#they are so wrapped up in tradgedy they do not see how their actions could affect others
sorry sorry just crying over the fact that by dying in a duel hamlet low key reenacted his father's death
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riverrivrain · 4 years
In another town, would this feel more disturbing? Flashlights shining through the darkness, almost like lanterns on St.Martins walks, though right now there were no childrens voices happily singing soft tunes - it was a child, a missing little girl they were all looking for. little Savannah. Gone into the darkness of Pleasance, swallowed up by the town and its mysteries, another one in a long long list of tragedies that seemed to haunt the town like an ever present ghost.
"my lantern walks with me. Above the stars are shining on earth are shining we. Oh lantern light you shine so bright"
She wasnt lost yet. River did remind herself of that although one couldnt help but wonder, if she was found, what would become of her? And what had happened to her? Would she be better lost forever than returned but perhaps gone in spirit? It was not the kind of thought one was supposed to think about while heavy boots were stomping around the slick paths, footsteps following those of the people in front of her, only looking over her shoulder ever so often to rid herself of the eery feeling that was often following her like a ghost of the past that she was never able to quite shake. The brunette stopped in her tracks briefly to fish for a cigratte in the pockets of her heavy parka, an attempt to shield herself from the cold that was piecringly sharp tonight, perhaps amplified by the task and reason that had lured her out of her house. She was overtaken by a couple of figures who were passing her by, some shaking their heads as if to signale her that her priorities were off, a cigarette break while looking for a missing child? Well, River felt like the nicotine might just be the only thing to calm her nerves and stop her body from shaking, a reaction to her nerves and not necessrily only the cold.
Taking a drag of her cigarette th brunette looked over her shoulder to make sure that she wasnt alone but that there were still people behind her. It took her a moment to make out who it was that she saw, the darkness not exactly making it easy and yet she did recognise him. Sonny. Familiar and yet a bit of a stranger, like most people in the town. Turning back towards the rest of the group that slowly was distancing themselves though the light from their flashlights was still visible she knew she'd have to start moving again soon in order to not loose them - and she would have, if it wasnt for the fact that the figure she had just seen was not where he was anymore, or coming closer towards her as it was to be expected, instead he seemed to distance himself further.
What was he doing? He'd have to be a madman if he wantd to be alone in this palce at thise time of the day, when fog was heavily laying over the town like a shadow of evil itsself. Why would she follow? It made no sense, what was she thinking she'd find him doing? "What the fuck are you doing?" She called out as she tried to catch up with him, long strides not quite long enough to catch up with him and yet close enough to see his actions and steps. The brunette stopped in her tracks, as if pulled back from approaching by some magical, mysterious force and the young beauty breathed out a sigh of relief when it appeared that he was finally turning back around, already reading herself to turn back around herself, only that out of the corner of her eyes she notieced that he must have changed his mind, or lost it completely now. "Are you fuckign insane?" River yelled out and while she felt like he replied, faintly, the words didnt quite reach her, her face and legs frozen in place for a minute as she realised what it is he was doing, slowly and steadily submerging himself in that darned river that looked more like a black hole right now - fitting its history in the town perfectly - a big black dark force. River was shivering as if the water was surrounding her and it was with a loud gasp that she suddenly was released from the shock that had kept her standing still in place.
"No, no, no...!" River wasnt ready for another tradgedy in town, this was not a moment for the Lake to claim yet another victim, this was Savannahs moment, she was the focus and should remain so…what even was he doing? The brunette wasnt thinking, her coat and shoes discarded as she stumbled towards the Lake in a trance, the only state that anyone could really, seriously consider to ran into the ice cold water - her breath hitching and a loud gasp leaving her mouth as the water hit her body, Sonnys body instead seemingly moving towards the depth of the water without even minding its stinging cold. “Stop!” She yelled again, almost praying he’d stop but instead she witnessed his shoulders slowly leaving her sight until he was completely submerged - again, this seemed to be enough of a wake up called that made it possible for her body to finally move again, running until she could not run anymore, then swimming towards where she thought she had last seen the mans figure, each stroke painful as the water was soaking her clothes and sunk into her skin. She couldn’t see, nor could she truly think, if she had thought about anything she would have never been able to dive underneath the water, the cold on her scalp so painful it almost made her loose consciousness but again, there was a bigger part to this and perhaps it was true that in extreme situations one could surpass ones own abilities - because god, or whoever was watching and helping her in that moment - must have given her the strength and the mental clarity to both, spot Sonny in the darkness of it water, but even more so, be able to pull him out of it until they both were laid on the dirt and grass that lead the way into the lake.
If she was cold - and she was, even the tears that she had not been aware that were streaming down her face, felt hot against her cold skin - she couldn’t even imagine how he’d feel, not that she was imagining, or thinking anything. Her body still seemed to move on autopilot, somewhat managing to get up and scramble to find her jacket, quickly wrapping it around Sonnys shoulders as she looked at him in disbelief. “Please tell me you’re alive, if this was for nothing I’ll be seriously annoyed….what the fuck were you thinking?!”
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