#they are great crested newts but they don't even have the great crests bc it's not spring
possiblytracker · 2 years
there is a hole in the wall under the shower and rare and protected species of newt keep just fucking crawling out of it into our bathroom
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🐾 4 and 6 for Minewt, 9 and 22 for Thomesa, 16 and 20 for Thomally ? 🐾
hiiii, thanks for the ask anon!
when you see the extent this answer took you'll understand why it took me so long laksdjfklas.
kinda doubt you'll see the answer to it since it's anon so you won't get a notif, and i'm answering only much later, i'm sorry ToT
(lmk if you end up seeing it anyway, that'd make me very happy <3) (maybe you'll think to search my blog for the 'anon ask' and find the answer that way &lt;33)
@ crest if you're wondering why i tagged you, it's for the thomally song (the way i connect it to your tmrss) all the way down the post
@ ias if you‘re wondering the same it‘s bc i recced your wonderful thomesa gift to me)
i’ll put all of this under a read more break bc this must honestly the longest answer to any ask ever lmaoooo
the answer contains minewt, thomesa, thomally and taylor swift talk.
4) Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’
Minho might feel the need to protect Newt from others, but it’s Newt who has to protect Minho from himself. (Minho wants a lot, he wants it all, and he’ll shy no consequences to his mental or physical health.)
6) Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
Crying sobbing screaming.
Bookverse minewt ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
This is so hard. I mean you already got it. Minho begs Newt to come back to them, but Newt doesn’t want them (want Minho) to see him that way.
(I do have a fic where they go to find him at the Crank Palace and Newt does come with them—but bewarned it does not have a happy ending.)
9) What are their thoughts on having children?
I'll be answering this in another ask where i got the same question, but tl;dr is I think they do want children.
link to VERY cute fic in which they (spoiler) do have a child:
written and gifted to me by @dunne-ias i was SO happy about it you couldn't even imagine anon
22) What reminds each of their partner?
When they have a moment of epiphany, where something just Makes Sense, it will remind them of each other because that’s what happens when they think and talk together.
(the thomesa mind link and what it would mean in a modern world is my own personal drug. i'm so drawn into them knowing and getting each other like nothing and no one else. (exemplified by them again 'not knowing' each other after the swipe, yet still working together perfectly and having instant platonic and romantic chemistry ohmygodijustlovethemsomuch ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh))
16) Can they stay up all night just talking?
They might try but let’s be honest those boys are sleepy sleepy so they won’t make it, rip.
(For anyone who cares about Thomas sleeping, there’s this silly, silly project I’ve started "The Great Thomas Sleeping Saga"; it’s literally just a fic about Thomas sleeping asdlkfj. It’s a community project where anyone who wants to can provide snippets of 100 words about Thomas being asleep—reach out if you want to participate <3
20) Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
The Archer by Taylor Swift. easily.
tagging you crest bc you might like the insight @crestfallercanyon
Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that But what if I do
I never grew up It’s getting so old Help me hold on to you
I’ve been the archer I’ve been the prey Who could ever leave me darling,
But who could stay
Dark side, I search for your dark side But what if I’m alright, right, right, right here
I see right through me, I see right through me Can you see right through me?
Who could ever leave me darling, But who could stay Who could stay
You could stay
Combat, I'm ready for combat
so again crest, i tagged you bc i thought you might like to see it, but also because the whole part abt 'i see right through me / can you see right through me' reminds me of that moment in your tmrss gift for me when thomas wonders 'what do you see in me, right now, right this moment', or something along those lines.
i think it's such a quintessential moment, both for thomas wanting gally to know him, wanting to know how gally perceives him, wanting to be someone in gally's eyes, and how i feel that knowing someone is the ultimate form of love. wanting someone to know you is a bit like wanting them to love you (platonically or romantically), isn't it? in my mind at least.
this gains a whole new perspective and understanding for thomas and gally, because they've both done horrendous things, and they've both taken actions that have hurt the other immensely. and for them to then come to a place where they know the other well enough to trust that wasn't what defines them, what to them makes up them as a person?
inject that shit right into my veins.
(when i say 'knowing someone' both in the case of thomas and gally, but also in a wider sense of knowing someone as a form of love, i btw do not mean 'know every fact of what's ever happened in their live', or know the other person's each and every last opinion and feeling on everything. i mean knowing someone well enough that the details don't matter.)
crest i couldn't resist and i went and found the passages i was thinking of. this one earlier on in the fic (i still am IN LOVE with the rhythm of those sentences following each other):
Thomas has no idea what he must look like to Gally. 
He wants to know. 
and then the one i was quoting above:
Thomas wishes that could be another truth: what do you see in me right now? Right this second?
these passages really stuck with me, for the above way too detailed and way too kitch reasons. thank you again for that wonderful fic 🧡
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