moment.” – Jennifer Poblete-Boonsom
“Celebrating Lunar New Year with my family at The Disneyland Resort was such a magical experience! It was, of course, filled with all of the Disney magic that we’ve come to expect and love when visiting the parks, but I also appreciate that I was able to learn with my children about a holiday celebrated by cultures different than our own. The Lucky Wishing Wall, for example, is a beautiful Lunar New Year tradition where you are able to write down your wishes for the new year and then tie them to the wall amongst all of the others for luck. The kids were also able to color and construct their own paper lantern decorations to take home. As an multicultural family of Polish and African-American, cultural traditions are so important to us and we love being able to experience that while visiting the Disney parks.” – Erika Kurzawa
Mulan’s Lunar New Year Procession
This bold and bright parade is hosted by Mulan and her faithful dragon, Mushu. This year, as a special treat for the Year of the Pig, the Three Little Pigs.
“This show was absolutely mind-blowing and the girls were so excited and intrigued! Since it is the Year of the Pig, the Three Little Pigs performing with Mulan and Mushu were a fun surprise! The dance performances were mesmerizing and we definitely want to come back and watch it again! If you’re planning a trip to Disneyland Resort you need to check out this show which has multiple performances throughout the day until February 17th!” – Mai Nguyen-Miyoshi
Meet Disney Characters
Paradise Gardens is the place to meet and take photos with some of your favorite Disney friends, including Mickey, Minnie, Mulan, Mushu, and Pluto too! Bring the whole family to see these Disney characters in vibrant holiday attire. You can check daily appearance times by downloading the official Disneyland Mobile app!
“Of course the family had to take photos with Mulan! It was really cute watching Mulan interact with Zooey.” – Mai Nguyen-Miyoshi
Kid-Friendly Crafts and Activities
From crafting paper lanterns to face painting, there are so many fun ways to let creative spirits soar during Lunar New Year. Brush-stroke aficionados can take home custom-drawn Chinese calligraphy by local artisans, available on Monday and Tuesdays. And find complimentary face painting in front of The Little Mermaid ~ Ariel’s Undersea Adventure.
“Zooey and Amelie are half Vietnamese and half Japanese, so we celebrate Lunar New Year every year [by] visiting with our families and eating delicious food. This year, we decided to take Zooey, Amelie and Baba (Zooey & Amelie’s grandmother) to experience the Lunar New Year at Disney California Adventure! Baba hadn’t been to Disneyland since before Disney California Adventure was even built, so it was super exciting for all of us to go together. The first thing we did when we arrived to the Paradise Gardens Park was hit the arts and crafts table where the girls could make their own lanterns.” – Mai Nguyen-Miyoshi
“Face painting is complimentary at Lunar New Year, so my daughter, Zoe, [who] was born in the year of the dragon, had a dragon painted on her cheek. And since this is the year of the pig, which just happens to be my own birth year, I couldn’t resist joining the fun and having a pig painted on my face too.” – Erika Kurzawa
“The Lunar New Year celebration at Disney California Adventure is the PERFECT way to interact with Lunar New Year traditions as a family! From delicious food to arts and crafts and amazing musical artists, we loved exploring the Lunar New Year festival and learning more about this beautiful holiday.” – Carly Anderson
“One of the highlights of the day for us was definitely trying the different types of Asian cuisine. With the Sip and Savor Pass, it was so easy to go from booth to booth sampling the available food and beverage items. Even my picky eater managed to find a Mickey-shaped purple yam macaron that she absolutely loved.” – Erika Kurzawa
Embark on a culinary adventure with the Sip and Savor Pass, which consists of a commemorative credential and 6 coupons redeemable for food and beverage offerings (excluding alcohol) at select Lunar New Year Marketplace locations.
The Sip and Savor Pass is available for sale at Elias & Co., Kingswell Camera Shop, Festival Gifts (in Paradise Gardens Park), the Sip and Savor Cart and each Lunar New Year Marketplace. So get in touch with your inner foodie and sample these culinary creations now through February 17, 2019 during Lunar New Year at Disney California Adventure Park!
The post Celebrate Lunar New Year at Disney California Adventure appeared first on Disney Family.
Disney Family
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resiliency20 · 4 years
managed IT services
Magic swords, secret potions, holy grails - these are a number of the objects that color most fantasy-adventure novels where the purpose is just to weave an incredible tale. But what happens when marvels and magic, secrets and spiritual beings represent real-life events and emotions? The story that evolves represents feelings about friendship, perseverance, and about accepting help from someone larger than one's self along the way. this is often the story managed IT services, author Mark Boliek shares in his new novel for young and young adult readers entitled, "The Mahogany Door."Boliek, a 41-year-old North Carolina native and statistical programmer by day, released his first novel this summer. Published by fence rail Books LLC, it's the primary book during a series he calls The Bruinduer Narrative.
In the book, three 20-something friends, separated by tragic events, must reunite to travel back through the good Mahogany Door within the basement of a coastal mansion to finish an unfinished destiny. Becoming kids once more as they enter the Vryheid world of Bruinduer beyond the Mahogany Door, the buddies must work fast to stay this phantasy world from collapsing. they need to also come to terms with a seemingly monstrous spirit guide named Billy.
Fantastical because it is, the book actually parallels Boliek's life - a fact he didn't realize until after years of writing and revising. "It wasn't until the third draft that I began to think, you recognize what, this story is about me," he said as he sat right down to discuss the genesis of the book recently.
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With that realization, this big man during a jockey cap , who looks more like an NFL linebacker than a writer, decided to run with the chance to inform his biography -- disguised as a fiction-fantasy-adventure tale for teenagers .
The Vision
The son of veteran broadcaster Dave Boliek, Mark Boliek's creative self emerged in junior high school school. Absent from school for 3 weeks thanks to an illness, Boliek completed his Language Arts poetry project reception together with his mother, a former teacher. "I really enjoyed performing on it with my Mom, and that i liked the entire creative process," he said "After that, I wasn't into poetry much, but I did start writing short stories."
Boliek kept his raid creative writing covert through highschool , however. He was a footballer , and jocks weren't alleged to be known for writing fairytale stories.
It wasn't until 1994 that his creative juices really started flowing again. Although he received a full athletic scholarship to travel to school , he opted instead to travel into the Navy. By 1994, he'd just finished his four-year tour of duty, which he served during Operation Dessert Storm. So he enrolled during a creative writing class at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C.
"I was never as creative because the other students. it had been just something I enjoyed doing," he said with a smile . "My professor was really instrumental in giving me confidence. She was motivational and complimentary." So complimentary, in fact, that Boliek was inspired to be the sole man to submit a brief story to a women's writing contest that year.
Boliek's idea for a fantasy story began two years later in 1996. But it wasn't until 9/11 , 2001, that the story percolating in his mind took on much greater meaning.
"After 9/11, everything began to inherit focus," he remembered. The parallel between Americans' reactions to 2 national tragedies -- Operation Dessert Storm in 1991 and therefore the surprise attack on ny -- immediately struck this military veteran. And one question reverberated in his mind, he said: How do adults tell children about war?
"Having been within the military and knowing that a war would little question happen , 9/11 was really on the brink of me," Boliek said. "There were tons of questions from kids, and that i just wanted to write down about it."
A fantasy novel became his way of answering those questions. He wrote for the youngsters who lost loved ones on September 11; for those that had relations getting to war; and for those that were simply confused about the tragedy and tensions afflicting their nation.
"I wanted to write down a book for teenagers to allow them to know that everybody goes through tough, sometimes even tragic, events or moments. But with a touch perseverance and faith, you'll get through it."
Faith had a deeper meaning for Boliek. In 1997, he went through a difficult divorce that appeared to come "out of the blue," he said. That followed his parents' divorce seven years earlier. During those times, Boliek struggled together with his faith, and within the early versions of "The Mahogany Door," his unrest transmitted to his writing and to the creation of the character "Billy."
Billy, the book's all-powerful spirit guide, was initially a daunting , clown-like character. "Billy was my perception of God," says the large man with the soft voice. "At the time, i used to be seeing God as big, scary, and mean since tons of bad things were happening in my life. As I got older and tried getting back to my faith, i noticed that God hadn't change. What had changed was my perception of Him."
At now , Boliek was quickly unearthing the vision for his story and decided to form his fantasy-adventure novel as relatable as possible. Specifically, he wanted to weave a life lesson into the plot that he's learned as a young boy.
"My parents told me that I had to hike up my very own belt and obtain through life," Boliek said. So during adversity , "there was nothing I could address except my spirituality and my faith to urge out of my issues."
Boliek's memories of twiddling with friends as a toddler also became inspiration for the novel. Growing abreast of a double dead-end road, he and his neighborhood friends created their own fantasy adventures outdoors. "We would go up and down the road and make our own world. it had been something that we created. It wasn't something that anyone else created for us to emulate. and that we didn't do 'magic spells' or something that we weren't. And if we got hurt while we were pretending, we were really hurt."
So he decided to bring that idea into the story. "There's nothing my characters can use to urge out of their predicaments aside from their own imaginations, their own ingenuity, and, ultimately, some spiritual help," he said. "And one among the principles in Bruinduer is that if you bleed there, you actually bleed."
After a couple of drafts, Boliek's characters began to parallel people from the writer's life, including himself. The brave and composed antagonist, JT, represents the person Boliek said he subconsciously strives to be. The "emotionally unbalanced" Michael represents how Boliek felt about himself as he went through his painful divorce. and therefore the fearless and clever girl, Kali, represents three special women in Boliek's life. "They've always been strong women," Boliek said of his mother, his younger sister, Mary Alice, and his second wife, Jill.
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