#they are in a spanish singing reality show called Operacion Triunfo
romavitae · 7 months
feeling sad for non-spanish speakers who don't know that they're missing out on the most beautiful love story that ever aired on tv
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fila-fila · 4 years
Hello, if you’re looking for an album to listen to during this lockdown or if you’re looking for a new artist, I suggest Alba Reche. Her debut album is called “Quimera” and personally thinks its really good. 
and if you happen to like her after you’ve listened to the album maybe you could subscribe to her youtube channel. 
If you’re not convince, then I will tell you a story about her. She was a contestant in a Spanish Singing/Reality show called Operacion Triunfo 2018. She came second (should’ve came won but the votes were rigged)
Anyhow the show is basically how Spain picks the person who will represent the country in the Eurovision Song contest. The finalist are given a song to sing and the public gets to vote which songs they like best. 
In 2019, the Eurovision was held in Tel Aviv. Alba being pro Palestine was adamant that she didn’t want no part on the show and she kept saying this throughout her time on the show but her being one of the finalist on the show had no choice but to sing the song she was given. A public voting was done and the top 3 candidates with majority of the votes were automatically in the Eurovision Gala, now Alba being one of the favourites (her song was actually really good) was obviously in the top 3 but she made it very clear to her fans to stop voting for her because the contest went against everything she believed in. Eventually, the fans stopped voting and she wasn’t in the gala. Tinet Rubira was head of the RTVE network, the network who produces “Operacion Triunfo” was on was not happy with her and threw some shade. She threw some shade back and was really posted really shady stuff about the song contest ignoring Israel’s treatment to Palestinians. 
TLDR: Stream her album because she deserves all the love and support. 
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